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Expected Roles and Responsibilities of the Scholarships and Advanced Trai ry of Education (Employer), the Ministry/O: and the Seholan Profess This Memorandum of Understanding details the roles and responsibilities ofthe Scholarships ‘and Advanced Training Division, the Ministry of Education (Employer), the Minisey/Organisation (Placement) and the Scholar employed as an Associate Professional ‘The Scholarships and Advanced Training Division (SATD), Ministry of Education shall perform the under-mentioned roles and responsibilities: 1, Seek written approval fom the Ministry/Organisaion (Placement) utilize de returning, scholar as an Associate Profesional; 2, Offer in writing the opportunity of employment as an Associate Professional othe returning scholar; ‘3. Preparation and execution of contests for Associate Professionals; 44. Placement ofthe Associate Professional in appropriate postions within suitable cate with Ministvies/Organizations (Placement) to monitor the Associate Professional for the duration of the contract, 16, Continue to seek permanent employment opportunities for the scholar within the public ‘or private sector in Tvinidad and Tobago; and 17, Provide advice and recommendations regarding any matters whieh may arise during the contractual period. ‘The Ministry of Fducation shall perform the under-mentioned roles and responsibilities: 1. Cochost orientation for Associate Professional who are placed at Ministres\Organizations; Create and maintain personal file fr each Associate Professional “Maintenance of leave register and database for Associate Professionals; Prepare Job Letters; Process payment of salary and ‘overpayment where applicable; 6, Process an approve sick, personal and vacation leave, inclusive of Leave of Absence without Pay/No:Pay Leave in favour ofthe Associate Professionals as guided by their buasie Terms and Conditions of Agreement; 7. Liaise with other stakeholders ofthe Associate Professional Programme, requesting relevant or outstanding documentation necessary for payment of salary and processing of leave for Associate Professionals; wance to the Associate Professional and recover 8, Scele written approval rom the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education for Resignation ofthe Associate Professional and hist completion oftheir obligatory service ala publi organization; and 9. Issuance of approval eters tothe Associate Professional, SAD and the Ministry/Organization(Placemen}. ‘The Ministry/Organization (Placement) shall perform the under-mentioned roles and Provide an appropriate job position with specific duties within the organization 1 whieh the Associate Professional can be assigned. ‘This assignment must commensurate with ‘he qualifications ofthe Associate professional; 2. Indicate in writing its acceptance to employ the returning scholar as an Associate Professional; 3. Provide a copy ofthe letter of assumption of duty of the Associate Professional tothe Director of Human Resources Contracts (Non-Veaching Unit, Ministry of Fducatio ‘order fo facilitate prompt payment of salary and allowances; 4. Provide the List of Duties assigned to the Associate Professional; 5, Adequate supervise and monitor the Associate Professional; 6. Inform the SATDIMOE of any changes of employment status ofthe Associate Professional 7. Inform the Ministry of Edueation of any misbehaviour onthe part ofthe Associate Professional or of any disciplinary ation contemplated by the Ministy/Organsation (Placement; 8. Provide the name, designation and contact details ofthe immediate supervisor of the Associae Professional; 9. Advise the SATD of any periods of extended sick leave or abandonment of oie; 10, Consider where posible, to employ the Associate Professional in long tem employment positions, during or upon completion of the existing contract term, subject tothe Scholar's performance and advise the MOE accordingly and 11. Contact the SATD/MOE for alvce and recommendations regarding any matters which may arise ring the eontaet perio, Assoctate Professional shal perform the under The Associate Professional shall: 1. Consider any ffer of employment from the Placement Organization which may arise during tenure as an Associate Professional; 2. Indicate in writing acceptance of the position of Assoeite Professional; Shall perfor all duties with due diligence and i Shall comply with the rules and regulations ofthe Employer and the -Ministey/Organisation (Placement); ‘Shall advise the Scholarships and Advanced Tra employment status; Complete the ful period of obligatory service even afer the Associate Professional contact has expired Bring matters of dissatisfaction regarding their employment to their immediate supervisors and lize existing procedures available for addressing those matters in the organization; and Shall contact the Scholarships and Advanced Training