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Patient: Good evening doctor.
Doctor: Good evening. You look pale and your voice is out of tune.
Patient: Yes doctor.I’m running a temperature and have a sore throat.
Doctor: Lemme see.
(He touches the forehead to feel the temperature.)
Doctor: You’ve moderate fever.
(He then whips out a thermometer.)
Patient: This thermometer is very different from the one you used the last time. (Unlike the
earlier one which was placed below the tongue, this one snapped around one of the fingers.)
Doctor: Yes, this is a new introduction by medical equipment companies. It’s much more
convenient, as it doesn’t require cleaning after every use.
Patient: That’s awesome.
Doctor: Yes it is.
(He removes the thermometer and looks at the reading.)
Doctor: Not too high – 99.8.
(He then proceeds with measuring blood pressure.)
Doctor: Your blood pressure is fine.
(He then checks the throat.)
Doctor: It looks bit scruffy. Not good.
Patient: Yes, it has been quite bad.
Doctor: Do you get sweating and shivering?
Patient: Not sweating, but I feel somewhat cold when I sit under a fan.
Doctor: OK.You’ve few symptoms of malaria. I would suggest you undergo blood test. Nothing
to worry about. In most cases, the test come out to be negative. It’s just precautionary, as there
have been spurt in malaria cases in the last month or so.

(He then proceeds to write the prescription.)

Doctor: I’m prescribing three medicines and a syrup. The number of dots in front of each tells
you how many times in the day you’ve to take them. For example, the two dots here mean
you’ve to take the medicine twice in the day, once in the morning and once after dinner.
Doctor: Do you’ve any other questions?
Patient: No, doctor. Thank you.
Receptionist: hello, good morning, DoaIbu clinic. Is there anything i can help?
Patient: good morning. I called to make an appointment with a doctor Johnson.
Receptionist: can you wait a moment? I will note your name!
Patient: OK
Receptionist: hello, have you ever come here before?
Patient: Not yet, this is my first time.
Receptionist: Okay, what’s your name?
Patient: Aria Nugraha
Receptionist: Aria Nugraha, how old are you?
Patient: I am 21 years old.
Receptionist: where do you live?
Patient: I live in Jl. Gajah Mada no. 56, Bandar Lampung.
Receptionist: Okay sir, what you need to see a doctor Johnson?
Patient: I want to see a doctor to check my skin diseases.
Receptionist: Okay, Doctor Johnson will be in our clinic tomorrow at 09.00 to 17.00
Patient: oh no, can I see him the other day? That day time I am out of town and I will go back to
Bandar Lampung tomorrow.
Receptionist: what if Friday. Doctor Johnson will be in clinic at 9.00 but, He only in the clinic
until 12:00 because he would go home after that.
Patient: Okay I will meet him on Friday at 9:00. What should I bring to meet doctors Johnson?
Receptionist: If you have a recent medical records please carry.
Patient: I do not have a record of it.
Receptionist: Good morning
Patient : Good morning
Receptionist: fill in the consent form before meeting the doctor
Patient : ok, thank you.
Receptionist: Do you bring your ID card?
Patient: alright then!
Receptionist: so I repeat once again sir. You will meet a doctor Johnson on Friday at 09.00.
Please come half an hour before the appointed time because on Friday doctors Johnson will have
a lot of patient.
Patient: OK, no problem.I’ll try to arrive before 09.00
Receptionist: Thank you sir! Is there still anything I can help you?
Patient: No, it is enough thank you and good morning
Receptionist: Good morning

Nurse and her patient in the room

Nurse : Hello, good morning, Mr. Rahmat. How are you? =
Patient: I am fine, thanks.
Nurse : So, how do you feel, Mr. Rahmat?
Patient: I think, there is something wrong with my stomach. Every time I eat I feel like vomiting.
I really feel unwell.
Nurse : How long have you felt like this?
Patient: For about two days.
Nurse : Have you taken any medicine?
Patient: No, I haven’t nurse!
Belum, suster!
Nurse : I will tidy the bed room first, and then I will examine you. Please, lie down, here.

