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6, JUNE 2019

Study of Resonant Modes in Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna
Based on Radar Cross Section
Yong Mei Pan , Kwok Wa Leung , and Kai Lu

Abstract— The resonant modes of the rectangular dielectric resonator estimate the resonance frequency of the DRA, but the error can be
antenna (DRA) are systematically investigated. Their resonance frequen- over 10% depending on the aspect ratio and dielectric constant of
cies are accurately determined by exploring the radar cross section (RCS)
the DRA. Although rigorous numerical methods such as the method
characteristic of a DRA in free space. Also, the internal electric and
magnetic fields of the first few resonant modes are examined and the of moments (MoM) [12] and the integral-equation approach [13]
mode classification of the rectangular DRA is discussed. It is found that can be used to accurately calculate the resonance frequency and
when the length (a) and width (b) of a rectangular DRA are unequal (i.e., field, it is much more complicated to implement these numerical
a  = b), the modes can be generally divided into TE and HEM modes, methods.
with no TM modes. It is also found that quasi-TM modes can exist only
when a = b. Another approach to determine the resonance frequency and
Q-factor of a DRA is to measure its radar cross section (RCS) in
Index Terms— Mode classification, radar cross section (RCS), rectan-
an anechoic chamber [14]. This method has a notable advantage
gular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA).
because it desirably eliminates the loading effect of the feed network,
being able to obtain the natural resonance frequency of the DRA. The
I. I NTRODUCTION measured results have been found to be in good agreement with those
Over the past few decades, the dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) calculated using the rigorous numerical methods.
has received extensive attention due to a number of advantages such In this communication, ANSYS HFSS is used to simulate the RCS
as its small size, low loss, high efficiency, and ease of excitation. of the rectangular DRA. Using this approach, it only needs to set
The rectangular DRA has 3-D parameters (length a, width b, and an incident plane wave as the excitation of the DRA, without the
height d), providing more degrees of freedom than for the hemispher- need of using any extra feed networks or metallic cavities. Different
ical and cylindrical counterparts [1]. Various wideband, circularly polarizations of the plane wave excitation are used to excite various
polarized, high-gain, reconfigurable, and multifunctional rectangular DRA modes. The first few resonant modes of the rectangular DRA
DRAs have been developed [1]–[7]. Thus far, however, studies on the are identified by observing their near fields. It is found that when the
rectangular DRA have mainly focused on the broadside TE111 mode length (a) and width (b) of a rectangular DRA are unequal (a = b),
that radiates like a magnetic dipole [2]–[4] or its higher order TEm11 , only TE and HEM modes can be excited and no TM modes can be
found. When a = b, the TE121 x and TE y modes will have the same
TE1n1 , and TE11l modes [5]–[7]. Little attention has been paid on 211
other modes with different characteristics [8], [9]. Therefore, it is of resonance frequency. The interaction of these two degenerate modes
great interest to carry out a comprehensive study on the modes of will give rise to two distinct resonant modes whose fields are similar
the rectangular DRA, like mode studies on the hemispherical and to those of the TM01δ and HEM21δ modes of a cylindrical DRA. Our
cylindrical DRAs [10]. The modes of the rectangular DRA have simulated results are compared with the measured results available
been divided into two categories, namely, the TE and TM modes by in the literature and good agreement between them is found.
Okaya and Barash [11]. This mode classification has widely been
accepted by researchers [1], but the existence of TM modes has II. A NALYSIS
been doubted by Mongia [2], [10] because such modes have not A. Accuracy of the RCS-Simulation Method
been confirmed by experiment. To better understand the rectangular Before studying the rectangular DRA, the accuracy of the RCS-
DRA, a systematic investigation on its mode characteristics and simulation method is verified using a cylindrical DRA whose mea-
classification is conducted in this communication. sured results are available [14]. The cylindrical DRA has a dielectric
One common approach to analyze an isolated rectangular DRA is constant of εr = 79.7, radius of ac = 5.145 mm, and height of
the dielectric waveguide model (DWM) method [1]. This method can dc = 4.51 mm. Fig. 1 shows the HFSS simulation models.
As mentioned in [14], the polarization of the incident plane wave
Manuscript received October 4, 2018; revised February 19, 2019; accepted
March 3, 2019. Date of publication April 15, 2019; date of current version should be consistent with that of the DRA mode to effectively excite

