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Lesson 1 Ethics in Moral Life
Meaning of Ethics and Morality 1. Ethics needs to provide answers.
If ethical theories are to be useful in practice,
Ethics or moral philosophy discusses the set of rules they need to affect the way human beings behave.
for human conduct Some philosophers think that ethics does this.
They argue that if a person realizes that it would
 comes from the Greek word ethos which
be morally good to do something, then it would be
means custom, habit, character or
irrational for that person not to do it. But human
beings often behave irrationally. They follow their
 involves systematizing, defending, and
“gut instinct” even when their head suggests a
recommending concepts of right and wrong
different course of action. However, ethics does
provide good tools for thinking about moral issues.
 also defined as the study of judgment of value, 2. Ethics can provide a moral plan.
of good and evil, right and wrong Most moral issues get us pretty worked up – think
 at its simplest, ethics is a system of moral of abortion and euthanasia for starters. Because
principles these are such emotional issues they often let our
 affect how people make decisions and lead hearts do the arguing while our brains just go with
their lives the flow. But there’s another way of tackling these
Our concept of ethics have been derived from issues, and that’s were philosophers can come in –
religions, philosophies, and cultures. they offer us ethical rules and principles that
enable us to take a cooler view of moral problems.
Morality on the other hand refers to the rightness or So, ethics provides us with a moral plan which
wrongness of an action (Mañeb6g et a3., 2013) gives a framework that we can use to find our way
 comes from the Greek word mos or moris or through difficult issues.
in Latin moralitas which means manner or 3. Ethics can identify a disagreement.
characteristics Using the framework of ethics, two people who are
 the terms ethical and moral are being use arguing a moral issue can often find that what they
interchangeably (dictionary of philosophy) disagree about is just one particular part of the
Philosophers today usually divide ethical theories into issue, and what they broadly agree on everything
three general subject areas: else. That can take a lot of heat out of the
1. Meta-ethics deals with the nature of moral argument, and sometimes even hint at a way for
judgment them to resolve their problem. But sometimes
 Looks at the origins and meaning of ethics doesn’t provide people with the sort of help
ethical principles that they really want.
2. Normative ethics is concerned with the 4. Ethics does not give right answers.
content of moral judgments and the criteria for Ethics does not always show the right answer to
what is right or wrong moral problems. Indeed more and more people
3. Applied ethics looks at controversial topics think that for many ethical issues there isn’t a
like war, bioethics and capital punishment single right answer – just a set of principles that
can be applied to particular cases to give those
Significance of the Study of Ethics involved some clear choices. Some philosophers
It is very evident in contemporary societies go further and say that all ethics can do eliminate
the manifestation of continuing collapse in the confusion and clarify the issues. After that it’s up
standards of morality. Ethical issues are becoming to each individual to come to his/her own
huge, complicated, subjective, and eventually conclusions.
confusing so much so that people begin to act in 5. Ethics can give several answers.
accordance with the ethical norms. This becomes the Many people want there to be a single right answer
main concern of today’s sociologists and social to ethical questions. They find moral ambiguity
philosophers. They are driven to reassess the main hard to live with because they genuinely want to
structures of morality and rebuild necessary measures do the ‘right’ thing, and even if they can’t work
to address the present characteristics of moral issues out what that right thing is, they like the idea that
today. It requires a rigid reevaluation of the norms of ‘somewhere’ there is one right answer. But often
morality which seem to be acceptable and easily there isn’t one right answers – and the individual
applicable in all situations during the past decades must choose between them. For others moral
compared to the types of people to whom these norms ambiguity is difficult because it forces them to
are expectedly applied. take responsibility for their own choices and
actions, rather than falling back on convenient
rules and customs.
I might be making a statement about an ethical
“It is wrong to murder.”
