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Contract nr : SCS20220157

This employment contract is for personal services of entertainment and the engagement described below made between
the hired staff member and SCS (hereafter referred to as Employer). MOD: SCS-CONTRACT 2018 [REV 3]

Surname : BUKRI
Given names : Griseld
Date of birth : 23/09/1995
Place of birth : Tirana, Albania
Nationality : Albanian
Repatriation : Tirana, Albania

Passport nr : BJ9874114
Contract starts : 19/06/2022
Contract ends : 12/11/2022

Position : MUSICIAN
Embark vessel : MSC GRANDIOSA

Employer : Ship Cruise Service S.A.

Ship’s owner : MSC CRUISE MANAGEMENT (UK), Ltd.
Headoffice : 5 Roundwood Av. Stockly Park, Uxbridge UK

Cruise Vessel : MSC GRANDIOSA

Vessel’s Flag : MALTA
IMO number : 9803613

All Regulations & Terms not mentioned in this agreement conform MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) can be found in the Special Agreement for Cruise
Vessels according to the ITF (International Transport Workers Federation) a copy will be on board with the Crew Purser.
Contract nr.: SCS20220157

This employment contract is for personal services of entertainment and the engagement described below made between
the hired staff member and SCS SA (hereafter referred to as Employer). MOD: SCS-CONTRACT 2019 [REV 3]

Surname : BUKRI Given names : Griseld
Date of birth : 23/09/1995 Place of birth : Tirana, Albania
Nationality : Albanian Repatriation : Tirana, Albania

Passport nr : BJ9874114 Contract starts : 19/06/2022

Position* : MUSICIAN Contract ends : 12/11/2022
Embark Vessel : MSC GRANDIOSA Monthly Salary : € 2.000,00
*) hereafter called ESM (Entertainment Staff Member)

Employer : Ship Cruise Service S.A. (hereafter called SCS SA)
Headoffice : Calle Aquilino de la Guardia No.8, Panama, Republic of Panama

Ship’s owner : MSC CRUISE MNG. Ltd. Headoffice : 5 Roundwood Av. Stockly Park, Uxbridge UK
Cruise Vessel : MSC GRANDIOSA Vessel’s Flag : MALTA IMO number : 9803613


1) The employer reserves the right to extend or reduce this contract, for more information see ITF agreement paragraph 4.

2) Trial period according to ITF agreement, paragraph 2, article 2.5

3) For the completion of the indicated services, SCS SA has assumed the relative corporate risk, since own resources are used
and remaining responsible exclusive for the payment of agreed salaries and of any other related allowances, supplementary
and agreed, attributable to its own staff.

4) The staff member agrees to be trans-shipped, during this contract, on any of the other ships of MSC. In this case expenses
necessary for the journey from port to port, if advanced by the ESM must be duly certified, and those for the overnight stay
will be borne by SCS SA and will not be deducted by the ESM's salary;

5) The ESM executes this agreement as an employee of SCS SA and not as MSC employee.

6) The ESM agrees to work and perform for the Employer. Only, nor any other contracts may be signed with MSC by the ESM
within 12 months after the termination of this agreement or request a letter from SCS SA to be liberated from any obligations.


1) Termination of the contract, will be according the ITF agreement / paragraph 18.
In case, the ESM resigns (sign-off) before the end-date of the contract, the repatriation article will be implemented as written
in paragraph 19.

If the ESM wish to terminate this engagement before the mentioned end date, with a minimum of 30 days’ notice, the ESM
has to assure a valid replacement, with the same high standard required by the Employer. The ESM will be able to leave the
contract and the ship, when his replacement is on board. During this period the ESM agree to perform until the last day.

2) In case of misconduct followed by a serious default of the staff member, the Vessel’s company is entitled to terminate this
contract and dismiss the staff member. For more details see paragraph 20 in the ITF agreement and ship’s rules and regulations
as provided in the Crew Embarkation Guide.


As staff member the ESM is under the vessel's law, the ESM will be expected to agree with all the rules and regulations imposed
by the ship’s master. All boat drills on board are compulsory. Regarding any complaints whilst on board we refer to the
procedure sent together with your contract. Also see the MLC regulations, title 5 “Compliance and enforcement”.

The ESM is entitled to repatriation as written in the ITF agreement, paragraph 19. In case the ESM needs to anticipate the costs
of travelling / repatriation, the request for reimbursement must be presented with the original invoices. The costs must be
agreed between the ESM and the Employer prior to the booking.

In case of dismissal the repatriation is according to the rules mentioned in paragraph 20 of the ITF agreement. Should the staff
member miss the ship, all costs to re-/join the ship in the following port of call, shall be met by the ESM themselves. Please note
that missing the ship might also result in further action taken against them, or even dismissal (please see also termination of
the contract) from the vessel / ship.

