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single player

coach’s dossier
Single player coaching dossier
Jim Good evening Blood Bowl fans! We
have a special broadcast for you on
CabalVision HD today.
Bob We sure do but… well, why, Jim?
Jim As you know, Bob, there’s been a
nasty case of Nurgle’s Rot going
round and the NAF have had to
suspend all competitions until players
arms and legs have stopped dropping
Bob Oh yeah, I forgot. I hardly notice
dismembered limbs around the house
Jim I hear you, Bob. Well, the Nocturnal
Hedonism Syndicate have come up
with a bold solution.
Bob I like those guys.
Jim Me too, Bob. They’ve found a way for
Coaches to play Friendly Fixtures or
Training Sessions whilst we all
observe the state-mandated
Bob Are you saying that Blood Bowl
coaches can now play with
Jim That’s not quite how I would put it,
Bob, no…
Bob I heard the one thing all Blood Bowl
CONTENTS: coaches can do well is play with
Jim That’s quite enough of those
p2 Introduction
gratuitous innuendos, Bob!
p3-5 Pre-Match Sequence
(inc. Setting Up Away Team Bob …
Players and Away Coach Jim Fine – let’s just get on with the carnage
Game Objectives) shall we!
p6-21 Printable Play Cards
Bob Now you’re talking my language!
blood bowl pre-match sequence
1. WEATHER – Both coaches roll a D6 and add the results together and consult the Weather table below to see what the
weather will be like for the Friendly Fixture / Training Session.

2D6 Result
Sweltering Heat: It's so hot and humid that some players collapse from heat exhaustion. Roll a D6 for each player on
the pitch at the end of a drive. On a roll of 1 the player collapses and may not be set up for the next kick-off.

3 Very Sunny: A glorious day, but the blinding sunshine causes a -1 modifier on all passing rolls.
4-10 Nice: Perfect Blood Bowl weather.
Pouring Rain: It's raining, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. A -1 modifier applies to all catch, intercept, or
pick-up rolls.
Blizzard: It's cold and snowing! The ice on the pitch means that any player attempting to move an extra square (GFI)
12 will slip and be Knocked Down on a roll of 1-2, while the snow means that only quick or short passes can be

2. OPTIONAL RULE: TREASURY – Both teams at this point may transfer gold pieces from their team treasury into petty
cash. Petty cash may be used during the current match to purchase inducements and adds directly to the team value of the
team for this match. The team with the highest team value must declare how much gold he is transferring into petty cash first.
Your Away team can have a defined roster, in line with league rules, or, if not, assume that the Away team roster is as
displayed as below.

Your Away team can be whichever 11+ players you can get together. You may choose to make it race-specific (e.g. Human,
Orc) or you could mix it up (e.g. Elfric Grand Coalition, Union of Small People). However, what should remain consistent is
that the teams are either fair (Friendly Fixture) or stacked in favour of the Away team (Training Session). If you have 3 Re-
rolls, their Away team must have the same or more, if you have an Apothecary, so do they, etc. You can choose to set your
Away team a budget to spend before the game and choose what to buy or you can make 2D8 rolls and award the Away team
the inducements listed overleaf that match the values of the two dice rolls (e.g. 1+5 = Bloodweiser Babe and Igor) without the
need to set a budget. With regards to Igor or Apothecary rolls, you should re-roll the dice until you get a useable inducement.

3. OPTIONAL RULE: SPECIAL PLAY CARDS – You may include the selection of Special Play Cards but, as this is a
Training Session or Friendly Match (in theory at least), it’s not essential.
blood bowl pre-match sequence
4. OPTIONAL RULE: INDUCEMENTS – Teams that are at a disadvantage are often given 'inducements' to play that will
help even the odds. Some inducements have been taken into consideration in the Away Coach’s Play Cards but most have
not. You may choose to remove from the pack or replace the inducement related Play Cards before drawing.