Lesson 2 2. Subjectivism
Ethics and the People Subjectivism teaches that moral judgments are nothing
more than statements of a person’s feelings or
Ethics about the “other”. attitudes, and that ethical statements do not contain
Ethics is concerned with other people. At the heart of factual truths about goodness or badness.
ethics is a concern about something or someone other In more detail: subjectivists say that moral statements
than ourselves and our own desires and self-interest. are statements about the feelings, attitudes and
Ethics is concerned with other people’s interests, with emotions that particular person or group has about a
the interests of society, with God’s interests, with particular issue. If a person says something is good or
‘ultimate goods”, and so on. So when a person ‘thinks bad he/she is telling us about the positive or negative
ethically’ they are giving at least some thought to feelings that he/she has about that something.
something beyond themselves. 3. Emotivism
Ethics as source of group strength. Emotivism is the view that moral claims are no more
One problem with ethics is the way it’ often used as a than expressions of approval or disapproval. This
weapon. If a group believes that a particular activity is sounds like subjectivism, but in emotivism a moral
“wrong” it can then use morality as the justification for statement doesn’t provide information about the
attacking those who practice that activity. When speaker’s feelings about the topic but expresses those
people do this, they often see those who they regard as feelings.
immoral as in some way less human or deserving of So when someone makes a moral judgment, he/she
respect than themselves; sometimes with tragic shows his/her feelings about something. Some
consequences. theorists also suggest that in expressing a feeling the
Good people as well as good actions. person gives an instruction to others about how to act
Ethics is not only about the morality of particular towards the subject matter.
courses of action, but it’s also about the goodness of 4. Prescriptivism
individuals and what it means to live a good life. Prescriptivists think that ethical statements are
Virtue ethics is particularly concerned with the moral instructions or recommendations. So if I say something
character of human beings. is good, I’m recommending you to do it, and if I say
Searching for the source of right and wrong. something is bad, I’m telling you not to do it.
At times in the past some people thought that ethical
problems could be solved in one of two ways: by Man as Social Being: His Perception of the
discovering what God wanted people to do by thinking Importance of Rules
rigorously about moral principles and problems. If a As a social being, man has four-fold
person did this properly, he would be led to the right relationships: intrapersonal, interpersonal, societal, and
conclusion. But now even philosophers are less sure relationship with God. This is the cross-dimension of
that it’s possible to devise a satisfactory and complete human relationship.
theory of ethics - at least not one that leads to The horizontal line shows the relationship of a
conclusions. Modern thinkers often teach that ethics person to himself, as well as his relationship with
leads people not to conclusions but to decisions. In this others; while the vertical line points towards a person’s
view, the role of ethics is limited to clarifying ‘what’s relationship with the society and environment, as well
at stake’ in particular ethical problems. Philosophy can as with God. In these kinds of relationship, man’s
help identify the range of ethical methods, actions are considered “right or wrong”, “good or
conversations and value systems that can be applied to bad”, “proper and improper”, etc. The perceptions of
a particular problem. But after these things have been rightness or wrongness of actions may primarily start
made clear, each person must make their own from the concepts of rules.
individual decision as to what to do, and then react
appropriately to the consequences. Why Rules?
When rules exist, order is achieved. Imagine a
Four Ethical “Isms” home without rules, either implicit or explicit; a school
1. Moral Realism without policies and regulations, either written or
Moral realism is based on the idea that there are real unwritten; a basketball game without rules; a road
objective moral facts or truths in the universe. Moral without signs and directions, without laws, a society
statements provide factual information about those without judicial courts; what would happen. Rules are
meant to ensure order in every organization, either in her decision does not depend on how many people will
small or big community of people. agree or disagree to him or to her. It holds that truth
When rules exist, to get things done is easy. In remains though nobody accepts it, while falsity does
an organization, job descriptions are defined. Every not turn into truth though everybody accepts it. One
member acts according to his or her role. When each indication of justification is the consensus of
performs job accurately, the vision and the goals of the participants in communication (Habermas).
