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Presented by: Princess Ishe C. Velasco

1. To know about the

Chinese mythology
2. To learn about the story

of Pan Gu


How are you mester and mes hart?

Pangu is a prominent figure in Chinese creation

mythology. To this day, the Zhuang people sing a

traditional song about Pangu creating the Heaven and
Earth. The origin of the Pangu myth has been much
debated. Many believe it originated with Xu Zheng, a
Chinese author from the 3 rd century AD, as he was the
first writer known to record it; some propose that it
originated in the mythologies of the Miao or Yao people
of southern China, while others see a parallel to ancient
Hindu mythology of creation.
Inside the “egg,” the opposite forces of yin and yang were all
Long, long ago—not in a land
scrambled; it was a complete mess. But over time, the
before time, but a time before
interactions between various substances and energies
land—there was nothing in the
eventually conceived a being—a shaggy, horned giant
universe except an enormous
named Pan Gu.
egg-shaped entity.
For 18,000 years, Pan Gu (pan goo) slept and grew. One day, he suddenly awoke. He
opened his eyes, but saw only pitch-blackness. He strained his ears, but heard only unnerving
silence. Pan Gu found his dreary surroundings highly disturbing.
Flustered, Pan Gu conjured a magical ax and landed upon
the egg a mighty chop. The egg split into two with a
thunderous crack. Slowly, yin and yang began to separate.
Everything dark and heavy sank down to form the Earth. And
the rest, light and clear, drifted up to form the heavens.
But Pan Gu was anxious that the halves would close up again, and so he stood between

the two halves to keep them apart. With each passing day, the sky rose 10 feet further above him,

the Earth thickened 10 feet below him, and Pan Gu himself grew 10 feet just to keep up with the

growing expanse and hold on.

It was a lonely and strenuous job. This toil, the conscientious giant endured for another six million

five hundred and seventy thousand days, or another 18,000 years, until he was certain that the realms

were finally stabilized. Then with a great crash, Pan Gu lay down and died.
As the weary Pan Gu collapsed, a miraculous transformation took place: his final breath
turned into winds and clouds; his voice into rumbling thunder; his left eye blazed into the sun and
right eye gleamed into the moon; his hair and beard became stars of the Milky Way; his limbs and
hands and feet transformed into great mountains and the blood running through his veins into
flowing rivers; his flesh converted into fertile farmlands, his bones turned to precious gems and
minerals; his teeth and nails became lustrous metals; the hairs on his skin burgeoned into lush
vegetation; and the sweat from his extended labors fell as rainwater for the mortal world.
Some say that Pan Gu’s spirit never ceased but

turned into humans, which accounts for the ancient Chinese

belief that humans are the soul of all matter.

Pan Gu sacrificed his life to create the world and his body
to enrich and beautify it. Now the skies are graced with luminous
celestial bodies, the Earth, contoured by great mountains and
rivers and flora and fauna galore. And Pan Gu, the giant-god who
came out of an egg, is nowhere, yet everywhere to be found.
Guess the word

Today we discuss about

It is the chinese


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