Midterm Practical Examination Austria

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Midterm Practical Examination

Rodney Charles O. Austria




A: The Human Person Flourishing in Terms of Science and Technology

I. The Pros and Cons of Harnessing Nuclear Energy

II. The Struggles of Science and Technology in the Philippines

B: The Good Life

I. The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning

II. The Advent of “Free Internet”

C: Technology, Humanity, and the Future

I. Social Media and Data Privacy

II. The Future of Robotics
The Human Person Flourishing in Terms of Science and Technology


Among the animals on earth, we, humans, identify ourselves as the ones who
have higher intellectual capacity. We have learned that things around us hold potential
when combined with other things or when used in ways that these things are innately
inclined to be used. Through time, passionate search, experiment or even accidental
encounter, a lot of things were discovered, and we are determined to use, produce, and
manipulate nature. This lesson explains briefly the attributes and capacity of man and his
role in relation to technology and to society. It begins with St. Augustine’s idea that human
beings were created by God, the Supreme Good, and that He has endowed us with intellect
and the freedom to choose what is good and ultimately go back to Him. The journey
towards God necessitates graces from Him in order for us, humans, to choose to do and
innovate things for each other and for everyone’s good. This lessons also establishes some
philosophical considerations on how technology can be construed as a tool for higher
purposes aside from the usual idea of it being the provider of more efficient and comfortable
ways of achieving and doing things

I. I The Pros and Cons of Harnessing Nuclear Energy


Nuclear energy might be one of the most controversial energy sources we have. For some
people, the potential risk associated with nuclear power is too great. For others, nuclear
looks like the answer for a zero-carbon future. Nuclear energy comes with many benefits
and drawbacks, which is what makes it such a controversial alternative energy source. Here
are the main nuclear energy pros and cons

Advantages of Nuclear Energy is Low- Cost Energy Although building nuclear power plants
has a high initial cost, it’s relatively cheap to produce energy from them and they have low
operating costs. Also, nuclear power doesn’t experience the same kind of price fluctuations
that traditional fossil fuel energy sources like coal and natural gas do. Because of that, the
price of nuclear energy can be predicted well into the future. That price is likely to remain
low, or get even lower, as technologies advance.

Reliable One of the biggest benefits of nuclear energy is that it is a reliable power
generation source. Unlike solar and wind energy, which need the sun to be shining or the
wind to be blowing, nuclear power can be generated at any time throughout the day. This
means that a nuclear power plant can produce energy nonstop, and you won’t have to
experience any delays in energy production.
Zero Carbon Emissions Nuclear power reactors do not produce any carbon emissions. This
is a huge advantage over traditional sources of energy, like fossil fuels, which releases tons
of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Excess carbon dioxide is one the leading causes of
climate change. So, the less carbon and greenhouse gas emissions an energy source has,
the better. In fact, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), nuclear electricity
production prevents 528 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the
atmosphere annually.

Disadvantages of nuclear energy While there are many advantages to using nuclear energy,
there are also plenty of negative effects of nuclear energy. The following are the most
important ones:

Environmental Impact Although nuclear power plants release zero carbon emissions,
nuclear power still has a substantial impact on the environment, mainly through mining and
water discharge. The uranium used to produce nuclear energy has to be mined. Mining of
any kind has a negative impact on the surrounding area. Uranium mining in particular is
known for releasing arsenic and radon. This has had a negative impact on the health of
those living around uranium mines, which consists largely of members of the Navajo nation

Water intensive Nuclear power plants require a lot of water to produce energy. In 2015,
the United States consumed 320 billion gallons of water to produce nuclear power. That’s
more water than what is used for coal processing. As water becomes scarcer, especially in
the face of climate change, this enormous consumption of water could become

Risk of nuclear accidents Nuclear power plants have very strict safety measures in place.
However, accidents can happen no matter how careful you are. A meltdown at a nuclear
plant can have a catastrophic impact on the surrounding areas, which we know from events
like the Fukushima disaster, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. In the event
of a nuclear meltdown, harmful radiation can leak, which can cause adverse effects on the
environment and on human health. The 1986 incident at Chernobyl ultimately led to
thousands of deaths, with estimates ranging from 4,000 to 60,000 dead as a result of the
incident. Not only that, more than 2 million people are still struggling with health problems
related to Chernobyl. Today, over 30 years later, access is still limited within the 19-mile
Chernobyl exclusion zone.
II. The Struggles of Science and Technology in the Philippines

