April 2016

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m~ AUSTRALASIAN GUNNELLING OCIETY AUSTRALIAN AND NZ TUNNELLING UPDATE Underground Mining update In Australia and NZ ASIAN TUNNELLING UPDATE David Sugden Award 2015 / Ultimate The Eurasia Tunnel - an unparalleled milestone eam TB : Bo ee ieee bee awit, d Pioneer variable and abr Final breakthrough on August ‘after 16 months of extreme ‘tunnelling, 2 dream came true. jorus crossing with an unshakeable will and team spirit. = — a . 3. - = f- \ e Pee Pioneering Underground Technologies www.herrenknecht.com “Tunneling Systoms. Contents apr AUSTRALIA TUNNEL NEWS. 8 sydney Metro North West tunnelling breakthrough 8 CIMIC wins $4.3b Sydney tunnel contract. 9 Private sector called on to fund Melbourne Metro ralltunnet 10 O-Bahn tunnel design and construction contract awerded 10. Sydney Metro TBMs to start work in 2018 12. Legacy Way: figures reveal time savingsin tunnels first three months 12. Brisbane's Lord Mayor lobbys federal government. for BaT Tunnel funds 13. Golden Gecko awarded to innovative micratunnel project 13, Next phase of S1 Main Sewer works begin 13. Kenmore to Jindalee crosssiver tunnel 14 Melbourne's WGW project 16 Perth City Link 16 Forrestfield-Airport Link NEW ZEALAND TUNNEL NEWS 17, Auckland's Alice tunnel machine breaks through 18 Kaimairailtunnel upgrade 18. Train-only Auckland harbour tunnel promoted 19. Wellington's Mt Victoria Tunnel to be painted a “calming” shade of green ASIAN TUNNELLING NEWS 20 Tunnel boring machines provide a modern drainage syste for Doha 24 Jakarta MRT tunnel 21. Bangkok giant drainage tunnels 22 The construction of Southeast Asia’s longest raw water transfer tunnel 22. India’s Longest Road Tunnel 24 Water leakage from Parsik hills into Mumbai railway tunnel 24 Tunnel toimprove water supply in Mumbai ISSUE 21 24 First Underwater Car Tunnel in Andhra Pradesh 25 Concern over Mumbai tunnel under national park 25. Rohtang tunnel set to pick up speed 27 ZojiLapass tunnel 27 Mots lands tunnel design For Hong Kong airport 27 China completes its longest lake tunnel 28 Drilling begins For maglev train's tunnelin Japan's Southern Alps 28 Court orders operators to pay damages over Sasago Tunnel collapse 28 Patong tunnel - Phuket's Oblong tunnel digger goes down great 30. When there is ail, there isa TUNNEL: Chinese villagers spend 15 years chiseling out a 650-foot-long mountain passage 31. Tunnel inspection investigation innovation in Japan UNDERGROUND MINING NEWS 32 Kakadu Charter marks 15 years of shared values 32 Australia’s biggest gold mine to undergo expansion 33. Carmichael coal mine approved 33. Convergence at Broadmeadow longwall 33 Deflector Gold Project 34 80 Jobs lost from Wollongong Coal 34. Moranbah North named Australian Coal Mine of the Year 35. Hard Rock Mine ofthe Year 35. ‘Black lung’ makes comebackin Queensland coal mines 36 Another NZ coal minett close 36. Pike River mine sits idle five years on 36 Nautitech’s Thermal Camera Wins Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety 2015 Innovation Award 37 Woodlawn 38 TAAwards 2015, HISTORICAL TUNNELS AND UNDERGROUND MINES OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND 40 Some light at the end of the ZigZag Tunnel 41 Carman's mine 41 Woodstock Underground 42 Adelaide Wall Bunkers ‘44 Historic Underground Photos 45 Rimutaka rail tunnel turns 60 today PLATINUM SPONSORS, John Holland Group Contact: Rob Muley ‘Te (03) 99345209 Fans (03) 9345269 Email: rob.muley@jhg.com.au ‘TW'Treneery Crescent ABBOTSFORD VIC 3067 ‘www johnolland.com.au Bekaert OneStee! Fibres Australasia (BOSFA) Contact: Brad Boardman Tek +3253.43 1010, Fax. 3253.49 10 19 ‘mail, brad boardman@bm- uncergrouncl.com Hekaert Maccaferr Underground Solutions BVA, ‘SkylinE40 - Korte Keppestraat 2002 9320 Aalst-Erembodegem, Belgium ‘wow bm-undergroundcom Herrenknecht (Australia) Pty Ltd Contact:Ciarles Howarth “Tet 07) 3291 2700, Ema hhowarthcharles@hersenknecht.com 98 Links Avenve South, Eagle Fam, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 swavherrenknechtcom HERRENKNECHT Lend Lease Contact-Glen Ashion Tet 02) 91990999 Email Glen Ashton@tendlease.com Level 20-Tower B.The Zenith, 821 Pacitic Highway, Chatswood, NSW 2067 vworulendleaseom GOLD SUPPORTING MEMBERS Abergeldie Mining P/L Tel-(02) 717 777 a (02)8717 7978 Ema: mail@abergeltie.com PO Box 10 Regents Park NSW 2143, ABERGELDIE Bluey Technologies Pty Ltd Tek: (07) 3399 3635 Email: brishane@bluey.com.au Units ,53 Metroplex Avene Murari Qld 4172 Ae rice Dow: Pee ; ( Thre maT Qacciona | mre Mil) 2esetes corners fee ora | nstpnctenteiogqaronas ata Asay ovo ry ua Te (oe) 55500 wham | 2 o., Email, mmiletic@baminternational.com Kobold House, Level 4,17 Prowse St ‘West Perth WA 60415 international BASF Australia Ltd "Tek 3633-9965, E-Mail: warren mahoney@basécom PO Bo 640, SEVEN HILLS NSW 1730 1 Stanton Road SEVEN HILLS NSW 2147 the Chama Company BOSFA ‘Tela 9 820 4081 Fax: 468 9820 4292 Email. apritbosta.com Level 527A Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026,NZ, Email: carakuramotol@phdco Level 8 180 Lonsdale Stree, “Melhouime Vie 3000 Hard Metal Industries ‘Tel: (07) 33764305 Fax: (07) 3376 4308, Email: donsd@hardmetalindustriescom au PO Box 1467, Kenmore QLD 4069 Land Surveys No Problems Just Solutions Pty Ltd ‘Tekos 9477 4477 Email: jarmitage@landsurveysmetau 19Brennan Way Belmont WA 6104 Bamser ‘Tek(07) 3217153, Email: teresamiller@bamser.comau PO Box 2211, Milton, QLD 4068 %® bamser MeMilen Jacobs Associates ngs ‘Tex 61 38102 II0 JACOBS Enaitassi@menjaccom associares Suite 2194, 757 Bourke St, Docklands VIC 3008 GOLD SUPPORTING MEMBERS Mapei Aust Te07 32765000 Email: DebbyNorgrove@mapei.com.au 12Parkview Drive Archerfild OLD $108 Ply Lia ® MAPET Robbins Asia Pacific TRESS? 030 509 “Email raverm@robbinstbm.com PO Bex 480, WYNNUM OLD 4178 Robbin: 2 MeConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust PL ‘Tel (03) 96162633 Email nick hutchinson@medgroup.com Level 3, 10) Burwood Road Hawthorn Vie 3122 Normet Asia Pacitic ‘Tet (0s) 81527700 Email: matin robbins@normet.com Ashwin Pde Torrensville SA USL OneStee! Reinforcing Pty Ltd ‘TeLON9 242886 Email; komselise@onesteeLeom PO Bos 1165 Archerfield QLD $108 Parsons Brinkerhott “Tel (07) 3854 6046 Email: persym@)pbworld com Level 27, Ernst & Young Centre 68) George Street, SyJney NSW 2001 Polls Sulivan Meynink Tel:02 9812 5000 Email: mailbox@psm.com.a G3,56 Dethi Rd North Ryde NSW 2113, Promat Asia Pacific Tel (GS) 8301 202 Fax (08) 8352 1014 Ena: rck@promstcom.su 1 Scotland Road, Mile End SA S031 River Sands Pty Lid Te 04D 892 661 E-mail awalker@riversandscom.ut 683 Beenleigh-Redland Bay Rd, CARBROOK QLD 4x Dr a Eas onesieel iver Sans (07 3287 6448 'SMEC Australia PTY Ltd TebA2 9925 5585, Fac 02 9925 5566 Emaiesycney@smeccom GRsmec Level 5,20 Rerry Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 Stacey Agnew Pty Lid Tek -+61 0407637705, Email nick @staceyag Unit 4.35 Limestone Steet Darra, OLD 4076 Sydney Water Corporation Te (02) S849 3548 E-mail DARYL.GILCHRIST@sydneywatercom.au PO Box 39, Parramatta NSW 2124 ‘Terratec Asia Pacific TEL (08) 6223 3282 ax (03) 6223 268 Email: Nicole Oxley@terratec.co 171 Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000 PO Bex 182, Lindisfarne, TAS 70115, “Wl TERRATEC sworenere twerixcouppyis —— FREDX torecnnicas rea tas 88 SPECIALIST em ax: (02) 9668 9633, Ema mait@therixgroupcom.au Edward Park Unit, 274 Caplan Cook Drive, Kurnell, NSW 2931 XYPEX’ Concrete Solutions Te (02) 6040 2444 Fax: (02) 6040 2411 -nq@xypex.com