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3 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis

Ioannis Kyrou, Constantine Tsigos

3.1 Introduction . . . 19
3.2 HPA Axis: A Multilevel Endocrine System . . . 20
3.2.1 Hypothalamus: Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone
and Arginine Vasopressin . . . 20
3.2.2 Anterior Pituitary: Adrenocorticotropin . . . 22
3.2.3 Adrenal Cortex: Glucocorticoids . . . 23
3.3 HPA Axis: Other System Interactions . . . 23
3.3.1 HPA Axis: Immune System . . . 23
3.3.2 HPA Axis: Other Endocrine Axes . . . 24
3.4 HPA Axis: Pathophysiology . . . 26
References . . . 28

3.1 Introduction

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis out-

lines the tight hormonal coupling of the hypothala-
mus, the anterior pituitary and the adrenal cortex
(Fig. 1). A linear progression characterizes the down-
stream activation of the axis while reciprocal feedback
loops exist at each level to fine-tune the potency of the
response and ensure optimal hormone secretions.The
HPA axis is a vital component of the stress system and
mediates a variety of adaptive responses to stressors
that threaten body homeostasis. Basal and stress-
related homeostasis depend on the integrity of the
HPA axis, which additionally exerts profound regula- Fig. 1. A schematic representation of the components of the
tory effects on other systems (immune, endocrine and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and their hormonal in-
metabolic) in order to orchestrate a response that will teractions. Stimulatory effects are represented by solid lines
allow endurance against any imposed challenge and and inhibitory effects by dashed lines (CRH, corticotropin-
preserve the internal milieu. Dysfunction at any level releasing hormone; AVP, arginine vasopressin)
of the HPA axis can cause either prolonged or inade-
quate activation and leads to syndromal states that
consistently share various degrees of impaired re-
sponse to stress.
20 Ioannis Kyrou, Constantine Tsigos

3.2 HPA Axis: PVN [30]. Thus, a reverberatory neural circuit is

A Multilevel Endocrine System formed between the CRH neurons and those of the
LC/NE sympathetic systems, with CRH and nor-
3.2.1 Hypothalamus: Corticotropin-Releasing epinephrine stimulating each other (Fig. 2) [16, 125].
Hormone and Arginine Vasopressin Furthermore, CRH activates an ultra-short negative
feedback loop on the CRH neurons [18], while a
The hypothesis that pituitary corticotropin (ACTH) similar loop exists in the LC/NE-sympathetic system
secretion is controlled by a hypothalamic factor was neurons,with norepinephrine inhibiting its own secre-
first suggested in the late 1940s.A decade later, in vitro tion via collateral branches and inhibitory a2-nor-
studies supported the existence of such a hypothala- adrenergic receptors [1, 41]. In addition, neurotrans-
mic corticotropin-releasing factor by demonstrating mitters from parallel neuronal systems, like serotonin,
that hypothalamic extracts could stimulate pituitary acetylcholine,catecholamines (a1-receptors) and neu-
corticotroph cells to secrete ACTH. In 1981, Vale and ropeptide Y, stimulate CRH secretion [18, 44], whereas
his colleagues announced the sequence of a 41-amino- the GABA/benzodiazepine system and endogenous
acid peptide from ovine hypothalami, designated cor- opioids exert inhibitory effects [17, 82]. Regulatory
ticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which showed opioid peptides are also produced by arcuate nucleus
greater ACTH-releasing potency in vitro and in vivo proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons that produce
than any other previously identified endogenous or ACTH, a-MSH, and b-endorphin, all of which are
synthetic peptide. inhibitory to CRH secretion [17, 82], and by CRH and
Following the isolation of CRH, data from anatom- arginine vasopressin (AVP) neurons which co-secrete
ic, pharmacologic, and behavioral studies made evi- dynorphin along with CRH and AVP [97].A significant
dent that CRH not only triggers the hormonal cascade long negative feedback loop is also mediated by the
of the HPA axis but also plays a complex role in the glucocorticoids released from the adrenal cortex in
response to stressors. The wide distribution of CRH response to ACTH in order to inhibit the prolongation
receptors in many extrahypothalamic sites of the of pituitary ACTH secretion and the activation of the
brain, including parts of the limbic system and the hypothalamic CRH neurons and the LC/NE sympa-
central arousal-sympathetic systems in the brain stem thetic systems [18,71].It is obvious that CRH secretion
and spinal cord, suggests the implication of CRH in a is tightly interweaved in the neurocircuitry of stress,
broader spectrum of neural circuits that control the which utilizes a complex network of interacting path-
stress response. In addition, experimental studies ways in order to initiate and orchestrate an effective re-
proved that central administration of CRH sets into sponse to stressors.
motion a coordinated series of physiologic and be- In the hormonal cascade of the HPA axis activation,
havioral responses, which apart from the activation CRH exerts its effect on pituitary ACTH secretion via
of the pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic high-affinity transmembrane CRH receptors on the
nervous system, also include enhanced arousal, sup- corticotrophs that couple to guanine nucleotide-
pression of appetite and sexual behaviors, hypothala- binding proteins and stimulate the release of ACTH by
mic hypogonadism, and changes in motor activity, all a cAMP-dependent mechanism [2]. In addition to
characteristic of stress behaviors [95, 105, 110]. Con- enhancing ACTH secretion, CRH also stimulates the
versely, central administration of CRH peptide antag- de novo biosynthesis of POMC, the ACTH precursor,
onists suppresses many aspects of the stress response. in corticotrophs resulting in a biphasic release of
Finally, CRH type 1 receptor knockout mice are char- ACTH [71]. Two distinct CRH receptor subtypes
acterized by a striking failure to properly answer to in- (CRH-R1 and CRH-R2) have been characterized,
duced stress [108]. encoded by distinct genes that are differentially ex-
An intricate neuronal network regulates the secre- pressed [21, 121]. CRH-R1 is the most abundant sub-
tion of hypothalamic CRH from parvicellular neurons type found in anterior pituitary and is also widely
of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) (Fig. 2). These distributed in the brain. The CRH-R2 subtype is ex-
neurons have axons that terminate in the median em- pressed mainly in the peripheral vasculature and the
inence and secrete CRH into the hypophyseal portal heart, as well as in subcortical structures of the brain
system and axons that terminate in the locus ceruleus [132]. It is notable that CRH availability is also regu-
(LC)/norepinephrine (NE) sympathetic system neurons lated by specific binding of the peptide to CRH bind-
in the brainstem [28, 101]. Neurons of the latter sys- ing protein [83], with which it partially colocalizes in
tems send projections, mostly noradrenergic, to the various tissues [84].
3 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis 21

