ETHICS EXAM - Cases and Stages ARG (LORA)

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Since childhood, Irven and Shasha have been best friends. Irven once noticed several bruises on
Shasha's arm. He inquires as to where she got it, but Rose shrugs and says she got it when she
fell and landed on the couch. This goes on for months, but Shasha always comes up with a story
for how she obtains her injuries. Irven spends a day at his Grandparents' place on vacation. As
he returned home, he received word that his best friend, Shasha, had committed suicide. He
later realizes that Shasha's injuries are the result of her father abusing her while he is
intoxicated. Because of what he did to Rose, he was blinded by rage and vowed to kill her
Stage of Moral Development:
Stage 5: Social Contract
You can't really blame Irven for killing Shasha's father for what he did to her, but that doesn't
excuse the person from taking the law into their own hands. It depicts Stage 5 of moral growth,
in which moral action may involve arguing in favor of changing norms or regulations in order to
protect society's health; mindless obedience is more firmly questioned; and cultural disparities
in what is deemed ethical behavior are recognized.

Case 2
Mia, a 5-year-old girl, bites her younger brother's arm in order to keep him from bothering her
while she was playing with her dolls. Mia lies when her mother asks what she did to him.
Stage of Moral Development:
Stage 1: Punishment Avoidance and Obedience
The instance exemplifies the characteristics of a moral agent. Despite knowing what she done,
she continued to lie to escape penalty. This is a stage 1 moral growth in which Marla
determines what is best for her in that scenario, which is to lie, without considering his
brother's reaction when she bit him or her mother's reaction when she discovers her daughter
is lying.

Case 3
Raylanz is well-known in his community for being a kind and diligent young man. His mother
and two younger siblings reside with him. His father was killed in an automobile accident.
Raylanz has accepted his responsibility as the oldest sibling to assist his mother since then. . The
youngest sister became unwell one day and had to be taken to the hospital. His mother was
frightened since she couldn't afford to pay the medical fees. As he walks home, a man
approaches him and asks if he wants to sell narcotics to assist his mother pay her medical costs.
Raylanz rejects his offer without hesitation.
Stage of Moral Development:
Stage 3: Good Boy/Girl
In this situation, it demonstrates that Raylanz understands that accepting the offer would bring
shame to his family, and that his mother would not appreciate it if she knew where the money
came from, even if his intentions were pure. It definitely demonstrates stage 3 moral growth, as
Raylanz makes decisions based on what would please others, particularly his mother, despite
the setback his family is experiencing.

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