Soal US (Bahasa Inggris)

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Soal:1) Read this following dialog and choose the correct answer!

“May I Introduce my friends?” The expression above to express …

A: an introduction myself
B: an introduction people
C: a greeting
D: a parting

Soal:2) Read this following dialog and choose the correct answer!

“How do you do, everybody?”. Everybody means …

A: Galih
B: Riko
C: Via, Ayu, Zara, and Riko
D: Ayu, Zara, and Riko
Soal:3) Read this following dialog and choose the correct answer!

If someone asks you "how do you do?", what do you answer to that expression?
A: How are you?
B: How do you do?
C: What is your name?
D: I am fine. Thank you.

Soal:4) When you see that picture or congratulations card?

A: When someone born in his birthday

B: When someone has promoted in his job
C: When someone getting new baby
D: When someone getting married
Soal:5) Look at the picture below!

What did Luna congratulate Anita for?

A: Winning an award
B: Hard working
C: Getting a job
D: Building a town

Soal:6) Read the following text to answer questions!

What kind of the text above?

A: Narrative text
B: Procedure text
C: Recount text
D: Report text

Soal:7) Read the following text to answer questions!

Form the text above, we can know that we need … sliced of celery.
A: 1 cup
B: 2 cups
C: 1 spoon
D: ½ spoon

Soal:8) Read the following text to answer questions!

We don’t need … to make it.

A: Egg
B: Carrots
C: Celery
D: Onion

Soal:9) Read the following text to answer questions!

What is “Goal” in Bahasa?

A: Langkah-langkah
B: Bahan-bahan
C: Pengenalan
D: Tujuan

Soal:10) Read the following dialogue below and choose the best answer!

The underlined sentence show ….

A: Agreement
B: Disagreement
C: Dislike
D: Surprise

Soal:11) Read the following dialogue below and choose the best answer!
From the dialogue above, we know that John is ….
A: agree
B: disagree
C: satisfied
D: dissatisfied

Soal:12) Read the following dialogue below and choose the best answer!

The underlined sentence is expressing ….

A: agreement
B: displeasure
C: dissatisfaction
D: suggestion

Soal:13) Read the following dialogue below and choose the best answer!

Rifa’i and Dede have ….

A: Agreement to take a look to the man
B: Agreement about who has to look the man
C: Agreement that the man was suspicious
D: Disagreement that the man was angry

Soal:14) Read the following dialogue below and choose the best answer!
In this dialogue, Doel expresses ….
A: displeased
B: dislike
C: agreement
D: surprise

Soal:15) Read the following text to answer questions!

In 1956 Hatta “resigned” as vice-president (paragraph 6 line 1). The synonym of the “resigned”
is …
A: Surrendered
B: Maintained
C: Kept in position
D: Became

Soal:16) Read the following text to answer questions!

What made Moh. Hatta arrested?
A: Because he was exiled to Boven Digul
B: Because he studied in Netherlands
C: Because he was active in the national movement
D: Because he was born in Bukittinggi

Soal:17) Read the following text to answer questions!

What is the main idea of paragraph four?

A: The Japanese invasion
B: Moh Hatta was exiled to Boven Digul
C: Moh. Hatta activities in political organization
D: The nationalist movement

Soal:18) Read the following text to answer questions!

‘He is no longer living among us.’ What does ‘us’ refer to?
A: Sumatra people
B: Indonesia people
C: Digul people
D: Netherlands people

Soal:19) Read the following text to answer questions!

‘Dr. Moh. Hatta passed away in 1981.’ What is the synonym of passed away?
A: Lived again
B: Died
C: Kept the position
D: Brought back

Soal:20) Read the following text to answer questions!

What is the main idea in the last paragraph?

A: He is become vice president and hero in Indonesia
B: Moh Hatta was exiled to Boven Digul
C: Moh. Hatta activities in political organization
D: The nationalist movement

Soal:21) Read the following text to answer questions!

Which statement is not true based on the text?

A: Moh Hatta gained his doctorate in Netherlands
B: Moh. Hatta was arrested by colonial government only once
C: Japanese brought Moh. Hatta back to java
D: Moh. Hatta became the first vice-president in Indonesia

Soal:22) Read the following text to answer questions!

How long did he live?