Fig. 2. A simplified, schematic representation of the intricate neuronal network that regulates the secretion of hypothalamic
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from parvicellular neurons of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). The HPA axis is
tightly integrated with the main central nervous systems involved in the stress response.Activation is represented by solid lines
and inhibition by dashed lines (CRH, corticotropin-releasing hormone; ACTH, corticotropin; POMC, pro-opiomelanocortin;
LC/NE,locus ceruleus/norepinephrine-sympathetic system; AVP,arginine vasopressin; GABA,g-aminobutyric acid; BZD,ben-

At the level of the anterior pituitary, CRH is the situations, both CRH and AVP are secreted in the por-
most potent but not the sole regulator of the corti- tal system in a pulsatile fashion, with approximately
cotroph ACTH secretion. AVP, a nonapeptide also 80% concordance of the pulses [7, 40]. It has been
produced by parvicellular neurons of the PVN and shown that during stress, the amplitude of the pulsa-
secreted into the hypophyseal portal system, is con- tions increases, whereas, if the magnocellular AVP-se-
sidered the second most important modulator of creting neurons are involved, continuous elevations
pituitary ACTH secretion [9]. Whereas CRH appears of plasma AVP concentrations are seen.The aforemen-
to directly stimulate the ACTH secretion, AVP and tioned data support a reciprocal positive interaction
other factors, such as angiotensin II, have synergistic between hypothalamic CRH and AVP at the corti-
or additive effects [45, 94, 124]. AVP shows synergy cotrophs.It is noteworthy that oxytocin,a nonapeptide
with CRH in vivo, when the peptides are coadminis- produced by parvicellular neurons of the PVN like AVP,
tered in humans [67]. Furthermore, physiologic eleva- has no significant ACTH-releasing action in humans
tions of plasma AVP in response to hyperosmolality, in vivo, while in the rat it appears to be an important
apparently produced by magnocellular neurons of coregulator of ACTH secretion [92]. Finally, it should
the PVN, have additive rather than synergistic effects be mentioned that catecholamines stimulate CRH se-
with CRH on stimulating ACTH secretion [91]. AVP cretion but have no direct effects on human pituitary
interacts with a V1-type receptor (V1b, also referred ACTH secretion, while ghrelin, a novel GH secreta-
as V3) and exerts its effects through calcium/phos- gogue factor, appears to stimulate predominantly the
pholipid-dependent mechanisms [8]. In nonstressful AVP secretion [6, 64].
22 Ioannis Kyrou, Constantine Tsigos

