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AAMA 501.2-83

This test method simulates wind-driven rain in small segmented areas using a
standard garden hose in which a calibrated nozzle is attached with a pressure
gauge. The spray is directed at a specific joint, crack, or defect to reveal
potential moisture intrusion.


This field check is intended to determine the resistance to water penetration of

only those joints in the wall which are designed to main permanently dosed
and watertight. If operable joints such as those around doors and operable
parts of windows occur within the wall area involved, appropriate
modifications both to procedure and performance requirements should be
made in respect of such joints.


 All wall framing and/or wall units shall be installed on the lower two typical
floors of the building, and at least (22.9m) of this two-storey height shall be
done in strict accord with approved shop drawings and job specifications. The
architect will then designate an area of completed wall, two bays in width and
two storeys in height, to be checked. The area should include all typical
horizontal and vertical expansion joints or other conditions where leakage
may occur. The indoor side of the wall in this area shall be unfinished and left
open and unobstructed, permitting the full length of all joints to be examined
from the indoor side.


3.1 Working from the exterior, the wall test section shall be selectively wetted
progressing from the lowest horizontal Joint above, then the next horizontal
Joint above, etc. The water shall be applied using a Type B.25, 6.030 brass
nozzle with SFPT as manufactured by Monarch Manufacturing Works, lnc.
2501 East Ontario Street Philadelphia, PA19134. The nozzle shall be used
with 3/4" garden hose and shall be provided with a control valve and a
pressure gauge between the valve and the nozzle. The water flow to the
nozzle shall be adjusted to produce 30 to 35 psi water pressure at the nozzle

3.2 With the water directed at the Joint and perpendicular to the face of the
wall, the nozzle shall be moved slowly back and forth above the Joint, at a
distance of 1ft (0.305m) from it, for a period of five (5) minutes for 5ft (1.52m)
of Joint while an observer on the indoor side of the wall, using a flashlight if
necessary, checks for any leakage and notes where it occurs.

3.3 If no leakage occurs during the five minute test, the next five feet of joint
shall be wetted for five minutes, and testing continued until the entire test area
is covered.

3.4 If water leakage occurs and the source of the leakage cannot be
identified, the following sequence shall be followed:

a. After allowing the wall to dry and working downwards from the top of the
area to be checked all Joints of every kind within this area shall be completely
and tightly covered, on the outdoor side, with a waterproof adhesive masking

b. Starting at the bottom of the prepared area. The masking tape shall be
removed from the lowest horizontal joint for a distance of not more than 5ft
(1.52m) from one end of the joint, including the joint intersection or corner at
the end, and this exposed length shall be subjected to the nozzle spray as
described in 32.

c. If no leakage occurs during the 5-minute test period, this length of joint shall
be considered satisfactory and shall remain uncovered. If leakage has
occurred at any point, the joint shall be re-taped at such points to prevent
further leakage during the subsequent checking of joints adjacent to or above

d. This process shall then be repeated on all joints and joint intersections
within the designated area, using increments of exposed Joint length not
exceeding 5 ft (1.52m) and always working upward on the wall.


In some cases, due to unforeseen delays or other causes, more than one
working day may be required to completely check the designated area,
necessitating that some or all of the masking tape be left in place overnight.
The tape should not remain on finished metal surfaces any longer than
necessary, especially where subjected to strong sunlight, as this may make its
removal difficult and may also cause staining. It is recommended that in no
case should the tape be left in place more than 48 hours.


4.1 Wherever leakage has occurred, Joints shall be made watertight in a

manner acceptable to the architect. Remedial work involving the use of curing
type compounds shall be allowed to set for one week before it is rechecked
for leakage.

4.2 After all necessary work has been completed, and the required curing
time, if any, has elapsed, all repair joints shall again be checked, following the
same procedure as before (section 3). Should leakage still be found, further
remedial measures shall be taken and checking shall be repeated until all
 joints in the designated area are found to be satisfactory.


For these specifications water leakage is defined as any uncontrolled water

that appears on any normally exposed interior surfaces, that is not contained
or drained back to the exterior, or that can cause damage to adjacent
materials or finishes. Water contained within drained flashings, gutters, and
sills is not considered water leakage. The collection of up to one half ounce of
water (14.8cc) in a 15 minute test period on top of an interior stop or stool
integral with the wall system shall not be considered water leakage.

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