Problems in science and technology in the Philippines, The Philippines faces multiple global
and local challenges which require science, technology and innovation

These include the intensifying competition from globalization and regional integration,
natural disasters, environmental degradation and climate change and persistent poverty and
increasing inequality

It is now clearly accepted that science, technology and innovation (STI) are a key element
in the advancement of a country. Indeed, there is no country that has progressed without
including STI as a central part of their development plan. All progressive countries in the
world have put STI as a centerpiece of their strategy. The Philippines has failed to do this.
This national election must address this question and the new administration must correct
this failure.

Without STI: we will not be competitive; we will continue to suffer great damage from
natural disasters, environmental degradation and climate change; and we will continue to
be poor.

How the Philippines responds to these challenges will determine whether the country will
experience rapid, inclusive and sustained growth and development or revert to the status of
the economic laggard of the region which includes high-performing countries, such as
Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and China. (China, our giant neighbor,
recently announced that it will increase its investment in science and technology over the
next 5 years and cut red tape which hampers science and innovation).

Science, technology and innovation (STI) are an indispensable component of the response
to our challenges. However, the Philippines is at present ill-prepared to cope with these
challenges. We are not investing sufficient resources in science and technology (S&T)
human resource development, research and development (R&D), and physical
infrastructure. Today we lack even the minimum number of scientists and technologists
needed for innovation-driven development. As a result, we suffer from low industrial and
agricultural productivity, overall inefficiency, and a meager output of knowledge products,
such as scientific publications, patents, and innovations. Where there are highly-trained
scientists and technologists, there is not enough local investment to absorb them. Thus, we
are engaged in an unwinnable effort to stem the exodus of our highly-trained professionals
to countries that are able to provide them the material reward, productive working
conditions, and social recognition that are denied them in own country.

Through time, passionate search, experiment or even accidental encounter, a lot of things
were discovered and we are determined to use, produce, and manipulate nature. This
lesson explains briefly the attributes and capacity of man and his role in relation to
technology and society, In the pros to nuclear energy it’s One of the most low-carbon
energy sources. It also has one of the smallest carbon footprints. It's one of the answers to
the energy gap. It's essential to our response to climate change and greenhouse gas
emissions. There are many pros and cons of nuclear energy, and it’s important to
understand both sides to get an idea of what this energy resource is capable of. Knowing
the pros and cons of nuclear energy will help you decide for yourself whether this energy
resource is a good decision for our future energy needs and for the planet.

The Good Life


On what basis can we define what a good life is? How does technology contribute to us
having a good life? These were the question that came into my mind as I was reading
Aristotle’s guide on what a good life is all about and Heidegger’s critique of technology. At
first, I was skeptical because I have believed that a good life is based on what satisfies a
person, which means that I am living a good life if I have everything I want, be it gadgets,
career, or others. However, as I continue reading the materials, I have realized that my
perspective is somewhat shallow because a good life is way more than just getting the
wants and needs, we have. It was superficial of me to define it as just that. Their
perspective on a good life was an eye-opener to an in-depth understanding of a good life.

I. I. The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning


Nuclear power plant (NPP) is a renewable energy that is currently considered one of the
most reliable power sources [1,2]. NPP has been discovered to be sustainable and does not
emit carbon emission during operation [1]. Moreover, Rosen and Dincer stated that NPP
produces base-load electricity that is considered less expensive [1]. Thus, NPP is more
desirable compared to burning biomasses. People after the 19th century reduced the usage
of burning biomasses as a source of fuel. People turned to nuclear energy for its reliable
electric supplies, thus increasing the number of NPPs being built [3]. The NPP's reliability is
evident in 50 countries, which utilizes a total of 440 nuclear reactors [4]. With a large
number of nuclear reactors, it provides 10% of the world electricity worldwide [4] and the
presented numbers will continuously increase [5].
The advantages of nuclear power are:

One of the most low-carbon energy sources. It also has one of the smallest carbon
footprints. It's one of the answers to the energy gap. It's essential to our response to
climate change and greenhouse gas emissions.