at Lavington NSW 2641 76 Merkel Street Thurgoona NSW 2640, LTE Tip aa Steel Fibre Tunnel Applications 3D ante) Seats eo eee eens a caols aM Rea ® BEKAERT @) MACCAFERRI UNDERGROUND SOLUTIO! Because we are tunnelling Cover photo: ATS Young Professional Rep wins TTA Young Turneler ofthe year Australasian Tunneling Socetyis a Technical Society of Engines Australa and afiated with Austalasan Instte of Mining and Metatacy the rsitute cf Professional Engneers New Zecand, “The ATS Journal isthe official jourral ofthe Australasian Turneling Society FResponsiity for the content ofthis publoation rests upon the members submiting articles and not the Australasian Tunneling Society. Data presented and conclusions developed by Authors ae fr information only ‘and not intend for use without independent substantiating investigation on the part of the potential users. Executive Committee Members. Executive Committee Members President: Ed Tayor—Jotn Holand Tunneling Immediate Pest Chairman: ‘Smron Knight = Cutabot Pty Lic Treasurer Goof Archer — John Holand Tunneling ‘Quoensiand Representative: Hay Asche — Aurecon Victorian Representative: Danis Gist — Mocornel Dowell West Australian Ropresontative: Mike Buck — Gooste Ply ic NSW Representative: Daryl Gielvst — Sydney Wator New Zealand Representative: Rory Bishop — Harker Underground Consirucian AusiMIM Representative: ‘Aan Robeson — Ausiocks Ply Lid Shotorete Society Representative: Jetin Golson ~ BASF Austala Lid Joural Etor and Web Master: Dac Lees — Grouing and Foundation Works Ausra ‘Young Engineers Representative: ur Kaowsok — Uriversty of Gueendane Secretary: Shey Haringion & Fona Ketel — Engnoors Ausra President’s Foreword ‘To members, supporters and friends of the ATS, Welcome to our first edition for 2016, and what an interesting and active year ahead for tunnelling in the region, particularly in Australia. On the basis of the number of current and committed projects, along with a number of mega projects to come to ‘market during the year, it will be a real test of the Industry’s capability to deliver. We have three new large road tunnel! projects ramping up in the construction phase in Sydney, an 8km twin rail tunnel project only just awarded in Perth, and then within the second half of the year, two major rail metro projects, one in Melbourne and one in Sydney as well as another road project, this time in Melbourne could well be in the bid phase. ‘The pressure on the local engineering, contracting and supply industries will clearly be a challenge, particularly in the area of skilled technical staff and competency trained tunnel practitioners. Undoubtedly we will see and welcome some new international players in the mix, but I have confidence that we can grow and meet the challenge. Certainly, an exciting time! This edition will be out for the World Tunnelling Congress in San Francisco, and I particularly welcome all those new readers from around the globe who happen to pick up a copy and read what goes on “down under” Ed Taylor President ‘Australasian Tunnelling Society EDITOR’S NOTE More news from around Australia and New Zealand as tunnelling ‘maintains a high profile in our construction industry as well as underground ‘mining, Ifyou want to share some news about your project, your research or recent innovative developments, plans for future tunnels or love of history — please feel free to share it with the rest of ATS and send me through your articles for publication Regards David Lees ATS Journal Editor Sydney Metro North West tunnelling breakthrough ‘The Sydney Metro Northwest project is under way with Maria, the project's fourth tunnel boring machine, breaking through a wall of rock at Cheltenham in August 2015 Maria is one ofthe four massive TBMs now burrowing beneath the suburbs to build the longest rail tunnels in Australia, The tunnelling quartet are cutting into Hawkesbury sandstone and [Ashfield Shale to gouge out twin {Skim tunnels forthe $8.3bn Sydney Metro Northwest rail link. The tunnel contactors — a consortium including Thiess, John Holland and Spanish firm Dragados — operate Maria 24 hoursa da, five days a week, access point to the rl tunnels below, set to start operating in Most boring machines arrive “face frst” ata site, breaking 2019 ‘through a wall of rock. But at Cheltenham, Maria, stuck the top 3m of her massive eutter-heads out as part ofconsiruction ofa | In the previous seven months, Maria had dug more than 4km. fiesh air ventilation tunnel. It will also become an emergency | More than two-thirds of the 30km of tunnelling is finished. CIMIC wins $4.3ln Sydney tunnel contract CIMIC will design and construct | revenue of SI.sbn over four years from the existing MS East at the $4.3bn New M5 motorway in Kingsgrove to anew interchange at St ‘Sydney in a joint venture with The New MS tunnel isa stage of Peters, more than doubling capacity of Dragados and Samsung C&T. WestConnes, a large integrated the corridor and substantially transport and urban revitalisation improving east wo west corridor access Securing the contract through its project. between the Sydney CBD, Port Botany construction company, Leighton and Sydney Airport precinets and the Contractors, the project will generate |The New MS will run via twin tunnels | south west growth areas, NorthConnex shaft will be 93m deep NorthConnex will link the Mi Federal Assistant Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motoroway at West Pennant Hills via twin tunnels. The tunnel shaft will be excavated to a E Jamie Briggs and ee a 7 Liberal Federal depth of 93m below ground at Berowra MP Philip ‘Wilson Rd, Pennant Hills, and will Ruddock with provide access for workers and ‘ Liberal federal machinery to construct the 9km Bradfield MP Paul underground road tunnel. Fletcher mark the start of excavation ‘State Roads, Maritime and Freight work for the first NorthConnex tunnel “Minister Duncan Gay suid there was capacity for three fanes in each direction, providing a free-flowing shaft in Wahroong: ‘motorway bypassing 21 trafic lights, entrance and exit, which would check Transurban Group general manager He said when completed, the new twin trucks leaving and rejoining the ‘Andrew Head said he wanted to thanke tunnels would beable to carry more _ motorway to ensure they did not the community for supporting the than 100,000 vehicles cach day and deliberately bypass the road, He said project. “There will be disruption along, ‘would remove 5000 trucks from ‘trucks would be fined at least the the way and we'll do everything we Pennant Hills Rd. Mr Gay said a timer equivalent ofa fare ifthey did not use possibly ean to communication and ‘would be installed at the tunnet"s the tunnel, respond,” he said Private sector asked to fund Melbourne Metro ‘The Melbourne Metrorail tunnel will mostly be built as a ‘public-private partnership, withthe state government on the ‘hunt for investors willing to finance much of the $9 -$1tbn ‘project up-front. In exchange, they will get service payments from the state government for operating and maintaining the 9km rail tunnel once it opens in 11 years. ‘The mde! helps governments avoid going into debt to fund major projects, but ean increase the long-term costs significantly, in part ‘because private-sector finance atrats higher intrest rates than state debs. ‘Treasurer Tim Pallas and Publie Transport Minister Jacinta Allan announced the Victoria government's ground-breaking procurement strategy for Melbourne Metro, which is yet to secure the full 9 STbn needed to ensure its