Battlelords of The 23rd Century SSDC Lock N Load Weapons & Tactics

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Game Accessory

Alliance Weapons Manual

100 Power Scope • 200 Power Scope • 400 Power Scope • 800 Power Scope • Starlight Scope • Infrared Imagery • Bow Sight • Tripod • Silencer • Archaic Powder Cleaning Kit • High Tech Cleaning Kit • Adapt Silencer • Omega Silencer • Plasma Silencer • Flash Suppressor • Arrow (normal) • 100
Power Scope • Arrow (armor piercing) • 200 Power Scope • Arrow (explosive tipped) • 400 Power Scope • Bolt (normal) • 800 Power Scope • Bolt (armor piercing) • Starlight Scope • Bolt (explosive tipped) • Infrared Imagery • 00 Buck Shot • Bow Sight • 12 Gauge Slug • Tripod • 12 Gauge
Flechette • Silencer • 10 Gauge Slug • Archaic Powder Cleaning Kit • .22 Cal • High Tech Cleaning Kit • .38 Cal • Adapt Silencer • .357 magnum • Omega Silencer • .44 Cal • Plasma Silencer • .44 magnum • Flash Suppressor • .45 Cal • .454 Cal • .48 Cal • 4.9mm • .50 Cal • .50-70 Cal • 5.56
mm • 5.56 Flechette • 7.62 mm • .300 Winchester Magnum • .308 Match • 14.5mm • 20mm • 30m • 9mm parabellum • Bird Shot • Incendiary • Hollow Point • Mercuric • LAW • Bazooka • Panzerfaust • RPG7-B • AT-4 • Milan-3 • Sagger • Saxhorn • Dragon • Spigot • Eryx • Javelin • TOW
• Malyutka-2 • Impact-5 • Figlini • Armbrust 7 • Metis-M • TOW 2 • Milan-AS • Spandrel • PLG • Firebird • Gustaf Whistler • Bonoir • Cobra • HAW-4 • Jellatizer • Ravager • Emulsifier • Able Plus • Shake and Bake • Earthquake • BC-Milk Shake • PO Boys WM • Vampire BS • Bulldog • Durablite CS
• Grenadier CS • Subterfuge • Belligerence • Guardian • Warrior • Hercules • Titan • Interfon • Slipstream • Yo Momma • Hellfire-7 • Hellfire-8 • Balistex • Luxxman • Spectrum • Spectrum Plus • BC-Budget Gun • Marrson Opticon • Flashlight • Doomsday • Popgun • BC-Thumper • Able Heat •
Plasmatix • Algherian Draft • Dil Mmack • Femalor Beer • Gordon's Malt Liquor • Jua • Kaler's • Mad Jax • Nectar of the Ram • Nla • Orion Star Utaban Scotch • Orionus Supreme • Paus Orion • Pu-Mmack • Solar Tequila • Turpentine • Leather • BP-1 • Chain • Cruiser • AKM • Banded • Bio-1 • BP-2
• Combat 1 • Cub • Street 1 • AKMB • Bio 2 • Ceramic • Guisarme • Infiltrator • Plate • Protecon • Reflection • Street 2 • Welch • Bear • Combat 2 • Flex • Generation • Opticon • Street 3 • BSH • Combat 3 • Coral • D2 • Electrolyte • Gorilla Suit • Kodiak • Spoiler • Spy Master • Streetwise •
Cyclone • Crusher • Orbital • Archer • Meteor • Allox 20mm • Vixer 30mm • Chainsaw • BC-Blister • Adamsite • Anthrax • Blood Salt • Bubonic Plague • BZ • Thumper• C-Mex • Cerebral Menengitis • Clostridium Botulin • Cribits • Cyanide • Di-Methyl-Sodium Pentalate • Emeresk • Encephalitides •
HD • Imblast Dengue Fever • Jumis Fever • Korax • Korilium-312 • Magellan Malaria • Mustard Gas • Niridiean Plague • Phosgene • Rocky Mountain Fever • Sarin • Staphylococcus aureus • Tabum • Tribox • Virean Plague • VX • Mini-Howitzer • CC Upgrade • Hyper-net Uplink (TL 5) • Hyper-net
Uplink (TL 6) • Mrs. Fusion Adapter • Multi-port Reader • Storage Module • Tech Adapter • Armor Repair Connector • Backup Module • CBR5R • Com-module • CyberLink • EDM • Data Wafer Case • Data Wafer/Cube/Strip 10 Pack • EMP Insulation • Holo Projector • Med-Link • Physical Composite
Module • Printer • Printer, 3-D • Printer, 3-D Access • Remote Joystick • Spook • Urban Layout Module • V-Bridge • Vehicle Repair Link • Visual Connection • Visual Scanner • Weapon Repair Link • ClipTech • Sport2 • Mercury III • Outback • Executive • Pad • StrikeForce • Genie • Cracker • SciCom GF
• Gamma 30 • Veliton • Bypass Security • Extended Memory • Mission Interference • Programming 1 • Programming 2 • Chemical Spray • Climbing Claws • Computer Int. Joints • Electrical Discharger • Electro-Implant • Finger Gun • Finger Laser • Flamethrower • Glue Gun • Gyro Stabilizer • Laser
Welding Torch • Needler Implant • Power Drill • Power Saw • Prosthetic Limb • Talons • Web Caster Generator • Wrist Launcher • Wrist Pulse Unit • Wrist Rocket • Adrenal Implant • Anti-Plasma Generator • Bio-Implant • Displacement Device • Electromag Converter • Flux Shield Generator • Gas
Filtration System • Gills • Kinetic Energy Shield • Mag. Deflection Gen. • Mini-Missile Pack • Neural-Implant • Oxygen Supply • Reinforced Rib Cage • Sound Amplifier • Spinal Cage • Storage Cabinet • Toxin Neutralizer • Chameleon Skin • Chemical Skin • Dermal Armor 1 • Dermal Armor 2 • Dermal
Replication • Exoskeleton • Infrared Damp. Skin • Hearing Amplifier • Language Analyzer • Signal Detector • Sonic Implant • Sound Amplifier • Transceiver • Cosmetic Surgery • Electrical Insulation • EMP Insulation • Increased Reflexes • Increased Speed • Increased Strength • Microwave Insulation •
X-Ray Insulation • Biological Scanner • Chemical Scanner • Explosive Detector • Eye Stalk Actuation Coil • Eyeball of Death • Flash Suppressor • Infrared Detection • Motion Detector • Night Vision • Plasma Eye • Radar Detection • Retinal Duplication • Target Acq. Computer • Translation Computer •
Ultraviolet Detection • Video Camera • X-Ray Vision • Zoom Tel. Vision • Optical Laser Unit • Climbing Claws • EM Boots • Hover Jets • Jump Pads • Metal Detector • Smoke Generator • Stump • Bionic Skull • Mind Screen • Neuro Toxin Neutralizer • Oxygen Supply • Sonic Suppressor • Comm (Head)
• Electronic Warfare Computer • Embalmitizer • Emergency Mind Dump • Emergency Survival Comp. • Emergency Thought Storage • Emergency Transmitter • ESP Module • Flow Coil • Frequency Scanner • Hyperlink • IHAC • Intuition Module • IQ Enhancement • Jam Strobe • Life Shield Generator •
Life Support Generator • Manual Dexterity Enhance. • Matrix Crossover Network • Matrix Port • Medulla Oblongata (scndry.) • Mind Shield • Mood Discriminator • Output Power Coil 1 • Output Power Coil 2 • Output Power Coil 3 • Pain Inhibition Generator • Power Dump • Power Helm • Power Storage
Coil • Quasi-Death Generator • Range Coil 1 • Range Coil 2 • Range Coil 3 • Regeneration Computer • Simultaneous Output Coil • Strength Module • Suicide Bomb • Sustenance Computer • Thought Processor • Battle Chassis • Chassis Plating • Core Generator • Cosmetic Surgery • Flight Systems •
Lower Combat Chassis • Snap-On Interface • Upper Combat Chassis • War Chassis • APG-Vindicator • Balshrom Mini-Gun • Cheesecutter • EFG Power Cannon • Maximizer AC • Metalroid AT System • Patriot 2 Missile Pack • Multi-Step • Pressure • Radio • Sonic • Tripwire • Electronic Timer • Fuse •
Duster • Gashil • Americas • Comrade • Rommel • Neutralizer • K-4 • Majestic • Majestic 2 • Dynamite • C-4 • Micronite • Fluid Jell • Jellnite • Villanite • Nitro-7 • F-Air Explosive • Aaginato • Amperon • Ascender • Assizzan Travel Rug • Atmospheric Processor • Backpack • Bagpipes • Brain Scratcher
• Case (magnetic proof) 100 • Case (shock proof) • Case (super) • Case (water proof) • Chem Lab (portable) • Cizerack Work Gloves • Collapsible Shovel 110 • Compass • Compass (Digital) • Compass (magnetic) • Corang • D-Ring • Desert Tarp • Dummy (practice) • Dward • Emergency
Transmitter • Figure-8 • Fire Extinguisher (portable) • Fire Mix • Flare Gun • Flashlight (normal) • Flashlight (threader) • Ghillie Suit • Grapple Gun • Grapple Hook • Grenade Scoop • Helmet Cam • Holo Generator (v) • Holster • Holster, Double • Ice Melter Tablets • IFN • !nkie • Job Visor • Krosh
Fork • Kwik Kakes • Lot-a-Cot • Mace • Mega Glue • Mega Tape • Mercy Coat • Mutzachan Blood Filter Kit • Nub • Oelph • Oxygen Tank • P-Cabin • P-38 • Parachute (military) • Parachute (professional) • Phent Morsels • Pitons (20) • Plasma Generator • Pneumatic Saw • Pocket Pilgrimage •
Polymizer (heavy) • Polymizer (portable) • Poncho • Pop-n-Boil Ration • Psychic Gore • Psychic Nullifier • Psychic Shield Generator • Purification Tablets (food) • Purification Tablets (water) • Raft: 2 man • Raft: 4 man • Raft: 6 man • Range Finder • Refrigerator (portable) • Rent-A-Skill Chip Case •
Repellant (bug) • Rifling Equipment • Rope (flex): 20m • Rope (std): 20m • Satchel • SCUBA Equipment • Scrim Net • Shark Chain • Shark (J-7) • Shrink Net • Skinsuit • Skull Polisher • Sleeping Bag • Sleeping Bag (arctic) • Sleeping Bag (methane) • Space 'em • Spear Gun • Spray-O-Screen •
Still (portable) • Swiss Army knife • Tablets (protein) • Tablets (salt) • Tactical Vest • Tent: 2 man • Tent: 4 man • Tent: 8 man • Terrible Tail • Thurn • Thwack'em Stick • Toastees • Tool Kit (normal) • Tool Kit (masters) • Tool Kit (ionization engineer) • Tool Kit (electronic) • Tombstone • VPCL • Voice
Amplifier • Voice Emitter • Wamburger • Web Gear • Wet Weather Gear • Whistle • Zero-G Propellant • Asphalter • Barbed Wire • Blanket Net • Bubble • Bug Zapper • Camouflage Net • Commo Phone • Electrical Fence • EV-1 Mole • Field Bio Detector • Field Motion Detector • Flag • Flood Light •
Food Synthesizer • Force Shield • Force Wire • Foxhole-amatic • Geo-Pinger • Glowbar • Heater • Holo Terrain Simulator • Ladder • Landing Beacon • MASH • Mechanics Station • Metal Fence • Modular Housing • Motion Scrambler • Ore Analyzer • P-A System • Porta John • Portable Freezer •
Portable Stove • Portable Tower • Power Shield • Prefab Bunker • PTB-110 • PTB-210 • Sandbag Covers • Science Station • Skydome • Sky Jack • Spraycrete • Stoic Countenance • Thumper • Trencher • Waste Disposal Unit • Weather Gauge • Biological Redox Agent • Blood Factor • Blood
Transfusion • Body Bag • Body Cart • BRI (standard) • Brain Surgery Unit • BRI (massive) • Chemical Redox Agent • Coolant Injection • Cryo Injection • DFMS-401 • DNA-6BMR • Drug Analysis Lab • Embalming Solution • First Aid Kit • Forensics Kit • Gurney • Hydrocortizal • Isolation Bag • Methane
Injection Port • Methane Injection • Necromal • Nuprenethal • Oxygen Injection Port • Oxygen Injection • Pain Inhibition Serum • Paramedic Kit • Perception Injection • Pneumatic Cast • Portable Surgery Unit • Radiation Treatment Serum • Rage Injection • Reflex Tablet • Regeneration Serum • Restraint
Coat • Saratine • Parasite Majpr • Mr. STinky • Mazaround • E15K • GR3 RangeMaster • RKM 10G • Tagert 10 • Arrow-X • RKM 50G • CG-911 Turbo • Avalanche F1 • Teg Staff • Bash ‘Em Hammer • Ghost Staff • Patriot MDG • MedMag+ • Carry Sphere • Heavy-Link • Slap Bandage


Storage (medical) • Straight Jacket • Surgical Kit (portable) • Synapse-1 • TDX-Enzy • Thermal Blanket • Tranquilizer Unit • Tri-Sodium Epsonate • Truth Serum • Viral Infection Spectrum • Viral Inoculation Computer • White Count Injection • 3D-Globe • 8 Wafer Tri-Vid Player • Alarm System (Motion) •
Alarm System (Thermal) • Alarm System (Window) • Asteroid • Bar Wall Unit • Body Dryer • Cat Scan • Cellular Phone • Communications Scrambler • Document Atomizer • Door (energy field) • Door (sliding) • Door Lock (Electronic) • Door Lock (Voice Print) • Door Lock (Finger Print) • Door Lock
(Retinal Scan) • Fax Machine (deep space) • Fax Machine (electronic) • Food Atomizer • Food Synthesizer • Generation Defense System • Glaxxon Food Service • Glaxxon Food Express • Glow Lights • Grav Furniture • Grav Landing System • Holo Combat Station • Hologram Stand • Hologram Wal
Piece • Holographic Stereo • Home Defense Unit • Intercom • Isolation Tank • Jacuzzi • Jungle Package • Light Carpet • Light Wall • Methane Package • Mood Plants • Mood Ware • Moon Beams • Planetarium • Radiation Package • Safe (energy) • Safe (improved wall) • Safe (master) • Safe
(wall) • Satellite Uplink (Interstellar) • Satellite Uplink (Planetary) • Sauna • Sky Light • Surgery Unit (automated) • Telescope • Transporter • Tri-V • Tube Fountain • Valet Parking • Virtual Reality Center • Visual Com Net Display • Window Tri-V • Window Tri-V (programmable) • Acidizer • AI Decoder
• Auto Key • Blow Torch • C-Serum • Cam Flybot • Camera, Digital Multiple Focal length • Camo Chameleon Spray • Code Decryption Device • Contact Microphone • Cosmetic Kit • Electronic ID Encoder • Electronic Stethoscope • Electronic Tracer Device • Field Detector • Fingernail Cam • Forcecuffs •
Forgery Kit • Grinder • Gut Jar • Handcuffs • Handsub • Image Projector • Imagizer • Infrared Dampener • JP-1 Combonizer • Jump Pads • Leg Irons • Light Bridge • Lobotimizer • Lock Picks (basic) • Lock Picks (electronic) • Lock Picks (professional) • MDD-24 • Mind Probe • Mini Scanner • Mini
Video Camera • Null Suit • Nullifer • Paper Shredder • Pocket Signal Detector • Power Shunt • Pry Bar • Sensoid Killer • Sensoid Master • Spanner Bridge • Spy Dot • Stun Deflector • Suitcase (false bottom) • Super Imagizer • Thieves' Duplicator • Trouble Maker • UV Paint • Wire Cutters
(professional) • Wire Tap (electronic) • Wire Tap • Wireless Remote Mini Cam • Wrist Torch • X-Ray Paint • X-Ray Video Camera • Chemical Alarm • Chemical Goggles • CS-4 Chemical Suit • CS-7 Chemical Suit • Decon Kit • E-Tent • Filter Mask • Geiger Counter • Gloves (protective) • GM-4 Gas Mask
• GM-7 Gas Mask • Goggles, Protective • Hot Bath • Identification Tape • Altimeter • Auto Mapper • Binoculars (infrared) • Binoculars (long range) • Binoculars (long range) • Binoculars (night vision) • Binoculars (wide angle) • Binoculars • Bio Scanner • Bug Finder • Bug Killer • Camouflage Detector
• Carbon Dater • D3-A Scanner • DD-48 Vaporizer • Goggles (IR) • Goggles (UV) • Infrared Enhancer • Infrared Spotlight • Metal Detector • Mood Discriminator • Motion Detector • Physical Composite Computer • Plastic Explosive Detector • Pocket Jammer Detector • Radar Detector • Sonic Amplifier •
Sonic Discriminator • Tire Strip • TonChar Analyzer • Transmission Jammer • Urban Layout Computer • UV Flare • Vibro Rod • Vizex Solo • Ear Transceiver • Radio (base) • Radio (field) • Radio (hand) • Radio (interplanetary) • Radio (interstellar) • Radio (long range) • Radio (traveler) • Shoe Phone
• Watch Phone • Pulse • Agitator • Fomentor • Hammer • Stingray • EMP-X • Ultra-Mag • Slam • Crunch • Smash • Mangler • Crush • Squish • Force Hand • Knoogie • Ashannari • Axe (hand) • Axe (throwing) • Bas • Billy Club • Blackjack • Blaheeli • Blowgun • Bow (compound) • Bow (long) •
Bow (short) • Caltrops • Catir • Cay • Chain • Club • Cronk • Crossbow (lght) • Crossbow(heavy) • Dagger • Dagger (thrown) • Doka • Dossien • Emp • Fanwal • Fas • Flail • Garotte • Hajab • Honj • Huumack • Ioken • Jabat • Kamnan • Kla • Knalu-Knalu • Muadirg • Naj • Nun Chucks •
Ptfaang • Quabal • Skil • Sling Shot • Spear • Stiletto • Sword (broad) • Sword (long) • Sword (short) • Sword (2-Handed) • Ti-Jabat • Tieaz • Toma • Whip • Leather Cap • Metal Helm • Visored Helm • Kevlar 3 (openface) • Tri-lar • Absorbix • AKMH • Brain • TDA • DH-1 (open face) • AKMS •
Bell SS • Conehead • MOH • Punkin • Shalkon • Survivor • DH-2 • Function + • MOH 3 • Range Master • S-2 • TDA-2 • Dancerz • Function • Illuminary • MOH 2 • S-1 • Deshard • Deshard S • Shalkon MS • Dome • Jousen 3 • Tri Mesh • Deshard X • Skull • MBA • MBA+ • Goliath • Cranium
Monster • Defender • Mk19 AGL • Mk25 AGL • M79 • M-203 • M-75 • M-L50 • Turbo Plus • Enveloper • Realm Torpedo • Wompum Gun • Quad Pulse • Balshrom Vice • CD 2 • Gladiator • Hansen • Soaker • Timar • Dbl or Nothing • Mist • MX-4 • Dragoon • Repulsor • Grizzly • Mesh • CD-7 •
Tri-Mesh • BX-1 • CR-3 • CS-7 • M-202 • M-205 • M-206 • M-207 • M-383 • M-430 • M-75 (frag) • M-80 • M-85 (frag) • M-90 (concussion) • M-95 (frag) • Molotov • Omegaton • P-4 • Plasma Grenade • Plasma Seduction • Super Plasma • T-3 • Micro Grenades • Explosive • Flash •
Knockout • Smoke • Conflict • Conflagration • BC-Sparkler • GEW-1 • Floater • Crumb Snatcher • BC-Gravaton • Thief • Able Effect • BC-Gravite • Marrson Transport • Linearity • Gauss 1 • Coilizer • Gauss 2 • BC-Rail Gun • BC-Rail King • Horizon • Anti-Polymer • Anti-Polymer Plus • Flechette •
Anti-Reactive • High Explosive • Incendiary • EMP • Mega Explosive • Signature • Armor Piercing • Snowman • Iceman • Big Frosty • BC-Frost Giant • BC-Frost Slayer • CG-911 • BC-Winterdom • A-2 • ME2E1-9 • ME2E1-9B • Blazer • Sizzler • Char Broiler • Dummy Sphere • Mini-Sphere • Defense
Sphere • Combat Sphere • Battle Sphere • Mega-Sphere • Propulsion Systems • Propulsion 1 • Propulsion 2 • Propulsion 3 • Control Systems • Radar Guidance 1 • Radar Guidance 2 • Radar Guidance 3 • Remote Control • Visual Remote • AI Package 1 • AI Package 2 • Brain Module • Genius
Module • Electronic Warfare 1 • Electronic Warfare 2 • Electronic Warfare 3 • EMP Package • Transmission Jammer 1 • Transmission Jammer 2 • Jam On It • Surveillance 1 • Ultra-violet Dampener • Flux Shield 1 • Flux Shield 2 • Power Flux System • Able Blistex • Ferrite • BC-Splatter Gun • Ironside
• Liquid • Safeguard • Able Ore • BC-Chunky • Cumaaskk • Might • Powder 1 • Powder 2 • Powder 3 • Machine Gun Pod • Laser 1 • Laser 2 • Laser 3 • Machine Gun Laser • Pulse 1 • Pulse 2 • Pulse 3 • PAW • Disintegrator • Disintegrator (power) • Metal Gun 1 • Metal Gun 2 • Missile Pod •
Missile Pack • Anti-Missile Pod • Meson Cannon • Frost Gun • Thunderbolt Generator • Lightning Dispenser • High Explosive Package • Incendiary Package • Fuel Air Explosive • Anti-Personnel Mine Package • Anti-Tank Mine Package • Bottle Opener • Def-Pulse 1 • Void Pulse • DWS • M16-L • M18-L
• PK-91 • RKM • Backshaw • Toshoni LL-C • Tagert-6 • Micron • Arrow LOSN • Shalkon • Hussein • Alpha 2 • RKM 2000 • Beta 3 • Fundamentalist • Falcon XR-7 • Gamma 4 • Calsham-4 • Banshee • Mirchaum SSLU • OLC-Pistol • PL-3 • BS-2 • Midget • Pocket • Tenteclex 1 • MC-6 • Tenteclex
3 • Marrson Pistol • Savage-B • Diffraction • Savage-C • Savage-D • BC-Violator • Angler • Range Hound • Laseras • RKM 5000 • Drexler • Lancer • BC-Shock • Crusader • Excellcior • Able Culprit • BC-Persuader • Able Dancer • Force • BC-Flayer • Valley Green • Shalkon Heavy • Avengance • Valley
Green Exp • Viceroy • Accelerator • Henderson • Emissions • Pulsar • Quasar • Victimizer • Achillees • Power Mesh • Assault • Heavy Assault • MBA • Argus • Dreadnought • Focus • Finite • Peashooter • Bourgeoisie • Micrometron • Scanner • Mison • BC-Comet • Stick Gun • Deliverance • Metal
Man • Magnatron • Carousel • Chainsaw • Plasma Jet • Plasma Whip • Bash 'Em Hammer • Energy Mace • Teg Staff • Light Sword • Armband • Mycroline • Encasement • Partisan • Ripple • Digiton • A-Laser Fountain • A-Maser Claymore • AP-1 • AP-2 • Bouncing Betty • Chemical • Claymore 3 •
Claymore • Clumpy Mine • Cutter Mine • E1 • E2 • E3 • E4 • Electrical Mine • Eviscerater • Glue Mine • Intertwiner • Laser Claymore • Laser Fountain • Light Mine • Magnetor-1 • Magnetor-D • Magnetor-H • Maser Claymore • Maser Fountain • Needler • Nuclear • Plasmore • SC-1000 • SC-2000
• Shear Mine • Sonic • Spoiler • Tangler • Thunder • Wedge Cutter • BC-Render • BC-Shredder • TR-9B • Parabellum • Calsham MG • M29 • M110 • M210 • Pincheau ML2 • Pincheau ML3 • MOR-1 • MOR-3 • Uncle Ernie Loves You • Green Glass • Anarchist Delight • Mr Clean • Dirty As Hell •
Field Weapon • Cancellation • Neutralizer • Axion Paralizer • Neuro-Masher • Crowd Killer • Neuro 1 • Neuro 2 • Neuro 3 • Chatilian In A Can • Neutral Nanoid Module • NanoLink • Nanomag • Konstrukto • MedBot • Fly On The Wall • QuickBone • Headsman • Nanomasque • Electron Gnome •
Chew • Mini Maid • OC-1 • Balshrom FC • Valley Green OX • Johnson • Able 3 • LS-21 • Rattler • Widow Maker • Able Ram • Street Howitzer • Viper XM1 • Balshrom 2 • OC-66 • Cobra XM2 • Boa • Strikeforce • Python XM3 • Devastator • Abomination • Abomination-2 • Ablative Liner •
Altimeter • AMM • Anti-Plas Generator • Anti-Grav Belt • Anti-Magnetic Generator • Auto Doc • Auto Injector • Auto Laser Cannon • Auto Minelayer • BMH (basic) • BMH (look and shoot) • BMH-Ultra • Body Flares • Camouflage Unit • Carrying Case • Combat Shield • Corrosive Protection • Cryo Option
• Defoliation Shield • Displacement Device • Drop Bag • ECM (Cost per +01 mod) • Electromag Converter • Emergency Exit • Emergency Ejection • Environmental Containment • EZ-IFF • Force Shield • Flotation Device • Flux Shield • Gills • Grappling Hoist • Grenade Launcher • Gyro Stabilizer • Heavy
Belt • Holographic Generator • HIC • Hover Jets • Infrared Dampener • Infrared Discriminator • Insulation (EMP) • Integron • Internal Flotation Systems • Internal Food Processor • Jet Pack • Jump Pads • Kinetic Shield • Laser Shield • Launch Pads • Magnetic Disrupter • Magnetic Deflection Gen. •
Mental Targeting System • Molecular Phase System • Oxygen Supply • Phase Nullification System • Planar Explosive • Polymizer Dispenser • Portable Fusion Gen. • Power Omega • Protection (absorption) • Protection (hydraulics) • Protection (servos) • Protection (plating) • Quick Draw • QSU •
Rad-Liner • Radar Detector • Sanitizer • SDLU • Search Light • Shield • Shoos • Skalers • Smoke Generator • Strength+ • Suicide Bomb • Systems Analyzer • Systems Repair Unit • Tac-Net • Talons • Thermal Generator • Thermometer • UV Scrambler • Vizex • Xtra Heavy Belt • Mexican Worm •
Skeet-1 • Tequila Sunrise • Balshrom Diskus • Blood Sucker • PSG1 • Walther A2000 • MP9 • Barrett 82 • Barrett M880 • Trapper • T-Net • Pincushion • BC-Sentry • WatchDog • Protector • Sentinel • Guardsman • Watchman • Defender • S&M Weapon • BC-Incinerator • TM 1200 • Champion •
Grave Digger • Mortician • Magnetic Plates • Chemical Skin • Magnetic Sucker • Camera System • Mesh Defense • EMP System • Cover • Protection • Defiance • Haven • Body Guard • IMI Uzi • Thompson • MP5 • SM 90 • CBM2 • Micro-Uzi • MAC 10 • FN P90 • E9 • High Explosive • Kill
Master • Biological • Chemical • Radial • Pershing 2 • Balistics-8 • Minuteman • GTL • M-60 • FN Magnum • PK • M-240 • XM-214 • SAW • LTX-311 • MG3 • Browning .50 • M2A .50 cal • ASP 30 • NSV • KPV 14.5mm • Hose • Valley Green • Climax • Wicked Crimson • Cataclysm •
BC-Apocalypse • AM1 • Cheetah • Tiger • Mark 3 • Lion • Ithaca • Remington M870 • Franchi • Masral 12g • Pancor • RoadBlocker • Crossfire • Masral Smuggler • H&K CAWS • Bulwark • HS Series D • Galil A.R. • AK-57 • M-16A3 • Fu Fu Gun • FN-FAL • AR 17 • EWS • Steyr Aug • Steyr ACR •
H&K ACR • G14 • Crossfire (rifle) • TK-7A • AUG 56 • G36 • Nitro Express • S&W .22 Cal. • Police .38 Cal • Colt .357 Magnum • Derringer .44 Cal • S&W .44 Magnum • 48 Plus • Colt Anaconda • Walther PPK • Beretta 9mm • Punk • IMI Eagle • Glock 9 • Night Stalker • P7 • Model 93RS •
Mako • Skorpion • HammerFist • .454 Casull • Model 500 • E15K • T-Rex • Bear-2 • Kodiak-2 • Combat-X • Barbarian • Combat-XR • Recoiler • Big Grizzly • Gargantuan • Warrior • Koordine Battle Gear • Dreadnought-2 • Awareness • Doppler-1 • Perception • Dynatech • Digiton Battle System •
Farsight Combat Array • Shell • Shield • Laytex • Husk • Membrane • Monitor • Exosheath • Enamel • NARC • Tracker • Digiton Warhead • Whistler • Jackrabbit • Horizon • Mirv-System • Sabot • Saylon Warhead • Brain Shield • Deshard Dome Piece • Shalkon Bumble Bee • Black Visor • Skull 2 •
Belair RL • Steiger 3 • Zandovich • Taser • Sonic Disruptor • Core • Plasma Pistol • MX-D • Bull Master • 1 Shot • PC-3 • PC-6 • M-20 Blaster • Mentar • Shorty • PH-3A • Stecker • RP-4 Masher • PT-1 • Vector 1 • BC-Engager • Plasma Dealer • Precision • Vector 3 • BC-Enforcer • Vector 4 •
RKM-Showtime • Wax'em Gun • Mentar-A3L • BC-Heat • Deception • Howitzer • PC-9000 • BC-Destroyer • BC-Terminator • Deception-2 • M-80 • Baseball Cap • Beleatox • Dieta • Gloves • Gloves (heavy) • Kwoisekt • Kycaliiot • Overcoat • P-Boots • Pants (baggies) • Pants (dress) • Pants (jeans)
Written By
Lawrence R. Sims

Additional Material
Richard Bermudez, Tom Javoroski, Tyson Mueller,
Louis Norton, Tony Oliveira, Michael Osadciw,
Kevin Taufner, Aaron Thies, Keith Klee

Michael Osadciw, Nick Vasi, Dave Johnson, William
O’Connor, Quinton Hoover, John Nadeau,
Jeff Reitz, Robert Taylor, George Vasilakos

Cover Art
Michael Osadciw

Art Director
Michael Osadciw
Technical Advisers ISBN 1-931320-03-9
Louis Norton, Richard Bermudez, Tom Javoroski,
Kevin Taufner, Tony Oliveira, Tyson Mueller,
Michael Wagner

Richard Bermudez, Tom Javoroski, Tyson Mueller,
Louis Norton, Tony Oliviera, Michael Osadciw,
S S D C . C O M
Kevin Taufner, Aaron Thies, Keith Klee
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Lock–N–Load: Weapons & Tactics™, Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century™, personalities, game system, and images are © 2004, 2006
PO Box 60575 SSDC, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from SSDC, Inc., except for
review purposes. Any similarity to characters, institutions, corporations, etc. is strictly fictional, coincidental, or satirical. Battlelords of the
Sunnyvale, CA 94088 Twenty-Third Century is a trademark of SSDC, Inc. First Edition, Second Printing, May 2006. Printed in the U.S.A. Lock–N–Load: Armor, Equipment, & Cybernetics™ contains mature themes and it is suggested reading for ages 14 and above.


Table of Contents
1. All In A Day’s Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Metal Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90

2. Weapons Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Micron Body Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90

Weapons Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92

Accessories/Ammo Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Missiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95

Modern Hand Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
3. Weapon Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Mortars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
Archaic Hand Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Neuro Cannons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
Archaic Powder Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Omega Cannons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Atomic Particle Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
PADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
Attractor/Repressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Personal Nuclear Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
Carousel Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Poisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
Chainguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Pulse Cannons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110
Chemical/Biological Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Specialized Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Compact Artillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Thermatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Disintegrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Thunderbolt Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
EMP Cannons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Web Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Accessories & Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Flamethrowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Flux Interference Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 4. Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
Types of Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
Frost Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Moving Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Gauss Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Formations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
GEWs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
The Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
Gravitational Shears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Urban Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
Grenades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
5. Optional Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Grenade Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Displacement Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Grenade Machineguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Energy Consumption Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
Implosion Field Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Knockback Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
Jammers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Racial Modification for Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
Juicers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Weapon Threshold and Integrity Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Weapon Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Killer Satellites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Weapon Effect on Flux Shields Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Lasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Mag Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146



ALL IN A DAY’S WORK on an Eridani troop transport heading to er tech. He looked positively terrified as he
Evance before they knew it. clutched the edges of his seat. Reed knew
Michael Osadciw The mission briefing had been quick and Queemis was deathly afraid of heights, so this
dirty. The division Reed had been attached to trip must be agony for him.
“This job is not worth forty-five grand a year,” had been tasked with securing Port Charleston, “We’ll be on the ground soon, Queem,”
Captain Arliss Reed thought glumly. the second largest spaceport on Evance. Reed shouted to the Mutzachan. Queemis nod-
The thin air of Evance’s upper atmosphere Resistance was expected to be light, as there ded but still kept his eyes clamped shut.
whipped with a mournful howl into the open had been few reports of rebel activity in the city. “Five minutes to LZ,” shouted the crackling
cabin of the transport craft he rode in. Despite The weight of the rebel assault had fallen on announcement over the internal comm. Reed
the environmental containment of his armor, Evance City and heavy fighting with Alliance began to check over his gear and ordered his
the harsh cold could still be felt through its advance units had already began there. group to do the same, giving Shanus a swift
many protective layers of ceramo-alloys. Reed was worried. The intel on this mission kick to wake him up. He could see the ground
Reed could make out the retreating form of was sketchy at best. The generals expected little rushing up outside now.
the Terikor, an Eridani atmospheric dropship, resistance and had done very little recon. This Reed took the time to check out the rest of
that had dumped his and eight other LS-801 mission was obviously hastily assembled and the cabin. The long open sided troop cabin of
assault transports into the cold early-morning planned. Their small attack force of a rein- the LS-801 was crammed with soldiers in vari-
air. The LS-801, or “Flying Lunchbox” as its forced Marine company and an Armored com- ous levels of gear. The majority of them were
crews called it, was giving its heavily armed pas- pany was tasked with securing the spaceport Alliance regulars, outfitted in well-used suits of
sengers a smooth ride at the moment. Reed and preventing any local rebel counterattacks Kodiak armor carrying beam or pulse
knew it wouldn’t last, as they fell deeper into the from retaking it. If the rebel forces were any weapons. All were Python Lizards, with the
lower atmosphere’s more turbulent air. stronger at Port Charleston than they were led exception of one Chatilian, and an Ashanti.
“A week ago I was knee deep in to believe, they were in trouble. Reed had never met an Ashanti before. He
Zendareans on Hell’s Point. Now look at me,” Reed was especially worried about himself doubted he’d get to meet this one either.
he mumbled to himself. and his own team. He knew they were not Sticking out like a sore thumb in the cabin
On R&R for the first time in two years, trained or equipped to handle heavy combat. was a Phentari sniper from Danstel
Reed had been enjoying his two weeks off from They had been included in this mission Corporation. He had been attached to this mis-
the service of SSDC as a merc computer tech. because of their computer skills and demoli- sion at the last minute, as some added backup.
He and the rest of his team had been given a tions abilities. Their main task was to gain con- Reed didn’t much care for Phents, but he had
nice vacation after a very successful espionage trol of the spaceport’s automated landing facil- to admire this guy’s equipment. The gear he
mission. Life was good, but it just wasn’t meant ity, or repair it if the rebels had sabotaged it. carried probably cost more than the transport
to last. It never was. Arliss regarded his body computer in its they were flying in. One tentacle cradled a long
On the third day of his stay on Hell’s Point, protective sheath at his side. He hoped that was and sleek Gauss Rifle, while the others seemed
Reed received a priority message from SSDC the only piece of equipment he’d have to use to be constantly adjusting, even preening, the
sector command: all corporate mercenary on this mission. fine suit of MBA armor the Phentari wore.
units in the area had been ordered into imme- Reed looked around the cabin of the freez- Herrassarrious Phentari nodded to the human
diate service and would be attached indefinite- ing LS-801. The early morning light finally as if to acknowledge Reed’s longing glances at
ly to a local Alliance military task force. allowed him to make out the familiar faces of his armor. Reed managed a flicker of a smile in
Evidently the civil war on Evance had escalat- his squad without using his helmet’s optics. return. The Phent had to sit well forward in his
ed when a large rebel force had used the con- Shanus Fren, his Orion Rogue demolitions seat to allow room for several missile racks, a
flict as an opportunity to occupy the strategi- expert, was sound asleep next to him. His still Thunderbolt generator, and a host of grenades
cally important food-producing planet. The burning Glip cigarette, in between two of his and other tools of the trade. Arliss fingered the
Alliance needed to deal with the problem fingers, was blackening a burn mark on his FN P90 slung across his chest.
immediately, before the rebels could gain a gauntlet. Shanus loosely clutched his Arrow “A little late to worry about whether you’re
strong foothold. Unfortunately very few regular LOSN laser; his enormous backpack full of packin’ enough heat, Arl ol’ pal,” he thought.
Alliance military units were available in the demolition supplies made Reed glad his tools In each open side of the cabin slouched a
sector on such short notice. of the trade were nice and small. human door gunner, one lazily fingering the
Enter the Mercenary Reserve Act. This little Kol-idan was sitting next to Shanus, talking grips of the laser machine gun mounted to the
bit of legislation allowed the Alliance govern- to the Eridani crew chief in their native tongue. side of the “Lunchbox,” while the other was
ment to call up corporate paramilitary units in Kol was the team’s muscle, and he looked the watching Zendarean porn displayed on the
the event of war, natural catastrophe, or civil part; tall and lethal, he wore his armor and inside of his helmet visor. With their weapons’
unrest. The government rarely used it, but weapons with the assurance of someone bred Flux shields off, the wind really screamed into
when they did, the mega-corps were required for combat. Outfitted with arm rockets, the cabin.
to assist—their Alliance tax breaks and kick- grenades, a pulse cannon, and the ubiquitous “Great,” Arliss mused sarcastically, “these
backs were forfeit if they didn’t. light sword, Kol packed the biggest punch of guys are ready for anything.”
Reed and his team of four were on the next the four of them. Another LS-801 could be seen through the
shuttle off of Hell’s Point, and found themselves Last was Queemis, his Mutzachan comput- open door, flying about 150 meters away.



