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Ocampo, Chriz Louwhen Layne


1. Introvert vs. Extrovert

I used to believe that introverts were loner, nerdy, and clumsy, and I told myself that I am not one of them
because I am a cheerful and friendly person with many friends. But as I grew older, I recognised the
significance of working independently, having a few friends I can completely trust, becoming more self-
aware, and, most importantly, the inner peace that comes with being an introvert. According to Rachel Ellis
in 2020, an introvert is a person who possesses qualities of the introverted personality type, which means that
they are more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas rather than what is going on around
them. They prefer spending time with one or two people rather than large groups or crowds. According to
Lindsay, in 2019, Einstein was not only one of history's most famous scientists, but he was also a well-known
introvert. Leaning into his introverted nature, Einstein believed that keeping to himself was the source of his
creativity and success. "The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind," he said.

2. Sensor vs. Intuitive

I believe the sensor personality is the best fit for me. In certain situations, I am more practical. I'm more
concerned with my immediate surroundings or the current events. And, in my personal belief, experience is
the true teller of who you are, and it will guide your future behavior.Sensors are hands-on people who prefer
to process information about the world through what they can see, hear, feel, touch, and taste. Intuitives, on
the other hand, prefer to absorb information about their surroundings and process it in an abstract, big-picture
manner (Truity, 2011). Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, possesses a sensor personality. He is tolerant and
nonjudgmental in principle, but he is fiercely loyal to the people. MJ makes an effort to accept and support
others, but his core values ultimately guide him.

3. Thinker vs. Feeler

I have a feeler personality, so when I interact with others, I tend to understand their emotions and empathize
with what they are going through. People with the feeling trait, or feelers, are typically aware of not only their
own emotions but also the emotions of those around them, according to the Indeed Editorial Team, 2022.
They are protective of those they care about, which affects their personal and professional endeavors. They
are emotionally focused and may exhibit emotionally motivated responses rather than the objective decision-
making that thinkers may emphasize. Jim Carrey from the movie Dumb and Dumber is one of the famous
people I know who has a feeler personality.he is a lively entertainer who captivates and engages those around
him. He is adventurous, energetic, and fun-loving, and he enjoys the things around him such as food, clothes,
nature, animals, and, most importantly, people.

4. Judger vs. Perceiver

I am the type of person who always says, "I'll just go with the flow," but I am open to other people's decisions
and adapt to their differences in their mode of choice or options. And I believe this trait will be considered as
perceiver. Perceivers, according to Personality Max, 2022, are adaptable and flexible. They are haphazard
thinkers who prefer to keep their options open. Perceivers thrive in the unexpected and are adaptable. They
are impulsive and frequently work on multiple projects at the same time. Johnny Depp, according to Alderson,
2022, has the personality type of a perceiver. He approaches life with an exploratory mindset, exploring a
wide range of creativity, lifestyles, and experiences. Johnny followed his heart, which led him to become an

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