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Engineering Encyclopedia

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Information Sources for

Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations

Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramco’s
employees. Any material contained in this document which is not already
in the public domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or
disclosed to third parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without
the written permission of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi

Chapter : Electrical For additional information on this subject, contact

File Reference: EEX20402 W.A. Roussel on 874-1320
Engineering Encyclopedia Electrical
Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations



Continuous Current Rating.............................................................................1
Voltage Rating................................................................................................2
Maximum Design Voltage Rating.................................................................. 2
K Factor..........................................................................................................2
Basic Impulse Level (BIL) .............................................................................2
Short-Circuit Interrupting Rating ................................................................... 3
Maximum Symmetrical Interrupting Capability.............................................3
Maximum Asymmetrical Interrupting Capability (Momentary Rating).........4
Standard Operating Duty Rating .................................................................... 4
CIRCUIT BREAKER INSTALLATIONS ................................................................5
SAES ..............................................................................................................6
Manufacturer’s Technical Manual................................................................10
OF CIRCUIT BREAKER INSTALLATIONS ........................................................14
One-Line Diagrams ......................................................................................14
Elementary Diagrams ...................................................................................17
Panel Diagrams.............................................................................................20
Interconnection Diagrams ............................................................................22
Construction Diagrams.................................................................................24
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................26

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia Electrical
Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations


The terminology and data that are found on the nameplate of a circuit breaker define the
conditions that are recommended for the circuit breaker to properly operate. Such
terminology and data also indicate the limits of operation under which the circuit breaker can
safely operate. Operation of the circuit breaker in excess of the limits that are listed on the
circuit breaker’s nameplate can cause damage to occur to the circuit breaker. Dependent on
the amount by which the limits are exceeded, damage could also occur to the equipment that
the circuit breaker is designed to protect.

The following is a list of nameplate ratings that describe the capabilities of a circuit breaker:

• Continuous Current Rating

• Voltage Rating
• Maximum Design Voltage Rating
• K Factor
• Basic Impulse Level (BIL)
• Short Circuit Current Rating
• Standard Operating Duty Rating

Continuous Current Rating

The continuous current rating of a circuit breaker is the limit of current, expressed in rms
amperes, at the rated frequency that the circuit breaker is designed to continuously conduct
under normal operating conditions. An important point to understand is that this rating is a
continuous current value and not an instantaneous or short duration current value. The
continuous current rating of a circuit breaker can be exceeded under certain conditions of
operation for very short periods of time. If the continuous current that the circuit breaker is
carrying exceeds the continuous current rating of the breaker, the amount of heat that is
generated by the current flow will cause the breaker components to exceed their thermal
limits. Dependent on the amount by which the limits are exceeded and the duration of the
overcurrent condition, the parts that were used to construct the circuit breaker can overheat
and cause the integrity of the circuit breaker to degrade. This degradation can lead to circuit
breaker failure.

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Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations

Voltage Rating
The voltage rating of a circuit breaker is the nominal voltage class or classes in which the
circuit breaker is rated. The voltage rating represents the rms voltage to which the operating
characteristics and the performance characteristics of the circuit breaker are referenced.

Maximum Design Voltage Rating

The maximum design voltage rating of a circuit breaker is the maximum voltage, expressed in
rms volts, at which the circuit breaker was designed to operate. The maximum design voltage
rating of a circuit breaker must be higher than the maximum anticipated operating voltage
under the worst case conditions of power line voltage regulation. Operation of a circuit
breaker at a voltage that is higher than the circuit breaker’s maximum design voltage rating
may cause the circuit breaker’s insulation to break down or degrade. Degraded insulation can
lead to overheating, shorts, or undesirable circulating currents that can cause the circuit
breaker to operate incorrectly or to completely fail.