May 31, 2019. This work was supported in part by the GRF Research the mode. Therefore, the electric field E of the incident wave is made
Project under Grant CityU 11217018, in part by the National Natural Science perpendicular to the z-axis of the resonator to excite the TE01δ and
Foundation of China under Grant 61871187, and in part by the Fundamental
Research Program of Shenzhen City under Grant JCYJ20170818094814530.
HEM12δ modes [Fig. 1(a)], and it is made parallel to the z-axis to
(Corresponding author: Kai Lu.) excite the HEM11δ , TM01δ , and HEM21δ modes [Fig. 1(b)]. Here, it is
Y. M. Pan is with the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, worth mentioning that in the interface of HFSS, only the electric field
South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China.
E and wavenumber k of the incident wave are required to be set,
K. W. Leung is with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Depart-
ment of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. as shown in Fig. 2. Therefore, just these two vectors are indicated in
K. Lu is with Antenna Company, High Tech Campus, 5656 AE Eindhoven, the simulation models of the communication. However, it is notable

The Netherlands (e-mail: that the direction of magnetic field H is uniquely determined once
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this communication are     
available online at E and k have been set up since the three vectors E, H, and k
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2019.2911198 are mutually orthogonal. For example, in model 1 of Fig. 1(a),
0018-926X © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Fig. 1. RCS-simulation models of the cylindrical DRA, in which E Fig. 4. RCS-simulation model of the rectangular DRA, in which E denotes
denotes the electric field vector, while k denotes the wavenumber vector. the electric field vector, while k denotes the wavenumber vector. (a) E z − k y
(a) Simulation model 1 for TE01δ and HEM12δ modes. (b) Simulation model 2 excitation. (b) E y − k x excitation.
for HEM11δ , TM01δ , and HEM21δ modes.

modes of an isolated DRA. The calculated results of the DWM

method [15] are also listed in Table I for comparison. It is found their
errors are generally much larger, as expected. Since the polarization
and incident angle of the exciting wave can be adjusted in HFSS,
all possible resonant modes of the DRA can be observed through a
proper RCS-simulation setup.

B. Resonant Modes of Rectangular DRA With a = b

A rectangular DRA is now simulated with HFSS. It has a length
of a = 12 mm, width of b = 9.305 mm, height of d = 4.6 mm, and
dielectric constant of εr = 38. A relatively high dielectric constant
of 38 is chosen here because it can give a higher Q-factor, making
 the resonance easier to observe. Similar to the above case, to excite
Fig. 2. Interface in HFSS for setting the electric field E and wavenumber
  the desired modes, the orientation of the electric or magnetic field
k of the incident wave. In this case, the electric field E is assigned along the
 of the incident wave should be in accordance with the direction of
x-axis, while the wavenumber k is assigned along the y-axis.
the strongest field component of the DRA. For example, to excite the
TEz211 mode, the E-field should be set along the y-axis, whereas the

H -field (wavenumber k ) can be set along either the x-axis (z -axis)
or the z-axis (x-axis). In order not to miss any DRA modes, various
excitation models are used. Fig. 4 shows two examples of simulation

models for the rectangular DRA. Again, only the electric field E

and wavenumber k of the incident wave are indicated. In Fig. 4(a),
E and k are assigned along the z-axis and y-axis, respectively. For
simplicity, this excitation is denoted as E z −k y . Using this convention,
the excitation in Fig. 4(b) is denoted as E y − k x .
Fig. 5 shows the simulated NormRCSTotal of the rectangular DRA
as a function of frequency for the excitations of E x − k y , E x − kz ,
E y − k x , E y − kz , E z − k x , and E z − k y . As similar to Fig. 3,
sharp peaks are observed here at some frequencies, with each peak
corresponding to a resonant mode. These modes can be identified
by checking the electric- and magnetic-field patterns. It was found
Fig. 3. Simulated RCS of cylindrical DRA as a function of frequency: that the lowest order mode of the DRA is TEz111 mode, which is
εr = 79.7, ac = 5.145 mm, and dc = 4.51 mm. reasonable because both a and b are larger than d [2]. It is interesting
to note from the figure that they are all TE p modes with E p ≈ 0
  ( p = x, y, or z). No TM modes can be observed from the figure.
the electric field E and the wavenumber k of the incident wave are The TEz211 mode (5.92 GHz) is arbitrarily taken for the illustration.
assigned along the x-axis and y-axis, respectively, implying that the It is excited using the model in Fig. 4(b). Fig. 6 shows its simulated