organization is realizable. Sometimes, rules are not Third, moral standards are to be preferred
written yet people behave properly, because of the than other values including self-interest. Example,
norms. honesty is to be preferred than cheating although
When rules exist, we acquire social values that cheating can make me graduate. It holds that even if an
strengthen our relationship with others. Being with- act is rewarding, it cannot justify a wrong deed.
others-in-society requires values and skills necessary Fourth, moral standards are based on
to sustain harmony among members of society. impartial considerations. Another way of expressing
Because of rules, our actions are tamed which this is ‘universalizable’ or taking the point of view of
eventually lead towards positive relationship with an ideal observer still this impartiality must be
others. balanced with partiality towards those we have a
special relationship (family and friends) and the poor
Usual Rules in our Lives and the disabled. Rachels stated that the basic idea of
1. Etiqutte – standards by which we judge manners impartiality is that each individual’s interests are
to be good or bad normally dictated by a equally important, which in the moral point of view, it
socioeconomic elite means that there are no privileged persons. It
2. Legal – standards by which we judge legal right acknowledges therefore that my importance is equally
and wrong in a democracy, formulated by as yours, and vice versa. This concept of impartiality is
representative of the people backed up by good reasons, thus, these two concepts
3. Language – standards by which we judge what is are very important in addressing ethical issues.
grammatically right or wrong evolved through use Fifth, moral standards are associated with
4. Aesthetics – standards by which we judge good special emotions such as ‘guilt’, ‘remorse’, ‘praise’,
and bad art usually dictated by a small circle of art ‘indignation’. Aside from reason, another
specialists consideration is person’s feelings. Most of the time, we
5. Athletic – standards by which we judge how good include our feelings in every action that we do.
or bad a game is played usually formulated by We sometimes react not only based on reason
governing bodies. but most of the time with our feelings involved in the
According to Rachels (2007), morality is, first and What is common to all five characteristics? All
foremost, a matter of consulting reason. Thus, what is of these characteristics of moral standards consider in
morally good, in any circumstance, is that which has its broadest sense the existence of society or in more
the best reasons for doing. philosophical term, “other.” It means that individual
responsibility cannot be taken in isolation from social
Lesson 3.1 responsibility. Therefore, it is good to note that we act
Moral and Non-Moral Standards not just for ourselves but always for others, with
others, and also by others. Noncompliance with moral
Difference between Moral and Non-Moral standards seriously injure us as human beings.
Standards “Nababawasan ang ating pagkatao.” The challenge of
The following characteristics of moral standards moral standards is that in violating them, effect is not
provide a clear distinction of these two concepts. always immediate and visible.
First, moral standards deal with matters that
can seriously injures or benefit human beings. These What are Moral Dilemmas?
refer to good or bad actions that may bring help or Moral dilemmas are displayed by being
harm to others. Examples of good acts are charitable “bothered” – nababagabag. Why am I bothered?
programs that may help others who are in need; while When did you have that “bothered” feeling?
examples of bad acts are theft, rape, fraud, slander, Confronted with choices whose ends result to one
and murder. positive and another negative; or two negatives, one
Second, the validity of moral standards rests less and another lesser, we naturally have this bothered
on the adequacy of reasons to support and justify them, feeling. We find it difficult to make decisions because
not on decisions of majority or authoritative bodies. of moral considerations. This experience happens
Example, if someone is ought to tell the truth, his or when an agent is confused about the right decision to
make because there are several competing values that may vary and make a difference on the individual’s
are seemingly equally important and urgent. decision.
A moral dilemma is a problem in the This refers to personal dilemmas. It is an
decision-making between two possible options, neither individual’s dam-if-you-do-and-damn-if-youdon’t
of which is absolutely acceptable from an ethical situation
perspective. It is also referred to as ethical dilemma. 2. Organizational Level (Organizational
The Oxford Dictionary defines ethical dilemma as a Dilemmas)
“decision-making problem between two possible moral This level usually occurs when a dilemma is
imperatives, neither of which is unambiguously made and the standards of the person’s standards are
acceptable or preferable. It is sometimes called an already attached or are being affected by policies or
ethical paradox in moral philosophy.” (Oxford procedures of an organization.
