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Create a 

2-min recorded video interview reflecting what you have learned from the video.
Recite your reflection about the Youtube video entitled, What We Face Everyday Human
Resources (HR). 
Highlight your keywords in sharing your thoughts.
 Must be 2-min video (NO more, NO less)
 Wear corporate attire while recording
o Women:
o Men:
 Should have an audible sound [look for a quiet place while doing the recording]
 Ensure that your face is clearly seen in the video. Show at least half body to see
your attire and show your proper composure.
 Add a subtitle in your video recordings
 Format: MP4
 Should be submitted thru google link. Make your video visible to me.
 Create a title screen and introduction about the video

What We Face Everyday: Human Resources (HR)

Human Resources, or HR, is one of the most challenging roles in the corporate world. They are the
individuals who form the workforce of a company, industry, or economy. They are in charge of locating,
screening, hiring, and training job applicants. Usually, they are the ones that all employees ask about all
their concerns and queries, and more often, they are put under pressure and responsibilities because
employees or staff expect them to know everything. As said in the video, they are the unofficial event
planners, peacemakers, mothers, psychologists, teachers, and supervisors in a company. These are the
challenges that an HR professional faces on a daily basis. I have learned that the interview process that
HR conducts is also very important, not only to know if they fit into the position but also to know the
employee very well about their strengths and weaknesses. An HR is also responsible for helping
employees with their personal matters since it will be very helpful for an HR to know where the
employee/s are lacking and the employee’s performance and motivation, which will be vital for the
company’s success. That being said, they should be treated well and not in such a way that their roles
exceed in their job description that most of the time it did, because other employees are insensitive. I
have learned that HR is a crucial job that we should also know and we should not belittle them, rather
we should be more sensitive, patient, and understanding because they have feelings too and they are
one of the greatest assets in a company.

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