Nurse Sayida enters Mr. Ali’s room

Nurse : Excuse me, Mr. Ali
Mr. Ali: Yes, come in, please.
Nurse : How are you feeling today?
Mr. Ali: Not too well, nurse. I’m afraid I have a bit of cold.
Nurse : Ok, Mr. Harits.I’d like to ask you some questions. Have you ever been in a hospital?
Mr. Ali: Yes, I have.
Nurse : What is your chief complaint?
Mr. Ali: I have a chest pain and I am difficult to breath.
Nurse : Let me examine you, please take dress off, mr. Ali.
Mr. Ali: By the way, what are you?
Nurse : I am medical staff

Sayida is a Midwifery student. She is in a book store looking for an anatomy book. She meets
Sajidah, her old friend in Junior High School.
Sayida : Hallo, you’reSajidah, aren’t you?
Sajidah : I’m sorry, do I know you?
Sayida : Yes, of course you know me. I’mSayida, your friend in Junior High School. Do
you remember me?
Sajidah : Oh, Sayida, is it you? You have changed a lot, look at you now! You used to be
a bit fat. But now you’re such slim girl and you’re much taller than I thought.
Sayida : Yes, I have been trying hard to control my weight since I was in the Senior High
School, up till now and I think I’ve been succeed.
Sajidah : Yes, you’ve definitely changed, and I almost didn’t recognize you. How are you,
Sayida? It’s been such a long time.
Sayida : I’m good Sajidah. Thank you. It’s really nice to meet you here, Sajidah, and how
are you?
Sajidah : I’m fine, thanks, it’s really nice to see you too, Sayida. Where are you studying
Sayida : I’m studying in a Midwifery Program of a Health College nearby here. Do you
know STIKES Imelda in Bilal Street?
Sajidah : Oh, everybody knows that great college.
Sayida : How about you? Where do you study now? I still remember, when we were
classmates, you always told me many times that you wanted to be a doctor one day.
Sajidah : Yes definitely and I have been trying hard for that, and now I am studying in
Medical Faculty of GadjahMada University in Jogjakarta. Hopefully, I can graduate soon and I
can work in a hospital and have my own clinic. I also plan to continue my study after that as I
want to be a surgeon.
Sayida : Well, that sounds like a great plan. I really hope you can make it real Sajidah.
Sajidah : Thank you, Sayida, amin.So, you’re going to be a midwife, Sayida! That’s
Sayida : Thank you, I do really hope I can be a good midwife. I think it is really
challenging and great job for me.
Sajidah : It is a great job, Sayida.
Sayida : Yeah it is.

Sayida is practicing in Midwife Arifah Clinic. She is accepting a new patient in the admission
Sayida : Good morning Mom, welcome to Midwife Arifah Clinic, how can I help
Mrs. Sajidah : Yes, I’d like to see the Midwife. I need to check my pregnancy.
Sayida : Alright Mom, let me fill out this admission form for you. Is it your first visit?
Mrs. Sajidah : Well, yes.
Sayida : Alright Mom, may I know your name?
Mrs. Sajidah : My name is Sajidah.
Sayida : Where were you born?
Mrs. Sajidah : 5 October 1978.
Sayida : May I know your husband’s name?
Mrs. Sajidah : His name is Mr. Abdullah.
Sayida : Would you please tell me your parents’ name?
Mrs. Sajidah : My mother is Sarmaida and My father is Tri WidyaSandika.
Sayida : Ok, where do you live?
Mrs. Sajidah : I live in GatotSubrotostreet, No. 75 A.
Sayida : Ok, Mom.What’s your phone number?
Mrs. Sajidah : 085242781000
Sayida : Alright Mrs. Sajidah. Please stand on this scale. I’ll weight you.
Mrs. Sajidah : Ok.
Sayida : It’s 60 kilos. How height are you Mrs. Sajidah?
Mrs. Sajidah : 160 cm
Sayida : Alright Midwife Arifah will check you for the details right away. Please
follow me to her room.
Mrs. Sajidah : Ok.
Sayida : Excuse me Midwife Arifah, here is MrsSajidah. She’d like to check her
pregnancy. Here is the medical report.
Midwife : Ok.Thank you Sayida. Welcome MrsSajidah, have a seat please.
Mrs. Sajidah : Thank you Midwife Arifah. Is this nursing units?
Midwife : Yes, it is.