Fig. 3. The pathway of steroidogenesis in the three zones of the adrenal cortex

3.2.2 Anterior Pituitary: Adrenocorticotropin ACTH in their characteristic pulsatile manner are not
completely defined, but appear to be controlled by one
The signal of the initial HPA axis activation is trans- or more central pacemakers [37]. Plasma cortisol con-
ferred to the systemic circulation by adrenocorti- centrations generally follow those of ACTH, but owing
cotropin (ACTH). ACTH is a 39-amino-acid peptide to differences in bioavailability and pharmacokinetics
secreted from the basophilic corticotrophic cells of the between the two hormones, the correlation between
anterior pituitary which are distributed in the median their plasma concentrations is not perfect [54, 130].
wedge, anteriorly and laterally, and posteriorly adja- The diurnal variation of ACTH and cortisol secretion
cent to the pars nervosa.ACTH is a proteolytic product is disrupted when a stressor is imposed or by changes
of a 266-amino-acid precursor,pro-opiomelanocortin in zeitgebers, e.g. lighting and activity.
(POMC) [38]. In the human anterior pituitary, POMC The adrenal cortex is the principal target organ for
is processed into ACTH and two large polypeptides, ACTH, which acts as the major regulator of cortisol
N-terminal peptide and b-lipotropin, cosecreted in and adrenal androgen production by the zonae fascic-
the circulation in approximately equimolar amounts ulata (central zone) and reticularis (inner zone),
[65, 79]. Subsequently, normal or abnormal regulation respectively. ACTH is also essential for aldosterone
of ACTH secretion could be inferred by changes in the biosynthesis from the zona glomerulosa (outer zone),
secretion of co-secreted products. Small, variable although aldosterone secretion is primarily under the
amounts of b-endorphin may also be produced and control of the renin-angiotensin axis [4, 111]. The
secreted by the human pituitary,but further processing biologic activity of ACTH resides in the N-terminal
of ACTH to smaller fragments, such as a-MSH and portion, with the first 24 amino acids necessary for
corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide (CLIP), maximal activity. ACTH interacts with specific high
does not occur in humans [65, 106]. It is of interest that affinity cell membrane receptors (melanocortin re-
the POMC precursor peptide is secreted in detectable ceptor 2, MC2), expressed in all three cortical zones
amounts [115]. that couple to G-proteins to stimulate adenylyl cyclase
The regulatory influence of CRH on pituitary ACTH and generate cAMP [76]. The latter activates a cAMP-
secretion varies diurnally and changes during stress dependent protein kinase, which stimulates choles-
[66]. The plasma ACTH concentration peaks at 6 a.m. terol ester hydrolase, the key enzyme in the adreno-
to 8 a.m., and the lowest concentrations are found at cortical response of steroidogenesis to ACTH [51]. In
about midnight. Episodic bursts of secretion appear addition, ACTH increases the uptake of cholesterol
throughout the day [58, 128]. The central mechanisms from plasma lipoproteins, enhances later steps in the
responsible for the circadian release of CRH/AVP/ steroidogenesis and has a trophic effect on the adrenal
3 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis 23