Division and or the Haman Resource Division, Ministy of Education, fr advice and recommendations regarding any matters which may arise during the contract peri. ative as assigned by the Employer; g Division of any change in their “Terms and Cond satay Deda Pes Lev Sick Lene: Compassion Lev: BASIC TERMS AND CONDITION “ASSOCIATE PROFESSIONAL ° © @ » ® SSO} MOREEMENT ‘he peso npg lb ried open the normal dues of epson n wich ete [Bevoged sy eter dite whieh be Sovennt ay el apn ro eto, ‘The prem engaged sl py Mime In sh muerte Gone fowph any te diy uth ts sll Set ad Shyer ety o infty gage © Be oncemed in Hade_ oe plate tsi foie witout he rate conse he Ferman Seceryied a Deparment Satya Be pyaar no ne than ‘he ty evn he a fl sess ay sey nent “The sary of the person engaged maybe Table desis nae e Laity Mike (Geot Damage Cn In he fot year of he em af cognac he fesonenpged sal be egbe to proceed 98 ‘aston ene afer events (114 rth of {AL Vaciton Leave all be thc hin te ‘ow of egg “pes gaged mye aad wp 1 fe (S)otihag dy Penoml eave di he Mest Sele (12) tothe of enapenent 10 te ‘Shona he convene fe pres Peston Leave ls be deduced fom ‘The psn engaged sl be elf oueen (eo a” Sk Leave wh lpn espe ofeach weve (12) mouth ped of ‘ployment vied tht he sen sapped fence sete cece wen der he ier drove te tha oe Seo ot exceeding to. 2) comsecutie Sr dye the pon ergged ll ot be ‘equed Wf n medica cries, Any fener perad af absence requied on the ‘rondo nes shall he Treated 8 Tee iho Te person engaged ull be lie fe Compson Leave of ee (3) woe ys tent Lene ® © ° o ‘pn the deh ofa enter ois medi yt paren (ining patent by oon) hi sing meen, war spre se cain im scree wie 1998) ‘The peson neal sal be eile or Merny teae der te Materty rtcton ‘eto. of B98 sujet we flo 2 st nine nn hepa este (12) esting meni” emplmen ser peo coat th lnm ecole her eset lef ehgspeme! 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Whee te spevsinrepeng tier the Permanent Sere oF Hes sf Depanent he mater hl be reed to te ‘Chet Percae Ofer or dtemnton ‘he pes coped stall not weary Inmavion och hehe may ave ees “enminton of Ca: ‘Ween Teminton bs ° © © @ wih se may have Bogue by wie ear eaplyrcn wih he Nii opine foray prpose ter ane ‘omcton with eran oer dates forthe Misty’ Deparment Sul he eon trvipe be fn bench oh Conley ‘Sse er employe sal Be eed foal ig eves es Bruder is Conc ail ote, fie pos gape at ay ie ser be ‘sino hs Con al ele oes fey ene feney m pe one eat Clas) become tbe pro ay of ‘ter test compl eth ay de Selig an oer gen by the Permanent ‘Stoetayeat of Deprmet or by ay ther steer ly arse by Rermanet ‘Stotayet of Deparest, sal alse ‘ny infomation respecting ie fais of he ‘vena oy won pane hal {ns minor manatee. he ‘overmeatnay csnshin. ‘The. peson gaged may lemite bier inp aytie forth pape ‘Sg an cable oe omar postin om eda ommerenet of is Caine "ng ot ha oe (1) ons neo ‘ie Peomanet Seria of Depart ‘ety payment fo (o's aay ‘The Pemanea Seveay/Head of Deptt nay temimte the expaymen of ce persen ‘hosge tn ane or be pupose of smn ian sae conc oso, fm he (hte of compan of ts Con fr {ce (her thane of coal ison) poor efron aS etl in the pereomante pra ep ih fhtatione whe the care postiens oe Solised oreo lager ree the Mins! 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Wika "er pag one) ons sh Sneed emai, thefts ened 2 py tte Government «fm ei oe ‘Sosy ated damages the event of ay peciniry damage ‘bing Gon pron eager Sprint! nites tn ay meet a ty watsaver sober pr ese mae Takeo deduct fom her sy 0 ake eth age pat thee, the sea Swick dope all ted the ‘The poon engaged stall te subj 1 Oe eer ar eprint poles hd Isrts fer te ae ag a oe : MEMORANDUM File Ref From: Te: Permanent Secretary “Ministry of Education Date: Subject: Retum of Personne forthe month of Was a NAME OF OFFICER, Post REMARKS lease clude prtols oF any personal eave ovation fave ‘Associate Professional |e taken within de month ana ny notice o ined 1 hereby certify that the above mentioned offce(s) hashhave actually carried out the duties of hicthoetir respective offices) to date and til ether notiee isare expected 10 do s0 forthe rest ofthe month Head of Department ASSOCIATE PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE FORM EVALUATION FACTORS EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FACTORS Factors to Evaluate Knowledge ‘Specific to Profession- Technical concepts ‘Specific to Company-Methods, Procedures and Policies Quality ‘Overall accuracy, completeness of assignments and attention to details Quantity Efficient use of time, ablity to meet deadtines and overall productivity Communication skills, Information conveyed in a clear and concise manner, both written and verbal Intorporsonal Skills Ability to interact and work with clients, co-workers and manager Adaptability Effectively adjust to changes in routines, processes and deadlines Initiative Take action and responsibilly fo compLete what