History of Disorders of Thyroid Dysfunction: Review

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, No.

3, 2005 459


History of disorders of thyroid

A.M. Ahmed1 and N.H. Ahmed 2

ABSTRACT The first description of thyroid diseases as they are known today was that of Graves disease
by Caleb Parry in 1786, but the pathogenesis of thyroid disease was not discovered until 1882–86. Thy-
roidectomy for hyperthyroidism was first performed in 1880, and antithyroid drugs and radioiodine therapy
were developed in the early 1940s. Thomas Curling first described hyopothyroidism (myxoedema) in 1850
and the cause and suitable treatment were established after 1883. This paper reviews the main landmarks
in the history of thyroid disease, supplemented by a brief discussion of the historically relevant scientific
aspects of the thyroid gland, and the evolution of endocrinology as a formal discipline.

Histoire des troubles dysthyroïdiens

RÉSUMÉ La première description des pathologies thyroïdiennes, telles qu’on les connaît aujourd’hui, a été
celle de la maladie de Graves par Caleb Parry en 1786, mais la pathogenèse de l’affection thyroïdienne n’a
pas été découverte avant 1882-1886. Une thyroïdectomie pour hyperthyroïdie a été réalisée pour la
première fois en 1880, et les antithyroïdiens et le traitement par l’iode radioactif ont été mis au point au début
des années 1940. Thomas Curling fut le premier à décrire l’hypothyroïdie (myxoedème) ainsi que sa cause
en 1850 et un traitement adéquat a été établi après 1883. Cet article procède à un examen des principales
étapes dans l’histoire de la pathologie de la thyroïde, avec une brève discussion des aspects scientifiques
concernant la glande thyroïde qui ont eu une importance historique, et de l’évolution de l’endocrinologie en
tant que discipline à part entière.

Faculty of Medicine, University of Bahr Elghazal, Khartoum, Sudan (Correspondence to A.M. Ahmed:
Ministry of Health, Khartoum, Sudan.
Received: 17/08/03; accepted: 22/03/04

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460 La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, Vol. 11, N o 3, 2005

Introduction and the internal secretions form the blood

sugar [2].
The history of thyroid disease is an exam- From 1855 to 1902 important research
ple of the close inter-relationship of basic
in endocrinology was carried out [3]. Add-
and clinical sciences. Although we can see
ison wrote an account on the disease of the
a slow advancement in knowledge about
suprarenal capsule [1]. Brown-Séquard
the clinical features of thyroid disease since
demonstrated that in animals death from
the dawn of the 20th century, the methods
adrenalectomy could be delayed by infu-
of investigation and treatment advanced
sion of blood from healthy animals. In 1889
Minkowski and Von Merring performed the
This paper reviews the main landmarks
experimental production of diabetes [1]. By
in the history of thyroid disease, starting
the end of the 19th century a number of
with a brief outline of the evolution of mod-
diseases such as Graves disease and ac-
ern endocrinology. Many endocrine con-
romegaly were described along with their
cepts such as feedback mechanisms,
probable relation to a glandular dysfunction
replacement therapy and the use of iso-
topes were first established during studies
English physiologists William Bayliss
on the thyroid gland. Although the aim of
(1860–1924) and Ernest Starling (1866–
the paper was to discuss the historical as-
1927) made important discoveries in 1902
pects of thyroid disease, we have supple-
mented the review with a description of the [3]. While they were studying the effects
historical developments in our knowledge of “pancreatic juices” on the duodenal mu-
of anatomy and physiology of the thyroid cosa, they isolated a substance, giving it
gland. the name “secretin”. When secretin was in-
jected into the bloodstream of an experi-
mental animal, it resulted in marked
Endocrinology: historical increased secretion from the pancreas.
landmarks This result reinforced Bernard’s concept of
internal secretion [3]. In 1905 Starling
Some endocrine facts, such as the sequelae coined the term “hormone” for this internal
of castration, are deeply rooted in the past. secretion (including his secretin). The
Frederick Ruysch (1638–1731), a Dutch word hormone was derived from a Greek
anatomist, was the first to speculate, in phrase meaning “to set in motion”. Thus,
1690, that an organ such as the thyroid secretin was the first hormone to be isolat-
pours into the blood substances of physio- ed. The term “endocrine” can be traced to
logical importance [1]. The French scien-
Starling who differentiated between endo-
tist Theophile de Bordeu (1722–76) had a
crine and exocrine secretions [1].
similar theory [1]. The Ruysch and Bordeu
The history of endocrinology is not
speculations were easily criticized by the
complete without a mention of the master
lack of any experimental proof. But the real
of the endocrine glands, the pituitary. The
father of endocrinology who set its princi-
pituitary gland was named by the Belgian
ples as a formal discipline was French
anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514–64) who
physiologist Claude Bernard (1813–78). In
believed that it secreted mucus through the
1855, Bernard introduced the term “internal
nose (derived from the Latin word pituita
secretions” when he was studying the role
which means mucus) [1]. Later, the Ger-
of the liver in sugar metabolism. He stated
man physician Conrad Victor Schneider
that the external secretions form the bile