built, Publie-private partnerships have become standard for toll roads in Vitoria, bat ‘nave never previously been used to fund a major passenger rail project in Victoria, ‘The tunnel will connect two of Melbourne's most overcrowded rl ines and relieve tain congestion inthe City Loap that is projected to hit crisis level within the next ive years, "We desperately need Melboure Met — without it our anspor system, our city and our state will grind toa hal” Ms Allan said, ‘The Andrews government wants the private sector to design and build Melbourne Metro's twin nine-kilometre tunnels between South Kensington and South Yarra and is five underground Melbourne Metro Rail Project «Proposed underground station = Proposed underground rai ~ existing © Existngstation railway stations. As pat of the deal, investors who partner with the government could later profit fom development opportunites atthe stations, which will be built beneath busy inner-city hubs including Parkville, Flinders Steet, Latrobe Street and St Kilds Road. Me Pallas said Victoria "was an early adopter inthe delivery of| PPS, and we continue to be atthe forefront oftheir evolution, ith the mulibitlion-dollar partnership between government and the private sector now set to daiver the new tunnel, stations and bother key components of Melbourne Metro". The amount ofthe availabilty payments will be determined in negotiations EOls for Melbourne Metro Rail early works ‘The Victorian state government has invited expressions of interest for earty works associated with the Melbourne Metro Rail project, including the relocation of essential services. ‘These critical works include the relocation and protection of several underground services including sewer and water ‘mains, stormwater pipes and telecommunications cables. ‘Melbourne Metro Rail has also released a video overview of the early works contract, which can be viewed at httpy/mmrailproject.vic.gov.au/resources/videos/early- works-announcement “The goverament has estimated the carly works package to be ‘worth AUS30OM, with EOI applications closing on 23 December 2015. The Melbourne Meto Rail project i a mul-billion network ‘expansion and upgrade package that will see the construction of| ‘nwo 9km tunnels and five new stations. Once completed it will allow the metro system to catty up 10 20,000 extra passengers ‘during peak periods. Major construction work is planned to ‘commence in 2018, PURI a a Australian Tunnelling ‘A colour publication by the Australasian Tunnelling Society Over 150 pages of unique Australian tunneling projects from early eee) The book is available from ATS Secretariat Si a for $95 Sean O-Bahn tunnel design and construction contract awarded ‘A-company with a history of award- The winning projects in South Australia ‘entrance has won the contract to construct, tothe the O-Bahn City Access Project. 0-Bahn McConnell Dowell will design and tunnel on. build South Australia's AUS16OM Hackney ‘tunnel project. Ra, Hackney. ‘Transport and Infrastructure Minister Stephen Mullighan said South Australian workers would share the majority of the jobs expected to be supported aver the life of the project. "McConnell Dowell has delivered some of the state's k infrastructure projects in recent times, | well as provide fore them and fences will prevent anyone including the award-winning Riverbank | in the event of an incident. crossing in front of the tracks or Bridge ~ the centrepiece of our entering the tunnel. Riverbank Precinct,” Mr Mullighan said. | ‘The O-Bahn City Acvess Project isthe “The company has also been involved in | latest investment in rebuilding South | However, many details are still lacking 4a number of other award-winning Australia's public transport network to | in planaing company AECOM's projects including the Bakewell create faster, more efficient and more | development application on behalf of | Underpass and the Adelaide ssible services the State Government. The fencing as Showgrounds Station, McConnell well other parts ofthe project — such as Dowell is engaging SAGE Automation | Meanwhile, the fist designs for the O- | a tunnel service building in Rymill Park which will provide expertise in the Bahn tunnel openi and a footbridge over the River Torrens mechanical and electrical components of | Hackney Rd have at Gilberton — are not included in the the tunnel,” Mr Mullighan said, long, 6m tall stel eanopy will be built in| development application. the middle of Hackney Rd as part of the MeConnell Dowell Chief Executive SI60M O-Bahan tunnel project. second | Reports by consultants employed by Scott Cummins said the company was | 20m-long canopy willbe constructed in | AECOM and included in the delighted to continue its history of close | Rymill Park, near Grenfell St. development application say the tunnel collaboration with the South Australian and bus lanes will not have a detrimental Government. The plans show the beige, perforated | effeoton the heritage-listed Parklands, coverings stretching along nor an adverse impact on groundwater SAGE Automation will deliver some of | Hackney Rd between North Tee and air quality or noise, AECOM sai th the latest Intelligent Transport Systems | Westbury Stand emerging in Rymill | Development Assessment Commission forthe project, which will monitor Park. The park opening will be largely | should approve the tunnel and its safety, tratfie flow, CCTV and screened by tees and shrubs. Lights will | entrances while reserving its decision on communications within the tunnel as | allow people to see buses coming out of | parts such as fencing and landscaping Sydney Metro TBMs to start work in 2018 Se nod Cee ee ocr Cm ey stage of the Sydney Metro City & Southwest Place, Pitt Street, and Sydney Central. The TBM will Pc ae ees Pec emer Sogn! additional metro lines. The government also Deru en te eal ES ae ere Coen ee Re ese Peoria nn The ets nT ee Ce cn ee ed oe ee eect pean firmed fee , j Feel us Reoue tl Legacy Way: figures reveal time savings in tunnel's first three months ‘Travel times on one of Brisbane's worst tra bottlenecks, Milton Road, have been slashed by more than 30 per cent after the much-hyped ‘opening of the $1.5bn Legacy Way toll tunnel, new figures show. Internal modelling conducted by Brisbane City Council shows in the three months ‘since it opened, the 4.6km tunnel has taken an average of 6700 vehicles off Milton Road, in the city's west, each day. The reduction equates to ‘an average time saving of five minutes for morning commuters and two minutes during the afternoon peak. -ency Way has reduced travel times between the Westem —__-moming and alernoon peak, albeit a dramatic drop from the Freeway and the Inner City Bypass by 10 to 12 minutes, saving almost 20 minutes the tip took in bth directions before the bout two-thinds of the previous travel time," sa. "On the tune! opened, surface, ther are 6,700 less motorists using Milton Road which Ina seen travel times drop by 31 percent inthe moming peak Cr Quitk sid the citys four toll wads - Legacy Way, Clem and and 12 per cent in the affemoon peak. Trafic congestion in Airport Link tunnels, and the Go Between Bridge all Brisbane oss business and resident's time and money, equating Transpex projets instigated under the lord mayoralty of tw around SI.3bn per year, and without the right level of Campbell Newman, were essential pices of inffastracture to investment in our transpor system, this could rise $3bn by alleviate congestion as Brisbane grew. "With Legacy Way naw 2020. ‘en, ination the other TransApex