K Factor
The K factor of a circuit breaker is the ratio of rated maximum voltage to the lower limit of
the range of operating voltage in which the required symmetrical and asymmetrical current
interrupting capabilities vary in inverse proportion to the operating voltage. The rated
maximum voltage divided by the K factor will yield the minimum operating voltage at which
the circuit breaker will interrupt its rated MVA. At voltages that are below the minimum
operating voltage, the circuit breaker is not designed to interrupt the rated MVA; the circuit
breaker will interrupt some value that is less than rated MVA. This fact is very significant in
the rating of power circuit breakers because a circuit breaker will interrupt a maximum of
only so many amperes regardless of voltage. At any voltage (kV) that is less than the
minimum operating voltage, the product of the maximum kilo-amperes (ka) interrupting
capability, the kV, and the square root of three is less than the MVA interrupting rating of the
circuit breaker.

Basic Impulse Level (BIL)

The basic impulse level (BIL) of a circuit breaker is the reference insulation level, expressed
as the impulse crest value of withstand voltage of a specified full impulse voltage wave, that
the circuit breaker must withstand without a flashover. The BIL is based on a test that uses a
wave that is intended to simulate a lightning stroke. The wave that is used for the test that is
performed on a circuit breaker is a 1.2 x 50 microsecond wave. The wave goes from zero to a
crest voltage in 1.2 microseconds, and the wave reaches a magnitude that is half of the value
of the crest voltage in 50 microseconds.

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The BIL describes the ability of a circuit breaker to withstand voltage surges that may occur
on the system that contains the circuit breaker. Voltage surges on the system can damage the
insulation on the conducting parts of the circuit breaker. If a circuit breaker is exposed to a
surge voltage that exceeds the BIL rating, circuit breaker insulation damage or failure can
occur. The design of the circuit breaker must account for the maximum amount of surge
voltage that the circuit breaker can be reasonably expected to withstand and must ensure that
insulation degradation does not occur at that maximum surge voltage.

Short-Circuit Interrupting Rating

The short-circuit interrupting rating of a circuit breaker can be expressed as two different
quantities: volt-amperes (VA) and amperes. The initial industry practice was to specify the
short-circuit rating in VA (kVA, MVA). The short-circuit interrupting rating of a circuit
breaker in VA is the product of the phase voltage of the circuit and the interrupting ability of
the breaker (in amperes) at stated intervals and a specific number of times. The current
(amperes) that is used is the rms value of current that exists during the first half-cycle of arc
between the contacts of the breaker on the opening stroke.

The present practice, and the practice that is specified in ANSI C37, is to designate the short-
circuit interrupting rating of a circuit breaker as a short-circuit current rating. The short-
circuit current rating of a circuit breaker is the maximum rms symmetrical current (ka) that the
circuit breaker can interrupt at the maximum rated voltage. All of the other required short-
circuit capabilities of a circuit breaker are related back to the short-circuit current rating. The
remainder of this section contains a brief discussion of the following circuit breaker
capabilities that are related to the short-circuit current rating:

• Maximum Symmetrical Interrupting Capability

• Maximum Asymmetrical Interrupting Capability (Momentary Rating)

Maximum Symmetrical Interrupting Capability

The maximum symmetrical interrupting capability of a circuit breaker is equal to K times the
rated short-circuit current. This value is the maximum symmetrical rms current that the
circuit breaker can interrupt. This value of current is also the three-second, short-time,
current-carrying capability of the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker can carry this amount of
current in the closed position for a period of three seconds to allow for relay operating times.

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Maximum Asymmetrical Interrupting Capability (Momentary Rating)

The asymmetrical interrupting capability of a circuit breaker is the maximum rms
asymmetrical current that a circuit breaker can interrupt, including short circuit currents from
all sources and motors (induction and synchronous) and the dc component. This rating is
independent of the operating voltage for a given circuit breaker. The maximum rms
asymmetrical interrupting capability of a circuit breaker is equal to 1.6K times the rated short-
circuit current, and the maximum crest value is equal to 2.7K times the rated short-circuit

Standard Operating Duty Rating

The standard operating duty rating or duty cycle of a circuit breaker is two unit operations
(close operation that is followed by an open operation, CO) with a 15 second interval between
operations. This duty cycle is represented as follows:

CO - 15 seconds - CO

The circuit breaker interrupting capabilities that were discussed in the previous sections are
based on this duty cycle.

