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Task One – Critically Evaluate Own Strengths and Ambitions (1.


a. Complete the Technical Skills Audit available in the Progression unit Moodle
folder, so you can evaluate your main strengths and key areas for development.
Use the ‘traffic light’ system to highlight which you feel is the most or least difficult for
you (you can do this by changing the text colour):
Red – major priority which needs working on a lot
Amber (or yellow) – difficult, but manageable
Green – confident

Once you have done this, put them in order which suits you – either all the reds,
followed by amber, then green – or the other way round. Whichever order you
choose, it should clearly show you where your major strengths are.

This will need to be completed on your Weebly page, so you can copy and
paste the audit

b. Next, do the same for the Personal Skills Audit, also available in the Progression
unit folder on Moodle

Use the ‘traffic light’ system to highlight which you feel is the most or least difficult for
you (you can do this by changing the text colour):
Red – major priority which needs working on a lot
Amber (or yellow) – difficult, but manageable
Green – confident

Once you have done this, put them in order which suits you – either all the reds,
followed by amber, then green – or the other way round. Whichever order you
choose, it should clearly show you where your major strengths are.

This will need to be completed on your Weebly page, so you can copy and
paste the audit

Both audits are available for download on the Unit 11 folder on Moodle
Now, consider your future ambitions and possible routes.

c. How will the areas you have highlighted as ‘strengths’ in green for both audits
help you with your future ambitions and routes? Do you feel you have sufficient
knowledge, or are there still areas to improve?

The areas I have highlighted in green are skills that I have the basic knowledge of. I
would still like to improve my skills but most of the skills would just take time and
practice to get faster and more efficient at competing. These are skills like
photoshop, using a video camera and website production.

d. Evaluate how and why you may need to address some of those areas highlighted
in amber and/or red for both audits (you may not need all these particular areas for
your chosen progression route or routes).

The skills that I have highlighted in red and amber, I would like to iporve on these as
most of them will help improve overall skills with communication and working in a
team. Having these skills is useful in any job. The other technical skills would be
useful to get better because I can use the skills like video editing and photo editing in
most jobs like marketing and advertising.

e. Now complete the Course Skills Evaluation Audit, also available in the
Progression unit folder on Moodle. This will need to be completed on your
Weebly page, so you can copy and paste the audit

This audit is also found in the Progression folder on Moodle

Sections c, d and e will also be completed on your Weebly page.

The word count for sections c, d and e will very much depend on your goals,
ambitions, strengths and areas for development, but you should be aiming for a
minimum of 100 words for each section.

Submission of work

GROUP Set date Hand in date

A 23/09/22 30/09/22
B 21/09/22 28/09/22

All work must be submitted under the Progression tab on your Year Two Weebly
Ensure that your work is headed with: Critically Evaluate Own Strengths and
Ambitions (1.1)

Submit a link to your Weebly page for these audits on a Word document.
Upload Word document to Moodle

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