Narrative Report

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Nature of Operation

The operation of HUGOT YUMMY - TEH FRIED managed by the Group 5 of Grade 12
ABM Marco Polo. The Immersion is located at Alicia National High School. It starts at 7:30 in
the morning until 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon. HUGOT YUMMY - TEH FRIED is a Food
Booth that offers different snacks like Isaw, Okoy, Shanghai, Dynamite and beverage is the
Gulaman Juice, and we also offered affordable Combo Meal (Bola - Bola with Onion Rings), the
main product of the business is the Moryekos it is one of the native delicacies of the Philippines,
the products have affordable price.
MONDAY (February 24, 2020)

The first day of Immersion happened on February 24, 2020. The product offered for the first day
are Combo Meal with Onion Rings, Isaw, Shanghai, Okoy and Moryekos.

The first day of the Immersion is hard and complicated since we didn't assigned each person to
specific duty for the work simulation. We encountered many difficulties and some of my co -
members argued about their duties and they started to get irritated at small things and that is how
the first day of the Immersion started. If I could divide myself that time I would since I did a lot
for the first day, first I watched our Hugot Booth and assisted the customers, helped the sellers,
and washed the dishes and I also helped the cooks, it was exhausting because I don't know what
to prior anymore, I was confused to know what to prioritize. As I have said awhile back, we
encountered problems around 10:30 am because we quickly sold our products. My realization is
that we are mistaken to buy only the exact ingredients for the products at the first day that's why
we experienced vacancy for about 11 o'clock in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. I helped
my groupmates to clean our station, wash the dishes, organized the clean equipments. We
removed the Hugot Booth because it is one of the reason why the station is disorganized and we
arranged the table for the cashier and another table for the products that will be sold. After that
we conducted a meeting and agreed to divide the task so that we won't be a chaos in the station
and who will be the person assigned to do each tasks.

In the first day of the Immersion, I learned to become a risk taker, don't be afraid to take the risk
because when the day ends if you dare nothing, you won't gain anything.
TUESDAY (February 25, 2020)
The second day of the Immersion happened on February 25, 2020. We added new products the
Dynamite and Pancit Bihon, and removed the Combo Meal. The products that we offered for the
second day are the Isaw, Shanghai, Okoy, Dynamite, Moryekos and Juice.

The second day of the Immersion worked smoothly since we are assigned to specific duty for the
work simulation. I was assigned to dishwashing and cleaning the station. And I also assisted the
cooks and the sellers whenever I get free time to lessen the hassle. I gave them the finish product
so they can display it and sell it. I encountered difficulties with some of my co - member because
they get irritated at small things, and they keep observing me especially when I sit just for awhile
they are making some big deals and it's bothering and offending at the same time because they
are counting what they have been doing for the group and they're being inconsiderate. We are all
tired and we are all working hands on and it's annoying how they keep complaining and rolling
their eyes about how tired they are and they aren't considering what I have contributed for the
group as well. I'm also tired but I stayed quiet and I did not complain. The task was exhausting
but it's more organized and it's manageable than the first day. After the day ended I helped my
groupmates to clean our station, wash the dishes, and organized the clean equipments. After the
cleaning, we go out and bought the ingredients for the product for the next day, after we bought
everything that is needed we came back at school and arranged the station one more time.

On the second day of the Immersion, I learned that I should be more calm and be more
considerate to my groupmates no matter how angry and annoyed I am. And no matter what
happens I should never lose my composure, because arguing can only cause chaos especially for
the group we are a team and we should act like one. Lastly, I realize that I should never let my
anger control me, because getting mad will only result to misunderstanding and conflicts.
THURSDAY (February 27, 2020)

The third day of the Immersion happened on February 27, 2020. We removed the Pancit Bihon
from our products and we continued selling the remaining products we are offering the Isaw,
Shanghai, Okoy, Dynamite and the Juice.

The third day of the Immersion went well we are assigned to specific duty for the work
simulation. I was assigned to become a seller. It was tiring but fun, the customers keep coming
back. It was manageable and smooth. After the day ended I helped my groupmates to clean the
station, wash the dishes, and organized the clean equipments. After we organized everything,
some of my co - members go out and bought the things needed for our last day, and when they
come back we went home after conducting a meeting again about the things that will happened
for the next day.

