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Books and Reports + Qureshi, A.S. and M. N. Chaudhry, 1998, 2006, 2010. Illustrated Veterinary Histology with Colour Atlas. Revised 2™! Ed. Department of Anatomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. (ISBN-978-969-8237-42-7). * Hussain, R. and A.S. Qureshi , 2012. Microscopy and Ultrasonography of the Testis of Dromedary Camel , Lampert Academic Publishing, Germany. +> Siddique, M., Nazir A., Qureshi, A. S. and A. Khan (Eds), 2008. Proceedings of the National seminar on “Animal Health — Reflections and Future Horizons” held an March 06, 2008 at Faculty of Veterinary Science, UAF * Qureshi, A. S. and RLU. Shahid and S. Rehan, 2007. Veterinary Anatomy: Textbook for livestock Diploma Assistant Course. Department of Anatomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. (ISBN-978-969-8237-41-7) Contribution in Books: + Sarwar, A.and M. A. Majced (2004). interrelationships between 30 parameters of blood in normal one-humped camel. In: Selected Research on Camelid Physiology and Nutrition. GahlotT. K. (Editor). The Camelid Publishers, Bikaner, Ind = Qureshi a. S. (2004). Digestive System. In: Camel Management and Diseases. Falah K. Al-Ani (Editor). Ammar Book Publications, Amman, Jordon. Uitrasonogrepry’ afte Testis of Bromedary Camel ieee ) ey) ° b Cd lll DP ae Oe A dO al hte ae CoN eee ri ey 7 Niartye tte ee fee ee el pele aoe Cee eee eae Le ea eee ISBN-978-969-8237-42-7 Tilustrated VETERINARY HISTOLOGY WITH COLOR ATLAS second Edition Anas Sarwar Qureshi M. Naseem Chaudhry a Ee meee ed ely Tatum marlin University of Agricutlure, Faisalabad, Pakistan Airmen trons rc ir, Anas Sarwar Qureshi has mere than 26 yas of tacking and reoare experince in the eld of Anatomy. Aer completing is OV immune function and hormanes in reprosictive system of mares or is a: Arcam Boon Univers Gamay et 2years 203 wat rived visting sent by Humbot Univers Bern He is wily recognized as an expert ofan scencas especialy on ‘amas and molacdar ganas of diferent cama treads, He has conto tha ntsmatona erature on fret aspects of animal sences tough 160 resarcirevew papers and several ‘hapa in nemationa books on cama. He Isa regular repent of esearch gras fom te Pakistan Science foundation, th Pakistan AgrcutaalRetearen Count andthe Higher Educaton Comission of Pakistan, Ho was Nationa Coordinator of te European UnionfindegEU-Asa Link Project. The project was amed at developing a susartle parnersnp between Palisa, CGormany and tho UK forthe up-gadaton of human resources at ho Faslabad Agata forums in differant capacties. He is also Associate Esitorn-Chiof of the Amorican-Eurasan Joumal of Scone Research and refeeatechneal exper ofthe Highor Eaton Commission HEC), Nata Testing Serdce (NTS) and venous academic and research enanizations of Pakistan inrecognten his oustanding senicesinhefaldof ania sconces, ewas bestowed ‘Star Laureate swardin 2002 Cure hee eharman Departnent of Aatomy at Unvesty of Prof, Dr. Muhammad Naseem Chaudhry graduated in Veterinary Senco and Aieal Husbancry rom tho Unversity of Punjab, Lahore {ne and sucessfully competesPost Gracustoprogtam ith rea Micobiclogy at West Pakistan Agrcutur Univesiy Lyalpur (Fossiabad) Dt Naseem wasindced as nsractorin be Depart ‘tAnatomy io 1964 and worked various eapactles Or Choudy was ‘anardd PRO (Vetenary Anatom) degree by Unversity of pseu, Fasaibadin 1969 During scarcer ne was tice member tuners strate, once elected on Paitan bas alee natonal conten ‘Sominas, werkchops and hort waing, remained engaged teach | and research inte Feld of Veterinary Histology. atively parciated in iproung courses on \Vetenary Anstony. Present he s serving as Professor of Anatomy at Facuty of Vetenry and Animal Sconce, Aes Agncuture Univers, Rawal. ser

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