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Mercantilism The “PIZZA” theory of Mercantilism

This is an economic theory that a country should __________ more This theory states that the ______________ has a limited
than they import in order to gain more wealth. In the 16th and 17th amount of resources. Whoever can claim the ___________
centuries, more wealth meant more ___________. piece of the “pie” will get the most resources and wealth. If
In order to have more products to export, countries needed more you don’t go get it, someone else will and then they will
___________. To find these resources, many European nations become more __________________ than you!
began to send _____________ to colonize the New World (North
and South America).
“The New World”
Import: To buy goods and services _______ another country.
Export: To sell goods and ___________ to another country.

England claimed land in

_________ America and began
to import raw materials from
the colonies to England. The Mother
raw materials were used to Country
produce ____________ goods in ss Trans-Atlantic Trade
England. These goods were
1. Mercantilism also inspired Britain to control
then sold to other countries and
____________________ with its American colonies.
back to the colonies.
2. Trans-Atlantic trade or the Triangular Trade
connected Europe, the Americas, and Africa through
3. All goods shipped to or from British North America
had to travel in British ships, and any goods exported
to Europe had to land first in Britain to pay British
4. These restrictions were designed to keep the
colonies from _______________ against Britain.
Southern Colonies

Founded in: 1607 (1st __________________ English Colony)
Why founded?: To find gold and make a ___________
What saved Jamestown?: ______________! John Rolfe
brought tobacco seeds and soon they were making a lot of
_______________ exporting tobacco to Europe.

Why were most of the Southern Colonies founded?

MONEY! England needed more _____________ to produce
more goods to export to other countries. The Southern
Colonies were mostly founded in order to make a profit.
Investors put _________ into sending people over to the
new world to create colonies and find __________ and other
valuable resources in the hope of making money.

What was the Economy based on?

__________________! The rich soil and long growing season
was perfect for growing cash _________. Most big plantations
Relationship with American Indians
were located south of the fall line. North of the fall line more
At first the colonists had a ______________ coexistence people were _________________ farmers (grew only enough
with the Indians. for themselves).
As more colonists came, however, the relationship Cash Crops were labor intensive which lead to using
became more ____________. The colonists took over ________________ servants. Eventually most plantation
more ___________ and the Indians fought to keep it. owners began to buy African _________ to replace indentured
servants to grow crops such as _________+, indigo and
Middle/Mid-Atlantic Colonies
Reasons Established Impact of Location and Place
The Dutch settled New Netherland The _______________ colonies
in ________. It was founded to had good harbor and river
make money for the Netherlands systems. The rivers allowed
(fur trade). The port of New _________ to move into the
Amsterdam (present day New interior of North America.
York) was the center of _________
The Mid-Atlantic colonies, such as
New York, helped move
England took control of New __________ to markets in other
Netherland in 1664 with little colonies and Europe
resistance and renamed it
This ease of trade allowed cities
such as New York City and
The Mid-Atlantic colonies were ______________ to become
known for its cultural and religious commercial hubs for all of
____________ and its tolerance England’s American colonies.
for different religion.

Economy Relations with the American Indians

 Good ________ and harbors allowed The Algonquin and _____________ Indians
lived in the Mid-Atlantic colonies. The
for strong merchant/shipping centers
colonists here were more ____________ of
 Farmed large quantities of ________ the Indians and relied upon them for trade.
and corn
There was _______ CONFLICT here than other
 Served as a bridge between the large
areas. Pennsylvania was particularly respectful
plantation of the __________and the to the Indians and William _______ insisted on
merchants of New England. paying them for their land.
New England Colonies

Reasons Established Impact of Location and Place

Religious Freedom! The geography of __________
meant that farming would not be
The Pilgrims (another type of
easy because of thin, rocky soil
Puritan) founded _________
and short growing seasons.
Colony in 1620. The
______________ founded However, plentiful _________
Massachusetts Bay in 1630. and proximity (closeness) to the
ocean led New Englanders to
Both of these groups wanted to
develop an economy based on:
escape persecution from the
Church of _______________.  Shipbuilding
 Fishing
The Puritans were _______ tolerant
 Lumber
of other people’s religions
however. If you did not  ___________
believe the way they  Commercial trade in its
believed then you were harbors Ex. Boston
not welcome in their