“That’d be Chibo group’s cover and reserve “Happy to serve, Captain,” came the soft door gunners’ shields had gone up. He
force,” mused Reed, “Krelinn’s Marauders, a reply over the comm. snapped his head around to look at the gunner
merc group from AMC caught up in this just “A Zen. Thank God,” thought Reed. closest to him. The trooper was standing and
like us.” Almost as soon as Gurnt stopped talking, a wheeling his weapon around. At that moment
“Four minutes,” came the call from the new operation plan diagram began scrolling he let out a cry and squeezed off a long burst
pilots up front. across Reed’s helmet visor, taking into account from his weapon.
The Eridani crew chief let out a loud curse. the loss of armor support. Reed’s mission “Hold On!” came the call over the comm
This brought everyone out of their reverie. remained the same, but he noticed that his as the ship lurched sideways. A trail of white
“What?” yelled Reed and Captain Gurnt supporting elements were much thinner, now smoke shot past the door. SAMs!
simultaneously. Gurnt, a grizzled Python Lizard, down to one Phentari. Shit. “This is getting bet- The rolling craft made everyone inside
was the leader of the Alliance troops in this ter every minute,” Arliss remarked. grab onto their seats. Queemis began to whim-
ship and the overall commander of the space- “Arliss to team, you heard the man. This per again, though it was drowned out by the
port operation. just got a bit harder. That Phent sniper is gonna shouted directions of the two door gunners.
“Our armor backup was attacked on their be covering our ass. Kol, keep the cursing and Both of them were lighting up targets below
transport just inside the atmosphere by a sui- oaths down until the squid actually screws up. and in front of their craft.
cide hopper. The Vidgairn’s drop cranes are Queemis, start prepping your pAI to try and “If you haven’t guessed,” Gurnt bellowed,
wrecked so they can’t offload the tanks. take over the port’s systems remotely the “we’re heading into a hot LZ. Once we touch
They’ve returned to orbit to see if they can get moment we touch down. If we can gain control down, get out as fast as you can and head to
the armor onto another transport.” of the port immediately we can lock the place your objectives. The transports will circle and
Gurnt grunted, “Looks like were doing this down without having to assault the control try and cover you. Watch display number two
the hard way. Chibo Lead to Chibo Group. Our tower. Shanus, ready some surprises for on your helmets for estimated enemy force
armored support ain’t coming. I know it sucks, unwanted guests, once we take over.” concentrations. Herrassarrious prepare for
but we’ll make it happen. Prepare for inser- Shanus smiled and patted his backpack. drop. We’re gonna drop you early.”
tion, new tactical feeds will be uploaded soon. “All set, Arl.” The Phentari lurched to his feet and began
Herrassarrious will drop at LZ minus one. “Three minutes to LZ” to move toward one of the open doors. It was
Chibo 3 and 4 will remain airborne to provide The screaming wind suddenly died to a then Reed noticed he had a short range flight
cover fire as the rest of us land. Once we’re dull roar. pack attached to his armor.
down, 3 and 4 can offload. Chibo 6 will act as “Quiet at last,” sighed Queemis. “Go!” yelled Gurnt.
Med. Got that Dellarus?” “Crap!” Reed shouted. No wind meant the For an instant the door gunner’s shield



dropped and the Phentari leaped out into turned left. The spaceport was visible below, his pulse cannon around. Queemis and Shanus
space, his flight pack firing immediately. For a just past the treeline. A large column of greasy were there right behind him.
moment he was silhouetted against the dull smoke rose from the destroyed remnants of a Arliss looked over to where the Pythons
dawn sky, and then he disappeared as his camo huge bulk freighter, lying in pieces on the main had exited. They were catching hell. A missile
unit was activated. landing area. streaked from a nearby rooftop toward Gurnt’s
“I hope he makes it down,” thought Reed. Arliss spotted the control tower, off to the position near a low maintenance shed. The
“We’ll need the help. Heh, I never thought I’d right of the main complex of buildings. It still missile exploded harmlessly behind the
be wishing Godspeed to a Phentari.” looked intact. The spaceport sprawled over five Pythons. Whoever was firing those reflex mis-
The LS-801 lurched again violently as square kilometers of real estate. Arliss hoped siles had been effective though. The smolder-
another supersonic missile streaked by. A they got put down close to their objective. ing jumble of equipment and body parts lying
thumping, sizzling noise began as ground “May the blade bring swift end to the on the tarmac that had been a Python trooper
beam fire began to slough off of the ship’s Flux unworthy. May battle cleanse me of all impuri- was testament to that. A loud crack was heard
shields. Flickers of blue and orange light ties and leave only the spirit of Eridine,” Kol and a small explosion blossomed near where
played across the faces in the dark cabin. mumbled to himself as he shouldered his M-20. the missile came from.
The door gunners seemed to be firing con- “Queemis, we’ve got line-of-sight! See if “You may proceed Captain,” was hissed
tinuously now. The passengers could see the you can jump into their network and get con- over the general Chibo group comm.
treetops zipping past them, about one hundred trol from here.” Unmistakably Phentari.
meters below. Arcs of light reached up to their Queemis absently nodded to Arliss as he Herrassarrious was covering our ass,
ship from several points in the forest. The was already working on his body computer. thought Reed.
rebels were all over the place! Good man. That was the cue for Reed’s team as well.
The transport lurched again, but this time “Ok, team; we’re hittin’ dirt in 20 seconds. “Let’s move it guys. Down the wall there
it was followed by a large bang and smoke Kol and Shanus, provide cover for Queemis should be a doorway.”
began to billow into the cabin. Someone was and me. When we hit, we’re all sprinting to the Kol trotted off, crouched low. He stopped,
yelling. low wall just below the control tower. Speed is peered at the door, then waved the team on.
As the smoke quickly cleared, Reed could paramount; we can’t get caught in the open. At The door was locked.
see one of the Python Lizards lying on the deck the far end of the wall should be the entrance “No problem, Arl,” Shanus said with glee
holding what was left of his left leg. A large hole to the tower. Queem, any luck?” as he worked his magic over the Securepad.
in the floor next to him was still sparking and “Negative, Captain Reed. My pAI is finding The door hissed open and Shanus staggered
smoking. One of his comrades reached down it extraordinarily difficult to lock into the back from the opening doorway, uselessly
and activated the standard issue Auto-Doc on spaceports standard Nav-Net system. It has grabbing at the series of smoking holes
the Lizard’s armor. He went limp and was quiet. either been shut down or has been hijacked by stitched across the front of his armor.
“When can we get out of this death trap?” a Terroroid. Perhaps if I could…” Kol spun around and let loose a volley
yelled Arliss. Queemis’ cries echoed his senti- “That’s fine Queem.” Arliss cut him off. from his cannon as Queemis and Reed dove
ments exactly. You never wanted Queemis to get going. aside. Reed rolled and came up with his
“One minute,” came the human pilot’s “Shut down, and we’ll try it in the tower. weapon aimed into the darkness beyond the
voice. “Prepare for debarkation. Pete! Tarel! Hold on!” open door.
Get ready to lock those weapons out so every- The transport dropped quickly and hit the A hole appeared in Kol’s thigh armor as he
body can get out quick. Looks like it’s…” ground with a lurch. During the drop the door raised his arm and let fly a salvo of arm rock-
The cabin lit up with an orange light and gunners had swung their weapons out of the ets. The Eridani then ran into the room as his
rocked violently as a roar filled their ears. way just far enough for the passengers to exit. rockets detonated.
Everyone got a glimpse of the transport next to Gurnt and the Pythons launched them- Arliss took the opportunity to look over at
them exploding into a yellow and orange fire- selves out of the right side of the craft and Shanus. He was lying still on the ground. The
ball, pitching over away from them. Dark fig- began to fan out. Arliss looked away. They Auto-Doc on his armor showed a steady blue
ures thrashed inside individual torches as they could take care of themselves. light; his Cryo-Injection had been activated.
tumbled out of the rapidly disintegrating trans- “Now!” Reed yelled as he leaped from the Shanus was out of this one, hopefully not for
port. Then it was gone, only a few pieces of Lunchbox, gripping his P-90 a little too tightly. good.
sparking debris flying through the cold air to He sprinted toward the wall, not looking “Queemis, help me get his pack off of him.
mark where the “Lunchbox” had vanished. behind him. Reed trusted his team to follow We may need the explosives.”
“Poor devils,” someone mused over the orders. If they weren’t behind him, it would A series of explosions rippled through the
comm. “Their armor probably protected them mean they were down, in which case it didn’t room beyond the door.
long enough so they wouldn’t die until they hit really matter. Queemis crawled over and began tugging
the trees at 300kph.” So much for Krelinn’s After what seemed like an eternity he at the huge pack’s straps.
Marauders. And the Chibo Group’s reserve. reached the wall; crashed into it really. As he Arliss heard the unmistakable sizzle-hiss of
“Keep it together folks. Here we go,” came hit, Reed dropped to provide covering fire, a light sword, then saw the Eridani trot back
the calm, gravelly voice of Gurnt. such as it was, for the team. out to the door opening.
The transport went into a steep bank and Kol was already at the wall and sweeping “These rebel filth are quite well armed,



though their tactics are very amateurish. Can to be the Nav-Net system’s terminal. Queemis was pointing out the window to the
you believe that the insect in there actually “Crap. Queem, I’ll try and bypass the wrecked transport.
cried for mercy? Worthless!” power relays to get some juice up here. See Arliss and Kol wheeled around just in time
The Eridani’s armor was blackened from what you can do with the Nav-Net,” Reed said to see an a-grav tank crashing through the
fire with one hand clutching his activated Light as he set down his weapon and withdrew his debris of the transport, launching several more
Sword. His arm rocket rack was empty too. computer from its case at his side. missiles at the smoldering ruin of Chibo Lead.
“The way is clear Captain. An elevator to Hacking into the power net was easy. These It looked like an old model, but plenty capable
the tower is at the far end of the room.” frontier folk could learn a thing or two about of chewing up their small group.
“Good work Kol. Queemis, give me that security. Right now he was glad they didn’t “This just keeps getting better,” gritted
pack, I’ll carry it. Kol, cover our backs, Queem know much. Anything that helped him get his Reed.
and I are heading upstairs.” job done and get out of here quick was fine by “Chibo Four to Chibo Group, this is Captain
Arliss shouldered the pack as he trotted him. Only two minutes after he started, the Multanus. I’m in command now,” came the
into the room. He felt bad for leaving Shanus’ lights in the tower flickered back to life. icily cool tones of the Ashanti captain.
Arrow rifle, but he needed to move fast, and “There you go Queem, what have you got “We are falling back to the customs build-
besides, he didn’t know how it worked anyway. for me?” ing at grid 118. We are trying to formulate a
The sounds of the firefight over near the “My pAI is currently building itself a low plan as we move. Be warned, the tank is sup-
Lizard’s last position deadened as they entered level Nav-Net duplicate to take over control for ported by a small squad of infantry who have
the building. The stench of death hung in the the destroyed components. What I need is a infiltrated the perimeter.” The sound of
air. Queemis gave the two smoldering bodies in transmit conduit node to amplify my com- Multanus’ running came over the comms.
the center of the room a wide berth. mands... Hmmm. Arliss, hand me that power The loud report of the tank’s plasma can-
“Reed to Chibo Lead. We are at our objec- shunt from Shanus’ pack.” non, followed by the rolling crash of the shot
tive. What is your situation?” Reed called to Reed did so, and handed it to Queemis, hitting the security building, echoed through
Gurnt over his comm. who immediately placed it on the floor and the spaceport. Reed could barely make out
“We’re moving into the main port com- stomped on it with his foot, breaking the outer through the smoke a few armored figures
plex.” Gurnt sounded calm, almost happy. casing to pieces. “There it is,” he said after a jumping off the back deck of the tank and mov-
“Still meeting light resistance. We’re gonna set few moments searching through the debris. ing into the rubble. They looked like a
up the CP in the Security Office and try and get Queemis picked up a small bit of the device Phentari and a couple of humanoids.
the Securecams running from there. Advise and held it to the side of his Bypass module. Crash! One of the windows of the tower
when you gain control of the control tower. The Mutzachan’s eye’s fluttered for a moment exploded as Kol blasted it away with his M-20.
Chibo 3 and 4 are setting up a perimeter as he used a few precise Finger Laser blasts to He then leaned out of the window aiming his
around the tower complex now. Out.” weld the salvaged bit in place. He then hooked weapon at the tank.
“Let’s go.” Reed led them to the emergency his bypass cable from the wrecked terminal to “Kol, what the hell are you doing? You’ll
stairs next to the powered-down ‘vator. the newly “redesigned” component. A smile give away our position!”
Kol jumped ahead and went right up the crept across his face as he peered at his com- “Perhaps I can damage it from here. I have
stairs, neglecting to check for hostiles or puter’s display. two reflex missiles...” The words barely left his
boobytraps; perhaps on purpose. At least the “That was successful. The Nav-Net controls mouth as the compressed air in his rack
arrogant ass was good at what he did. are back online. I have complete control of the popped the missiles out of their den on his
Reed and Queemis climbed the stairs ‘Net and its tractor/repressors and landing back, their rockets firing moments later just
behind him, their path lit by the flickering light grids. Nothing is flying in or out of this port outside the shattered window.
of Kol’s lightsword. The firing outside seemed without my ok,” Queemis stated with barely Reed could see the exhaust trail snake
to be picking up, but it was hard to tell in the hidden satisfaction. toward the tank. It was so close, the missiles
narrow confines of the tower. “I knew that big head was good for some- barely had time to arm themselves. Still, they hit
Reed heard a clatter of equipment from thing,” Arliss grinned. “Reed to Chibo Lead, their mark. Bright eruptions of flame and smoke
just above him and flattened against the wall. tower is secure and the Nav-Net is in our con- exploded from the top of the tank. Equipment
The clatter was followed almost instantly by the trol.” and tools that had festooned the turret flew away
sizzling “thock” sound of a lightsword biting “Excellent,” grunted Gurnt, the unmistak- in all directions in burning chunks. The smoke
through armor. A partially headless corpse able sound of rapid-fire pulse cannons loud in began to clear; just in time to see the turret
tumbled down the stairs in front of him, still his transmission. “We’re mopping up here, tracking toward the tower, and them.
twitching in it’s final moments. stay there and maintain control, we’ll...” “Get down!” screamed Reed as he dove
Kol sneered, “Only one vermin in the The transmission ended with a short roar below the window frame.
tower. Consider it secured, Reed.” and static. A loud blast rocked the tower. Dust flut-
“Excellent. Queemis, get in here and let’s “What the hell was that?” yelled Reed. tered down from the ceiling as another explo-
see what we can do.” “Uh, Arliss?” mumbled Queemis. “I think sion shook the building.
The control room looked pretty normal. you’d better look out the window. The building “The fools can’t raise their weapon enough
Mostly new equipment and reasonably well with the security office in it, the one with to touch us up here Arliss,” yelled Kol as he
tended, except for the scorched ruin that used Gurnt, just blew up. I think that is why.” was still standing, leaning out of the window.



Reed peeked over the edge and saw that the could still be heard occasionally outside. It was The reporter trotted off, the faint glow of
tank had returned to its previous business of still a little hot out there, thought Reed. Shanus’ his PDS retreating with him.
reducing the security building to a pile of scrap. pack is damn heavy too. “Pity I couldn’t have chopped off one of his
“Kol, what the hell is wrong with you? We Arliss exited the stairwell first, and out of limbs. Reporters always scream the loudest,”
aren’t armed well enough to take on armor; the corner of his eye spotted a flicker of move- mused Kol as he hefted his pulse cannon back
stealth is our game! We could’ve...” Reed ment. “Down!” Reed yelled as he whirled, to a ready position.
broke off as the comms crackled to life. bringing up his P90 and thumbing off the safe- “You would have had to stand in line for
“Chibo Four to group, we believe we have ty in the same motion. that pleasure. Let’s head outside and get to the
a unique tactical solution to our dilemma.” The small weapon erupted in his white damn CP. What is that thumping sound out-
“Mercenary Queemis, if you would be so knuckled fist, nearly emptying its entire maga- side?” Arliss queried as Kol opened the door to
kind as to attempt to stop the tank with the Nav- zine into the small hovering sphere that had the street outside.
Net tractor/repressors. Perhaps if it was appeared from the darkness. The first few “Chibo 6 to Chibo Elements! There’s a...”
slowed, Chibo 6 could get in position to use its rounds bounced off a small Flux shield, but the came the startled cry over the comms.
remaining anti-armor missiles.” rest tore the small globe apart. A few instants Reed caught a glimpse of the Eridani sil-
Queemis shook his head as if to wonder after the first rounds struck, the sphere’s a-grav houetted against the door opening before a
why he didn’t think of that. “That’s a great idea. unit was destroyed and the remains of the loud hammering sound and blinding flashes
Perhaps I could...” device crashed to the floor. from outside lit up the darkened room they
The tower shook from a massive explosion “K-sat!” roared Reed as he dove and rolled were in. Plasma blasts tore the door apart and
near by. to let Kol enter the room behind him. most of the wall around it where the Eridani
“Please expedite Master Queemis. It just A figure appeared out of the darkness had stood a moment before. The swordsaint
destroyed most of Chibo Three.” behind Kol! Reed fired the remaining three had been reduced to a jumbled pile of ash and
“Right.” Queemis got to work. It took him rounds into the center of the figure, only to see blasted armor almost instantaneously; parts
but a few moments of reprogramming to direct them rebound off a PDS field. were still tumbling away from the door.
the powerful tractor/repressors of the space- “Relax! I’m with the Press!” came a yell Reed instinctively ducked and rolled away
port’s cargo tower cranes toward the oncom- from the shadowy figure. from the incoming fire. Fire from what, he
ing tank. Kol spun around and brought the crackling could only guess. As if from a distance, he
As Arliss watched the tank suddenly slowed point of his light sword within an inch of the could hear Multanus yelling into his ear, asking
to a crawl. Even from up in the tower you could reporter’s head. “Be still mudig, I do not wish what was going on.
hear its motors screaming trying to break the to exert myself unduly with your extermina- “Kol is gone. Something just tore up the
grip of the cranes. tion.” tower entrance. Need assistance now!”
“Chibo 6, commence.” came the calm “Whatever, skinhead. The pen is still might- Reed began scrambling on the floor back
tones of Multanus. ier than the mohawked fascists! Is that how that toward the open staircase, when he heard a
From the height of the tower it was easy to goes? So what. So tell me Captain Reed, how’s loud crash behind him.
see the Lunchbox that held Chibo 6 wheel the operation going so far? Channel 780 view- A quick glance backward told him to run
around as two trails of smoke made a beeline ers need to know.” Reed heard some theme faster.
from its underbelly to the stricken tank. An music leaking out of the reporter’s earpiece Two large cannon barrels poked into the
instant later the tank burst open in a flaming when he mentioned his station. blasted opening, with smoke curling out of
wreck as a foul toadstool of rising flame, “Wha?...” Reed mumbled trying to collect their muzzles. The cannons were attached to
smoke, and debris marked its passing. his thoughts. “How do you know my name? armored articulated arms, arms that were the
“Excellent. Chibo Four will secure the What the hell are you doing here?” main means of violence of the two-legged
perimeter of the base along with the remnants “You mercs always have easy coms to mechanical beast that strode into the room.
of Chibo 3. Chibo 6, maintain air cover and crack; took my pAI less than thirty seconds to “HD, HD!” screamed Reed as he flung
look for any remaining resistance. nuke. So, are the rebels putting up much of a himself up the stairs, a call echoed by the air-
Herrassarrious Phentari will maintain his vigi- fight? That tank sure caused some trouble. Tell borne Chibo 6 over the comms.
lance. SSDC Team, lock down the tower and me about it.” “Very unfortunate,” came the cool
proceed to the new CP in the main concourse,” A small microphone extended from the response of Multanus, which Reed could bare-
the new coordinates began scrolling across thumb of the reporters outstretched hand. ly hear over the sound of his heart. “Our heavy
their visors. “Well, we were able to stop it using the weapons capability has been drastically
“Queem, you heard the Captain. Encrypt it port’s tractors and then... why the hell am I talk- reduced. Team leads, please submit ideas for
all and let’s motor.” ing to you! This is a freakin’ war zone! Get the dealing with this new threat.”
“Hmmph,” came the Mutzachan’s muffled hell away from me. Kol, Queem, lets move out.” Reed was too busy running up the stairs to
reply as he began his work on his body com- “See ya later, corpses. By the way, here,” follow that order. He barely saw Queemis
puter. the reporter flipped Reed a data wafer. crawling up the stairs ahead of him in time to
In a few moments they were all heading “Here’s the receipt for my cam-studio sat you avoid a collision that would have sent them
down the stairs on their way out of the tower. wasted. Channel 780 expects payment in thirty both tumbling.
The muffled crack and sizzle of small arms fire days. Later.” “Queem, move it, we’ve got to run! Humpty



Dumpty on our ass!” rooftop, then stuffed the Villanite into the empty turning HD.
Reed bent to help him up when he noticed slipcase. The HD was still firing away. Reed palmed the detonator as he ran. Not
a small door inset in the wall. Maybe... “I think I’ve got it,” yelled Queemis, a little yet, not yet, NOW!
“In here!” Reed yelled as he wrenched it too loudly. He pushed the detonate button. He hadn’t
open. The door was an access hatch out onto Reed peered over the roof’s edge and saw run quite far enough, and it turned out two
the roof of the room he had just left. Reed that the HD had stopped and seemed to be blocks of Villanite would have been plenty.
pushed Queem ahead of him, and followed straining to turn around. The deafening roar and shockwave lifted
him through. The backpack got caught up on “Arliss, I think the tank weakened the trac- Reed up and tossed him against a wall like a
the frame, and held Reed in the opening for an tors. I am having trouble holding onto the flopping doll. The concussion knocked the
instance. Walker. You’d better do something quick.” wind out of the human as he crashed to the
“Damn pack!” he yelled. Pack. Pack! Right, Great. Do what? Run down and carefully ground. Reed caught a glimpse of the remains
the explosives! place the charge at the thing’s feet. If I don’t get of the HD, just it’s legs remained upright, on fire
“Reed to Multanus. We’ve got about twen- blasted into a grease spot, it might just walk and sparking. Part of the tower building had
ty kilos of Villanite with us, but our Demo guy away from it, and we’ll be screwed thought collapsed but it seemed to have stayed upright.
is down. Any suggestions?” They could both Reed glumly. How the hell can I get it to stay on “Queemis, are you all right!” shouted Reed
hear the HD clomping around in the room the HD. If only... into his comm as he staggered to his feet.
below them. “Queem, you got any Mega Glue?” A sledgehammer impact and a dagger of
“Interesting. Wait one.” came the jostled “Sure, a whole cylinder.” pain in his thigh knocked Reed back to the
reply. Chibo Four must be on the move. “Hand it over,” Reed said as he grabbed for ground.
The Human and Mutzachan stayed very still the offered tube. “I’ll be right back.” “I am fine Captain, though I...” Reed didn’t
on the roof, not wanting to betray their position Reed gathered up the Mega Glue and the hear the rest as the massive pain in his leg was
to the Walker. Villanite filled computer case, and took off revealed to be a large blasted smoking hole in
The HD appeared not to have seen them as downstairs. his thigh armor. The small part of Reed’s brain
it had moved back out into the road between As he reached the blasted doorway where that wasn’t screaming in pain thought idly that
the tower and a terminal building. It was Kol died, he peered into the street. The HD was he must have been shot. Reed was lying on his
directly below them right then blasting away at immobile, but straining mightily against the back wincing in agony, as his AutoDoc adminis-
some unfortunates in the building across the tractor beams. It had managed to turn towards tered a BRI. The icy feeling of that drug
road. the closest crane, aiming an arm cannon matched the icy feeling in his spine as he saw an
“Arliss, why don’t we try it again?” asked toward it. The guy driving this thing was a bit armored Phentari move out of the rubble, rais-
the Mutzachan. smarter than the guy who jockeyed the tank. ing a large bore impact laser in his direction.
“What? Try what?” hissed Reed. The human knelt down and began to squirt Reed went for his P90; at least he tried to,
“The tractor cranes; I still have control of the glue all over the flattest side of the comput- the empty sling told him he had left it on the
them.” Queem patted the body computer at er case. He dropped the empty tube, and roof with Queemis.
his side. steeled himself. The Phentari moved closer and raised the
Duh, thought Reed. “Good one. Get on it. “Chibo Lead, here I go!” Reed yelled as he weapon to point at Reed’s face. The bore
I’ll ready the explosives,” ready for what Reed ran out into the street with the explosive laden looked like the entrance to hell. Reed could do
wasn’t sure. case held far away from his body to avoid stick- nothing but stare.
“Multanus, Reed. We are going to try and ing it to himself. Reed saw a bright flash and then heard a
use the tractor cranes again, and destroy the He hadn’t gone five meters when the HD loud bang as a second laser blast pounded into
HD with a satchel charge. I’ll give a shout when fired a blast from one of it’s arm cannons that his abdomen.
we are ready.” blasted apart one of the nearby tractor cranes Abdomen? He was aiming at my head,
“Very well, we await your signal.” that was holding it down. Reed skidded to a thought Reed.
While Queemis worked on his computer, halt. It began to move slowly, and was turning Through the tremendous pain he could see
Reed began to dig through Shanus’ pack. It was toward him. the Phentari toppling over, the weapon drop-
full of carefully organized small plastic- Shit. Too late now, I’m committed, thought ping from its limp tentacles. Nearly half of the
wrapped packages and boxes of small electron- Reed, as he broke right and tried to circle squid’s head had been blasted away, with only
ic timers and detonators... and three carefully around the slowly turning HD. It fired a blast a portion of helmet, and unidentifiable meat
cushioned bottles of Talberma Torchlight that narrowly missed the fleet-footed human as still attached to the shoulders.
Whiskey. “Figures,” mumbled Arliss as he he closed on his target. “You owe me one, human,” came the soft,
pulled out all the packages labeled Villanite. “It’s seen me!” Reed screamed in his head. hissing response over Reed’s helmet earphone.
Reed found a radio detonator and began quick- As soon as he closed to one meter, he “Herrassarious...” Reed mumbled as the
ly reading its instructions. He jammed a deto- slowed enough to swing the case around his AutoDoc kicked in again, and the blackness of
nator into each of the Villanite bricks as illus- body and slap it against the backside of the HD; unconsciousness began to enfold him. Reed’s
trated on their labels, and tied them together with a satisfying splat sound the case stuck. final though for that day echoed in his mind,
with piece of wire. Reed then pulled his body Reed didn’t even break stride as he ducked low “This job is definitely not worth forty-five grand
computer out of its slipcase and rested it on the and ran like a madman away from the slowly a year.”





Weapons Tables • 2
eapons. Lots of them. It’s what Lock-N-Load is all about. Over the
centuries and eons all of the sentient races in the universe have
come up with a myriad of ways to slaughter their fellow sentient.
Whether it’s a piece of chipped flint or an Abomination Omega
Cannon, they’ve all held the same purpose: make the other guy do
what you want or get rid of him permanently. By the late twenty-
third century the science of killing has risen to a veritable art form. Never
before has it been so easy to turn thine enemy into a smoking, greasy memory
with barely the push of a button; sometimes merely a thought! Though the pro-
tection industry is constantly improving armors, Flux shields, and other tech-
nologies, the weapons designers always seem to have the upper hand.
Whether you like to work close with the blade, or reach to the horizon with a
Gauss Rifle, it’s all here for you. Many of the Alliance races have had high-technolo-
gy for tens of thousands of years and the variety of their systems is truly staggering.
Perhaps the latest laser pistol from Savage is what you need, or maybe you just love
the sound of a 1,000 year old Orion muzzle-loader. Look around, you’ll probably be
able to find anything you could want. Because of their population explosion, Human
based designs have become very popular, with most other races designing their
IN THIS CHAPTER... weapons to work with the humanoid form (except for the Phentari, of course). Any
Battlelord can find the perfect tool for the job. So don’t wait and load up today!
Weapons Tables
Accessories/Ammo Tables Guns, Guns, Everywhere!
Lock-N-Load is the prime source for hand-held weapons in Battlelords of the
Twenty-third Century. We have provided you with hundreds of weapons so you can
equip your player or NPC with exactly the right weapon for his personality or spe-
cific task at hand. Battle Master’s will find that there is enough variety here to
always keep your players guessing; no matter how big and bad they become, there
will always be someone or something that can smoke them like a cheap cigar.
This chapter contains all of the tables for each weapons system. The major-
ity of the stats you’ll need to use the weapon in play can be found here. All of the
tables in this section are organized in alphabetical order, by system, and then by
price (with a few exceptions) within each table. In the header of each table can
be found the page number where that system’s descriptions can be found.

Range Brackets: Denotes the base percentage chance to strike a target at the specified range.
SS: System Shock is the base percentage chance of a weapon surviving undamaged when it
is dropped, jarred etc.
ROF: Rate of Fire represents the maximum number of rounds that the weapon can fire per
second. Weapons with a rate of fire greater than 1 are assumed to be automatic.
The ultimate in crowd control! This dude is feel- MN: Malfunction Number. An attack roll of this number or higher indicates that the weapon
ing the power rush of firing an XM-214 variant. A has malfunctioned. Checked on each attack roll.
light weight, aluminum alloy mini-gun, which uti- Q: The number of rounds or charges that the weapon can hold. “+1” after the Q number
lizes an electric motor to drive all six barrels. A denotes some Archaic Powder Weapons’ ability to carry one round in the chamber.
quick snap shoulder harness allows for fast separa- DAM: The amount of damage that each hit, shot, or discharge does per attack.
tion from the weapon. The greatest problem with P: Parry Number. The percentage chance for the weapon to parry an attack.
operating mini-guns is that you need to have an 18- ENC: Encumbrance of the weapon.
wheeler following you around just to carry the COST: The cost to buy this weapon, expressed in credits. If the number is followed by an
ammo! Also, range is limited. But if you just want to “M” it means millions of credits.
“jam,” this is definitely the weapon of choice! IR: Integrity Reduction (only for archaic hand weapons).


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


Ashannari 70 - - - - - - 05 94 1/6 1 spec 1 2 500
Axe (hand) 55 - - - - - - 15 35 1/2 - 1-6 1 2 10
Axe (throwing) 60 50 00 - - - - 12 35 1/6 1 1-6 1 1 20
Axe (two-handed) 75 - - - - - - 10 50 1/4 - 3-9 2 12 25
Bas 80 - - - - - - 20 70 1/3 - 3-12 3 20 100
Billy Club 75 - - - - - - 15 50 1 - spec 1 1 20
Blackjack 60 - - - - - - - 20 1 - spec 0 1 25
Blaheeli 50 35 05 - - - - - 03 1/6 1 spec 0 .1 175
Blowgun 70 50 15 - - - - - 40 1/6 1 spec 0 3 50
Bow (compound) 70 60 50 40 20 00 -10 - 32 1/6 1 var var 10 150
Bow (long) 70 60 50 20 10 -10 - - 25 1/6 1 var var 9 70
Bow (short) 70 60 35 05 -30 - - - 20 1/6 1 var var 5 25
Caltrops 10 - - - - - - - 20 - - 1 0 6 50
Catir 80 - - - - - - 15(+10) 70 1/3 1 3-9 2 8 250
Cay 85 - - - - - - 10 65 1/4 - 3-12 5 40 100
Chain 60 - - - - - - - 90 1/2 - 1-6 1 6 5
Club 75 - - - - - - 12 50 1/2 - 1-6 1 7 1
Cronk 60 - - - - - - 17 100 1/3 - 2-12 3 12 1,500
Crossbow (light) 75 65 55 25 05 -20 - - 40 1/6 1 1-6 var 7 55
Crossbow (heavy) 75 65 55 30 15 -05 -30 - 45 1/12 1 2-7 var 12 110
Dagger 50 - - - - - - 02 100 2 - 1-4 1 1 4
Dagger (throwing) 65 45 -10 - - - - - 100 1/3 1 1-6 1 1 15
Doka 65 - - - - - - 08 65 1/4 - 2-8 2 8 30
Dossien 60 30 - - - - - - 30 1/2 - 1-6 1 2 25
Emp 80 40 - - - - - - 60 1/5 - 3-18 6 55 50
Fanwal 70 45 10 - - - - - 25 1/6 1 2-12 2 18 300
Fas 70 - - - - - - - 10 1/2 - 1-3 0 3 75
Flail 65 - - - - - - 12 95 1/3 - 2-8 2 7 20
Garotte 50 - - - - - - - 40 1 - spec 0 1 20
Honj 85 - - - - - - 15 - 1/4 - 3-18 6 28 500
Huumack 60 - - - - - - 08 100 1 - 2-5 1 3 50
Ioken 70 55 25 -05 -25 - - - 50 3/12 3 2-12 2 20 175
Jabat 60 30 - - - - - 10 98 1/6 - spec 0 6 200
Kamnan 80 - - - - - - 25 50 1/3 - 1-8 1 13 10
Kla 60 - - - - - - 10 35 1/4 - 1-6 1 5 10
Knalu-Knalu 50 - - - - - - 02 40 1/3 - spec 2 12 350
Muadirg Spec - - - - - - - 40 1/3 1 2-12 2 4 100
Naj 80 - - - - - - - 30 1/4 - 3-18 2-12 35 200
Nunchaku 85 - - - - - - 30 40 2 - 1-3 1 2 75
Ptfaang 85 - - - - - - 25 55 1/3 1 1-8+ 3 10 70
Skil 80 60 25 00 - - - - 50 1 1 1-3 1 1 200
Sling Shot 70 45 15 -15 - - - - 85 1/4 1 1-2 0 1 5
Spear 80 - - - - - - 25 50 1/3 - 1-8 1 6 5
Staff 85 - - - - - - 50 65 1 - 1-4 0 12/6 20
Stiletto 50 - - - - - - - 45 1 - 1-2 1 1 35
Sword (broad) 65 - - - - - - 45 85 1/2 - 2-8 3 6 60
Sword (long) 75 - - - - - - 35 65 1/3 - 1-8 2 6 60
Sword (short) 60 - - - - - - 30 70 1 - 1-6 2 4 40
Sword (two-handed) 85 - - - - - - 15 - 1/4 - 2-12 4 15 80
Ti-Jabat 60 - - - - - - - 99 1/6 - spec 0 6 250
Tieaz 65 - - - - - - 01 70 1 - 2-8 1 2 60
Toma 95 - - - - - - 35 30 1/3 - 3-12 3 12 500
Whip 70 - - - - - - - 10 1/2 - spec 0 3 25