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2005 461

(1614–80) cast doubt on the mucus secret- gested that it functioned to lubricate the lar-
ing function of the pituitary when he first ynx and this view was accepted for a long
described the cribriform plate of the eth- time. Wharton in 1656 suggested that the
moid [1]. But this view persisted until purpose of the thyroid was to beautify the
Pierre Marie (1853–1940) detected two neck by giving it a rounded contour
cases of acromegaly with associated pitu- through filling the vacant spaces around the
itary enlargement in 1886 and 1888 [3]. larynx [3]. In 1829 Astley Cooper proposed
Since then a large body of knowledge has that the thyroid was a lymphatic gland
accumulated about the pituitary which led when he noticed lymph passing from it to
Langdon Brown in 1935 to describe it as the thoracic duct [1]. Even up to 1880 the
the “leader of the endocrine orchestra”. thyroid was proposed as a receptacle of
worms or even a vascular shunt to cushion
the brain against a sudden increase in blood
Anatomy of the thyroid flow.
The anatomy of the thyroid gland can be Thomas King (1809–47) first suggested
traced back as far as the first century AD the concept of an internal secretary func-
when Galen, the famous Greek doctor, tion for the thyroid. King’s idea was that
briefly described it in his treatise De voce the thyroid formed and secreted a vital ma-
[1]. In 1543 Vesalius gave a full description terial into the circulation at a time of emer-
of the organ; he believed that it consisted of gency [4]. This view was supported a few
two separate parts [1]. Later, the anatomist years later by Felix Semon [1]. In 1856
Bartolomeo Eustachius recognized the isth- Moritz Schiff (1823–96) of Berne carried
mus and considered the thyroid as a single out thyroidectomies on dogs and guinea
organ [1]. But the controversy about pigs with fatal results [3]. For 30 years
whether the thyroid was a single or double nothing was heard of this work. The thy-
organ was finally resolved by Giovanni roidectomy remained generally fatal until
Bathista Morgagni (1682–1771) who dem- French physiologist Eugene Gley (1857–
onstrated that the gland had two lobes con- 1934) described the parathyroid glands in
nected by the isthmus. Thomas Wharton of 1891 [5].
London (1617–73) named the thyroid in In 1882–83, Ludwig Rehn (1849–1930)
1656, from the Greek word thyreos mean- and Jacques-Louis Reverdin (1841–1917)
ing “oblong shield” [3]. noticed the appearance of symptoms of
The histology of the thyroid was stud- hypothyroidism after thyroidectomy opera-
ied from the start of the microscopy era. It tions on patients with Graves disease (see
was found to be formed of vesicles con- later) [6,7]. In 1884 Schiff remembered his
taining colloid material and lined with cubi- 1856 work and repeated his previous ex-
cal cells. The vesicles were thought to be periments on dogs and succeeded in pre-
communicating together, but in 1841, Hein- venting the effects of thyroidectomy by
rich Bardeleben of Germany (1817–95) re- grafting the thyroid onto another part of the
futed this idea [1]. animal body. Unfortunately, the body soon
absorbed the gland. Thereafter, the func-
tion of the thyroid gland was thought to
Physiology of the thyroid neutralize or remove poisons from the body
and hence that thyroid deficiency leads to
Throughout history, the function of the
thyroid has been controversial. Galen sug-

