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(AC-S07) Week 7 - Task: Assignment -

Where is the hospital?

Good night miss, my classmates and I we are going to present this week's homework

Elvis: Hello guys, how are you, what are you doing?

Hans: Hello, I came from the smart fit gym on Giraldez Avenue, next to the bcp bank.

Myriam: Interesting, I'm going to A'rchi to buy my mother a cake for her birthday. There they
sell delicious cakes and sandwiches.

Elvis: Where's the bakery?

Myriam: It is in the San Carlos urbanization in front of the Texas chicken shop.

Hans: Guys what are you doing on saturday night? I am planning to have a soccer game
together with other classmates

Elvis: I have computer classes in the afternoon and then I have to go to the pharmacy to buy
some medicine on centenario Street. Then for the night I'm free

Myriam: Well, I have to accompany my mother to the continental bank that is in the plaza de
armas, then buy some things at the bookstore that is behind the Claretiano school and then I
will be free. In which football field will we play?

Hans: We will play in San Carlos sports complex , There are some football fields to be able to

Elvis: Where's that football field? are there some parks nearby?

Hans: It is in the Santa Maria urbanization, behind there are some parks. You can find yourself
in front of the “Don Julio” minimarket

Elvis: Ah ok right, if I can locate myself

Myriam: Is there a restaurant near the soccer field? I usually eat before the afternoon and I
don't want to wait until I get home

Hans: Of course, near the football field there are some restaurants, you can choose between
eating grilled chicken, pizza or burgers

Myriam: Perfect, so after playing we can go eat at some of those restaurants.

Elvis: I'm a bit on a diet, I buy a bottle of water up front and maybe buy a salad, in the store
behind the soccer field, where there are some parks. By the way, I wanted to tell you that that
same day will be valeria birthday, could we go after playing soccer?

Hans: Of course, where's his house?

Elvis: It is on the railway avenue, next to downtown chifa.

Hans: Okay if I know, no problem

Myriam: For me no problem either, is there a store nearby to be able to buy beers?

Elvis: Yes, there is a shop across the street barber shop "sebas"

Myriam: Okay then I'll see you guys on Saturday

Hans: Yes, I'll see you Saturday, see you later.

Well miss that was all the conversation from my group with respect to this activity, thank you.


 Elvis Meza Quispe

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