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Ultimax 90 70 55 40 15 -05 -30 - 99 99 7 100 2-8 16 3,600
M-60 80 60 50 40 25 10 -05 -25 97 96 6 50 3-12 17 5,000
PK 84 62 45 33 23 05 -10 -20 95 100 7 var 3-12 12 5,250
FN Magnum 85 62 50 41 27 12 -05 - 98 100 8 200 3-12 35 5,500
MAW MG Shell 85 68 53 40 30 10 00 - 98 99 10 50 3-10 25 6,000
SAW 85 61 50 43 27 12 00 -20 100 100 10 200 2-8 25 7,000
M-240 82 62 50 42 30 15 00 -15 98 100 10 50 3-12 24 8,000
LTX-311 80 65 55 33 10 -05 -20 -40 100 100 12 500 2-8 140 9,000
XM-214 65 55 37 15 02 -20 -45 - 99 100 20 50 2-7 26 10,000
MG3 87 69 55 43 29 15 -03 -15 100 100 13 50 3-12 24 11,000
Riddler 95 85 70 50 30 10 -05 - 99 70 10 100 2-8 10 16,000
Browning .50 92 83 71 63 45 35 20 00 98 100 4 50 4-24 100 20,000
Hose 130 110 90 50 20 -30 - - 100 100 30 250 3-12 100 30,000
XM3120 90 85 70 60 45 35 15 00 100 100 2 50 4-24 50 30,000
M2A .50 cal 92 85 73 65 46 36 23 02 97 100 6 50 4-24 150 32,000
ASP 20 90 80 68 55 40 35 20 00 95 100 4 50 5-30 180 40,000
KPV 90 83 71 63 48 40 20 00 99 100 4 50 6-24 130 40,000
NSV 90 83 70 57 45 35 10 -10 98 100 8 50 4-24 90 50,000
XM307 90 85 75 65 45 30 10 -05 98 100 2 50 5-30 60 50,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
S&W .22 Cal. 65 55 40 10 -20 - - - 98 100 1 1 1-6 2 40
Police .38 Cal 75 70 65 20 -15 -50 - - 99 100 1 6 2-7 2 100
Derringer .44 Cal 68 55 40 05 -30 - - - 98 100 1 2 2-8 1 120
Colt .357 Magnum 70 60 55 25 05 -30 - - 99 100 1 6 2-8 2 130
S&W .44 Magnum 68 60 50 20 -10 -35 - - 100 100 1 6 3-9 3 245
Walther PPK 77 70 65 34 00 -70 - - 99 100 1 7+1 2-5 2 350
Beretta 9mm 78 68 60 35 25 -15 - - 98 100 2 15+1 1-6 3 400
Colt Anaconda .48 Cal 65 55 35 20 10 -20 - - 100 100 1 13+1 4-10 4 425
S&W 48 Plus 65 55 35 20 10 -20 - - 100 96 1 13+1 4-10 4 500
Punk 78 55 35 20 - - - - 97 75 1 6 1-6 2 600
IMI Eagle 75 65 58 35 10 -30 - - 99 100 2 9+1 2-8 4 650
Glock 9 75 50 20 00 -20 - - - 98 75 1 15 2-7 2 800
Night Stalker 65 60 45 37 22 05 -20 - 99 100 1 3 4-11 4 1,000
MAW Pistol/Basic Module 62 55 40 20 05 -20 -40 - 94 99 2 20 3-10 4 1,500
P7 75 70 65 50 30 00 - - 100 100 3 15 2-7 2 1,600
Model 93RS 90 83 74 40 18 -07 - - 97 100 3 25 2-7 2 1,800
.454 Casull 60 48 40 35 25 10 -10 - 99 100 1 5 3-13 4 2,500
Glock 18c 80 67 40 10 00 - - - 98 99 3 17 2-7 2 3,000
Century Model 500 57 45 38 31 20 05 -15 - 99 100 1 5 4-14 5 4,000


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
M1E 70 60 38 20 -10 -30 - - 98 90 1 10 2-9 11 300
AK-74 77 65 55 30 05 -05 -25 - 99 100 3 30+1 2-8 8 450
M-16A5 80 70 60 40 30 05 -20 - 97 97 3 30+1 2-8 7 500
Galil Assault Rifle 70 60 40 30 -05 -15 -30 - 99 97 5 35 2-7 8 600
Fu Fu Gun 78 60 45 22 00 - - - 92 95 1/3 1 2-8 5 1,000
AR 17 85 75 60 45 20 05 -10 - 99 70 4 30 2-8 7 2,000
H&K ACR 84 80 75 60 40 20 02 - 98 93 3 24 2-8 9 2,500
MAW Carbine Shell 85 73 55 40 15 -05 -30 - 99 99 4 30 3-10 8 3,000
EWS 90 80 70 60 40 30 20 00 100 100 4 20 2-8 9 3,200
MAW Battle Rifle Shell 85 78 63 50 20 05 -10 - 99 99 4 30 3-10 10 3,700
Steyr Aug 82 70 66 51 30 05 -15 - 100 97 5 30 2-8 6 4,000
Steyr ACR 88 83 78 55 37 20 04 - 98 96 3 30 2-8 7 4,500
G14 102 95 77 45 20 -20 - - 99 100 3 50 2-7 9 5,500
Crossfire (rifle) 77 65 55 30 05 -05 - - 99 100 1 20 3-12 8 7,000
FN-FAL 80 75 65 45 20 05 -10 -30 97 100 3 20 3-12 10 7,500
M4A2 75 65 55 35 25 00 -25 - 95 97 7 30+1 2-7 6 9,000
TK-7A 82 70 60 45 35 25 15 05 98 100 3 20+1 3-12 7 10,000
AUG 56 80 60 45 25 12 -02 - - 98 82 4 30 2-8 6 10,000
G36 102 90 80 70 45 10 -15 - 99 96 7 30 2-7 7 15,000
.700 Nitro Express 70 60 42 31 05 -10 - - 99 100 1 2 6-24 14 25,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Ithaca Hammerless 10g 95 60 -10 - - - - - 98 100 2 4+1 3-12 10 150
(slug) 80 55 30 -20 - - - - 3-9
Remington M870 12g 100 72 05 -35 - - - - 97 100 1 5+1 3-12 10 200
(slug) 85 60 35 15 - - - - 2-7
Franchi SPAS 12g 100 60 15 -35 - - - - 99 100 2 7+1 3-9 8 375
(slug) 90 60 45 -05 -40 - - - 2-8
Masral 12g 97 65 -10 -45 - - - - 95 100 2 5+1 2-12 11 550
(slug) 83 50 30 -10 -30 - - - 3-9
Pancor Jackhammer 12g 90 75 40 20 -20 - - - 100 95 3 12 3-12 11 4,000
(slug) 90 65 50 30 10 - - - 3-9
Crossfire 12g (shot only) 102 80 60 22 - - - - 100 100 1 12 4-16 8 7,000
Road Blocker 10g (slug) 90 80 60 40 10 - - - 99 97 1 12 4-16 13 7,000
H&K CAWS 12g (slug) 95 88 65 20 5 - - - 100 96 4 12 3-12 12 8,500
Masral Smuggler 10g 99 60 43 20 - - - - 98 85 1 5 4-16 5 9,000
(slug) 80 65 50 30 15 - - - 4-10
H&K Bulwark 10g 98 50 40 15 - - - - 100 80 4 12 4-16 10 15,000
(slug) 85 60 45 20 -5 - - - 4-10
HS Series D 10g 92 75 50 20 -10 - - - 97 95 5 15 4-16 6 20,000
(slug) 80 60 50 30 10 - - - 3-9


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
MAW Sniper Rifle Shell 100 90 80 62 30 10 00 - 99 99 2 10 3-10 11 3,500
PSG1 100 95 90 65 30 15 02 -18 99 100 1 5 3-12 17 5,000
Walther A2000 115 107 100 85 45 20 10 00 99 100 1 6 4-16 15 8,000
MP9 85 85 80 60 40 20 00 -25 99 80 4 10 3-12 6 12,000
Barrett 82 105 95 88 77 33 25 15 -05 97 100 1 11+1 4-24 17 15,000
NTW-20 94 84 77 66 25 15 00 -20 98 100 1/3 3 5-30 60 24,000
M880 Mjolnir 110 102 90 89 51 30 17 -01 99 98 1/3 1 6-36 27 30,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
IMI Uzi 80 70 60 35 10 -30 - - 99 100 4 32 1-6 7 350
Thompson .45 63 55 25 00 -35 - - - 94 99 4 50 2-8 8 375
MP5 75 65 55 40 20 05 -20 - 96 100 4 30 1-6 6 600
SM 90 107 75 45 08 -15 - - - 93 100 8 33 1-6 3 1,500
Mini-Uzi 80 70 60 28 -05 -35 - - 99 100 7 32 1-6 6 2,800
CBM2 98 84 60 35 03 -40 - - 98 98 6 30 2-8 7 3,000
MP5K 75 63 52 36 10 -10 - - 97 100 8 30 1-6 5 2,800
Micro-Uzi 85 70 60 23 02 -35 - - 98 100 10 20 1-6 4 4,900
Mako 105 90 73 44 20 - - - 99 100 7 35 1-6 5 3,000
Skorpion Model 66 95 80 60 24 -10 - - - 98 100 10 30 1-6 4 5,000
HammerFist 100 92 80 35 10 - - - 98 100 8 40 2-8 5 7,000
FN P90 105 92 75 50 35 10 02 - 99 100 8 50 2-5 5 7,500
E15K 100 90 70 40 - - - - 100 100 25 50 1-4 3 10,000
MAC 10 120 70 40 25 05 - - - 97 100 10 30 2-8 8 10,000
E9 110 95 80 50 10 - - - 100 100 25 100 1-4 9 12,500
MAC 11 125 75 35 15 -15 - - - 96 100 15 30 1-6 5 20,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
M1 70 45 00 -50 - - - - 96 93 1/3 30 1-8 6 10,000
Cheetah 80 60 45 05 -45 - - - 97 97 1/3 20 2-8 8 25,000
Tiger 82 65 50 15 -15 - - - 99 99 1/3 30 2-12 10 60,000
Mark 3 85 60 40 20 00 -20 -40 - 99 99 1/3 30 3-18 10 125,000
Lion 85 70 50 35 10 -25 -50 - 99 99 1 30 3-18 16 160,000
Sabertooth 90 70 45 25 15 10 -25 - 99 99 1 25 4-24 12 250,000
Mark 4 95 75 40 20 -05 -10 -50 - 99 99 1 25 5-30 15 500,000
Mark 5 98 86 65 40 15 05 -65 - 99 99 1 25 6-36 14 1M
Behemoth 70 65 45 30 10 - - - 96 96 1 25 9-90 60 3.5M


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Jellatizer 80 60 45 10 -5 - - - 94 95 1/3 25 2-12 21 20,000
Ravager 95 87 67 40 25 -10 - - 97 92 1/3 30 var 25 40,000
Emulsifier 98 76 50 28 12 00 - - 98 99 1/3 50 4-24 20 82,000
Able Plus 105 92 75 56 34 10 5 - 99 100 1/3 100 var 35 130,000
Shake and Bake 100 80 55 20 -10 - - - 98 97 spec 100 spec 40 400,000
Earthquake 97 92 70 50 20 - - - 99 100 1/6 25 5-30 12 2.0M
BC-Milk Shake 105 76 72 44 28 - - - 100 100 1/6 20 6-36 13 5.0M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Cyclone 90 84 70 42 20 10 -20 - 98 86 1 60 3-18 9 60,000
Crusher 84 80 74 50 20 -05 - - 99 99 1 30 5-30 14 100,000
Orbital 84 80 76 54 32 16 00 -20 99 96 1 50 4-16 12 120,000
Archer 92 88 82 70 50 25 10 -05 100 100 1 60 4-24 16 180,000
Meteor 82 79 68 35 10 00 -40 - 97 98 3 30 4-16 12 220,000

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Allox 20mm 107 105 96 80 60 35 15 -05 100 100 8 500 5-30 110 120,000
Vixer 30mm 105 100 92 81 64 40 05 -20 100 99 7 500 6-36 120 180,000
BC-Blister 100 97 84 75 50 10 -05 -35 100 100 8 500 spec 80 230,000
Chainsaw Lightning 100 96 88 75 55 20 02 -30 100 100 24 500 6-36 170 260,000


Adamsite 2,000 Magellan Malaria 50,000
Ankylosing Synovitis 6,000 Mustard Gas 1000
Anthrax 35,000 Niridiean Plague 60,000
Blood Salt 1,000 Phio Sodium Augurate 41,000
Bubonic Plague 50,000 Phosgene 2,000
BZ 3,000 Puppet Maker 28,000
C-Mex 3,000 Rocky Mountain Fever 35,000
Cerebral Menengitis 45,000 Sarin 12,000
Clostridium Botulin 10,000 Staphylococcus Aureus 2,000
Cribits 30,000 Tabum 15,000
Cyanide 6,000 Tribox 9,000
Di-Methyl-Sodium Pentalate 1,000 Virean Plague 70,000
Emeresk 12,000 VX 8,000
Encephalitides 30,000
HAF 95,000
HD 7,000
Imblast Dengue Fever 40,000
Jumis Fever 50,000
Korax 50,000
Korilium-312 4,500


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


1) 1-250m 2) 251-500m 3)501-1,000m 4) 1,001-2,500m 5) 2,501-5,000m 6) 5,001-7,500 7) 7,501-10,000m 8) 10,001m+
TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
85 Pound Carrinade - - 35 80 65 35 15 - 97 98 1/6 5 spec 250 125,000
Mini-Howitzer - 20 50 90 72 45 25 10 99 99 1/3 10 spec 475 250,000

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Neutralizer 90 20 -40 - - - - - 95 49 1/3 20 4-24/1-8 4 25,000
Eliminator 95 40 - - - - - - 99 50 1 12 3-18/1-6 2 40,000
Neutralizer-2 90 30 -20 -50 - - - - 96 60 1 40 4-24/1-8 8 42,000
K-4 Proton Cannon 90 40 10 -30 - - - - 99 75 1 20 4-24/3-12 9 50,000
Majestic 95 45 05 -25 - - - - 98 85 1 40 4-24/3-18 7 70,000
Majestic 2 97 50 15 -20 - - - - 99 90 1 40 4-24/3-18 8 80,000
K-8 Vaporizer 85 35 05 -40 - - - - 98 80 2 40 6-36/3-18 16 100,000
BC-Duster 90 80 30 -05 - - - - 93 85 1/3 25 20-80/10-40 8 125,000
Gashil 105 40 05 -50 - - - - 98 98 1/3 25 20-80/10-40 9 180,000
NE-7 Comrade 115 75 15 -30 - - - - 100 100 1 50 40-160/20-80 14 500,000
Americas 90 60 40 00 -50 - - - 100 97 1 25 40-160/20-80 10 700,000
Rommel 90 50 00 -50 - - - - 100 100 1 50 80-320/40-160 14 2.5M
Patton 100 65 10 -30 - - - - 100 100 1 12 120-480/60-240 20 4.8M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Pulse 107 80 40 10 - - - - 99 94 1/9 10 2-8 17 95,000
Agitator 100 94 62 30 05 - - - 99 96 1/6 15 3-12 15 165,000
Fomentor 135 90 40 -10 - - - - 97 97 1/6 20 4-24 28 350,000
Hammer 100 95 70 60 17 -07 - - 97 95 1/6 10 3-18 16 400,000
Stingray 103 90 80 40 20 - - - 100 98 1/9 15 4-16 14 0.5M
EMP-X 105 96 70 55 20 - - - 100 100 1/9 20 6-36 17 0.75M
Ultra-Mag 101 93 60 35 15 - - - 100 96 1/6 25 8-48 30 2.0M


Dynamite EFN Stick 2-24 1 150 Electronic Timer (E) 95 1 100
C-4 ENPRT Block 4-48 .25 450 Fuse (F) 90 1 1
Micronite ENR Disk 4-48 .1 500 Multi-Step 95 3 100
Jellnite ENRS Tube 10-100 .2 1,600 Nanoid (N) 99 - 5,000
Fluid Jell ENPRS Vial 10-100 .25 2,000 Pressure (P) 99 2 75
Nitro-7 ENR Vial 40-160 .1 2,500 Radio (R) 90 2 200
Villanite ENRS Block 50-300 .25 4,000 Sonic (S) 92 2 500
Tripwire (T) 100 1 20


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+

A-2 110 70 30 -05 - - 5 35 100 99 1 10 2-12 6 500
ME2E1-9 105 80 55 15 -35 - 10 75 96 97 1 100 var 20 2,500
ME2E1-9B 120 100 60 40 -10 - 10 60 94 97 1 50 4-16 20 4,000
Blazer 100 90 60 40 05 - 15 120 100 100 1 100 4-16 10 7,000
Sizzler 105 95 50 10 - - 2 35 100 100 1 10 2-12 10 10,000
Charbroil 100 80 40 20 - - 3 50 100 100 1 9 3-12 5 12,000
DUR: Denotes the maximum duration of the flame in seconds. After this time the flamer must cool for 3 sec.
MAX: Denotes the maximum range of the flame in meters


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Accelerator 80 55 20 -30 - - - - 97 95 1 20 4-48 4 20,000
Henderson 82 60 30 00 -20 - - - 100 92 2 20 4-40 4 30,000
Emissions 80 65 47 05 -35 - - - 98 60 1 25 5-50 4 25,000
AFR-1 85 70 55 25 -05 -40 - - 99 80 2 20 8-80 12 95,000
Quasar 80 70 55 35 10 00 -10 -30 100 100 2 40 8-96 110 275,000
Pulsar 90 80 60 30 10 -15 -35 - 100 100 2 40 20-120 25 325,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Snowman 92 70 20 -15 - - - - 90 95 1 20 1-8 15 10,000
Iceman 90 65 30 -40 - - - - 96 95 1 20 2-12 12 16,500
Big Frosty 95 72 40 10 -20 - - - 98 98 1 50 3-18 8 40,000
BC-Frost Giant 110 70 - - - - - - 97 95 1 20 6-36 6 100,000
BC-Frost Slayer 90 85 60 46 10 - - - 97 95 1 20 4-24 8 100,000
CG-911 85 80 70 52 20 00 - - 98 96 1/3 1 6-36 12 150,000
BC-Winterdom 90 87 80 69 20 - - - 100 100 2 12 8-48 14 350,000
CG-X2 85 80 75 64 44 20 07 - 95 100 3 20 6-36 15 400,000
CG-911 Turbo 75 70 65 40 10 -05 - - 97 94 4 5 6-36 18 500,000
BC-Arctic 80 75 70 40 05 - - - 99 99 2 6 10-60 28 600,000
Big Frosty II 120 80 30 - - - - - 96 94 1 10 var 25 2.0M
Avalanche F1 96 90 80 71 50 22 - - 100 100 1 50 12-120 18 10.0M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM TR ENC COST
Linearity 90 80 80 60 40 20 10 00 93 94 1 10 var 3 18 45,000
Gauss 1 90 90 88 75 55 35 20 15 97 93 1 10 var 4 15 60,000
Coilizer 85 80 77 65 35 15 00 -15 98 95 4 20 var 3 12 100,000
Gauss 2 90 90 88 75 55 35 20 15 98 95 1 10 var 6 18 150,000
GR3 RangeMaster 92 88 80 72 58 45 34 25 98 100 1 35 var 8 20 400,000
BC-Rail Gun 95 95 95 90 80 70 50 40 100 100 1 30 var 10 23 600,000
BC-Rail King 95 95 95 90 80 70 50 40 100 100 1 30 var 15 23 1.5M
Horizon 95 95 95 95 90 75 55 45 100 100 1 15 var 20 14 4.0M
TR: Threshold Reduction


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
GEW-1 80 60 40 10 -16 - - - 95 90 spec 20 spec 20 25,000
Floater 90 80 65 30 00 - - - 98 96 spec 25 spec 15 30,000
Crumb Snatcher 95 82 74 40 25 - - - 97 93 spec 10 spec 15 35,000
BC-Graviton 95 95 80 55 25 05 -35 - 97 94 spec 20 spec 23 87,000
Thief 97 95 85 65 40 25 10 - 98 98 spec 20 spec 15 100,000
Able Effect 97 95 82 60 37 25 - - 98 98 spec 20 spec 18 150,000
BC-Gravite 95 95 80 55 45 35 20 - 97 94 spec 20 spec 23 250,000
Marrson Transport 95 95 80 65 55 45 30 - 100 100 spec 20 spec 1000 10.M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Conflict 90 80 65 30 - - - - 95 96 spec 25 1 10 30,000
Conflagration 92 85 70 42 10 -10 - - 98 98 spec 25 4 14 150,000
BC-Sparkler 95 95 80 55 45 35 20 - 94 92 spec 20 8 17 200,000

BX-1 Biological 1 5,000 LAUNCHED GRENADES
CR-3 Chemical 1 5,000 M-202 2-5/2-9 1 200
CS-7 Chemical 1 70 M-205 1-4/2-9 1 150
Frost 6-36 1 2,000 M-383 2-8/2-12 1 220
M-75 (frag) 1-4/2-12 1 50 M-430 Special 2 400
M-80 (smoke) Smoke 1 50 GRENADE MODIFICATIONS
M-85 (frag) 1-6/2-12 1 75 Impact - +0 x3
M-90 (concussion) 1-4/3-18 1 150 Robot - x2 x6
M-95 (frag) 2-8/2-12 1 135 Smart - +0 x4
Molotov Cocktail Fire 2 5 Sticky - +0.5 x2
Omegaton 3-12/60-360 3 50,000 MICRO GRENADES
P-4 2-8/2-8 1 150 Explosive 1-2 .1/10 5/10
Plasma 4-16/3-18 2 1,000 Flash Biological .1/10 2
Plasma Seduction 6-36/8-48 4 20,000 Knockout Biological .1/10 75
Super Plasma 4-24/4-24 3 5,000 Smoke - .1/10 3
T-3 Blinder Biological 1 4,000
Viscosity-1 -30/50% 1 1,000
Viscosity-2 -50/40% 1 2,000
Viscosity-3 -75/30% 1 3,000
Viscosity-4 -100/0% 1 4,000


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
M79 75 75 55 30 10 -05 - - 96 97 1 1 var 6 250
M-203 75 75 50 20 00 - - - 99 98 1 1 var 3 400
M-75 80 75 55 26 00 - - - 100 100 1/3 6 var 7 3,500
M-L50 85 85 60 30 00 -45 - - 100 98 1 1 var 5 5,000
Turbo Plus 80 78 65 25 -05 -50 - - 98 97 2 12 var 15 30,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Mk19 AGL 70 60 50 40 20 05 -10 -25 99 100 2 50 var 140 75,000
Mk25 AGL 75 65 55 45 25 10 -05 -20 98 100 2 50 var 110 120,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Enveloper 110 98 70 40 -05 - - - 97 99 1/3 20 4-24 x 4 60 100,000
Realm Generator 120 110 100 90 80 65 30 -10 92 98 1/6 20 6-36 x 4 110 200,000
Wompum Happy Gun 110 105 85 30 05 - - - 97 94 1/3 25 6-36 x 6 35 400,000
Quad Pulse Devastator 125 115 105 90 70 50 30 10 99 100 1/12 1 20-80 x 4 600 600,000
Balshrom Vice 140 120 100 90 75 40 20 10 99 100 1/12 1 4-24 x 8 700 600,000

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS Q DT ROF ENC COST
Bottle Opener 90 70 35 15 - - - - 92 95 50 1-12 1/6 2 15,000
Def-Pulse 1 100 90 80 60 30 - - - 95 97 50 2-16 1/3 2 40,000
Void Pulse 110 100 90 70 50 - - - 99 99 25 4-24 1/6 2 50,000
DWS 150 125 110 100 90 60 20 - 100 100 10 6-36 1/6 2 75,000

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Able Blistex 60 25 05 - - - - - 94 90 1 2 2-8 10 1,000
Ferrite 75 45 20 05 - - - - 90 96 1 15 2-8 25 4,000
BC-Splatter Gun 81 48 23 10 -20 - - - 98 95 1 5 2-8 22 5,000
Ironside 80 55 35 17 - - - - 95 95 1 10 3-12 25 8,000
Liquid 87 65 40 25 10 - - - 97 97 1 7 2-8 21 10,000
Safeguard 85 40 10 - - - - - 98 95 1 7 4-16 26 20,000
Able Ore 102 80 20 - - - - - 99 96 1 8 4-16 28 30,000
BC-Chunky 80 61 35 10 - - - - 98 93 1 10 3-18 23 45,000
Cumaaskk 90 80 50 35 20 - - - 99 99 1 5 4-24 26 75,000
Might 90 67 41 23 10 - - - 99 98 1 7 4-24 22 75,000


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


Micro-Sphere 2,000 Anti-Missile Pod 12 35,000
Dummy Sphere 4,500 Anti-Personnel Mine Package 5 10,000
Mini-Sphere 7,000 Anti-Tank Mine Package 10 15,000
Carry Sphere 10,000 Disintegrator (Power) (Comrade) 7 0.75M
Defense Sphere 12,000 Disintegrator (Gashil) 4 165,000
Combat Sphere 20,000 FIGs (Henderson) 7 35,000
Battle Sphere 40,000 Frost Gun (Frost Giant) 8 110,000
Mega-Sphere 65,000 Fuel Air Explosive 25 300,000
PROPULSION SYSTEMS COST High Explosive Package 4 12,000
Propulsion 1 1,000 Incendiary Package 3 7,500
Propulsion 2 4,000 Laser 1 (M18-L) 4 8,000
Propulsion 3 15,000 Laser 2 (Beta 3) 5 120,000
GUIDANCE PACKAGES COST Laser 3 (Crusader) 10 2.2M
Night Vision 450 Lightning Dispenser (Maximus) 9 375,000
IR 550 Machine Gun Laser (RKM 10G) 40 23.0M
Guidance Package 1 1,000 Machine Gun Pod (SAW) 10 23,000
Guidance Package 2 5,000 Metal Gun 1 (Shredder) 5 60,000
Guidance Package 3 10,000 Metal Gun 2 (Parabellum) 3 300,000
Remote Control 12,000 Missile Pack spec 50,000
Visual Remote 25,000 Missile Pod spec 20,000
pAI Package 1 250,000 PAW (Wicked Crimson) 35 18.0M
pAI Package 2 325,000 Powder 1 (M-16A5) 4 700
Brain Module 0.5M Powder 2 (Barret 82) 8 22,000
Genius Module 1.0M Powder 3 (MAC-10) 3 12,000
Pulse 1 (M-20) 10 30,000
Pulse 2 (Vector 4) 8 300,000
Pulse 3 (M-80) 10 4.2M
TYPE ENC COST Thunderbolt Generator (Coulomb) 8 125,000
Electronic Warfare 1 3 20,000
Electronic Warfare 2 8 30,000
Electronic Warfare 3 8 45,000
EMP Package 8 375,000
Flux Shield 1 10 75,000
Flux Shield 2 15 200,000
Heavy-Link 2 25,000
Jam On It 6 55,000
Mazaround 5 55,000
Power Flux System 25 400,000
Surveillance 3 25,000
Transmission Jammer 1 4 10,000
Transmission Jammer 2 6 20,000
UV Dampener 2 10,000


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Luxxman 76 70 56 20 - - - - 88 40 1 8 1-6 3 250
Spectrum 80 80 78 60 30 00 - - 90 60 1 8 2-8 3 400
Spectrum Plus 89 85 80 60 45 -15 - - 89 65 2 10 2-8 3 600
BC-Budget Gun 75 70 67 58 40 15 -40 - 85 72 2 10 2-12 8 10,000
Marrson Opticon 98 98 78 55 22 - - - 84 70 3 10 3-12 2 25,000
Flashlight 98 96 94 85 70 40 15 - 88 35 4 25 3-18 8 50,000
Doomsday 95 95 92 90 80 60 20 -10 70 50 3 25 4-24 7 75,000

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
BC-Violator 90 90 80 50 25 00 -10 - 99 88 1 25 4-16 4 90,000
Angler 98 96 90 83 62 20 00 - 92 80 1 25 3-12 4 100,000
Range Hound 95 95 90 80 60 42 20 - 99 95 1 25 4-16 5 140,000
Laseras 95 90 60 20 -05 - - - 100 98 1 50 4-24 5 225,000
RKM 5000 92 92 90 85 57 20 -15 - 98 85 3 25 4-16 7 300,000
Drexler Auto Cannon 97 95 83 42 20 - - - 100 95 6 30 4-16 6 500,000
Lancer 100 95 90 86 78 72 50 32 99 98 1 50 4-24 12 900,000
BC-Shock Therapy 95 95 92 45 10 - - - 100 100 1/3 20 6-36 15 1.0M
BC-Persuader 95 95 92 65 40 10 - - 100 100 3 20 4-24 16 1.5M
Able Culprit 102 99 97 95 90 80 60 30 100 100 1/3 20 4-32 10 1.7M
Crusader 90 85 80 72 66 55 32 14 98 96 1 50 6-36 12 1.8M
Excellcior 95 90 86 80 70 54 35 14 99 99 1 100 6-36 16 2.0M
Able Dancer 100 99 90 73 43 25 15 05 100 100 3 30 5-30 20 2.2M
BC-Screamer 95 95 92 65 40 10 - - 100 100 5 40 10-80 14 7.0M
Force 94 90 78 55 37 12 03 - 95 95 3 30 10-100 6 10.0M
Super Force 95 80 70 60 25 05 - - 95 95 2 20 10-120 25 14.0M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Tagert 10 70 62 57 52 47 27 10 -10 96 97 8 400 2-12 60 125,000
RKM 10G 72 72 67 66 60 40 15 00 97 99 10 500 3-12 90 160,000
XR-20 90 85 80 75 65 37 20 05 97 95 20 1,200 2-12 95 850,000
BC-Flayer 92 92 92 92 88 85 40 10 98 98 7 400 3-18 70 1.25M
RKM 50G 100 94 85 70 53 17 -10 -25 98 99 12 600 4-16 55 1.6M
Valley Green Assault Gun 90 88 85 80 75 70 65 35 100 99 12 500 5-20 65 3.75M
Shalkon Heavy 90 90 90 85 78 75 60 40 97 99 15 500 6-36 55 6.5M
Octagon 95 88 82 76 72 66 50 30 98 100 8 400 4-24 180 6.75M
Avengance 95 95 90 80 60 20 - - 100 100 7 100 6-36 80 8.0M
Valley Green Express 97 97 95 94 90 88 70 40 100 100 20 500 4-24 140 9.0M
Able Rage 97 91 81 71 49 24 12 06 100 100 12 360 5-30 110 12.5M
Viceroy 99 99 99 98 95 92 90 80 96 88 10 200 4-24 95 15.0M


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Mirchaum SSLU 75 65 55 30 00 - - - 98 52 1 1 2-7 1 200
OLC-Pistol 75 72 70 60 25 - - - 93 55 1 10 1-6 3 400
Penasonic PL3 78 72 65 58 50 30 - - 95 80 1 10 1-6 3 575
BS-2 78 68 60 45 20 - - - 98 85 2 10 2-7 3 800
Midget 78 72 60 40 15 - - - 97 70 2 10 2-5 2 1,275
Pocket Killer 90 90 45 05 - - - - 97 60 1 1 4-16 2 2,000
Tenteclex 1 90 80 70 45 20 - - - 96 70 1 10 1-6 1 2,500
Tenteclex 3 90 80 70 45 20 - - - 96 70 1 10 2-8 1 4,500
Marrson Pistol 80 75 65 50 30 10 - - 97 75 2 10 3-9 3 10,000
Savage-B 75 73 70 60 55 25 -20 - 99 90 3 15 2-8 4 12,225
MC-6 73 70 62 55 35 10 -15 - 94 90 2 10 3-12 4 13,000
Diffraction 72 72 70 60 25 - - - 94 60 1 20 4-24 4 45,000
Savage-C 75 73 70 60 55 25 -20 - 99 90 3 15 3-12 4 50,000
Savage-D 80 80 75 68 60 20 - - 99 95 3 30 4-16 4 125,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
M16-L 75 75 72 64 58 10 -10 - 98 92 1 30 1-8 8 5,000
M18-L 77 75 71 65 60 25 00 -15 95 97 2 30 2-8 8 5,570
Backshaw Light Laser 82 82 80 78 30 15 00 -25 98 95 1 20 2-8 8 10,000
Toshoni LL-C 95 90 85 50 25 -20 -40 - 99 99 2 20 2-8 9 12,500
PK-91 99 63 05 -10 - - - - 98 75 1 10 spec 6 15,000
Micron Carbine 80 78 73 70 68 45 20 -05 97 97 3 50 2-8 8 18,000
RKM Assault Carbine 75 75 70 67 60 40 15 00 99 100 1 50 3-12 11 18,500
Alpha 2 85 85 80 75 70 50 20 10 98 98 1 100 var 12 24,000
Arrow LOSN 100 95 90 85 80 75 48 30 100 99 1 30 3-12 11 25,000
Tagert-6 Shock Gun 70 68 60 55 50 30 10 -05 96 99 2 50 2-12 11 25,000
Shalkon Carbine 80 76 70 67 20 00 - - 99 94 2 - 2-12 10 30,000
Beta 3 85 85 82 78 75 50 30 20 99 99 2 100 var 15 55,000
Hussein 98 70 20 - - - - - 99 80 1 10 spec 6 60,000
RKM 2000 92 92 90 85 75 40 00 - 98 85 3 25 3-12 9 75,000
Arrow-X 95 90 86 80 76 65 40 25 99 99 1 40 3-18 14 90,000
Fundamentalist 95 45 10 -10 - - - - 99 80 1 10 spec 7 125,000
Falcon XR-7 92 90 85 80 75 42 25 10 97 97 5 150 2-12 20 200,000
Gamma 4 85 85 82 78 75 50 30 20 99 99 4 100 var 15 350,000
Calsham-4 90 90 88 85 80 75 50 35 100 100 4 50 4-16 14 450,000
Balshrom Banshee 92 80 75 40 17 10 -12 - 99 90 5 50 4-24 6 700,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Stick Gun 70 60 25 -10 -30 - - - 94 78 1/3 5 var 8 30,000
Deliverance 80 72 55 40 10 -05 -25 - 97 95 1 10 var 8 49,000
Marsson Metal Man 82 70 61 45 25 10 -10 -25 98 93 1/3 5 var 12 55,000
Magnatron 87 75 60 55 34 15 00 -20 99 96 1 10 var 10 70,000
Carousel 80 68 52 30 15 -03 -18 - 96 96 1 20 var 15 100,000


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
BC-Render 90 90 80 40 -30 - - - 99 92 1/3 20 1 10 20,000
BC-Shredder 85 80 70 15 -40 - - - 99 95 1/3 40 2 9 40,000
Twister 90 80 60 20 - - - - 100 90 1/3 15 2 4 45,000
TR-9B 90 90 70 30 -10 -40 - - 100 100 1/3 30 4 10 100,000
Parabellum 90 88 77 25 -05 -30 - - 100 100 1/3 25 8 10 220,000
Parabellum-2 90 85 75 25 -05 -30 - - 100 100 1 30 8 16 450,000
BC-Distortion 85 80 75 40 05 -35 - - 100 98 1/3 25 16 25 475,000
Calsham MG 110 90 85 40 10 -20 - - 100 100 1/3 40 20 13 700,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Assassin 120 110 90 80 45 15 - - 100 100 1/12 1 var .1 20,000
Silence 120 100 80 70 50 30 10 -10 100 100 1/12 1 var .25 28,000

AP-1 P, R 10-60/20-80 10 27,000 Light P,R Special 2 450
AP-2 P, R 20-80/40-160 14 33,000 Magnetor-1 P Special 40 6,000
Bouncing Betty P, T 2-8/1-6 3 220 Magnetor-D P Special 40 5,000
Chemical P Special 5 3,000 Magnetor-H P Nil/5-30 40 8,000
Claymore 3 E, T 3-18/3-18 2 500 Advanced
P, R 3-18/Nil 3 35,000
Claymore E, T 2-12/3-18 2 150 Laser Claymore

Clumpy P, R Special 6 8,000 Advanced

P, R 3-24/Nil 3 35,000
Laser Fountain
Cutter P, R 7-42/Nil 3 15,000
Needler P, R 1/2-8 3 2,000
E1 P 8-48HP 35 110,000
Nuclear R Special 30 1.5M
E2 P 7-42HP 30 75,000
PA-1 P 1-4/5-20 2 300
E3 P 4-24HP 25 50,000
Plasmore E,P 4-24/4-24 3 5,000
E4 Tank Killer P 4-16 HP 20 17,000
PMD-6 P 1/2-12 2 100
Electrical Mine P 4-24/Nil 5 10,000
SC-1000 P, R Nil/6-36 1 10,000
Eviscerater P, R 4-24/2-12 3 8,000
SC-2000 P, R Nil/10-60 1 14,000
FM-1 P, T 3-12/2-12 3 450
Shear P, R 10-60/Nil 12 23,000
Glue P, R Special 3 5,000
Sonic P,R,S Special 2 3,000
Impact Laser
P, R 5-30/Nil 3 65,000 Spoiler P, R 3-12/Nil 3 3,000
Impact Laser Tangler P,R Special 3 500
P, R 3-18/Nil 2 22,000
Fountain Thunder P, R 4-24/6-42 5 15,000
Intertwiner P, R Special 5 10,000 Wedge Cutter P, R 8-48/Nil 3 10,000
Laser Claymore E 2-12/Nil 2 12,000
Laser Fountain P, R 2-12/Nil 3 12,000


