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NAMA : Hesti Nurafni


NIM : 962021023

a. What is the title of the movie?

 Enola Holmes

b. Who are the actors & actress?

 Millie Bobby Brown

 Louis Partridge
 Henry Cavill
 Sam claflin

c. Make short summary about the movie!

 Enola is a 16 year old teenage girl, and is the last child in the Holmes family.

Enola lived and grew up at home with her mother after the death and departure of her
older brother and Mycroft. Enola has been taught martial arts since childhood, read
history books, studied physics, and solved puzzles.
However, on her 16th birthday, Enola woke up and she was gone, Enola immediately
tried to solve the riddle of her mother's disappearance, through the card in the gift box
her mother left behind.

The departure of the condition confirmed that the mother was somewhere, then made
Enola's brothers return home to see the youngest. Sherlock was quite sympathetic to
his sister and tried to find out where his mother had gone.
However, Mycroft felt that Enola needed further guidance on the education and
etiquette of high-class women in an all-girls school.

Feeling her sisters will interfere with her mother's search, Enola then decides to crack
the code her mother left behind, then runs away from home and starts her own
adventure. He decided to go to London by train.

But in the carriage, he finds Tewkesbury, a young man who also ran away from where
he lived because of his parents' decision to send him to military school.

It turns out that Tewkesbury was being followed by someone who was ordered by his
family to kill Tewkesbury.

While being chased by a hitman, Enola and Tewkesbury get off the train.

Arriving in London they separated. Enola then rents a lodging room and decodes
where her mother went by remembering the history books she had studied and reading
the latest newspapers. He finally found an abandoned warehouse near the port which
was used as a headquarters by his mother's group.

Next Enola decided to find out why the Tewkesburys had hoped for the young master
to come, by singing and to the palace.

After that Enola found Tewkesbury selling flowers. Enola could tell that Tewkesbury
was there because he was interested in learning about plants.
However, Enola was found by Mycroft's men, and had to be taken to the girls'
dormitory. Tewkesbury was able to catch and escape, then they came to the palace
again and managed to kill the men of his family.

When Enola finally gets to meet her mother, she is surprised to find out what Eudoria
is actually doing.

d. What is the message you may take from the movie?

 just do whatever you want don't ever be afraid as long as it's a good choice, because
your future is in your hands.

e. Why do you like the movie?

 because this film teaches us about gender equality where there is no discrimination
against their gender identity. and can go freely according to what you want.

f. Do you recommend it to your friends? Why/Why not?

 Yes, because this film is very interesting and the rating in this film is very high.

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