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Training Agreement for Foundation Training

Name Please encircle status

Class/ Process Foundatio Batch: NH IT XT Reg Prob


Article 2 Section 14 of the Employee Handbook states that ‘Failure in Training Standards in the assigned training class will
follow the disciplinary progression according to the employee’s employment status. Therefore, the following sanctions will
 New Hire/ Probationary employees will be issued ‘Termination of Probationary Contract’ on first instance
 Regular employees will be issued ‘Final Written Reprimand’ on first instance and ‘Termination of Contract’ on
second instance
Please note that sanction(s) incurred during Foundation Training will be carried over to Process Training. Disciplinary
progression will apply.

Training Standards are as follows:

1. Reliability (Attendance)
 Absence(s) should not be more than 1 day. Therefore:
o Regardless of employment status, for 5 day(s) of Training, 1 day of absence will incur Final Written
Reprimand and 2 days of absences will incur Termination of Probationary/ Regular Contract;
o Regardless of employment status, 3 instances of tardiness or accumulated tardiness of more than 59
minutes will be considered 1 absence;
o Regardless of employment status, 1 instance of tardiness of not more than 59 minutes will incur Written
Counseling. Disciplinary progression will apply for additional instances of tardiness.
Absenteeism and Tardiness fall under Attendance, therefore, Disciplinary Action and Progression will apply to whichever
instance of violation comes first.

2. Skills
Percentage should not fall below; failure to meet the below thresholds will lead to cessation of services.
 Total Score (Written Assessment, Listening Assessment and Rubric) - 85%

3. Final Day Assessments

To ensure we are providing best in class service and support to our employees, we will assess them on their Language,
Customer Service, Retention, and Listening skills on day 5 of Foundation Training.

I understand that the assessment is conducted on the 5th day of Foundation Training:
 I must score 85% or above in the final assessment.
 I will be given feedback about my assessment performance, to best understand the reason/s for my results.
 The results are final and will not be changed nor reconsidered.

In addition, trainees are expected to show the following values in keeping with FIS work ethics and culture:
 Flexibility
 Team effectiveness
 Professionalism

Trainee Trainer
Date Date
(Signature over printed name) (Signature over printed name)

FIS Global Solutions | Philippines

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