Armstrong/Mund 1892 Polling

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To: Congressman Kelly Armstrong

From: 1892 Polling
Re: North Dakota Congressional Poll: Armstrong leads Mund 48-31%


1892 conducted a poll of N518 likely voters for the November 2022 election in North Dakota’s At-Large
congressional district. The poll was entirely by professional live callers to a combination of cell phones and
landlines, and the margin-of-error is ±4.3%.

State of the Race

1. Leading The Race: Kelly Armstrong is the clear frontrunner in North Dakota’s election for Congress.
Armstrong dominates the ballot 48-31%.



Armstrong Mund Undecided

2. Issues Environment: The issues environment also favors Congressman Armstrong. Respondents
cited that the top two issues were “Reducing inflation and the cost of living” and “cutting government
spending and balancing the budget.” On those issues, Armstrong’s lead increases over Mund.

Most Important Issues Ballot

59% 60%

19% 22% 19% 21%

Economy/Inflation Government Spending

Armstrong Mund Undecided

About 1892
1892 has performed polling on winning races in all corners of the country, at every level of politics – from
races for President, Governor, Senate, and Congress. They also have conducted polling for the National
Republican Congressional Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Republican Governors
Association, and the Congressional Leadership Fund.

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