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462 La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, Vol. 11, N o 3, 2005

The definite function of the thyroid as a Pituitary and thyroid

controller of metabolism was studied and The association between the pituitary gland
confirmed by work carried out between and endocrine disease was first recognized
1886 and 1895 by George Murray (1865– by Pierre Marie in 1890 who found that pi-
1939), Hector Mackenzie (1856–1938) and tuitary enlargement was a constant finding
Edward Fox (1856–1938) [8]. These stud- in acromegaly patients [3,15]. In 1910
ies were based on following up the suc- Crowe, Cushing and Homans performed
cessful effects of giving thyroid extracts complete hypophysectomies in 100 dogs
by different routes to patients with myx- and reported a characteristic series of
oedema [8]. symptoms—bradycardia, hypothermia,
From around 1895 thyroid researchers ataxia and loss of consciousness [16]. The
began to study the chemistry of the gland same symptoms followed removal of the
secretions. This field was pioneered by Eu- anterior pituitary alone. During the 1930s
gen Baumann (1846–97) who was the first enthusiastic and successful research was
to recognize the role of iodine in the work carried out to separate and isolate the vari-
of the thyroid gland when he discovered a ous hormones of the anterior pituitary. One
high concentration in the gland [9]. In of them was thyroid-stimulating hormone
1896, he isolated a compound containing (TSH), which was identified, by Collip and
iodine (iodothyrin) and suggested a relation Anderson in 1935 [17]. In the 1970s TSH
to iodine metabolism. In the same year, En- was found to be a glycoprotein and was
glish paediatrician Robert Hutchison assigned a molecular weight between
(1871–1960) found that iodine was con- 26000–30000 by Pierce and Wynston [5].
centrated in the colloidal material within the In 1938 it was first suggested that the
glandular follicles [10]. In 1899 Oswald engineering concept of “feedback control”
extracted an iodized protein which he could be applied to biological systems.
termed “thyeroglobin” [11]. The presence Soon after, this was applied by Hoskins in
of organic iodine in the plasma was indicat- endocrinology, who coined the term “thy-
ed by Gley and Bourcet in 1900 whereas in rostat” [18]. The phrase “pituitary–thyroid
1905 di-iodotyrosine was prepared by axis” was first used in the 1940s to de-
Wheeler and Jamieson [3]. Tri-iodothyro- scribe the relationship of the two glands.
nine, in plasma and thyroid, was recog-
nized in 1952 by Gross and Pitt-Rivers Hypothalamus and thyroid
[12]. The big success came in 1914 when In 1948 Harris proposed that the hypothala-
Edward Kendall (1886–1970) isolated an mus served as the key link between the en-
iodine-containing crystalline product from docrine and nervous systems in reacting to
alkaline hydrolyses of thyroid tissues and the surrounding environment [19]. In
named it “thyroxine” [13]. He described it 1951, Monte Greer confirmed that induc-
as a “stirring activator of metabolism and ing hypothalamic lesions (between the
probably the hormone of the thyroid” [13]. paraventricular nuclei and the median emi-
By then, the active principle of the thyroid nence) prevented the usual response to the
gland had been identified and then synthe- antithyroid drug thiouracil (i.e. thyroxin in-
sized in 1927 by Charles Harrington (1878– hibition and TSH overproduction) [20]. In
1965) and George Barger (1878–1939) 1955 Saffran, Schally and Benfey postulat-
[14]. ed that first-order hormones interacted in