Relationship with the American Indians King Phillip’s _______

 Puritans saw the American Indians as needing to  King Phillip’s real name was Metacom.
be saved from their ___________ ways.  He was the __________ of the local
 In the beginning the relationship was peaceful and American Indian tribe.
based on _______. The Puritans/Pilgrims needed  He led his people to try to fight for
help from the Indians. their __________ against the settlers.
 As more settlers came, conflict over _________  The Indians lost and large areas of New
and resources increased and resulted in several England were opened to ___________
bloody _______. settlement.
Slavery in the Colonies
Tobacco African Culture
 As _____________ and other cash crops prospered in the  There was no single _________ culture. People
colonies, farmers began to expand the size of their farms. As brought from West Africa represented a large number
the farms got larger, the need for ____________grew and of different ______________.
farmers began buying _____________ slaves.  Slave owners attempted to replace the slave’s culture
 The first Africans arrived in __________ in 1619. Most slaves with their own. However, a new _________ culture
lived in the South, but all Colonies allowed and had slaves. was created which was a unique African
American/Black culture.
Middle Passage African Contributions to the New World
 This was the voyage that _____________ were forced Foods: _________, Watermelon, yams, rice and grits
from Africa to the New World. Slaves were originally
captured by African _____________ and then bartered to
European slavers for _______, cloth, weapons and other
manufactured goods.
Languages: Blending language patterns resulted in Creole in
 Between 300-400 slaves were packed into the cargo hold Louisiana and Gullah in __________ and the _____________.
of a _______. Conditions were horrible and 2 out of every
10 slaves died on the ______________ passage. Architecture: Slave labor often built the home of the
Southern plantations.
 The __________ house has been traced back to
Africa. Shotgun houses are long and skinny with
the entrance on the short side.

Agriculture: West African slaves brought knowledge of

growing _______. This knowledge was a great benefit to the
economies of Georgia and the Carolinas.
Colonial Self-Governance during the
period of Salutary Neglect
Self-Governance: The ability to The Glorious Revolution
govern oneself. This means that
 1685: King James II (a _________) tried to rule England
the ________ choose their
without Parliament. He also put the English colonies
representatives and create their
under more restrictive rule including appointing Royal
own ____________ _________.
Governors instead of allowing for colonial assemblies.
Salutary Neglect: This was a time  1689: England’s Protestant majority rebelled against
period in the colonies when England King ________ II and replaced him with Protestants King
allowed them to ______ themselves William and Queen Mary who signed the English Bill of
as long as the mother country Rights.
continued to receive an adequate  The colonies were allowed to re-establish their local
supply of ____________. _______________.
 1721: Robert Walpole became the first ________
Minister of England and he believed in Salutary Neglect.
He believed that the colonies would be more
economically productive if they were not restricted by
policies such as the Navigation _______.
Great Awakening
A Religious Revival! Famous Ministers (Preachers)

George Whitefield
William Tennant

Jonathan Edwards

 The Great ______________ was a religious New Denominations:

movement influenced
Self-Government in by
thethe revivals that were
sweeping through Ireland, Scotland and  Baptists
 House of Burgesses: Established 1619 in  _______________
_______________ in the 1730’s.
__________, VA. White men were locally elected to  Presbyterians
 A revival is when church members “revive” their faith
make laws and levy taxes.
in God and remind themselves that they are
Only ___________ and how they should live their lives as
________ men The most famous Bacon’s
of the Great Awakening was
believers in _______.
who owned property In the“Sinners in the
late 1670’s Hands of an
in Jamestown, ________
former God” servants
indentured by Jonathan
 These revivals placed an emphasis on the __________ Edwards.
could vote. worked off theirThis
debtsermon wasonly
but could meant to remind
afford ______ people
on the that if
religious experience rather than religious experience theyofdidn’t
House of Burgesses outskirts town. go back
This left to God
them that theytowould
vulnerable Indian_______ in
through church doctrine (___________).
 New England Town Meeting: These were meeting Hell.that the House of Burgesses was not protecting them
They felt
in which
It challenged ___________ ________________
all white _______ citizens could come and as even though they paid _____________.
colonists questioned the
vote directly on public issues. need to follow not only the
 Bychurch of England,
the beginning butRevolutionary
of the also the ordersWar the English Nathaniel Bacon led these poor citizens first against the American
monarchy _________ and then against the Jamestown elite. The Governor
colony had a and its ________________.
governor and an elected
Individual prayer and personal study of the fled and Jamestown was taken over. Bacon soon died of a fever
Most colonists were used to having
___________ was encouraged. and the rebellion died. However, this established the expectation
taxes and laws passed by local governments.
 The Great Awakening caused colonist to see that the government should protect all citizens not just the _____.
themselves as independent thinkers and capable of
self-_______ with no need for a King or the Church of

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