Midterm Creative 2020

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Republic of the Philippines


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English 15ed- Creative Writing
Name:__________________________________ Score: _________________
Year and Section:_________________________ Date: __________________

A. Identify what is being asked in each item. Write your answer before the number.
1. A language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create images in the mind of the reader.
2. It describes what we see: comic book images, paintings, or images directly experienced through
the narrator’s eyes.
3. It describes what we hear, from music to noise to pure silence.
4. It describes what we smell.
5. It describes what we taste.
6. It describes what we feel or touch.
7. It is a type of writing in which words are selected for their beauty, sound and power to express
8. These have a strong beat, created largely through the 3R’s: rhythm, rhyme and repetition.
9. It is a true story about a person’s life written by another person.
10. The creative imaginative and durable writings of authors of the past and present.

B. Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences.

1. The righteous shall flourish as the palm tree.
2. Life is as tedious as a twice- told tale.
3. The camel is the ship of the desert.
4. Variety is the spice of life.
5. Pride goeth forth on horseback, grand and gay.
6. O Solitude! Where are the charms that sages have seen in thy face?
7. Death lays his icy hands on kings.
8. Why, man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with tears.
9. Tragic comedy
10. Flatulence

II. Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It's quiet on the prairie. The only thing Lone Shadow can hear is the beating of his heart. A
few butterflies silently swoop down to rest on tall grasses that spread out as far as the eye
can see. Above, a few fluffy white clouds float in an endless blue sky. A gentle breeze drifts
past Lone Shadow's ear. Suddenly, there's movement in the grass ahead!

(2) A frightened deer leaps past Lone Shadow's shoulder and races off toward a small clump of
trees. Then he hears it . . . a rhythmic sound like his heartbeat, only louder! The ground
begins to tremble. He looks toward the horizon and sees a swirling cloud of dust heading
his way! Quickly he turns and runs. The noise gets louder and the dust thicker, so thick he
can taste it! Just as he jumps into a deep ditch, a thundering herd of buffalo rushes past.

(3) Once the herd has moved on, Lone Shadow walks to the place where he had been standing.
There's a musty smell in the air above the grass, which is now flat. "That could have been
me!" he says. Quickly he runs back to camp to tell the tribal leaders about the buffalo. . . .
There will be a hunt tonight!
1. How did the author use sensory words to help readers visualize the character, setting, and
events? Give at least one example from the text for each sense. ( 2 points each)






2. Read this sentence from the text: Suddenly, there's movement in the grass ahead! Which of
the following best adds imagery to help readers visualize the situation?

a. Suddenly, there’s some kind of movement somewhere in the grass ahead!

b. Suddenly, Lone Shadow sees a flash of brown and white fur and hears something panting in the
grass ahead!
c. Suddenly, Lone Shadow sees an animal moving in the grass ahead!
d. Suddenly, the grass ahead begins to bend…Something is moving it!

Read the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.

(1) It was lovely summer weather in the country. The yellow corn, green oats, and golden
haystacks in the meadows looked beautiful. The stork walking about on his long red legs,
chattered in the Egyptian language that he had learned from his mother. The cornfields and
meadows were surrounded by large forests with large brown tree trunks topped with green
leaves and bright blossoms. In the midst of the forests were deep pools of clear, sapphire

(2) Beside the forests was a river, and close by stood a pleasant old farmhouse. From the
house, one could see down to the water, where great thistles grew so high that under the
tallest dark green leaves, a small child could stand upright! This wild, secluded spot formed
a snug retreat in which a duck sat on a nest, waiting for her young brood to hatch.

(3) The duck was beginning to tire of her task, for the little ones were a long time coming out
of their shells, and she seldom had any visitors. The other ducks much preferred swimming
in the river than climbing the slippery banks to sit under a thistle leaf and talk with her. She
shifted on the itchy twigs of her nest. Finally, she heard one shell crack, and then another
and another, and from each came a fuzzy creature that lifted its head and cried, "Peep,

(4) "Quack, quack," said the mother as she stroked each soft, yellow duckling. They looked
about them on every side at the large green leaves. Their mother allowed them to look as
much as they liked, because green is good for the eyes. "How large the world is," said the
young ducks, when they found how much more room they had now than while inside their
white eggshells.

(5) "Do you imagine this is the whole world?" laughed their mother. "Wait till you have seen
the garden; it stretches far beyond that field, but I have never ventured such a distance.
Are you all out?" she continued, rising. "No, the largest egg lies there still! I wonder how
long this is to last; I am quite tired of it!" Then she fluffed her feathers and seated herself
again on the nest.

3 How does the author help readers "visualize" the stork?

a. by telling about its nest and what its eating

b. by telling about the color of its feathers and eyes
c. by telling the size and color of its legs and how it’s talking
d. by telling what it does when it sees the duck
4 How does the author help readers visualize the meadow?

a. by explaining how each of the buildings is used

b. by describing the colors of plants and other things
c. by telling how old the trees are
d. by describing all the fish
5 Read this sentence from the text: It was lovely summer weather in the country. Which of the
following best adds imagery to help readers visualize the setting?

a. It was lovely warm summer weather in the country.

b. It was a warm, summer day and the sun’s rays, bathed the countryside in a soft, golden light.
c. It was nice summer weather with plenty of sunshine all over the country.
d. It was a hot summer day, so hot that the city streets were steaming.
6 Read this sentence from the text: Beside the forests was a river, and close by stood a
pleasant old farmhouse. Which of the following best adds imagery to help readers visualize
the place?

a. Beside the trees runs a river, and not far away is an old farmhouse.
b. Beside the forests of trees was a long river, and close by the river there was a nice but old
c. A bubbling river raced beside the forests, spilling its liquid over smooth white rocks below a
steep hill on which sat an old abandoned, red farmhouse.
d. Along the sides of the forests was a rocky river, and further down the path therewas an old white
7 What sounds does the author use to appeal to readers' sense of hearing?

a. cracking of the eggs

b. peeping of the ducklings
c. quacking of the mother duck
d. all of the above
8 How did the author appeal to the readers' sense of touch? Give two examples from the text
to support your ideas.________________________________. ( 4 points)

III. Diagram

Differentiate technical writing and creative writing.

Content - 10 pts
Relevance – 5 points
Grammar - 5 points
Total 20 points

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