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Thesis Framework

As evidenced by Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible and (HISTORICAL/CURRENT

EVENT), (YOUR ANSWER) is what (CONNECTS OR DIVIDES) a community because

AS evidenced by Artur MIller’s play The Crucible and AIDS panic of the
1981-1990’s, a fear is what divided the community because when people
have fear of something they gonna find a way to make their life safe even
don’t care other people life, they can do everything to make them alive.

Fear in Salem all of people here have a trust of witchcraft and when it
have something wrong or bad they trust that because of witchcraft like the
beginning of the story that when Betty get sick and not feel better they all
trust that because of witchcraft and try to find someone that they think it a
witchcraft even they don’t know the truth. That is why they have to divide
the community because they are all selfish and care only about
themselves, they can do anything that makes them safe and don’t care
about other people, even slander other people.
When Abigail accused Mary of using witchcraft to attack her in the court, so
that Mary would shine the truth of the girl to the whole of Salem (pg.651-
652) this is another reason to show what people can do to make them safe.
Abigail accused Mary and also she acted like she was cursed to slander
Abigail to make Danforth believe that Abigail is witchcraft.
After Mary was accused by Mary her fellow girls, she thought of no other
option but to accused John proctor of witchcraft and forcing her to come do
court, and save his wife’s life (pg.654-655) as you can see because of fear
they can do everything to make them safe and don’t care other people.
Abigail accused Mary, then now Mary accused John proctor and lied to the
court and made trouble for John proctor.

The fear of AIDS panic is what divided the community. AIDS was a
disease in 1981-1990’s that made people around the world scared of it
because it still could not be treated at that time and people try to survive in
this situation. As you can see this situation that has received national
attention about some HIV-positive children was excluded from school two
such cases those of the three Ray brothers in Arcadia,Florida, and of Ryan
White in Kokomo, Indiana. People at that time were so clearly divided that
they didn’t care about their humanity even as students in school.
Apparently, fear makes people forget their humanity in order to survive.
“Under the Chamberlain–Kahn Act, 20,000 women were quarantined by the
federal government, and thousands more by local authorities, on suspicion
of spreading syphilis and gonorrhea, though many who found themselves
behind barbed wire had neither disease” see how aids panic make people
change they do people like they not a human they panic and doubt
everyone. They don’t trust anyone. It doesn't make sense to let 20,000
people be quarantined because some of them didn’t have HIV but they can
have it because they stay with people that have HIV. Fear can change
people and make them crazy and can do everything to survive.
In Thailand in the past people who ever have HIV or AIDS will be seen as
disgusting and no one approaches and does not dare to be near or use
things together. Even though they know it does not easy to infected and
also they blame people who have AIDS that they are bad and usually
change sexual partners then it why they have AIDS. It really not make sen
and I feel like it not fair to them no one want to have this disease and
sometime they make fun with people who have AIDS see how fear change
people it make they don’t have humanity and it no reason to blame or make
fun with them too it not their fault.

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