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+

NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
LAW 83 60 40 10 00 - - - 95 98 1 1 10-80 7 1,500
Bazooka 80 70 25 -30 - - - - 97 97 1/60 1 10-60 15/5 3,000
Panzerfaust 80 - - - - - - - 99 100 1 1 30-120 14/5 5,000
RPG7-B 84 74 50 25 - - - - 99 100 1/15 1 10-60 10/3 5,700
AT-4 90 65 55 20 05 -15 - - 96 99 1 1 60-360 15 10,000
Kanath-3 50 55 60 75 60 30 - - 98 94 1/20 1 1-4HP 35/15 16,000
Jast 50 50 55 55 60 40 10 - 99 98 1/30 1 1-6HP 80/25 23,000
Nalasu 90 85 70 50 20 - - - 98 95 1/15 1 1-6HP 25/15 33,000
Dragon 88 80 65 50 25 05 - - 97 92 1/60 1 2-7HP 50/25 35,000
Utaba 80 90 75 60 35 10 - - 96 96 1/30 1 2-7HP 55/30 40,000
Sental 90 90 80 65 50 10 - - 99 96 1/25 1 2-8HP 35/20 48,000
Javelin 90 90 85 75 50 20 05 - 97 94 1/20 1 2-9HP 55/20 55,000
TOW 95 85 75 60 40 20 10 -25 99 95 1/60 1 3-12HP 85/20 60,000
Edinboro 55 60 65 90 70 45 20 - 96 93 1/30 1 3-12HP 80/30 70,000
Impact-5 95 80 70 40 20 05 -15 - 98 99 1 1 4-24HP 25 75,000
Figlini 97 82 75 62 30 10 - - 99 100 1/45 1 4-16HP 60/10 80,000
Armbrust 7 85 75 50 25 00 - - - 99 100 1/30 1 4-16HP 22/10 100,000
So-Itar 80 80 70 55 25 00 - - 98 94 1/15 1 3-18HP 25/35 108,000
TOW 2 95 85 80 65 45 30 15 -10 99 95 1/45 1 3-18HP 200/65 113,000
Milan-AS 95 95 95 95 95 95 - - 100 100 1/45 1 spec 40/15 125,000
Spandrel 85 85 75 60 40 20 10 -05 98 95 1/30 1 4-16HP 55/65 130,000
PLG 110 100 90 75 50 35 - - 98 100 1/60 1 4-24HP 75/10 165,000
Firebird 95 80 55 10 - - - - 96 100 1/30 1 5-30HP 30/15 185,000
Gustaf Whistler 97 97 97 97 97 97 - - 100 100 1/45 1 Special 22/16 200,000
Bonoir 102 100 97 80 70 50 37 10 100 100 4/30 4 6-36HP 14/6 375,000
Cobra 98 98 98 98 98 98 - - 100 100 1/30 1 6-36HP 35/12 250,000
HAW-4 94 92 85 70 60 50 10 -08 100 100 1/90 1 8-48HP 90/10 300,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Pershing 2 By Guidance Type 96 88 1/20 1 var 24 8,000
Balistics-8 By Guidance Type 95 90 1/20 1 var 22 11,000
Minuteman By Guidance Type 97 89 3/30 3 var 20 16,000
GTL By Guidance Type 99 99 12/60 12 var 48 25,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Belair RL 85 70 40 25 -05 - - - 98 97 1/18 1 1-6/4-24 9/1 10,000
Steiger 3 87 85 80 55 30 10 -50 - 100 100 1/27 1 2-8/6-36 10/2 40,000
Zandovich 80 60 50 40 20 -20 - - 100 100 4/30 4 2-8/6-36 10/2 50,000


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
1) 1-250m 2) 251-500m 3)501-1,000m 4) 1,001-2,500m 5) 2,501-5,000m 6) 5,001-7,500 7) 7,501-10,000m 8) 10,001m+
Stinger-8 99 95 80 50 40 10 - - 100 80 1/30 1 1-6HP 20/10 20,000
Stinger 9 99 95 85 58 45 15 - - 100 80 1/30 1 2-8HP 22/11 27,000
Blowpipe 105 100 95 70 50 25 - - 100 90 1/30 1 2-12HP 22/10 35,000
ADATS 80 80 80 80 80 - - - 100 100 1/30 1 6-36HP 24/14 140,000
Bonois Missile 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 - 100 100 1/30 1 6-36HP 17/9 175,000
Nike Hercules 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 1/30 1 8-48HP 60/15 250,000
Patriot MDG 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 100 100 1/30 1 4-24HP 35/22 280,000


Spear Gun 85 - - - - - - - 100 99 1/9 1 2-8 1 12 300
Quabal 70 65 40 -10 -50 - - - N/A 70 1/3 1 2-12 1 1 350
Chainsaw 75 - - - - - - 02 100 85 1/3 - 3-12 2 10 450
Plasma Jet 50 - - - - - - 02 N/A 70 1 1 3-12 4 4 500
Thwack ’Em Stick 75 - - - - - - 12 N/A 50 1/2 - 2-12 0 25 500
Hajab 60 30 - - - - - 10 N/A 98 1/6 5 2-8 0 6 600
Plasma Whip 70 - - - - - - - N/A 35 1/2 4 3-12 4 3 3,000
Ghost Staff 70 - - - - - - 25 55 99 1/3 20 1-8 spec 12/6 10,000
Bash ’Em Hammer 60 - - - - - - 20 100 98 1/3 10 3-18 0 20 11,500
Energy Mace 65 - - - - - - 25 100 100 1/2 - 3-12 0 5 50,000
Teg Staff 70 - - - - - - 15 100 100 1/2 - 2-7 0 3 50,000
Light Sword 75 - - - - - - 35 100 100 1/2 - 2-12 4 6 60,000


1) 01-50m 2) 51-150m 3) 151-250m 4) 251-500m 5) 501-1,000m 6) 1,001-2,000m 7) 2,001-3,500m 8) 3,500m+
TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
M224 - 60 60 50 25 05 -20 - 96 95 1/3 - spec 45 2,500
M29 - 50 65 50 20 00 -20 -40 97 99 1/6 - spec 90 5,000
Pincheau ML2 - 25 55 75 70 40 15 00 100 97 1/3 - spec 50 20,000
Pincheau ML3 - 32 62 82 77 45 20 05 98 97 1 10 spec 80 35,000
MOR-1 - 47 78 95 90 62 35 22 97 98 1 15 spec 90 75,000
MOR-3 - 47 78 95 90 62 35 22 100 99 1 20 spec 115 100,000


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Zen Field Weapon 95 60 30 -10 - - - - 95 50 1 10 spec 4 5,000
Neuro-Cancellation 95 60 - - - - - - 99 60 1/3 10 spec 1 10,000
Synapse Neutralizer 80 55 25 - - - - - 97 65 1/3 20 spec 1 10,000
Axion Paralizer 90 80 60 35 - - - - 97 60 1/6 20 spec 3 25,000
Neuro-Masher 95 82 65 35 -10 - - - 95 80 1/3 20 spec 6 75,000
Crowd Killer 120 90 40 - - - - - 98 70 1/6 10 spec 5 45,000
Neuro Cannon 1 93 80 51 20 - - - - 97 92 1/6 10 spec 12 55,000
Neuro Cannon 2 95 90 65 55 30 - - - 98 94 1/6 10 spec 12 70,000
Neuro Cannon 3 95 90 75 60 40 - - - 98 98 1/6 15 spec 12 100,000
Lobotomizer 100 - - - - - - - 100 88 1 5 spec 2 150,000
Chatilian In A Can 90 75 65 50 20 - - - 99 99 1/3 20 spec 9 150,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
OC-1 70 30 00 -55 - - - - 93 88 1 25 4-24 15 35,000
Balshrom Flux Cannon 75 40 10 -40 - - - - 97 92 1 25 4-24 16 42,000
Valley Green OX 70 45 15 -30 -50 - - - 97 90 1 25 5-30 20 65,000
Johnson 112 50 - - - - - - 96 94 1 25 8-48 18 65,000
Able 3 85 55 30 -10 -40 - - - 97 94 1 25 6-36 17 100,000
LS-21 80 50 30 -10 -40 - - - 93 94 1 25 8-48 14 150,000
Rattler 90 85 50 20 -15 -40 - - 98 99 1 50 4-24 20 120,000
Widow Maker 90 70 30 05 - - - - 99 100 1 10 4-24 7 175,000
Able Ram 85 55 35 -05 -45 - - - 92 90 2 40 7-42 18 250,000
Street Howitzer 130 125 60 25 - - - - 100 100 2 2 6-36 8 250,000
Viper XM1 90 80 30 05 -30 -50 - - 98 94 2 50 3-24 20 275,000
Balshrom 2 100 80 30 -10 -50 - - - 97 98 3 50 4-24 22 300,000
OC-66 92 69 50 25 05 - - - 97 97 2 50 6-36 14 350,000
Cobra XM2 95 70 25 -05 -30 -45 - - 99 99 3 50 4-24 20 350,000
Boa 90 80 60 50 -20 - - - 99 99 5 15 4-24 20 350,000
Strikeforce 95 85 65 50 05 - - - 100 100 4 60 6-36 18 750,000
Python XM3 80 40 20 -20 -50 - - - 97 98 1 50 6-60 25 1.0M
Devastator 90 60 30 00 -45 - - - 99 99 2 50 8-80 22 2.0M
Abomination 115 100 90 75 40 -20 - - 100 100 3 50 10-100 55 8.5M
Abomination-2 125 115 80 40 - - - - 100 100 4 50 1-4HP 40 20.0M

PADS PG. 107

TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF DAM Q ENC COST
Trapper 90 65 40 10 - - - - 98 99 2 spec 20 10 5,000
T-Net 85 60 45 - - - - - 100 100 2 spec 20 12 6,000
Pincushion 110 70 - - - - - - 99 95 1 4-24 50 18 7,500
BC-Sentry 80 70 60 50 40 10 -15 - 96 98 3 2-9 100 24 10,000
WatchDog 90 40 20 10 - - - - 100 95 2 3-12 100 22 15,000
Protector 100 78 52 24 13 2 - - 97 100 3 2-12 100 26 30,000
Sentinel 105 95 80 63 48 26 12 -10 96 100 6 2-8 200 30 35,000
Guardsman 120 105 92 20 -20 - - - 100 98 2 2-24 100 36 100,000
Watchman 130 115 102 30 -10 - - - 100 92 2 2-24 100 60 140,000
Defender 110 100 90 70 45 20 10 0 100 96 2 5-30 100 80 450,000


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


Camera System 28 5,000 Dirty As Hell 25HP 70 4.2M
Chemical Skin 15 15,000 Uncle Ernie Loves You 75HP 60 5.0M
EMP System 50 180,000 Mr. Clean 15HP 35 8.0M
Magnetic Plates (per plate) 8 2,000 Anarchist Delight 100HP 50 10.0M
Magnetic Sucker 25 12,500 Green Glass 2,000HP 400 25.0M
Mesh Defense 100 150,000


1 3-18m 50 100 50 35 0 1-4
2 2-12m 100 200 45 30 0 1-6
3 2-8m 200 400 40 25 0 1-8
4 1-6m 400 1,000 35 20 1 1-10
5 1-4m 1,000 2,000 30 15 1 1-12
6 20-120s 1,500 3,000 25 10 1-4 2-12
7 20-80s 3,000 6,000 20 5 1-6 2-16
8 10-40s 5,000 10,000 15 0 1-6 3-18
9 4-24s 7,500 16,000 10 -5 2-8 3-18
10 3-18s 10,000 22,000 5 -10 1-10 4-24
11 2-12s 20,000 50,000 0 -15 2-12 5-30
12 1-10s 30,000 60,000 -5 -20 3-18 6-36
13 1-8s 60,000 120,000 -10 -25 4-24 8-48
14 1-6s 120,000 250,000 -15 -30 5-30 9-54
15 1-4s 200,000 500,000 -20 -35 6-36 10-100
16 1s 300,000 700,000 -25 -40 8-48 20-200
LEVEL: Degree of difficulty to prepare and survive against
TIME: The time it takes for the effects to occur
INGESTIVE COST: Cost for an ingestive poison
INSINUATIVE COST: Cost for an insinuative poison
DETECT INGESTIVE: Chance to detect an ingestive poison
DETECT INSINUATIVE: Chance to detect an insinuative poison
MAKE SMR: Damage suffered if victim makes SMR
FAIL SMR: Damage suffered if victim fails SMR


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
1 Shot Wonder 80 60 30 -20 - - - - 96 75 1 1 4-24 5 3,000
PC-3 85 15 -30 - - - - - 98 55 1 25 3-18 17 14,000
PC-6 65 32 00 -50 - - - - 98 70 1 25 3-18 22 16,000
M-19 83 63 30 10 -05 -35 - - 96 83 1 25 2-12 19 20,000
M-20 Blaster 77 55 20 00 -30 - - - 97 85 1 25 4-24 20 20,000
Mentar Reflex Rifle 75 45 25 -10 -40 - - - 95 85 2 25 5-30 18 25,000
Shorty 120 60 15 - - - - - 98 78 1 15 6-36 17 28,000
Stecker PC 80 65 35 10 -10 -40 - - 95 93 2 25 4-24 14 35,000
BC-Engager 87 60 30 15 -05 -20 - - 97 97 1 50 var 18 40,000
PH-3A 80 60 40 20 00 -35 - - 97 80 1 20 4-24 9 40,000
PT-1 Plasma Thrower 125 100 40 -05 - - - - 99 94 spec var 4-16 25 45,000
RP-4 Masher 82 72 10 -20 -55 - - - 97 85 1 25 5-30 22 50,000
Vector 1 85 65 40 20 00 -20 -40 - 95 90 1 50 3-18 13 80,000
Plasma Dealer 93 70 41 15 - - - - 97 96 5 20 3-18 7 95,000
BC-Enforcer 87 60 30 15 -05 -20 - - 99 96 2 50 var 16 100,000
Plasma Precision 99 95 90 80 60 36 15 -20 99 95 1 10 3-12 10 100,000
Vector 3 89 70 50 25 05 -15 -30 - 97 92 2 50 3-18 13 150,000
RKM-Showtime 100 85 40 20 00 - - - 100 100 3 30 4-24 15 160,000
BC-Offensive 85 60 35 15 -10 -30 - - 99 90 1 20 5-40 23 175,000
Vector 4 89 70 50 25 05 -15 -30 -50 99 94 2 50 4-24 17 200,000
Mentar-A3L Asault Cannon 80 52 30 -05 -30 -60 - - 95 88 4 50 6-36 20 275,000
BC-Heat 96 86 72 50 25 05 -35 - 100 100 1 40 5-30 6 300,000
BC-Destroyer 89 68 40 20 -10 -40 - - 100 99 3 60 var 18 350,000
Deception 120 110 90 45 20 - - - 98 100 3 50 6-36 17 350,000
Howitzer 80 56 15 00 -25 - - - 96 80 2 40 10-80 24 400,000
PC-9000 95 83 62 10 - - - - 98 96 1 10 10-100 7 500,000
BC-Terminator 89 68 45 25 05 -20 - - 100 100 4 120 var 20 600,000
M-50 Defiant 90 70 50 25 05 -18 - - 98 98 2 40 8-48 20 1.0M
BC-Heatwave 94 84 70 50 25 05 -25 - 99 100 4 120 5-30 22 1.25M
Deception-2 120 110 90 75 40 15 - - 98 100 3 50 8-48 15 2.5M
M-80 Defender Cannon 80 65 50 40 15 -25 -45 - 99 90 4 100 5-40 20 3.2M
Deception-3 120 110 80 50 40 10 - - 99 100 5 35 10-60 12 3.5M
Vector X 85 70 65 50 35 15 00 -10 98 95 2 100 7-42 12 4.0M
Vector 5 95 85 55 20 07 03 -50 - 99 95 1 70 10-100 25 4.5M
BC-Abuser 75 70 55 42 10 - - - 99 96 5 80 50-200 27 13.0M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Popgun 86 60 26 10 - - - - 84 45 2 20 2-12 19 2,000
BC-Thumper 85 73 58 30 00 - - - 88 50 1 25 3-18 24 6,000
Able Heat 80 75 60 24 10 -05 - - 89 65 3 20 4-24 18 17,000
Plasmatix 70 50 30 10 - - - - 87 75 2 40 5-30 14 22,500
BC-Plasma Nova 95 35 05 - - - - - 60 65 1 4 8-80 32 47,000


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Valley Green Hvy. Cannon 85 75 55 35 10 -10 -30 -45 99 90 3 250 5-40 75 2.0M
Climax 90 80 60 40 20 00 - - 98 95 5 250 6-36 100 2.25M
Valley Red Hvy. Cannon 85 75 55 35 10 -10 -30 -45 99 92 6 500 5-40 135 4.5M
Wicked Crimson 100 88 80 65 45 10 - - 100 100 20 1,000 8-48 175 11.0M
Cataclysm War Gun 98 82 70 50 25 - - - 100 100 10 1,000 10-60 220 11.0M
BC-Apocalypse 100 90 80 63 37 25 10 - 99 99 4 250 20-120 350 16.0M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
M-20GX Blaster 75 60 30 05 -30 - - - 97 92 3 25 2-9 12 10,000
Stecker Quad 85 65 30 10 -10 - - - 95 93 4 25 2-9 10 20,000
Shockforce 83 59 25 15 00 -30 - - 97 90 5 35 2-7 15 21,000
Handsaw 75 55 10 - - - - - 94 91 6 18 2-7 8 22,000
Marathon 80 65 50 25 10 - - - 98 95 4 75 2-9 14 30,000
Velocity 90 61 40 10 00 -20 - - 97 94 4 32 3-10 20 45,000
Spartan 85 60 45 25 15 -10 - - 97 89 5 35 3-10 18 65,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Core 60 50 34 -05 -30 - - - 98 55 1 10 3-18 8 18,000
Plasma Pistol 71 45 36 08 - - - - 97 90 2 15 2-12 8 20,000
MX-D 75 60 45 22 10 - - - 98 98 1 8 2-12 7 22,000
Bull Master 68 40 20 10 - - - - 99 98 1 12 Var 9 30,000
Wax’em Gun 120 90 28 02 - - - - 98 97 1 25 8-48 5 275,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8/P MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Shrink Gun 70 40 25 - - - - - 100 100 1/15 1 spec 10 475
Taser 70 05 - - - - - - 99 90 1 20 stun 3 1,000
Rock-it see Missile stats 94 96 1/3 6 spec 18 3,200
Sonic Disruptor 70 45 00 -50 - - - - 99 80 1 20 var 4 9,000


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Focus 85 83 78 78 40 10 -10 - 98 85 1 20 1-3 4 20,000
Finite 90 90 80 60 - - - - 99 97 1 20 3-12 4 80,000
Peashooter 95 95 25 - - - - - 97 80 1 50 4-16 3 120,000
Bourgeoisie 96 91 87 62 46 25 05 - 97 96 1 50 2-8 7 180,000
Micrometron 96 96 95 85 80 62 40 00 99 89 1 50 2-8 8 220,000
Scanner 98 98 90 80 60 45 30 00 100 100 1 50 3-12 10 400,000
Mison 100 95 95 93 90 75 45 20 100 100 1 50 4-16 18 550,000
BC-Comet 102 99 98 95 87 68 45 30 100 100 1 50 4-24 25 1.2M


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
VG-4 100 70 20 - - - - - 97 55 1/3 20 var 11 15,000
BC-Zap Gun 110 73 14 -10 - - - - 96 70 1 20 1-8 7 20,000
Marsson Thunderclap 115 80 22 00 -15 - - - 97 80 1 25 1-8 10 25,000
Marsson Thunderbolt 125 85 35 10 - - - - 98 92 1 20 2-12 11 45,000
Coulomb 145 90 15 -20 - - - - 99 96 1 10 6-36 13 95,000
BC-Lightning 120 80 55 30 10 - - - 95 90 1 50 5-30 15 110,000
Slagger 110 90 60 40 05 - - - 98 98 1 30 6-36 14 200,000
Extra Crispy 100 87 40 10 -20 - - - 100 100 1 30 10-60 15 375,000
Maximus 150 74 48 25 -10 - - - 99 99 1 20 8-80 18 500,000
Arc Thrower 135 100 50 05 - - - - 100 100 1 20 spec 14 1.25M


TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MN SS ROF Q DAM ENC COST
Goop Gun 75 50 20 -10 -45 - - - 93 95 1/2 20 nil 12 1,000
Web Thrower 87 82 65 30 10 - - - 98 92 1 20 nil 14 4,000
Splatter Cannon 104 70 40 15 -20 - - - 98 98 1 25 nil 13 4,000
Able Flow 85 62 40 05 -15 - - - 97 97 spec 20 nil 14 12,000


2x-power Scope 90 .5 300 Arrow (armor piercing) Quiver/20 4 20
3x-power Scope 90 .5 500 Arrow (explosive tipped) Quiver/20 5 100
6x-power Scope 85 1 800 Arrow (normal) Quiver/20 4 5
10x-power Scope 82 1 1,200 Bolt (armor piercing) Quiver/20 3 35
Archaic Powder Cleaning Kit 95 1 25 Bolt (explosive tipped) Quiver/20 4 120
Bayonet Mount 99 .25 40 Bolt (Ioken) Quiver/20 6 60
Bipod 99 .5 55 Bolt (normal) Quiver/20 3 10
Bow Sight 90 .25 150 Nagnilia Shard Quiver/20 8 20
Flash Suppressor 99 .25 10
Folding Stock 95 -20% spec
High Tech Cleaning Kit 90 3 350
Infrared Imagery 80 .5 500
Laser Sight 90 .1 150
Red Dot Sight 88 .25 200
Silencer (adapt) 98 .5 1,000
Silencer (Omega) 90 2 14,000
Silencer (plasma) 90 2 10,000
Silencer 99 .5 300
Sling 100 .25 30
Speed Loader 98 .1 80
Starlight Scope 84 .5 3,000
Tripod 99 .5 20


Distance (m) 00-05 06-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 151-300 301-750 751+


.22 cal Box/50 2 6 Depleted Uranium Box/50 3 1,000
.300 Winchester Magnum Box/50 5 40 Explosive Box/50 3 750
.357 Magnum Box/50 3 12 Incendiary Box/50 3 500
.38 cal Box/50 3 7 Standard Box/50 3 100
.44 cal Box/50 3 8
.44 Magnum Box/50 3 15
.45 cal Box/50 3 12
.454 cal Box/50 3 25 TYPE DAM ENC COST
.48 cal Box/50 3 25 85lb Carinade Shell spec 18 1,000
.50 cal MG Belt/50 10 60 Mini-Howitzer Shell spec 35 1,500
.50 cal Pistol Box/50 4 45
.50-70 cal Box/50 4 60
.55 cal Ball Box/25 3 20 ENERGY WEAPON RECHARGES PG. 123
.700 Nitro Box/5 1 200
00 Buck Shot Box/25 3 10
Attractor/Repressor shot 0 25
10 Gauge Slug Box/25 4 20
Atomic Particle Beam shot 0 10
12 Gauge Flechette Box/25 3 18
EMP Cannon shot 0 5
12 Gauge Slug Box/25 3 15
Flamethrower Refill - - 100
14.5mm Belt/50 15 80
Frost Gun shot 0 50
20mm Belt/50 20 150
Implosion Field shot 0 500
20mm (explosive) Belt/50 20 5,000
Jammers shot 0 5
30mm Belt/50 25 200
Juicer Iron shot .1 5
4.9mm Box/50 3 35
Laser shot 0 5
5mm Flechette Box/50 2 18
Metal Gun shot 0 30
5.7mm Box/50 3 20
Meson Cannon shot 0 20
5.56mm Flechette Box/50 3 20
Neuro Cannon shot 0 5
5.56mm Box/Belt/50 3 6
Disintegrator shot 0 10
7.62mm Box/Belt/50 5 7
Omega Cannon shot 0 30
9mm Box/50 3 12
Pulse Cannon shot 0 20
9mm AUPO Box/50 3 18
Thermatic shot 0 15
Bird Shot Box/25 3 5
Thunderbolt Generator shot 0 2
Depleted Uranium - - x8
Hollow Point - - x2
Incindiary - - x7 FROST GUN AMMUNITION PG. 123
Mercuric - - x20

Tungsten-Sabot - - x10 CG-911 Kayson Capsule Capsule .1 1,500

BC-Winterdom Capsule Capsule .1 2,500
BC-Arctic Capsule Capsule .1 3,000


Distance (m) 01-50 51-150 151-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-3500 3501+

Anti-Polymer Box/10 .5 1,500 Absorption Destroyer .5 800
Anti-Polymer Plus Box/10 .5 3,500 Acid .5 300
Anti-Reactive Box/10 .5 15,000 A-Grav Cancellation .5 1,500
APDS Box/10 .5 600 Anti-Sensor Paint .5 2,000
Armor Piercing Box/10 .5 300 Audio/Visual Broadcast .5 11,000
DEP Box/10 .5 5,000 Biopsy .5 4,000
EMP Box/10 .5 10,000 CAMG .5 x2
EMP DEP+ Box/10 .5 35,000 Corrosive Smoke .5 1,800
EMP+ Box/10 .5 20,000 Disintegrator .5 3,000
EMP+ DEP+ Box/10 .5 100,000 Displacer .5 200,000
HEAP Box/10 .5 1,500 Dummy Round .25 50
Flechette Box/10 .5 5,000 EMP .5 25,000
High Explosive Box/10 .5 1,000 Flasher .5 100
Incendiary Box/10 .5 700 Floric Acid .5 1,500
Mega Explosive Box/10 .5 3,000 Freezy Pop .5 1,700
PenetratorMax DEP Box/10 .5 6,000 Glue .5 150
SAPHEI Box/10 .5 6,000 Hellfire .5 1,750
Signature Box/10 .5 5,000 Immobilizer 900
Infrared Strobe .5 2,500
MAR .5 8,000
Med Mag .5 2,000
Aphrodisiac Box/5 .1 500 Mr. Stinky .5 850
Biological 1 Box/5 .1 30,000 Nanoid Payload .5 1,000
Biological 2 Box/5 .1 25,000 Orion Special .5 80
Biological 3 Box/5 .1 40,000 Paint Round .5 250
Brain Hemorrhage Box/5 .1 5,000 Parasite .5 4,500
Cyberdom Box/5 .1 6,000 Parasite Major .5 8,500
Heart Stopper Box/5 .1 6,000 Phase Nullification .5 300,000
Microphone Box/5 .1 1,000 Planar Explosive .5 3,000
Signature Box/5 .1 2,000 Position Broadcast .5 900
Radar Enhancement .5 300
MORTAR ROUNDS PG. 129 Rubber .5 1,400
Scatter Smoke .5 400
ITEM UNIT/# ENC/UNIT COST/UNIT Shaped Charge .5 3,500
60mm Box/4 16 800
Sounder .5 100
81mm Box/4 20 1,600
Super Sonic Pulse .5 5,500
Ton CharXD .5 unknown

MISSILES-PMS PAYLOADS PG. 129 Toxin Dispenser .25 1,000

Toxin Dispenser+ .25 3,000
TYPE DAM ENC COST UV Strobe .5 5,000
High Explosive 20-70 5 15,000
Kill Master 30-120 5 24,000
Biological spec 5 30,000
Chemical spec 5 30,000
Radial 20-80 each 5 31,000





Weapon Descriptions • 3
In the sanctuary of the Inner Circle, or what is better
known as the Core Worlds, people do not live in fear. You
go home to your comfortable beds and sleep your peaceful
dreams. Those of you on the inside don’t die terrible, grue-
some deaths at the hands of insidious evils that can’t be explained,
nor destroyed. You weak and pathetic fools could thus hardly
understand what it is like out here, beyond the protection of your
police, beyond the well-marked boundaries of your cage-formed
lives. Out here on the Frontier, death is as common place as the
body armor and heavy weaponry that clatter through the empty
streets. A buddy one day is a body the next. The Frontier is where
the action is, and you meek and pathetic slobs, dribbling with your
worthless and insipid values, had better stay right where you are
because out here you don’t stand a chance!
The difference between life in the Core Worlds and the Frontier
IN THIS CHAPTER... planets is like night and day. Sure there are some similarities, but
on the whole, the settings are incompatible, and generally so are
Weapon System Descriptions the people. The Core Worlds are protected by blankets of defense-
Accessories/Ammo Descriptions nets. Ships patrol the security corridors to ensure your safety. There
are millions of police and secure-bots to protect the innocent. In
the Core Worlds, life is molded by a judicial system that advocates
complacency and mindless acceptance. On the Frontier, planets
are lucky to be visited by an outdated warcruiser once a month.
50,000,000 light years away, on outpost planets like Jamal and
Ternansk, justice is settled with the thunder of pulse cannons and
crackle of lasers. You mindless droids from the Inner Circle blind-
ly accept the laws and rules set up to mechanize your drooling
existence! Frontier survivors look to themselves for answers. We
settle problems the old-fashioned way: Whatever means are avail-
able. When you go to bed out here, you are quietly aware that you
may not wake up ever again, that an enemy may rake you with
plasma while you sleep. The dangers are real, and so are my bul-
It’s not Tri-V. Out here, pirates are your neighbors. Rebels drink at
The platoon had been ordered to hold the flank of the local watering hole, and the Arachnids drop in every once and
the main body’s position at all cost. Suddenly, Rebel a while to wipe out a couple of hundred thousand of us. Out here
forces, numbering more than 500, counterattacked is where the true warrior seeks his answers. The Frontier is where
and overran the group. Faced with jeopardizing the every Battlelord belongs. The calling card is for warriors only.
rest of the regiment or retreating, the officer in Cause we could take out Hell itself.
charge called in an artillery strike on his own posi-
tion. Seventeen out of sixty were lost. All we need to know is the range!!!
The Zen Rigeln is punching DNA codes of the victims
into his body computer to catalog burial records later
on when the platoon returns to base camp. Seventeen Jake Singletary,
shallow graves on some forsaken world in the deso- -Mercenary Extraordinaire
late void of space. What is it all for anyway?



Secondary Tables ARCHAIC HAND WEAPONS PG. 12

Each weapon system is preceeded by a table which lists the weapons in
alphabetical order. This table also lists the Tech Level (TL) and TYPE ER TL AV COST
Ashannari - 3-4 R 500
Availability (AV) of the weapon, as well as its effective range (ER).
Axe (hand) - 1-2 P 10
Axe (throwing) 25 2-3 UC 20
ER: Effective Range. The effective range indicates the maximum range
Axe (two-handed) - 1-2 C 25
that the weapon can do any damage.
Bas - 1-2 R 100
Billy Club - 2-4 P 20
TL: Tech Level. The item is manufactured on a planet with this tech Blackjack - 2-3 UC 25
level. If PCs look for an item on a planet where the tech level is not Blaheeli - 4-5 R 175
within these limits, then the chance of finding this item is decreased by Blowgun - 1-2 UC 50
15% per difference in TL. Bow (compound) 330 2-3 R 150
Bow (long) 200 1-3 UC 70
AV: Availability This denotes the base chance of finding the item within Bow (short) 150 1-3 P 25
the appropriate Tech level(s). Caltrops - 1-2 UC 50
P: Prolific 95% Catir - 3-4 R 250
VC: Very Common 75% Cay - 1-2 R 100
C: Common 65% Chain - 2-4 P 5
UC: Uncommon 40% Club - 1 P 1
R: Rare 20% Cronk - 2-3 R 1,500
VR: Very Rare 05% Crossbow (heavy) 400 1-3 VR 110
U: Unique (almost) 01% Crossbow (light) 250 1-3 R 55
Dagger - 1-6 P 4

Note: Each level of Street Smarts increases the chance of finding an Dagger (throwing) 20 1-6 P 15

item by 3%. Doka - 1 P 30

Dossien 14 5-6 R 25
Emp - 1 VC 50
Fanwal 0 3-4 R 300
Fas - 1-4 UC 75
Flail - 1 P 20
Garotte - 2-6 VC 20
Honj - 2-4 R 500
Huumack - 3-5 C 50
Ioken 85 4-6 P 175
Jabat 10 3-5 UC 200
Kamnan - 1-2 VC 10
Kla - 1-4 VC 10
Knalu-Knalu - 4-5 UC 350
Muadirg - 4-6 VC 100
Naj - 1-2 UC 200
Nunchaku - 1-3 R 75
Ptfaang - 4-6 P 70
Skil 35 4-6 R 200
Sling Shot - 1-2 R 5
Spear - 1 P 5
Staff - 1 VC 20
Stiletto - 2-4 R 35
Sword (broad) - 1 P 60
Sword (long) - 1 UC 60
Sword (short) - 1 P 40
Sword (two-handed) - 1 VR 80
Tieaz 5 4-6 VR 60
Ti-Jabat 10 2-4 VR 250
Toma - 4-6 R 500
Whip - 1-2 VC 25



Ashannari: A Large, ancient, knife-like weapon that punctures the

ARCHAIC HAND WEAPONS (AMMO: PG. 122) body, developed by the Eridani. After penetration, the Swordsaint then
Archaic hand weapons are primitive cutting/thrusting/crushing weapons detonates an explosive charge (single shot, 10cr for reloads) by push-
which rely on muscle power to inflict damage. They do normal damage ing a button on the handle of the weapon; this fires barbed flechettes,
to flesh and body armor (excluding Heavy Armor). Generally speaking, attached to the knife by wires, deep into the body (the flechettes cannot
archaic hand weapons are far inferior to their modern counterparts, be fired until the weapon has struck). The Eridani then snatches the
doing less damage on the average and requiring the individual to be at knife away from the victim, pulling out his internals (4d6 points of dam-
close proximity to the enemy. They do, however, have some very impor- age). Does 1d4+1 points of damage to determine penetration of armor.
tant uses. The most obvious is that they don’t make much noise when Called the Life Snatcher.
employed. Persons requiring stealth and surprise should recognize the
value of these weapons. These are an Eridani favorite.
Cost Effectiveness: Archaic hand weapons are good to have if you have an
Eridani enemy who seems to think that you constitute an inferior life-form
[Editor’s Note: No. You’re much better off shooting the SOB]. The possession of
archaic hand weapons in unauthorized areas tends to carry a small penalty,
whereas the possession of something like neuro-field cannons can find you in
the disintegration chamber of your local prison! Axe (hand): Archaic weapon used to cut wood. Less than 40cm in
length. It doesn’t do much damage, but it is cheap.
Note: All thrown weapons use the Throwing skill rather than
Archaic Hand Weapon skill to determine attack bonus and number of Axe (throwing): During the middle ages, individuals on the planet
additional attacks per round. Earth experimented with the concept of a throwing axe. The weapon
maker balanced it, placing the fecund within 8cm of the blade. It is a
TACTICS TO PRACTICE good weapon at close range. Effective Range: 25m.
There’s no secret to these weapons. For the most part, you have to get
Axe (two-handed): An old-fashioned weapon designed for some old-
up-close and personal for them to be effective at all. It also helps if fashioned killing. Difficult to wield properly but it sure packs a punch.
you’re nine feet tall and very angry. Most smart soldiers carry at least a
combat knife into the field: it won’t jam or explode, doesn’t need ammo, Bas: A barbed spear (tree with a point) used for plucking Python
and takes up little space. Some weapons in this category can be Lizards out of the water (+3 initiative). Requires at least an 80 Strength
employed from reasonable ranges. Bows and crossbows, in particular, can to use effectively (weaker characters suffer a -40 to attack rolls).
be used to engage targets out to 400m. Problem is, they aren’t going to
be very effective against heavier armor, and their rates of fire lessen Billy Club: A Billy Club is used to subdue persons without doing major
their effectiveness against lower-line armor as well. Your best bet there is bodily damage to them. It is a police baton, usually constructed of wood
to buy explosive-tipped arrows or bolts, and get yourself into a nice, or heavy plastic. Security Personnel of all races have used some variant
secluded sniper position. The biggest advantage to any of these weapons or another during their evolution. The Billy Club does 1d4 points of tem-
is stealth. If you can get close enough to the target, most archaic hand porary damage. On a roll of a four, there is a 50% chance that the weapon
does 1 point of real damage. Again, a person who takes temporary dam-
weapons can be employed with little or no sound, disregarding any noise
age is only knocked out when they reach 0 body points. Exception: In Los
the target might make. So if you like AHWs, it will benefit you to load up
Angeles, Billy Clubs do 4d6 points of real damage! Initiative Mod: -1.
on Stealth and Camouflage/Concealment skills. Like AHWs, these skills
are cheap and easy to obtain, and they are often necessary for you to be Blackjack: A small club with a spring mechanism. The weapon is swung
able to reach the victim before being terminated. Pythons and Eridani at the head. A hit indicates that the weapon has struck and automatical-
might not need stealth to survive to reach effective melee range, but we ly does one point of temporary damage. Another 1d4 is rolled to deter-
can’t all be Pythons and Eridani, can we? mine how many more times the weapon strikes. Initiative Mod: -1.

Blaheeli: A tiny blowgun that is hidden in the mouth until used. The
Eridani bites down on the trigger mechanism , and a poison dart is fired
out to a range of 20m. The weapon comes with a single dart poisoned
with level 1 poison in powdered form. Refills cost 5cr each for a level 1
poison, however more lethal poisons can be used with added expense.
See the Poisons section for more details regarding different types. This
weapon is illegal and a favorite of Black Eridani. Can not penetrate



Blowgun: Advanced versions can fire a small needle up to 25m and pen- Chain: In the hands of the right person, a chain is a deadly weapon. It
etrate. The dart normally penetrates any armor with threshold of 2 or does 1d6 points of damage and adds 25% to disarm attempts.
less. The needle is dipped with a poison and fired from the weapon. The
basic version is about 1m long. A 1m extension can be added, increasing Club: A heavy stick, usually thicker on one end than on the other. Also
accuracy stats at all range brackets by 15. Extensions cost 10cr. called a cudgel. A spike can be added to increase damage yield by 2 points.

