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Subjects: biology, physics, maths, history,

chemistry, art, French, geography, literature, PE,
IT, technology
Places: campus, classroom, library, laboratory,
office, corridor, stairs, school yard,
canteen/cafeteria, gymnasium
=> facilities
How were the facilities in your
=> The facilities in my school
were excellent/ very good/ good/
OK/ bad/ very bad/ terrible.
ceiling fans
people: school teacher, university
lecturer, students, friends/
schoolmates, classmates

1. What did you like (most) about
your school?
2. What didn’t you like about your
=> What I liked most about my
high school was the teachers and
friends. They were friendly.
Sometimes we played soccer
after school.
But I didn’t like the study there.
We had to learn too much. I had
10 lessons a day.
Subjects: philosophy, physics,
maths, introduction to IT
major (v,n)
What is your major?
=> I major in mechatronics/ IT
= My major is computer science
1. Why did you choose this
(Why did you choose this
=> I chose this major
quality of this university is good.
Although it hasn’t got a gate, the
facilities are modern/ well-
equipped. My English teacher
friendly/ wonderful.
2. What do/ don’t you like about
your study at university?
3. What is your ambition after you

And in fact, I wanted to learn
another major but I couldn’t get a

upstairs >< downstairs

ground floor
first floor
second floor
1. opposite
My house is opposite a farm.
Opposite my house is a farm.
Opposite the gate of VNU is the
Indochina complex.
2. to/ on the left >< to/ on the

- A hospital is on the right of my
- There is a hospital to the right of
my school.
- To the right of my school is a
3. The second room on the left
Topic sentence: topic// controlling idea
Supporting sentences: (opinion/ fact)
Concluding sentence: re-word topic sentence.
Online learning at home
1. Online learning at home is flexible.
- We can use our smart phones or computers.
- We can record and replay the lecture.
- We can learn during the day and in the evening.
- We can sometimes even do housework.
2. It is cheap to learn via the internet at home.
- Students don’t have to rent a house.
- We can save money on travel.
- Tuition fee is decreased.
Online learning is not a good idea.

- no meeting directly

- forget the lecture
- difficult to focus
- little communication:
Topic sentence: topic/ controlling
supporting sentence
Concluding sentence
Online learing is not a good idea.It is difficult to focus.
Students often hang up their computers or smart phones
and do their own work. As a result, they will forget the
lecture. In short, there are some disadvantages of learning

online learning í not a good idea. It is difficult to focus.
Because we learn on internet , we are easily attracted to
other thing sush as Fb, YouTube. Moreover,study for a
long time with computer make us very tired. There are some
disadvantage of learning online

Online learning is not a good idea. Online learning is difficult
to focus. Because, there are many funny videos on
internet. In class online, we can to do many things if turn off
camera. So, online learning may not good.

Online learning is not good idea. First, everyone in class is
little communication. For example, people don't meeting ,
exchange talk ,everyone usually chat our smartphone.
Moreover, it is difficult tofocus. People usually sleep on time
learn. There aren't some benefits of learning online.

online learning is a not good idea.First, online learning is
little communication. For example , students don't have
many exchange with frineds . As a result, get bad . In short ,
there are some disadvantages of learning onilne

Online learning is not a good idea.It is difficult to focus on the
lecture.If we study normaly,we can communicate with the
lecturer.More over,we could take more information by
focusing the lesson..Becase of that it may be not good when
study online

Online learing is not a good idea. Students may encounter
network problems, power outages,...Just like there can be
many other interesting things that affect the class time.
Morever,The communication between teachers and students
is also greatly reduced. So I think there are many problem in
online learing.

1. It is adj (for sb) to do sth

It is difficult to choose which language to
It is important for children to be independent.
It is important for me to learn English.
It is useful for me to learn another language.
It is important for girls to be beautiful.
2. If S V, S V
If you practise/ learn English everyday, you are/ will be good
at English.
If you learn online, it is difficult for you to focus.
If you learn online, it is cheap for you./ you save money on
If you live in the city, it is better for you to learn English.

She is most beautiful.

Advantage (n): benefit, reward, positive point/ side
(a) beneficial, advantageous, positive, good

Disadvantage (n): drawback, shortcoming, *challenge,


(a) disadvantageous, harmful, negative, awful

1. Sport: advantages
- good for heath

- have fun with friends

2. Sport: disadvantages
- dangerous
+ accident/ injury

- time-consuming
- expensive:

There are some disadvantages of doing sports.
Doing sports has some drawbacks.
Doing sports is disadvantageous/ harmful.

Topic sentence
First, ……
+ for example,
+ as a result,
Moreover, …..
+ for instance, ….
+ this is because …..
In short, (concluding sentence)

here are some disadvantages of doing sports.
First, doing sports is expensive. For example, there
one shoes good is most cheap about 2 or 3 milinon
dong. Moreover, doing sports is dangerous. This is
because there many people broken leg when they
played football. Doing sports has some drawbacks.