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The requirements that circuit breakers must meet as well as suggestions for the proper
operation of circuit breakers are found in the following documents:

• Manufacturer’s Technical Manual

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Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations

An SAES is a Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard. In general, an SAES contains the
minimum mandatory requirements that govern a particular piece of equipment or a particular
type of installation. The SAES also refers to other codes and standards that apply to the
particular piece of equipment or type of installation. If a conflict should arise between an
SAES and another document that relates to the material that is in an SAES, the conflict must
be resolved by the Saudi Aramco Chief Engineer in Dhahran.

SAES-P-116 is the particular SAES that governs the evaluation and use of circuit breakers in
Saudi Aramco systems. SAES-P-116 lists some physical restrictions on the construction of
circuit breakers that are used in Saudi Aramco systems (e.g., oil circuit breakers are not
permitted in Saudi Aramco systems.) More importantly, SAES-P-116 indicates the reference
documents that are used as a guide during the performance of the testing that is required
before a circuit breaker can be used in Saudi Aramco systems and during the installation of
circuit breakers into Saudi Aramco systems. When a statement is made in an SAES that
indicates that a requirement of the SAES is found in another document, the applicable parts of
the referenced document, in essence, become part of the SAES.

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Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations

An SADP is a Saudi Aramco Design Practice. The intent of the SADP is to provide
amplifying information on the technical requirements that are found in the SAES. The
information that is in the SADP is not mandatory; however, the SADP may contain some of
the mandatory requirements that are found in the SAES. Any mandatory SAES requirements
that are in an SADP are shown in upper case type.

Each SADP corresponds to a particular SAES. The SADP that applies to the evaluation and
use of circuit breakers in Saudi Aramco systems is SADP-P-116. The suffix P-116
corresponds to both the SAES and the SADP that apply to the evaluation and use of circuit
breakers. The SADP contains amplifying information about the following aspects of circuit
breaker evaluation and installation:

• Definitions.

• Published standards that govern the evaluation and installation of circuit


• Examples of applications of circuit breakers in Saudi Aramco systems.

• Design conditions that will ensure the safe operation of circuit breakers
in Saudi Aramco systems.

• Derating of circuit breakers due to ambient conditions.

The use of the information in SADP-P-116 in conjunction with the requirements that are in
SAES-P-116 will aid in the proper testing and use of circuit breakers in Saudi Aramco

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Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations

An SAMSS is a Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification. The function of the SAMSS
is similar to the function of the SAES in that the SAMSS provides minimum technical
requirements; however, the SAES provides the minimum technical requirements for an entire
system, while the SAMSS, in general, provides the minimum technical requirements for a
particular piece of equipment. Because a system is often made up of many individual pieces
of equipment, the possibility exists for an SAES to reference many SAMSS’s for pieces of
equipment that, when used in conjunction with each other, form a system.

The SAMSS’s that apply to the evaluation and installation of circuit breakers are:

• 16-SAMSS-501 Switchgear Assemblies Including Control


• 16-SAMSS-502 Metal-Enclosed, Low-Voltage Switchgear


• 16-SAMSS-503 Low-Voltage Motor Control Centers and Switchracks

(600 Volts and Below).

• 16-SAMSS-506 Medium-Voltage Motor Control Center.

16-SAMSS-501 defines the minimum technical requirements for switchgear assemblies that
include requirements for circuit breakers. The technical requirements are contained in
American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Specification C37.20-1974 and include the
additions and exceptions that are presented in 16-SAMSS-501.