Bow (compound): With the advent of technological revolution in the Cronk: The traditional Gemini mace. Very heavy and very dangerous.
early 1900’s, the normal bow was heavily altered to this type of design. The Cronk is generally made of a tough metallic ore found only on the
The compound bow operates with a mechanical pulley system. The Gemini’s home world.
drawstring tension is heavy, making the weapon quite powerful.
Damage is determined by arrow type. Effective Range: 330m. Crossbow (light): A reinforced bow that is fixed transversely on a
stock. The string is released by a trigger mechanism. Crossbows fire
Bow (long): An improved version of the bow. The body is longer, usu- once every 2 full actions. Effective Range: 250m.
ally around 1.2m, providing for greater drawstring tension. The
increased tension greatly enhances the range of this weapon. Long bows Crossbow (heavy): A heavier version of its smaller cousin. Better
are the favorite weapon of pre-industrial cultures. The disadvantage range and damage yield, but slower (how much slower? – fires once
when compared to the short bow is that the user is more vulnerable every 4 full actions). Effective Range: 400m.
when firing the weapon. Damage is determined by arrow type. Effective
Range: 200m. Dagger: A small bladed weapon used for cutting or stabbing. Cartridge
types that will inject a liquid on a hit can be had for an additional 700cr.
Bow (short): A favorite weapon of many primitive cultures on Earth. Initiative Modifier: -1.
The bow was used primarily as a hunting weapon and is a favorite of
many assassin types. There exist a wide variety of attachments that Dagger (throwing): A version of the dagger which can be thrown.
improve the accuracy of this weapon. Damage is determined by arrow Effective Range: 20m.
type. Effective Range: 150m.
Doka: An ancient Phentari weapon. It consists of a 1m long stick,
Caltrops: Small ball with four or more protruding spikes. This weapon attached to a series of six chains. The chains are linked to balls. The
is not designed for throwing. Caltrops are dropped on the ground. A weapon is whirled in a circular motion prior to striking.. Using the
group of 10 can adequately cover a 3m x 3m area. Any person running Doka incurs a +3 to initiative rolls, but those who try to parry this
through the area must make an Agility check at a -25 or step on 1d2 weapon do so at a -20 penalty. The chain tends to wrap around the par-
caltrops, suffering 1 point of damage each (each step through a cov- rying weapon and strike anyway.
ered area requires an Agility check). People who take damage from cal-
trops lose 25 points of Agility until the wound is healed. Cautious per- Dossien: The Mutzachan Dossien is a wooden, triangular-shaped
sonnel who move at 1/4 of their movement rate need not make an device that is thrown with a flicking motion, much the same as a fris-
Agility check when passing through a zone laden with caltrops. The cost bee. The razor sharp metal fittings are set into two of the three edges,
and encumbrance listed in the table are per 50. providing aerodynamic stability. The third side is held. The weapon
returns to the thrower if nothing is struck. The Dossien flies an inordi-
Catir: A 1.5m long, double-bladed axe. The Catir traditionally has nate distance for its design. Range: 14m.
feathers fixed to the shaft, directly below the fecund. This allows the
Eridani to distract the enemy while attacking, adding +10 to parrying Emp: The Ram Python version of a throwing hammer. It was originally
and feint attempts. designed to flatten out the ground for crop planting and road con-
struction. Works well on hills and player characters. To build one, basi-
Cay: Take a tree, attach a sickle-like chunk of sharp metal to it, (looks cally take a small boulder and tie it with a cable or thick piece of rope
like a plow blade) and you have a Cay. Originally used to harvest to a wooden handle (log). Requires at least a 90 Strength to use effec-
Femack (Ram Python corn equivalent). Now, if you see Ram Pythons as tively (weaker characters suffer a –40 to attack rolls). It can be thrown
farmers, you are delirious. It is the idea that counts. Requires at least a up to 1/10 the wielder’s strength in meters. Initiative Mod: +2.
90 Strength to use effectively (weaker characters suffer a -40 to attack
rolls). Initiative Modifier: +5. Fanwal: A spring-loaded harpoon-like launcher. Nagnilia is a glass like
substance found at the bottom of certain oceans on Pythos. It forms as
a result of volcanic activity and somewhat resembles obsidian. Nagnilia
breaks off into long, thin shards which can be put into a Fanwal and
then fired into prey. Additional shards cost 20cr per 20 and have an
encumbrance of 8 per 20. Effective Range: 15m in water/35m in air.

Fas: A 2m long, barbed whip used by Phentari to discipline slaves. This

weapon has a 30% base chance to disarm an opponent. Initiative Mod: +2.



Flail: A weapon designed originally as an instrument for threshing per size class above 4th, and +10% per size class below 4th. Each level
corn. By the Earth’s Middle Ages, it had evolved into a weapon of war. of HTH combat Throwing skill increases the chance to entangle a per-
A flail consists of a chain with a ball attached to the end of a stick. The son by 04%. This is a Zen Rigeln weapon. Effective Range: 10m.
user incurs a +2 penalty to initiative dice rolls, but anyone who
attempts to parry a flail attack does so at -15. Kamnan: A pole with a spear head at each end. Once used for hunt-
ing, but now used in combat. The double head allows the Python Lizard
Garrote: A thin wire wrapped around the throat to strangle a person. to change the direction of his attack without stopping to twirl the
Mazians and Gemini are immune, along with any race that is wearing weapon around, an action that is much harder to do under water than
armor that includes environmental protection, or some form of neck it is in air. Believe me; I tried.
protection (BM discretion). Aeodronians receive a +20 while
Ram/Python Lizards receive a +50 to their strength check when defend- Kla: Made from Yyi (clam shell equivalent). A jagged, semi-circular
ing (thicker skin). [Editors Note: Do Ram Pythons even have necks?] blade used by Python Lizards to cut up prey for consumption.
There are two options for handling Garrotes in game:
Option One: Normal attack roll for emplacement with a +10 Knalu-Knalu: The Egg Beater of Death. Twin, barbed knife blades
Bonus to Attack if victim is unaware of presence (attacking from attached to gears which are driven by a pump action handle. The pump
behind), -30 if victim is aware (or attacker is attempting a retry). If action causes the blades to spin. The stronger the Eridani, the faster the
attempting to Garrote a Mutzachan, use a -20 to attack regardless, blades carve out body tissue. The weapon does 1-3 points of penetra-
because of their extraordinarily large melons. On the next combat tion damage. Pumping the handle causes an additional 1d4 points of
round, the victim can make a Strength check vs. Strength check of the cutting damage, plus double the strength bonus. Ram Pythons have
attacker to displace the Garrote. If the Garrote is not displaced the vic- found Knalu-Knalu to be absolutely exhilarating! Initiative Mod: +3.
tim becomes unconscious in 2d6 seconds, with death following in 1d4
Minutes. Muadirg: The Muadirg is a four balled bola with spikes and was once
Option Two: A normal roll to hit is made. A hit indicates that the an Eridani hunting weapon. It can be effectively thrown up to 1/4 one’s
person has wrapped the wire around the victim's throat. On the next strength in meters (use hand grenade attack numbers with –10 in each
combat round, the victim must make a Strength check vs. Strength range bracket). The weapon also has a 20% base chance to entangle
check of the attacker or have his jugular vein and trachea cut (or equiv- the victim if a hit is made (add in Throwing skill modifier).
alent, BM discretion). The jugular spews out blood at 2 body points per
10 seconds unless medically attended. Persons with cut wind pipes Naj: A huge, double-bladed axe, once used by the Ram Pythons to fell
expire in 1d4+1 minutes. trees. Armor threshold is effectively reduced by 2. The weapon destroys
2d6 points of armor integrity per hit. Requires at least an 80 Strength
Honj: A 3m long, jagged-edged, two-handed sword, used by Ram to use effectively (weaker characters suffer a –40 to attack rolls).
Pythons to kill Python Lizards. +4 to initiative. Only one side of the Initiative Mod: +3.
blade is sharp. The weapon is whirled about the head and swung in a
downward arc. Honj are often jewel-encrusted and represent the Nunchaku: Ancient martial arts weapons eagerly adopted by the
stature of a warrior. Requires at least an 80 Strength to use effectively Eridani. Nunchaku are two small wooden staves connected by a short
(weaker characters suffer a –40 to attack rolls). chain or rope. They originally were used to thresh corn on the planet
Earth. They do 1d2 points of real damage. Nunchaku can also be used
Huumack: A favorite Swordsaint weapon, the Huumack is a three- to disarm opponents (base chance of 35% + skill mod, minus oppo-
pointed, wedge-shaped knife. The weapon is typically thrust forward nent’s Agility bonus). They parry well also. Initiative Mod: -2.
into the abdominal section and driven upward. Eridani also make back-
handed slashing attacks with this weapon. Ptfaang: The Phentari version of the spear. It is about 2m in length. The
head of the weapon sports a blade that is constructed of four separate
pieces of metal which fit closely together. When a button is pushed, the
blade pieces (called shelin) open into a fan shaped configuration,
exposing the hidden barbs underneath. The Phentari strikes with the
weapon, aiming for the midsection, and upon penetration pushes the
button, opening the shelin. The blades gouge out the internals of the
victim, making the Phentari happy (additional 1d4 points)! Resetting
the Ptfaang takes 1 full action.
Ioken: Used by the Ram Pythons as a hunting weapon. It is a huge • Example: The Phentari attacks a Gen-Human and the Ptfaang strikes the
triple crossbow capable of firing all 3 bolts in a single combat round.
arm. He chooses not to open the shelin. The weapon does spear damage, 1d8
The drawstring is made out of Coronite, a flexible steel alloy made only
points. On the next attack, he strikes the Gen-Human in the abdominal region,
on the planet Pythos. Effective Range: 85m.
then releases the fan mechanism. He does 1d8 points of damage plus an addi-
Jabat: A throwing net with weighted balls, used to capture fleeing tar- tional 1d4 points of twisting damage.
gets. It has a 60% chance to entrap size class 4 individuals, minus 10%



Skil: The Phentari equivalent of a ballistic knife. A button is pressed on

the base of the shaft, firing the blade. It is quite powerful and easily con- ARCHAIC POWDER WEAPONS (APW) (AMMO: PG. 122)
cealed. A Skil can also be used as a normal knife. Effective Range: 35m. Archaic powder weapons were the dominant weapons of the 20th and
21st Century on the planet Earth. Since the other races advanced past
Sling Shot: The preferred weapon of Fott everywhere. Generally use- powder weapons long ago, no weapons other than those designed by
less, but good for a few laughs. Humans are listed. Powder weapons do normal damage against light
body armor. They are still quite useful, though long outdated. Due to the
Spear: Put a dagger on the end of a pole and you have a spear. Crude strict regulations barring the indiscriminate sale of high-tech arms to
but effective. non-evolved societies, archaic powder weapons are quite prolific. They
are generally short to medium range weapons with a fair damage yield.
Staff: A 6’ long staff used for bludgeoning your opponents. Cheap but effec- All archaic powder weapons are assumed to use armor piercing, Teflon-
tive. Though traditionally made from wood, staffs can be constructed from coated rounds. Teflon coated rounds are able to penetrate armor,
most any materials. Modern staffs are constructed from light-weight alloys whereas normal lead-tipped rounds simply mushroom on impact.
and are typically collapsible down to 10cm when not in use. A modern staff Weapons systems which are made out of a plastic/ceramic material
is four times the cost, but half the ENC of a traditional wooden staff. are difficult to detect on Tech level 3 or lower planets (05%) when
being smuggled through customs.
Stiletto: A small spring loaded device. The weapon is placed against Empty ammunition clips for all clip-using Archaic powder weapons
the victim’s body and the button pushed, releasing a sharpened spike. can be purchased for 5cr. APW ammo descriptions are on pg. 122.
Resetting the spike takes 1 second. The weapon is easily concealed.
Initiative Mod: -4 when used with surprise. Cost Effectiveness: Archaic powder weapons are cheap and still do a reasonable
amount of damage. Furthermore, people tend to forget that archaic powder
Sword (broad): A medium weight sword with a wide, flat blade. It is weapons still maintain the fastest discharge per second of all weapon classes.
normally about 70cm in length. Overall, they are effective against anything with a threshold of 5 or less. They
still do some damage above this, but not much to speak of. Another bonus is
Sword (long): A longer version of the short sword. It is slightly thin- that they are medium-ranged weapons overall. You don’t have to let the
ner and has a better parry rating.
enemy wander up to, say, 20m, before you blow his head off! Finally, archaic
powder weapons have a wide variety of uses within their own class and once
Sword (short): A light weapon, about 50cm from pommel to tip. The
short sword was most notably used by the Roman legions during the you learn how to use one, you can easily learn how to use another.
time of the Roman Empire. Note: Rifles and Machine Guns of .50 caliber (12.7mm) or greater
size can affect Heavy Armor. This does not include pistols or shotguns
Sword (two-handed): One must have a 70+ strength score to wield unless otherwise noted in a weapons description.
this weapon (weaker characters suffer a –40 on attack rolls). It is slow
to hit (+4 to attack initiative rolls), but does tremendous amounts of TACTICS TO PRACTICE
damage. Python class beings incur no initiative penalty.
Archaic Powder Weapons represent a broad range of usefulness and dam-
Ti-Jabat: This Jabat variant has poison needles interwoven into the net. age potential. On one side of the spectrum, an APW pistol is cheap, and
Victims must make an SMR vs. poison, typically at a +25 or die within makes a great holdout weapon. On the other side, there may be nothing
4d4 minutes. Again, it became illegal for Zen to own one of these after more deadly against lightly armored or unarmored targets than a chain
the Abolition of Pain Decrees. Uses Throwing Skill. Initiative Mod: +2. gun. So you need to pick your tactics very carefully, to reflect the exact
Effective Range: 10m. APW you are employing. Many of the tactics discussed below for the vari-
ous APWs will work with their equivalents in other weapon systems.
Tieaz: A small, three bladed knife, used by the Zen Rigeln before the
(yes, you guessed it!) Abolition of Pain Decrees in 2040 B.C. What an
inconvenient bit of legislation that has been for those Tza! Effective
Range: 5m.
If a machine gun is fired from the standing position, there is a greater
Toma: The Python Lizard version of a trident. The Toma generally has tendency for it to jam and its accuracy is reduced. The base percentage
barbed fishhooks cut into the five pronged fork. This weapon is carved chance to hit is reduced by 15 points and the malfunction number is
from coral. lowered by 7 points. Machine guns fired from mounts or tripods do not
incur an automatic fire penalty.
Whip: Can also be used to entangle. There is a base chance of 40% to Belts of ammo can be linked together. The weight of 50 round belts
entangle plus 04% per level of Hand-to-Hand combat skill. A character can be found on the ammunition table.
has a 20% chance to disarm someone, plus 04% per level of Archaic Note: Machine Guns require Archaic Powder Gunnery skill. It is not
Hand (Whip) skill. The weapon itself does 1 point of temporary dam- possible to fire a Machine Gun in single shot mode unless otherwise
age. Initiative Mod: +2. noted in the weapon description.



often. Can only be fired with the external box. Thus it can only be used
with a tripod or bipod. .
ASP 20 1,400 3-4 VR 40,000 Hose: It hoses things; nothing more! 7.62mm round . . . OK maybe a
Browning .50 1,200 2-3 R 20,000 little more. You had better bring along your Ram Python pack mule to
FN Magnum 800 3-4 UC 5,500 transport all of the ammo!
Hose 250 3-4 VR 30,000
KPV 2,000 3-4 UC 40,000
KPV: This heavy machine gun fires the uncommon 14.5mm (.57 cal)
round. In the 20th century, this gun was intended for vehicular use, but
LTX-311 1,200 3-4 R 9,000
it has been resurrected as a Python sidearm by Human Antique Systems.
M-240 1,800 3-4 C 8,000
For such a powerful weapon, it possesses a remarkably light design.
M2A .50 cal 2,000 3-4 UC 32,000
M-60 1,100 3 P 5,000 LTX-311: Another unusual weapon that is powered by an external elec-
MAW MG Shell 475 4 UC 6,000 tric motor. This unit is exclusively mounted to vehicles or Ram Pythons.
MG3 1,150 3 UC 11,000 This weapon is extremely unlikely to jam and fires 12 rounds in a sin-
NSV 2,000 3-4 UC 50,000 gle second. Uses 5.56mm ammo.
PK 1,050 2-3 P 5,250
Riddler 400 3-4 UC 16,000 M2A .50 cal: A revision of the classic Browning .50 cal machine gun.
SAW 800 3-4 R 7,000 This weapon was first fielded in the early 2100s. It features special high-
Ultimax 400 3-4 UC 3,600 strength alloys which allow the weapon to maintain a higher sustained
XM-214 700 3 R 10,000 rate of fire than its predecessor. Single shot mode available. Includes a
XM307 2,000 3-4 R 50,000 built-in tripod. Despite the timeframe of this weapon’s initial introduc-
XM3120 1,300 3-4 R 30,000
tion, it is still considered tech level 3 technology.

M-240: The replacement for the standard M-60, this gun is an

TACTICS TO PRACTICE improved version of the FN Magnum. It offers superior durability and
reliability, as well as a significant improvement in sustained rate of fire.
Machineguns: The masters of cover fire. Most people jump in a hole
when a machinegun opens fire, so you rarely get to pump some poor sod M-60: Fires 7.62mm rounds. It was standard issue during the late 20th
full of ammo from one of these. But getting your enemy to cower in a Century. There is nothing particularly special about this weapon. It was
hole can be very handy. That’s when you break out the grenades, available in most countries on the planet Earth after 1955 and is often
flamethrowers, and mortars. Two machineguns with overlapping fields of mounted on vehicles. The unit comes with a bipod.
fire can cover a lot of ground, and the high rates of fire can even chew
up flux shields at a good pace. Machineguns are heavy and need to be MAW MG Shell: The machine gun shell for the MAW system (see APW
setup and broken down, so make sure you have a teammate with you to Pistols for a full description). Damage is light for a machine gun, but
the rate of fire is fairly high. Comes with an integrated bipod. Fires
cover your ass, and a back-up weapon is essential. Make sure you have
7.62mm ammo in 250 round belts, although it can use any magazine in
very good cover or protection, too (a Flux shield for yourself isn’t a bad
the system in a pinch. Cannot be fired without a basic module.
idea), because the enemy will go through a lot of trouble to take you
out. This is when a second machinegun emplacement can come in handy, MG3: All we are going to say is look at the rate of fire and make your
as it will divide their attention, and keep them from focusing on one own judgment… OK, we’ll talk about it. This German machine gun was
position at a time. developed from the MG42. The M-60 was also derived from this design.
Be aware that you are going to go through ammo real fast. 7.62mm
round. Human Antique Systems has recently increased the price of this
ASP 20: Stands for automatic self-powered gun. This 20mm, electri-
weapon due to excessive demand.
cally powered machine gun was primarily designed for use on vehi-
cles or emplacements, where an ample power supply existed to run
its motor.

Browning .50 cal: The most potent machine gun of its time still packs
quite a punch. This weapon can be body mounted (well, if you’re HUGE
it can be body mounted). Tripod can be purchased for 110cr. However,
the tripod for this weapon is so large it has encumbrance 20. Unlike
most machine guns, the Browning is capable of single-shot fire.
NSV: The Russian version of a .50 cal (12.7mm) machine gun. The
design allows for a very high rate of fire, but the ammunition is quick-
FN Magnum: A British machine gun popular in the latter part of the
ly expended as only a single 50 round belt can be fed into the gun at
20th Century. It is a 7.62mm belt fed machine gun that doesn’t jam very



any one time. Linking belts will substantially increase the malfunction tech materials usually used. The result: the XM3120 cannon, a fully-
rate (subtract from Malfunction number). Feeding a new belt into the capable .50 caliber weapon which is relatively portable (compared to
gun requires a full action. A light tripod is included with the weapon. other heavy machine guns). This weapon is illegal on tech level 3 or
lower worlds. A tripod is included with the weapon.
PK: The Russian version of a light machine gun, designed after World
War 2 when the Russians began using standard 7.62mm rounds. The
idea was to give the soldiers more sustained firepower at the squad level
with a light, reasonably accurate weapon. This light machine gun uses
100, 200, and 500 round belts (remember to add the belt encum- TYPE ER TL AV COST
brance to the weapon encumbrance when carried). Its malfunction .454 Casull 320 3-4 VR 2,500
number isn’t the best. Beretta 9mm 180 2-3 R 400
Century Model 500 350 2-3 VR 4,000
Riddler: It had to happen sometime. The Riddler is a plastic/ceramic
Colt .357 Magnum 220 2-3 UC 130
composite MG, manufactured on a custom basis by HAS for beings with
Colt Anaconda .48 Cal 340 3-4 R 425
special needs and good credit ratings. Uses a 100 round box of 5.56mm
Derringer .44 Cal 60 2-3 R 120
ammo. Changing the box requires 2 full actions; reloading an empty
Glock 18c 100 3-4 C 3,000
box takes 2 minutes. Additional boxes cost 50cr (empty). This weapon
redefines the light machine gun. Glock 9 100 3-4 C 800
IMI Eagle 250 3 R 650
MAW Pistol/Basic Module 310 3-4 UC 1,500
Model 93RS 180 3-4 UC 1,800
Night Stalker 500 4-5 VR 1,000
P7 170 3-4 R 1,600
Police .38 Cal 125 2-3 P 100
Punk 40 3 R 600
S&W .22 Cal. 140 2-3 P 40
SAW: The Squad Automatic Weapon is a light weight, man portable S&W .44 Magnum 180 2-3 R 245
machine gun that looks really cool when you hold it with both hands, S&W 48 Plus 210 3-4 UC 500
firing 10 rounds a second, with brass flying everywhere, gouts of flame
Walther PPK 180 2-3 R 350
spitting from the muzzle, and a big grin on your face! This weapon is
special. You can fire a 200 round box of 5.56mm ammo, or use a stan-
dard M16 magazine. (Encumbrance with magazine: 18). APW—PISTOLS
Note: Unless otherwise noted, no archaic powder pistol is capable of
Ultimax: This weapon is a light machine gun firing 5.56mm NATO automatic fire. Some weapons may be capable of semi-automatic fire
rounds. It is easily portable (for a machine gun) and includes a built- with an ROF higher than 1.
in bipod. Comes with a 100-round drum (extras cost 10cr unloaded)
but may also use 30-round M16 magazines in a pinch.
XM-214: This six-barreled gattling gun is an elephant without enough
You can’t quite tuck a Static Pistol into your boot, now can you? APW
to eat. The unit is powered by an internal drive engine and comes with
a body holster. It fires 5.56mm rounds and isn’t extremely accurate. Pistols are the ticket. Most aren’t big on damage, and they can’t fire full-
The auto loading backpack ammo box is attached via a flexible metal- auto by design, but they are small, and very effective in close quarters
lic sleeve to the base of the weapon. where your rifle may be too big to maneuver (tunnels, sewers, caves,
etc.) They are also very inconspicuous, and many city and planet weapon
XM307: A design from the 21st century, this weapon is a hybrid ordinances place pistols in a different category than other weapons,
between a cannon and an automatic grenade launcher! Fires 20mm allowing you to carry them around legally. Holstering a pistol in an easi-
rounds normally, but can also be equipped with special belts of explo- ly-reachable location can mean the difference between living and dying.
sive 20mm ammunition (treat as M-205 grenade for each round). You can also double your firepower by using one with each hand
Tripod and IR sight/scope included. May not be imported to tech level (Phentari take note).
3 or lower worlds.

XM3120: Human Antique Systems recently reviewed their high-end .454 Casull: Big bore revolver. It has double the power of a .44 mag-
product line and realized that the extreme weight of machine gun sys- num. The rounds are so big that only 5 fit in the cylinder. It can knock
tems made them unattractive to most buyers, even those with anti-grav over steel plates at 250m! Requires 55 or better strength to handle
available. So the designers began a program to develop tech level 4 properly (-25 to hit without both hands, -40 to hit with less than 55
guns using Flex Steel and other lightweight alloys in place of the low Strength).



Beretta 9mm: A double-action, semi-automatic weapon. The Beretta MAW Pistol/Basic Module: MAW stands for Modular Assault Weapon.
was actively used in the U.S. military toward the end of the 20th Century. An intriguing weapon developed in the 23rd century by the weapons
The high-capacity magazine holds 15 rounds. The Beretta has low division of a company known as Tri-Corp. This weapon is easily and
recoil with good damage yield. quickly mass-produced, and is being sold in volume to backwater plan-
ets and developing societies. The basic module of the MAW is a pistol-
Century Model 500: Requires 65 or better strength to handle properly sized affair, about the size of the larger caliber handguns. It can be fired
(-35 without both hands, -50 to hit with less than 65 Strength). Has a high- as a pistol in single shot or two-round burst. However, the MAW system
er muzzle energy than some high powered rifles. Goes through two or includes a number of ‘shells’ (sold separately!) that the basic module
three people at a time, or one Ram Python! But remember, just because a plugs into, providing the user with a wide assortment of weapons for
bullet goes through a Ram Python doesn’t mean that he isn’t going to tear varying situations. Battle rifle, carbine, sniper, and machine gun shells
your head off and stuff it down your neck! Uses .50-70 ammo. are available. Note that the basic module contains the feed system and
firing mechanism, and thus none of the shells can be fired without a
Colt .357 Magnum: A fantastic weapon in its day! The loud report basic module. The shells must be purchased separately. The basic mod-
makes the .357 Magnum intimidating. It can be purchased with variable ule comes with a 20 round stacked clip (can use other magazines in the
barrel lengths from 10-16cm (the stats in the table are for the shortest system, but can only be holstered with the 20 round clip). Fires
barrel). Each additional 3cm of barrel adds a 01% increase to attack 7.62mm ammo. Not very accurate by itself, as it is designed to be part
rolls and costs 75 credits. of the larger system. To use any of the other shells this unit must be pur-
chased first. The encumbrance listed for all the other shells includes
Colt Anaconda .48 Cal.: The most powerful semi-automatic handgun the encumbrance from the basic module.
ever mass-produced. It was a common terrorist weapon of the early 21st
Century. Anyone with less than 60 strength must hold the Anaconda with Model 93RS: This 9mm parabellum holds a lot of rounds for a con-
two hands when firing it (if not, -20 to hit). It is often called the ventional pistol with its 25 round extended magazine. Phentari have
Terminator because of its very high one shot mortality rating (2d4+2 taken an extreme liking to this weapon which fires a three round burst
damage per shot). The Colt Anaconda has a large muzzle flash and heavy or a single shot.
recoil. The flash is quite visible at night. The barrel comes in varying
lengths from 6-24cm (the stats in the table are for the shortest barrel). Night Stalker: A .50 caliber pistol! The Night Stalker is a custom-made
Each additional 3cm of barrel adds a 01% increase to attack rolls and weapon, produced by Marrson Optics, that was originally intended for
costs 75 credits. Add 1 encumbrance if the barrel length is over 15cm. hunting or long range target shooting. Since it was designed with a
bipod or rest in mind, it requires at least a 60 Strength to use without
such accessories. Delivery requires 1d4 months. All Night Stalker’s have
the owner’s name initialized on the synth-ivory grips. The weapon uti-
lizes a quick-throw bolt action and a small internal magazine. Varying
barrel lengths from 30-45cm, each additional 3cm of barrel adds a
01% increase to attack rolls and costs 75 credits (stats listed in the
table are for the shortest barrel). Add 1 encumbrance for barrel lengths
over 36cm. Aiming is required after each shot. This weapon inflicts
Derringer .44 Cal.: This small, two-shot wonder was commonly 1d8+3 points of damage when striking a target.
called the Saturday Night Special in the 20th Century. The weapon is a
mere 15cm in length and is a favorite of assassin types. The Derringer
packs enough power to stop a Gen-Human. Effective Range: 145m.

IMI Eagle: This gas operated .44 caliber handgun was designed by the
Israelis in the late twentieth century. The weapon is bulky compared to
others in its class. It has excellent range out to 300m.

Glock 9: A powerful magazine-fed pistol made of a plastic ceramic P7: A revolutionary design in pistols. The P7 utilizes a squeeze cock
composite. It has a simple and very safe trigger safety. Uses 9mm ammo. mechanism that completely eliminates the hammer piece. It fires 9mm
ammo in three round bursts and almost never jams.
Glock 18c: In the twentieth century, this was Glock’s answer to
Beretta’s 93RS model; a fully automatic answer. This pistol was pre- Police .38 Cal.: Widely distributed to police forces in the latter part of
ferred by those who want to carry some serious firepower while the 20th Century. The .38 revolver has a smooth profile with a swing out
appearing lightly armed. The 18c is surprisingly easy to control on full- cylinder. It can be purchased with varying barrel lengths from 6-18cm
auto, pushing back into your hand rather than off at an angle. Thus it (the stats in the table are for the shortest barrel). Each additional 3cm
only incurs a -30 penalty when fired in this manner. 33 round maga- of barrel adds a 01% increase to attack rolls and costs 75 credits. Add
zines are also available (35cr), although you’re not very likely to 1 to encumbrance for a barrel length of 12cm or more.
appear lightly armed in that case.



Punk: The Punk is a snub nosed revolver that is both affordable and
accurate. It has acceptable damage yield and is made of a
plastic/ceramic composite. Uses .22 cal ammunition. TYPE ER TL AV COST
Aug-56 350 3 R 10,000
Smith and Wesson .22: Not very powerful or accurate. It is, howev- .700 Nitro Express 300 3-4 VR 25,000
er, easily concealed. Best used for shooting Shukaren moon geese. AK-74 500 3-4 P 450
AR 17 500 3-4 R 2,000
Smith and Wesson .44 Magnum: The .44 Magnum revolver is
Crossfire (rifle) 300 3-4 R 7,000
vicious at point blank to medium range. The heavy recoil makes for
EWS 1,100 3-4 R 3,200
lower accuracy statistics, and this weapon has a high concussion and
FN-FAL 1,100 3 UC 7,500
blast rating.
Fu Fu Gun 150 2-3 R 1,000

Smith and Wesson 48 Plus: Big-bore stopping power. Has the same G14 300 3-4 VR 5,500
statistics as the Colt Anaconda, with the exception of its lower overall G36 620 3-4 UC 15,000
system shock number. Galil Assault Rifle 450 3 VC 600
H&K ACR 550 3-4 R 2,500
M-16A5 550 3-4 P 500
M1E 270 2-4 VC 300
M4A2 360 3-4 VC 9,000
MAW Battle Rifle Shell 540 3-4 UC 3,700
MAW Carbine Shell 450 3-4 UC 3,000
Steyr ACR 750 3-4 R 4,500
Steyr Aug 500 3-4 R 4,000
Walther PPK: First produced in 1929, the PPK was a favorite of espi-
TK-7A 1,400 3-4 VR 10,000
onage units in the 1930’s. It is commonly recognized by its synth-ivory
grips. The weapon uses .38 caliber rounds. AK-74: A light weight assault rifle. The AK-74 was used predominantly
by Russian forces during the 20th and 21st Centuries. Its progenitor
APW—RIFLES was the AK-47. The AK-74 seldom jams. It has a large flash suppressor
and uses standard 30-round, 5.56mm magazines.
AR 17: An excellent plastic/ceramic automatic rifle used by terrorists
Rifles: The mainstay of APWs. The weapons in this category represent and espionage types in the 21st Century. Watch out for the system shock
what most people often consider the best combination of size, rate of number. It comes complete with an M205 grenade launcher (treat as
fire, damage, and reliability. Still, don’t let the big boys get close enough plastic M203). Uses 5.56mm ammo.
to employ AHWs, but don’t engage them from far enough away that you
can’t reach them, either. Optimally, you want to have your rifles but- AUG 56: Limited in application due to its inaccuracy. It is an affordable
tressed by some heavy weaponry: rockets, missiles, pulse or omega plastic/ceramic composite. and fires 5.56mm flechette with discarding
sabot round. Subtract two from threshold when figuring penetration.
weapons, grenade launchers, etc. The APW rifle is a good all-around utili-
ty weapon.
M16A5 Rifle: The original design was developed by Eugene Stoner in
the late 1950’s, with modifications made through the early 2000’s. This
.700 Nitro Express: No, it’s not a pulse cannon! It’s not even a weapon fires 3-round bursts or single shot to conserve ammunition. It
machine gun. It is a rifle disguised as a shotgun that fires really neat was designed to engage targets within 300m, but is fairly effective out to
ammo! You pick up your ammo in special gold inlay cases at 200cr per 550m. Magazine sizes: 20 or 30-round 5.56mm ammo.
5 bullets. Then you go out into the backyard and knock over houses!
This weapon is capable of affecting heavy armor normally. Now, forget Crossfire: An innovative police design, mounts a 12-gauge shotgun to
firing both barrels at the same time unless you have 110 strength and the top of a 7.62mm semi-automatic rifle. Both barrels are magazine
are size class 6 or bigger (if so, -50 to hit when fired in this manner). fed, the shotgun carrying 5 rounds, and the rifle 20 rounds. The vital
Breach loading takes a full action. statistics are broken down into 2 segments: shotgun and rifle.



Enfield Weapons System (EWS): Adopted by the British military in

the early 21st Century. The Enfield Weapons System has an unusual con-
figuration where the magazine and bolt are behind the trigger mecha-
nism (known as “bull-pup”), yielding a shorter and handier rifle. This
weapon operates in single shot or 4-round automatic burst. The EWS
utilizes 20 and 30 round magazines and comes with a 2x scope. The
EWS is also equipped with a flash suppressor and is effective out to
1,100m. Uses 5.56mm ammo.

FN-FAL: A fantastic design for its time. The FN-FAL is a long-range,

heavy-impact weapon designed when large caliber battle rifles were in
vogue. It was used extensively by many nations on Earth in the late twen-
tieth century. The FN-FAL fires 7.62mm rounds.

Fu Fu Gun: “Dis ‘ere is ma Fu Fu Gun, Louise. She’s a fine weepon ain’t

she?” This weapon is the favorite of Fotts everywhere. It is much like a
black powder musket from early industrial Earth (akin to a
Blunderbuss). It has all the shortcomings of one too: lots of smoke,
inaccurate, and a pain to load.

G14: One of the funkiest, non-conventional, and effective designs of its

time! The G14 set the standard for weapon designs into the 21st
Century, utilizing a gas-operated radially reciprocating bolt. It’s large
capacity magazine is loaded from the top so a prone soldier would not
have to move his weapon out of firing position to reload. It is actually a
semi-automatic weapon, but each squeeze of the trigger fires three
rounds. The recoil feels like one round, hence the excellent accuracy
statistics (i.e. treat as burst fire with no penalties). The G14 is compli-
cated to repair in the field so it never really caught on with the military,
but it’s cool nonetheless. Fires special 4.9mm caseless ammo.

G36: Another masterpiece. This rifle comes in various designs but the
G36KA is the most prevalent configuration today. Folding stock and a
quick rate of fire of 7 rounds per second! Infrared sighting. Accessories
include a 100 round dual drum mag (50cr + 3 Enc), a detachable
bipod (included), and a heavier barrel for sustained fire (500cr + 3
Enc and +04% at all range brackets but the 1st). Uses 5.56mm ammo.

Galil Assault Rifle: The Galil was first produced in the late 1960’s. It
uses standard 5.56mm ammunition and is great for short range engage-
ments. The system utilizes an integrated bipod which also functions as
a pair of wire cutters. The Galil uses 35 or 50 round magazines.



H&K ACR: Scientific tests prove that when the feces hits the rotating Steyr AUG: Let’s face it, when it comes to weapon design, this piece
blades, the common foot soldier doesn’t do a good job of aiming his exemplifies defecation consolidation (keeping your !*%@ together).
rifle. The next step to addressing this problem was the development of The Steyr AUG is a prime example of this philosophy. The weapon is
a new series of weapons called the Advanced Combat Rifle or simply deadly accurate, almost never jams, fires five rounds per second on full
ACR. Heckler & Koch were forerunners in this field and produced what auto, and looks chic to boot! Easily broken down and packed and can
is known as the H&K ACR. The ACR fires three round bursts at a rate of be assembled in seconds. The Steyr AUG fires 5.56m rounds out to a
over 2,500 rounds per minute. Burst fire penalties are halved (-10) distance of 500m.
when using this weapon (however, the full automatic fire penalty is still
-40). The H&K ACR is a bull-pup (see EWS) configuration and is very Steyr ACR: Let the Austrians produce a good weapon, and what do they
accurate out to 550m. 5.56mm round. do? They make a better one. The Steyr ACR is a major improvement over
the already wonderful Steyr AUG! The Steyr ACR is a bullpup combat
assault rifle with superb all around stats. The unusual concept of a ris-
ing chamber has been employed with an open bolt action. This compact
65cm design can easily mount an M203 grenade launcher. The Steyr
ACR fires three round burst only. The weapon fires a plastic 5.56mm
armor-piercing flechette with discarding sabot (-2 to threshold when
determining damage). Integrated scope provides 2x magnification.

M1E: An all-new design by Human Antique Systems, this rifle is TK-7A: Invented by Talachiv Karashnichov in 2011. The TK-7A has
designed for no purpose other than to capture the lowest end of the almost no kick and the Valexxas-4 sharp sight is incredibly accurate up
weapons market. It uses 7.62mm ammo, but has lowered overall dam- to 100m. Uses 7.62mm ammo.
age due to its unwieldy design and poor quality barrel. In addition, it is
a purely semi-automatic firearm which is of average reliability and rel-
atively fragile. But it is cheap! The Galactic Weapons Standards com-
mission is currently evaluating whether this weapon can be legalized for
Tech Level 2 worlds.

M4A2: A carbine intended to replace the M16 series, the M4A2 rifle
suffered from some reliability problems. The range and lethality are
also reduced. However, the weapon does have one advantage: the auto-
matic fire mode is wickedly fast! Human Antique Systems has revived
this design because the profit margins available are amazing. Uses
5.56mm ammo.

MAW Battle Rifle Shell: The Battle Rifle shell for the MAW system (see
APW Pistols for a full description). Provides a longer barrel, fore-grip,
impact-resistant shoulder stock, and a higher rate of fire, simply by
sliding the basic module into the bottom of the Battle Rifle shell (the
rate of fire of the basic module is self-limited for accuracy, a limitation
that can be removed mechanically by the various shells). Fires 7.62mm
rounds. This shell comes with a 30 round magazine or a 70 round
drum, although all magazines in the system are interchangeable with all
shells. Cannot be fired without a basic module.

