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“Foreign language: two foreign languages”
Basic Information
Teacher Nussupova Sholpan Menlibayevna
E-mail sholpan.nusupova@bk.ru

Student Admission Monday 15:00 - 17:30

Thursday 14:00 - 17:30
Friday 14:00 - 17:30
Schedule of Monday 13:00 202classroom
Classes Tuesday 14:00 202 classroom
Thursday 13:00 208 classroom
Friday 11:00 AMID 202 classroom
Year Term 2022-2023/ 7
Course Language 2/English
Training Format Online/offline/mixed
Short Description This course provides general information of a regional geographic
nature, which should be an obligatory component in the formation
of cognitive-regional geographic and linguistic cultural
competence. The object of study of regional geography is
knowledge in the field of politics, economics, culture, history,
relating to a particular linguistic and ethnic society.
The Purpose of The course of the discipline aims to give students a
Description holistic view of the country of the language being
studied, arm them with a complex of knowledge about
the country of the language being studied, including
historical, geographical, economic, socio-political,
cultural and social information. The course is aimed at
the formation of regional geographic and linguistic
competence necessary to master a foreign language as
a means of intercultural communication. The course is
read in English and also has the practical purpose of
enriching the vocabulary of students with regional

geographic relevant vocabulary, phraseology and
Prerequisites Foreign language A1,A2
Post- Requirements
Results of Discipline Training
The Student - the object of study "Lingua-Country Studies" and its
Should Know relationship with other sciences;
- physical and economic geography of the Institute;
- administrative and territorial division;
- history of the formation of the country of the language being
- government structure and political system of this;
-conditions and features of the formation of science, culture;
- traditions, customs, national holidays, symbols;
- political, economic, social and cultural processes occurring in
this region;
- semantic structure of regional geographic realities, stable
idiomatic phrases of the studied language.
The student must - analyze and summarize the political, economic, social and
be able cultural processes taking place in that;
- compare facts, draw analogies with socio-economic processes in
the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- compare the traditions and customs of the peoples of this and
the Republic of Kazakhstan, identify the general and the specific;
independently work with encyclopedic dictionaries, periodicals of
- explain political, economic and cultural phenomena and trends
from the perspective of a future professional activity of a foreign
language teacher;
- implement the knowledge and skills acquired in situations of
intercultural communication.

Training Activities and Teaching Methods

When organizing the educational process using distance learning
technologies, training sessions are conducted on-line and off-line.
On-line training sessions are held in real time: video conferences
(Skype, Discord, MOODLE, ZOOM, Google Classroom,
Microsoft Teams, Hangouts, Cisco WebEx Meetings, etc.). When
organizing training sessions in the “off-line” mode, the
interaction between the teacher and the student is carried out
through the own Smart ZhetySU platform through internal
communication services, chat rooms and forums.
Calendar and Thematic Plan
A week Topic Tasks
A week 1 Theme 1. 1.Read the ınformatıon about The
Geographical position of first inhabitants of the British Isles
The British Isles. in the internet and prepare 5
1.The first inhabitants of the questions to your groupmates.
British Isles. 2.Prepare presentation about Seas
2.Seas and names of Isles. and names of Isles.
3.Make a quiz about The first
inhabitants of the British Isles.
A week 2 Theme 2 1. Prepare questions to discussion.
Roman invasion of the 2.Group work: make a quiz to the
British Isles. given theme.
1. Historical background.
2. Trace of Roman invasion
A week3 Theme 3. 1. Make a presentation on the
3.The notion Great Britain. given theme. Prepare questions to
1.Who are the British? the presentation.
2. Scotland, Wales and
2. Make a crossword on the given
Northern Ireland
A week4 Theme 4. 1. Pair work: make a project work
4.Anglo-Saxon period in on the given theme.
Great Britain. 1.Anglo- 2. Prepare a quiz on the given
Saxon language. topic.
2.Literature of this period. 3. Prepare an interesting fact about
Introduction of Latin Anglo-Saxon period in Great
alphabet. Britain
A week5 Theme 5. 1. Prepare kahoot on the given
5.Middle ages. 1.Norman topic.
conquest. 2.Situation with 2. Prepare 5 interesting questions
the English language. to the given topic.
A week6 Theme 6. 1. Read the information about
Middle ages. Middle ages in the internet and
1.The period of wars. prepare 5 questions to your
2.Introduction of Anglican groupmates.
church. The Tudors. 2. Watch the video about
Introduction of Anglican church.
Make questions to the video

