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Angelie M.


Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

As the climate change is very rampant nowadays, we will be talking about the City Ordinance
No. 13378-2018 that is implemented here in Cagayan de Oro to lessen the use of plastics that can
directly resulted to climate change through emitting gases that can impact greenhouse effect. In
summary it states that “City Ordinance No. 13378-2018 or the “Integrated Eco-biological Solid
Waste Management Ordinance” prohibits business owners and market vendors from dispensing
single-use plastic materials as packaging or wrapper for bought goods and items”. You can
access the information of this ordinance through this link:

The goal of this reaction paper is to express my thoughts and opinions on the impact of this City
Ordinance on our beloved city. Despite the fact that Cagayan de Oro is not a state, I am
considering taking on this ordinance and its impacts because I have firsthand experience with it
and can see the ramifications better than anyone else. I’ve been quietly pushing for
environmental protection, and I want everyone to understand that even small actions can help
rescue our mother earth.

In the year 2020, Cagayan de Oro City is expected to have a population of 776, 641 people.
CLENRO’s Chief Engineer, “Each family produced an estimated total of 0.76 kilogram,” says
Armen Cuenca. In the last few years, our city has created an estimated 250 tons of waste, which
means that our city has an estimated 250 tons of garbage. The rubbish was disposed of in a 45-
hectare dump regularly in Barangay Pagalungan that was established in 2017. Because it
couldn’t handle any more waste, the first dumpsite was converted into an Eco park. It clarifies
how Cagayan de Oro contributes to climate change in this case. As a result, our city fought for
this rule in order to successfully reduce our rubbish production, or to put it another way, our
contribution in ruining mother earth.

I can honestly state that the first month of this Ordinance’s implementation has been quite
difficult, knowing that you must either bring your own supermarket bag or purchase an Eco bag.
Aren’t we not used to it? It’s even worse when wet things are placed in a paper bag, which is
then torn apart. The majority of people are upset about it, and some are even violating it. People
are gradually adjusting to the use of recyclable bags as months and years pass. But, according to
the Philippine News Agency, our rubbish here in Cagayan de Oro has decreased by up to 48
percent as a result of this legislation. Isn’t it incredible? Well, knowing that our rubbish had
decreased by 48 percent astounded me much. I believe this ordinance is both beneficial and long-
term. It only takes a little patience and law-abiding citizens to make a difference.

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