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Dubow: Apartheid 1948–1994 2016-1-139

Dubow, Saul: Apartheid 1948–1994. Oxford: to „neither assume that racial segregation was
Oxford University Press 2014. ISBN: 978-0- bound to transmute into the yet harsher ver-
19-955066-1; 384 S. sion of apartheid, nor take for granted that
the African National Congress, led by Nelson
Rezensiert von: Melanie Boehi, Zentrum Mandela, would eventually overthrow whi-
für Afrikastudien Basel und Basel Graduate te supremacy.“ (p. viii) Dubow’s book thus
School of History distinguishes itself from many existing mono-
graphs on South African history through its
Saul Dubow wrote the preface of ‘Apartheid alertness to paths not taken. Moreover, Du-
1948–1994’ in July 2013, at a moment when bow argues in favour of paying greater atten-
the prospect of the passing of former South tion to the histories of state power, political
African president Nelson Rolihlahla Mande- economy and ideology, which recently have
la weighed heavily on the country. Mande- been neglected in studies that prioritised soci-
la, Dubow assumed, would certainly be re- al history and the history of the liberation mo-
membered as the major figure of the post- vements. Dubow thus attempts to bring the-
apartheid transition, but „[w]hat of the sys- se histories together and „to interweave ac-
tem he dedicated his life to overthrowing and counts of state power, ideology, resistance, re-
which in his own person he so magnificently ligion, international politics, and transnatio-
transcended?“ (p. v) Whites, Dubow surmi- nal solidarity, within a common frame of ana-
sed, would prefer to forget apartheid, while lysis.“ (p. 301)
politicised young blacks would keep its me- The book’s chapters are ordered chrono-
mory alive and „born-frees“ would likely be logically and apply the integrated approach
„disinclined to dwell too deeply on the pain described above. Dubow thereby provides
and indignities suffered by their elders.“ (p. an impressively broad analysis of the exis-
vi) Two years later, born-free students star- ting academic literature and various genres
ted the Rhodes Must Fall and Fees Must Fall of historical records, including biographies
movements at South African universities and and autobiographies, fictional literature, mu-
demonstrated that they were not at all disin- sic and photography. He shows that such an
clined to address apartheid and its legacies. approach is suitable for opening up ways
While Dubow’s expectation of the born-free to study state ideology together with every-
generation turned out wrong (and he was by day life experiences, and analyse how they
far not alone in this), his book turned out very reinforced each other. Instead of asking how
timely. Apartheid and its histories are back on apartheid was defeated, Dubos suggests ex-
the table of the students and those who want amining how it survived so long. Apartheid,
to keep up with them. ‘Apartheid 1948–1994’ he argues throughout the book, worked in
is a stimulating reading for everybody inte- complex ways, constituted both an idea and
rested in studying, reconsidering and expan- an ideology, and had a surprising capacity for
ding the understanding of apartheid in South adaptation and reinvention. Integral to apart-
Africa. heid’s survival were „[s]trategies to ensure
Saul Dubow has in the past widely publis- compliance and invite effective complicity“.
hed on the ideological, intellectual and insti- (p. x)
tutional histories of scientific racism, racial se- The first chapter analyses the National Par-
gregation and apartheid in 19th- and 20th- ty’s campaign and victory in the 1948 election.
century South Africa. Following the objec- Dubow argues that apartheid was not „the na-
tive of the „Oxford Histories“ series „to re- tural fulfilment of Afrikaner nationalism“ but
appraise ‘turning points’ which, for this or rather „the means to a more immediate end:
that circumstance, might so easily have tur- political power.“ (p. 29) While the concept of
ned other ways“ (p. vii), Dubow argues that apartheid had been discussed among Dutch
South Africa’s historiography is too often Reformed Church missionaries and Afrika-
premised on teleological trajectories, ranging ner intellectuals since the 1930s, the Natio-
from racial segregation to apartheid, resistan- nal Party, in its well-organised election cam-
ce and redemption. Instead, Dubow proposes paign, did not prioritise race and apartheid