Space Exploration

A great deal of what we know about deep space has been made possible by radioisotope
power systems (RPSs). These small nuclear power sources are used to power spaceships in
the extreme environments of deep space.

RPSs are proven to be safe, reliable, and maintenance-free for decades of space
exploration, including missions to study Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Pluto.

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear provides nearly 20% of our electricity in the United States. It’s also the nation’s
largest source of clean energy—making up nearly 60% of our emissions-free electricity.
That’s more than all of the renewables combined.

The nation’s fleet of reactors also operates more than 92% of the time, making it the most
reliable energy source on the grid by far—and it’s not even close.

Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

Approximately one-third of all patients admitted to U.S. hospitals are diagnosed or treated
using radiation or radioactive materials.

Nuclear medical imaging, which combines the safe administration of radioisotopes with
camera imaging, helps physicians locate tumors, size anomalies, or other problems.

Doctors also use radioisotopes therapeutically to kill cancerous tissue, reduce the size of
tumors, and alleviate pain.


Finally, farmers can use radioisotopes to control insects that destroy crops as an alternative
to chemical pesticides. In this procedure, male insect pests are rendered infertile. Pest
populations are then drastically reduced and, in some cases, eliminated.

Nuclear energy is also harnessed to preserve our food.

When food is irradiated, harmful organisms are destroyed without cooking or altering the
nutritional properties of the food. It also makes chemical additives and refrigeration
unnecessary, and requires less energy than other food preservation methods.
II. The Advent of “Free Internet”

The internet is an incredible invention, open source, decentralized, community-led and a

source of knowledge, information, and power it is used by 51% of the world’s population,
but at the moment it comes at a cost, in order to access World Wide Web, you need not
only a connection, but a device on which to connect, meaning that almost half of the world
is not able to get connected, While in Malta steps are being taken to provide free wifi in
public places all over the island, should the internet be free globally here are the 5 reasons

Knowledge The internet provides infinite levels of knowledge to anyone who seeks it. No
longer constrained to the information provided by the books that we have access to, we can
now find the answer to anything in under one second by using the internet. Restricting the
knowledge of the populace based on their access to books, libraries, or financial means is
unfair; those without the means will struggle to educate themselves. By making the internet
free of charge, we are levelling the playing field and giving everyone the opportunity to
access whatever knowledge they want, whenever they want it.

Connectivity One of the greatest powers of the internet is that of connectivity. This allows
people from all over the world to engage in vibrant online communities, to connect with
others from every corner of the world and to communicate with individuals that they would
not otherwise have chance to speak with. Communication with other citizens of the world
should not be reliant on being able to afford an internet connection, and everyone should
have the ability to make friends, build networks, and even work with others regardless of
financial status or geographical boundaries.

Freedom The internet brings freedom to its users in many ways; it gives people the
freedom to learn what they want, to speak with whom they choose, to air their opinions,
and even to work with people they have never, and will never meet. This level of freedom is
available to anyone who can access the internet, so ensuring that everyone can access the
internet without charge means that the freedom it brings is accessible to all.

Choice The internet gives users access to a global marketplace of unparalleled scope.
Individuals can shop around for the best product prices, the best salaries, the best services,
and even the best employees. Free internet gives people the power to choose what they
spend their money on, as well as ensuring they get the best deal or the best value that they
possibly can. Free internet does not withhold these benefits from people based on whether
they can afford a connection; instead it offers a true free market to every person in every
country in the world.

People Power The internet is well-known as a platform where people can discuss issues,
politics, society, economy, and other matters, as well as giving a platform for change-
makers to flourish. If the internet is free, everyone in the world has an equal opportunity to
have their voice heard, to educate themselves each other and to come together to fight for
change, where change is needed. Free internet will also facilitate the sharing and
development of ideas that range from technology to health, art to finance, and politics to
sociology- all of these things are core parts of a functioning society and the internet is the
perfect platform to allow people from all walks of life to meet and discuss in a virtual

Over the past three decades the global use of the Internet has risen exponentially, with
billions connected and sharing images, posts, mails and stories. Like the invention of
printing and eventually, the advent of the industrial revolution, the invention of the internet
has disrupted human evolution and life will never be the same again. This technology has
brought people closer and propelled an artistic, cultural and political revolution that is

Ultimately, free access to the internet ensures a fairer society, one where all enjoy
unhindered access to knowledge and communications. No wonder the United Nations thinks
internet access is a human right. President Obama went a step further and said that “the
Internet is not a luxury; it is a necessity”. One can only hope that governments and
business agree on how to make this fantastic and almost atomistic dream a reality.