16-SAMSS-502 defines the minimum mandatory requirements for the design, fabrication,
testing, and handling of metal-enclosed, low-voltage switchgear assemblies that include
requirements for circuit breakers. The technical requirements address construction
requirements, equipment ratings, protection and control devices, equipment accessories,
testing requirements (including the ANSI standards that govern the tests), and quality
assurance documentation requirements.

16-SAMSS-503 defines the minimum technical requirements for low-voltage motor control
centers that include circuit breakers as part of the assembly. The technical requirements
address the types of circuit breakers that are acceptable to use with different sizes of motor
control centers and the physical and electric characteristics of the circuit breakers that are
acceptable to use in motor control centers.

16-SAMSS-506 defines the minimum technical requirements for medium-voltage motor

control centers that include circuit breakers as part of the assembly. The technical
requirements address the types of circuit breakers that are acceptable to use with medium-

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voltage motor control centers as well as the requirements that govern the physical placement
of the circuit breakers in relation to the low-voltage control devices that are required in
medium-voltage motor control centers.

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Manufacturer’s Technical Manual

The manufacturer’s technical manual (MTM) is a document that is prepared by the
manufacturer of a circuit breaker. The MTM is intended to provide its reader with the
information that the reader will need to know from the receipt of the circuit breaker from the
manufacturer to the maintenance of the circuit breaker after it has been placed in operation.
In general, all MTM’s contain the same information; however, the depth of the discussion of
certain topics can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Usually, the MTM will discuss,
to some degree, the following topics:

• Instructions on how to receive, unpack, and handle the circuit breaker

after delivery from the manufacturer.

• A description of the components that are used to construct the circuit


• A list of tests that are to be performed after receipt of a circuit breaker.

• Instructions on how to install the circuit breaker.

• A description of the initial adjustments that need to be made to the

circuit breaker.

• A description of the operating adjustments that need to be made to the

circuit breaker.

• An explanation of how the circuit breaker suppresses an arc (i.e., how

the circuit breaker works.)

• A description of typical circuit breaker performance.

• An identification of the operating mechanism of the circuit breaker and

instructions for the installation, adjustment, operation, and maintenance
of the operating mechanism.

• A description of the maintenance of the circuit breaker.

• A description of inspection procedures that are to be performed during

the routine maintenance of the circuit breaker.

The MTM provides instructions that pertain to the delivery of a circuit breaker from the
manufacturer. The MTM will detail how to remove the packaging material from the circuit
breaker, and it will explain how to move the circuit breaker without causing damage.

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The operation of a circuit breaker requires many components of the circuit breaker to work in
concert. The MTM will point out the components that make up the circuit breaker. Diagrams
are provided in the MTM that indicate where the individual components are located in the
circuit breaker.

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Many times, a circuit breaker must be stored for an extended period of time before the circuit
breaker is installed. Tests should be performed on the circuit breaker before the circuit
breaker is put into storage. The tests will establish “as delivered” qualities for the circuit
breaker. The tests should be performed again just prior to the installation of the circuit
breaker, and a comparison should be made to the results of the “as delivered” tests to
determine whether the circuit breaker was damaged during storage. The MTM will specify
the tests that are to be performed on the circuit breaker as well as the procedures that should
be followed to perform the tests.

To ensure that the circuit breaker will properly and safely operate, the circuit breaker must be
correctly installed. The MTM will provide step-by-step instructions on how to install the
circuit breaker. Strict adherence to the instructions that are provided by the manufacturer will
ensure that the circuit breaker installation performs its intended function in a manner that will
not be a safety hazard.

During fabrication, the manufacturer of a circuit breaker may install pieces into the spaces of
the circuit breaker to ensure that internal components of the circuit breaker will not be
damaged during transit. The initial adjustments to a circuit breaker include removal of these
protective devices as well as other adjustments that will ensure proper initial operation of the
circuit breaker. The MTM will detail the adjustments that need to be performed.