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but address a variety of issues relevant to tremely difficult. The sixth chapter analyses
Afrikaner voters. Apartheid in 1948 was thus the 1970s when despite international isolation
not a radical innovation but an intensificati- white supremacy seemed to be secure, with
on and confirmation of the already existing the economy booming and the liberation mo-
order of racial segregation. The second chap- vement scattered. However, the Black Con-
ter discusses the years following the 1948 elec- sciousness Movement emerged as a challen-
tion, during which apartheid served as a po- ge to white supremacy in a way unexpec-
litical programme to achieve baaskap (boss- ted by both the government and the liber-
ship) and white supremacy. The election was ation movements. The seventh chapter shows
followed by the Afrikanerisation of the public how in the era of the late 1970s and ear-
service and the introduction of discriminato- ly 1980s the apartheid government embar-
ry laws against black citizens. These were met ked on a programme of reforms and counter-
with protests, in particular the African Natio- revolutionary measures. The eighth chapter
nal Congress’ (ANC) Defiance Campaign, as is concerned with the 1980s. While increa-
well as criticism from the newly established sing international sanctions and pressure we-
United Nations. However, the apartheid sta- re key factors, the most important dynamics
te cracked down heavily on opponents and of change were internally generated, weake-
arrested many leaders. The third chapter fo- ning the government, strengthening the anti-
cuses on the shooting of protesters in Shar- apartheid movement in South Africa, and hel-
peville on 21 January 1960 and subsequent ping the ANC to position itself as government
developments. Sharpeville became, and con- in waiting.
tinues to be, an iconic symbol of the evil of ‘Apartheid 1948–1994’ is relevant for a
apartheid and the popular resistance against broad audience. For students and a general
it. Dubow reminds readers that greater atten- public, it provides an accessible and coherent
tion needs to be paid to the role of black po- general overview of relevant events, develop-
licemen, as their presence in Sharpeville and ments, literature and historical records, and
beyond (black police constituted about half of serves thus as a suitable entry point for stu-
the national force by 1955) reflects how the dying the history of apartheid in South Afri-
apartheid state sought to divide communities ca. The book also includes a useful guide to
and always depended on collaborators. The further reading. For readers already familiar
fourth chapter is concerned with the era of with the literature and records on which Du-
high apartheid in the 1960s, when South Af- bow’s account is based, it is interesting becau-
rica experienced rapid economic growth and se it provides fresh and challenging perspec-
apartheid ideology evolved from white domi- tives, both of Dubow himself and younger
nation to „an elaborate and obfuscatory ideo- South African historians. The vast scope of the
logy of multi-national development.“ (p. 105) subjects covered, and the multiple angles ta-
Space became increasingly racialised in the ci- ken into consideration make the narrative at
ties as well as the rural areas; between 1960 times very dense and somewhat kaleidosco-
and 1982 over ten per cent of the South Af- pic. However, this serves the purpose of the
rican population was forcibly removed. Whi- book which probably less than providing a
le the most prominent critics of apartheid at definite interpretation of apartheid wants to
the time were white liberals, black authors li- animate readers to think anew about know-
ke Bessie Head or Es’kia Mphalele also publis- ledge that has been taken for granted, and to
hed their critical work during the 1960s. The serve as a starting point for studies going out
silencing of the opposition was thus never to- in various directions, however paying attenti-
tal. on to the connection and integration of multi-
The fifth chapter examines the oppression ple stories and histories.
of the liberation movements in the second half
of the 1960s. With many activists of the ANC HistLit 2016-1-139 / Melanie Boehi über
and the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) ban- Dubow, Saul: Apartheid 1948–1994. Oxford
ned, imprisoned or forced into exile, organi- 2014, in: H-Soz-Kult 02.03.2016.
sational work within South Africa became ex-

© H-Net, Clio-online, and the author, all rights reserved.

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