cortices (Fig. 3) [58]. It should be noted that ACTH 3.3 HPA Axis: Other System Interactions
when hypersecreted stimulates the melanocytes via
the skin a-MSH receptor (MC1) [76], causing skin 3.3.1 HPA Axis: Immune System
Over the last few decades compiling evidence has re-
vealed a variety of interactions between the HPA axis
3.2.3 Adrenal Cortex: Glucocorticoids and the immune system, suggesting an alliance of
these systems against immune challenges. In states of
At the level of the adrenal cortex, glucocorticoids syn- inflammatory or immune stress, the overall adaptive
thesized in the zona fasciculata are the final effectors mobilization of the organism can be described as a
of the HPA axis and direct the stress response toward combination of the immune system activation and the
the goal of maintaining homeostasis. Cortisol, the typical stress response. Cytokines and other humoral
main endogenous glucocorticoid in humans,is secret- mediators of inflammation have been proven as potent
ed by the adrenals into the circulation to reach the activators of the central stress response and can be re-
peripheral target tissues, where it exerts its effects via garded as the afferent limb of a feedback loop that
specific cytoplasmic receptors. In the unbound/inac- mediates the immune system and HPA axis crosstalk
tive state, the glucocorticoid receptors are found as (Fig. 4).
hetero-oligomers with heat shock protein (hsp) 90 The three main inflammatory cytokines, tumor
and other proteins,which include hsp 70 and immuno- necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), interleukin-1, and
phillin [100, 107]. The ligand-bound receptors disso- interleukin-6, are secreted in inflammatory sites in
ciate from the hetero-oligomer, homodimerize, and a cascade-like fashion, with TNF-a appearing first
translocate into the nucleus, where they interact with followed by IL-1 and IL-6 in tandem [5]. Although
glucocorticoid responsive elements (GREs) of the TNF-a and IL-1a are primarily auto/paracrine regu-
DNA to transactivate appropriate hormone-respon- lators of inflammation, both can be found in the gen-
sive genes [85]. The activated glucocorticoid receptors eral circulation along with IL-1b and IL-6, the main
also interact at the protein level with the c-jun compo-
nent of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) transcription
factor,preventing this factor from exerting its effect on
AP-1-responsive genes [57, 133].
Glucocorticoids play a key regulatory role on the
basal control of HPA axis activity and on the termina-
tion of the stress response by acting at suprahypotha-
lamic centers, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary
gland [31, 42, 63]. The presence of a direct glucocorti-
coid negative feedback is crucial for the attenuation of
the ACTH secretory response, in order to conserve the
capacity of the HPA axis to respond to subsequent
stressors. In addition, this negative feedback loop
limits the duration of the total tissue exposure to
glucocorticoids,thus minimizing the catabolic,antire-
productive, and immunosuppressive effects of these
hormones. Interestingly, a dual receptor system exists
for glucocorticoids in the central nervous system,
including the glucocorticoid receptor type I, or miner-
alocorticoid receptor, which responds to low levels of
glucocorticoids and is primarily activational, and the
classic glucocorticoid receptor (type II), which re-
Fig. 4. A simplified, schematic representation of the interac-
sponds to higher levels of glucocorticoids and is damp-
tions between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and
ening in some systems and activational in others [31]. the immune system. Stimulatory effects are represented by
solid lines and inhibitory effects by dashed lines (CRH, corti-
cotropin-releasing hormone; ACTH,corticotropin; IL-1,inter-
leukin-1; IL-6, interleukin-6; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-a)
24 Ioannis Kyrou, Constantine Tsigos

