Chapter 9 Answers

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29. Calculate the work done by the earth on a 2.00 kg brick that falls from the roof of a 10.

0 m building to the ground.

Wg +196.2 J ( +196 J)

30. A 165 g hockey puck moves a distance of 1.00 m while the hockey stick is pushing it with a force of 200. N. How much work does the stick do on the puck?
W = 200. J

31. A woman pushes on a baby stroller at an angle of 60 below the horizontal. If she does 400. J of work on the stroller while it moves 20.0 m, how much force does she exert?
= 40.0 N

32. An empty spring cart for cafeteria trays has a load of trays placed on it. The spring constant is 490 N/m, and the trays push the spring down 0.50 m. a. What force do the trays exert on the spring?
Ftrays 245 N ( 250 N down)

b. Draw a tray force-distance diagram for the situation. c. How much work did the trays do on the spring when they were loaded into the cart?

61.2 J ( 61 J)

33. How much power is needed to compress a spring from its rest length of 0.150 m to half that in 10.0 s? The spring constant is k = 625 N/m.

0.175 W ( 0.18 W)

34. A 165 g hockey puck resting on a level ice surface is struck by a stick with a force of 225 N. The stick is in contact with the puck over a straight-line distance of 0.840 m. a. How much work does the stick do?
W = 189 J

b. What is the change in the pucks kinetic energy?

K = 189 J

c. What is the pucks kinetic energy before it is hit?

v0 = 0 m/s, therefore K0 = 0 J

d. What is the pucks speed when the stick breaks contact?

47.86 m/s 47.9 m/s

35. An athlete running at a speed of 3.00 m/s decides to speed up on a long, flat stretch. After running 120. m, the runner is at a speed of 4.50 m/s. He has a mass of 75.0 kg. a. What is his kinetic energy before he speeds up?
337.5 J 338

b. What is his kinetic energy after he speeds up?

759.3 J 759 J

c. How much work was done in speeding up?


421.8 J ( 422 J)

d. What net force changed his speed?

3.515 N 3.52 N

e. What was his acceleration, from Newtons second law?

0.04686 m/s2 0.0469 m/s2

f. From the first equation of motion, how long did it take him to speed up?
32.01 s 32.0 s

36. A 1.50 kg model train initially traveling at 0.50 m/s accelerates to 1.00 m/s in 10. s. a. What is the change in the trains kinetic energy?
0.562 J 0.56 J

b. How much power was expended to accelerate the train?

0.0562 J/s 0.056 W

37. A 2.00 103 kg block of granite is lifted from the bottom of a quarry to the top at a constant velocity. The quarry is 176 m deep. a. How much work was done to the granite block?

Wex 3.453 106 J ( 3.45 106 J)

b. What is the change in potential energy of the block?

Ug +3.453 106 J ( +3.45 106 J) P 49.3 kW

c. If the lift took 70.0 s, how much power was expended? 38. A hydraulic lift raises a 975 kg car 3.00 m to the deck of a ship at a constant speed. What is the change in the cars potential energy?
Ug +2.869 104 J ( +2.87 104 J)

39. A spring whose rest length is 35.0 cm and whose spring constant is k = 8.00 N/m hangs from a beam. The spring is slowly stretched, assuming no acceleration, to a length of 50.0 cm. a. How much work was required to stretch the spring?
= 0.0900 J

b. What is the change in the springs elastic potential energy?

Us = Wex = +0.0900 J

40. An engine stretches a spring 0.35 m from its rest position at constant speed, doing 75 J of work. a. What is the springs change in elastic potential energy?
Us = Wex = +75 J

b. Determine its spring constant.

1220 N/m 1200 N/m

41. An ideal spring is attached to a 0.100 kg block on one end and the wall on the other end, and it rests on a frictionless table. The spring is stretched at constant velocity until it is 2.00 cm longer than its equilibrium position, and then the spring and block are released. The spring constant is 8.00 N/m. a. What is the work used to stretch the spring?
Wex = 1.60 103 J

b. What is the potential energy of the block when the spring is stretched?
Us = Wex = 1.60 103 J Us = 1.60 103 J

c. What is the change in the blocks potential energy from the time it is released to the time it reaches the springs equilibrium position? d. What is the change in the blocks kinetic energy from the time it is released to the time it reaches the springs equilibrium position?
K = Us = +1.60 103 J 0.1788 m/s 0.179 m/s

e. What is the blocks velocity when it reaches the springs equilibrium position if it is released from rest? 42. A 0.165 kg ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 10.0 m/s. a. What is the balls initial kinetic energy as it is released?
8.25 J

b. At the peak of its flight, the balls velocity is zero. What is the change in its kinetic energy from the time it is thrown to the time it reaches the peak of its flight?
= -8.250 J -8.25 J

c. What is the balls change in potential energy from the time it is thrown to the peak of its flight, assuming that no work is done on the earth-ball system?
Ug = K = +8.250 J ( +8.25 J) 7.09 m 7.1 m

d. How high does the ball rise if it is released at 2.0 m above the ground? 43. A 0.200 kg brick falls from rest a distance of 1.00 m. Find Ug, K, and E.
-1.962 J -1.96 J

1.962 J 1.96 J =0J

44. A 1.00 106 kg asteroid moves from an infinite distance from the Sun to a distance of 1.75 1011 m from the center of the Sun. a. What is the force of the Sun on the asteroid at 1.75 1011 m?
4333 N 4330 N -7.584 x 1014 J

b. What is the change in the asteroids potential energy? c. How much work does the Sun do on the asteroid?
+7.584 x 1014 J J

d. If the asteroid returns to its original distance, what will be the change in its potential energy during its return?
7.584 x 1014 J

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