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1. You must do a timeline with the political development of Al- Andalus. Furthermore, it must contain the events that started and finished each phase. (1 p) A 34 36 A249 4034 40385. 4eiz A B | Gc | D wa A: The Dependent Emiste: Battle of Guadalete. (744) ~B. The Tadependest Emile: NbSeeramace T came’ hinsol} idependen ein). -C2CErdoba Colighste: Abdecromo’ TL nares himsel caliphlazD. =DeThe TaiJa Kingdoms: Isternal Jishtis 12) To The break up gj the Cér dada Celiphele isle small indeyendent Kingdoms Hor). Es The North Af dean Tnvesions: Mmocavid tavetion (4085), Battle Las Navas d¢ Teloso (4242). i al 2, Create the timeline with the three periods of time in the Mi Ages. In addition, it must contain the events that started finished tHe Middle Ages and the years. (0, 3. Who were Charlemagne and Justinian the Great? And what did they do? (1p) A = Chaclem s the son of Pi; he oi he throne in 763 and Was Crouse) emparer Jn 800.15 dream vas Jo cebuib) the Weslecn RomantEny His son was Louis The PiovS. e best Byrontine emperor (S27~ 55) ize in SSS with tbe! fete Ente gresk gene Codex Bustinianus: was Theadirn- 4. Create a conceptual map of the Umayyad Caliphate of the Muslim Empire and the Caliphate of Cordoba of Al-Andalus. (1p) a There wns o civil war aod the Denaugads Samacknnd athe nodth, Tale the er'the Franses 0d mere SI AbdermménTl named himsel) coligh in ¢ TH was the most glorious period of Al=hev The cheistings su ared surprise atten Jamous oges were las razias Je A\ man mang imperlant cilfes such aS Barcele Santings J& Compostela. In 4034, inem Cerdoba Caliphate 429-1034 721. A0 on the Iber > event have in ou ks Razin , “sey aIPPIN, y} Ul 83NOJ apes} jueyodw! sow ayy sem” FV7Y ALY SUL wea ~sepuajed 21We |S) 2y2 Jo 1eaA ys4y oy] syseLU —sIsaT, au se umouy JUaNA SIYL a syooayo seeeyfie oy Fe soyredts a4) pe -wIPS Pay AE SB UMOUY YdINYD a4 JO UOISIAIp e UI payinsed snuejad [aeyri yose143e4 AY1) ajdouijueysuoD Jo AjI9 ayy jo yoseuiied ayy pue X| 087 adog ay} UeeMjaq seoUatayyIp B43 “YSOT Ul “syj08011sQ pue sjepuen, ayy paleayap SaIT Jesauad siy pue yealy ap uelujsne ve Buby 4184} YUM Ly Ul BWOY JO AzID ayy payses Juaasap IUeWaD ay} a49M OYMSYyOSISIA a4} ‘AiNqUd2 YS By) Ul “PaplAlp asam asidwy uewoy uiasam ayy pue asidw3 uewoy oe an aw Sue Gy (ye Z'0) (d ¢‘T) des oy Buys 2

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