is necessary in the absence of being given specific direction, Juelgomont ‘Take appropriate action under given circumstances Safety practices Perform work in safe manner Problom Solving Ingenuity or resourcefulness, finding new or better technology or methodology to accomplish goals, reducing costs, saving time or improving quality Attendance Punctuality, regularity and overall reliability Supervisory Factors to Evaluate For employees with eupervisory responsibilities ‘Suporviston of Othors Clarity oFinstuctions and guidance given to subordinates, Leadership Inspires teamwork Organisation Efficient in planning, scheduling, delegating and utilising stat Drive for results Department goals and deadlines met timely and efficiently Training and Development Trains, directs, reports and assists employee in the development of now skills Compliance with Policy Meets objectives within established guidelines Fiscal Responsibility Plans and adheres to department budget Page 14 ( ASSOCIATE PROFESSIONAL ‘PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, frame: Sipeniso?s Name ~ [coca Designation (1 Appeabley Deparimant ty Evaluation Prod: ~~ eat af ime you have Supervised employee FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF RESPONSIBITY List below the essential functions of the poston, and/or projets for which the employee Is evaluted ‘Work perfomance is inadequate and inferior to the standards of performance requlred for the position, Performance at thi level cannot be allowed ‘Work performance does not consistently meet the standard of performance forthe position. serous efort is needed to improve performance U-Unnacceptabie IN- Improvement Needed Me-Meets Expectations Worl gerformance consistently meets the standart of performance forthe poston, {-tvceeds Expectations Work performance consistently excoeds standards of performance forthe poston. (© -Outstanaing Work perfomance i consistent superior to standards required or the ob a Frchnial tis (cectvenos= wih which the employe apes Job knowiedge and sil to jo assignments) Job Knowledge Analyzes Problems rade Sage TT WOT Improvement npioys Tools of the ob Competeniy Follows established Procedures ‘Quay of Wark [Manner in whieh the employee completes job assignments) Accuracy or Predsion Thoroughness/Neatnoss Reliability Responsiveness to Requests For service Follow Through Follow-Up ‘udgement/Deelslon Making exfrmance Evaluation Form: Scholars Assigned as Asocate Professionals Page 20f 4 vow [we [ee To Rating Factors Comments Interpersonal kil (Hfectivenes ofthe employee's loteractions with others and asa team patina) With Cosworkors With Supervisors With Other Stat “Team Partpation ‘eam Contributions ‘Commitment to Team Success Communication sls “writen Expression ‘ral Expression ‘hares information Wilingly_| ‘act and Diplomacy Approach to Work (Characteristics the employee demonstrates while performing jab assignments) ‘Actively Socks Ways 10 Streamline Process ‘pen to ew eas and Aoproaches native Pinning aed Organisation Foxible/Adaptable Follows inetructions challenges Status Quo Process In Appropriate Ways Seals Adana Training 36d evelopment ‘Attendance ‘quantity of Work Employee's success in producing the equlted amount of work) Priority Setting Amount of Work Completed Work Completed on Schedule Performance Evaluation Form: Scholars Assigned as Asacate Professionals Page Sef 4 ating Factors ‘Comments ] Supervisory/Leadership Skis Apples ony to Associate Profesional who manages, supervises or leads a team or project), Propety Aligns Responsibitty, ‘Accountablity, Authorty Faces Performance Problems Suaraly Sais High Standards or Say, Ar Well 35 Others ‘uports Urefl Debate and Disagreement Welcomes Constructive Criticism Fosters Respect for People, acts, Data and Objective alysis ‘ses Analytical Tools and Models for Process Inmporverent ‘Supports Brainstorming that Leas to novation and Learning ‘ref Comments on Progresssince last Review { Applies onlin nstances where a previous review wes completed) “Training and Development Propose for Associate Professional (Personal and Developmental Performance Evaluation Form: Scholars Assigned as Associate Professionals Page tof 4 ‘Unacceptable [improvement Needed] Weets Bpeciations [Faceeds apecations] Outstanding ‘Place an X in the box above that best describes the employee's overall performance rating Tuparvisor + Comments [ Aldiional Comments may be atached) Tesociate Profesional Comments] Reacions optionat associate Profession wishes to do so, any comments concerning the appratsa maybe Indicated in this setion, lorby an attachment [Associate Professional Satwre ae ive rad and lscussed tis evaluation with my supervisor and | understand ts contents. [Berenson Director, Human Resour sienatre pate: Signatures ate Peformance Evaluation Form: Scholars Assigned as Associate Professionals

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