Readers Theater Script Based On WOLF by Becky Bloom and Illustrated by Pascal Biet

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Readers Theater Script based on WOLF by Becky Bloom and Illustrated by Pascal Biet.

Used with permission of Scholastic, Inc.

Narrator 1          After walking for many days, a wolf wandered into a quiet little town.  He was
tired and hungry, his feet ached, and he had only a little money that he kept for emergencies. 
Then he remembered.

Wolf                  There’s a farm outside this village.  I’ll find some food there.

Narrator 2          As he peered over the farm fence, he saw a pig, a duck, and a cow reading in the

Narrator 1          The wolf had never seen animals read before.  But since he was really hungry,
he didn’t stop to think about it.  The wolf stood up tall, took a deep breath, and leaped at the
animals with a howl

Wolf AaaOOOOOOooo!
Narrator 2 But the pig, the duck, and the cow didn’t budge.
Cow “What’s that awful noise?”
Narrator 1 said the cow.
Cow “I can’t concentrate on my book!”
Duck “Just ignore it,”
Narrator 2 said the duck. But the wolf didn’t like to be ignored.
Wolf “What’s wrong with you?  Can’t you see I’m a big and dangerous wolf?”
Pig “I’m sure you are,”
Narrator 1 replied the pig
Pig “But couldn’t you be big and dangerous somewhere else?  We’re trying to read. 
This is a farm for educated animals.  Now be a good wolf and go away.”
Narrator 2 The wolf had never been treated like this before.
Wolf “Educated animals?  Educated animals!  This is something new.  Well then, I’ll
learn to read too.”
Narrator 1 And off he went to school.  The children found it strange to have a wolf in their
class, but since he didn’t try to eat anyone, they soon got used to him.  The wolf
was serious and hardworking, and after much effort he learned to read and write.
Narrator 2 Soon he became the best in the class.  Feeling quite satisfied with himself, the
wolf went back to the farm.  He opened his book and he began to read.
Wolf, Page 2  
Wolf “Run, wolf! Run! See wolf run!”
Duck “You’ve got a long way to go.”
Narrator 1 said the duck.  And the pig, the cow, and the duck went on reading, not the least
bit impressed.
Narrator 2 The wolf ran straight to the public library.  He studied long and hard, reading lots
of dusty old books, and he practiced and practiced until he could read without
Wolf “They’ll be impressed with my reading now.”
Narrator 1 The wolf walked up to the farm gate and knocked.  He opened The Three Little
Pigs and he began to read.
Wolf “Onceuponatimetherewerethreelittlepigsonedaytheirmothertoldthem…”
Pig “Stop that racket.  You’ve improved, but you still need to work on your style.”
Narrator 2 said the pig.  But the wolf wasn’t about to give up.  He counted what little money
he had left, went to the bookshop, and bought a splendid new storybook.  His
very first own book!
Narrator 1 He was going to read day and night, every word and every line.  He would read
so well that the farm animals would admire him.
Narrator 2 Ding-Dong, rang the wolf at the farm gate.  He lay down on the grass, made
himself comfortable, took out his new book, and began to read.
Narrator 1 He read with confidence and passion, and the pig, the cow, and the duck all
listened and said not one word.  Each time he finished a story, the pig, the cow,
and the duck asked if he would please read them another.  So the wolf read on,
story after story.
Duck “This is so much fun!”
Narrator 2 said the duck.
Pig “He’s a master!
Narrator 1 said the pig.
Cow “Why don’t you join us on our picnic today?
Narrator 2 offered the cow.
Narrator 1 And so they all had a picnic – the pig, the duck, the cow, and the wolf.  They lay
in the tall grass and read stories all afternoon long.

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