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Propulsion Module Revision Notes:

Afterburner Chapter:

1) What are the benefits and limitations of engine afterburner? List all of them.
2) What is the thrust produced gained vs fuel consumed in terms of % when afterburner is
3) How fuel is regulated and released in afterburner system?
4) What are the purposes of afterburner system in terms of aircraft flight or on ground?

Lubrication Chapter:
1) What is the maximum percentage for oil storage and allowable air expansion in the
engine oil tank?
2) Explain why Synthetic Oil is preferred than Mineral Oil.
3) Explain how hot lubrication oil in the lubrication schematic diagram is cooled down.

Starters Chapter:
1) Engine starters usually contain reduction gears for what purpose?
2) Which 2 engine parameters are closely monitored during starting to ensure the allowable
limit is not exceeded?

Fuel Chapter:
1) Study on fuel contamination and its consequences.
2) Fuel booster pumps are what type of mechanical pump?

Instrument Chapter:
1) Read up on engine thrust meter. What 2 basic types of pressure do they usually

Anti-Icing Chapter:
1) What are the 2 main types of anti-icing used on aircraft systems?
2) For each type of anti-icing system, which surfaces or areas of the aircraft fuselage and
engine are installed?
3) Read up on electrical load cycling.
4) For anti-icing and de-icing, the hot air provided is from what source?

Types of engine chapter:

1) Understand the different types of gas turbine engines how they are categorized

Thrust Reversal Chapter:

1) Understand all the various reverse thrust systems and how are they operated?
Engine Health Monitoring Chapter:
1) What are the 3 main functions of Engine Health monitoring system used for?
2) It is used to detect what?
3) When engine exceeded operating limits, what do engine health monitoring do?

Propeller Chapter:
1) What are the forces acting upon the propeller blades during operation?

Noise Chapter:
1) Describe how jet engine noise is produced and how to reduce it in theory.
2) Read on background noise and discrete noise.

Compressor, Combustion and Turbine Chapter:

1) What blade designs are used to prevent air leakage, vibration, etc?
2) Blade Vibration Modes : Which blade is subjected to edgewise vibration mode?

Piston engine chapter:

1) What is Otto cycle?
2) What are the terms called when cylinder reaches the top and bottom travel in the engine

Seal chapter:
1) Know and understand characteristics of all the different types of engine oil seals.

Cooling Chapter:
1) Blade internal cooling : Study the 3 different types of internal turbine blade cooling.
(Convection, impingement and Film)

Propelling Nozzle:
1) Study the different types of nozzle designs and its application on various type of aircraft.

Speed Droop:
1) Explain speed droop and its uses when used on aircraft engine operation.

Transmission Chapter:
1) Describe the operations of transmission gearbox on helicopter when used together with
turboshaft engine.

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