Dictionary) To be ethical requires pause:
Based on these definitions, moral dilemmas 1) to get hold of emotions before they do damage,
have the following in common: 1) “the agent is and
required to do each of two (or more) actions which are 2) distance from what everyone else is saying.
morally unacceptable; 2) the agent can do each of the To be ethical also requires critical thinking:
actions; 3) but the agent cannot do both (or all) of the 1) to analyze the situation, consider stakeholders’
actions The agent thus seems condemned to moral interest, make the right choices, and
failure; no matter what she does, she will do something 2) to see the bigger picture and align the choice with
wrong (or fail to do something that she ought to do). the values important to me.
This means that moral dilemmas are situations An organizational dilemma is a puzzle posed
where two or more moral values or duties make by the dual necessities of a social organization and
demands on the decision-maker, who can only honor members’ self-interest. It may exist between personal
one of them, and thus will violate at least one interests and organizational welfare or between group
important moral concern, no matter what he or she interests and organizational well-being….(Wagner, J.
decides to do. Moral dilemmas present situations 2019)
where there is tension between moral values and duties 3. The Systemic Level or the Macro Level
that are more or less on equal footing. The decision- (Structural Dilemmas), defined ethics and is
maker has to choose between a wrong and another influenced by the wider environmental operation
wrong. The decision-maker is a deadlock. where the company exist. Political pressures,
economic status, societal attitudes to some
Meaning of a False Dilemma businesses and even business regulation are the
On the other hand, a false dilemma is a factors that influence the standard of company
situation where the decision-maker has a moral duty to operation and policies. Business owners and
do one thing, but is tempted or under pressure to do managers must be informed about how pressures
something else. A false dilemma is a choice between a like these can affect operations and relationships,
right and a wrong. For example, a lawyer or an and how they may impact on markets locally,
accountant can face an opportunity to prioritize self- nationally and internationally.
interest over the client’s interest. A structural dilemma is a conflict of perspective of
sectors, groups and institutions that may be affected by
What to Do When Faced with a Moral Dilemma the decision
Ultimately, dilemmas are conflicts in the Structural dilemmas concern dilemmas faced by group
application of moral standards. The question is which or individuals as a result of structural relationships.
moral standards must be followed? In a state of
emergency, necessity demands no moral law. You Lesson 3.2
have to decide based on your best judgment or choose Moral and Non-Moral Standards
based on the principle of lesser evil or greater good or
urgency. Moral Standards or Moral Frameworks and Non-
Moral Standards
Three Levels of moral dilemmas: Since ethics is a study of moral standards, then
1. Individual Level (Individual Dilemmas) the first question for the course is, what are moral
It is a situational problem for an individual standards. The following are supposed to be examples
who is experiencing a difficulty in choosing between of moral standards: “Stealing is wrong.” “Killing is
two or more options. Factors like peer pressure, wrong.” Telling lies is wrong.” “Adultery is wrong.”
perspective, and any other personal cultural beliefs “Environment preservation is the right to do.”
“Freedom with responsibility is the right way.”
“Giving what is due to others is justice.” Hence, moral the rightness or wrongness of a rule depends on
standards are norms or prescriptions that serve as the standard or the good that is produced in following
frameworks for determining what ought to be done or the rule. For instance, if everyone follows the rule
what is right or wrong action, what is good or bad of a game, everyone will enjoy playing the game.
character This good consequence proves the rule must be a
Moral standards are either consequences correct rule.
standards (like Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism) or 2. Not-only-consequence standard (deontological),
nonconsequence standards (like Aritstotle’s virtue, St. holds that the rightness or wrongness of an action
Thomas’ natural law, or Immanuel Kant’ good will or or rule depends on sense of duty, natural law,
sense of duty). virtue and the demand of the situation or
The consequence standards depend on circumstances. The rightness or wrongness of an
results, outcome. An act that results in the general action does not only depend or rely on the
welfare, in the greatest good of the greatest number, is consequence of what action or following that rule.
