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2) Very low and very high family incomes.

CHAPTER FOUR countries exhibit strongly bimodal income
distributions. The majority of the population may
Group of Five. US, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan. live barely above the subsistence level, but there
Group of Seven. Adding Italy and Canada is a strong market in urban centers and a growing
Group of Ten. Adding Sweden, the Netherlands, and middle class. The affluent are truly affluent and
Belgium consume accordingly. Examples: India, Mexico.
Group of Twenty. Plus Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China,
India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South 3) Low, medium, and high family incomes.
Africa, South Korea, and Turkey Industrialization produces an emerging middle
Organization for Economic Cooperation and class with increasing disposable income. The very
Development, or OECD (30 countries) low and very high income classes tend to remain
▪ Western Europe, United States, Australia, for traditional reasons of social class barriers.
Canada, Czech Republic, Hungary, Japan, Example: Portugal.
Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Slovakia, South
Korea, and Turkey 4) Mostly medium family incomes. The advanced
Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs), which include industrial nations tend to develop institutions and
Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, Brazil, and Mexico policies that reduce extremes in income
>> Rapidly Industrializing Country (RIC) distribution, resulting in a large and comfortable
middle class able to purchase a wide array of
11 Major oil-exporting countries: both domestic and imported products and
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) services. Example: Denmark.
Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq,
Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United
Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) show how many units of
Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.
currency are needed in one country to buy the amount
of goods and services that one unit of currency will buy in
Statistical Abstracts provide the starting point for market
another country.
Using a monetary measure may not be a proper and all inclusive
measure of income; For example, in developing economies
where most of the consumption is either self-produced or
▪ The greatest population densities >> Europe-- bartered, reliance on financial data alone would seriously
providing the global marketer with a strategically understate the standard of living.
located center of operation and ready access to the
Moreover, the marketer will have to take into consideration
major markets of the world.
variations in market potential in individual markets. Major urban
▪ Two largest entities in Asia—China and India— centers in developing countries may have income levels
constitute nearly 70 percent of Asia’s population. comparable to those in more developed markets, while rural
▪ Age distribution and life expectancy correlate heavily areas may not have incomes needed to buy imported goods.
with the level of development of the market.
In general, income figures are useful in the initial
Household includes all the persons, both related and screening of markets. in product-specific cases, income
unrelated, who occupy a housing unit. may not play a major role, and startling scenarios may
emerge. Some products, such as autos and television sets
The concept of urbanization has different meanings in China, are in demand regardless of their high price in
depending on where one operates. The increased relation to wages because of their high prestige value.
urbanization of many markets has distinctly changed Some products are in demand because of their foreign
consumption patterns. origin.

--Most indicative of the market potential for most share of income spent on necessities will provide an
consumer and industrial products and services. indication of the market’s development level as well as
▪ Per capita GDP is often used as a primary an approximation of how much money the consumer has
indicator for evaluating purchasing power. left for other purchases.

The international marketer can use the following Engel’s laws state that as a family’s income increases, the
classification as a planning guide: percentage spent on food will decrease, the percentage
spent on housing and household operations will be
1) Very low family incomes. Subsistence economies roughly constant, and the amount saved or spent on
tend to be characterized by rural populations in other purchases will increase.
which consumption relies on personal output or
barter. Some urban centers may provide Inflation affects the ability of both industrial customers
markets. Example: Cameroon. and consumers to buy and also introduces uncertainty
into both the marketer’s planning process and
consumers’ buying habits.
High-inflation markets, the marketer may have to make
changes in:
▪ The product (more economical without compromising
▪ Promotion (more rational), and
▪ Distribution (more customer involvement) to meet
customer needs and maintain demand.

In response to rapidly escalating prices, a government will

often invoke price controls.

Indicators such as steel consumption, cement

production, and electricity production relate to the
overall industrialization of the market and can be used
effectively by suppliers of industrial products and services. Forms of Economic Integration in Regional Markets

Developed, emerging, and developing markets will Success of these blocs, from their establishment to future
require different adjustments by marketers. expansion institutionally and geographically, will depend
(1) the leadership of selected countries (i.e., every bloc
needs an “engine”);
Economic success comes with a price tag. (2) their proximity in terms of geography, culture,
administrative dimensions, and basic economic factors;
Many countries, including the nations of Southeast Asia, (3) their commitment to regional cooperation.
were able to achieve double-digit growth for decades
while paying scant attention to problems that are now
demanding treatment: infrastructure limits, labor 1957, European Economic Community (EEC) was formally
shortages, demands for greater political freedom, established by the Treaty of Rome. Based on the premise
environmental destruction, urban congestion, and even that the mobility of goods, services, labor, and capital—
the spread of drug addiction. the “four freedoms”—was of paramount importance for
the economic prosperity of the region.
Share of urban population, life expectancy, number of
physicians per capita, literacy rate, percentage of The EU’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), a single
income received by the richest 5 percent of the monetary policy for the 17 euro-area member states,
population, and percentage of the population with combined with coordinated national fiscal policies, has
access to electricity. helped foster:
▪ Macroeconomic Stability
Cultural indicators: number of public libraries, registered ▪ Precipitated the Economic Integration Of Europe
borrowings, book titles published, and number of daily ▪ Boosted Cross-Border Trade
newspapers. ▪ Financial Integration
▪ Investment.
Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) is a composite The EMU has also increased the EU’s resilience to adverse
measure of the level of welfare in a country. shocks.

Three components: life expectancy, infant mortality, and Progress toward the goal of free movement of goods has
adult literacy rates--among the few social indicators been achieved largely due to the move from a
available to provide a comparison of progress through “common standards approach” to a “mutual recognition
time in all of the countries of the world. approach.”