Opinion: We live in the age of information where everything is accessible and possible.
However, we’ve been chasing the answer to the question: what is the relationship between
the good life and science? Since the rapid growth of scientific research and inventions. In
earlier times, people didn’t have to associate the good life with science because there wasn’t
much scientific development at that time. However, today scientific inventions have become
a part of our routine, and so we look forward to an answer to this question. Today, we’re
going to clear the air and talk about the significant relationship between science and the
good life. If you want the answer to this question, then keep up with the reading. Science
and The Good Life Are Independent Well, here’s the answer to this question. Science and
the good life are interdependent, and they affect each other just like the concept of cause
and effect. Science and its researches and invention have a great impact on human life,
precisely the good life. And it is the pursuit of a good life that fuels the passion for scientific
development in the world. Hence, both of them can be used as cause and effect
alternatively according to a specific situation; for example, paracetamol is a scientific
invention that influences our life in terms of good health. Before its invention, we couldn’t
battle flu, cough, and fever but the pursuit of living the good life led to the invention of
paracetamol. What Is The Good Life, and How Does Science Influence It?

It’s not enough knowing the relationship between good life and science. This concept is
better understood by understanding the meaning of the good life itself and then moving on
to science’s role in it.

Does science and technology always lead us to good life?

So, what makes life a good life? For me, it’s happiness, satisfaction, productivity, efficiency,
good health, and peace. That’s what makes life good for me, but it can vary from person to
Nevertheless, keeping these factors as the basis of this analysis. We can say that science
has contributed, if not less, but more to the process of living a good life. I’ll just say that
science gave life to the concept of the good life. Without it, we cannot possibly achieve
everything that makes a good life.

Technology, Humanity, and the Future


Have you ever wondered how our world would work in 10 or maybe the next 20 years? How
is human life at that time? Will it be colonized by a machine like the one pictured in the
Terminator movie? It could be… But here I will try to describe how our lives will be
according to the Japanese government. Why Japan? Because the infrastructure in Japan and
the development of technology there are very sophisticated, and of course it is very possible
to realize ideal conditions where humans can live better by being supported by technology.
This concept is named as Society 5.0.

What is Society 5.0?

Society 5.0 is a human-centered concept of society that balances economic progress with
solving social problems with systems that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space.

This concept is the 5th step of the road map of basic science and technology. Blockchain
technology will be a common thing used in everyday financial transactions. With the
implementation of blockchain technology, it is expected to be able to cut transaction time
and costs, while increasing security in daily transactions.


So it seems we can breathe easier after seeing Society 5.0’s vision. Humans will not be
replaced by machines, but humans will become the center of social life and machines will
become a supporting system around them. Artificial intelligence will help make alternative
choices for humans and humans will make decisions. There will be more option of energy
sources that are more efficient and environmentally friendly. Automation in the agricultural
sector will increase production efficiency and reduce the problem of food difficulties. In the
health sector, there will be more support systems from artificial intelligence and robots so
that the risk of accidents and congestion levels can be reduced. In the financial sector, the
blockchain will break new ground in carrying out daily financial transactions.

I. Social Media and Data Privacy

It is no doubt that social media is a powerful tool in the facilitation of information

sharing. Indeed, social media has been instrumental in the attainment of modern goals
that wouldn’t have been achieved today, at least not within such timeframes. For
instance, social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook have been used to plan for
demonstrations leading to the ouster of dictators in Africa. However, the saw of social
media cuts back and forth and has the potential of infringing on the privacy of users
(Steinman & Hawkins, 2010). In addition, users of social media have little control over
their privacy as information posted on social media is available to billions s of users in
real time. It is not surprising that memes can go viral within hours of their posting thus
resulting in irreversible consequences on the parties involved. While it is not easy to
cushion the users against such privacy infringement, the world should reconsider the
role of social media in as far as privacy and security of users is concerned.