endocrine inflammatory cytokines [88]. All three in- sympathetic neurons and by cells of the immune sys-
flammatory cytokines are able to directly and indi- tem (e.g. macrophages, tissue fibroblasts) [61]. The se-
rectly enhance the synthesis and secretion of CRH and cretion of immune CRH has been examined both in
AVP at the level of the hypothalamus and their effects experimental animal models of inflammation [61] and
are synergistic [13, 78, 102]. In addition, several in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [29] and
eicosanoids and other inflammatory mediators such Hashimoto’s thyroiditis [112].Immune CRH secretion
as platelet-activating factor (PAF), bradykinin, and is suppressed by glucocorticoids and somatostatin
serotonin show strong CRH-releasing properties [12, [61]. Mast cells are considered as the primary target of
44, 26]. Most striking has been the ability of immune CRH where,along with substance P,it acts via
interleukin-6 to acutely and chronically activate the CRH type 1 receptors causing degranulation. Subse-
HPA axis in humans [117]. The acute ACTH response quently, histamine is released, causing vasodilation,
to a single subcutaneous dose of IL-6 has been the increased vascular permeability and other manifesta-
highest ever seen in response to any stimulus, while tions of local inflammation.Thus,locally secreted CRH
antibodies to IL-6 almost completely block the stimu- has proinflammatory properties, whereas central CRH
latory effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on the alleviates the immune response [26, 39].
HPA axis [75,14].IL-6 seems to be the critical cytokine
regulator in the immune stimulation of the HPA axis
in chronic inflammatory stress.It is not clear,however, 3.3.2 HPA Axis: Other Endocrine Axes
which of the above effects are endocrine and which are
paracrine. Presence of cytokinergic neural pathways The HPA axis is closely linked to the endocrine axes
and local involvement of eicosanoids and PAF in CRH that control reproduction and growth. The survival
secretion are certain. Direct effects, albeit delayed, of of the individual and the species in general requires
most of these cytokines and mediators of inflamma- adequate nourishment, growth and reproduction,
tion on pituitary ACTH secretion also have been which are achieved through biologically costly path-
shown [43], and direct effects of these substances on ways that threaten the stability of the internal milieu.
adrenal glucocorticoid secretion also appear to be Under conditions of serious danger to survival, the
present [99,131].Finally,indirect activation of the HPA stress-dependent HPA axis activation intervenes to ex-
axis is also mediated through cytokine induced stim- ert multilevel inhibitory effects on the gonadal and
ulation of the central noradrenergic stress system. growth axes, until the imposed challenge is counter-
Conversely,activation of the HPA axis has profound acted.
inhibitory effects on the inflammatory immune re-
sponse, because virtually all the components of the
immune response are inhibited by cortisol (Fig. 4). Gonadal Axis
Glucocorticoids act as potent anti-inflammatory and
immunosuppressive factors by influencing the traffic The reproductive axis is inhibited at all levels by
of circulating leukocytes and inhibiting vital functions various components of the HPA axis (Fig. 5) [72, 86,
of the immune cells. Furthermore, they decrease 95]. At the hypothalamic level, CRH suppresses the
the production of cytokines and other mediators of gonadotropin hormone releasing hormone (GnRH)
inflammation (e.g. platelet-activating factor, nitric neurons of the arcuate nucleus. CRH-induced b-en-
oxide, prostanoids), induce cytokine resistance and dorphin secretion by the arcuate POMC neurons
inhibit the expression of adhesion molecules and their mediates this suppression, but direct inhibitory action
receptors on the surface of immune cells [77, 26]. It is of CRH is also suggested [25]. In addition, gluco-
interesting that glucocorticoids and catecholamines corticoids exert inhibitory effects on the hypothalam-
secreted during stress exert an immunomodulative ic GnRH neuron, the pituitary gonadotroph, and the
effect by suppressing the T-helper 1 (Th1) response gonads themselves and render target tissues of sex
and causing a Th2 shift, thus protecting the tissues steroids resistant to their actions [86]. Hypothalamic
from the potentially destructive actions of type 1 pro- functional amenorrhea is a typical example of stress
inflammatory cytokines and other products of acti- induced inhibition of the female reproductive axis,
vated macrophages [39]. while suppression of the gonadal function by chronic
An interesting aspect of the immune response is HPA axis activation has been also demonstrated in
that CRH is also secreted peripherally at inflammatory highly trained athletes of both sexes and in individu-
sites (peripheral or immune CRH) by postganglionic als with anorexia nervosa or sustaining starvation [52,
3 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis 25

Fig. 5. A schematic representation of the regulatory effects of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis on the repro-
ductive axis, the growth axis and the metabolism. Dysfunction of the HPA axis may lead to osteoporosis and manifestations
of the metabolic syndrome. Stimulatory effects are represented by solid lines and inhibitory effects by dashed lines (CRH, cor-
ticotropin-releasing hormone; ACTH, corticotropin; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone;
FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; STS, somatostatin; GHRH, growth hormone-releasing hormone; GH, growth hormone;
SmC, somatomedin C)