A week7 Theme 7 1. Prepare presentation about

Renaissance. 1.Shakespeare. Renaissance. 1.Shakespeare.
2.Dynasty of Stuarts. 2.Dynasty of Stuarts.
2.Make a quiz about Renaissance.
2.Dynasty of Stuarts.
A week8 Theme 8. 1. Pair work: make a project work
8.London as the capital of on the given theme.
Great Britain. 2. Prepare a quiz on the given
1. Places of interests
Westminster Abbey and so
on. 3. Prepare an interesting fact about
Places of interests
Westminster Abbey and so on.
A week9 Theme 9. 1. Read the information about The
9.The English monarchy. English monarchy in the internet
1.The role of Monarchy in and prepare 5 questions to your
Britain groupmates.
2.Parliament. Two chambers 2. Watch the video about The role
of Monarchy in Britain
Make questions to the video
A week10 Theme 10. 1. Make a presentation on the
10.The English judicial given theme. Prepare questions to
system the presentation.
1. Constitution
2. Make a crossword on the given
A week11 Theme11. 1. Prepare questions to discussion.
Traditions and customs. 2.Group work: make a quiz to the
1.Superstitions. given theme.
2. Holidays
A week12 Theme12. 1. Prepare kahoot on the given
The Educational system in topic.
Great Britain. 2. Prepare 5 interesting questions
1. Requirements for the
entrance to the given topic.
History of famous
A week13 Theme13. 1. Pair work: make a project work
Universities and colleges in on the given theme.
Great Britain. 1.Traditions 2. Prepare a quiz on the given
in education.
2.the difference between
3. Prepare an interesting fact about
colleges and universities.
Anglo-Saxon period in Great
A week14 Theme14 1. Make a presentation on the
Artistic life 1.Literature and given theme. Prepare questions to
Theatre in Great Britain. the presentation.
2.Painters and writers
2. Make a crossword on the given
A week15 Theme15. 1. Prepare kahoot on the given
Revision topic.
1.Religion 2. Prepare 5 interesting questions
2. Politics and Culture.
to the given topic.
Criterion Evaluation
University rules Link to Document:
Regarding The https://zhetysu.edu.kz/academic-policy/
Evaluation Policy
Type evaluation Agreed Overa Weighti
Ro ll nsemest
Weig er
Evaluated components ht (max
(max 50%)
Attendance Regular attendance of lessons is 10
mandatory. According to the academic 5.6.7
policy of the university, students can
skip no more than XXX% of classes.
Moreover, by coming to classes,
students receive points.
Involvement Active participation of students in the 15
classroom will help them achieve the 5.6.7
goals of the subject and get the stated
competencies. Therefore, students are
expected to participate in discussions,
share their thoughts on given topics, 60%
be active in group work and
INdivial It is expected that each student will 15
Presentations present a presentation on the given 7
Essay 1 Essay 1 task on studied / discussied 20
Topics, at Least 400 Words
Group Task Students are invited to complete 1 20
Group Project.
Case Solution case-study. 20
TOtotal Points for 100%
the Semester
Final Exam It is expected that each student will 100% 40%
present a presentation on the given 5.6.7
Grading Criteria When assessing students' knowledge, the following criteria are
taken into account:

90-100 points: the ability to make a complete and correct answer

based on the studied material, to argue with concrete examples,
facts. The content of the answer is presented sequentially. At the
same time, there are only 1-2 minor deviations from the topic, 1-2
insignificant factual errors.
70-89 points: inaccuracies in the use of scientific terms or in
conclusions and generalizations, the material is presented in a
certain logical sequence. Does not have sufficient skills to work
with reference literature, textbook, primary sources (correctly
oriented, but works slowly). Admits blunders in the presentation.
50-69 points: the student only in some cases showed connections
of the studied situation with general problems, partial violations
of cause-and-effect relationships, conclusions are not drawn, the