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2005 463

the hypothalamus to regulate the secretion tre. This issue was studied in India by Rob-
of the pituitary hormones and they coined ert McCarrison who started a laboratory
the term “releasing factors” for these hor- for nutrition research in 1918. He hypothe-
mones [21]. This was the first convincing sized the presence of “goitrogens” that in-
report of the role of the hypothalamus in hibit thyroid function in the drinking water
regulating pituitary hormones [21]. as a cause of goitre [25]. In 1928 Chesney
and his co-workers were the first to ob-
serve that cabbage may contain goitrogens
Simple goitre and cretinism and cause goitre in rabbits (originally they
Descriptions of goitre have been found in were working on syphilis research and
Hindu writings earlier than 1500 BC [1]. In were using cabbage-fed rabbits) [26]. Dur-
the same period the Chinese used burnt ing the next decade a large number of veg-
sponge and seaweed in the treatment of etables were found to be goitrogenic e.g.
goitre [1]. Hippocrates was aware of goi- cauliflowers, turnip and Brussels sprouts.
tre. In the Middle Ages goitre was men- Burnt sponge and seaweed have been
tioned in the book Lives of saints and used in the treatment of goitre since the
around this time, the word “goitre” was 12th century. After extensive work with
coined [1]. The presence of goitre was these materials, the chemist Bernard Cour-
considered a sign of beauty in some societ- tois in France extracted a substance in
ies. Also, the high prevalence of goitre in 1812 [1]. This was examined by Humphry
adults made it difficult to associate it with Davy, then at Paris who named it iodine.
disease. Only from the work of Caleb Parry Four years later, the English physician Wil-
and Giuseppe Flajani at the beginning of the liam Prout tested potassium iodide on him-
19th century was goitre recognized as a self to make sure that it was not toxic in
source of pathological effects [22]. Hence small amounts and then he used it as a rem-
the term “toxic goitre” was introduced. edy for goitre [1]. But the first genuine
Chatin in 1853 in France was the first to therapeutic trial to use iodine was made by
describe the correlation between the iodine Jean-Francois Coindet of Geneva (1774–
content of water, soil and air and the preva- 1834) in 1820 [27]. He gave a tincture of
lence of goitre [23]. This information was iodine to 150 patients with goitre without
neglected until confirmed in 1923 by Von ill-effects [27]. In 1829, Jean Lugol (1786–
Fellenverg in Switzerland and Orr in En- 1851) of Paris introduced his well-known
gland [1] iodine solution (originally used to treat tu-
Paracelsus recognized the coexistence berculosis).
of endemic goitre and cretinism in the mid- The use of iodine to prevent goitre was
dle of the 16th century in the Duchy of established in 1909–13 when Marine and
Salzburg [24]. Also in this century the first Lenhart, in the USA, demonstrated the role
explorers of Colombia described “heavy of iodine deficiency in causing goitre in
and stupid savage of sluggish rabbits” [1]. black trout and other animals [28]. During
The virtual disappearance of cretinism 1917–20 Marine and Kimball gave sodium
from Switzerland after introduction of io- iodide (2 g in divided does twice yearly for
dized salts in the 1920s gave a convincing 3 years) to 2000 schoolgirls in the goitre
proof about the relationship between en- belt in Ohio, USA [29]. This regimen result-
demic goitre and cretinism. ed in a reduction of cases from 87.6% in
But the question was raised whether io- 1917 to 13.1% in 1922 [29].
dine deficiency was the only cause for goi-

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464 La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, Vol. 11, N o 3, 2005