68, 62]. It is interesting that during inflammation, [34,96].Prolonged activation of the HPA axis results in
circulating cytokines suppress the reproductive func- increased circulating levels of glucocorticoids which
tions by activating the hypothalamic secretion of CRH suppress the secretion of growth hormone (GH) and
and POMC-derived peptides,by enhancing the adreno- inhibit the action of somatomedin C and other growth
cortical secretion of glucocorticoids and by inhibiting factors on their target tissues [15, 122, 57]. However,
steroidogenesis at both ovaries and testes [93, 119]. it should be noted that at the onset of the stress re-
Finally, a reciprocal interaction between CRH and sponse or after acute administration of glucocorti-
the sex hormones is suggested by the presence of coids an acute elevation of growth hormone concen-
estrogen responsive elements in the promoter area of tration in plasma may occur, presumably as a result
the CRH gene and by the direct stimulatory effects that of GH gene stimulation by glucocorticoids through
estrogen exerts on CRH gene expression [126]. This glucocorticoid-responsive elements in its promoter
finding implicates the CRH gene and consequently the region [19]. At the level of the hypothalamus, CRH
HPA axis as a potentially important target of ovarian stimulates the secretion of somatostatin, which is the
steroids and a potential mediator of gender related dif- most potent inhibitor of the growth hormone secre-
ferences in the stress response and HPA axis activity. tion by the somatotroph cells of the anterior pituitary,
providing a centrally acting mechanism of growth
suppression by the HPA axis. Growth Axis The anabolic function of the thyroid gland is also
interrupted by the activated HPA axis in order to
Growth is also sacrificed in order to preserve homeo- conserve energy during stress. Increased circulating
stasis under stressful conditions through a variety of levels of glucocorticoids suppress the pituitary pro-
inhibitory effects mediated by the HPA axis (Fig. 5) duction of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and
26 Ioannis Kyrou, Constantine Tsigos

inhibit the conversion of the relatively inactive thy- crease thermogenesis [89].Conversely,glucocorticoids
roxine to the more biologically active triiodothyronine at the hypothalamic level enhance the intake of carbo-
in peripheral tissues (the “euthyroid sick” syndrome) hydrates and fat and inhibit energy expenditure by
[11, 36]. Inhibition of TRH and TSH secretion by stimulating the secretion of neuropeptide Y, which is
CRH-stimulated increases in somatostatin might also the most potent appetite stimulator [20].
participate in the central component of thyroid axis
suppression during stress. Especially in the case of
inflammatory stress, inhibition of TSH secretion is 3.4 HPA Axis: Pathophysiology
attributed in part to the direct action of cytokines on
the hypothalamus and the pituitary [112, 117]. Generally, the activation of the HPA axis is tightly
regulated and is intended to be acute or at least of
a limited duration. The time-limited nature of this Metabolism process renders the induced adaptive antireproduc-
tive, antigrowth, catabolic and immunosuppressive
Glucocorticoids, the hormonal end-product of the effects temporarily beneficial rather than damaging
HPA axis, exert primarily catabolic effects as part of and prevents significant adverse consequences [114].
a generalized effort to utilize every available energy In contrast,prolongation of the HPA axis activation,as
resource against the challenge posed by intrinsic or documented in chronic stressful conditions, would
extrinsic stressors. Thus, glucocorticoids increase lead to the stress syndromal state that Selye described
hepatic gluconeogenesis and plasma glucose concen- in 1936 characterized by anorexia, loss of weight,
tration, induce lipolysis (although they favor abdomi- depression, hypogonadism, peptic ulcers, immuno-
nal and dorsocervical fat accumulation) and cause suppression, adrenal enlargement and involution of
protein degradation at multiple tissues (e.g. muscle, the thymus and lymph nodes [104]. Because CRH
bone, skin) to provide amino acids that would be used coordinates behavioral, neuroendocrine and auto-
as an additional substrate at oxidative pathways.In ad- nomic adaptation during stressful situations, in-
dition to their direct catabolic actions,glucocorticoids creased and prolonged production of CRH could ex-
also antagonize the beneficial anabolic actions of GH, plain the pathogenesis of the syndrome [120].
insulin and sex steroids on their target tissues [27]. The prototypic example of prolonged dysregulation
This shift of the metabolism toward a catabolic state leading to hyperactivation of the HPA axis is mani-
under the control of the activated HPA axis normally fested in melancholic depression with dysphoric
reverses upon retraction of the enforced stressor. hyperarousal and relative immunosuppression [46].
Indeed, chronic activation of HPA axis would be dam- Indeed, cortisol excretion is increased and plasma
aging as it is expected to increase visceral adiposity, ACTH response to exogenous CRH decreased. Hyper-
decrease lean body (muscle and bone) mass, suppress secretion of CRH has been shown in depression and
osteoblastic activity and cause insulin resistance suggests that CRH may participate in the initiation or
(Fig. 5). Interestingly, the phenotype of Cushing’s syn- perpetuation of a vicious cycle. Thus, owing to chron-
drome, characterized by abdominal and trunk fat ically hyperactive CRH neurons, patients with melan-
accumulation and decreased lean body mass, in cholic depression may sustain several severe somatic
combination with manifestations of the metabolic sequelae,such as osteoporosis,features of the metabol-
syndrome (visceral adiposity, insulin resistance, dys- ic syndrome,varying degrees of atherosclerosis,innate
lipidemia, hypertension), is present in a variety of and Th-1-directed immunosuppression and certain
pathophysiologic conditions, collectively described as infectious and neoplastic diseases [26]. If untreated,
pseudo-Cushing’s states. The pseudo-Cushing’s states these patients have a compromised life expectancy
are presumably attributed to HPA-induced mild hy- curtailed by 15–20 years after excluding suicides.
percortisolism or to adipose tissue-specific hypersen- In addition to melancholic depression, a spectrum
sitivity to glucocorticoids [27, 118]. of other conditions may be associated with increased
The balance of metabolic homeostasis is also cen- and prolonged activation of the HPA axis (Table 1) in-
trally affected by the neuroendocrine integration of cluding anorexia nervosa [47], obsessive-compulsive
the HPA axis to the CNS centers that control energy disorder [56], panic anxiety [24], excessive exercising
expenditure and intake. Indeed, CRH stimulates the [70], malnutrition [73], chronic active alcoholism
POMC neurons of the arcuate nucleus which, via [129], alcohol and narcotic withdrawal [10, 90], dia-
a-MSH release, elicit antiorexigenic signals and in- betes mellitus [120], hyperthyroidism [59] and pre-
3 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis 27