Midwife : Have you come to an obstetrician before you come here?

Mrs. Sajidah : Yes, when I missed my period, I did the pregnancy test on my home, it’s
positive and then I come to an obstetrician to check.
Midwife : Do you remember when the first day of your last menstruation period is?
Mrs. Sajidah : Yes, if I am not mistaken, it was on 7 April.
Midwife : So have you known how to count how many weeks you have been pregnant now?
Mrs. Sajidah : I have no idea, but the last time when I come to see the obstetrician last
month, the doctor said that my pregnancy had been 4 weeks. I took a USG test that time.
Midwife : Do you know you due Date of bird?
Mrs. Sajidah : I am not quite sure, the doctor said it will be on next January.
Midwife : Alright, now tell you how to count the expected delivery date. For example, lets us
take the first day of your last period April 7. Add consequent seven days, 7 April plus 7 days so
it will be on April 14, and further add 9 calendar months. Your expected date of giving birth is
January 14 in a normal case.
Mrs. Sajidah : I will delivery my baby on January 14 next year in normal case.
Midwife : Yes, exactly, but many women have given birth one or two weeks earlier than the
expected delivery date or the contrary.
Mrs. Sajidah : Ok, I hope mine will be in a normal case so I can make everything well
Midwife : Yes I hope so, but the baby is already mature and it is her complete development stage
when it has been at least 38 weeks. Is it your pregnancy?
Mrs. Sajidah : Yes, exactly, this is my first pregnancy. I am so happy.
Midwife : Well, now I need to know your preferred placed of birth, will it be family
birth center, hospital or your home?
Mrs. Sajidah : Well prefer in birth center.
Midwife : It will need a back up for the nearest hospital then. Do you have any complaints now?
Mrs. Sajidah : Well, I feel like always want to throw up get dizzy. I barely eat any food
lately, and what I eat is always thrown up and I feel like I do not want to eat. It is worst
especially in the morning.
Midwife : That’s what we call morning sickness. It’s a common thing that happens during the
first trimester of pregnancy. So how is it now? DO you still have morning sickness?
Mrs. Sajidah : Yes Midwife Tina, I still have that morning sickness. It is normal?
Midwife : Yes It is. It will be over after you have your second trimester. Are you currently taking
any medication?
Mrs. Sajidah : No
Midwife : Alright, let me check your vital signs Mrs. Sajidah, I will check your blood pressure,
temperature and respiration rate, and your pulse. Go to the patient room
Mrs. Sajidah : Ok

Midwife : Good morning

Mrs. Sajidah : Good morning
Midwife : I want to check my blood.
Mrs. Sajidah : Please, go to special care unit.
Midwife : First of all, roll your sleeve up please? I will measure your blood pressure.
Mrs. Sajidah : Alright, like this?
Midwife : Yes, that’s right….Well your BP is 90/60, you have low blood pressure.
Mrs. Sajidah : Really? Oh yeah, I feel really week now and I feel like I am going to have a
fever. I have less sleep lately because I need to finish many office jobs.
Midwife : You have to be aware of anemia. Take extra vitamin B and eat more nutritious food
Mrs. Sajidah. I think you need more rest and sleep.
Mrs. Sajidah : It is hard for me to take any pills and to have meals, but I will do that. This is
for the sake of my baby to be.
Midwife : Exactly Mrs. Sajidah. You have to eat more. You can eat little but often so you
will not get easily throw up. Now please put this thermometer in your arm pit, wait for some
Mrs. Sajidah : Alright.
Midwife : It’s 34o C, Now let me have your wrist please. Your pulse is 80/minutes. Now please
stand on this scale…Ok, It’s 55 kg. ok now have seat down please.
Mrs. Sajidah : Thank you.