Playing sports has many effects such as health,
relaxation, intellectual enhancement and fun with
friends. On the contrary, there are many
disadvantages such as injury and high cost. we
should balance playing sports to have good effect

there are some disadvantage of doing sport. firstly,
if u don't careful, u can be injured and it will very
complicated if your accident be seriously.
Secondly, it's very expensive if u want good
equipment for sport like shoes,..

There are some disadvantages of doing
sports.First, it is dangerous.For example,doing
sports can an accident.As a result,we can stay in
hospital and lose a lot of money.Moreover,doing
sport is expensive.For instance,we spend a lot of
money to buy shoes.This is because we like doing
sports.In short, thể ảe some drawback of doing

Doing sports has some shortcomings. Firstly, it is
really dangerous for players. For example, players
are easy to be hurt during training their skills. As a
result, it takes so much time for people to recover
from sport accidents and they will lost their
progression. Besides, playing sports also costs an
arm and a leg. For instance, along with playing
sports, they will need good sport equipment. This
is because if you want to have quick improvement,
good equipment plays an essential role in your
progression. In conclusion, there are some
disadvantages in playing sports.
there are some disadvantages of doing sports.First
,disadvantages of doing sport is dangerous. For
example, if we overtraining , it will be dangerous of
the body . As a result , we fell headache , short
breath. More ever, disadvantages of doing sport is
expensive. For instance, we must buy sport
equipment . This is because, sports need
epuipment. In short, doing sport is harmful

There are some disadvantages of doing sports.
First, it's dangerous. For example, it can make an
accident. As a result, you might break your aim.
More ever, it is expensive for play. For instance,
you must use a lot of money to buy a shoes. This
is because a good shoes are very expansive, about
2.000.000 vnd. In short, doing sports is

There are some disadvantage of doing sport .Fist,
if dangrerous,for example,injury,ás a result,
unhelt.Moreover,sporrt very expensive,for
instance,buy devicce very very expensive,valuable
shoes 1000000Đ.Thí í because hungry.Im short, not
play sport.

From Nguyễn Phú Trọng to Everyone: 05:01 PM
There are some drawbacks of doing sports.At first,
you can get injury,you may break your arm or your
leg.More over,you have to buy expensive
equipments if you want to be a pro.In short,sports
have some drawbacks
From Phương Lê Minh to Everyone: 05:01 PM
There are some disadvantage of doing sport. It is
dangerous . We can have an accident while playing
sport. It is very expensive. For example, playing
football require a lot of money for shoes and ball.
Doing sports has some shortcomings.
From Trần Đức Thành to Everyone: 05:01 PM
Play sports has advantages and
disadvantages.There are some advantages as
strong, funny, ... Morever, play sport can help me
reduce stress.After school, we can play football,
basketball with friends. But play sprots have many
disadvantages as waste of time, căng cơ. Another,
play sport can cause injury. If you don't have
protective clother, you will get injured while
playing sports. So doing sports is
prefer entertaining programs to educational
HBO: movies/ films
I really like …….

A good programmer needs to have a rich
Advantage Disadvantage
Benefit Drawback
Positive Negative

From Lê Xuân Hải to Everyone: 05:01 PM

There are some disadvantage of doing sports. It is
dangerous when you're not careful. For example, if
you don't play well, you can have an accident. And
It can cause injury in a long time. Moreover, it is
expensive. There are shoes, clothes,... is many
hundred dollars. So, doing sports has some

Video games // 4 drawbacks:

- violent and scary video games
- health problems
- problems at school
- impacts on social skills
Video games // bad

Video games affect

Dubbing a video
1. Benefits of dubbing a video in your learning
2. Reasons for your choosing this video to dub
3. Steps of dubbing a video + jobs assigned

There are some reasons why we choose this video.

There are some reasons for this video to be cho

When I dub a video, I can copy the sentence of the

people who speak in the video.

When we dub a video, we can improve our listening

skills. We can listen to everyday communications.

We can improve our pronunciation.

This video fully meets the our requirements for
homework. The intonation is not too difficult or too
easy to dub.

Subject Verb + Possessive possessive

Pronouns Object adjectives pronouns
+ Verb pronouns + Noun
I me my mine
We us our ours
You you your yours
He him his his
She her her hers
It it its its
They them their theirs

Technology in Education // Advantages Technology in Education // Disadvantages
- Technology is a powerful tool to engage - People rely too much on computers
students - Young learners do not become proficient in
- Technology can make lessons much more some basic skills
interesting - They use word processors and spelling may
- Students can learn to do research using suffer
online resources - People should be able to write a letter by
- Students can study at their own place hand
- Adults can take distance learning courses - Technology is no substitute for a real
- Students can study whenever and wherever teacher
they want - Learners need a structured course
- Students also learn skills which are useful for - An experienced teacher knows what
their future jobs materials to choose
- For example, they learn to write reports - Computers are expensive to maintain and
using a word processor/ computer can be unreliable
Although people should be able to write a letter by hand, they are now using word
processors too often, and their spelling may suffer.