The surgical treatment of goitre was “cachexia strumipriva”. Around the same
probably first attempted by Albucasis, a time, Victor Horsley (1857–1919) pro-
prominent Arab surgeon in the Middle duced artificial myxoedema in dogs after
Ages. The first surgeon who achieved suc- thyroidectomy [3]. Then in the second half
cessful results with thyroidectomy was of 1883 a controversy followed between
Theodor Billroth at Vienna in 1849. But the Kocher and Reverdin regarding the nature
techniques of this operation were highly of the postoperative myxoedema-like syn-
improved by Theodor Kocher at Berne [1]. drome [3]. Felix Semon (1849–1921) put
He performed more than 7000 thyroidecto- an end to this controversy by stating that
mies in his clinic with a mortality rate of myxoedema and cachexia struamiprivia
4.5% [1]. He was awarded the Noble prize were one disease and, together with cretin-
in 1909 for pathology and surgery of thy- ism, were due to one cause: loss of thyroid
roid disease, the first surgeon to win the function [3]. Semon’s statement was in-
prize. vestigated and confirmed by a committee
appointed by the Clinical Society of London
(included, among others, Victor Horsley
Hypothyroidism and Moritz Schiff).
Up to 1850 doctors were familiar with the The road was now paved to propose a
syndrome of cretinism but only in that year suitable treatment for hypothyroidism. In
was the occurrence of features similar to 1886 Horsley and Schiff tried to transplant
cretinism in adults (i.e. myxodema) first the thyroid but achieved only temporary
reported by Thomas Blizzard Curling success as the body soon absorbed the
(1811–88) [30]. Curling noted the connec- transplanted gland [1]. George Murray in
tion of absence of thyroid tissues with 1891 and Howitz in 1892 tried to treat myx-
symmetrical swelling of fat tissues at the oedema with injection of thyroid extracts
sides of the neck in two of his patients with successful results [33]. One of Mur-
[30]. William Gull (1816–90) who was a ray’s patients lived for a further 28 years
prominent pathologist at Guy’s Hospital, after he was treated with hypodermic injec-
London gave a complete description of tions of glycerine extract of sheep thyroid
myxoedema in 1873, describing five cases tissue for 6 months [33]. At the same time,
of cretinism in adult women [31]. But it Hector Mackenzie was successful in giving
was William Ord (1834–1902) who in 1878 patients fresh thyroid extract by mouth [8].
coined the term “myxoedema” when he But most patients had to wait until thyrox-
found extensive deposits of mucin in the ine was isolated and then synthesized 35
skin of feet of his patients at autopsy [32]. years later [14].
After 1880 researchers started to inves- An interesting historical point is that af-
tigate the exact cause, and then to propose ter myxoedema was fully described be-
a suitable treatment for myxoedema. In tween 1873 and 1883 we notice a slow
1882, Reverdin noted the occurrence of advancement in knowledge about it. This
symptoms of myxoedema after thyroidec- may be attributed to the early discovery of
tomy [6]. Also in 1883, Kocher in his Berne an extremely simple and efficient therapy
clinic described features of myxoedema in that reduced the impetus for exhaustive re-
30 out of 100 patients after thyroidectomy search. But associations of myxoedema
[1]. Kocher attributed these features to with certain clinical problems were de-
chronic asphyxia and termed them scribed between 1949 and 1963. Examples