Midwife : Well Mrs. Sayida, let’s take a look at you. Would you mind lying down here?
Mrs. Sayida : Ok.
Midwife : Everything is normal. I suggest you to have ultrashonography or USG test for several
test for several times during your pregnancy.
Mrs. Sayida : I have got a USG check last month.
Midwife : Alright, have a seat please. You have a USG check in your first trimester. It’s better
to have the USG check at least once for each trimester during your pregnancy, many women
have USG check each month.
Mrs. Sayida : Ok, So I will have it soon.
Midwife : Good. So, do you have any more complaints for your pregnancy now?
Mrs. Sayida : Well, beside morning sickness and vomiting, I am a bit worried lately. I
need to have a consultation with you about my activities. I am now getting busy in my office and
sometimes. I am worried about my pregnancy if ii get too tired.
Midwife : Yes, you are now in 8 weeks of your pregnancy, means that you are now still in the
first trimester. On your early months of pregnancy you felt morning sickness. Its intensity varies
from nausea on rising from bed to loss of appetite or even frequent vomiting. Other common
symptoms are breast discomfort due to tender and swollen breasts, abdominal bloating, frequent
urination, fatigue, etc.
Mrs. Sayida : Yes, exactly, that’s what I feel on my first months. What department is it?
Midwife : It is clinical laboratories department.

Midwife : Good morning

Mrs. Sayida : Good morning
Midwife : We have data processing in our hospital
Mrs. Sayida : .That’s good.
Midwife : Alright, and next on your second trimester, there will be new feature that appears
during the second trimester or 13-28 weeks of a normal pregnancy is a progressive enlargement
of the lower abdomen or the growing uterus.
Mrs. Sayida : So my abdomen will be getting bigger.
Midwife : Take extra care of your health and increase the nutrition intake for the healthy growth
of your baby. As you told me that you’re always getting busy, you have to know that you need
more rest during pregnancy. Try to lie down and relax with your feet up once or twice a day.
Brisk walking freehand exercises, aerobics.
Mrs. Sayida : So when I get too tired, it’s better for me to get rest soon by lying down
with my feet up. My I go swimming?
Midwife : When you have time, it’s ok to swim. Swimming is also helpful to keep your body
Mrs. Sayida : Well, I’m glad to hear that because I really like to swim.
Midwife : However, don’t indulge in vigorous workouts.
Mrs. Sayida : Of course.
Midwife : Further, a well-balanced diet is essential for maternal health and for nourishing the
growing fetus in the womb.
Mrs. Sayida : Well, for now, I try to eat meals regularly as now I get easily hungry but I
do not like to eat rice. What do you suggest?
Midwife : Well rice is one of meals consisting carbohydrate, if you don’t like rice, you may
change with the other carbohydrate resources such as bread, potato, noodle, etc. remember well
balance food and take vitamins and you may take milk for pregnant women.
Mrs. Sayida : I don’t like milk, but I drink milk for the sake of my baby.
Midwife : You’re great mom …

Mrs. Sayida : Honey, wake up, I have smell spots of bleeding in my underpants, and I feel
contractions in my abdomen, I think it’s the time …
Husband : OH, God, are you sure? Yes it’s getting close to your due date. I think the
baby is coming soon, I will take you to the midwife.
Mrs. Sayida : Hurry honey, I am afraid let’s go.
Husband : Right honey, don’t worry, please calm down honey, I will take you there as
soon as I can. Don’t worry, I will always be there in your side.
Mrs. Sayida : Oh, thank you honey. Luckily, I have prepared everything that I should bring
for the childbearing process. Its’ in that bag. Would you mind taking it to the car?
Husband : Sure, juts prepare yourself and get into the car ok?
Mrs. Sayida : Alright.
Mrs. Sayida and her husband soon leaving to Midwife Riyana clinic. Mrs. Sayida is trying to
make herself calm down in the car. She keeps praying. Anyway, this will be her first experience
of giving birth. She’s really worry. Soon after they arrived at the clinic. Midwife Riyana directly
assists Mrs. Sayida to come to the delivery room and prepare everything quickly. Her assistance
is ready for her.
Midwife : It’s ok Mrs. Sayida, don’t worry, and let me check your openings. Take a deep breath
to release your anxiety. Have you felt the contraction? How many times have you felt the
Mrs. Sayida : Yes, I have, I think it’s around 15 minutes, and sometimes the pain is gone.
Ok, mom, I’m worried.
Midwife : It’s ok, your husband is better to be here to accompany you giving birth. It’s really
good for you physiologically.
Mrs. Sayida : Yes, he’s ready and will be here soon.My I know my medical record?