A: Seventy
B: Seventy four
C: Seventy seven
D: Seventy nine

Soal:23) Read the following text to answer questions!

What was his first political party?

C: League of Young Sumatran Bond
D: Jong Java

Soal:24) Read the following text to answer questions!

Where did he get his education first?
A: In Bukit tinggi
B: In Batavia
C: In Netherland
D: In Digul

Soal:25) Read the following dialogue to answer questions!

Why does Jane call Helen?

A: Jane Helps Helen to find her book.
B: Jane asks Helen to come to her school.
C: Helen offers help to Jane.
D: Jane asks for help to Jane to bring her book.

Soal:26) Read the following dialogue to answer questions!

How does she ask for Helen’s help?
A: What can I do for you?
B: Could you come before 10.30?
C: Would you take my English book to school for me?
D: Can you help me?

Soal:27) Read the following dialogue to answer questions!

How does Helen response when Jane asks her for help?
A: She rejects to help Jane.
B: Helen asks Jane if she cans help her or not.
C: She is willing to help Jane,
D: Helen cannot help Jane because she is busy.

Soal:28) Read the following dialogue and choose the best answer!

What will the man probably do?

A: Give the package
B: Sign the package.
C: Hold the woman’s package.
D: Help the woman sign the package.

Soal:29) Read the following dialogue to answer questions!

What is the similarity between two dialogues above?

A: The woman in dialogue 1 and dialogue 2 asks for help to the man.
B: The man in dialogue 1 and 2 is a hotel staff member.
C: The woman in dialogue 1 and 2 is a hotel staff member.
D: The man in dialogue 1 and 2 accept to help the woman.

Soal:30) Read the following dialogue to answer questions!

What is the difference between the woman in dialogue 1 and 2?

A: The woman in dialogue 1 is a hotel visitor and the woman in dialogue 2 is a hotel staff
B: The woman in dialogue 1 stays in room 159 while the woman in dialogue 2 stays in room
C: The woman in dialogue 1 asks for help to the man while the woman in dialogue 2 doesn’t.
D: The woman in dialogue 2 doesn’t understand what the taxi driver said while the woman in
dialogue 1 understands what the taxi driver said.

Soal:31) Read the following dialogue to answer question!

The underlined expression expression….

A: Offering something
B: Offering help
C: Accepting an offer
D: Declining an offer

Soal:32) Read the following text to answer questions!

Why did the writer compose the text?

A: To inform about a vacancy
B: To tell the reader about Sriwijaya University
C: To apply for a job advertised in a newspaper
D: To enclose a letter of reference and recent photo

Soal:33) Read the following text to answer questions!

What will the recipient probably do after receiving the letter?

A: Check the advertisement.
B: Invite the sender for an interview.
C: Write a letter to the secretary.
D: Apply for the position mentioned.

Soal:34) Read the following text to answer questions!

The word of “you” in sentence, “... forward to hearing from you soon,” (last paragraph) refers
to ......
A: Personnel Manager
B: Teacher of vocational high school
C: Head of Sriwijaya Post
D: English teacher

Soal:35) Read the following text to answer questions!

The purpose of the text above is ........

A: To retell past experience
B: To describe particular thing
C: To explain about SAR team’s work
D: To inform readers about an important event

Soal:36) Read the following text to answer questions!

Why did the ship sink to the sea? It happened because .........
A: The weather was bad.
B: The ship was broken.
C: The ship was over loaded.
D: There was a leak in the ship.

Soal:37) Read the following text to answer questions!

Who is the source of the news?

A: SAR team
B: Yakub, a crewman
C: Aris Triono, the captain
D: Rocky Asikin, the head of SAR team

Soal:38) Read the following text to answer questions!

What is the news about?
A: Social networking.
B: Apple's new products.
C: Twitter strategic investment.
D: Apple's plan to cooperate with Twitter.

Soal:39) Read the following text to answer questions!

According to the news, Apple has not been very successful in ....
A: selling phones
B: strategic investment
C: cooperating with Twitter
D: getting into social media

Soal:40) Read the following text to answer questions!

"But the earlier talks are sign that they may form a stronger partnership" (Paragraph 4 Line 2).
The word of “partnership” means ....
A: collusion
B: collaboration
C: competition
D: agreement

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