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2005 465

include pericardial effusion (1949) by R.A. pearance of agitation and distress, the heart
Kern, myxoedema coma (1953) by Le beat was so violent that each systole of the
Marquand, cerebellar disorder (1960) by heart shook the whole thorax…” [22]. Par-
Jellinek and Kelly, pernicious anaemia ry attributed these symptoms to alterations
(1960) by Wilson and Tudhope and ascites in the cardiac function. Also in a paper pub-
(1963) by Atkinson. lished after his death, Parry described a
The historical aspects of hypothyroid case of exophthalmos associated with goi-
diseases other than myxoedema deserve to tre and ‘non-organic heart disease’ (to ex-
be mentioned in this article. Riedel in 1896 plain palpitation). Although Parry was the
described a chronic non-malignant involve- first to recognize hyperthyroidism, the first
ment of the thyroid gland (chronic thyroidi- published work about it was by Giuseppe
tis) [34]. In 1912, Hashimoto first Flajani in 1802 [3].
described the disease that now bears his In 1833 Robert James Graves (1796–
name [35]. He described four cases of goi- 1853) of Dublin (who was one of the
tre whose histological features included founders of the Park Street School of Med-
atrophic epithelium, prominent lymphoid icine) published a description of exoph-
follicles and new abundant connective tis- thalmic goitre so admirable that the disease
sues [35]. At first there was argument still goes by his name (although Parry rec-
about whether the disease was a separate ognized it 47 years earlier) [37]. Like Parry,
entity or an early stage of Riedel disease. Graves erroneously thought that the dis-
This controversy was not settled until the ease was produced by alterations in cardiac
demonstration of serum antibodies in Hash- function. To quote, “the sudden manner in
imoto disease in 1956, which stimulated which the thyroid used to increase and then
extensive investigations of this phenome- diminish in size and the connection of this
non. In fact, the first evidence of a possible with the state of the heart’s action are cir-
role for autoimmunity in thyroid disease cumstances which may be considered as
was the tendency of Hashimoto disease to indicating that the thyroid is slightly analo-
pass sooner or later into hypothyroidism or gous in structure to the tissues properly
even an early phase of thyrotoxicosis. In called erectile” [37].
1936 a third variety of thyroiditis (sub- In 1840, Graves disease was described
acute and non-suppurative) was described by Adolph von Basedow (1779–1854) of
by De Quervain and now bears his name Germany who completed the picture of
[36]. toxic goitre [38]. Exophthalmos was noted
in only one of the three cases described by
Graves but was described in all Basedow’s
Hyperthyroidism four cases [38]. Because Basedow had
The first person to describe the features of practised in Merseburg, the characteristic
hyperthyroidism (later known as Graves signs of Graves (goitre, exophthalmos and
disease) was Caleb Hillier Parry (1755– palpitation) were frequently called “Meres-
1822) in 1786 [22]. He was a highly es- berg’s triad”. Basedow also mentioned oth-
teemed practitioner at Bath, England. Parry er thyrotoxic features such as restlessness,
saw five cases of exophthalmic goitre, pal- wasting and diarrhoea [38].
pitation and anxiety [22]. He described his At different times, many causes and
patients as follows: “eyes were protruded pathogenetic mechanisms for Graves dis-
from their sockets, faces exhibited an ap- ease have been suggested. Parry and

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466 La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, Vol. 11, N o 3, 2005

Graves, as explained above, suggested a tween endemic goitre and hypothyroidism.

cardiac lesion. Up to 1880 the etiology of Thus the development of these drugs was
hyperthyroidism was thought to be a lesion based on the theory that any agent that can
of the nervous system. In 1880 Ludwig cause goitre might be useful in treating hy-
Rehn of Frankfurt performed the first thy- perthyroidism. Since 1928 some plants in-
roidectomy for a patient with Graves dis- cluding cabbage and turnip were found to
ease [7]. The improvement in symptoms be goitrogenic [26]. Thus the idea of devel-
and signs lead Rehn to propose that the oping anti-thyroid drugs was borne [1]. In
clinical features of this disease were due to this context, cyanide radicals which were
hyperactivity of the thyroid gland [7]. In once thought to be goitrogenic were tried
1886 Rehn’s view was supported by Paul as anti-thyroid agents but without success.
Julius Mobius of Leipzig who suggested an In 1942 goitre was noticed as a side effect
abnormal activity of the thyroid that “poi- in hypertensive patients using thiocyanates
soned” the body. The final word on this is- and these drugs were tested in the treat-
sue was from William Osler who ment of hypothyroidism but with little suc-
speculated in 1909 that the symptoms of cess.
Graves disease were “due to disturbed In early 1940s it was reported that the
function of the thyroid gland, probably a administration of sulfonamides in rats re-
hypersecretion of certain materials which sulted in thyroid enlargement and a de-
induce a sort of chronic toxaemia” [1]. The crease in metabolic activity. These effects
term hyperthyroidism was suggested by were thought to be due to inhibition of syn-
Charles Mayo in 1907. In 1924 Henry thesis of thyroid hormones. But sulfona-
Plummer and Walter Boothby of the Mayo mides proved little value in the treatment of
Clinic advanced the view that in Graves hyperthyroidism [1].
disease the thyroid produces excessive At the same period Astwood in the USA
amounts of thyroxine (which had been iso- achieved promising results with thiouracil.
lated nine years earlier). The persistence of Thereafter thiouracil compounds were de-
exophthalmos after thyroidectomy led the veloped and after 1943 used clinically to
researchers to conceive of an exophthal- treat hyperthyroidism [40]. Although they
mos-producing substance, produced out- initially gained a bad reputation due to toxic
side the thyroid. During the 1930s the side-effects, this problem was resolved by
pituitary gland was suspected to be the decreasing the dose. Carbimazole was in-
source of exophthalmos-producing sub- troduced in 1952, and still remains the most
stance. For this reason Graves disease was widely used anti-thyroid drug.
treated in some centres at that time by pitu- Before the performance of thyroidecto-
itary irradiation. In 1952 Marcus and his my to treat hyperthyroidism there were
co-workers reinvestigated exophthalmos- two types of surgical operations that were
producing substance, which was later tried without success. In 1854 the ligation
called long-acting thyroid simulator (LATS) of the inferior or superior thyroidal artery
by Adams and co-workers [39]. was described [1]. William Moore in 1865
suggested that palpitations in Graves dis-
Therapy ease were due to increased sympathetic ac-
By the time therapeutic trials were begin- tivity and several surgeons suggested
ning to test a drug to treat hyperthyroidism resection of the cervical sympathetic chain
there was an established association be- [1]. As mentioned above, Rehn was the