facts do not correspond to the problem under consideration, lack
of knowledge on some issues of the program material.
0-49 points: a distant idea of the subject of discussion, gross
errors in presentation, refusal to answer, due to systematic
absences from classes.
Evaluation Policy
Point-Rating Letter
Rating System Grades
Inpercentages Butlphabeti In Description
c numbers
95 – 100 A 4 Great
90 – 94 A- 3.67
85 – 89 B+ 3.33 Well
80 – 84 B 3
75 – 79 B- 2.67
70 – 74 C+ 2.33 Satisfactorily
65 – 69 C 2
60 – 64 C- 1.67
55 – 59 D+ 1.33
50 – 54 D 1
25 – 49 Fx 0 Unsatisfactorily
0 – 24 F 0
Student Workload
Lesson Type Amount Duration
Lectures 30 1 30
Seminars 15 1 15
SWWT 30 1 30
CDs 75
Total 150
Estimated Numbe Numbe Maximum number of points
position r of r of
assess assessm
ments ents for
for 9-
1-8 15week
weeks s
Continuous 7 7 100 points for each assessment
Solidatiry work 2 2 100 points for each IW
of student
Midterm 1 1 100 points for each midterm
examination examination
Admission R1 = 100
rating 1 (CA+SW)/9
Admission R2 = 100
rating 2 (CA+SW)/9
Admission 100
rating R = (R1+R2)/2
for academic
Examination E 100

Final grade I = R*0.6+E*0.4 100

Type of learning Load volume
Evaluation criteria / their weight share
activity in hours
Plan of solitary
work of student
SIW 1 Task №1. 50-90
Writing essay
10 Steps of Writing an Essay in the English
#1 Determine Your Topic. ...
#2 Find and Evaluate Your Sources. ...
#3 Formulate Your Thesis Statement. ...
#4 Prepare an Outline. ...
#5 Write the Main Part. ...
#6 Write the Introduction. ...
#7 Write the Conclusion. ...
#8 Consider Other Viewpoints.

Solitary work of students (SWS) includes

reading and translating the text “Make business
When students perform independent work, the
following objectives are pursued:
- to form skills of independent work;
- to form the culture of oral and written speech;
- to develop creative abilities of students;
- to develop of skills of search, familiarization
and viewing reading.
- to achieve the above goals, the student must:
- to get acquainted with the proposed tasks;
- to read the list of recommended literature;
- to use active lexical and grammatical material
when performing oral and written assignments;
- to pass the completed tasks in the specified
time by the teacher.
- When performing tasks, you can use not only
the specified sources; should often refer to
dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias,
where they are needed.
All these forms of solitary work contribute to a
more solid assimilation of the material, the
development of skills in teaching and research
activities, and a creative attitude to the tasks
being performed.
SIW 2 Task №2 50-90
How to write a project
How To Write A Project Plan
1. Establish Project Scope And Metrics. ...
2. Identify Key Stakeholders. ...
3. Outline Deliverables. ...
4. Develop Tasks. ...
5. Assign Tasks And Deadlines. ...
6. Share, Gather Feedback, And Adjust The
Project Plan As Necessary. ...
7. Use Other Project Plans For Inspiration. ...
8. Get Your Team Involved In The Process.
Solitary work of students (SWS) includes
writing essay on the topic “International trade”
-business performance;
- meeting - teamwork;
When students perform solitary work, the
following objectives are pursued:
- to form skills of independent work;
- to form the culture of oral and written speech;
- to develop creative abilities of students;
- to develop of skills of search, familiarization
and viewing reading.
- to achieve the above goals, the student must:
- to get acquainted with the proposed tasks;
- to read the list of recommended literature;
- to use active lexical and grammatical material
when performing oral and written assignments;
- to pass the completed tasks in the specified
time by the teacher.
- When performing tasks, you can use not only
the specified sources; should often refer to
dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias,
where they are needed.
All these forms of solitary work contribute to a
more solid assimilation of the material, the
development of skills in teaching and research
activities, and a creative attitude to the tasks
being performed.