Inducement (limits) Price

1. Bloodweiser Babes (0-2) 50,000 gold pieces
2. Bribes (0-3 Goblin teams only) 100,000 gold pieces
3. Extra Team Training (0-4) 100,000 gold pieces
Halfling teams: 100,000 gold pieces
4. Halfling Master Chef (0-1)
Other teams : 300,000 gold pieces
5. Igor (0-1 teams who can't purchase an apothecary) 100,000 gold pieces
6. Mercenaries (Unlimited) Various prices
7. Star Players (0-2) Various prices
8. Wandering Apothecaries (0-2) 100,000 gold pieces
9. Wizards (0-1) 150,000 gold pieces

5. FLIP FOR KICK-OFF – You will need to toss a coin to see who is kicking and who is receiving. To prevent any cheating,
the Away coach always picks tails…
6. OPTIONAL RULE: FANS – To determine how many fans turn up your Training Session or Friendly Match, roll 2D6
and add your Fan Factor to the total. Multiply the score by 1,000 to find the number of fans that have turned up. Any gold
generated by this match must be donated to one of the many charitable causes for retired, injured, or infected former players.
(2D6 + Fan Factor) x 1,000

Your fans who love and adore you vs. Your other
fans who loathe you…
Less or equal (<=) 0
More (>) +1
Twice or more (>= 2x) +2

7. KICK-OFF – The kicker / defender rolls 2D6 and refers to the Kick-off Table below for the result.. There are only minor
changes to the outcomes and these are only used for a Friendly Match. For a Training Session, you can ignore this step.

2D6 Result
2 Get the Ref: Each team receives 1 additional Bribe to use during this game.
Riot: If the Home team's turn marker is on turn 7 for the half, both teams move their turn marker back one space as the referee
3 resets the clock back to before the fight started. If the Home team has not yet taken a turn this half the referee lets the clock run
on during the fight and both team's turn markers are moved forward one space.
4 Perfect Defence: The Home team's coach may reorganize his players.
5 High Kick: The ball is kicked very high, allowing a player on the receiving team time to move into the perfect position to catch it.
Cheering Fans: Each coach rolls a D6. The team with the highest score is inspired by their fans and gets an extra re-roll this half.
If both teams have the same score, then both teams get a re-roll.
7 Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Weather table.
Brilliant Coaching: Each coach rolls a D6. The team with the highest total gets an extra team re-roll this half. In case of a tie both
teams get an extra team re-roll.
Quick Snap! The offence start their drive a fraction of time before the defence is ready. All of the players on the receiving team
are allowed to move one square.
10 Blitz! The defence start their drive a fraction of time before the offence is ready. The kicking team receives a free 'bonus' turn.
Throw a Rock: An enraged fan hurls a large rock at one of the. Each coach rolls a D6. The fans of the team that rolls higher are
11 the ones that threw the rock. In the case of a tie a rock is thrown at each team! Decide randomly which player in the other team
was hit (only players on the pitch are eligible) and roll for the effects of the injury straight away. No Armour roll is required.
12 Pitch Invasion: Both coaches roll a D6 for each opposing player on the pitch. If a roll is 6 then the player is Stunned.
blood bowl pre-match sequence
8. SETTING UP AWAY TEAM PLAYERS – To make things interesting, there is a new process that almost randomizes how
the Away team will be set up.

1. The pitch is divided in 15 columns (left wing #1 to right wing #15) and 12 rows (Line of Scrimmage is row #1 to the row
before the End Zone - #12 - but excluding the actual End Zone squares)

2. Starting with the player numbered 1, roll a D16 to determine the column (a 16 requires a re-roll). Place each player on the
Line of Scrimmage in the column that matches the number on the D16.

Where two players receive the same value, place the second player behind the first.

Repeat the process with 2D6 to determine the row. i.e. A pair of ones would mean the player is placed in the square furthest
on the left on the Line of Scrimmage whilst a 15 and a 1 would position the player on the square furthest on the right on the
Line of Scrimmage.