MAW Carbine Shell: A shortened, more maneuverable version of the

battle rifle shell for the MAW system (see APW Pistols for a complete
description). This shell comes with a 30 round magazine, although any
magazine from the system can be used. 7.62mm ammo. Cannot be fired
without a basic module.



cartridges filled with 8 flechettes at amazing accuracy out to 50 meters

(treat as shot, threshold is doubled). The weapon has fair overall accuracy
TYPE ER TL AV COST out to 150m. The shot group for a completely emptied load is 15cm on full
Crossfire 12g 30 3-4 R 7,000 auto. The residual effect on body tissue is best left up to the imagination of
Franchi SPAS 12g 30/70 3 R 375 certain Phentari! Magazine Capacity: 12 rounds. A really nice buy for old
H&K Bulwark 10g 40/70 3-4 VR 15,000 war buffs. This weapon is quite prominent on Tech level 3 worlds.
H&K CAWS 12g 50/150 3-4 UC 8,500
HS Series D 10g 90/120 4 VR 20,000
Ithaca Hammerless 10g 22 2-3 P 150
Masral 12g 30 3 R 550
Masral Smuggler 10g 30/150 3 R 9,000
Pancor Jackhammer 12g 60 3-4 VR 4,000
Remington M870 12g 30 3 UC 200
Road Blocker 10g 120 3 R 7,000 HS Series D: The light weight, plastic composite carousel shotgun fires
5 shots per second. The Series D can be broken down in less than 1
APW—SHOTGUNS minute. A classy piece of machinery. Uses 10g ammo.

Shotguns have double the threshold of the target’s armor subtracted Ithaca Hammerless 10g: Developed in Ithaca, N.Y. at the end of the
from their damage when using shot. This reflects the spread of the 19th Century. The breech cracks open forward and down. This weapon is
weapon over a large surface area. Threshold is counted normally when long, just over 85cm from stock to barrel. It uses a wide selection of shot.
using shotgun slugs.
• Example: Henry the Mutzachan fires at a Cizerack. The Cizerack is wearing Remington M870 12g: The finest weapon of its kind, with the possi-
AKM armor, with a threshold of 3. Six points are subtracted from the damage ble exception of the Masral 12g pump action, double barrel shotgun.
roll before the absorption is affected. The magazine holds 5 rounds, with an extra in the chamber. Extended
length magazines can be purchased; these hold 7 rounds (Cost: 10cr).
Shotgun hits reduce armor integrity by two points. Shotguns may
Certain modifications can be made to the 870, such as folding stocks,
also be sawed off. Sawed off shotguns add a +20 to hit at range brack-
bayonet mounts, etc. The 870 is reasonably priced for a generic model.
ets 1-2, but are ineffective beyond range bracket 2. This also reduces
It is the additions that kill ya!
encumbrance by 3, and eliminates the snap shot penalty in range
brackets 1 and 2.
Masral 12g Double Barrel Riot Control Shotgun: Expensive, but
worth every penny. The Masral Riot Control Shotgun is a pistol grip,
TACTICS TO PRACTICE pump action weapon. Both barrels can be fired simultaneously or one
Shotguns: Let’s face it, if you are going to be facing any kind of armor at at a time by flipping a lever just above the trigger guard. The Titanium
all, avoid the shot and buy slugs. You lose some accuracy at close ranges, suppressor spring reduces recoil. The Masral uses 5 and 10 round
but you gain it back at long ranges, and you don’t lose penetration power. A
very effective use for these weapons is sawed-off, and carried under a long
Masral Smuggler 10g: A good ceramic/plastic shotgun with accept-
jacket or slung across your equipment pack as a backup. They are noisy, but able all around stats.
also effective for starting riots in crowded areas because of that reason.
Pancor Jackhammer 12g: An amazing weapon! One of the best auto-
matic shotguns ever produced. It is fairly accurate and can pump out all
Crossfire: The shotgun half of this weapon. See full description under
12 rounds in 4 seconds. It takes two full actions to completely reload.
APW Rifles.

Franchi SPAS 12g: Purely a combat shotgun. The Franchi’s features

include a flexible stock, sling swivels, and a bayonet mount. It operates
in auto (gas operated) or semi auto (pump) mode. The Franchi uses
all types of 12g ammunition.

H&K Bulwark: A nasty auto-shotgun!!! A plastic/ceramic composite, it

can discharge 12 rounds in 4 seconds. A variety of munitions can be
Road Blocker 10g: It can fire through one end of a skimmer and out
loaded into this fantastic weapon! Uses 10g ammo.
the other, passing through the reactor case and body as if it were total-
ly insignificant! So you can understand when I say that the Road Blocker
H&K CAWS: It has long been understood that infantrymen don’t take much
does really neat things to body tissue. Capable of affecting heavy armor
time to aim during the heat of battle. Hard to figure, huh? To combat this
normally. Fires only slugs.
tendency, the Close Assault Weapon was designed. It fires 12 gauge plastic



huh?). The M880 was designed for pinpoint destruction of heavy armor,
light vehicles, and low-flying aircraft as well as the odd Arachnid.
Barrett 82 2,000 3 R 15,000 MAW Sniper Rifle Shell: The sniper rifle shell for the MAW system
M880 Mjolnir 2,500 3-4 R 30,000 (see under APW Pistols for a complete description). Questionable
MAW Sniper Rifle Shell 1,100 3-4 UC 3,500 accuracy and damage for a sniper rifle, possibly the worst addition to
MP9 1,200 3 UC 12,000 the MAW system. The sniper shell provides the longest barrel in the sys-
NTW-20 2,300 3-4 R 24,000
tem, advanced recoil reduction, and a high-powered night-vision
scope. Comes with a 10 round magazine, although all of the magazines
PSG1 1,400 3 R 5,000
in the system are interchangeable (it’s just hard to be a sniper with a 30
Walther A2000 1,500 3-4 R 8,000
round magazine or a 70 round drum. Both give a -10 to all range
brackets when used with this shell). 7.62mm ammo. Cannot be fired
APW—SNIPER RIFLES without a basic module.
All sniper rifles are scoped weapons and require the full amount of time
to aim listed in the Battlelords rulebook. MP9: This weapon comes with a bipod built into the forward section of
the stock. There is a storage compartment just to the rear of the stock,
which can hold 10 rounds. Fires 7.62mm NATO round.
NTW-20: A massive rifle, the 2m long NTW-20 is better classified as an
Sniper Rifles: These are great for softening up the target before he anti-materiel weapon. It utilizes the 14.5mm (.57 cal) round to deliver
reaches closer ranges. Particularly effective at taking out those pulse- a devastating blow out to 2,300m. A bipod is provided with the unit,
and omega-toting big boys before their weapons will even reach you. along with an 8x magnification scope. Unfortunately, the unit is
Once he gets closer, however, put the sniper rifle away in favor of some- extremely heavy and generally requires two persons (or one Python) to
thing with a higher rate of fire. And remember, living things aren’t the haul around (disassembly or reassembly takes 2 minutes).
only targets. A well-placed shot in a tire, fuel cell, ammo pack, engine Furthermore, it is a bolt-action rifle with only 3 rounds per clip.
block, or a shot square in the middle of a piece of high-tech equipment Exchanging clips requires a full action.
can really ruin someone’s day.
PSG1: One of the greatest sniper rifles ever designed! The actual name
of the weapon is the PrazisionsSchutzenGewehr 1. It utilizes a 7.62mm
Barrett 82: An excellent sniper weapon of the late 20th and early 21st cartridge and can drop targets at 1,400m. There are 5 and 20 shot mag-
Centuries used primarily by American special forces units. The heavy azines available. The reticule scope has six settings from 2x to 10x
recoil is reduced by an innovative muzzle brake. The Barrett comes strength.
with a bipod built into the forward section of the stock. It uses .50 cal-
iber ammo for you types who are interested in overkill, and it can affect
heavy armor normally. It is the optimum weapon to use on elephants.
(Elephants have been extinct for 160 years; they have since been
replaced by Ram Pythons). Human Antique Systems has replaced some
of the original components with lightweight alloys in order to help you
carry this monster.
Walther A2000: This is one of the few sniper rifles designed from the
outset specifically for that purpose. Constructed to very exact standards,
the Walther A2000 uses the finest materials available and is designed
for optimum accuracy, employing the .300 Winchester Magnum round.
The Walther A2000 is a bull-pup configuration and comes with a 10x
scope and a built-in bipod. The heavy barrel is stabilized to reduce
vibrational effects caused by weapons discharge. The overall effect is to
M880 Mjolnir: With the advent of a-grav technology, the feasibility of produce a weapon with excellent punch as well as accuracy. The only
taking a 12kg rifle into battle allowed Human Archaic Systems to pro- problem is that brass is ejected close to the face.
duce the largest caliber sniper rifle ever. Named Mjolnir after the war
hammer used by the Norse god Thor, a reference to the blow issued by
the 20mm round. The M880 is a single-shot, bolt-action rifle. The bolt
is removed after firing to extract the case and prepare for reloading a
fresh round, hence the slow rate of fire. The Mjolnir must be used with
the included bipod or other braced position (if not a -30 penalty is
applied to all range brackets) and cannot be silenced (big surprise,



drum magazines are heavy (5 of the weapon’s 9 total encumbrance) since

they house the battery that operates the weapon.
CBM2 220 3 UC 3,000
E15K 45 3-4 R 10,000
E9 150 3-4 UC 12,500
FN P90 500 3-4 UC 7,500
HammerFist 140 3-4 UC 7,000
IMI Uzi 240 2-3 VC 350
MAC 10 140 3 R 10,000
E15K: Fuel cell practicality in the early 21st century allowed the cre-
MAC 11 100 3 R 20,000
ation of an electrically operated pistol, having been limited before to
Mako 150 3 UC 3,000 rifle styles because of the bulk of the battery and ammunition. The E15K
Micro-Uzi 100 3 UC 4,900 has the same incredible rate of fire as the E9 (see above) in a smaller
Mini-Uzi 170 3-4 UC 2,800 package. It fires flechette rounds, allowing for a smaller magazine. This
MP5 350 3 UC 600 weapons design was not pursued further as beam weapons became
MP5K 150 3-4 UC 2,800 practical around the same time.
Skorpion Model 66 110 3 UC 5,000
SM 90 100 3 R 1,500 FN P90: Brilliant and revolutionary design has created a compact,
Thompson .45 100 2 UC 375 handy, and powerful sub-gun. High capacity magazine holds 50 rounds
of 5.7mm ammunition. Very accurate and very expensive.
APW—SUBMACHINE GUNS HammerFist: Delivers the knockout punch! The HammerFist is a pow-
erful machine pistol, delivering .45 caliber rounds at a rate of 8 shots
TACTICS TO PRACTICE per second. It utilizes the same arm sling/stock as the Mako (with the
same benefits) and can hit targets out to 140m.
Submachine Guns: You are trading accuracy for rate of fire when you go
this route. It’s probably best to not rely on a subgun as your main IMI Uzi: Designed for the Israeli army. The Uzi is a small weapon with
weapon, because they just don’t do enough damage and they don’t have a folding or removable stock. It is normally just over 60cm in length;
the range. But if you can get to within a few dozen meters, you can real- this decreases to only 40cm without the stock. The Uzi uses 9mm ammo
ly pour the lead into somebody in a hurry. My advice is to buy one of the and is fairly accurate at short ranges. It was mostly used by light infantry
smaller models and tuck it away as a holdout weapon. These are also units and long range patrols. It is worth the investment. Firing this
perfect for pilots and folks who don’t usually need a large rifle. weapon without the stock incurs a -20 penalty.
Alternately, if you’re a larger individual, you can pack a pistol-grip MP5
as a sidearm and maybe get away with it at the customs station. MAC 10: With an extremely fast cyclic rate, this weapon fires 10 rounds
per second. The MAC 10 is well balanced and comes with a folding
stock. Uses a 30 round magazine with .45 cal ammo. You will be chang-
CBM2: The Benelli CBM2 uses a special 9mm AUPO cartridge (costing ing ammo clips real fast if you opt to purchase this weapon. You will
100cr/50) designed by an Italian named Giulio Fiocchi. This subma- also mow down things that get in your way! Nicknamed the Hedge
chine gun has a sustained rate of fire of 6 rounds per second and is Trimmer. To truly appreciate capitalism, understand that the Human
accurate out to 220m. Not a bad buy. Antique Systems company sells this weapon at a 500% profit. Firing this
weapon without the stock incurs a -20 penalty.

MAC 11: A smaller, lighter derivative of the MAC 10. It utilizes .38 Cal
ammunition and fires even faster than the MAC 10. It is just not right
when a Phentari decides to use four of these guns! Effective Range: 70m.

Mako: Another machine pistol. The Mako features an innovative arm

sling/stock, increasing weapon control. The Mako has select firing, and
E9: The first practical, electrically operated firearm. The unique caseless fires 7 rounds per second on automatic. Uses 5.56mm ammo.
ammunition, a flechette encased in a block-like propellant, is discharged
when an electrical impulse reacts with the propellant, allowing for a much
greater rate of fire. Most users set the E9 in semi-automatic or burst mode
(3 rounds, no automatic fire penalty) so they don’t use up the ammo in two
trigger pulls. The E9 is very robust, with only three moving parts, but the





Micro-Uzi: A much shorter version of the IMI Uzi, the Micro-Uzi has a
higher sustained rate of fire due to a lighter bolt. Folded stock length at
36cm. Fires 9mm ammo at 10 rounds per second. TYPE ER TL AV COST
Behemoth 145 6-7 U 3.5M
Cheetah 115 5-6 R 25,000
Lion 500 5-6 VR 160,000
M1 50 5 VR 10,000
Mark 3 725 5-6 U 125,000
Mark 4 30 6 VR 500,000
Mark 5 310 6 R 1M
Sabertooth 450 5-6 VR 250,000
Mini-Uzi: A slightly shorter version of the Uzi, with a higher rate of fire
and lighter overall construction. Tiger 210 5-6 R 60,000

MP5: A reliable and well-made submachine gun. It is very accurate in ATOMIC PARTICLE WEAPONS
semi-automatic mode, and quite handy overall. The MP5 can be pur-
chased with a permanent silencer attachment for 400cr above retail Atomic particle technology is fairly old, first developed in the late 20th
price. One can also purchase an impact version of the MP5 which adds century on Earth. However, due to a lack of sufficient energy and con-
+1 to damage rolls. This costs an additional 200cr. It has an effective trol technologies, it was abandoned for some time. However, as tech-
range of 350m and uses 9mm ammunition. nology improved, the science behind atomic particle weapons became
a feasible alternative. Don’t you just love science?
MP5K: The short version of the MP5 has a pistol grip and is only 33cm Atomic Particle Weapons utilize an exotic state of matter called a
long (no impact version available for the short model). ‘Bose-Einstein condensate of dilute atomic gases’. A BE condensate is a
collection of atoms which all occupy the exact same quantum state
Skorpion Model 66: The Skorpion fires 9mm rounds at 10 (previously thought impossible), and can be described by a single
roundsper second. Utilizes 30 or 50 round magazines. Its high rate of wavefunction. Atoms, just like photons, have both properties of waves
fire can spray an area quickly and effectively. As with most other and of particles. Through the management of the magnetic chamber, a
machine pistols, the weapon becomes almost uncontrollable in auto- resonance can be created in the atoms state of confinement and de-
matic mode. The attachable shoulder stock increases accuracy by 10 confinement called stimulated Raman scattering, which kicks atoms out
points when in full auto. Requires 2 minutes to attach and increases the of the condensate, producing a stream with the same wavefunction and
length of the weapon from 27cm to 54cm. intensity at roughly relativistic speeds.
The particles travels quickly through an ionized tunnel setup by the
atomic particle weapon prior to fire. Due to the near relativistic speeds
of the atoms, armor threshold is reduced by two points for the calcula-
tion of damage. All damage that passes threshold does straight body
damage, although magnetic disruption devices negate the affect of this
weapon (Flux shields are damaged on a point for point basis).

SM 90: It is the shortest and lightest of all the submachine guns, mea-
suring just 30cm. Fires 8 rounds per second and uses a 33 round mag- Atomic Particle Weapons: These things are great for wasting people in
azine. Jams a lot. Uses 9mm Ammo. low line armors that have a low threshold. Their slow rate of fire though
relegates them mainly to that of a sniper weapon. Also very useful for
Thompson .45: Affectionately called the Tommy gun. Designed in the shooting unarmored targets through cover or thin walls; a surveillance k-
early part of the 20th Century. The Thompson was first used by gangsters sat will help with this.
in the 1930’s. It uses box or drum magazines. The box magazines come
in 20 and 30 round sizes while the drums hold 50 or 100 shots. Drum
attachments cost an additional 50cr. The Thompson is only accurate at
short to medium range. It uses .45 caliber ammo, and it has a question- Behemoth: The Behemoth is a massive experimental particle weapon
able malfunction rating. An old design that has gained a new life in the being fielded by Balshrom Corporation. This enormous particle weapon
hands of Orions (don’t tell them that gangster’s never wore kilts). can produce output yields no other particle weapon can even approach.
The weapon has respectable range and despite its high price, it has been

They got caught breaking into a federal accounting firm to change some
selling well. However, reports have been coming in from the field that the
weapon is finicky and doesn’t handle abuse well. Most Behemoth gunners
records. Rather then face 20 to life in prison, this Phentari and Orion have opted learn to handle their weapons gently and know how to finesse it when it
to make their last stand and go down in a blaze of plasma! misbehaves. All Behemoths come with a permanently affixed tripod.



Cheetah: Balshrom Science Corporation is the only company current-

ly producing atomic particle weapons, although the AKM Corporation is
trying to enter the market. The Cheetah is the first of Balshrom TYPE ER TL AV COST
Corporation’s CAT series atomic particle weapons. Able Plus 550 7 R 130,000
BC-Milk Shake 120 7 U 5.0M
Lion: Does a lot of damage and has excellent range. It is the largest of Earthquake 150 7 VR 2.0M
all the CAT series. Emulsifier 300 7 VR 82,000
Jellatizer 140 7 UC 20,000
M1: The first experimental atomic particle rifle. Designed by Helix
Ravager 300 7 UC 40,000
Unlimited. The AM1 is inaccurate and has an effective range of only 50m.
Shake and Bake 120 7 U 400,000

Mark 3: Still being tested. AKM Corporation’s answer to Balshrom’s

monopoly over the atomic particle gun market. All specifications beat ATTRACTOR/REPRESSORS
out any CAT except the Lion. Prototypes are available.
The technology to produce these weapons was obtained through the
arms treaty between the Alliance and the independent planet called
Takan. Attractor/Repressors are tech level 7, medium-range weapons
that generate an alternating attraction/repulsion beam that is effective
against those wearing metal armor. These weapons are extremely heavy
and are usually carried by Ram Pythons, Python Lizards, and Cizerack.
The electro-magnetic beam alternates pulses over a period of nano-sec-
onds. The resulting effect is so powerful that the beam shakes objects
Mark 4: AKM is clearly attempting to push Balshrom out of the parti- contained within armor, and weapons held by targets, to pieces in the
cle weapon market with their Mark series of particle weapons. This course of a few seconds. They must make SMR checks as with EMP can-
amazing weapon shoots through armor like a ram using single-ply toi- nons. Attractor/Repressors are not affected by threshold. Absorption
let paper. It doesn’t have the range of its competitors and AKM is hav- polymers protect the target normally. Damage is merely subtracted
ing trouble producing these weapons at competitive prices. from the absorption polymer lining as the person is shaken up. Note
that for most attractor/repressors the damage is divided among all sec-
Mark 5: Experts insist that the Mark 5 is the straw the broke the camels tions including the head. Attractor/Repressors do not affect persons
back, and that AKM will finally unseat Balshrom’s monopoly on the par- wearing ceramic or biological armors. All come with a built-in tripod
ticle weapon market. Immediately after the release of this weapon to facilitate operations.
AKM’s stock skyrocketed. The Mark 5 boasts the longest range and These weapons can be used to hold an individual in place. A per-
highest damage yield of any man-portable particle weapons. It’s worth son in armor may attempt to escape the beam of a Attractor/Repressor.
every credit. He must make a strength check at a penalty equal to three times the
rolled damage yield. Some of the more expensive attractor/repressors
Sabertooth: The Sabertooth was Balshrom’s first attempt to design a can, instead of doing damage, simply push the target away from or pull
particle weapon that could engage targets in heavy and mechanized bat- it towards the wielder. It costs 25cr per shot to recharge a
tle armor. The engineers received a bonus after the debut of this attractor/repressor.
weapon and it has been selling off the shelves at a brisk pace.
Cost Effectiveness: A cool name for a cool weapon system! AR beams generate
Tiger: The better range and all-around performance of this weapon an alternating attraction and repulsion beam every couple of nano-seconds.
makes owning it enticing. One can engage targets out to a range of
The result is a jarring sensation that does interesting things to people wearing
metal armor. Threshold is ignored when calculating damage and all weapons
carried by the target must make a system shock roll or be destroyed. AR
beams are great when employed at long range. They are, however, detectable
by ultraviolet-sensitive devices. The elite attraction/repulsion weapons
(Earthquake and BC-Milk Shake) have an alternate setting which allows the
weapon to act continually as an attraction or repulsion beam. The alternate
beam can be negated by the presence of a magnetic deflection generator on
the target. Attractor/Repressors are expensive, but they have some interesting
applications outside of merely killing things, especially those AR beams that
are tunable.



Shake and Bake: This is a totally new idea in weapon design. The sys-
TACTICS TO PRACTICE tem consists of a normal Attractor/Repressor with a Thermatic mount-
ed under the barrel, much like a grenade launcher. The weapon can
Attractor/Repressors: The thing to remember with A/R Beams is that you
fire both the A/R and Thermatic beams in a single fire segment. Damage
have a lot more options than just shaking the bejesus out of things. They
yield is 3d6 for the attractor and 2d6 for the Thermatic. Shake and Bake
can be used to push and pull people around as well. Be creative. Pull has a special power pack which provides energy for both systems, but
someone forward into a mine field, or out from around their cover into a uses up 2 charges per shot.
crossfire. Push them backwards off a cliff. Shove them in front of a
speeding tank. The possibilities are endless. Heck, shoot them with the
beam, hold them in place, tape the trigger down, gently set the gun on CAROUSEL GUNS PG. 16
the ground, and start shooting them with your backup weapon. While
A/R Beams don’t affect the armor of someone in ceramic or plastic
Archer 600 5-6 R 180,000
armor, remember that a large number of armor options are metal. If the
Crusher 275 5-6 UC 100,000
target has a metal box strapped to the chest of his armor, you can push
Cyclone 550 5-6 UC 60,000
or pull him around just like anyone else.
Meteor 450 6 R 220,000
Orbital 600 5-6 R 120,000
Able Plus: The Able Plus is the only attractor/repressor that can effec-
tively engage targets beyond 500m. It also has a variable output setting
that does 3d6/4d6/5d6 points of damage, using up 1/2/5 points of ener- CAROUSEL GUNS (AMMO: PG. 123)
gy respectively.
Magnetic devices are popular in weapon design today. The latest inno-
BC-Milk Shake: What’s left when the armor is poured out tends to look vation in magnetic weapons is the Carousel Gun. Carousel Guns use
like a milk shake! The Milk Shake does 6d6 damage to EACH section. magnetic fields to accelerate a heavy slug at a target. These weapons
work on a similar principle to gauss guns. The primary difference
Earthquake: The damage done is to each section of the body armor, between Carousel guns and Gauss weapons is that, once activated, the
including the head (4d6 to EACH section). Testers claim it would be Carousel gun continuously spins the projectile or slug in a disk-shaped
more fun to be in an earthquake. chamber before firing. The longer you spin the slug, the faster it goes,
and the more damage it does when it is finally fired at a target.
Emulsifier: This weapon is truly unique. It is designed to strike multi- When using a Carousel Gun the shooter basically has two choices.
ple targets, producing a cone-shaped field. A successful “to hit” roll He can fire the weapon immediately or “charge” the slug by holding his
indicates that all objects within a 5m radius are immobilized and suffer fire, which allows the slug to continue to accelerate. If the firer wishes
damage, unless they make a successful strength check as given above. to shoot the Carousel Gun immediately, it does the standard damage
listed for the weapon. However, for each additional second the firer
waits the weapon does an additional point of damage and reduces the
targets threshold by 1 point when determining penetration. There is an
upper limit to the amount of power the weapon has to accelerate the
projectile and after a certain amount of time no further benefit will be
gained from “charging” the slug. The amount of time it takes to fully
charge a slug varies from weapon to weapon. Once a charged slug is
fired, the process starts over and the next shot does the standard dam-
Jellatizer: It is affordable. Specs aren’t great but you don’t have to be age for the weapon unless the shooter spends time to charge it too.
a zillionaire to buy one. (A zillion is four times a skillion). The Jellatizer Most of your brighter mercs usually start their Carousel Gun charg-
comes complete with an ML-50 grenade launcher attached ing as soon as they begin to armor up for battle. That way when they
(Encumbrance included). finally reach the combat zone the weapon will be fully charged and do
maximum damage on that first hit. There are disadvantages to this “pre-
Ravager: This unit has limited range, but generates a variable output charging” your Carousel Gun. If a Carousel Gun is damaged the SS and
beam which does 3d6/4d6 points of damage, using up 1 or 2 charges MN of the weapon are reduced by the amount of damage done to the
respectively. The Ravager is another Balshrom Science Corporation weapon. However, if a Carousel Gun is damaged while charging a slug,
product. Presently, there is a lawsuit pending between Marrson Optics the high-velocity projectile is likely to shoot out the side of the charging
and Balshrom over the rights to produce this weapon. A Human by the chamber in a random direction. In this case the weapon is automati-
name of Alexander Harding was the lead scientist on the project to cally rendered useless. In addition, the slug does additional damage to
design the Ravager. He quit Marrson and was put on the Balshrom pay- the weapon’s SS and MN equal to the amount of damage it would have
roll where he received a huge salary increase. The weapon was soon done had it been fired in that segment. After penetrating the charging
after released to the public. chamber the round then flies off in a random direction. Roll 1d12 to
determine the direction of the round’s flight path. Any target in that
direction has a 50% chance to be struck by the round.




Carousel Guns: The biggest drawback of carousel guns is the wait. When
Allox 20mm Auto-Cannon 1,500 4-5 VR 120,000
do you have time to let your weapon sit idly just to gain a higher dam-
BC-Blister 1,000 5 VR 230,000
age yield? News flash: not everyone has to sit idly. Carousel guns are a
Chainsaw Lightning 1,000 5 VR 260,000
great choice for Phentari and Ashanti. They’ve each got another two free
Vixer 30mm 1,200 4-5 VR 180,000
tentacles/arms they can use to continue to pour fire at the enemy until
the carousel round is ready to go. Of course, you don’t need four upper
limbs to make a carousel gun effective in an ambush. If you’ve got the CHAINGUNS
drop on your target, let the thing spin away. In surprise attacks, carousel
Chainguns are large, externally powered machine guns generally of a
guns have an amazingly high one-shot mortality rating. Spend the extra
large caliber. Chainguns were created to solve the main problem with
cred for the specialized rounds, too.
housing automatic weapons in tank or aircraft turrets. With a conven-
tional recoil-operated machine gun, a jam would render the weapon
useless. When that weapon was housed in an inaccessible turret or
Archer: Balshrom is not one to be left out of the market and is the only external mount, you were just screwed. The chaingun uses an electric
company aside from Arkatron to have a marketable carousel weapon motor and chain drive to pull the rounds through the weapon; if a
on the shelves to date. The Archer has extended range and comes com- round jams or misfires it is simply ejected with the rest of the empty
plete with a shoulder harness for ease of use and carrying convenience. casings. This mechanism gives chainguns their excellent Malfunction
Maximum charge Time: 6 seconds rating (on a Malfunction roll, any malfunction that indicates a round
failure or a jam can be ignored).
Crusher: The Crusher does what it says; it crushes things. Truth in Chainguns are prohibitively heavy for any race besides the Ram
advertising is not dead! The slugs put out by this weapon can knock a Python, Python Lizards, and Gemini to carry (though why a Gemini
Python over (while ripping it to pieces). Limited range is the only prob- would want one is beyond us). Thanks to aggressive lobbying by pulse
lem, but since damage is comparable to most pulse and Omega and omega weapons manufacturers, by law, no anti-grav system may be
weapons, most of those guts and glory types love it. Maximum charge applied to these weapons when intended for use on a planet lower than
Time: 3 seconds tech level 5 (yeah, and PCs always follow the law; wink, wink, say-no-
more). Chainguns are body-mounted weapons and generally require
1d4+1 full actions to drop the weapon and backpack. They “eat” a
large amount of ammo which is carried in an automatic feed maga-
zine/backpack. The logistics of carrying extra ammo into a combat
zone are difficult to say the least and this problem has raised much con-
tention over the usefulness of these weapons. Most magazine/back-
packs are disposable units that carry 500 rounds. The encumbrance for
the backpack varies per ammo type and is 110/130 for 20mm and
Cyclone: Relatively good in most areas, but exceptional in none. This 30mm respectively. The standard backpack threshold is 7. Finally, the
product of Arkatron Industries is a good weapon to buy if you wish to 20mm and 30mm rounds reduce threshold by 2 and 3 points respec-
try out Carousel weapons and don’t want to spend a fortune on a tively.
weapon you may not like. Maximum charge Time: 4 seconds Note: The accuracy of these weapons is reduced by 40 when fired
from any non-secured position, i.e. when not fired from a vehicle
Meteor: Just ahead of the older companies that are jumping into the mount or a tripod (Note: the accuracy stats in the table are for a
field, Arkatron produced the first multi-shot carousel weapon. Three chaingun in a vehicle or tripod mount! Vehicle does not mean
slugs are sent through the barrel simultaneously and accelerated as Ram Python!). This holds true even when utilizing the backpack/fir-
one. The connections are severed and flight paths are diverged while in ing sling. These weapons can only be fired in burst or automatic mode
the barrel. A simple lever on the stock regulates the amount of spread (but no automatic fire penalty is incurred). A penalty of -40 is further
from 0 to 30 degrees. This allows the weapon to be used against one or incurred when chainguns are fired at size class 4 targets (Size class 3
multiple targets. There is no automatic fire penalty. Maximum charge would be at a -50, size class 5 at a -30 and so on). Fully loaded ammo
Time: 8 seconds packs cost: 20mm Backpack: 5,000cr, 30mm: 8,500cr, 20mm
Explosive: 24,000cr. The Gyro Stabilizer armor option will not work
Orbital: With the need for long range weapons capable of taking out with these weapon systems due to the tremendous recoil.
pulse and Omega weapons carriers at long range, Arkatron put out the Note: The Encumbrance listed in the Chainguns table is for the
Orbital Carousel. The extended barrel length allows for smoother tra- weapon ONLY.
jectory and greater accuracy. Maximum charge Time: 5 seconds Note: Chainguns require Archaic Powder Gunnery skill.



Chainsaw Lightning: Multi-barrel, spinning, target-waster of doom!.

TACTICS TO PRACTICE It sounds like a chainsaw when fired; maybe that’s where it gets its
name. Or maybe it is because this game designer is brain dead and can’t
Chainguns: Not the most practical of personal weaponry. First of all, you
come up with any new names! Fires 30mm hell rounds, hehe.
need an entirely different skill to employ these than other APWs. Second,
the encumbrance issues are a pain. It’s best to leave these on vehicles or Vixer 30mm Chaingun: The Vixer has an eye-piece with an adjustable
stationary emplacements. But how to use them? You are going to draw a range targeting system. It fires 25 rounds per second out to 1,200m.
lot of fire when you start shooting, no matter the enemy. It’ll even make Watch out for the malfunction number. The body mount is cumbersome
the guys in mechanized armor wake up. These things unleash a lot of lead and requires 1d10+10 seconds to release. Illustrated below is the Vixer
and you’ll get noticed pretty quick, so you’ll need to keep moving since without the body mount; Fredd has a problem with authority and
you can’t hit the deck too easily with this body-mounted monstrosity. mounts a decidedly illegal A-grav unit on his weapon.
Chainguns are a great choice when going up against something that can’t
be harmed by energy weapons. Loads of damage the old-fashioned way.

Allox 20mm Auto-Cannon: This body mounted weapon utilizes an

automatic zoom sighting eyepiece for target engagement, increasing
cost and accuracy drastically.

BC-Blister: Fires the deadly 20mm explosive round (see XM307 under
APW–Machine Guns). The backpack has been
hardened to a 10 point threshold, increasing
its encumbrance to 140. It’s slow to wield
too (+3 to initiative).



Illegal use of CB warfare is punishable with five years to life imprison-

ment, and there have been many occasions where the death penalty has
TYPE TL AV COST been issued for the unrestricted use of CB warfare. Consequently, CB
Adamsite 3-6 R 2,000 materials can only be purchased on the Black Market.
Ankylosing Synovitis 4-5 VR 6,000 Nerve agents are called anticholinesterase compounds. They act to
Anthrax 3-6 VR 35,000 inhibit the action of the enzyme cholinesterase in Humans and many
Blood Salt 1-3 VR 1,000 oxygen breathing races, resulting in a lack of muscular control and res-
Bubonic Plague 3-6 VR 50,000
piratory paralysis. A minute amount of nerve agent can be lethal to the
body. Furthermore, Chatilians are exceptionally vulnerable to nerve
BZ 4-6 R 3,000
agents, suffering a -10 Chemical SMR and double the effects. Most nerve
Cerebral Menengitis 4-6 VR 45,000
agents work primarily by being inhaled, although some are strong
Clostridium Botulin 3-6 R 10,000
enough to be absorbed by the skin. Nerve agents are only 20% effective
C-Mex 3-6 R 3,000
on non-oxygen breathers.
Cribits 4-6 VR 30,000 Blister agents cause huge, painful blisters to fester on the skin and
Cyanide 3-6 R 6,000 in the lungs, and also causing blindness. Death from blister agents is
Di-Methyl-Sodium Pentalate 4-6 VR 1,000 very painful and occurs over a long period of time, but is generally rare.
Emeresk 4-6 VR 12,000 Phentari are very susceptible to blister agents and take double damage
Encephalitides 3-6 VR 30,000 as well as double agility loss.
HAF 5-6 VR 95,000 Blood agents affect the individual by effectively poisoning the blood
HD 4-6 VR 7,000 stream. Blood agents are most effective against Mutzachans. The ener-
Imblast Dengue Fever 5-6 VR 40,000 gy controllers have very porous skin and suffer double the damage.
Jumis Fever 5-6 VR 50,000 Incapacitating chemical agents perform a variety of functions, but are
Korax 5-6 VR 50,000 designed to inhibit an enemy’s ability to perform, rather than to kill.
Korilium-312 3-6 R 4,500
Biological agents are diseases. It is difficult to infect a person
through skin contact alone (+40 Biological SMRs). Therefore, biologi-
Magellan Malaria 4-6 R 50,000
cal agents are usually designed to be inhaled or ingested. Biological
Mustard Gas 2-3 R 1000
agents always have an incubation period. If medical treatment is
Niridiean Plague 4-6 VR 60,000
received shortly after contamination, the diseases can often be treated;
Phio Sodium Augurate 4-6 VR 41,000 however, the symptoms for many diseases are those of a common cold
Phosgene 2-5 UC 2,000 and are often over-looked until it is too late. The lethality of biological
Puppet Maker 4-6 VR 28,000 organisms is not as predictable as with chemical agents due to a host of
Rocky Mountain Fever 3-6 VR 35,000 factors, including exposure, and the target’s immune system. To deter-
Sarin 3-6 R 12,000 mine the effects of a biological agent, one must first determine how con-
Staphylococcus Aureus 3-6 R 2,000 centrated the exposure is. Percentile dice are rolled (see table below).
Tabum 3-6 R 15,000 A person directly injected with an organism is assumed to receive a
Tribox 4-6 VR 9,000 massive exposure. Contagion is rolled once per day. The effects of any
Virean Plague 5-6 VR 70,000 attack are determined as follows:
VX 3-6 VR 8,000
01-40 Mild Exposure: Individuals are exposed for only a small period
of time. The effects of all attacks are halved.
41-70 Moderate Exposure: The effects are not adjusted.
Chemical or biological agents are often used in times of war to destroy
the enemy or contaminate his food supplies. Toxins are disseminated 71-90 Heavy Exposure: All effects are immediately doubled. 2d10 of all
over an area, usually through the use of aerosols. Toxic clouds cover vital statistics lost are permanent.
large regions and are often used against cities and other fortifications.
The nature of chemical/biological (CB) warfare is such that gases can 91-00 Massive Exposure: All effects are tripled. 5d10 of all vital statis-
seep through cracks and into otherwise impregnable defenses, unless tics lost are permanent.
they have been specifically designed to protect against such attack
forms. Still, there are more advantages to using CB warfare. CB warfare Characters may attempt to synthesize chemical and biological com-
does little property damage; once the enemy is down, you just clear pounds. This is very difficult and dangerous. They must have access to
them away, decontaminate, and move in. Non-lethal CB agents can sub- a chemical lab and possess the necessary ingredients. In addition, bio-
due enemies when causing physical harm is undesirable or unneces- logical agents require an incubation and intermation lab, to proceed
sary, like in controlling a riot. with manufacturing (biohazard level 4 safe facility recommended). A
CB warfare is managed by the government. It is illegal to conduct good quality lab can add as much as 20-80% (BM discretion depend-
chemical and biological warfare, unless authorized by the Alliance. ing on Tech Level, skill of technicians, etc.) to the chance of success.



