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Las Letras Los Nombres Pronunciación(IPA)

A,a a a
B,b be b
C,c ce th
Ch,ch che ch
D,d de d
E,e e 
F,f efe f
G,g ge h
H,h ache ach
I,i i iy
J,j jota hɔta
K,k ka ka
L,l ele l
LL,ll elle ly
M,m eme m
N,n ene n
Ñ,ñ eñe ny
O,o o ɔ
P,p pe p
Q,q cu kuw
R,r ere r
rr erre rr
S,s ese s
T,t te t
U,u u uw
V,v uve, ve b (soft “b”)
W,w uve doble, doble ve wu
X,x equis kiys
Y,y ye, i griega y
Z,z zeta thta
LOS VOCALES (The Vowels) Initial Medial Final

Aa sounds like a in abril abanico chica

Ee sonds like e in enero verde café

Ii sounds like i in indio dia aqui

Oo sounds like o in otro tronco surtido

Uu sounds like u in urna voluntad Cebú

Courtesy: Dr. June Rey Villegas

1. No vowel is silent in Spanish, except the u in some cases:

In these combinations:

Silent gue gui que qui

u sigue guitara queso Aquiles

Exception: güe combinations güi combinations

Not silent Argüelles vergüenza argüir lingüistica

2. When it stands alone or at the end of a word, the letter y becomes a vowel and sounds like i.

Stand alone End of the word

Y (and) muy (very)

sound /iy/ hay (there is, there are)

Los Consonantes ejemplos Españoles (phonetic symbol)

b bόca (mouth) b
‘ c cena (supper) th
c casa (house) k (pronounced as k before a,o,&u)
ch muchacho (boy) ch
d deseo (I wish) d
f fe (faith) f
g gente (people) h (pronounced as h before e & i)
g gota (drop) g (as g before a,o,&u)
h ahora (now) never pronounced
j jugo (juice) h
k kilo (kilogram) k
l lana (wool) l
ll llave (key) ly
m magnifico (magnificent) m
n nacion (nation) n
ñ leña (wood) ny
p pais (country) p
q aqui (here) k
r rosa (rose) r
rr carro (cart) rr
s soldado (soldier) s
t tia (aunt) t
v vapor (ship) b
x sexto (sixth) ks
y yerno (son-in-law) y
z zumo (juice) th

Courtesy: Dr. June Rey Villegas

A diphthong is a combination of two vowels pronounced as one sound.

Spanish Spelling Sound Spanish Examples Phonetic Symbol

ai or ay Similar to the i of high. bailar (to dance) ay
ei or ey Similar to the ay of day. Reino (kingdom) ey
oi or oy Similar to the oy of boy. oigo (I hear) oy
ui or uy Similar to we. cuidado (care) wiy
au Similar to the ou of house. causa (cause) aw
eu A combination of e and o. deuda (debt) eyuw
ia Similar to the ya of yacht. diablo (devil) ya
ie The ye of yes is the closest cielo (sky) y
io Similar to yo of yore. mayo (May) yɔ
iu Similar to the u of cute. ciudad (city) yuw
ua Similar to the wa of was. cuando (when) wa
ue The we of wet is the closest huevos (eggs) uwe
uo Similar to the uo of quota. Arduo (arduous) uwɔ


A triphthong is a combination of three vowels that are blended into one sound.

Spanish Spelling Spanish Examples Phonetic Symbol

iai apreciais (you value) iyay
iei vacieis (you empty) iyy
uai (uay) santiguais (you bless) wayiy
uei (uey) buey (ox) wyiy

enero septiembre lunes
febrero octubre martes
marzo noviembre miércoles
abril diciembre jueves
mayo viernes
junio sábado
julio domingo
The generel rule of accentuation in Spanish is that in words ending with a vowel the stress should be placed on the next
to the last syllable, and in those ending with a consonant on the last.

Ex. Butaca (armchair) general (general)

In words not following this rule, the accented vowel must be marked with the acute accent (‘).

Ex. Papá (daddy) distinguished from papa which means potato

Está (it is) distinguished from esta which means this (fem)
Prόximo (next)
Azúcar (sugar)
Courtesy: Dr. June Rey Villegas
If no written accent is placed on words ending in n or s, they must be stressed on the next to the last syllable; in all other
cases an accent must be placed on the stressed syllable.

Ex. joven (youth) lección (lesson)

lunes (Monday) compás (compass)

(,) coma
(;) punto y coma
(:) dos puntos
(.) punto final
(...) puntos suspensivos
(¿) principio de interrogacion
(? ) fin de interrogacion
(¡) principio de admiracion
(!) fin de admiracion
( ) paréntesis
(-) guión
(“”) comillas

La cabeza –the head El tronco – the trunk Las extremidades – the extremities
el cabello – hair los hombros – shoulders los brazos - arms
la cara – face el pecho- chest las manos -hands
la frente – forehead la cintura – waist los dedos - fingers
los ojos – eyes la barriga – abdomen los pies - feet
la nariz- nose el estómago – stomach los muslos - thighs
la boca – mouth las nalgas – buttocks las piernas – legs
las orejas – ears las caderas - hips
el cuello – neck

la sala de estar – living room
el comedor – dining room
el dormitorio – bedroom
la cocina – kitchen
el cuarto de baño – bathroom

el padre – the father el primo – cousin (male) el hombre – the man
la madre – mother la prima – cousin (female) la mujer - woman
el hijo – son el cuñado – brother-in-law el muchacho - boy
la hija – daughter la cuñada – sister-in-law la muchacha - girl
el niño – child (mas.) el tio – uncle el hermano -brother
la niña – child (fem.) la tia – aunt la hermana - sister
la esposa- wife la nuera - daughter-in-law
el esposo – husband el yerno - son-in-law

Courtesy: Dr. June Rey Villegas


Buenos dias. Good morning.

Buenas tardes. Good afternoon.
Buenas noches. Good evening; good night.
¡Hola! - Hello!
¿Cómo está usted? (formal form) How are you?
¿Cómo estás tu? (familiar form) How are you?
Bien, gracias. Fine, thank you.
Adiós. Goodbye.
Hasta la vista. ‘Till next time.
Hasta otra. So long.
Vaya con Dios. God be with you.
Este es mi amigo. This is my friend.
Esta es mi amiga. This is my friend.
¿Donde vive usted? (formal) Where do you live?
¿Donde vives tu? (familiar) Where do you live?
Vivo en ___________________. I live in ____________________.
¿De donde es usted? (formal) Where are you from?
¿De donde eres tu? (familiar) Where are you from?
Soy de _________________. I am from __________________.
Mucho gusto en conocerle. Pleased to meet you.
El gusto es mio. The pleasure is mine.

Pig - el puerco Donkey - el burro
Cow - la vaca Horse - el caballo
Goat - la cabra Camel - el camello
Duck - el pato Rabbit - el conejo
Dog - el perro Rooster - el gallo
Cat - el gato Giraffe - la jirafa
Chicken- el pollo Parrot - el loro
Bird - el pájaro Rat - la rata
Snake - la serpiente Bull - el toro
Fish - el pez
Monkey - el mono
Butterfly – la mariposa

Courtesy: Dr. June Rey Villegas

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