If two players end up in the same square, re-roll the 2D6 until you can place the player in an unoccupied square.

OPTIONAL RULE: You can select players at random, especially where no written Roster is used or where they are not
clearly numbered, or you can choose to start with a random player by rolling a D16 and subtracting a D6 roll value.

3. To ensure a minimum of three players on the Line of Scrimmage in the central zone, the three players in the central zone
furthest forward are advanced to the Line of Scrimmage.

4. If, after the dice rolls, there are more than two players in a wing zone, the player(s) closest to the central zone may be moved
to into the central zone square nearest to them. However, there must be two players left in the wing zone.

5. The Away coach may choose to make an additional D6 roll for the team. They may then advance any of the players
positioning on the pitch forward or back by the exact D6 value. Whilst the value must remain the same across the selected
players, the direction forward or backwards may vary. This value may be applied to all players with the exception of those on
the Line of Scrimmage.

OPTIONAL RULE: If you prefer, an odd value on the D6 means players must move backwards and an even value means
they must move forward.
blood bowl pre-match sequence
9. AWAY COACH GAME OBJECTIVES – The objective of the Away coach is to win, of course, but, to make it impossible for
the Home coach to cheat and to make the presence of an opponent more realistic, the Away team are incentivized in a different
way*. Goblin referees with deep pockets or wandering mages have influenced the outcome of hundreds of matches before, and
today’s fixture is no different…

1. The Away coach must draw 11 cards from the deck after setting up their players and before their first turn.
OPTIONAL RULE: This can be laid face up or face down; it’s your choice. After all, you are both the Home coach and the
Away coach…

2. Each card has a points value from 1 to 5. The Away coach has to execute as many of the plays on the Training Ground cards
as they can during the match.
1. During the course of a turn, only one play card can be allocated to a player on the Away coach’s team.
2. Each play card can only be earned once per match.
3. Certain play cards can still be earned even if the action leads to a Turnover (e.g. ‘Attempt a Long Bomb pass’ – the
action can be attempted but fail, resulting in a Turnover, but the attempt was made and therefore the points are still
4. Any Play card that rewards a failed action is still earned if the Away coach decides to use a Skill or Team Re-roll.

3. For every 20 points they accumulate, the bribed referee / wandering mage awards them a touchdown. However, no turnover
is awarded and the game is not interrupted in any other way. This touchdown is added to any normal touchdowns scored
during the course of the game at the end of each half.

Point accrued after reaching 20 points are carried over (e.g. The Away coach is on 19 points and executes ‘Break an
opposing player’s armour’, which is worth 3pts. A Touchdown is recorded at the next break in play and, when the game
restarts, the Away coach has 2pts).

4. If a play is successfully executed, another card can be drawn from the deck.

All successfully executed play cards are laid face up. At the end of the first half, all unused cards are shuffled back into the
deck but all successful play cards must be kept by the Away coach.



There are 54 cards in the printable play card deck. These are divided into 4x 1pt cards, 21x 2pt cards, 13x 3pt cards, 9x 4pt
cards, and 7x 5pt cards. Some cards have penalties or bonuses depending on the team or player who executes the play.

If a coach executes all 11 plays, this would total 31pts, meaning they have scored a Touchdown and have 11pts carried over. The
theoretical maximum an Away coach could get would be 156 point (or 7 Touchdowns), but this would require them to achieve
everything on every card, which is, frankly, impossible. A competitive match should include at least 1 Touchdown for the Away

In this pack are 5 spare Play cards – you can come up with your own Away coach objectives to make your games more
interesting, fun, challenging, or weighted towards or against particular opponents.