roads, move than 120,000 vehicle movements have been removed from However itscems to have fllen short ofthe heavily promoted, Brisbane's surface roads each day, which is delivering consistent "Westem Freeway to the Iner City Bypass in four minutes” and reliable time savings for motorists right across Brisbanc,” promise. The figures show it takes bout sx minutes in both the he said Brisbane’s Lord Mayor lobbys federal government for BaT Tunnel funds Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk wil | important andis done mos efficiently in) get back on the able because while Coss bypass the state government and terns of taxpayer dollars be itstte taxpayer | River Ral will ive one part of equation, it directly lobby Prime Minister Malcolm dollars or federal taxpayer dollars, by a will not solve the problems we have with ‘Tumbull to provide federal funding for | combined opportunity through asingle ube | 230 buses at the moment going through the thecity's abandoned Bus and Train | tunnel. That has always been my message, it_| cultural precinct in the peak hour cach day Tunnel, will continue io bemy message, becauseif | That one bus every 15 seconds. There is need for work tobe dane in terms of bus infrastructure and that’s got to be built nto ‘the state equation as well. To simply do Cross River Rail is to deny the ft tha most people in this ity cach ‘buses rathcr than trains The $n Ba Tunnel was the Newman goverment plan fora picos of integrated public tanspor infrastructure that would have provided another river erossing for both rail and bus services ina single wane ‘Upon its election in 2015, the Palaszezuk Labor government serapped the BaT tunnel in favour ofits own public transport project, Cross River Ril. es planned BaT rte The Deputy Premier and Lnfiastructue Minister Jackie (Cr Quitk said he was pleased to see Mr Trad, has been a lng time Turnbull $95M commitment to the Gold | Cross River Railis done, it sill eaving hal? | critic ofthe BaT Tunnel. "Nowhere in the Coast light rl system and would lobby the | of the equation for public transport san | world do they combine two differnt modes Prime Ministerto gat the abandoned Ba | unmet need in this ig” ‘of public transport inthe one tunnel, so Tunnel ack onthe agenda, "I'l be making on think we shouldbe stating that bere in the point that bus and wai infrastructure is | *(The BT Tunnel projet is important to | Queensland," she sad Golden Gecko awarded to innovative microtunnel project ‘Chevron Australia has been awarded the 2015 Golden ‘Gecko Award for Environmental Excellence for an innovative shoreline crossing solution. The Whetstone microtanel links a 225km long ofsho Pipeline tothe onshore processing facilities, protecting the aajcent to the Ashburton River Delta, Mines and Petrol Minister Bill Marmion presented the Golden Gecko Awa to ‘Chevron Australia tan awards eoremony on 29 October 2015, Departinent of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) Executive Director Environment, Dr Phil Gorey said the projet project sto out to the selection committee and wasa very deserving recipient of the 2015, Golden Gecko Avard. “The Wheatsone natural gas development is adjacent to the Ashburton River Delta, which suppons important mangrove und estuarine habitats,” Dr Gorey said. “Chevron investigated and chose the one with the lowest environmental impact, eventhough it was the most expensive choice."Their commitment to environmental excellence was evident fom the level of assessment and engagement undertaken during the projects development. Monitoring undertaken on the Ashburton River Delta demonstrated excellent ‘environmental outcomes with no ground disturbance and an inerease in the numberof mature mangrove trees adjacent tothe tunel corridor. Other excellent environmental initiatives included using biodegradable hydraulic ois, not using chemicals for the lst SOm of sand formally oo reusing all tunnel spoil individuals who improved environmental avareness ofthe projet through an sward program yeling amos all recyclable initiative firs time Chevron has successflly used microtunnel 9 indy andi is the longest pipe 1! in the southern hemisphere: Next phase of S1 Main Sewer works begin Creer ec ens next stage of its S1 Main Sewer upgrade on oreo Piet tran rcd Be Sy Se era a Ree Cee reer ers RA ur) Pres ee ey tcc oe eee ee ces eee hckee tte) ue eae ea alto See ty Pee eee waite Pe ne aa ea eee aye eee ieee ee a Pek ers eaten ron ce ra ar aes Pe eae) Pree eee ec rs The award winning project, which is one of the Cee trae ss eC eee) Pein eee ig 19, Kenmore to Jindalee cross-river tunnel ‘Queensland Urban Ulities has run a competition inviting local school children to name and design a new TBM. The ‘TBM, now christened ‘Ken’, willbe used to tunnel a 1.7m diameter cross-river tunnel from Kenmore to Jindalee, With the name and design selected, the outside of the TEM will be painted before commencing tunneling work. ‘Queensland Urban Uslies spokesperson, | winning name for our tunnel borer, while Michelle Cul, said“"We received more than | Luke's bright red and yellow flame desig 200 entries from Kenmore, Kenmore South | really caught our attention! and Jindalee state schools as wel as Our Lady ofthe Rosary Primary School. “There | Once tunnelling work is completed, the new pipeline will house a water and ‘only be two winners —and they were Olivia | sewer main, facilitating improved were so many fabulous ideas but there can Harm from Jindalee State School and Luke | connections across the Brisbane River, Lau from Kenmore South State School “Olivia creatively combined Kenmore and Jindalee to land on “Kenji as the Luke Lau with his winning TEM dosign. Imago courtesy of Queensland Urban Utilities. mains on the Jindalee side ofthe river. Queensland Urban Utiitics ran similar schools competition forthe naming and design of Cora, the TBM that was usd for tunnelling work during the Woolloongabba Trank Sewer u his initiative step away from the traditional method of| The Kenmore-lindalee pipeline is part of | name TBMs; they are usually given female ‘an AUSI7M water and sewerage project Which includes approximately 2km of new sewer mains and 600m ofnew water | tunneling, ames decided by project workers, asa nod towards Sait Barbara, the patron Sint of e Melbourne's WGW project John Holland has utilised microtunnelling in delivering the Water for a Growing West project ‘on behalf of Melbourne Water. eee) NO eat instigated to improve the ee ead eg Cert eee et st erat Se eters Peete] eee aad em Ur St Albans Reservoir to eect coer’ ca Pets Sees Cee non ee cag Cee te) Olea aad oa ces Poteet Reet aad eons Petia) eee ea ee Poe ais Sea eee ced Peg projects, including the ee ee oy eee ery Pee eo os NRW eRe! Ceo et tas eerie Peay Cena Per ont eee Td ‘microtunnelling as part eras eae SO Eee Cec Ea) peers Pte a Pree ees Saeco pete Pe aa Se uu es Gn Pere) ea ee eee consultation with eee Ce sy eee ey one oT ere es Py eae Py ed Pn Le Peer rene Eas eee) balance relationships with a number of eos Pr Yn ot SCs era) eed Pett een ein’ Crease foes ted selection, coordination of surveys and land tenure Petey Cee) Re eed) ogee ie) Cores eee) ed other essential services infrastructure including eres ees Oe acd crosses a wide variety of ers rural and farmland, each rey ee ee etd Pedal eT Perera ea eee) Sere eed Cross eee eee eee eee ey Golden Sun Moth, eee) Seas Reet eee ety ered a) ro pede oe roo Se Cerne Flower, a threatened flora eid plans were developed to eens Pee ey Cee trl neuro as reece penetra