- What’s the weather like today?
It’s cool and cloudy. I think it will rain in the afternoon. I feel comfortable.
- mild moderate extreme changeable / unpredictable
- sunny rainy cloudy stormy windy
- boiling scorching hot hot warm cool cold chilly freezing
=> it’s thirty eight degrees Celcius
- What’s the weather like in your hometown?
Extreme weather is when the weather is very different from normal.Extreme weather
can take place over an hour, a day or a long period of time. It can be dangerous and, in
some cases, it can cause natural disasters.

A hurricane is a type of storm. These storms are also called cyclones or typhoons. In
North and Central America they are called hurricane, in the North Pacific they are
called typhoons, and in the Indian ocean an South Pacific they are called cyclones.
These storms are huge: they can be over 500 kilometres wide. They start at sea and
move towards land. When they come to land, they bring thunder, lightning, strong
winds and very heavy rain. They can be very dangerous and destroy buildings and
even kill people.

A heat wave is when there are high temperatures and it is much hotter than normal.In
many areas, heat waves are not a problem.In the UK, temperatures only reach around
30 C in a heat wave,and many people enjoy the hot weather.However,in some places,
heat waves can cause droughts.
In a drought, there is not enough water for farmers to grow food. In some cases,
people die because they don't have enough water to drink. Droughts are common in
many countries in Africa, but in the last ten years, droughts also happened in
Afghanistan, China and Iran.

Too much rain can cause floods. Floods can destroy plans and food, which can mean
that there is not enough food for people to eat
In 1999, there were very bad floods in India, Nepal,and other parts of Asia. In
Bangladesh, almost half the country was covered in water. Thousands of homes were
damaged and hundreds of people die.

A sandstorm is a large storm of dust and sand with strong winds. They can be very
dangerous. It is difficult to travel by car because people can't see anything. Even
walking can be difficult.
Sandstorm are common in the Middle East and China . One of the worst sandstorms
was in Iraq in 2011 when a storm lasted a whole week, causing many people to have
breathing problems

What are …….

In what two continents do droughts happen?
Africa and Asia
It is difficult to go/ travel/ move
1. Conditionals
a. 1st conditional
S V (present), S will V
=> If it rains, I will not play football.
If I learn English every day, I will improve my English.
* vs zero conditional
If it rains, I will wear a raincoat.
If it rains, I wear a raincoat. (100%)
If I have a cold, I take some medicine.
If I have cold, I will take some medicine.
b. 2nd conditional
If S V (past), S would/ could V
if it didn’t rain, I would play volleyball.
If I had 7.0 for Ielts, I wouldn’t do this course.
* be => were
If I (be) a millionaire, I (travel) round the world.
If I am a millionaire, I will travel round the world.
If I were a millionaire, I would travel round the world.

2. Because
Because + S V
Because of N
Due to + N
Owing to + N
Thanks to + N
Because it rained, the football match was cancelled.
=> Because of the rain, the football …..
=> Due to + N
Owing to + N
Thanks to + N
Because she is not very good at English, she has to take this

=> Because of her being not good at English, she ……
Because I was lazy, I didn’t learn English.
=> Because of my laziness, I didn’t learn English.
=> Because of my being lazy, I didn’t learn English.

He is an important man.
He is a man of great importance.

Exercise 2: Underline the key terms in each of the following topic sentences. Then indicate whether the
paragraph will focus on causes or effects.

1.Smoking // changes a person’s life in a number of small but important ways. (effects)
2.All sorts of mischief can come from leaving kids home alone after school. (effects)
3.I was forced to quit my latest job for a number of reasons. (causes)
4.People in my community have made a number of changes in their way of life as a result of drought
conditions. (effects)
5.There are many reasons carpooling can be a good idea. (causes)

I was forced to quit my latest job for a number of reasons. (causes)

1. I don’t like my boss, and my boss doesn’t like me. We often argue/ disagree with each other. Therefore, I
always feel angry when I go to work.
2. I don’t get much money/ I get little money/ My salary is low/ small/ poor.
My salary is about 200 dollars. As a result/ Therefore, it is not enough for me to live.
3. the long distance from home to work/ I have to travel far to work/ My house is not near my office.
It takes me an hour to go/ get to work. It is 20 km from my house to my office.
4. I have to work long hours/ I quit because of the heavy workload.
I have to work from 7 a.m to 7 p.m with only half an hour for lunch. I feel tired all the time. I have little time
with my family.
=> Because I have to work from 7 a.m to 7 p.m with only half an hour for lunch, I feel tired and I have
little time with my family.
First, ……
Also, ……
Moreover, …..
Most importantly, …….


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