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Task 1 - (SAA)

Do this before you read about the Physical and Chemical Properties

1. Why is it important to understand the physical and chemical properties?

For me, in our daily living, we need to understand for us to know about the use of
it like if it is dangerous or safe, and also, we use these properties to identify the materials
around us and also to describe it easily because we can’t move freely if we don’t
understand the properties of materials we are using.

2. What are some examples of physical and chemical properties?

Example of Physical properties. density, color, hardness, melting and boiling points, and
electrical conductivity and the chemical properties are chemical bonding, corrosivity,
flammability, reactivity, toxicity, oxidation states, coordination number, heat of combustion,

Self-Assessment Activities (SAA)


Identify the following properties as physical or chemical properties. Define each


Specific Physical Chemical Examples  Definition/Description 

Properties  Properties  Properties 

Acidity Vinegar, Ability to form reaction with

Lemon various metals and bases

Boiling and Ice Cube Temperature at which the vapor

Melting point  pressure of a liquid is equal to the
atmospheric pressure on the
Combustion  Burning wood, A substance reacts with oxygen to
ethane give off heat
Ductility  Copper wire The ability of a material to have
its shape changed

Flammability  Acetone Is the tendency of a material to

burn air
Hardness  wood Ability of a material
Malleability  Aluminum Ability of a substance to be
Foil, Gold, beaten into a thin sheet
Oxidation  Redox  A chemical reaction that takes
place when a substance comes
into contact with oxygen or
another oxidizing substance
Reactivity  Metals such as Tendency to undergo chemical
magnesium reaction with another substance
reacts violently
with water
Solubility  Juice powder, A substance dissolves in another
coffee, sugar substance
cube that
Toxicity  sodium  The ability of a substance to
cause harmful effects in plants
and animals. Almost all
chemicals are poisonous at high
enough concentrations.

Viscosity  Honey Tendency of a liquid to keep from


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