tied ee aK Cees ay Pees Creo ene reny Cultural Heritage Leeann! developed and approved ae Se ee Pa ceca eer) Peace COR eer ort eee Cee A eae Ce ney eet These dry stone walls, Cece PT Cee eas Cee ogy protection and ees Pere roce The geology of the area eo ete) een) Errno eee) Pores Perea et] Cee) eee ees Sea) Peet car ea eee an ee Peer een tay Cs Coreen Peers etc) conditions. The majority of the SCT Nee erty Ce tee Rot Cee CRT eas associated with the use eer ed cee Cronies cnet eed normet FOR TOUGH JOBS Ta Teste AENT | CONSTRUCTION ¢ CK REINFORCEMENT | LIFE TIME CARE CeCe) Offering new and used tunneling equipment for more than 25 years. Locomotives Rolling Stock Scooptrams Drill Jumbos Mino Hoists ‘MINING moe o ‘a Ventilation Equipment a EQUIEMENT Prone:(970) 2590812 | Fox (970)2595249 | wwwannlngequlpmentitd.com Perth City Link Construction of the Perth Busport’s second entry is progressing well with all 72 diaphragm panels for the walls now installed. Work continues on the roof slab completed mid- October 2015 and bulk excavation of soil has begun. As with the Perth Busport, the Wellington Street entrance is being built using a top-down construction method. This means the walls will bbe put in place, the roof will be installed, and all the excavation will then take place before the floor slab is poured. th the new Perth Busport now 70 per cent complete, attention las turned 10 the lounge fit out. Te installation of services in the passenger lounge ev ‘cavity has finished and the ceiling ‘will soon be installed. The framing for the glazed sereening is also in place. ‘The passenger entrances continue to take shape with plant room fit out for all three continuing. The plant room hhouses service equipment including clectrical wiring and air-conditioning units ‘Yagan Square portal is now 70 per cent ‘complete with all structural steel installed, Service fit out has including the installation of ceiling and ‘wall framing. Framework installation for the northern fagade has also begun. The Queen Street and Kings Street entrances are at 50 and 40 per cent respectively, with structural stec installation ongoing, ted, JV preferred for Perth Link ‘A major milestone has been reached with the announcement of the Salini preferred respondent to be awarded the main Det Impregilo - NRW Joint Venture as the ‘and Construct contract for the &.5km long, $2bn Forresttield-Airport Link project in Perth, Australia, which includes the construction of 8km of twin-bore tunnels. brings to an end the 15-week period of evaluating proposals from the three shortlisted respondents. The proposals were judged on a combination of their price and plans for design and construction, as well as innovation, stakeholder engagement and delivery management Negotiations with Salini Impregilo ~ NRW Joint Venture will now take place to finalise the contract by May, Construction will start later this yeut and the first tains are expected to run on the line in 2020, The other shortlisted proponents + Fotrestfield Connect (ACCIONA Infrastructure, BAM International and Ferrovial Agroman) + JL JV (John Holland and Leighton Contractors) Auckland's Alice tunnel machine breaks through Ahi-viz-clad audience filed a makeshift grandstand in the amphitheatre of the Waterview ‘tunnel mouth to await the moment when Alice, the project's 14.46m diameter EPBM completed the second of the project's twin 2.4km underground routes. ‘An eerie high pitched squeal heralded the star of the machine's last journey, From tuming ton at 10am, ittook the ‘87m long German-designed device just unde two hours to erack the surface at the Mt Roskill end of the project Spectators including Transport Minister Simon Bridges watched and listened as hairline eracks began to widen and the ratling and groaning erew louder. hat was seriously impressive, to see the cracks starting and then to see these massive pieces of concrete stat to fll, ‘coming through lke something out of Mad Max." Bridges said The government couldn't have asked for more fiom the $1 Abn project which has so far eome in on time and on budget, hes The projet will connect State Highway 16 and State Highway 20, finally completing the Fng route around Auckland and providing an ‘altemative to the congested State Highway One, Breit Gliddon, the New Zealand Transport Agency's highways manager, said the breakthrough was a massive milestone in a significant roading project reales parallel route to State Highway One through Auckland and. will create huge resilience (with) altemative travel options for people" ‘Aucklanders would notice a significant liffence to their travel patterns when itopens in early 2017, he said There was still lot of work to do, including building 16 cross passages linking the two tunnels, equipment to safely operate the tunnels tovether with lighting and signage, and back-fling before the motorway asphalt is laid, Each ofthe two tunnels is thre lanes \wide and 2.4hm long, and are the longest road tunnels inthe country the Lyttleton road tunnel is L9Tkm, The Waterview Connection is New Zealand’ lagest ever roading project. Project director John Burden said the breakthrough was always ontrack, and he was more nervous about Mondays celebratory event than the technical side ofthe operation, Alice hal come through within three or four days ofthe timetable set down over year apo. "Alice hus been a very very good ‘machine, technically sound, hugely ‘complicated but what we've found is 3 very iustworthy and reliable machine, really up to the task that we had to do. be said. ‘The machine was specifically designed for Waterviow’s geology by German ‘The moment Alice the Waterview tunnel borer broke through. MARIASLADEFAIRFAXNZ ‘company Herrenkeneht and ‘manufactured in China After boring the first tunnel south 10 north it was turned 180 degrees so it ‘ould be relaunched to complete the second tunnel going back the other way. thas removed $00,000 cubic metres ‘of earth, enough to ill 320 Olympic: sized swimming pools. Alice will now be dismantled and returned to the manufacturer under a buy-back agreement, ‘Transport Minister Bridges says ‘Auckland's next big tunnelling project Will be the City Rail Link (CRL), with the carly stages getting underway in the firs half of next year The government and Auckland ‘Council are sill at odds over when ‘central government funding forthe CCRL should kick in, but Bridges said they were getting there. "Everyone accepts its got to happen, it should happen, it will happen, now really wee down to about an 18- month timing gap between the council and the govemment," he said, Kaimai rail tunnel upgrade New Zealand's longest train ‘tunnel is set for a multimillion- dollar upgrade for the first time since it opened 95 years ago. The 8,9km Kaimai Tunnel upgrade is considered to be a game changer for freight transport to the Bay and is expected to boost productivity to the wider parts of the region as well as the Port of Tauranga. Assessments are under way on the amount of work needed on the single rail track, tunnel floor and the tunnel's drainage system. The work will improve the tunnel's infrastructure and establish solid ground to improve speed through the dense _Kiwirail inspecting Kamai Tunnel Train-only Auckland harbour tunnel promoted eee eerste Pcie tery Pao ete Cre araiey Cee Pate arr) = ith Simon Bridges (Minister of ES Ren Fi illion doll be ed Transport) Re Cua fothe poet nex year forheny | Future final comnitments beyond which will alzo have maintenance and a further S8M in 2017 | 2017 will be determined as