moral. Natural and virtue ethics are deontological
The non-consequence standards are based on moral standards because their basis for determining
the natural law. Natural law is the law of God what is right or wrong does not depend on
revealed through human reason. It is the “law of God consequences but on the natural law and virtue.
written in the heart of men.” To preserve human life is Situation ethics, too, is deontological because the
in accordance with the natural law, therefore it is rightness or wrongness of an act depends on situation
moral. Likewise, the non-consequence standard may and circumstances requiring or demanding exception
also be based on good will or intention, and on a sense to rule.
of duty. Respect for humanity, treatment of the other
as a human person, an act that is moral, springs from a Lesson 4
sense of duty, a sense of duty that you wish will apply Freedom as Foundation for Moral Acts
to all human person
On the other hand, non-moral standards are Freedom as Foundation for Moral Acts: Absolute
social rules, demands of etiquette and good manner. and Relative
They are the guides of action which should be As universal paradox, on freedom, states that
followed as expected by society. Sometimes they may “You are free to choose, but you are not free from the
not be followed or some people may not follow them. consequence of your choice.” This statement already
From time to time, changes are made regarding good implies the concept of freedom and responsibility, as
manners or etiquette. In sociology, non-moral well as the concept of absolute freedom and relative
standards or rules are called folkways. In short, non- freedom. Human as we to, we always have to make
moral actions are those where moral categories cannot choices, from simple to the most complicated issues.
be applied. Some objects of our choice do not necessitate moral
Examples of non-moral standards are rules of decisions on our part. For instance, when we wake up
good manners and right conduct, etiquette, rules of in the morning, we already have something to decide
behaviour set by parents, teachers, and standards of on, whether to take our breakfast, to take a bath or
grammar or language, standards of art, standards of even to go to school or work or not. These are non-
sports set by other authorities. Examples are “do not complicated choices however the consequences may
eat with your mouth open,” “observes rules of lead to conflicts. For instance, if we choose not to
grammar,” and “do not wear socks that don’t match.” attend classes or go to work, our tasks will be pending,
Classification of the Theories of Moral Standards and as such others who may also be affected.
Garner and Rosen (1967) classified the various Eventually, the simple choice that we make may
moral standards formulated by moral philosophers as become a huge problem.
follows: The concept of freedom cannot in any way be
1. Consequence (teleological, from tele which means separated from the concept of moral obligation and
end, result or consequence) standard states that an accountability. This explains why freedom is a
act is right or wrong depending on the foundation for moral acts. Man is free, yet there are
consequences of the act, that is, the good that is things that he “ought” to act or follow, like rules,
produced in the world. Will it do you good if you policy, practices, or principles. A contemporary
go to school? If the answer is right, because you secularist, Kai Neilsen, recommends that man must
learn how to read and write, then going to school is perform what he “ought” to perform to maximize
right. The consequence standard can also be a happiness and minimize pain. Neilsen further explains
basis for determining whether or not a rule is a this moral obligation in relation to this concept of
right rule. So the consequence standards states that justice.
He argues that it is not enough to just seek consequence for being free, a consequence of being a
maximization of human happiness and minimization of human person
suffering, man is “ought” to achieve both fairly. Because a human person has freedom, he/she
Mañebog et al also quoted the outspoken atheist has a choice and so is responsible for the consequences
Richard Dawkins who declares that there “moral of his/her choice. The lower forms of animals have no
instructions” on how we ought to behave.” choice since they are bound by instinct and so cannot
From these views, we can now understand be held responsible for their behavior.
freedom as man’s capacity to select from choices, and
to perform his choices, nevertheless, such freedom The ethics of absolute freedom, it would seem,
does not imply that he has the absolute power to make are not absolutely free. To be free we must take on the
choices. Man must consider what he “ought” to do. responsibility of choosing for all men, we must desire
For instance, if he chooses to relax and set his and work for the freedom of all men, and we must
karaoke set in its full volume, he truly has the freedom create ourselves within the context of the relationships
to do so. However, such freedom is not absolute and obligations we have to other people.
