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MPU: 15/6/7 Vol. XXIV (Temp 1) September 28, 2022 NOTE FOR THE PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Short-Term Employment of ‘Administrator, Legal Services inthe Legal Services Division, Ministry of Public Utilities “The matter for the consideration ofthe Permanent Seertary isthe approval forthe short {erm employment of Ms. Danielle Salandy to provide Legal Services as an Administrator, Legal ‘Services inthe Legal Services Division (LSD), Ministry of Public Utilities (MPU) with effect from her date of assumption of duty to Match 31, 2023, 2. Ms, Danielle Salandy is curently employed, on contract, as a Director, Legal Services in the Legal Services Division, Ministry of Public Utilities from October O1, 2019 to September 30, the Ministry of Public as indicated hereunder: ‘Ms. Danielle Salands 2022. 3. The contract employment of Ms. Danille Salandy will end on September 30, 2022. ‘Ms. Salandy has performed satisfactorily during her employment, on contract, as a Directo, Legal Services within the Legal Services Division. Ms. Salandy's Performance Appraisal Report is attached at Appendis I. Itis tobe noted thatthe renewal ofthe aforementioned contract position ‘was included in the draft Note for Cabinet submitted to the Public Management Consulting Division (PMCD) for consideration and comments. Therefore, in order to ensure the continued ‘operations of the LSD, it is recommended that approval be granted for Ms. Salandy to be ‘employed, on a shor-term basis, with effet from her date of assumption of duty to March 31, 2023, pending the renewal of the position of Director, Legal Services. 4. Ms. Danielle Salandy’s scope of works for the period of engagement includes the fallowi ‘Plans direets andl co-ordinates the activities of the professional leva staff and other support staff engaged in the provision of legal serves to a Ministy/Department, + Plans, organises and directs the development of the work programme of the Legal Services, UnivDivision, ‘+ Directs, co-ordinates and reviews the work of professional legal staff performing duties such as ~ appearing in cout and before other tribunals; ‘advice on legal issues related to the administration, interpretation and enforcement of laws pertinent tothe Ministry/Department's operations; ~ drafting legal documents such as contracts, leases andl agreements; ~ preparing draft pleadings for filing: — reviewing legalcourt documents for completeness and accuracy; ~ preparing legal opinions; and ~ researching and analysing legal matters/issues ‘+ Provides advice and interpretation to senior management and staffon very complex: legal mattersissues. ‘+ Drafts or leads the drafting of very complex legal documents/nstruments. ‘© Dirwots and participates in the review of existing las and regulations pertinent 10 the Ministy/Department and in the recommendation of or the formulation of appropriate amendments ‘+ Represents the Ministry/Department in court and before other tribunals in very complex legal matters + Plans, ditects and co-ordinates the review of systems and procedures, and the development of strategies/mechanisms to improve the effectiveness of legal services delivery. Drafts budgetary estimates ofthe Legal Services UnivDivision. Identifies and makes recommendations for staf? taining and development. Serves asa resource in the traning and development of legal staf. Leads or participates in consultations and negotiations with external parties. Prepares CabinetMinisterial Notes, memoranda, letters and other documents Represents the Ministry/Department on committees, meetings and other Fora. Performs other related work as necessary. 5. Ms. Danielle Salandy receives the following remuneration, on contrac, and i s therefore recommended that she continue to receive the same monthly remuneration, given that she wil be performing the same duties. Salary $24,900.00 per month Transport Facilities: - “Transport Allowance $3,100.00 per month Special Allowance $2,700.00 per month Subsistence Allowance: $200.00 per day (payable subject to established criteria being met) 6. Funds to meet the expenditure associated with the short-term employment of Ms, Danielle Salandy (o provide Legal Services as an Administrator, Legal Services in the Legal Services Division, Ministry of Public Utilities with effet from her date of assumption of duty to March 31, 2023, will be made available under the following Vote: - Head: 39_| Ministry of Public Uilities ‘Sulb-headk ‘02 | Goods & Services Item: (001 | General Adiinistration ‘Sub-Item 22_| Short-term Employme 7. Inview ofthe foregoing, the Permanent Secretary is asked to: ~ 4) approve the short-term employment of Ms. Danielle Salandy to provide Legal Services as an Administrator, Legal Services in the Legal Services Division, Ministry of Public Uiilties (MPU) with effect from her date of assumption of duty to March 31, 2023 at ‘a monthly remuneration as follows: Salary $24,900.00 per month ‘Transport Facilites: ~ ‘Transport Allowance $3,100.00 per mont Special Allowance $82,700.00 per month Subsistence Allowance $200.00 per day (payable subject to established criteria being met) 1b) note that the expenditure tobe incurred with respect to (@) above will be met from Vote 39/02/0012, Approved by: Permanent Secretary Ministry of Public Utilities aqilog eee

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