part of the Sete Juco) Re Une LTy Campaign for Better for repairs to the concrete slab floor and | secondary investigation phase drainage, Minister of Transport Simon aranenorts Carseret| Bridges su erly estimates indicated s the cost of improvements eould be up to | + Work onthe tunnel began in 1965. Pitches said it made no res sont + This was the fist tunnel in New Zealand use a unne-born abbot hetaeeataces) ~The Kaimai Tunnel is an iconic and machine. ns (Epenc Tents important pice of infrastructure tothe | * In 1970, cavern rapped 12 workers Toei Bepof Pen Thine mbt eee | Kafer 8 re ee dof work to improve and refurbish the | + Freight transported through the tnne estan prepared for future increased demand.” | timber and timber products, coal pty Simon Bridges sai Work will future | manufactured goods and petrol mar he ptieds proof the busy transport route that links | * About 36 freight trains pass through tadrepnibiaatet the Bay of Plenty tothe Waikato, the tunnel on a week da CEO en Auckland and beyond”, he sai + Each rain weighs at est 25 tones REVERED Auckland's Waterview ieee tunnel tools for sale os nay eT Pe ein) pore on the plan for a third eel cues es Now Zealand Transport Agency suid the items were available for anyone to buy and would be suitable for use on smaller-scale projec Sever purchased by private and public buyers afte being put to tender last yen. Other al items of machinery and equipment from the project have already been industrial and specialised items are being sold via graysonline.co.nz Wellington's Mt Victoria Tunnel to be a "calm The New Zealand Transport ‘Agency is planning to give the 84- year-old central city tunnel a fresh ‘splash of colour as part of a major 15M makeover. A green, black and white paint job is expected to create a “fresh, appealing and calming" driving experience in Wellington's Mt Victoria Tunnel. The tired, old conerete exterior of the Mt Victoria Tunnel will also he getting anew lick of paint, Neil Walker, the agency's Wellington highways ‘manage, said safety and design experts chose the light green and black colours to create a "Fresh, appealing and calming appearance” that reduced driver distraction. "We've had a really positive reception to the orange panels in the Terrace Tunnel, and we're Jooking forward to giving the Mt Vjetoria Tunnel a new lease on life hae suid. "We recognise this is more than just a road tunnel —its an ieonie ‘gateway to the capital, The enhancements will help it to Took like ‘tunnel that Wellingtonians can take pride in, while also enhancing the safety of drivers.” The first 30 metres ofboth ends of the tunnel will be painted light green, as will the wall on the northern side that estan and runs along the shared pe: cele path. For drivers, the gen will in from cither side, The lower walls and panels will be a soft white colour throughout ‘The ouside of the tunnel will also be painted a softer shade of grey than the ‘current plain concrete, The tunne!’s name will be painted and highlighted by subtle lighting. Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown seid the spruce up was long overdu approaching our city through Mt Vietoria Tunnel have long had a rather dreary approach to our beautifil city, so this isa weleome move, ‘The work is pat of the second stage of three-stage uparade planned forthe 1931 vintage tunnel that connects central Wellington tothe citys southern and caster suburbs. Up to mid-2016 Transport Ageney ‘contractors will replace the tunnels lights with brighter, more efficient LLED lights strengthen its entra and pedestrian walkway; replace its ‘ld wall panels; improve its ventilation; and install new safety ‘equipment. Most of the work will be done at night, meaning the tunnel will " shade of green Sunday to Thursday. Traffic will be diverted between Spm and 6am. The first stage ofthe project was completed in 2012. Itinvolved a S17.5m upgrade ofthe fire systems and demolishing the tunnels ole eciing plenum, The third stage wil involve reconfiguring the tunnel for ‘westbound trafic ony, after a second two-lane tunnel through Mt Victoria for eastbound traffic has boen built 25m tothe north, Construction ofthe second tunnel was scheduled to begin in 2018 but is now ‘more likely to be beyond 2020 because of the delays caused by the stalled Basin Reserve flyover project The Mt Victoria Tunnel opened in 1931 and is 623 metres long. More than 45,000 ears travel through the tunnel each day, as do many pedestrians and eyclists who use an clevated walkway along the tunnel’ northem wall. Legend has it the tradition of toting inthe tunnel is in memory of murdered 17-year-old Phillis Symons, who was buried alive init fll while the tunnel was boing built, TBMs provide Doha’s drainage ‘Two EPB Shields from Herrenknecht have provided first- class work during excavation of the large scale Abu Hamour Southern Outfall Project. After some Skm of ‘tunnelling each, both high-tech machines broke through into the target shaft precisely to the millimeter in quick succession of ‘each other. The segmental lining method has proven successful in the smaller diameter range for the first time in Qatar. The newly created sewage tunnels are important to better protect the city ‘and the inhabitants of Doha from floods after heavy rainfalls. Both Herrenknecht TBMs each with a diameter of 4.47m only required 12 and | months respectively for their tunnel sections, Under the professional ‘The breakthrough of the first machine M-1795 on July 23rd, 2015 was 4uidance of the construction company | ¢elebrated by all participants in the target shaft. The EPB Shield had Sal impregilo they achieved ‘successfully completed a distance of 4.3 kilometer with best daily values remarkable top performances of up to | 9f 30 meters. The sister machine reached the target shaft with 165m per w 30m, the EPB method proved to be t optimum choi soil with is hi to master the coh proportion of rock Herrenknecht designed a special cutting. | excavation dlameter: 4 wheel with a large opening ratio ee resulting in efficient material Seep CO excavation. High maximum push forces | Torqve2,170tin ensured top advance rates for both Overall machine length: 112 machines. The final breakthrough on | Total weight 323 26th July marked the conclusion of : Phase 1 ofthe tunnelling work on the | P66! features: fren peerncrG) or At adepth of around | millimeter precision just 6 days later. «+ Highly-esbe ecuining of the cuting whee! for mamum efficiency unde fast-changing Proje + Fist use of segmenting in Doha “Both EPB Shields with segmental saileondions lining were perfectly suited for the project requirements in Doha,” said Simone Centis, project manager at Qatar is one of the driest places on Salini-Impregilo, during the Earth. When it rains heavily in Doha, breakthrough celebration. “The great this can result in dangerous flooding Partnership with Herrenknecht helped | beeause the metropolis is only a few us to find the best technical answers for | meters above water level, and therefore the often heterogeneous soil. This above the groundwater level. The allowed for highest possible efficiency | Hamou Southern Outfall Project uring tunnelling and project progress.” | tunnel system will drain-of? Oren a ke cnn am lent: Pubic Works Autor ofthe State of Qatar shal ‘astomerSatnpregio Qsar ranch ‘Application: Drainage food protection ‘Advance length: oval $350 m Geology: Pteogeneous sal gen compostin Sina imesone (60%) up 1070 MPa, Mia Sale (20 6) Russ Carbonate superfluous water and relieve the