All Regulations & Terms not mentioned in this agreement conform MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) can be found in the Special Agreement for Cruise
Vessels according to the ITF (International Transport Workers Federation) a copy will be on board with the Crew Purser.

x:\ship cruise service sa\scs - contract 2022\contract\scs - contract [rev 3] scs2022.docx

On board the vessel the ESM will share a staff-cabin (max. 2 persons to a cabin, with 2 lower beds or bunk beds).
Three (3) meals a day will be provided in the Staff mess-restaurant (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). The ESM is entitled 60%
reduction for bars consumptions. For further details we recommend to see the Crew Embarkation Guide.


The working hours are determined by the Cruise Director and indicated in the "Daily Program” and varies from a minimum of
3,5 hours to 4,5 hours daily, throughout the entire contract, excluded rehearsal, breaks and setting up instruments or moving
stage. The ESM shall arrive in their assigned location for the performances minimum 10 minutes before the start of the working
schedule. All photographs, videotapes, and audio recordings of the ESM, cannot be sold on board without a RCE SA


In the case of a chartered vessel on which the ESM provides their work and thus the demand for disembarkation, the notice
will be given more or the same than 15 days. In this case no compensation will be payable to the ESM for the period ashore.
If the notice is less than 15 days, but within 7 days of the embarkation, it will be up to the ESM a compensation a consideration
of 50%, while if also this last term of notice does not comply with, nothing will be deducted from the salary of the ESM. All this,
however, within a maximum of 15 days;

The ESM will be covered by the Employer’s insurance for any physical accident may occur during rehearsal periods, or within
any performances on board. All ESM’s must have an own personal insurance (for the not covered matters by the companies
insurance policy), to cover any accident, illness, or injury, may happen during not working hours and outside the vessel. The
company therefor will organize a personal insurance during the contract.
• The musician will be responsible for his or her own personal travel and sickness insurance. Basic medical treatment on board
the ship is available and is provided by the cruise company. Some charges may apply.
• The musician is regarded as self-employed and is responsible for his/her own national insurance and income tax.


The ESM hereby declares that to his/her knowledge he had no medical history of mental illness, medical illness, and injuries
(eg. Heart disease, diabetes, asthma, fractures etc.) that will prevent him/her from fulfilling and completing this engagement
with the Employer.

Should a physical accident / injury have occurred, the ESM must seek immediately for the ship’s doctor, he will provide a
medical certificate of recovery, or in case the ESM may need days of rest. The ESM will show this certificate to the relevant
head department (art director, cruise director). The ESM is also required to inform the employer by sending the certificate
issued by the ship’s doctor.

The engagement may be terminated by the Employer, should the injury / illness have a long lasting effect, and the decision
belongs to the ship’s doctor if the ESM is unable to perform for more than three (3) days.

The ESM declares, under the penalty of cancellation of this contract, to have the professional qualifications required by SCS
SA to be able to work, free of criminal and civil prosecution that may compromise the discharge of work performance and to
be in possession of a certificate of physical health;

CONTRACT PRICE AND TERMS: Wage before tax, amounts salary as mentioned above in Euro's a month
The calculation of the annual leave will be done at pro rata of the period worked on board and will be mentioned in the
monthly salary slip. For more information regarding leave-calculation please see the ITF agreement. Each monthly wage shall
be paid to the ESM at the beginning of the following month - if not yet in your possession – the ESM will receive a personal
ShipMoney card (debit card) at embarkation, where the wage will be wired to. More information about the functionalities will
be given on board.

This contract respects the agreement concluded between “FIT CISL TCC “ and “SCS SA” based on the special agreement for
cruise vessels with “INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT WORKERS FEDERATION “(ITF) from 28/03/2017.

This contract is drawn up in 3 copies, one of which is for the ESM, one for the Employer (via digital signature) and one for the
Crew Purser on board the vessel.

Signed on board 19/06/2022

Ship Cruise Service S.A. MSC Cruise Mng. Ltd.* The ESM
BUKRI Griseld

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

Accepted and agreed, Accepted and agreed, Accepted and agreed,
dated and signed dated and signed dated and signed

The original contract will be signed on board in the presence of the officer in charge of the company

*) We hereby guarantee that, in the event of the employer named above, failing for whatever reason, to meet its obligations
to the seafarer as required in the MLC under the terms of this Seafarer Employment Agreement, I / We as shipowner(s)
undertake to meet those obligations to that seafarer and at no cost to the Seafarer.

All Regulations & Terms not mentioned in this agreement conform MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) can be found in the Special Agreement for Cruise
Vessels according to the ITF (International Transport Workers Federation) a copy will be on board with the Crew Purser.

x:\ship cruise service sa\scs - contract 2022\contract\scs - contract [rev 3] scs2022.docx

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