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Neuburger EngComp 101-103 11 July 2011 Annotated Bibliography Medical Experiments Benedict, Susan, and Jane M. Georges. "Nurses and the Sterilization Experiments of Auschwitz: Postmodernist Perspective." Academic Search Elite. EBSCO, 13 Dec. 2006. Web. 2 July 2011. This article is about the sterilization experiments performed at Auschwitz, the role that nurses played in these unethical experiments, and the formation of the Nuremberg code, devised to set an international code of ethics for medical professionals to follow. This source has several survivor excerpts that explain in detail the inhumane experiments that were performed on them. The purpose of these experiments was to give the Nazis a way to gain slave labor without having to worry that they would multiply. This source is useful because it describes the role that the nurses played in the medical experiments. Engelhart, Katie. "The Last Great Nazi Trial." Academic Search Elite. EBSCO, 16 Nov. 2009. Web. 2 July 2011. This article describes the trials of Ivan Demjanjuk. He was first thought to be Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka and sentenced to death. Later on documents were found proving that he was not Ivan the Terrible. He was released and then re-arrested again in 2009. Evidence had been gathered against him showing that he had been a guard at the Sobibor death camp. Some people believe that because the Nazis being prosecuted are so old, that it is a pointless endeavor. Others believe that despite the passage of time, he deserves to be prosecuted for his crimes against humanity. I found this article to be useful because it sheds light on how many Nazis escaped prosecution and were able to live long lives despite their heinous acts. Koren, Yehuda. "Mengele and the Family of Dwarfs." Academic Search Elite. EBSCO, Feb. 2005. Web. July 2011.

Thomas 2 This article is about a family of dwarves that the notorious Josef Mengele experimented on extensively. The only reason that this family survived was because Josef Mengele enjoyed having such a large group to experiment on and search for signs of heredity. Although the dwarfs were given better living conditions than most prisoners, they were subjected to horrible experiments, including having boiling water poured in their ears. I found this article useful because it illustrated the madness of Josef Mengele. It clearly depicts his complete lack of compassion. "Medical Experiments at Auschwitz." Jewish Virtual Library - Homepage. The State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau, 2011. Web. July 2011. <>.

This webpage describes some of the more notorious SS doctors and the experiments that they conducted on unwilling victims. It describes clearly the lack of compassion and humanity these doctors had while carrying out their experiments. Each doctor had specific experiments that they performed. Although the aim of some of the experiments was not evil, the way in which they were conducted made them evil. This article is useful because is describes in detail the different doctors and their specific medical experiments. "Online Exhibitions | The Doctors Trial | Testimony." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10. Web. July 2011 July 2011. <>. This source has two survivor testimonies given as evidence during the Nuremberg Trials. Father Leo Miechalowski was a Polish Roman Catholic Priest. He was a political prisoner and he was taken to the Dauchau concentration camp. While at this camp medical experiments were performed on him against his will. He was injected with Malaria and also underwent a freezing experiment. Vladislava Karolewska was also a Polish political prisoner. She was subjected to bone regeneration experiments. She had several disfiguring operations performed on both of her legs. Many times these operations were done in extremely unsanitary conditions. This source is useful because it gives you a perspective that you cannot gain without firsthand knowledge. Peleg, Roni. "Gisella Perl: A Jewish Gynecologist in Auschwitz." Academic Search Elite. EBSCO, Sept.2005. Web. 3 July 2011.

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This article relates the story of Gisella Perl. She was forced to work under Josef Mengele as a gynecologist. She was willing to survive at any price, and endured severe psychological distress because of this. She worked under the authority of Josef Mengele and was forced to send pregnant women to the crematorium. In order to save at least one life, she would perform abortions on the pregnant women. At one point she performed an abortion on a member of the SS staff Irma Greeze. She immigrated to the United States and became a gynecologist in New York. I found this article interesting because it shows the distress prisoners were subjected to and the long enduring consequences on individuals of the holocaust. Roelcke, Volker. "Nazi Medicine and Research on Human Beings." Academic Search Elite. EBSCO, 19 Dec. 2004. Web. 2 July 2011.

This article describes the different medical experiments that the Nazis performed, and how they tried to justify these experiments to themselves. It explains in detail the complete lack of compassion and their complete lack of respect for the people that they unethically experimented on. This article is extremely useful as it describes in detail the medical experiments and the people responsible.

Strous, Rael D. "Hitlers Psychiatrists: Healers and Researchers Turned Executioners and Its Relevance Today." Academic Search Elite. EBSCO, 1 Jan. 2006. Web. 2 July 2011. This article describes the role of psychiatrists in orchestrating the holocaust. They helped to provide Hitler with so called science to back up his reasons for starting the holocaust. They were key in the euthanasia programs which targeted German citizens as well as enemies of the state. This article is very useful; it has many facts about the roles that psychiatrists played in the holocaust.

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