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2005 467

first to perform subtotal thyroidectomy for to use these radioiodines in treatment of

Graves disease but for a few years earlier hyperthyroidism. This was first performed
thyroidectomy had been introduced to treat by Hertz and Roberts in 1941 at Harvard
simple goitre [7]. Safer thyroidectomy was General Hospital, and soon the effective-
made possible by the introduction of pre- ness of this therapy was proved [41].
operative use of iodine in 1923.
Although Saul Hertz and Howard Means
realized that radioiodine could be made and Conclusion
used as a tracer, the idea of use of radioiod- As we have seen, the history of thyroid dis-
ine in endocrine research was first suggest- ease gives an interesting insight into the
ed in 1937 in a lecture given by President inter-relationship of basic and clinical sci-
Compton of the Massachusetts Institute of ences. The understanding of the pathogen-
Technology [41]. In 1938 Robley Evans esis and therapeutic trials of thyroid disease
and Arthur Roberts made the short-lived went hand in hand with the discovery of
I128 and studied its physiology in rabbits. the physiological aspects of the thyroid
This was the first practical use of a labelled gland. From the middle of the nineteenth
substance to study its uptake in animals af- century onwards, researchers gradually
ter its intravenous injection [41]. The only elucidated the anatomy, physiology and
drawback of I128 that hindered its use as a function of the thyroid which has led to the
therapy was its very short half-life (25 min-
current diagnostic techniques and therapies
utes). Then in 1939 Joseph Hamilton and
available today. And the work continues in
Mayo Soley at California made two radio-
order to further our understanding of this
iodines, I130 and I131, with half-lives of 12
important gland and improve and refine our
hours and 8 days respectively. They were
diagnosis and treatment of thyroid dys-
the first radioiodines used to study iodine
physiology in humans. The next step was

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Schoolteachers’ knowledge of common health problems in Bahrain. F.A. Alnasir and J.H.
Skerman. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 2004, Vol. 10 Nos 4/5, pages 537–546.
In the abstract: The name in Arabic of the first author should read:
Frequency of the CCR5-delta 32 chemokine receptor gene mutation in the Lebanese population.
W. Karam, R. Jurjus, N. Khoury, H. Khansa, C. Assad, P. Zalloua and A. Jurjus. Eastern
Mediterranean Health Journal, 2004, Vol. 10 Nos 4/5, pages 671–675.
The chemokine receptor gene in the title of the article on page 671 was not printed correctly and should
read: CCR5-delta 32.

25 History of disorders.pmd 469 12/20/2005, 2:39 PM

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