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Eva Mae A.



1. Would you consider Encyclopedia Britannica’s decision to discontinue the printing of hardbound
volumes strategic move? Why or why not?

Answer: Yes, because if they still continue to print volume and keep losing and losing to other and might
the Britannica lost to the environment of printing industry and book that helps everyone that
experiencing difficulties to their study. And just like the others do just taking the risk and accept the
result even though it was bad or good and keep fighting and striving to make their company or business
rise again. It is a good strategy to left behind the former strategy because right now it is all about
technology they need to keep up with others to keep the Britannica


2.What were the disruptors that made the company arrive at this decision? Research if necessary.

Answer:. The sales went down over and over. Wintel Computers positioning the home PC’s as a
learning tool and homework helper. Internet access was exploded. Biggest threat to CD-ROM disrupted
itself by online access Hard Wikipedia is free and fast for individuals, and libraries often offer free WiFi,
computers, and access to reference databases, so they don’t need sets much either. In my own opinion
Britannica was the first encyclopedia on the Internet and had also issued several CD versions. However,
the database grew so much once the constraints of print were lifted that it would have been necessary
to add several volumes to include it all.


3.Do you think that people will still use Encyclopedia Britannica even if it is not in hardbound anymore?

Answer: Yes, clearly it’s still being used, because Encyclopedia Britannica is both a) no longer printed and
still in business.

A. Provide points that will prove that people prefer Encyclopedia Britannica over Wikipedia and
other websites.

Answer: One reason on why some people and the professional professors still prefer the Encyclopedia
over the Wikipedia is about its Legitimacy. As you could also search on the Wikipedia, some information
found out there may not be Legit after all, as it could be easily edited and could be tampered with the
wrong idea or information. And also, the Encyclopedia was first approved before published, which
means, it could be verified as the most reliable source of information and could have more fact and
knowledge than the Wikipedia.

B. Provide points that will prove that people prefer Wikipedia and other websites over
Encyclopedia Britannica.

Answer: Almost every student, faculty member, and librarian knows from experience how valuable
Wikipedia can actually be when looking for quick background information about almost any topic. But
what are the differences between Wikipedia and the traditional, scholarly reference works listed and
described on the Reference Shelf tab of this guide? In this box I flesh out some of those differences (and
similarities) within the context of one of the greatest reference works of all time, Encyclopedia

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