In general, once the initial adjustments have been made to the circuit breaker, the circuit
breaker should be manually cycled through its open-close operation. The circuit breaker
should then be left in the closed position so that operating adjustments can be made. The
operating adjustments are similar in nature to the initial adjustments except that the initial
adjustments are made with the circuit breaker in the open position and the operating
adjustments are made with the circuit breaker in the closed position. Again, the MTM will
detail the adjustments that need to be performed.

The installation of a circuit breaker provides protection for some piece of electrical
equipment. The switching mechanism that the circuit breaker uses to break a circuit will
cause an arc to be formed across the contacts of the circuit breaker as the contacts open. The
method that is used to suppress the arc varies for different types (e.g., air, oil) of circuit
breakers. The means by which various types of circuit breakers suppress an arc were
discussed in Module EEX 204.01; however, the MTM also should discuss how the circuit
breaker suppresses an arc.

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As part of the design process of a Saudi Aramco electrical system, the operational
characteristics of a circuit breaker under normal operating conditions may need to be known.
The MTM should list the operational characteristics of the circuit breaker under normal
operational conditions. The operational characteristics include the minimum amount of fault
current that will actuate the operation of the circuit breaker and the number of cycles that will
be required for the circuit breaker’s contact to open and extinguish an arc.

To properly operate, a circuit breaker must have a mechanism that will open the circuit
breaker’s contacts. The MTM should identify the type of mechanism that the circuit breaker
employs to open the circuit breaker’s contacts (e.g., a solenoid or a pneumatic mechanism).
In a manner that is similar to the instructions that are provided for the circuit breaker, the
MTM should provide instructions that pertain to the installation, adjustment, operation, and
maintenance of the operating mechanism of the circuit breaker.

To maintain a circuit breaker in its optimum operating condition after initial installation, a
maintenance schedule should be identified and employed. The MTM should identify a
schedule for the replacement of the circuit breaker’s parts. The MTM should also identify
other forms of maintenance that should be performed on the circuit breaker (e.g., cleaning and
the application of lubrication to the movable parts). The MTM should also identify various
inspections and adjustments that should be performed.

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In most cases, pieces of electrical apparatus operate in conjunction with a circuit breaker. To
permit evaluation of a circuit breaker installation as a whole, the physical characteristics of
the circuit breaker as well as the pieces of electrical apparatus must be considered. The
following types of diagrams are available to use to evaluate circuit breaker installations:

• One-Line Diagrams
• Elementary Diagrams
• Panel Diagrams
• Interconnection Diagrams
• Construction Diagrams

One-Line Diagrams
A one-line diagram is a simple, graphic representation of an electrical system or device. The
individual parts of the electrical system or device are represented by symbols. Because
confusion could arise if different symbols were used to represent the same individual parts,
standardized symbols were developed by ANSI and IEEE. These standardized symbols are
used to represent pieces of electrical equipment in one-line diagrams. Figure 1 contains
examples of standard symbols.

At times, a symbol may be further defined by a number. The number will usually appear
inside the symbol that it describes. The numbers refer to ANSI/IEEE standard device
numbers. For example, 87 is the standard device number for a differential protective relay.

One-line diagrams can be drawn with varying degrees of accuracy. The amount of accuracy
that is put into the one-line diagram will depend on the use or application of the one-line
diagram. For example, a one-line diagram that is used for a future electric load study would
not need to list the types and locations of the electric system’s protective relays and circuit
breakers. A one-line diagram that is prepared to study the stability of an electric system
would need to show the protective relays and circuit breakers in their positions in the electric
system. Such a one-line diagram may also need to provide some of the electric ratings of the
protective relays and circuit breakers.

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Examples of One-Line Diagram Symbols

Figure 1

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In general, rules do not exist that dictate the amount of detail that must appear in a one-line
diagram; however, good engineering practice would indicate that as much detail as possible
should be provided. The person who draws the one-line diagram must know the purpose of
the one-line diagram and then provide sufficient information for the drawing to accomplish
that purpose. While not required, additional information may provide a future reader with
details that, otherwise, may require more research.