existing pumps, which lower the high ‘water level, This will save considerable ray and costs forthe public. Further projects to improve the drainage situation in Doha and its surroundi are planned or already being constructed, i.e. the Inner Doha Re- sewerage Implementation Strategy ARIS) Project Hertenknecht technology is also ‘working underground to improve the traffic situation in Qatar's metropolis. With over $0 tunnel kilometers already ‘completed for the Doha Metro, 21 EPB. Shields from Herrenknecht with a diameter of around 7m have already accomplished facts. Aerial vie Jakarta MRT tunnel President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is given a vest [i before he inspects the underground work of the ‘mass rapid transit (MRT) system in Jakarta, after having called on relevant officials to put aside all factors that could disrupt the process {for the tunnel boring process for the mass rapid ‘transit (MRT) in Jakarta, “Its a new history for Indonesian transportation. Uhope that the subway project will face no problems,” sid Jokowi ‘whem he inspected the underground work of the project, sagcompanied by Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjaaja Pumama on Thursday. President Jokowi sid he would closely monitor the construction of the MRT project, Meanwhile, Govemor Aho said that the undenground work was expected 10 be completed late 2016 as the workers worked 24 hows a day Involving Indonesian constructing companies Wijaya aya Konstruksi and Hutama Karya, and J ‘companies Tokyu, Shimizu, Obayashi snd Mitsui ‘Sumitomo, the project is set to run from Lebak Bulus bus station in South Jakarta to Hotel Indonesia Traffic Circle in Contra Jakarta, It will comprise seven elevated stations from Blok M in South Jakarta to Lebak Bulus, and six undereround stations from ‘Senayan in South Jakarta to the Hotel Indonesia traffic cree. The MRT managers are currently in the process of recruiting engineering consultants to work on a feas study ofthe next track, whichis from Hotel Indonesia traffic ire to Kampung Bandan in North Jakarta. The study is hoped to start inthe beginning of 2016 and finish within a year The next track could be built by 2017, ity Bangkok giant drainage tunnels ‘The Bangkok Metropolitan ‘tunnel from Don Muang area in ‘Administration will go ahead with a northern Bangkok to the Chao Phraya plan to build a giant flood drainage ‘Sue canal that is due to be completed in August next year at a cost of 2.44 billion baht. of a huge drainage tunnel under Bang Ruangsrirong, director of the Drainage ‘and Sewerage Department. Me Narong sid the city administration is now in discussions with the Rural Highways Departinent and the State Railway of Thailand about draining water through the planned tanne from Don Muang, Sai Mai and Chatuchak districts to cither the Khlong Sung waterzate in Bang ‘Sue or the Kifong Bang Khen watergate tnd then discharging it ito the Chao Phraya river. Under the plan, the giant Don Muang, tunnel along Prem Prachakom canal will be builtatan estimated cost oF 6 billion babt 10 solve Nooding problems in nother district of Don Muang, Sai Mai and Chatuchak. The city administration now has soven drainage tunnels with a total length of 19km and a capacity to deain ‘water at 135.50 cui metres per second, A lange drainage tunnel under Khlong Bang ‘Sue canal ie also under construction. Begun in late 2014, its bout 50% built with ‘completion scheduled in mid-2016. Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur, the ‘center of commerce and industry in the country, has faced a major problem - there is not enough water for both daily life and industrial use. Development has been moving forward to ensure water resources in river basin in Selangor State on the ‘outskirts of Kuala Lumpur in order to deal with the city's rapidly increasing ‘demand for water. However, efforts to secure resources had not always gone as planned, as demonstrated bby such problems as the serious ‘water shortage in the region for ‘approximately half a year from 1997 101998, ‘The Malaysian government considered ‘aon pans to adress this issue and ‘eventually concluded that, rom the perspective of the amount of water needed as well as cost, it would he best to channel ‘water viaa tunnel othe State of Selangor fiom the Stat of Pahang, a watertich ‘egiom inthe central put ofthe Malay Peninsul, ‘Therefore, in June 2009, Malaysia began a project to build the Patang-Selangor aw ater transfer tunnel. [twas tobe one ofthe largest inffasiuctre projects in Asia~a Southeast Asia’s longest raw water transfer tunnel 44.6kan long, 52min diameter tunnel with a ‘water delivery capacity of L.89 milion ‘cube meters per dy, lid undemeath ‘mountain ange beeen Pabang and Selangor States. Fr this projec, Japan offered an ODA Loan covering 75% ofthe costs, and constrution was undertaken by 8 joint venture established by Shimiz (Corporation and Nishimatsu Construction Co,, Lid From Japan and companies United Enginoers Malaysia Berhad (UEMB) and. UM Corporation Berhad! from Malaysia, ‘Construction began in September 2008, The ‘tunnel was divided into eight sections, The ‘constuction team decided to use a TBM ‘combined with the NATM, using dill ane bias to penetrate tough bedrock undemeath ‘the mountain range. The project got off to ‘B00d start. The werk for building road to allow access of machinery and equipment to thesit prior to excavation was completed hea of schedule. However, once ‘excavation started, the contruction team ran into various unexpected issues, For instance atone point, the workers uncovered a ‘massive, empty cavern inside a mountain, ‘over 50m high, At another poiny they ran into pressurized spring water that shot out as rch a8 24.6 tons of water per minute ‘Another time, one of the TEM’S main bearing broke aftr a rock burst when the Workers celebrating the completion of the tunnel in front of a tunnel boring machine ‘machine was digging through a tough slab of ganite, Looking back on the many ficulties the project faced, Mr, Kawata commented, “It ‘was. dificult work environment. Under Jong mountain rang, we hud to dig tunnel ‘Sk long over 1,000 underground, hich by itself was a hard tak, [n addition to high temperature and humidity, we ran into-8 place where the temperature ofthe bedrock ‘ve were digging, andthe water that gushed coutof i excveded 50°C: The project was able to overcome these callerges thanks to the solidarity ofits ‘multinational team consisting of over 1,000 people ftom 15 countries. This huge excavation project was completed in February 2014, just four years and nine months afer it started, That such a dificult construction project could be completed without any injuries poes to show yet again how effective the general contractors who supperted Japan's period of high economic srowt are, with respect to both their technology and attitude towards creating a safe worksite, ee! _ The 9.2 km long tunnel will be opened in July. India's longest road tunnel - more than 9km long and located on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway ‘early 170km from Srinagar - will be ‘opened for traffic in July. The tunne! will onneet Cheneni with Nashir onthe road between Jammu and Srinagar, cutting down the joumey by 30km and nearly an hour Being built at a cost ofover Rs 2,500 India's Longest Road Tunnel Crore across highly seismic zone, the tunel is dubbed an enginesting marvel There isa parallel eseape tunnel along with the main tunne! for evacuation of ‘commuters in ease ofan eventuality "There willbe