Table 1. Pathophysiology of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) axis

HPA axis activity

Increased Decreased Disrupted

Severe chronic disease +

Melancholic depression +
Anorexia nervosa +
Obsessive-compulsive disorder +
Panic disorder +
Chronic excessive exercise +
Malnutrition +
Diabetes mellitus +
Chronic alcoholism +
Hyperthyroidism +
Central obesity +
Pregnancy +
Atypical depression +
Seasonal depression +
Chronic fatigue syndrome +
Fibromyalgia +
Hypothyroidism +
Post glucocorticoid therapy +
Post stress +
Postpartum +
Rheumatoid arthritis +
Cushing’s syndrome +
Glucocorticoid deficiency +
Glucocorticoid resistance +
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia +
ACTH resistance +

menstrual tension syndrome [87]. Notably, patients in which chronically reduced secretion of CRH may
with central (upper body) obesity exhibit higher levels result in pathologic hypoarousal (Table 1). Patients
of circulating inflammatory cytokines [116] while a with seasonal depression and the chronic fatigue
subpopulation of these patients were also found to syndrome fall into this category [32, 127]. Similarly,
have mild hypercortisolism [81, 27]. patients with fibromyalgia have decreased urinary free
Pregnancy is another condition characterized by cortisol excretion and frequently complain of fatigue
hypercortisolism of a degree similar to that observed [50]. Hypothyroid patients also have clear evidence of
in mild Cushing’s syndrome, severe depression and CRH hyposecretion and often present depression of
anorexia nervosa. Gestation is the only known physi- the “atypical” type [60]. It is interesting that in Cush-
ologic state in humans in which CRH circulates in ing’s syndrome, the clinical manifestations of hyper-
plasma at levels high enough to cause activation of the phagia,weight gain,fatigue,and anergia are consistent
HPA axis [103]. Although circulating CRH, which is with the suppression of the hypothalamic CRH neu-
of placental origin, is bound with high affinity to rons by the associated hypercortisolism [48].
CRH-binding protein [69, 83], it appears that the cir- It is believed that an excessive HPA axis response
culating free fraction is sufficient to explain the ob- to inflammatory stimuli would mimic the stress or
served hypercortisolism. Hypercortisolism of preg- hypercortisolemic state and would lead to increased
nancy is associated with suppression of hypothalamic susceptibility of the individual to a host of infectious
secretion of CRH, persisting in the postpartum [49]. agents or tumors as a result of Th-1 suppression, but
On the other side of the spectrum of HPA axis dys- enhanced resistance to autoimmune/inflammatory
regulation, another group of states is characterized disease [39]. In contrast, a defective HPA axis response
by hypoactivation, rather than sustained activation, to such stimuli would reproduce the glucocorticoid-
28 Ioannis Kyrou, Constantine Tsigos

deficient state and would lead to relative resistance 3. Aguilera G, Millan MA, Hauger RL, et al (1987) Corti-
to infections and neoplastic disease,but increased sus- cotropin-releasing factor receptors: Distribution and
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