From a random 11 card draw, an Away coach can be expected to have a hand comprised of;

1pt 2pt 3pt 4pt 5pt

1 card 4 cards 3 cards 2 cards 1 card

* Let’s be clear here – you are both the Home coach and Away coach. I assumed that was obvious but, in this dossier, the two
roles are explained separately.
tick tock magic
Concede a Use a
Touchdown in turn Magician.
1, 8, 9, or 16.
cards If not purchased,
you may redraw.

so close! cards
Get to the End Zone
before losing
possession of the

Star player cards
bonus; +1

hail mary 1. Print these 15
pages in colour
Attempt a Long and one-sided.
Bomb pass. 2. Cut around the
cards carefully.
+2 3. Fold the front and
backs and glue
play them together,
especially if using
cards standard printer
nap time own goal
Have three Score a touchdown
knocked out players by being pushed in
at any one time. by an opponent.

+3 +2

superstar cards
Draft a Star Player
into your team
before kick-off.


make room
Put two or more of
your opponent’s
players in the

+3 play
ref! i skulls
Challenge an Lose a 3D block.
Umpire’s decision.
(You can still Re-
play roll afterwards)

cards Big Guys

bonus; +1

pro cards
Catch or pick up the
ball and move your
player’s maximum

Star player cards
penalty; -1

wake up…
Suffer a Wild
Animal or Bone-
Head action.

clean i skulls
sheet Roll double skulls
Complete a half and then double
without conceding a skulls again on a Re-
Touchdown. Roll.

+2 play +3


crack cards
Suffer an armour
break if your
player’s Armour
Value is 8+.

+2 play

Drop a pass or
catch if your
player’s Agility is

+4 play
r.i.p ouch!
Suffer a fatality in Suffer a long-term
the first half. casualty in the first
(+4 for the +2
second half)
play (+1 for the
second half).

score cards
Score a



Break an
opposing player’s

Stunty player
bonus; +1
serial combo
Make four Successfully throw
successful blocks in and catch the ball.
one turn.

throw cards
throw the ball or a


Complete a
half without
using a Re-roll.

r.i.p incoming
Kill a member of Successfully
the opposing team. throw the ball.

+5 +3

Halfling player cards
bonus; +1

blitz cards
a Blitz on the ball


Successfully make a
block against a
stronger player.

Stunty player cards
bonus; +1
block re-roll
Successfully make a Use a
block against any Skill Re-roll.
opposing player.
Halfling team
bonus; +1
cards Star player
penalty; -1

sprint! cards
Attempt to
Go For It.



foul an opponent.


bye! dodge
Successfully push Successfully dodge
an opposing player out of an opposing
off of the pitch. player’s tackle zone.

+3 +2
cards Dwarf team
bonus; +1

dodge cards
Attempt to dodge
out of an opposing
player’s tackle zone.


Successfully Go For
It up to two extra

Elf teams cards
penalty; -1
bribe blitz
Successfully bribe Attempt
the referee. a Blitz.

+4 +2

Goblin team
penalty; -1

throw cards
Attempt to
throw the ball or a


make an

suicide? first aid
Have one of your Attempt to use your
team killed, either Apothecary.
by your opponent
or your own hubris. +2
If not purchased,
play you may redraw.

Stunty player cards Undead teams

penalty; -1 may redraw.

foul cards
Attempt to
foul an opposing


make a 1D block.


block move
Attempt a block Move one of your
against any players their
opposing player. maximum
+1 Allowance.
play +1

move cards
Move all players on
your team +1 spaces
in one turn.

Skaven team cards
penalty; -1

get wide!
Move two players
from the centre to
the wings.

tighten cheat!
up! Use a
Secret Weapon.
Move two players
from the wings to +3
the centre.

+2 play
Goblin team
penalty; -1

bye! cards
Attempt to push an
opposing player off
of the pitch.


pick up
Attempt to
pick up the ball.


welcome pick up
back Successfully
pick up a loose ball.
Have a KO’d
player return to the

+3 play
Undead teams cards Elf teams
penalty; -1
penalty; -1






Not made on an apple
Anti-© 2020 – Please don’t sue me, GW

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