magnetic field H is along the z-axis. E- and H -fields. It can be seen from Fig. 6(a) that the mode is
Fig. 3 shows the simulated normalized total RCS (NormRCSTotal) characterized by E z = 0 as expected. Also, E y has one extremum
as a function of frequency. Several peaks are observed and each along the z-axis, and therefore, the mode index l of TEmnl is given
peak corresponds to a resonant mode. These modes are identified by l = 1. From Fig. 6(a)–(c), it can be seen that the field variations
by their near-field patterns and labeled in Fig. 3. Table I summarizes have two extrema along the x-axis and, therefore, the corresponding
the measured [14] and simulated resonance frequencies of the first mode index is m = 2. Finally, the field variation along the y-axis
five modes, along with the errors of the simulation. With refer- has one extremum [Fig. 6(c)] and so the corresponding mode index
ence to Table I, the errors are less than 1%, confirming that the is n = 1. These explain how the mode indexes of the TEz211 mode
RCS-simulation method can be used to characterize the resonant are determined.

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Fig. 5. Simulated RCS of rectangular DRA as a function of frequency:

εr = 38, a = 12 mm, b = 9.305 mm, and d = 4.6 mm.

Although a DRA mode can be excited by using a suitable plane

wave source, the purity of the mode will be affected if the wave
source also excites a nearby resonant mode. For example, both the
E y − k x and E y − kz excitations can excite the TEz211 mode at
5.92 GHz but the mode excited by the former has much purer fields.
It is because the E y − k x excitation does not excite any other modes
in the vicinity of 5.92 GHz. In contrast, the E y − kz excitation can
excite the nearby TE111x mode at 6.22 GHz, which will inevitably
interfere with the TEz211 mode at 5.92 GHz.
To avoid missing any possible resonant mode, the more general
plane wave excitations of E x − k y z , E y − k x z , and E z − k x y Fig. 6. Simulated H -field and E-field of TEz211 mode inside the rectangular
have also been considered. Here, k y z refers to the wavenumber DRA at 5.92 GHz. (a) E-field at y = 0 plane. (b) H -field at y = 0 plane.
 (c) E-field at z = 0 plane.
k which is along the diagonal line of the yz plane and k x z , k x y
have similar meanings. Fig. 7 shows the corresponding RCS results.
With reference to Fig. 7, a new mode at 7.30 GHz is found in y x modes will become degenerate modes, which
the TEn11 and TE1n1
addition to the resonant modes in Fig. 5. Fig. 8 shows the near will be split into two new modes. This will be discussed in
fields of the new mode. As can be observed from Fig. 8, all of the Section II-C.
six field components are nonzero, indicating that it is a hybrid mode,
i.e., HEM mode. The modes beyond 8 GHz were also studied and
it was found that the modes are either TE or HEM modes, with no C. Resonant Modes of the Square DRA (a = b)
TM modes. A square DRA with a = b = 9.305 mm and d = 4.6 mm is
Other dimensions of the rectangular DRA were tested to investi- studied. Due to the symmetry of the structure, the E x − kz , E z − k y ,
gate the effect of the aspect ratio on the field distribution. It was and E x − k y RCS curves will overlap with the E y − kz , E z − k x ,
found that the mode purity also depends on the dimensions of and E y − k x RCS curves, respectively. For clarity, Fig. 9 shows
the DRA. A general conclusion can be drawn from our observa- the former curves only. As can be observed from Fig. 9, two new
tions that if a > nb (na < b), a relatively pure TEn11 mode modes denoted as Modes A and B are found in addition to the first
(TE1n1 mode) can be obtained. But if a is close to b, the fields three TE modes (identified by checking their near-field patterns).
y x
of TEn11 and TE1n1 modes will become less pure. When a = b, Figs. 10 and 11 show the near fields of Modes A and B, respectively.

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Fig. 7. Simulated RCS of rectangular DRA as a function of frequency: Fig. 9. Simulated RCS of square DRA as a function of frequency: εr = 38,
εr = 38, a = 12 mm, b = 9.305 mm, and d = 4.6 mm. a = b = 9.305 mm, and d = 4.6 mm.

