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Moshaddeq Freudy N

Part 1
Directions : Part of each sentence is underlined. Decide whether it is a main clause (MC),
a subordinate clause (SC), or a phrase (PHR). Put the appropriate abbreviation in the
1. An accountant is a person who organizes, maintains, analyzes, and interprets business
records. (MC)
2. An ancient Chinese medical procedure, acupuncture involves the insertion of thin
metal needles into various parts of the human body. (PHR)
3. An adult American alligator will range in length from six to twenty feet . (PHR)
4. As the price of pocket calculators has dropped, engineering students have almost
completely given up slide rules which were once extremely popular . (SC)
5. Although growing children need up to twelve hours of sleep in some cases , many
adults do well on only six hours per night. (SC)
Part 2
Directions : Part of each sentence in the text is underlined. Decide whether it is a main
clause (MC), a subordinate clause (SC), or a phrase (PHR). Put the appropriate
abbreviation in the blank.
The process of global warming (1) and the destructive nature of wildfires have created a
deadly cycle in which one constantly contributes to the other. Forest fires and global warming
have created a dangerous relationship(2). The link between these two force has become clear
in recent years. As the climate becomes warmer(3), forests will become drier, spawning the
perfect environment for fires. In addition, as forest fires continue and gain intensity, the trees
release more carbon into the atmosphere (4) which contributes to the greenhouse effect and
which therefore causes global warming.
The increase in forest fires can now be seen as a factor which contributes to global
warming(5). Trees, in the carbon cycle(6), are labeled a "sink" or a store for carbon. The ability
of trees to store carbon dioxide has helped reduce the amount of CO2(7) that is pumped into
the atmosphere. But, now that more trees are being burned through increased forest fires, this
store carbon is being released(8) and the CO2 becomes part of the greenhouse gases that drive
the greenhouse effect. So we believe that extra fires intensify global warming(9). Furthermore,
carbon is released in the decomposition of the trees after the fire(10). There is no doubt that
global warming and forest fires are linked rising temperatures.
1. PHR
2. PHR
3. SC
4. MC
5. SC
6. PHR
7. MC
8. PHR
9. SC
10. PHR

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