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Name : Miranda

Nim : 2202110098

Subjects : English

Classroom : A4 (d)

My name is Miranda. At home I’m called Nanda but at school I’m usually called Mira. I was
born in Pelalawan Regency, March 18th 2004. I’m 18 years old. I am the last child of 3 siblings.
My first brother is named Rajieb Gandi and my second sister is named Maya Rozika.

At the age of seven, I studied at the State Elementary School 006 Sorek Dua. There I was given
the provision of character by the teachers so that I was able to adapt in people's lives even though
at that time I was still embarrassed.

Six years later I graduated. I continued my education at SMP Negeri Sorek Dua.When I was in
8th grade on March 2 2018, my mother passed away, there my world fell apart instantly. every
time i miss him. However, I still have to move on with my life. I want my mom to be proud.

After graduating from junior high school, I continued my education at SMA N 1 Pangkalan
Kuras. I tried to follow the SNMPTN, and I passed the state university at the University of Riau.
with a major in economics.

talk about hobbies, my hobby is drawing. My dream is to become a designer. Why did I major in
Economics? My brother said “that being a designer requires a large amount of capital”, and I
decided to become an entrepreneur.I want capital to become a designer, it's the result of my
sweat, I don't want to burden my parents anymore.

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