Figure 2 (an excerpt from SAES-P-114) is an example of a one-line diagram. A generator bus
is on the left side of the diagram and a high voltage (HV) bus is on the right side of the
diagram. Figure 2 is a graphic representation of the two buses, the transformer that is
between the two buses, and the protective equipment for the transformer.

Example of a One-Line Diagram

Figure 2

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The generator bus is represented by the vertical line that is labeled “GENERATOR BUS.”
The high voltage bus is represented by a vertical line that is labeled “HV BUS.” The power
circuit breakers that protect the transformer windings are represented by the squares. The
windings of the power transformer are represented by the connected half-circles that are
drawn so that the bottom of one half-circle is connected to the top of the next half-circle. The
triangle and the “Y” at the top of the transformer windings indicate how the transformer’s
windings are connected. The triangle indicates that the transformer’s windings on that side of
the transformer are connected in a delta configuration. The “Y” indicates that the
transformer’s windings on that side of the transformer are connected in a wye configuration.
The symbol that looks like a transformer winding with a line drawn through is a
representation of a current transformer. The current transformers are the devices that provide
the signal for the relays to operate. The relays are represented by the circles with an
alphanumeric inside of the circle. The alphanumeric characters represent a particular type of
relay. The types of relays that these symbols represent are listed on the drawing from which
Figure 2 was excerpted.

As was stated earlier, a one-line diagram allows for the graphic representation of an electrical
system or device. The electrical system that is represented in Figure 2 is the electrical
connection between a generating station and a high-voltage transmission line. The electrical
connection is made by using a power transformer that is delta-connected on the generator side
and wye-connected on the load or HV bus side. The transformer is protected on both sides by
circuit breakers, and the circuit breakers are actuated by relays. The relays, which are
identified by number, are actuated by current transformers that are located on both sides of the
power transformer. The one-line diagram merely shows the physical connections between the
components that make up an electrical system; it does not indicate the direction of current
flow or the amount of current flow.

Elementary Diagrams
An elementary diagram is a diagram that allows its reader to see the electrical connections and
functions of a specific circuit arrangement. Elementary diagrams and schematic diagrams
provide the same type of information, and the names are interchangeably used. Like the one-
line diagram, the elementary diagram also uses graphic symbols to designate specific parts of
the circuit arrangement. The symbols that are used in elementary diagrams are similar to the
symbols that are used in the preparation of one-line diagrams.

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While the elementary diagram allows its reader to trace the connections and functions of a
specific circuit arrangement, it does not provide any information about the physical size,
shape, or location of the individual components that make up the circuit arrangement. The
information that is found on an elementary diagram tends to pertain to the positions of relay
contacts, the types of relays, the types of circuit breakers, and indicating lights that are used in
a circuit arrangement.

Figure 3 is an example of an elementary diagram. The elementary diagram that is depicted in

Figure 3 is a graphic representation of a directional switch that controls a motor. The top
portion of Figure 3 shows the power circuit of the motor, and the bottom portion of Figure 3
shows the control circuit of the motor.

The power portion of Figure 3 indicates that the motor supply lines (i.e., L1, L2, and L3) are
connected to two switches. One of the switches, the F switch, will run the motor in a forward
direction, and the other switch, the R switch, will run the motor in a reverse direction. Two of
the supply lines, L1 and L2, contain overload (OL) relays that are connected upstream of the
motor. The supply lines are connected to leads that connect to the motor’s windings (i.e., T1,
T2, and T3). The flow of current through the two switches indicates how the motor’s
direction can be reversed.

The bottom portion of the circuit indicates how the control circuit can control the direction of
the motor. When the forward switch is pressed, current will flow from L1, through the stop
switch, the reverse switch, the forward switch, the forward contactor (F), and the overload
contact to L3. This current flow causes the forward contactor to energize, which closes the
four “F” contacts. The three “F” contacts that are in the power circuit energize the motor in
the forward direction. The “F” contact that is in the control circuit provides a means to keep
the forward contactor energized after the forward switch is released. If the stop switch, the
reverse switch, or the overload contact opens while the motor is running in the forward
direction, the “F” contacts will open and the motor will stop. The reverse switch functions in
the same manner as the forward switch. The only difference is that the reverse switch causes
the reverse (R) contacts to operate.