Also, remember that assistants can be useful. You could also take extra BZ: Causes apparent drunkenness in its victims. Affected personnel are
time and precautions, earning a positive modifier from the BM. The dif- consumed by drunkenness for 6d6 hours. They lose 8d6 points of
ficulty level for synthesizing chemical and biological agents is given with Manual Dexterity, Agility, and Intuition for the duration of the effects.
each description. Failing a check by more than 30 means contamina- Orions like to ingest BZ to get plowed! Silly! Silly! Silly. Level 10
tion and possible death. Chemistry check.
There are many kinds of biological and chemical weapons. People
must make a SMR check every 10 seconds of exposure. Given below are C-Mex: This tranquilizer gas has a purplish hue and is mixed with
merely samples of some of the more common agents. Cost is per dose. smoke to hide its presence. Persons must make a Chemical SMR or be
Note: No Alliance-known CB agents can affect Gemini, I-Bots, or knocked unconscious for 1d4 hours. Level 8 Chemistry check.
Andromeni (though their host bodies can suffer).
Cerebral Meningitis: Early signs are difficulty concentrating and
thinking rationally. This disease was invented by the Phentari to kill
TACTICS TO PRACTICE Chatilians. However, it is quite effective when employed against other
Chemical/Biological Warfare: Next to using nukes, unleashing chem/bio races. Incubation Period: 1 day. Infected persons lose 1d8 points of IQ,
Manual Dexterity, and Agility per day until dead. The effects are doubled
weapons is the most likely way to get you hunted down and slain by the
for Chatilians. 50% of all effects are permanent. There is a 10% chance
governement. Most of these weapons kill indiscriminately and widely,
of contracting this disease when within 2m of an infected person. Level
with some being able to linger in the environment for years. Non-lethal
15 Biology check.
agents are extremely effective at quelling violent crowds or securing indi-
viduals that you cannot permanently harm. On the whole, a very dirty Clostridium Botulin: Extremely deadly to Humans, Gen-Humans,
way of conducting “business.” You’re slime for even reading this section. Orions, Cizerack, and Ram Pythons (-20 to Chemical SMRs). As little as
.03 milligrams causes botulism, a paralytic that can kill with in 1d2 days
due to respiratory failure. Level 6 Biological check to produce.
Adamsite: Ingestion causes vomiting and severe stomach cramps for
1d8+6 hours. Chemical SMR at a -25. Level 7 Chemistry check to pro- Cribits: Used against Ram Pythons and Python Lizards by the Cizerack.
duce. Causes large purplish lesions. Incubation Period: 2d6 days. Infected
persons lose 3d6 points of Strength and Constitution per day for 4d6
Ankylosing Synovitis: Incubation period: 1 day. A non-lethal virus days. 25% of all effects are permanent. Contagion Percentage: 20%.
designed to incapacitate. With a failed biological SMR, the virus invades Level 16 Biology check.
the fluid surrounding the joints (the synobial fluid) and synthesizes a
large protein that coagulates the fluid. The result are very similar to Cyanide: An odorless gas. Cyanide attacks the respiratory and circulatory
advanced arthritis: within a day, all movement becomes extremely systems, killing victims in short order. The target must make a Chemical
painful, often unbearably so (-80 to all actions). The proteins break SMR at -10 or lose 4d4 body points per minute until dead. The telltale sign
down again in a week, leaving the victims with no permanent damage. is the victim’s difficulty in breathing. Level 15 Chemistry check.
This virus has been synthesized for all the major races of the Alliance,
and may be released all at once or in race-specific attacks. Can be Emeresk: A hallucinogen whose strength is almost 1,000 times that of
aerosolized. Level 10 Biology check. LSD. Infected persons must first make a Chemical SMR at a -30 penal-
ty. Those who fail must then make a Mental SMR at a -50 or become
Anthrax: Incubation Period: 1d6 days. Originally a malignant infec- crazed by hallucination. The hallucinations are so powerful that there
tious disease of cattle, now a weapon. Biological SMR at a -05. Infected is a 20% chance of going permanently insane. Emeresk is orange in
individuals lose 1d8 points of Strength, Agility, and Constitution per day color. It is often used with smoke to hide its true nature. Level 12
for 4d6 days. When constitution reaches zero, the person is assumed to Chemistry check.
have died. Contagion Percentage: 20%. Level 11 Biology check.
Encephalitides: Incubation Period: 4d6 days. Attacks the brain and
Blood Salt: A nasty desiccant aimed at Python Lizards. It will do 2d4 spinal cord. Victims lose 1d8 points of Manual Dexterity, and Agility per
points of damage to a Python (or Aeodronian for that matter) per dose. day until cured or dead. 25% of all damage is permanent. Chatilians take
The painful skin lesions it leaves behind reduce agility by 2d6 points. double damage from this disease. There is a 5% chance to contract this
One container holds six doses. disease when within 2m of an affected being. Level 10 Biology check.

Bubonic Plague: Incubation Period: 2d6 days. Victims must make a HAF: Human Apoptosis Factor. Incubation period: 2-12 days. HAF is a
Biological SMR or lose 1d8 points of strength and constitution per day genetically engineered prion vector (prions are a self-replicating pro-
until dead. The early signs of this dreadful disease are runny nose, cough- tein, a kind of primitive virus) that triggers a host’s cells to undergo
ing, and diarrhea. There is a 50% percent chance of contagion when apoptosis, also known as programmed cell death. The victim ages to
within 2m of another person. Level 16 Biology check to reproduce. death over the course of 1 week! Unless a biological SMR is made at
-10, the victim loses 3-18 points from all physical statistics per day until
dead. If the victim does recover, there is a 80% chance that 10-100% of



of spreading the disease when within 2m, subsequent to incubation:

40%. Level-10 Biology check.

Mustard Gas: Dispersed by an aerosol or bursting shell. Mustard Gas

causes skin blistering and blindness when coming in contact with the
body. Victims must make a Chemical SMR check or lose 1d4 body
points. Agility and Constitution are reduced by 4d6 points as blistering
sores cover the body. Affected persons must also make a Biological SMR
or lose 1d100 percent of their eyesight. Mustard gas is persistent and
often remains over the battlefield for weeks before dissipating. Recovery
Time: two weeks per point of damage sustained. Level 8 Chemistry

Niridiean Plague: Persons must make a Biological SMR at a –10

penalty or be infected. Incubation Period: 1d4 hours. Death occurs
the vital statistic loss is permanent. Three different strains are available, quickly, subsequent to incubation. Loss of 4d4 points of Constitution
one for humans, one for Gen-Humans, and a new strain for Orions. and Strength per hour. There is a 10% chance of contracting the dis-
More strains for more races are being developed every day. Can be ease when within 2m of an infected person. Level 12 Biology check.
aerosolized. Level 18 Biology Check.
Phosgene: Is prepared by mixing carbon monoxide with chlorine.
HD: A very strong tranquilizing agent. Persons must make a Chemical Phosgene produces a colorless, suffocating odor. The person affected
SMR at a -5 or be knocked unconscious for 1d4 days. Affected persons must make a Chemical SMR or suffer 1d4 points of lung damage.
must make a System Shock roll (-20) or be addicted to BRIs. Level 11 Phosgene victims lose 4d6 points of constitution permanently. Level 6
Chemistry check. Chemistry check.

Imblast Dengue Fever: Phentari love this disease because it is very Phio-Sodium Augurate: Disables Gen-Humans. It attacks the brain,
effective when employed against Eridani, who suffer triple damage. shorting out the neural pathways. The drug induces convulsions, brain
Incubation Period: 1d8 days. Victims lose 1d10 points of IQ, Strength, hemorrhaging, and involuntary muscle spasms. Affected persons lose
Constitution, and Agility per day for 3d6 days. 40% of the effects are 2d6 points of I.Q. and 2d6 points of Constitution permanently. The drug
permanent. The percentage chance for contagion is 10% when within is readily available on the Black Market. Level 17 Chemistry check.
2m of an infected victim. Level 18 Biology check.
Puppet Maker: Incubation period: 2 days. A nasty virus manufactured
Jumis Fever: Disease that affects only Mutzachans. Infected beings find for laughs by Uncle Ernie. It damages the tracts of the spinal chord that
it impossible to cleanse their blood. Incubation Period: 2d6 days. carry signals for proprioception—the victim loses all sense of where
Victims lose 1d6 points of Strength and 2d4 points of Constitution per his own body is in space! Affected persons cannot even walk without
day until death. Early signs include weakness, and inability to generate. looking at their legs, because they no longer know where their feet are
Contagion Percentage: 70%. without looking. Balance is unaffected, and most actions can be per-
formed with great care and attention, but the person must be looking at
Korax: Mutzachan disease that derives from contaminated Uranium the part of their body in question to be able to move it properly. Victims
supplies. Incubation Period: 2d6 days. Biological SMR at a -5. Infected of the Puppet Maker often have slouched postures and jerky, awkward
individuals lose 1d6 points of Strength, Agility, and Constitution per day movements: hence the name. Those exposed must make a biological
for 5d6 days. When constitution reaches zero, the person is assumed to SMR or lose total proprioception within 2 days. All actions are per-
have died. Contagion Percentage: 15%. Level 11 Biology check. formed at -35 after the first day and -70 after the second day, and take
2 to 3 times as long to complete. Movement rates are quartered. And
Korilium-312: A radioactive isotope that is particularly lethal to don’t even think about doing two actions at once (like running and
Mutzachans. A Mutzachan exposed to this element must make a shooting). A full recovery is possible given months of hospital care
Radiation SMR at -70 or die within 1d4x10 minutes of the exposure. (they have to regenerate your spinal chord!). Level 14 Biology check.
Possession of Korilium carries the Death Penalty on all Alliance worlds. Thanks Uncle Ernie!
All other races exposed to Korilium must make a Radiation SMR at no
penalty or die in 1d4 days. Rocky Mountain Fever: Early signs include high fever, shortness of
breath, and dizziness. Incubation Period: 1d4 weeks. Victims lose 1d4
Magellan Malaria: Persons must make a Biological SMR at a –20 points of IQ, along with 1d6 points of Strength and Constitution per day
penalty to avoid infection. Incubation period for the virus is one day. for 4d6 days. 25% of the effects are permanent. Contagion Percentage:
Persons lose 1d6points of Agility, Strength, and Constitution per day for 15%. Level 13 Biology check.
4d6 days. The disease first shows itself as a high fever, and unusual red-
ness of the skin. 50% of the effects are permanent. Percentage chance Sarin: Another volatile nerve agent, like tabum. Volatile nerve agents



tend to explode and thus are consumed and destroyed when exposed to loaded plus the ready-rounds in its auto-loader. The anti-grav platform
fire (15%). Affected persons must make a Chemical SMR at -15 or suf- is designed to be towed by a k-sat with a Propulsion 3 (see Killer
fer 3d6 points of damage per minute of exposure. Sarin mainly does Satellites). The towing hardware is built into the Compact Artillery plat-
damage through the lungs. Damage is halved for skin contact. Level 13 form. A towed Compact Artillery can travel, at best, 20kph. The
Chemistry check. Compact Artillery can link through an included computer module to a
body computer for repair or diagnostics. The Artillery also comes with
Staphylococcus aureus: Causes severe gastro-intestinal cramps (-30 a rudimentary counter-battery tracking system which has a 50% effec-
to all skill checks; -20 to Agility) for 2d4 hours. Level 11 Biology check. tiveness to track incoming indirect fire rounds and return fire onto the
enemy’s computed firing position (-20 penalty to normal attack num-
Tabum: Dimethyl-aminoethoxycyanophosphine oxide. Inhaled or bers). If set on automatic, this system can return fire within one second
absorbed through the skin. Infected persons must make an SMR vs. of detecting an incoming round (which is one second before that
Chemical attacks or take 2d6 points of damage per minute of exposure. incoming round hits you!).
Permanent side effects include paralysis. Victims lose 1d12 points of
Manual Dexterity, Constitution, and Agility. Level 14 Chemistry check. TACTICS TO PRACTICE

Tribox: Blood agent. Eridani and Phentari are immune to the effects of Compact Artillery: This stuff can get you out of a jam in a hurry when
this chemical attack form. Other creatures take 2d6 points of damage facing a large number of lightly armored foes. There is nothing like an
per minute until dead. Level 10 Chemistry check. artillery barrage to break up the enemy’s lines. They are unfortunately
kind of slow and heavy, and you better keep a train of Carry-Sats stuffed
Virean Plague: Incubation Period: 3d6days. Victims must make a with rounds if you are expecting long engagements.
Biological SMR or lose 2d6 points of Strength and Constitution per day
until dead. The early signs of infection are cold fever and dry mouth.
There is a 65% percent chance of contagion when within 2m of anoth- 85 Pound Carinade: This unit can fire an 8kg shell up to 9,500m.
er person. Level 16 Biology check. Setup Time: 2 minutes. Nice, but the autoloader is a bit slow. Damage
yield is as follows:
VX: VX is a non-volatile nerve agent. Most of the compound is 10m 10 fragments (4d6 points each). 2d4x10 points of
absorbed. Evaporation is limited. VX is noticed as a mist floating in the Concussion damage.
air. Affected persons must make a Chemical SMR at -5 or suffer 2d6 11-15m 2d4 fragments (3d6 points each). 1d4x10 points of concus-
points of damage per minute of exposure. Level 10 Chemistry check. sion damage.
16-20m d4 fragments (2d4 points each). 1d10 points of concussion
Mini-Howitzer: Heavy duty aupport firepower for the wilderness
team. Large capacity autoloader explains most of the price increase.
85 Pound Carrinade 9,500 4-5 UC 125,000 Maximum Range: 18,400m. Setup Time: 5 minutes.
Mini-Howitzer 18,400 5 R 250,000 01-10m 10 fragments (6d6 points each). 2d6x10 points of concus-
sion damage.
COMPACT ARTILLERY (AMMO: PG. 123) 11-15m 2d4 fragments (4d6 points each). 10d4 points of concussion
With the advent of ultra-strong, light weight, plastic/ceramic compos- 16-20m 1d4 fragments (2d6 points each). 3d4 points of concussion
ites, the weight requirements to produce weapon systems has been damage.
severely reduced. Heavy equipment such as artillery pieces can now be
made at a fraction of the tonnage. The effectiveness of a combat unit is
predicated on how fast it can move in combat, its combat skills, and
how much firepower it can generate in a short period of time. A com-
pact artillery unit is a highly maneuverable weapon able to shower tar-
gets with ordinance at long range with considerable precision. Many
mobile combat teams have opted to carry compact artillery with them
when operating in the field. Compact artillery implementation is very
new and only a handful of companies produce mobile artillery combat
packages. Furthermore, mobile artillery units aren’t cheap; however,
their value to mission success should be self-evident to any commander
worth his spit.
Compact Artillery has the weapon system built onto an anti-grav
platform that has enough power (for two days of use, recharge in 5
hours at any tech level 5+ socket) to carry the weapon when it is fully







BC-Duster: It can vaporize a Python in a single fire segment. Not bad,

but the malfunction number is a little low. It does 2d4x10 points of
2 3TL 4AV 5 COST
6 damage to tissue and 1/2 that amount to metallic objects.
Americas 90 80
20 -406 - VR - 700,000
BC-Duster 95 40
40 - 5 - R - 125,000
- Eliminator: This plastic/ceramic composite weapon will fit in the palm
Eliminator 90 15
30 -205 -50UC - 40,000
- of a size class 4 individual’s hand. It is highly illegal on most planets, as
K-4 Proton Cannon
Gashil 90 40
40 105-6 -30R - 180,000
it is considered an “assassination-only” weapon. It is totally insufficient
K-4 Proton Cannon 95 45
45 055-6 -25R - 50,000
for use against heavily armored targets. However, it is great for destroy-
ing things you don’t want left lying around!
K-8 Vaporizer
2 97 40
50 156 -20R - 100,000
K-8 Vaporizer
Majestic 85 40
35 055-6 -40R - 70,000
Gashil: It is vicious at close range. More reliable than the Duster.
Majestic 90 40
80 305-6 -05R - 80,000
NE-7 105 35
40 056 -50VR - 500,000
- K-4 Proton Cannon: Produced and marketed by Haber Electronics.
NE-7 Comrade
Neutralizer 115 20
75 155 -30R - 25,000
- The unit has fair range and reasonable damage yield. Rifle configura-
Neutralizer-2 90 30
60 405-6 00 R -5042,000
- tion with an energy clip to power the discharge.
Patton 90 40
50 006-7 -50VR - 4.8M-
Rommel 100 40
65 106-7 -30VR - 2.5M-

The Nuclear Effect was first discovered in 2190 by Professor
Christopher Rutledge, a renowned physicist from the Poly Technot
School. By 2212, weapons scientists had gotten hold of it. Nuclear Effect
Weapons (NEWs) create powerful fields that draw electrons away from K-8 Vaporizer: A revamped version of the K-4, this weapon possess-
the atoms. The resulting bare nuclei are all positively charged and repel es the fastest rate of fire of any disintegrator currently on the market.
each other, effectively disintegrating the target. The damage is designat- Note that no automatic fire penalty applies to disintegrators. This
ed as tissue/metal. This difference in damage is a result of the conduc- weapon utilizes a backpack to provide energy.
tive properties associated with metals. The damage to metals (armor)
is in integrity. If the total integrity of an armor section is destroyed in a Majestic: Who else but the Balshrom Science Corporation? This com-
single shot, excess damage is applied to the absorption FOR THAT SHOT pany is the king of the weapons manufacturing industry. Like most
ONLY. After that, the armor has fallen apart along with any absorption. Balshrom products, the Majestic has better than average stats and costs
The mobility of electrons in a metallic conductor allows the charge to less than many of the others in its class. It is a clip-fed rifle design.
be equalized and resist total disintegration. The cost to recharge a
Disintegrator is 10cr per shot. Majestic 2: An improvement over the Majestic. Clip-fed.
Clip-fed Disintegrators use energy clips that cost 500cr each. Other
disintegrators use backpack mounted energy packs which cost 05% of NE-7 Comrade: Another Hansen Electronics product. Unlike the
the cost of the weapon to replace. Americas, this disintegrator is designed for close quarters combat.

Neutralizer: The first Disintegrator utilizing a clip-fed pistol configu-

ration. The Neutralizer ruptures the intramolecular bonds in objects. It
Disintegrators: There is nothing better for slagging Armor Integrity fast. does 4d6 points of damage to skin tissue and 1d8 points of damage to
Their biggest liability is their short range, which makes them better suited armor integrity or other resistant objects. The weapon is slow and has
an appalling system shock number.
for an urban environment.
Neutralizer-2: The first rifle configuration disintegrator, it is slightly
Americas: Designed by the Hansen Electronics firm of New Buffalo, more reliable than its pistol counterpart. This weapon has an improved
New York. It has excellent range and good damage yield. rate of fire, but still isn’t durable or particularly reliable.

Rommel: Designed by Max Reinhart. Whatever the Rommel hits is in

deep yogurt.

Patton: The Patton disintegrator is designed for one thing, and that’s to
eliminate opponents in mechanized battle armor. The weapon is big,
heavy, and suffers from a limited number of shots. However, what it has
in spades is the ability to dish out the pain.




Agitator 75 5 UC 165,000
EMP-X 100 6 R 0.75M
Fomentor 30 5-6 R 350,000
Hammer 170 6 VR 400,000
Pulse 50 5 R 95,000
Stingray 100 6 R 0.5M
Ultra-Mag 120 6 VR 2.0M

EMP Cannons utilize a powerful electro-magnetic pulse that is very effec-
tive at knocking out electronics and is designed primarily to defeat heavy
and mechanized armor on modern battlefields. Energy is dumped into a
field generator which then produces a magnetic bottle that is fired at the
target. Upon reaching the target, the bottle collapses releasing the energy Agitator: A much more effective weapon design when compared to the
and causing a conflagration of energetic electrons producing a localized, Pulse. Very cost-effective. Watch out for the low system shock number.
but high intensity pulse along numerous frequencies in the electromag-
netic spectrum. All electronic targets must make an SMR vs. EMP or be
knocked out of commission. EMP cannons have no effect on body tissue.
The damage done by EMP cannons is figured as such: The item(s)
struck has to make a successful system shock check, or SMR, depend-
ing on whether it is a weapon or armor being knocked out of opera-
tion. It makes the check at a penalty equal to the damage dice rolled for
the weapon. Thus, an EMP cannon that does 2d4 points of damage,
reduces the SS/SMR number of the target by 2d4 points. If the target EMP-X: The X Gun, as it is called, has reasonable range and formida-
fails the SMR it is rendered non-functional. ble knockout capability. It is designed to engage heavy armors with EMP
Note: The pulse is fairly limited. Unless specifically stated, only the defense.
section hit is required to make a SMR check. If a person is carrying a
laser and he is struck in the arm by an EMP pulse, the weapon must Fomenter: Commonly recognized by its massive barrel aperture. The
make an SS check as well as the armor making an SMR. Absorption pulse is assumed to affect the entire body. ALL ELECTRICAL equipment
does not affect an EMP pulse. carried or worn must make an SS/SMR or be knocked out of commis-
The most targeted area for an EMP cannon is the abdominal region. sion! This weapon has a very limited range of 30m. It is best employed
First, most equipment is carried on utility belts strapped around the in surprise situations.
waist. Second, whenever mechanized armor fails its SMR check from an
EMP pulse to the abdomen, all servos in the torso are knocked out, pre- Hammer: Named after its inventor Marcus Hammer. The Hammer has
venting motion, and the armor is rendered useless. the longest range of any EMP cannon. It has been built with a top secret
weapons design. Any attempt to open or X-Ray the weapon causes it to
explode. There is no way to repair this weapon..

EMP Cannons: An EMP cannon, of course, should never be your main Pulse: The cheapest of the EMP cannons. Its effects are marginal. Also,
weapon. Not even if you’re a Zen. Maybe if you’re trapped on Robot any critical malfunction results in the leakage of deadly radiation from
the field amplifier. Persons within 400m who do not leave the area
Planet. But having one per team can be a real benefit. Sequencing your fire
immediately must make an SMR vs. radiation or suffer 3d6 points of
with a more heavily armed teammate can be very effective. You hit the tar-
damage over 1d4 days. The Pulse EMP cannon has been determined to
get with the EMP pulse, and then your teammate opens fire before the vic- be hazardous to your health. The Federal Weapons Regulation
tim has any chance to react to his armor or weapon suddenly shutting down. Committee is currently removing the weapon from the shelves. Used
Weapon? That’s right. Remember that the guy holding the weapon is not units can still be found.
your only available target. Plug that expensive Omega cannon with an EMP
pulse and it’s a heavy piece of junk strapped to your enemy’s back. And if Stingray: Probably the most balanced all around weapon in its class.
he drops it, then hey… you’ve got a free Omega weapon once you’ve
chased him off or killed him. Many people pay for EMP insulation in their Ultra-Mag: Designed to engage mechanized armor. Expensive and
armor, but not many get it installed in their weapons. worth every penny.



at 6m). All damage caused by explosives should be considered concus-

sive, unless otherwise noted.
TYPE TL AV COST Note: DET in the Explosives table indicates which detonators will
C-4 3-4 UC 450 work with that explosive. The types are denoted with a letter that cor-
Dynamite 2-3 C 150 responds to the Detonator table.
Fluid Jell 5-6 R 2,000
Jellnite 5-6 R 1,600 C-4: Potent explosive developed for military demolitions in the 20th
Micronite 5-6 R 500
century. Portable and easy to use, it is electrically activated and inert to
heat and pressure. Demolitions skill check: Level 5.
Nitro-7 4-5 R 2,500
Villanite 6-7 R 4,000
Dynamite: An archaic explosive in a stick form, generally a combina-
tion of gunpowder and nitroglycerin. It does a fair amount of damage.
EXPLOSIVES A full 03% of all sticks are duds. High heat or humidity causes the sticks
to weep the nitroglycerin. Handling of dynamite under those conditions
All the sentient races in the Alliance have developed explosives from results in a 10% chance of premature detonation. Demolitions skill
chemical compounds and naturally occurring substances for thou- check: Level 3.
sands of years. Useful for a variety of purposes, a Battlelord is con-
cerned with mainly just one: blowing the crap out of stuff. Explosives Fluid Jell: This liquid hardens when exposed to air. Fluid Jell can be
are generally inert and require a detonator to activate them. A player poured under doors or through cracks. It is often used with a thin, flex-
character chooses the type of explosive and the type of detonator ible 2m pressurized hose assembly for implant. Demolitions skill
required, rolls the appropriate skill check (see below) and sits back check: Level 7.
and watches the fun.
Explosives are listed by their single charge cost. A single charge will Jellnite: Powerful, yet controlled. Jellnite is used primarily in space, as
do the stated damage. Add some charges together for a big bang or pare it contains its own oxidation agents. Demolitions skill check: Level 9.
it down for a little pop (BM’s discretion). Each explosive has a base
Demolitions skill level required to use it. This will be modified by the Micronite: The same damage yield of C-4 in about the size of a silver
detonator type and situation. A successful roll indicates that the explo- dollar. Demolitions skill check: Level 7.
sive was set properly and will react as expected. If the demolitions expert
fails his check (rolling a 100 here always means the explosive detonat- Nitro-7: A dangerous and very volatile explosive. Nitro-7 comes in liq-
ed while being set), the BM should have the PC make an Intuition check uid form. It is poured over the surface and hardens within a minute.
at a penalty equal to the amount that the roll was failed by. Success Any sharp jarring of the Nitro-7 while it is in liquid state can cause it to
means the PC noticed what was wrong and can proceed by trying anoth- detonate prematurely (10% chance). Demolitions skill check: Level 15.
er skill check. Failure indicates the player is clueless; roll again, 01-25
the player set the explosive up incorrectly and it fails to do what it was Villanite: The most powerful explosive ever produced. A couple of
supposed too; half damage, 26-75 the player thinks the explosive is fine healthy sized putties can reduce a building to rubble in seconds.
but he has merely made a dud, 76-100 and the explosive explodes. Villanite is heat sensitive and exposure to high temperatures can cause
• Example: Albert the Ashanti wants to set a booby trap for the locals to dis- premature detonation. Store at temperatures of 5C/40Fº or less.
cover. He decides to use a bit of C-4 and a Pressure detonator. Albert has 10 lev- Demolitions skill check: Level 13.
els of Demolitions skill. C-4 has a base level of difficulty of 5, and a Pressure
detonator adds 2 levels of difficulty resulting in a level 7 Demolitions check. A DETONATORS
level 7 check gives a 30% chance of success, adding in Albert’s skill (+100) and
Electronic Timer: A solid state timing device which detonates after a
subtracting a penalty for darkness (-10) yields a 120% chance of success. Albert
given period. Time delay (1 sec - 30hrs). Reduces the Demolitions
rolls a 45 and sets the trap successfully. check’s difficulty by 1 level.
On seeing how easy that was, Dufus-idan the Eridani tries to do the same. He
unfortunately has only one level of Demolitions skill. The level 7 check and Fuse: The oldest (and least reliable) method of ignition. Strike a match
and it burns its way to the charge. That is if it doesn’t go out on the way
darkness modifier mean he only has a 20% chance to set the trap. Ugh. Dufus
(5% chance). Adds 2 levels of difficulty to the Demolitions check.
rolls a 97. Since he missed his roll by 77 he must make an Intuition check at that
penalty. Dufus-idan, being pretty dim, only has a 34 Intuition. He needs to roll Multi-step: Modification to other fuse types that allows for the simul-
an 01. Oops, a 58. Now he must roll to see how badly he messed up. A 92! taneous detonation of up to ten different charges at one time. Adds 1
Dufus-idan has time to let out a growl of dissatisfaction before he is reduced to level of difficulty to the Demolitions check.
a perforated, greasy lump. Too bad.
Note: The damage inflicted represents structural (Integrity) dam- Nanoid Detonator: Can be programmed by a Body Computer to
age when used for demolitions purposes. It is also a representation of detect virtually any substance or energy field: body odor, Flux shield,
the damage caused at 1m from a blast (halved at 2m, 25% at 4m, 10% magnetic disturbance, etc. Once detected the nanoid sets off the charge.



been abandoned in favor of more stable weapons. Hitting the tank

requires a firing angle at the wielder’s back, and a -30 called shot
Electronic Timer (E) 95 1 100 All damage done by flamethrowers against full body armor is trans-
Fuse (F) 90 1 1 lated directly to the absorption polymers, which break down under the
Multi-Step 95 3 100 intense heat. It requires two points of absorption polymer to stop one
Nanoid (N) 99 - 5,000
point of flamethrower damage. Ablative liner stops flame damage point
Pressure (P) 99 2 75
for point. Armor integrity is not affected unless the armor fails its SMR
vs. fire. Failure indicates melting: lose 2d6 integrity and the owner is at
Radio (R) 90 2 200
-2d6 on Agility due to damage to the armor’s joints. Flamethrowers
Sonic (S) 92 2 500
affect three areas of the body with each hit. Divide the total damage
Tripwire (T) 100 1 20
among three areas.
Extra backpack tanks for flamethrowers cost 500cr. They cost
Requires 20 levels of skill to operate and can be used with any explo-
100cr to refill. Normal tanks have a 10 point threshold, but heavy-
sive. Reduces the Demolitions check’s difficulty by 2 levels.
armored tanks (20 point threshold) can be purchased for 2,000cr
Pressure: Cheap and efficient. Variable pressure settings. Adds 2 lev- Cost Effectiveness: They look great on paper, but any intelligent enemy is
els of difficulty to the Demolitions check. going to aim for that backpack that you are wearing and if he scores a hit,
then you are going to go up in a ball of fire and look like “Little Hiroshima.”
Radio: Range 1,000m. The explosive is set off by receiving the fre- The neat thing about flamethrowers is that they are cheap, yet have a high
quency command from the transmitter. Uses over 60,000 different fre-
damage yield. It is just real dangerous to carry one. The heat from the flame
quencies to prevent accidental discharge.
is so hot that flamethrowers reduce the absorption rating by double the
Sonic Detonator: Sonic threshold sensitive. Any noise above a certain amount. They don’t, however, always reduce armor integrity. Pyromaniacs nat-
threshold triggers the explosive. There is a 30 second delay so that indi- urally love flamethrowers. The additional value of these weapons is that they
viduals can escape the area before the detonator begins monitoring. are still effective in taking out bunkers and emplacements.

Tripwire: Unit contains a reel of wire (5m) with one end a simple det-
onator. Pulling abruptly on the wire triggers the detonation. Adds 1 level TACTICS TO PRACTICE
of difficulty to the Demolitions check.
Flamethrowers: First things first…spend the money on the reinforced
tank. Spending 2,000cr to double your chances of survival is worth it.
Use cover intelligently. If you’re firing from around the corner of the
FLAMETHROWERS PG. 18 building, the enemy in front of you has no shot at your back. Similarly,
making big, side-to-side sweeps with these weapons is dangerous,
A-2 35 4 C 500
because it opens up your back to fire from people at the extreme edges
Blazer 120 4 R 7,000
of that arc. Instead, concentrate on one target, burning it out completely
Charbroil 15 4-5 VR 12,000
before moving on. When your team is on the move, your job will be to
ME2E1-9 75 3 VC 2,500
keep an eye open for holes…foxholes, cracks, windows, thick brambles,
ME2E1-9B 60 3 C 4,000 open sewers, anywhere where the enemy could be hidden and larger
Sizzler 20 4-5 R 10,000 weapons can’t reach. Send a blast of fire into all of these tight spots;
you’ll find out soon enough if anyone is down there. Just get your face
out of the opening before the return fire starts heading your way.
Flamethrowers are devices designed to spray highly flammable liquids A-2: Is a lightweight, 10 shot, disposable flamethrower. It can fire con-
at targets. Their primary purpose was to engage and destroy hardened tinuously for up to 5 seconds. Does not use a tank and may not be
enemy positions such as bunkers and pillboxes during the 20th Century. recharged.
The blast of a flamethrower covers a conical area which is 5m wide at
the mouth. The inherent problem with a flamethrower is its vulnerabil-
ity to tank puncture. Compromised tanks have a base 20% chance to
explode. When that happens, the wielder and anyone within 5m take 3-
12 points of concussion damage (automatically to the chest of the
wielder) and full damage from all the remaining fuel (roll damage as if
the unfortunate souls were being shot by the flamethrower, until you
have accounted for all the fuel in the tank). Flamethrowers have since



Blazer: The last widely produced flamethrower. It has excellent range, cannons, or Omega weapons. Other weapon types may be adapted to
compared to others of its like. The Blazer can fire continuously for up this interface for an additional 500cr. The encumbrance of the FIG is
to 15 seconds. added to the encumbrance of your main weapon while they are inter-
Charbroil: The other nasty hand flamethrower. Wrist band mounted –
no tank needed; refills cost 200cr. Accelerator: A product of Hansen Electronics.

ME2E1-9: A common weapon of Soviet arsenals during the 1990’s. AFR-1: The AFR-1 (Anti-Flux Rifle) is a weapon which has been pro-
The ME2E1-9 is body mounted and fires variable discharge bursts duced in large quantities by the Balshrom corporation. It works well
which do 1d6, 2d4, and 3d4 points of fire damage. Each burst uses up out to medium range and is reasonably portable. However, its system
1 shot, 3 shots, and 5 shots respectively. This flamethrower can fire shock number is not the best.
continuously for up to 10 seconds.
Emissions: AKM’s version of a force field disruption device. This
ME2E1-9B: This system incorporates a different nozzle configuration weapon is fairly cheap and has a 25 shot energy clip.
to increase the spread of the stream (+2m spread). The improvement
is controversial because the overall malfunction number is decreased. Henderson: Developed by the renowned physicist, Michael Henderson.
The Henderson has good all around stats and is reasonably priced.
Sizzler: A small, concealable flamethrower pistol Does not use an
external tank – refills cost 200cr.