The presence of multinational corporations, which by Under the common standards approach, EU members
their very nature are change agents, will accelerate were forced to negotiate the specifications for literally
social change. thousands of products, often unsuccessfully. For example,
because of differences in tastes, agreement was never reached
In some cases, governments restrict the freedom of on specifications for beer, sausage, or mayonnaise.
multinational corporations if their actions may affect the
environment. Ex: Restrictions in building height in Bali. Under the mutual recognition approach, the laborious
quest for common standards is, in most cases, no longer
necessary. Instead, as long as a product meets legal
and specification requirements in one-member country, it
Economic integration has been one of the main
may be freely exported to any other, and customers
economic developments affecting world markets since
serve as the final arbiters of success.
World War II.
Began in 1994 to create the world’s largest free market, • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
with currently more than 460 million consumers and a October 1991, ASEAN members announced the
total output of nearly 17.5 trillion formation of a customs union called the ASEAN Free
Trade Area (AFTA).
Opposition to NAFTA has centered on issues relating to
labor and the environment. • East Asia Economic Group (EAEG)
• Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)—
▪ Distinctive feature: Annual forum proposed by Australia
▪ Two side agreements that were worked out to correct • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
perceived abuses in labor and in the environment in (SAARC)-- India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Mexico. Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives.

▪ The North American Agreement on Labor

Cooperation (NAALC) was set up to hear complaints • Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
about worker abuse. Commission on Environmental --form a customs union and eventual common market.
Compliance was established to act as a public • Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
advocate for the environment. The side agreements • Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC)
have, however, had little impact, mainly because the • Southern African Development Community (SADC)
mechanisms they created have almost no • Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (ECGLC)
enforcement power. • Mano River Union (MRU)
• East African Community (EAC)
Free trade does produce both winners and losers. • African Union (AU)—2002 for regional cooperation

Wages and employment for unskilled workers in the Countries in the Arab world
United States decreased because of Mexico’s low-cost • Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is one of the most
labor pool. powerful, economically speaking, of any trade groups.
o Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and
U.S. companies have been moving operations to Mexico the United Arab Emirates--90th percentile in the
since the Maquiladoras plants that make goods and world.
parts or process food for export back to the United States.

--a country making an effort to change and improve its

economy with the goal of raising its performance to that
Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) 1991. of the world’s more advanced nations.
Three main objectives:
(1) establishment of a free trade zone; Developed countries benefit from the development
(2) creation of a common external tariff system (i.e., a of human and natural resources in emerging markets
customs union); and through increased international trading.
(3) free movement of capital, labor, and services.

▪ Four times as big as EU.

▪ Combined market of more than 266 million people
and accounts for more than three-quarters of the
economic activity on the continent.
▪ World’s fourth-largest trading bloc

• Brazil most advanced in manufacturing and tech

• Sao Paulo is one of the world’s major industrial cities and
is home to the affiliates and subsidiaries of many foreign
• EU second largest trading partner after the United

Andean Common Market (ANCOM) founded in 1969

4 countries that straddle the Andes: Bolivia, Colombia,
Ecuador, and Peru.

Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA) was enacted to

help four Andean countries in their fight against drug
production and trafficking by expanding their economic
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
Regional economic integration creates opportunities
and potential problems for the international
marketer. It may have an impact on a company’s
entry mode by favoring direct investment because
one of the basic rationales of integration is to
generate favorable conditions for local production and
intraregional trade.
Volkswagen, 1984, General Motors.
1997, it dominated Chinese auto markets.
-- However, they are now facing competition offering • Envision the outcome of the change.
more economically priced cars. To respond, GM has • Change in the competitive landscape can be
introduced the $8,000 Chevy Spark but will focus on dramatic if scale opportunities can be exploited in
the higher-end market with its Cadillac line. relatively homogeneous demand conditions.
Critical battleground is emerging for companies in the
“good-enough” market segment, home of reliable enough
products at low-enough prices to attract the fastest-growing After determining the effects of change, the international
segment of midlevel Chinese customers. marketer will then have to develop a strategic response
to the new environment to maintain a sustainable long-
term competitive advantage.
Kodak--nearly 8,000 photo stores across China, one of the
country’s largest retail operations. The company taps the
desire of many Chinese to run their own businesses while
Structurally, authority will have to become more
helping them negotiate setting up their operations.
centralized to execute regional programs.
One Kodak campaign offered all of the necessary photo-
development equipment, training, and a store license for
International managers, as change agents, must
99,000 yuan ($12,000). Kodak negotiated a deal with the
constantly seek ways to influence the regulatory
Bank of China and other big banks to arrange financing
environment in which they have to operate.
for individuals lacking capital. These programs are part of

Kodak’s big bet when it bought three debt-laden state

Data on the economic environment produce a snapshot
enterprises and many of their workers for $1 billion. In
return, no other companies in the industry were allowed of the past; in some cases, old data are used to make
decisions affecting operations two years in the future.
into China for four years.
Economic data provide a baseline from which other
more market- or product-specific and even experiential
Appeal of recognizable brands-- common characteristic
data can be collected.
across all emerging markets.
The emergence of economic integration in the world
Consumer loyalty is ensured by adding a new quality
economy poses unique opportunities for and challenges
dimension to well-established brands.
to the international marketer.

• Group of Five • Inflation
• Group of Seven • Physical Quality of Life
Without credit, it is impossible for many developing- • Group of Ten Index
country consumers to make major purchases. Programs in • Group of Twenty • (PQLI)
microfinance have allowed consumers, with no property • Household • Maquiladoras
as collateral, to borrow sums averaging $100 to make • Urbanization • Microfinance
purchases and have retail banking services available to • Purchasing Power
them. Parities (PPP)

In the product area, companies must combine

advanced technology with local insights.

Due to the economic and physical isolation of poor

communities, providing access can lead to a thriving

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