The sharing of information on social media may help in the creation and strengthening of
communities. However, the same may pose imminent threats to the security and privacy
of users as information is shared with strangers. The publishing of too much information
in a usually non regulated social media sphere poses obstacles that infringe on the
privacy of those involved. For instance, it is quite common to come across court cases
that are built around evidence collected from social media and especially in divorce
hearings. Pictures of buddies partaking in drinking in a party may resurface in a divorce
court hearing and be used to rule on the custody of the children for example. In other
instances, employees seeking for a competitive edge in job promotion may cite
information shared via social media to disqualify their competitors. These examples
reveal the very nature of social media as a potentially dangerous platform with regard to
the safeguarding of privacy. Canadians are particularly at risk of the daunting challenge
of privacy owing to gaps in the current regulations.

III. The Future of Robotics


Robotics is the discipline of creating robots. It’s a multidisciplinary field where computer
science, engineering, and technology all meet. Those working in robotics focus on the
design, construction, operation, and use of robots in a host of different settings.
Traditionally, the field of robotics centers on creating robots to perform simple or repetitive
tasks at scale or to function in hazardous conditions where humans would otherwise be
unable to work. However, recent developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence
means that we may see an increase in human-to-robot interactions in the future. The
robotics industry is expected to grow significantly over the coming years. Estimates suggest
that the sector could be worth as much as $260 billion by 2030. Much of this growth will
come from professional services robots that perform useful tasks for humans, such as
cleaning, delivering, and transporting.

For those looking to get a more thorough introduction to robotics, our online course from
the University of Reading explores the history, anatomy and intelligence of robots.
This is how robots will change the world

According to a report from McKinsey, automation and machines will see a shift in the way
we work. They predict that across Europe, workers may need different skills to find work.
Their model shows that activities that require mainly physical and manual skills will decline
by 18% by 2030, while those requiring basic cognitive skills will decline by 28%.

Workers will need technological skills, and there will be an even greater need for those with
expertise in STEM. Similarly, many roles will require socioemotional skills, particularly in
roles where robots aren’t good substitutes, such as caregiving and teaching.

We may also see robots as a more integral part of our daily routine. In our homes, many
simple tasks such as cooking and cleaning may be totally automated. Similarly, with robots
that can use computer vision and natural language processing, we may see machines that
can interact with the world more, such as self-driving cars and digital assistants.

Robotics may also shape the future of medicine. Surgical robots can perform extremely
precise operations, and with advances in AI, could eventually carry out surgeries

The ability for machines and robots to learn could give them an even more diverse range of
applications. Future robots that can adapt to their surroundings, master new processes, and
alter their behaviour would be suited to more complex and dynamic tasks.

Ultimately, robots have the potential to enhance our lives. As well as shouldering the burden
of physically demanding or repetitive tasks, they may be able to improve healthcare, make
transport more efficient, and give us more freedom to pursue creative endeavours.

If we think about it, there are numerous benefits of science and technology. They range
from the little things to the big ones. For instance, the morning paper which we read that
delivers us reliable information is a result of scientific progress. In addition, the electrical
devices without which life is hard to imagine like a refrigerator, AC, microwave and more
are a result of technological advancement. Furthermore, if we look at the transport
scenario, we notice how science and technology play a major role here as well. We can
quickly reach the other part of the earth within hours, all thanks to advancing technology.
In addition, science and technology have enabled man to look further than our planet. The
discovery of new planets and the establishment of satellites in space is because of the very
same science and technology. Similarly, science and technology have also made an impact
on the medical and agricultural fields. The various cures being discovered for diseases have
saved millions of lives through science. Moreover, technology has enhanced the production
of different crops benefitting the farmers largely. Emerging technologies, such as industrial
robots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, are advancing at a rapid pace. These
developments can improve the speed, quality, and cost of goods and services, but they also
displace large numbers of workers. Science and technology help us save time and money
Science and technology have generated new knowledge, have greatly contributed to the
development and progress of people's lives and helped us save time and money. When you
use technology for your business, you can save time and money.

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