because as he enjoys, he also has been mindful and
conscious of the freedom of his neighbours who may Reasons and Impartiality: Minimum Requirement
also have the freedom to relax and take complete rest. for Morality
This means therefore that freedom is not absolute but The role of reason in Ethics is very significant.
relative. It always in relation to others’ freedom, thus, As Mañebog et al claim, any utterance to become a
we can say that “where your freedom ends, the genuine moral or value judgment, it must be supported
freedom of others begin”. by pertinent reasons. For instance, if a person tells us
that a certain act is immoral, he has to prove it by
Ethics Applies Only to Human Persons explaining the why’s and the how’s such an action
Unlike the lower form of animals, human becomes immoral. In this case, the role of reason is
persons have a choice or freedom, hence morality involved in determining whether an act is truly moral
applies only to human persons. or immoral. If reasons are not provided, then the claim
Ethics therefore, applies only to human must be considered absurd. If in trying to justify his
persons. We cannot say a cat is “unethical” when it claim, he explains that an act is wrong simply because
eats the food at table for you or when a dog urinates on that is his belief or that’s how he feels it, then his
your favourite bag lying on the floor. argument remains absurd. This raises the distinction
Dilemmas presuppose freedom. Freedom- between ethical judgment and simple expressions of
loving societies have customary ways of training the personal beliefs and emotions. Only ethical judgment
young to exercise their freedom. Parents regularly give requires sound reasoning, while personal beliefs and
their children opportunities to choose. Later in life, emotions do not. Say for instance, if I claim that food
they come face to face with hard choices. The with chilli is very delicious, I am not necessitated to
dilemmas come along. There is such a thing as a explain my claim.
dilemma because there is such a thing as freedom. If Emotivism however discards moral truths
there is no ability or power of choice, then any incident because of its claim that morality is not testable by
simply happens without any interference. There would empirical observation and experimentation, thus,
also be no obligation to do any act in expectation of matters concerning morality are reduced to mere
the responsibility following the act. objects of feelings. This likewise reduces man’s nature
to mere emotions, which in the sense rejecting the
Freedom and Moral Choice rationality in man. Emotivists fall short in concluding
Without freedom it is impossible to make a that man has only feelings, and has no reasons, for in
moral choice. If we are to have free will we must have fact, reason’s vital role in Ethics cannot be denied. The
the ability to make a decision that is unhindered. Kant claim that moral truths are truths of reason takes
believed that we must have free will if we are held precedence over the emotivism’s claim.
morally responsible for our actions. If God did not give
us free will then our decisions cannot be considered The minimum requirements of morality are
immoral or moral as we would have had to act in the reason and impartiality. “Moral judgments must be
way we did. Thus we cannot be held responsible; a backed up by good reason and impartiality. Morality
good moral action cannot be praised as you had no requires the impartial consideration of each
other option, whilst an immoral action cannot be individual’s interests.” Moral judgments, or resolving a
punished as once again there was no free choice. In dilemma of moral judgments must be backed up by
other words, making moral choice is a necessary good reason.
Reason and impartiality refer to a mental
activity following the basic principle of consistency,
the lack of contradiction between one idea and another.
It is a process of deriving necessary conclusion from
premises, avoiding all forms of deception or fallacy or
A logical, impartial, objective reason avoids
ambiguities like equivocation, circular reasoning,
amphibology, etc. Coherent reasoning is needed to
establish truth and meaningfulness of moral judgments

“Morality requires impartial consideration of

each individual’s interest. In arriving at a sound moral
judgment you must listen to everyone trying to speak.
Biases and prejudices must be placed between
brackets, suspended. Everyone’s message, silent or
verbal, should be allowed to be unveiled. Everyone has
always something to tell. No has a monopoly of the
truth. A moral subject must be seen from various
perspectives and standpoints.

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