On the third day of the Immersion, I learned to love what I'm doing because enjoying what
you're doing will make you smile no matter how tired it gets you should keep continuing and as a
group we should work as one. Being mindful is a must. I also learned that having knowledge and
learning from experience and mistakes will help to improve myself to become a better version of
FRIDAY (February 28, 2020)

The fourth day of the Immersion happened on February 28, 2020. We removed the Moryekos
from our products and we continued offering the Isaw, Shanghai, Okoy, Dynamite and the Juice,
the last day of the Business Exposition only lasted for a half day.

The fourth day of the Immersion went well and we are in our specific duty for the work
simulation. I was assigned to become a seller again. It was tiring but fun, the customers keep
coming back. It was manageable and it went well again though I'm confused who to prior since
there's are a lot of customers. At the afternoon, after we sold out all the products we rest for a bit
and ate our lunch. We agreed to divide the task that some members will remove the booth, wash
the dishes, arranged the things left in the station and finalized the last slip that was given to us.

On the fourth day of the Immersion, I learned that helping each other will surely make the work
faster and easier. And without argues, complaints and misunderstanding it will help us build
good relationship with each other and will make everything smooth. And learning must be
continuous, no matter how hard it gets, no matter how many mistakes you do you should never
give up and continue.
MONDAY (March 2, 2020)

The last day of the Immersion happened on March 2, 2020. It started 7:30 in the morning until

4:30 in the afternoon. We are engaged in a real - life business. We are assigned to the Main
Canteen of our school, Alicia National High School. We assisted the employees in the canteen.
We are all assigned by our leader to specific duty.

I was assigned in the dishwashing area. The last day was very exhausting, dishes are continuous
because there are lot of customers. It was tiring but enjoyable because the employees are kind
and very friendly. It went well and smooth. After the morning duty, we ate our lunch and started
doing our tasks again. In the afternoon there's still dishes but it's fewer than the morning. We
cleaned the canteen and arranged our things. After that we are called to have a meeting Ma'am
Simplina explained to us how to use and when they use the sales records and expense records,
she even showed us the receipts of the raw materials that was bought for the production.

I learned that no matter how hard the task is you should never give up and keep striving harder.
And never forget to be polite and friendly. Lastly, loving and enjoying what you're doing is
really important.

Work Immersion is a part of SHS Curriculum for 5 days work simulation which we, the Grade
12 students undergo to workplace setting.

At first I thought Immersion will be boring but for me it's not, even though it only happened for a
short time. I loved and enjoyed every single moment of it. The Work Immersion helped me a lot
to learn and love the job the same time. Through the help of exposure in an actual work setting I
learned to become more responsible. The Immersion is really an unforgettable experience for
me. I learned that in business you should become a risk taker. I also learned that I should be
more considerate. And a problem will always have solution. And no matter how hard the
situation gets, I must never give up. Mistakes can help us to improve a lot, so I should never be
afraid to help myself out and open a room for improvement. And I also learned that I should
never let anger control me, because anger won't do anything good. Immersion helped me a lot to
be ready because I already had an experience. If I dare nothing then I won't gain anything, this is
just a first step, I don't want to be filled with fear. Trying is better than doing nothing. I rather be
put in a difficult situation rather than be an at ease and learn nothing. And no matter what
happens I should never lose my composure. I should also be optimistic when dealing with
problems. Being mindful is a must. And I also learned that you must finish what you have
started. And as a group we should work as one we shouldn't fight over small things because it
will cause chaos.

Work with dedication and never complain because after the hardship is the sweetest
achievement. Everything is hard but if you really want to you will find way and you’ll achieve it
by striving hard.


Submitted to:
Sir Anthony Mark Buquel
Work Immersion Teacher

Submitted by:
Hasyl I. del Rosario
Grade 12 ABM Marco Polo



Submitted to:
Sir Anthony Mark Buquel
Work Immersion Teacher

Submitted by:
Amie Rose D. Bernos
Grade 12 ABM Marco Polo


Submitted to:
Sir Anthony Mark Buquel
Work Immersion Teacher

Submitted by:
Laika Jane Dela Cruz
Grade 12 ABM Marco Polo

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