Fig. 8. Simulated H -field and E-field of HEM mode inside rectangular

DRA at 7.30 GHz. (a) H -field at z = 0 plane. (b) H -field at y = 0 plane.
(c) E-field at z = 2.3 mm plane. (d) E-field at y = 0 plane.
Fig. 10. Simulated H-field and E-field of Mode A in rectangular DRA and
TM01δ mode in cylindrical DRA. (a) Mode A in rectangular DRA. (b) TM01δ
mode in cylindrical DRA.
It can be seen from Fig. 10 that the fields of Mode A are similar to
those of the TM01δ mode of a cylindrical DRA [8], [16]. For Mode B how the modes are varied when a is further increased to 9.305,
(Fig. 11), the fields are very similar to those of the HEM21δ mode of 10.805, and finally, 12.305 mm. As can be observed from Table II,
a cylindrical DRA [16]. However, as the nomenclature of the modes when a = 12.305 mm, Modes A and B become the TE211 and
in a rectangular DRA is quite different from that in a cylindrical x
TE121 modes, respectively. This evolution process shows that both
DRA (the mode indexes of rectangular DRA represent the field Modes A and B originate from the conventional TE121 x and TE y
variations in the x-, y-, and z- directions, respectively, in rectangular modes. More specifically, they are the degenerated results of TE121 x
coordinates, whereas the indexes of cylindrical DRA represent the and TE211 modes. Similar conclusion has been mentioned in [9] but
field variations in the azimuth φ, radial r , and axial z directions, limited to Mode A only. The sketches showing the degeneration of the
respectively, in cylindrical coordinates), it is not appropriate to use x and TE y modes into Modes A and B are further illustrated
TE121 211
the name of the mode (TM01δ and HEM21δ modes) in a cylindrical in Fig. 12. It can be seen from Fig. 12(a) that when the electric
DRA to represent the similar mode in a rectangular counterpart, and x and TE y modes are simultaneously along the
fields of the TE121 211
hence, Modes A and B are used here. radial direction inward (or outward), the magnetic fields of the two
Table II shows the resonance frequencies of the modes when the modes will connect into a loop shape when a = b, leading to Mode A
length a of the DRA is varied. With reference to Table II, when x mode is along
accordingly. However, if the electric field of the TE121
a = 6.305 mm and b = 9.305 mm, the TE121 x and TE y modes y
the radial direction inward, while the electric field of TE211 mode is
can be found at 8.04 and 9.60 GHz, respectively. As a increases along the radial direction outward, or vice versa, the degeneration
to 7.805 mm, the resonance frequency of the TE121 x mode shifts of the two modes would be quite different, as shown in Fig. 12(b).
downward to 7.78 GHz and the fields were found to be somewhat In this case, Mode B is obtained in the square DRA. Although both
like those of Mode A in Fig. 10. Also, the resonance frequency Modes A and B are the degenerated results of the TE121 x and TE y
of the TE211 mode shifts downward to 8.58 GHz and the fields modes, the field distributions of the two modes are distinct due to
become similar to those of Mode B in Fig. 11. Table II shows the different coupling effects. Consequently, it is reasonable that they

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Fig. 11. Simulated H-field and E-field of Mode B in rectangular DRA and HEM21δ mode in cylindrical DRA. (a) Mode B in rectangular DRA. (b) HEM21δ
mode in cylindrical DRA.

x y
Fig. 12. Sketches showing the degeneration of the TE121 and TE211 modes into (a) Mode A and (b) Mode B.

have different but close resonance frequencies, given by 7.50 and of the first five modes in the cylindrical and square DRAs. It can be
8.02 GHz, respectively. seen from Table III that the results of their corresponding modes are
It is interesting to find that the modes of the square DRA can almost the same, with deviations less than 2.5%. For comparison, the
correspond to the modes of an equivalent cylindrical DRA with the reported results of the cylindrical DRA [16] calculated by MoM [17]
same height and cross-sectional area. The corresponding modes not are also listed in Table III. With reference to the table, the deviations
only have similar field distributions but also have close resonance between f MoM and fRCS are less than 2%, verifying again the
frequencies. Table III compares the simulated resonance frequencies accuracy of the RCS simulation method. The E x − k y z , E y − k x z ,

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ac = 5.25 mm, AND dc = 4.6 mm) AND R ECTANGULAR DRA (εr = 38, a = b = 9.305 mm, AND d = 4.6 mm)

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