a crane on standby to toe away vohicles which break down, There are special compartments inside the tunnel which can be used by people in ‘medical emergencies to alert the teams to reach the spot instantly,” said Atal ‘Sharma, Environment, Health and Safety Engineer. The tunnel is part ofthe 286k long, four- lane, project ofthe Jammu- Srinagar national highway. It will passthrough @ patch of tough tera, removing the biggest stumbling block on the highway and making tourist places slong tbe highway lke Patntop more accessible. "After the completion ofthe tunnel, Patnitop resort on the highway will emerge ss: major tourist attraction, there won't be tec jams and tourists can reach there without inconvenience." said Rangrez Singh, Additional DC Udhamput The highvay isthe only road link connecting Kashmir withthe rest ofthe country, But, the road remains mostly blocked during winter due to snow and landslides. The une will help reduce trafic jams and will be open even during peak winters, Itis.also expected to boost trade and commerce. "The tunnel will benefit us greatly, it will help to bring down trafic jams, during winters the highway remains elosod and causes lt of problems, the tunnel wil help to improve the things.” said Tariq Ahmad, atuck driver AUTOMATED GROUT AND BENTONITE SYSTEMS . fen Shear Colloidal Mixers: SpecialistPipe Systems eres Se TAS TES Tl kira CICS LOE a : Tunnel to improve water supply in Mumbai ‘To make cleaner drinking water available to Mumbaikars, the Brihanmumbai Municipal ‘Corporation (BMC) has decided to build new underground tunnels all ‘over the city. As a part of this project, one such tunnel will be built between Chembur - Wadala and Wadala - Parel. This tunnel will take ‘approximately 6 years to complete. ‘The new tunnel will carry water from Bhatsa Lake. However, there are ‘existing pipelines up to Chembur from Bhatsa Lake so the tunnel needs to be setup from Chembur ‘onward. This project is expected to ‘cost the civic body about Rs.450 er. ‘According to Ramesh Bamba, deputy ‘municipal commissioner (Special Engineering), the civic body has aken up this venture Because of growing demand duc to the city’s increasing population Bambale sad, “Some of theexising pipelines are around a 100 yeas old adit ‘becomes dificult to maintain them. We ned an altemate option for water suppl.” The tunnel needs tobe constructed underground due to lack of space to corset it along the road on the sides, ina densely populate area like Wada or Pare. The BMC is yet to decide whether it will ‘continue using the existing drinking water supply lines in this area after the new ‘tunnel i consincted. Bamba sd, are planning to keep these pipelines fametonal as back-up in ease the new ‘tunnels shut in the future for repair or renovation." Alo, there are separate pipelines that cary water ftom Tansa lake ‘and the BMC will decide whether to make them definct or not. Presently, the BMC has completed ‘construction of two other tunnels inthe «ity: One nuns from Malabar Hill to Cross “Maidan and the other runs from Veraval Reservoir toAdarsh Nagar andthe to Yai Road. Water leak into Mumbai rail tunnel Failing to resolve the problem of water pouring in from the Parsik hills into a Mumbai railway tunnel, senior Central Railway officials have decided to invite consultants to solve the issue. The officials said a consultant based in Nagpur would soon review the cause of water gushing into the tunnel. hills into the tne and onto the roof of trans inside the tunnel. ‘Due tothe water Teakage menace, there is water on the tracks and corrosion due to stagnant water inside the tunnel This leakage from Parsik hills has been troubling CR fora longtime nov, said Amitabh Ojhs, Divisional Railway Manager of Mumbai Division, "We have approached a specialised agency called Central Mining Insitute fom Nagpur and have checked their record of resolving such issues," he added, The agency has been asked to submit a report on the likely cost of fixing the issue along, With alternatives so that the tunnel need not be closed, an offical sai. First Underwater Car Tunnel in Andhra Pradesh In order to boost tourism in the new capital, the Andhra ‘government is planning to create an underwater tunnel in Amaravati. According to The Times of India, Amaravati will get India’s first ever underwater tunnel under the river Krishna, This tunnel will be 3km long and will be used for vehicular traffic. ‘There are about 200 such tunnels around the world, The designers from Singapore have included the underriver tunel inthe detailed master plan for Amaravati, which was released on Saturday. ‘The underwater tunnel will be an instant hit with tourists Even ifthe project costs little more, we will go ahead with it, The state will eam ‘considerable revenue from tourists Senior Planner in the AP Capital Region Development Authority ‘The underwater tunnel project was reportedly included in the detailed master plan following the advice of Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu ‘The tunnel is set to come up near Ibrahimpatnam on the outskins of ‘Vijayawada. The backwaters ofthe Prakasam barrage in Vijayawada ‘extend up to Ferry villaze near Ibrahimpatnam. ‘The master plan also proposes a “pigantic® wheel onthe riverbank to give the capital city a “distinct identity”. The giant wheel will function ‘ound the clock to attract tourists. Since the proposed tunne! is transparent, motorists using it can see aquatic ie Concern over Mumbai tunnel under national park An 11km tunnel that will pass underneath the 103 square kilometre Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) connecting Thane in ‘central to Borivali in western ‘suburbs has alarmed environmentalists, but the Devendra Fadnavis government has assured ‘that all care would be taken to ‘ensure minimum damage to what national park i the ont forested arca in the city density of leopards int isthe pride of Mumbai First mooted by Public and Thane Shiv Se Shinde in August 2015, presented before a eabi ‘Mr Fadnavis directed officials to carry remains the only large verdant ‘green patch ina metropolis choked | principle go ahead by t of its open spaces. Krishna Tiwari, Project head of city ‘out feasibility studies f forests with Bombay Natural History Society cautioned the government to refully as SGNP was precious to Mumbai as its only surviving green space. “There is already a lot of disturbance around the SGNP. Its surrounded hy human beings with [Tk tunnel, which wi and connect Ekta Naga the Western Express Hi settlements and constructions. The MLA Eknath ‘one ofthe eight road projets given an in- and submit Detailed Project Reports (DPR) before final clearances from the ‘government. The projet involves an ‘Wadi in Manpada on Ghodbunder Road, underneath the Sanjay Gandhi National ly remaining Park, andthe Yeoor Hills, ‘with the highest lne world. The park he said, At present, there is no direct east-west link between Thane and Borival, and commuters have to travel around the SGNP boundaries cither via Ghodbunder Road or Pow. As per a preliminary project proposal made by Mr Shinde, wo tunnels — 13.lm wide, and 5.50m in vertical clearances will be bored through SSGNP, and will have three lanes in carriageway, It will also connect the ‘Mumbai-Ahmedabad National Highway 8 and Mumbai Agea National Highway 3 atthe Thane end, Works Minister the proposal was the government. for these projets, The project has proposed the use of ‘TMs as an alternative to conventional

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