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Engineering Calculation report guidelines.

1. The first item in the calculation would be the objective of the calculation. In brief
mention what are you trying to achieve, for example if you are trying to size an
equipment (separator / vessel, pump, compressor etc.) mention the calculation
objectives such as dimensions of a separator / vessel, total differential head and
NPSHa of a pump, head and power of a compressor etc. Provide the exact
description as per the PFD / P&ID and the tag / item number of the particular
equipment for the sake of clarity.

2. Inputs: Provide the references with document numbers for the input data for the
calculations. Do not forget to provide the revision number / status of the reference
documents. These could be the PFD(s), P&ID(s), simulation software output such as
physical properties, Design Basis Report, Project report etc. Multiple inputs should
be entered as individual bullet points with document description, document number,
revision status and date.

Inputs could also include inputs from standard books in chemical engineering,
internal and external company standards and e-mail communication by client /
vendor / 3rd party consultant. All of these need to be mentioned.

3. Assumptions: Assumptions need to be mentioned separately. Since assumptions

lead to a certain degree of uncertainty in the calculations, a reasonable amount of
caution needs to be exercised when putting up assumptions. Assumptions should be
based on sound logic and past experience for similar calculations leading to a
successful design. The focus should be to minimize the assumptions.

4. Calculations: It is always good practice to write the equations used for the
calculations in this part of the design calculation report instead of just providing a
reference to them. I follow this and find that reviewers feel more comfortable about
seeing the design equations in the actual document then trying to look for them at
some other place. The calculations should be done step-by-step following a logical
progression. The reviewer of your document will feel lost if the calculations do not
follow a logical progression. Try to avoid long descriptive paragraphs in this section
of the design document since it breaks the continuity of the calculation and makes
for tedious reading and review.

5. Conclusion / Summary: This section of the design calculation report summarizes

the result of the calculations in the earlier section and provides figures and numbers
for the intended calculation such as "Total Differential Head" and "NPSHa" for a

6. Annexure / Attachments: This section will include the actual copies of the
references provided in the input section. These may include part or full copies of
PFDs / P&IDs, simulation software print-outs, Plot Plans, Piping GA drawings /
Isometrics, E-mail correspondence copies with client / vendor / 3 rd party consultant,
relevant pages of engineering textbooks, relevant pages of company engineering
standards etc.

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