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Example of an Elementary Diagram

Figure 3

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Panel Diagrams
A panel diagram for a circuit breaker installation is a diagram that shows the location and
termination of each wire that is connected to a circuit breaker. The panel diagram is limited to
those connections that are inside the panel that contains the circuit breaker. Because of this
limitation in scope, the panel diagram is sometimes referred to as an internal wiring diagram.

The panel diagram should include the connections that are made to the circuit breaker, the
relays that are associated with the operation of the circuit breaker, and all terminal blocks that
may be required for the proper operation of the circuit breaker. As was the case for an
elementary diagram, many of the standard symbols that are used in the preparation of one-line
diagrams are used in the preparation of panel diagrams.

During the preparation of a panel diagram, an attempt should be made to draw the devices on
the diagram in the same relative positions as they appear inside of the panel. For example, if
the panel contains a relay that is above a terminal block that is above another relay, then the
panel diagram should be drawn so that a relay appears over a terminal block that appears over
another relay. This method of orientation helps to alleviate confusion when the drawing is
used in the field. The labels that are used to identify devices in a panel drawing should also
be the same as the labels that appear on the devices in the field.

The wires that are used to make connections between the devices should be drawn so that a
label appears on each termination of the wire; each label should describe where the other end
of the wire is terminated. Figure 4 describes these concepts in pictorial form.

In Figure 4, an 8-pin relay is labeled “A”; a 16-terminal block is labeled “TB1”; and a circuit
breaker is labeled “CB-1”. The label “CT-1” that appears next to the wires that are connected
to TB1-13 and TB1-15 refers to a current transformer that is located outside of the panel.
Relay pins A1, A8, A7, A6, A2, and A3 are connected to terminal block terminals TB1-8,
TB1-16, TB1-1, TB1-9, TB1-13, and TB1-15, respectively. The CB-1A and CB-1B terminals
that are on CB-1 refer to the solenoid that actuates the operation of the circuit breaker. The
diagram indicates that the wires that run from the CB-1A and CB-1B terminals of the circuit
breaker are connected to relay pins A4 and A5, respectively. An examination of the diagram
from the circuit breaker to the relay indicates that the wires are connected as indicated by the

Although Figure 4 shows a relatively simple example, it does emphasize the need to properly
label a panel diagram. The connections that are shown in the diagram are easy to follow;
however, in the field, the connections are not as easy to trace. Because panel diagrams are
mainly used as troubleshooting documents, correct panel diagram labels are very important.

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Example of a Panel Diagram

Figure 4

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Interconnection Diagrams
Interconnection diagrams show the complete connections between pieces of equipment,
equipment assemblies, and the associated pieces of apparatus that are required to operate the
equipment. The scope of the diagram is limited to the connections between electrical panels
and omits the electrical connections that are made inside each panel. Because of this
limitation in scope, interconnection diagrams are sometimes referred to as external wiring

An interconnection diagram should use the same labeling scheme as the other types of
diagrams with which the interconnection diagram is associated. For example, a terminal
block that is labeled TB1 in a panel diagram should be labeled TB1 in an interconnection
diagram. To provide further clarification, the individual terminals of each terminal block
should be provided with designations. Figure 5 is an example of an interconnection diagram
that could apply to the panel diagram that was presented in Figure 4.

Figure 5 contains the electrical components of the panel diagram that was depicted in Figure
4. The circuit breaker panel that was depicted in Figure 4 is labeled as CB-1 panel. From the
CB-1 panel, the connections that are made to the current transformer (CT-1) are drawn.
Because they do not run out of the panel, all of the other connections that were drawn on the
terminal block in Figure 4 are left off of the interconnection diagram in Figure 5.