Midwife : Let me examine you Mrs. Sayida. I’ll check the dilatation. It’s been on 4 cm of
dilatation. You still need 6 cm dilatation until it’s complete to 10 cm dilatation. You’ll have more
contraction and be patient because you will see your baby soon. Don’t you be happy!
Mrs. Sayida : Of course, I’m so happy but I’m just worried. I hope everything will be
alright and I can deal with this process.
Midwife : Don’t worry I’m here to assist you giving birth and look here is your husband coming
to accompany you.
Husband : Hey honey, I am coming and will be here for you. Don’t worry ok? We’re
going to see our baby honey.
Mrs. Sayida : Yes, honey, I am so nervous and happy at the same time now. Midwife
Riyana, now I think I feel contraction in each 5 minutes.
Midwife : It is good then, you will have sooner dilatation.
Mrs. Sayida : Oh, it’s really uncomfortable.
Midwife : It’s common symptom Mom, just think that how happy you will see your baby soon
so you won’t concentrate on your pain but you imagine how the baby looks like? Maybe the
baby look like you or your husband.
Mrs. Sayida : Yeah, you’re right, Midwife Riyana.
Midwife : I think we will not wait too long for this childbearing process. Good baby, you won’t
let you mom too hard to give birth you, right!
Mrs. Sayida : Yes, certainly.
Mrs. Sayida finally comes to her complete dilatation she feels everything uncomfortable and
pain. She suddenly remembers her mother and she imagines how her mother used to struggle
when she was trying to give birth. The water breaking happens and Mrs. Sayidais asked to strain.
Midwife : Yes, try to push as hard as you can Mrs. Sayida. That’s good. Yes, it’s coming out.
Good …
Husband : Come on Honey, you can do it.
Mrs. Sayida is straining as hard as she can and finally the sound of a baby cry is heard.
Mrs. Sayida : Oh.. Is it the baby?
Midwife : Yeah, and it’s a gorgeous baby boy. Congratulation Mrs. Sayida.
Mrs. Sayida : Oh, It’s a baby boy. Honey, we have a son.
Husband : Yes, honey, you’re great, mom I love you so much. You have given me a
wonderful son. Oh, I am so happy. He has your eyes, and my nose. Look at him. Tell me
yourRole of the medical record
Midwife : Ok, thank you.

Nurse Sayida comes to Mr. Harit’s room. She wants to give pain killer injection to him.
Nurse : Good morning, sir, how are you feeling now?
Mr. H : I am feeling bad, nurse. I still have pain on my leg. I can’t stand it anymore.
Nurse : Yes, I understand it, I come here to give you pain killer injection.
Mr. H : Really! Oh ... you are very good nurse.
Nurse : Okay, I am going to prepare the instruments and wash my hands first.
Mr. H : Please.
Then the nurse takes instruments for intramuscular injection, such as:
- Syringe 3 ml
- Alcohol swab
- Pain killer injection ampoule.
- Medication administration record.
- Disposable gloves.
- Kidney dish.
Then she withdraws 2 ml of Pethidine into syringe and comes back to Mr. Harit’s room.
Nurse : Now, would you lay onto your tummy, please?
Mr. H : No, problem.
Nurse : Very good.And now would you mind lowering your pant down, please?
Mr. H : No, I don’t mind.
Nurse : Thanks, now I am going to put on this glove.
Mr. H : Good.
Nurse : Firstly, I will clean the site of injection using this alcohol swab (on dorsogluteal
muscle), please don’t move while I am injecting this medicine, okay sir!
Mr. H : Yes.
Nurse : And now I inject this needle quickly and firmly with 90º angles and then pulls back
on plunger to aspirate medication, if no blood in syringe and I will inject medication slowly.
After that withdraws it then applying alcohol gently over site and message site lightly.
Mr. H :Does it finish, nurse? Can you tell me about the medical care system?
Nurse : Yes, sir. Yes, I can
A health care system is the organization and the method by which health care is provided. In
practice, these systems vary widely from one country to another, and not all health care is
delivered by way of a health care system. Comparing systems is the focus of health care politics
and current research, but generally systems are compared by how they are financed and how they
are managed.
Mr. H : Thanks a lot.
Nurse : You are welcome.

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