SIW 3 Task №3 50-90

Writing analysis
Analytical writing requires you view a text or
object critically, examining it through an
analytical framework.
The framework used most often in academic
writing is rhetorical: that is, considering the
features of a text in relation to the intended efect
on its audience. Not only texts may be analyzed
from a rhetorical perspective, but anything from
chemicals and rocks to musical compositions.
1. Identify what specifcally you are analyzing
and the method or set of concepts (the analytical
framework) you are using for the analysis.
Identify what the framework asks you to look
for: particular categories, features, or parts of the
object or text you are analyzing.
2. Examine the text or object carefully in
relation to the categories, features, or parts
specifed by the analytical framework. Take
notes on all relevant details.
3. Find patterns in how the various details and
categories ft together. Do all the various parts
seem to support the same overall rhetorical
4. Draw overall conclusions about the patterns
you have found through analysis. This overall
conclusion will become the thesis statement of
your analytical paper.
5. Write the opening paragraph of the analysis.
This paragraph should announce what you are
analyzing and why, the analytical framework
you are using, and the overall conclusions you
have made.
6. Write the body of the analysis. Each
paragraph or section should examine a single
category or group of features exposed through
the analysis. The topic sentence of each
paragraph should relate the details of the
paragraph to the overall pattern described in
your conclusions. The largest part of each
paragraph should be devoted to examining
details of the text or object in relation to the
analytical categories. Give specifc examples. In
analyzing a text you should quote specifc
passages, but make sure you do not simply
summarize or repeat the content or ideas of the
text; maintain an analytical focus.
7. Write the closing section of the analysis to
draw together the pattern found in all the
detailed analysis of the body section of the
8. In revising, pay special attention to make sure
that the overall pattern of the analysis comes out
strongly, that sufcient details are ofered in
support of the analysis, and that clear
connections are always made between the details
and the overall pattern.
Solitary work of students (SWS) includes
making a report or presentation on the topic
Mergers and acquisitions
-business performance;
- meeting - teamwork;
When students perform independent work, the
following objectives are pursued:
- to form skills of independent work;
- to form the culture of oral and written speech;
- to develop creative abilities of students;
- to develop of skills of search, familiarization
and viewing reading.
- to achieve the above goals, the student must:
- to get acquainted with the proposed tasks;
- to read the list of recommended literature;
- to use active lexical and grammatical material
when performing oral and written assignments;
- to pass the completed tasks in the specified
time by the teacher.
- When performing tasks, you can use not only
the specified sources; should often refer to
dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias,
where they are needed.
All these forms of solitary work contribute to a
more solid assimilation of the material, the
development of skills in teaching and research
activities, and a creative attitude to the tasks
being performed.

SIW 4 Task №4 50-90

Writing slide show
Writing on Slides During Presentation
1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.
2. Go into your slide show as you normally
3. Slide Show > From the beginning (or any
other position)
4. Once in the slide show, Right-Click on any
slide you wish to write on.
5. Select “Pointer Options“
6. Select a writing tool and color.
Solitary work of students (SWS) includes
writing an essay on the topic “Company and
-meeting - teamwork;
- reports and minutes;.”.
When students perform independent work, the
following objectives are pursued:
- to form skills of independent work;
- to form the culture of oral and written speech;
- to develop creative abilities of students;
- to develop of skills of search, familiarization
and viewing reading.
- to achieve the above goals, the student must:
- to get acquainted with the proposed tasks;
- to read the list of recommended literature;
- to use active lexical and grammatical material
when performing oral and written assignments;
- to pass the completed tasks in the specified
time by the teacher.
- When performing tasks, you can use not only
the specified sources; should often refer to
dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias,
where they are needed.
All these forms of solitary work contribute to a
more solid assimilation of the material, the
development of skills in teaching and research
activities, and a creative attitude to the tasks
being performed

№ Name of Form Maxi Date of

Tasks for of mum control
SIW/ control score (week)
1 Module 1 4 week
1. Report 70-90
Geographi ,
cal present
position. ation
2. Stone-
3. First
of Britain.
2 Module 2. Presen 70-90 7 week
1. Roman tation
and the
and Jutes.
3.Celts and
of Britain.
3 Module3 Writte 11, 14 week
1. n 70-90
Situation analysi
with s
2. Dialects
in middle
in Middle
and his
on of