The electrical system that is described by Figure 5 also has two other circuit breakers that are
used to provide protection for the system. The panels for these two circuit breakers are
labeled as CB-2 panel and CB-3 panel. According to the diagram, these two circuit breakers
have connections to current transformers. The circuit breakers also have connections to an
emergency power supply to ensure the proper operation of the circuit breakers. The
interconnection diagram gives only enough information to indicate that the connections to the
current transformers and the emergency power supply are made. If more specific information
that pertains to how the connections are made is required, then the panel diagrams that pertain
to the CB-2 panel and CB-3 panel must be examined.

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Engineering Encyclopedia Electrical
Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations

Example of an Interconnection Diagram

Figure 5

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Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations

Construction Diagrams
A construction diagram is a diagram that describes the physical configuration of a circuit
breaker installation. The construction diagram will provide very little, if any, information
about the electrical ratings of the components that are required to construct the circuit breaker
installation. The construction diagram will provide information that describes the installation
of the circuit breaker panel and will give dimensional information for the panel. The scope of
the dimensional information should describe the dimensions between the components that are
inside the circuit breaker panel as well as the dimensions between the panel and other
structures in the vicinity (e.g., the ground and other panels). Figure 6 is a construction
diagram that describes the physical configuration of the panel that was depicted in Figure 4.

Figure 6 shows the components that are inside of the panel box as they were described in
Figure 4. From Figure 6, the distance from the top of the relay to the top of the panel and the
distance from the top of the circuit breaker to the top of the panel is 20.32 cm (8 in). The
relay is a device that is 5.08 cm (2 in) in length on all sides. There are 10.16 cm (4 in)
between the relay and the terminal block. The terminal block measures 30.48 cm (12 in) by
3.81 cm (1.5 in), and it is located 15.24 cm (6 in) to the right of the left side of the panel box.
The circuit breaker measures 20.32 cm (8 in) by 45.72 cm (18 in), and it is located 30.48 cm
(12 in) to the right of the relay. The front opening of the panel box measures 91.44 cm (36 in)
by 60.96 cm (24 in), and the bottom of the panel box should be 121.92 (48 cm) above ground

A review of Figure 6 indicates that some of the electrical features of the devices that are in the
panel box are identified on the construction diagram; however, the reason for their inclusion
in the diagram is to provide the reader with a reference of orientation when looking into the
panel box. The pin numbers that are on the relay and the line and load (A, B, and C; and L1,
L2, and L3, respectively) labels are provided to give a frame of reference as the reader relates
the information that is on the drawing to what is present in the panel box.

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Information Sources for Evaluating Circuit Breaker Installations

Example of a Construction Diagram

Figure 6

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basic impulse The reference insulation level, expressed as the impulse crest
value of
level (BIL) withstand voltage of a specified full impulse voltage wave, that an
electrical device must withstand without the occurrence of a

continuous The limit of rms amperes that a circuit breaker is designed to

carry under
current rating normal operating conditions.

fault A partial or total local failure in the insulation or continuity of a

conductor. In general, a short circuit occurs at a fault.

K factor The ratio of rated maximum voltage of a circuit breaker to the

lower limit of the range of operating voltage in which the
required symmetrical and asymmetrical current interrupting
capabilities vary in inverse proportion to the operating voltage.

maximum design The maximum rms voltage at which a circuit breaker was
designed to
voltage rating operate.

pole The portion of a device that is exclusively associated with one

electrically separated conducting path of the main circuit of the

root mean square A commonly used term that is calculated by taking the square
root of the
(rms) average of the squared value of a periodic function over one
period of the function. RMS values commonly describe values
of current and voltage in a power system.

short circuit The maximum rms symmetrical current that a circuit breaker can
interrupt at
current its maximum rated voltage.

voltage rating The nominal voltage class or classes in which a circuit breaker is

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 26

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