ation of
4 Module 4 Writte 70-90 14 week
1.Tradition n
s in analysi
Britain. s
Royalty in
2. Judicial
3. Ancient
Policy of Discipline
Academic Integrity Academic excellence and high achievements in higher education
are possible only in an environment where the highest standards
of academic integrity are maintained. Students of Zhetysu
University are obliged to strictly observe academic integrity and
demand its observance from all participants in the educational
process. Any form of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating,
concealment, duplication, collusion, fraud, etc.) is prohibited and
those caught will be severely punished. The full text of the
Academic Integrity Policy can be found at the link
https://zhetysu.edu.kz/политика-academic honesty policy .
Students' assignments can be checked for plagiarism. Zhetysu
University uses the system https://www.antiplagiat.ru , which
supports multilingual entries, translated texts and paraphrased
versions. Students are encouraged to check their work for
uniqueness before sending it to the teacher.
Attendance The student must systematically attend classes, actively
participate in seminars, and perform independent work.
Students who are late for a lecture or seminar may not be allowed
to attend classes.
The rules of student behavior during the training sessions imply
mutual respect between the teacher and the student, including:
punctuality, compliance with the regulations, the teacher and the
student addressing each other as "You", exclusion from speech of
words and expressions that can be perceived as disrespect to the
audience and the teacher, complete disconnection of cell phones.
Deadlines Students are strongly encouraged to complete all assignments by
the deadline. Penalties may be applied to students who do not
meet the deadline, assignments may not be accepted after the
For students with To ensure barrier-free access and effective multidisciplinary
special education support for students with special educational needs in order to
educated needs integrate them into the general education process, the teacher
conducts an individual conversation with each inclusive student at
the beginning of the semester. This is important for determining
methods and means of effective support for students with special
educational needs. For students with special educational needs, it
is possible to use special-purpose tools in the classroom, increase
the time to prepare answers to control questions. If necessary, it is
possible to assign individual forms of control, the procedure for
evaluating learning outcomes can be carried out according to an
individual schedule and in several stages.
Other rules
Each task on a specific topic is recommended to be completed
before the start of the seminar. This will allow you to develop
your own ideas on topics that will be discussed during classes,
prepare questions.
To get a good grade at the end of the semester, students are
encouraged to complete all assignments on time. If you neglect
some tasks because of a small percentage of the score, it will
inevitably lead to a decrease in your overall score. Masterfully
invented excuses, good manners or a beautiful presentation
design will not help you get extra points. If you don't protect your
presentation on time, you will lose 15% of the score for each
missed week.
The list of recommended literature may vary depending on the
needs of the lesson. Students must use the university's email
address for all official contacts. I will send messages to the email
address provided by the university.

Smart Zhetysu is used to assign, fill out and distribute educational
materials. You must log in to this system and use your corporate
email to receive messages on time. The Google Meet platform
will be used for lectures, and video lectures are expected to be
recorded. It is recommended to install the program on your
gadget right now for your convenience.
If you come to practice and get enough sleep or you don't have
your camera turned on during online lectures, this will not give
you a point for attending. If a question remains unanswered
during an online lesson, it means that you did not attend the
Of course, this is not grammar and not a common language
subject. However, since you are studying journalism, you need to
write beautifully and correctly. Errors in facts,
grammatical/spelling/structural errors and unclear texts reduce
your score.
Recommended literature
The main Availability
№ Code Denomination of literature %avail Note
in a

Кеннет О. Морган.
У426. the
1 История Великобритании.
17Я73 libra 100%
Elizabeth Sharman. Across
cultures: culture, literature,
У426. the
2 music, language Elizabeth 70%
17Я74 libra
Sharman - Издательство М,
Ш141 in
История в английской
.2-1/7- the
3 литературе. Oxford, 2015г 50%
96 libra
с. 300
С 56 ry
4 Леонович. В.А.Survey of in 70%
the Great
КПУ. 2018г. с. 300
Путеводитель по
английской литературе /
5 Маргарет Дреббл, Дженни 10%
Стрингер. – М., 2015 –
Additional Additional
Ш142 in
Сеймур Д., 700 Classroom
1- the
6 activities [Text] 100%
7я73а libra
14 ry
Macmillan 2015. Millenium the
7 70%
Library. c.500.Collection. libra
Мунатаева, Э.М. Учебное
пособие по страноведению in
США [Текст] / Э.М. the
8 100%
Мунатаева, Г.А. libr
Тургунтаева.- Алматы: ИП in
Отан, 2016.- 150с.
Digital resources

Software and multimedia support

1 linguistics/topical.html

2 index.shtml



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