Pulsar: The most potent FIG for the money. It has excellent range and
good damage yield. It is, however, quite heavy. The Pulsar is a large,
rifle-sized weapon utilizing a backpack and comes with a tripod built
into the forward section of the stock.
TYPE ER TL AV COST Quasar: This weapon has an unbelievable range of 1,500m. The
Accelerator 30 5-6 C 20,000 Quasar is a vehicle mounted (or crew-served) weapon used to engage
AFR-1 275 5-6 C 95,000
armor at long range. It can be disassembled into 4 sections for trans-
Emissions 85 5-6 UC 25,000
port; setup time for a disassembled weapon is 3 minutes.
Henderson 85 5-6 UC 30,000
Pulsar 600 5-6 R 325,000
Quasar 1,500 5-6 VR 275,000


Scientists are continuing to play with Flux technology, and the results
have been extraordinary. FIGs are a result of some of this research.
Utilizing a modulated fermion stream, the unit identifies and generates
a specialized Flux pulse that disrupts and dissipates the Flux field of the
target. They only affect Flux shields, reducing them on a point for point
basis. Many of these weapons are in a pistol configuration and are effec-
tive at short to medium range. Due to their still experimental stage, they
also have the feature of reduced malfunction and system shock values.
Recharge Cost: 20cr per shot.
Note: Any flux shield that is reduced to 0 by a FIG will require dou-
ble the amount of time to recharge due to interference caused by the
fermions (it’s true, we promise).
Note: A snap-on interface is available for all FIGs of 5 encumbrance
or less. This interface costs 750cr and will allow you to mount the
weapon as an under-barrel attachment on most impact lasers, pulse



FROST GUNS PG. 18 ers by keeping your tank from getting shot. Speaking of ‘fire and ice’, alter-
TYPE ER TL AV COST nating fire with a frost gun and either thermatics or flamethrowers can be
Avalanche F1 200 6 VR 10.0M very lethal. If a target is hit by a frost gun and a flamethrower/thermatic in
BC-Arctic 150 5-6 R 600,000 the same second or successive seconds, the second weapon to hit does dou-
BC-Frost Giant 15 5-6 UC 100,000 ble integrity damage (due to the extreme changes in temperature). So get a
BC-Frost Slayer 75 5-6 UC 100,000 buddy and go work someone over! (If both weapons hit in the same second,
BC-Winterdom 150 6 VR 350,000 roll randomly to determine which one hit first.)
Big Frosty 65 5 R 40,000
Big Frosty II 25 6 VR 2.0M Avalanche F1: MaxArms Ltd. of Mars has produced a unique weapon
CG-911 300 6 VR 150,000 for its debut product. Though considered a Frost Gun, unlike all the
CG-911 Turbo 275 6 VR 500,000 others the F1 does not use Kayson to damage its targets. Instead, the
CG-X2 400 6 VR 400,000 Avalanche uses a proprietary energy wave that uses heat induction to
Iceman 30 5 UC 16,500 draw the molecular energy out of a target, effectively freezing it. The
Snowman 40 4-5 UC 10,000 effects are similar to Kayson but at a radically increased amount. The
energy withdrawn from a target is used to charge the F1s energy pack;
for every three hits the Avalanche gains one charge back. Unlike other
FROST GUNS (AMMO: PG. 123) Frost Guns, the F1 reduces AI by half its damage. This backpack pow-
ered weapon has a beam that is visible to IR detection.
Frost Guns are large, bulky weapons, designed to spray a super-cooled
liquid at body armor. Frost weapons spray Kayson, which boils at 20
BC-Arctic: The ultimate in frost gun technology, Balshrom has really
Kelvin. When mixed with a propellant, Kayson can be discharged as a
outdone themselves with this model. The BC-Artic utilized the same cap-
liquid. It “burns” off the propellant, then freezes. Its effect on body
sule technology as the BC-Winterdom, only on a much larger scale.
armor is to destroy absorption rating, and armor integrity, all at the
Effectively the BC-Arctic is simply a BC-Winterdom on steroids.
same time. Absorption polymers are affected by extreme cold and
However, it has a smaller ammunition capacity and reduced range as a
break down when exposed to this attack form. Armor also becomes
result of its larger munitions.
brittle and thus overall armor integrity is lost.
It is assumed that the spray from a frost gun covers the entire armor
section. The damage is applied directly to the absorption polymers.
Threshold is ignored. One third of the damage yield is applied to armor
integrity (round fractions down). The weapon does three times the dam-
age to body tissue (Exception: If a target takes body damage from the
same hit that removed the remaining armor, they take the remaining dam-
age, not 3x damage, for that hit ONLY). Many Frost Guns carry a tank that
is mounted to the back of the combatant. The tank has a threshold of 20
BC-Frost Giant: Has an unbelievable dispersion matrix, although it
and explodes outward in the event of puncture, thus saving the owner
can’t fire out beyond 15m. The BC-Frost Giant is limited in it’s usage,
from that undesirable event called death! Other frost guns use self-con-
but does formidable damage. The weapon is worth it when considering
tained Kayson capsules rather than sprayed liquid. Recharging frost guns
size. It was designed for urban engagements. The pack fits into the lin-
with tanks costs 50cr per charge. Capsule costs are listed seperately.
ing of a specially designed trench coat that comes with the unit
Cost Effectiveness: Phentari and Eridani seem to be having a love affair with these (Phentari model coats are also available). There is no scope.
weapons! Frost guns are short-range weapons. They generate a conical splash of
super-cooled Kayson and are effective within range bracket 4 at best. They beat
up armor in the biggest of ways and aren’t that expensive overall. The cone of
cold ignores threshold. The effects on flesh are extremely nasty. The basic prob-
lem is range. You have to be up close to use a frost gun. Now, if a Ram Python is
that close to you, do you really want to be hanging around? He may very well
take the gun and stuff it up your !@%$! Enough said on the issue.
BC-Frost Slayer: The Frost Slayer was designed for city operations
TACTICS TO PRACTICE also, but with longer range engagement in mind. Again, the fuel tank is
woven into the lining of a trench coat. The gun itself has a quick, snap-
Frost Guns: They make things cold! You need to take the same precautions on clip, linking weapon and tank in just 2d4 seconds. The barrel looks
with these as with flamethrowers regarding the tank, of course. You can’t like a walking cane.
get injured if it blows, but your weapon is worthless. Remember, a flux
shield will eliminate the major drawback to both frost guns and flamethrow- BC-Winterdom: The Winterdom maintains a rotating carousel drum
that automatically feeds the weapon. It trades a little range for 2 shots



per second. Each capsule costs 2,500cr and does 8d6 points of dam-
age. The BC-Winterdom is quite effective when compared to others in it
class. Check the price tag and you can understand why. TYPE ER TL AV COST
BC-Rail Gun 5,000 6 R 600,000
Big Frosty: The most enticing feature about the Big Frosty is the abili- BC-Rail King 7,000 6-7 VR 1.5M
ty to double the Kayson output (damage is doubled) by flipping a lever Coilizer 900 5 UC 100,000
on the side of the trigger guard. Five charges are used up when the Big Gauss 1 1,500 4-5 VC 60,000
Frosty fires in “ice cube mode.” This weapon is well worth the price Gauss 2 1,300 5-6 UC 150,000
and light compared to those in its class. The backpack also holds 30
GR3 RangeMaster 3,800 5-6 R 400,000
charges. Big Frosty can be easily recognized by its gold plated stock.
Horizon 10,000 7 U 4.0M
Linearity 1,100 4-5 C 45,000
Big Frosty II: The Big Frosty II uses a unique system where its liquid
ammunition is fed on-demand via a hose from the backpack to the
weapon, much like an antique flamethrower. This allows the user to use GAUSS RIFLES (AMMO: PG. 124)
as much or as little Kayson as they desire. The backpack fuel reservoirs
are equipped with quick-change mounts so that they can be exchanged The first practical Gauss Rifles were developed by the Phentari nearly
by a gunner’s assistant (full action) rapidly. If no one is available to 300 years ago as a hunting rifle. The Fento Lizard, a Phentari delicacy,
assist the shooter, he must remove the backpack to reload (1d4 lives in the highest branches of the largest trees on Phena and can not
rounds). Replacement tanks cost 500cr (empty) and are encumbrance be attacked directly. A startled Fento releases a foul odor which renders
8. The weapon has five fire settings that use up 1, 2, 5, 7, and 10 shots. its meat inedible. Thus the Phentari needed a weapon to kill the Fento at
These fire settings do 2-12, 5-30, 7-42, 10-60, and 20-120 points of a long range, accurately, with a single shot. The Fento’s tough shell
damage respectively. Astute observers will quickly note that firing the requires the weapon be able to penetrate easily as well. Enter the Gauss
weapon on its maximum setting completely drains the fuel reservoir. Rifle. The Phentari, being Phentari, immediately saw its use as a great
sniper rifle, which is where its development is today.
CG-911: Fires a Kayson capsule out to a range of 300m. This is the Able Gauss Rifles utilize a magnetic induction coil to accelerate a pro-
Corporation’s finest Frost Gun. The CG-911 is a breach load weapon jectile and fire it from the barrel of a gun. Gauss rifles are recognized
and each shell costs 1,500cr. for their long and slender structure. They mount very large scopes
which cannot be modified. All shots beyond range bracket 1 must uti-
lize the rules for aiming scoped weapons. If the aiming time isn’t spent,
treat as a snap shot (-40). Gauss Rifles have become extremely spe-
cialized by the addition of a variety of munitions types to their basic
ammunition load. Now a user can pick the right tool for the right job.
The cost for ammunition is per 10 shots.
Cost Effectiveness: Gauss Rifles are specialty items so they demand specialty
CG-911 Turbo: Able Corp’s famous experimental frost gun. This pricing. They cost a lot, but there is no other weapon that has the range and
weapon has seen limited distribution and all field units utilizing the munitions flexibility of a Gauss Rifle. They are primarily used as sniper
weapon must sign a contract promising to report back to Able corp. on weapons or for pinpoint destruction of material. For instance you could target
the weapons battlefield performance. The CG-911 Turbo uses the same a vehicles optics, destroy k-sats with EMP rounds, or use armor piercing rounds
capsule ammunition utilized by the standard CG-911, but in the turbo to destroy an enemy’s armor missile racks.
model the capsules are fed into the weapon from a magazine. In addi-
tion, the turbo is capable of semi-automatic or fully automatic fire.
CG-X2: This improvement on the CG-911 adds in a self-loading mecha-
nism (previous versions had failed because of the volatility of the kayson Gauss Rifles: The ultimate in sniper rifles, the biggest of these enables you
capsule). The capsules are held in a specially insulated magazine to shoot over the horizon of small planets. Make the most of it by soften-
(threshold: 12) and can be fired in single shot or three shots per round. ing the target up with specialized rounds before going in for the kill.
Knock out his armor with an EMP round, blow off his reactive armor, eat
Iceman: This unit has an adjustable nozzle which increases weapon away his absorption, and then start hitting him with the explosive rounds.
accuracy by 15 points at the expense of double the output charges. If he runs, tag him with a signature round and finish the job later. A key
to using Gauss Rifles is to get yourself some sort of missile or artillery
Snowman: The first combat-effective Frost Gun. This unit suffers from defense—AMM armor option, Flux shield, ECM, etc. Why? Because it just
leaks and is considered dangerous to operate. Make sure to note the may be that the only thing the enemy can hit you with at your engage-
malfunction number which is an abysmal 90. The only good thing about ment range will be missiles. And that’s no fun.
this weapon is its cost.



BC-Rail Gun: Designed to engage targets out to 5,000m with deadly Horizon: Magnedyne Systems Incorporated claims that it can fire out to
accuracy. The weapon is assembled (2 minutes) and breaks down into the horizon, hence its name. In actuality, the Horizon Gauss rifle can
three sections: stock, firing assembly, and barrel assembly. The engage targets out to 10,000m, give or take a cm! Regardless, the Horizon
Balshrom Rail Gun is 2.7m long and reduces threshold by an incredi- is the longest range hand held weapon in existence. It utilizes special dou-
ble 10 points! It has a bipod built in to the forward assembly. ble strength payloads (double the damage yield) which cost four times
the list price. This unit is 2.0m long. The scope comes complete with
infrared and night vision capabilities. Threshold Reduction: 20.

Linearity: This weapon has excellent range and accuracy statistics. It

can effectively engage targets out to 1,100m and reduces threshold by
3 when calculating penetration. It has a relatively low malfunction num-
ber. The Linearity Gauss Rifle is 1.7m long.

BC-Rail King: It is exactly the same as the Rail Gun, except that it has
a range of 7,000m and reduces threshold by 15 points.
Coilizer: The Magnedyne Coilizer is the only automatic Gauss rifle Able Effect 300 6-7 VR 150,000
available on the market. It fires 4 rounds per second and is accurate BC-Gravite 800 6 VR 250,000
out to 900m (burst and automatic fire penalties apply). Threshold is BC-Graviton 350 6 R 87,000
reduced by 3 points. The Coilizer has an extended magazine which Crumb Snatcher 110 5-6 R 35,000
holds 20 rounds instead of the standard 10. It is only 1.3m long. Floater 120 5-6 UC 30,000
GEW-1 45 5-6 UC 25,000
Marrson Transport 1,000 6-7 U 10.0M
Thief 400 6 R 100,000


Inertial-grav systems are used in a multitude of areas to reduce the
Gauss 1: A product of Magnetron Incorporated. The Gauss 1 is accu- effort needed to move heavy objects. This technology has been widely
rate out to 1,500m and has a 2.0m barrel length. The Gauss 1 reduces employed in pulse and Omega equipment to make these weapons sys-
armor threshold by 4 points. The unit incorporates infravision and night tems more manageable. Otherwise, the combat use of these heavy
vision into its sighting scope. It is considerably overpriced. Bipod built weapons would be highly restricted.
into the forward section of the stock. Available just about anywhere. Recently, the technology employed to generate inertial-grav systems
has been used to make gravitational effects devices. At the forefront of the
Gauss 2: An improvement in threshold reduction to 6 points. The mal- research in this field are a group of Zen Rigeln and Mutzachan scientists
function and system shock numbers have also been improved. This called the Non-Violent Consortium (NVC). The NVC has fielded several
weapon is excellent if you are going up against heavy armor. Otherwise, experimental designs whose main design goal was to disarm opponents,
the stats are the same as the Gauss 1. and in the Zen case, to distribute medicine at a distance or rescue nor-
mally inaccessible personnel. It’s a stretch to call GEWs weapons; they are
GR3 RangeMaster: A good all around midrange weapon designed mainly used to manipulate things at a distance. Industrious sorts not fol-
around a revolutionary barrel design. Improved accuracy is attained lowing the tenets of the NVC use them to pick up unsuspecting victims and
not with a longer barrel, but with a spiral magnetic field to impart an drop them, or knock them over, steal their weapons, etc. The dropping
incredibly fast ballistic spin on its projectiles. The GR3 also uses a part has made them a weapon, to the Zen’s disgust.
unique drum magazine that contains five distinct chambers that can GEWs consist of a large, heavy gauntlet, a pair of goggles with sight-
each be loaded with a different type of round (7 each). A flip of a hand- ing/targeting optics, and a belt mounted powerpack with a cable to feed the
guard switch selects which round to fire. Includes a bipod, and carry- gauntlet. GEWs utilize a sophisticated tracking computer that is built into
ing case (threshold: 5 SS: +40). the goggles to lock onto and grab a target. A successful attack roll means a
lock has been attained. Then the user merely has the field grab on to what-
ever is targeted and move it around. Feedback sensors in the gauntlet let
the user “feel” what they are touching. These are imperfect, however, so
each GEW has a Manual Dexterity modifier listed in the description.
Field strength units express the maximum amount of encumbrance that
can be lifted by the field. The field is also constrained by how much lift it
can manage per second. Maximum field time equals the maximum time
that the gravitational field can be maintained before the weapon overheats



and automatically shuts down. Thus, the maximum distance that a target raise it to a high enough altitude, and then drop it; well you may have
can be moved equals maximum time multiplied by the lift per second. something there. This device is expensive, but has many applications
Note: The energy wave used to manipulate the gravitational field is outside of dropping stuff from way up in the sky! (I must admit that
detectable by infrared sensitive devices. there is a nice thrill factor involved in watching the enemy plummet to
Note: The gauntlet is difficult to put on and remove, requiring 4 their death.) Field Strength: 400SU; Maximum Field Time: 20s;
minutes to do so. While worn, the gauntleted hand can only grip other Maximum Lift: 10m/s. Manual Dexterity penalty: -40.
items at a -80 Manual Dexterity penalty.
Yet Another Note: GEWs can propel objects just as well as they BC-Gravite: Powerful is the best word to describe this system! Another
can draw objects in. In this way, for example, a Zen can grab a BRI and word that accurately describes it is expensive! Field Strength: 500SU;
send it over to a comrade on the other side of a river. Maximum Field Time: 30s; Maximum Lift: 15m/s. Manual Dexterity
Gravitational Effect Devices use a special crystal which burns up after penalty: -25.
the gauntlet has been operated a certain number of times (noted as the
weapons Q). It costs 03% of the value of the GEW to replace the crystal. Crumb Snatcher: Another product of the NVC. The Crumb Snatcher is
SU equals strength units. Strength units express the amount of primarily used in urban environments. The special adapter generates a
encumbrance that can be moved. Thus, 40SU equals 40 encumbrance tilted gravitational platform by which objects are drawn toward the
for all intents and purposes. Character weights are equal to 2 encum- device. It can lift and transport small objects at good speed. Affordable!
brance units per kg. Field Strength: 10SU; Maximum Field Time: 30s; Maximum Lift: 25m/s.
Damage for dropping your poor targets is in the following table. Manual Dexterity penalty: -05.
Note: Mazians take 1/4 damage from any fall that does body dam-
age. Cizerack are take no damage from falls of 6m or less. Floater: The Floater has excellent all around stats and is considered a
major improvement over the GEW-1. If there is any problem, it is the
Falling damage (2x for Size Class 8) limited range of 120m. But otherwise, this unit is worth the money.
Field Strength: 100SU; Maximum Field Time: 10s; Maximum Lift: 5m/s.
Damage is applied across three random sections (or BM discretion) Manual Dexterity penalty: -30.
2–3m 1d4-1 GEW-1: Produced by the NVC. The GEW-1 is the first gravitational effect
3–7m 1d6 weapon. Its target acquisition computer is rated at 80% at range brack-
8–20m 2d6 et 1. The GEW generates a 400SU field on the target. Maximum field
21–44m 4d6 time 5 seconds. Maximum lift 1m/s. Manual Dexterity penalty: -50.
45–79m 6d6
81–124m 8d6
125–179m 10d6
180–244m 12d6
245m and up 14d6 (terminal velocity for unarmored)

Marrson Transport: It takes 5 hours to set up this monster which has
GEWs: If you prefer your deeds to be quiet and subtle than this is the a power generator that weighs over 1,000 encumbrance! The Transport
system for you. The uses for these things are best left to the crafty imag- is designed to affect vehicles. I doubt you can afford it, so forget it. But
ination, but here are a few examples anyway: Yank that sentry’s weapon it is nice to list it just the same. Field Strength: 40,000SU; Maximum
out of his hand just as your guy runs by him; someone is shooting at you Field Time: 50s; Maximum Lift: 5m/s. Manual Dexterity penalty: -85.
from an airlock so you “reach out” across the hangar and push the
“CLOSE” button; you ran out of ammo, but your buddy across the street Thief: A product of the Orionus Konglomerates. The Thief was designed
has more, so you pluck it out of his hand and draw it toward you without specifically to retrieve small objects. The field strength is a mere 10SU,
exposing yourself to fire. We’re sure you can think of more. but extends out to a maximum range of 600m! The maximum lift is
20m/sec with a field time of 30 seconds. What does it all mean? Well you
can lift an object that weighs 10kg and draw it to you at a rate of 20m
Able Effect: This device is still considered experimental, but holds per second for 30 seconds. Thus, a person can retrieve an object from
great promise. Unlike any other gravitational effect device, the Able 600m once he has obtained lock on. Manual Dexterity penalty: none.
Effect allows the operator to not only grab things but manipulate them
as well! This is the only GEW that can be used to push buttons at a dis-
tance. Field Strength: 20SU; Maximum Field Time: 20s; Maximum Lift:
15m/s. Manual Dexterity penalty: -20.

BC-Gravaton: The Balshrom Science Corporation took to the idea of

making GEW’s into weapons. If an operator could pick up a target and



Gravitational Shears are illegal on many planets and possession of

them carries stiff penalties. The Balshrom Science Corporation, as well
TYPE ER TL AV COST as Able Corporation, have agreed to a 2 year moratorium on the pro-
BC-Sparkler 800 6 VR 200,000 duction of these weapons until the legal issues have been resolved.
Conflagration 200 5-6 R 150,000 Gravitational shears are illegal on all Mutzachan and Zen Rigeln worlds.
Conflict 120 5-6 R 30,000 Presently, the Non-Violence Consortium is lobbying intensely for their
removal from the market entirely.
Note: Targets within the last range bracket suffer 1/2 damage. Flux
GRAVITATIONAL SHEARS shields reduce damage on a point for point basis. Assume that the field
extends upward to 3.4m (about 12 feet), just a little bit taller than any
To produce a gravitational shear, weapon scientists removed the gravi-
character in this game!
tational field interaction nullifier from a GEW and made certain changes
Note: Attempting to bribe a Sheustron to make you a portable sin-
in field continuity (level 18 Electronics and level 16 Weapons Design
gularity to attach to your Shear to increase its damage to ridiculous
check). Consequently, the gravitational and anti-gravitational planes
amounts will create a gravitic paradox which will destroy you, every-
come in contact with each other resulting in a hyper-violent release of
thing within 30km, and your next two characters as well.
energy perpendicular to the component of the grav plane, extending up
Gravitational Shears automatically malfunction when used within
from the point of incidence. In short, everything along the path of fire
the confines of an artificial gravity field, like on a space vessel. Roll on
is cut in half. A suppression grid prevents the two fields from coming in
the appropriate table to see the results.
contact with each other directly at the end of the barrel which would
cause a weapon explosion. All objects directly along the interacting
planes suffer damage. Visually, the interactive planes appear as agitated TACTICS TO PRACTICE
blue and orange sparkling light. Thus, shears are often called Grav Shears: The key here is to remember that the shear line extends all
“sparklers.” The sparkling light propagates outward as a thin beam the way through anything in its way, out to the maximum range of the
from the barrel and is visible to the naked eye.
weapon. This then, presents another opportunity to test those Stealth and
The damage yield is determined by two components. The first is the
Concealment skills. Most mercs are fairly unimaginative, and will form a
strength of the anti-grav field. The second is the gravitational coefficient.
The a-grav field strength is noted by the weapon’s damage. The gravita- general skirmish line upon contact with the enemy. If you can flank them,
tional coefficient depends on the planet that the device is being fired on. you’ve got a good opportunity to ‘line ‘em all up’ for one easy shot. I can
Shears don’t work correctly in space unless in the presence of a large almost guarantee that whoever’s left, however, won’t fall for that again.
gravitational field (BM’s discretion). The basic damage yield is based
on the gravitational coefficient on Earth. Each 10% deviation in the
BC-Sparkler: Taken off the market almost immediately after it was
strength of gravitational field increase/decreases the damage output by
produced, at a loss of an estimated 35,000,000cr for Balshrom. The
one point. All objects directly in the line of the field take the same
Sparkler generates a violent field that does 8 points of damage to any-
amount of damage. Anything in the path of a Shear beam will take dam-
thing in its path. Maximum Field time: 30s.
age; all parts of the armor (integrity, absorption, ablative liner, ignoring
Threshold), body tissue, equipment, buildings, etc. Since the field of the
Conflagration: Currently being produced by the Combat Science
Shear is active as long as the trigger is pulled (up to the Maximum Field
Collective, despite government protests. The company is making a lot of
Time), a Shear can be swept across multiple targets. Roll normally for
money and executives need the cash to help bail themselves out of
the first hit. On the next round, to move the beam to another target
financial difficulties. It does 4 points of damage and has a range of
nearby (1m per half action used to move the beam), roll normally to
200m. Maximum Field Time: 10s.
hit the next target but with a -2 Initiative modifier for that round only.
The field extends out to the maximum range of the weapon.
• Example: Milton the Misha hoists his Conflagration and aims it at a group of
three Rebel scum coming his way. He lights up his Shear and sweeps it across the
group of attackers since Milton has won Initiative. Milton aims at the first bozo
and hits! The Conflagration normally does 4 points of damage, but they are on
a world with a gravity of 1.2 so the Shear does 6 points of damage instead. The
first Rebel gets hit in the chest and takes 6 points to Integrity, Absorption, and
Body Points. He drops. Bozo #2 has the unfortunate position of being directly Conflict: Derived from the Floater Gravitational Effect Weapon. Not in
production anymore. Does 1 point of damage and has a range of 120m.
behind Bozo #1 as he gets hit. Since a Shear does not stop until its maximum
Maximum Field Time: 20s.
range is reached, the same amount of damage hits #2, this time in the leg (roll
location again, BM will adjudicate whether someone was behind a target or not).
#2 takes the same amount of damage and crumples. #3 tries to run, so Milton
gleefully swings the Conflagration toward his next victim. Milton wins Initiative
due to the -2 Initiative modifier and wastes the third scumbag. Milton rocks.



CR-3 4-6 R 5,000 M-202 3-5 UC 200
CS-7 3-5 UC 70 M-205 4-5 R 150
Frost 6-7 R 2,000 M-383 4-5 R 220
M-75 (frag) 2 C 50 M-430 4-5 R 400
M-85 (frag) 3 C 75 Impact 4-5 UC x3
M-90 (concussion) 3-4 C 150 Robot 5-6 VR x6
M-95 (frag) 3-4 UC 135 Smart 5-6 R x4
Molotov Cocktail 2-4 P 5 Sticky 4-5 C x2
Omegaton 5-7 VR 50,000 MICRO GRENADES
P-4 3-4 UC 150 Explosive 5-6 UC 5/10
Plasma 4-5 VC 1,000 Flash 5-6 UC 2
Plasma Seduction 5-6 R 20,000 Knockout 5-6 R 75
Super Plasma 4-6 UC 5,000 Smoke 5-6 UC 3
T-3 Blinder 3-5 R 4,000
Viscosity-1 4-6 UC 1,000
Viscosity-2 4-6 UC 2,000
Viscosity-3 4-6 UC 3,000
Viscosity-4 4-6 R 4,000
Grenades: The most important thing to remember here is that, often,
GRENADES close is close enough. More specifically, you can often damage your tar-
get just as much by hitting what’s near him as by hitting him. Knocking
Grenades are small explosive shells whose usage varies with the type of the ceiling down on top of him, causing an avalanche above him, blowing
munitions. Some grenades are thrown while others are fired from a the floor out from underneath him, taking out the building he’s running
launcher. A normal individual can hurl a grenade about 25m. Grenade
towards, blowing holes in the ground in front of his vehicle…all of these
launchers can deliver a round at much greater distances. Unless other-
can be very useful tactics to employ. Even with the biggest booms of
wise stated, a grenade can be thrown 1/2 one’s strength in meters.
All hand thrown grenades have a counterpart which is fired from a them all, keep using your head. Taking the target out via ‘collateral
tube. The launched grenades have a smaller fragment yield (6 fragments damage’ like this is often a good way to make sure there’s something
instead of 8), but otherwise produce the same effects. They cost four left to salvage later, too.
times the amount of the thrown version. All grenades have an encum-
Also applies to: Grenade Launchers and Machineguns; Rocket Launchers;
brance value of 1, unless otherwise stated. Thrown hand grenades have
Anti-Tank Weapons; Mortars; Compact Artillery; PMS.
a 1-60 sec timer (default 3s). It takes 1 half action to set this timer.
Note: All concussion damage is doubled when applied to vehicles
or buildings, due to the large surface area affected. Victims of a Blister Agent attack must make successful SMR vs. Chemical
agents or take 4d4 points of chemical damage (at a rate of 1 point per
BX-1 (biological): Contains a liquid that is filled with biological round). Environmental containment affords complete protection.
organisms, usually the Virean Plague. Incubation Period: 3d6 days.
Victims must make a Biological SMR or lose 2d6 points of strength and
constitution per day until dead. The early signs of infection are cold
fever and dry mouth. There is a 65% percent chance of contagion when
within 2m of another person. There is also a 50% chance that the char-
acter becomes a carrier of the disease, regardless of whether or not the
victim is infected. The viruses employed are USUALLY short lived with-
out a host. This helps to reduce clean up problems immensely.
Environmental containment affords complete protection. CS-7: Known as the riot control grenade. The explosion produces a
noxious gas that incapacitates any individual who fails his SMR vs.
CR-3 (chemical): A blister agent is dispersed upon explosion. Drops Poison. The victim must make a roll every 10 seconds, until he has
that strike exposed skin fester into huge oozing blisters and quickly inca- escaped the area. The gas cloud expands at a rate of 1m per second for
pacitate the victim. The liquid is misty and can also be inhaled. Those 30 seconds. It dissipates after 1 minute. Environmentally contained
individuals who inhale it develop the blisters in the lining of their lungs. armor negates the effects of the gas completely.



Frost Grenade: This grenade is a modification of the kayson capsule Plasma Seduction: Designed by the renowned physicist Brett Miller.
used in the CG-911 frost gun. It’s expensive, but worth every penny. It isn’t cost effective, but if you are into overkill then it’s definitely the
grenade for you. Unlike other grenades, it releases ten fragments per hit
scored. It can be thrown 1/6 of one’s strength in meters.

Super Plasma: Made to take out guys in heavy armor. It can only be
thrown 1/4 of one’s strength in meters.

T-3 Blinder: Is a good grenade for assassins and thieves. The Blinder
contains magnesium powder. Any person caught looking in the direc-
M-75 (fragmentation grenade): Pineapple configuration. This tion of the grenade when it explodes is temporarily blinded. This state
grenade was popular during World War II. The pineapple configuration lasts from 2d4 minutes. Potential victims receive a SMR check vs.
has advantages for its dispersion matrix (9 fragments). Radiation attacks. A successful roll indicates that the individual has
avoided being blinded. There is a 10% chance of being permanently
M-80 Smoke: Used to provide cover for moving troops. This grenade blinded, 15% for Cizerack types, 5% for Python classes.
gives off thick, colored smoke when detonated. Be careful to determine
wind direction before throwing. Sighting checks made through smoke Viscosity-1, 2, 3, 4: Same effect as the Web Generator equivalent. See
incur a -60 penalty. Attack rolls are made at a base -30 penalty, and page 119.
laser damage is halved. Smoke grenades are often used as position
M-85 (fragmentation): Was standard issue to combat troops in the M-200 series: These grenades are designed to be used with grenade
latter part of the 20th Century. The M-85 has a higher explosive charge launchers. Other grenades may be converted to use with grenade
than its predecessor. launchers but cost four times as much.

M-90 Concussion: Designed to damage buildings and vehicles rather

than personnel.

M-95 (fragmentation): Fielded in 2055, it is still used in tech level 4

societies or below.

Molotov Cocktail: The name given to a glass container filled with

some type of volatile liquid that ignites when in contact with fire. The M-383: Fired by the Mk19 and Mk25 grenade machine guns, this is a
container is plugged, typically with a fuel soaked rag. The rag is lit and standard high explosive grenade which is larger than that fired by the
the bottle thrown. The glass breaks and the fuel ignites. M79 or M203 40mm launchers. This weapon does not arm until range
bracket 4 (requires a level 6 Demolitions or Repair Direct Fire check
P-4: The P-4 grenade is known as “Willie-Pete.” The grenade contains to disable safety).
chunks of white phosphorous which ignite when exposed to oxygen.
Phosphorous burns at such a high temperature that it melts through M-430: This HEDP (High-Explosive Dual Purpose) grenade can be used
armor in seconds. Armor threshold is effectively reduced by 2 points to destroy light vehicular targets. It is only fired by the Mk19 and Mk25
when determining penetration damage. Armor integrity is reduced by grenade machine guns. The grenade functions as a normal M-75 frag
twice the stated number of fragments that penetrate. Phosphorous grenade, unless it strikes its target directly, in which case the shaped
incinerates flesh, leaving horrible 3rd degree burns. charge inflicts 8d6 points of blast damage to its target (threshold applies
normally, integrity reduction of 10). The grenade is equipped with a
Omegaton: It makes an incredible boom! Double all concussion safety and will not arm before reaching range bracket 3 (requires a level
ranges. You can throw it 1/4 of your strength in meters. 6 Demolitions or Repair Direct Fire check to disable).

Plasma: Rips up armor! It is by far the best grenade on the market. GRENADE MODIFICATIONS
Throwing range is 1/3 one’s strength in meters.
Impact Grenade: Unlike normal grenades, impact grenades explode
under violent impact with other objects. There is no fuse and they cost
three times more than normal grenades. Due to their dangerous nature
to the wielder, Impact Grenades require a bit more complicated arming
sequence and therefore take 1 full action to utilize. These can be quite
dangerous to carry and you must sign a waiver before anyone will sell
them to you!



Robot Grenades: These spider-like grenades can actually be pro- Flash: Explodes in a distracting bright flash (+5 to initiative if target(s)
grammed to crawl to their target. The robot is smart enough to follow fails an Intuition check). Will start a fire in a pinch.
simple commands or be controlled remotely using a body computer or
PCB (level 10 Programming check to control). It can cling to walls and Knockout: Makes target individual fall asleep (Bio SMR at +10; fails,
ceilings (75% chance per 10m) and is capable of traveling up to 300m out for 1d4 minutes; succeeds, no effect). This gas is unfortunately dan-
at up to 1m/sec before running out of power. Robot Grenades cost 6 gerous for methane breathers (Eridani and Phentari). They need to
times more than a normal grenade of the same type and double its make a Bio SMR or take 1d2 points of lung damage.
encumbrance (not compatible with Omegaton or Super-Plas grenades).
Smoke: explodes into thick white smoke, enough to fill a small room
(20m3) in 10 seconds. Also comes in a variety of colors. Generally use-
less outdoors.


Smart Grenade: detonation fuse is built into launched grenades that M-203 150 2-3 VC 400
link to a range finder attached to the weapon or option (500cr). Click M-75 250 3-5 R 3,500
the trigger once to get the range and push a button to send that range M-79 300 3-5 R 250
to the round. Useful for having the grenade explode just inside a win- M-L50 200 4-6 R 5,000
dow instead of when it hits something or exploding above a dug in Turbo Plus 250 3-4 VR 30,000
opponent. Grenade cost x 4.

Sticky Grenade: Grenade is covered in a sheath that, when activated GRENADE LAUNCHERS
by arming the grenade, dissolves into a glue after all pressure has been
M-79: The M-79 is a breech-loading, single-shot grenade launcher
released by the hand throwing it. Same properties as Mega Glue.
which closely resembles a sawed-off shotgun. This weapon can be use-
Grenade cost x 2.
ful for engaging enemies at distances which are much greater than
throwing range. The muzzle velocity of this weapon is only 75 m/s, so
MICRO-GRENADES any engagement above 75m range requires Indirect Fire skill. This
Also known as button grenades, these tiny boomers are the favorite of weapon is compatible with the M-200 series of grenades.
espionage types everywhere. Produced by the Orion firm Xplodem Ltd.,
these small explosive devices are about the size of a penny and come in M-203: Designed to be mounted underneath an M-16 rifle and fire the
a variety of types. To use a micro-grenade you simply press a side of it M-200 series grenades. It is a pump-action grenade launcher fielded
three times quickly with a fingernail (or equivalent) and then throw it. during the Vietnam conflict. The M-203 can be mounted on any non-
The detonation delay varies depending on the model, between 3 to 30 body-mounted rifle-sized weapon except Beam and Gauss (the report
sec. in 3-second increments. The delay is manufactured into the grenade of the launcher screws up their delicate mechanisms). Reload Time:
and cannot be altered. An individual grenade must have its surface 2d4 seconds.
pressed to start the chemical reaction to activate itself. Throwing an acti-
vated micro-grenade into a bag full of others will only destroy the bag M-75 Auto Grenade Launcher: The magazine holds 6 rounds. It has
and the other grenades. If you need a big bang get a Plasma grenade! excellent range and good overall stats. The M-75 can be mounted under
The same rules for throwing regular grenades apply to Micro- any pulse or Omega weapon.
Grenades as well. Sure they’re smaller, but they are much lighter and
harder to throw for long distances. One difference is that the explosive M-L50: Takes 7 seconds to reload a round. It’s compatible with most
micro-grenades do not make fragments. If a hit roll is indicated the tar- modern weaponry.
get was hit by the exploding grenade and took all the damage; if a miss
is indicated the target takes no damage. Turbo Plus: The only grenade launcher system that utilizes a motor.
Rotating cylinder holds 12 rounds. This unit can fire 2 rounds every
Explosive: Does 1d2 points of damage to target. It explodes when second. It is a standalone weapon, not designed to mount underneath
striking an object. a rifle. Reload Time: 2min.




Mk19 AGL 1,600 3-5 R 75,000 Balshrom Vice 1,400 7 VR 600,000
Mk25 AGL 1,800 4-5 R 120,000 Enveloper 120 7 R 100,000
Quad Pulse Devastator 1,200 7 VR 600,000

GRENADE MACHINE GUNS Realm Generator 1,000 7 VR 200,000

Wompum Happy Gun 180 7 VR 400,000
Designed with vehicles in mind, grenade machine guns allow the rapid
dispersal of explosive firepower onto a poor, unfortunate target. Great
for breaking up lightly armored troop concentrations or for slaughter-
ing thin-skinned vehicles. A nice convoy-buster! IFTs are wicked weapons of devastation that reflect the cutting edge of
Note: The accuracy of any grenade machine gun is reduced by -40 science. They are still considered experimental at this time, yet proto-
when firing from any non-secured position, as these weapons generate types exist and are sold on the common market. All IFTs are tech level
well over 100kg of recoil. Anyone less than size class 7 will automati- 7. IFTs utilize a combination of Omega and Impact technology to great-
cally be knocked over by this attempt. Characters of size class 7 or larg- ly enhance the damage yield of an Omega pulse.
er must make a Strength check at -50 to avoid being knocked over. The “Implosion Field Thingee” as it was originally called was devel-
These weapons have built-in tripods which must be set up prior to use oped by the great Goola Goola tinkerer Wally Fibelmeir in 2384. The
(6 seconds) in order to negate this penalty. Requires Archaic Powder late Mr. Fibelmeir was also one of the first Goola Goola scientists to
Gunnery skill. actually produce a valid weapon system, and then get himself killed by
it. History has failed to determine exactly how Mr. Fibelmeir was able to
Mk19 AGL: The Mk19 40mm grenade machine gun is an air-cooled, dis- get his hands on a prototype Abomination Omega Cannon, however the
integrating metallic link, belt-fed, blowback operated, fully automatic results were undeniably unique. After attempting numerous modifica-
weapon and is crew-transportable over short distances with limited tions to the control systems on the Abomination, Mr. Fibelmeir was suc-
amounts of ammunition. Or, it can be used by one pissed-off Ram Python! cessful at increasing the flux generator’s range and focus providing a
Human Antique Systems recently rediscovered this design and began pro- means to envelope a specific target. Mr. Fibelmeir was killed when he
ducing it in large quantities despite the protests of anti-violence groups. was setting up the targeting dummies and his wife wandered into the fir-
The larger grenades fired by this weapon are not compatible with most ing range to tell him dinner was ready. “What’s this thing do?” she said
other grenade launchers. Converting any other type of grenade for use as she depressed the nice red, candy-like button… Mrs. Fibelmeir was
with this weapon costs five times the standard grenade cost. generous enough to donate Mr. Fibelmeir’s notes and equipment to sci-
ence and allowed the continued development of this powerful system.
Mk25 AGL: A complete modernization of the Mk19 grenade launcher, Balshrom toyed incessantly with the name… Torpedo, Thingee (sug-
this weapon is considered to be Tech level 4 for legal purposes. Human gested by Mrs. Fibelmeir), but finally settled on just ‘Technology.’
Antique Systems has produced a “deluxe” grenade machine gun with A laser range finder works in conjunction with an onboard com-
modern lightweight materials, which is even more capable than its pre- puter to determine target range (this equipment cannot be augmented
decessor. Fires the same ammunition as the Mk19. by other targeting). Effectively, IFTs project a collapsible flux shield that
is propagated directly to the target. Victims are simultaneously struck by
four or more independent collapsing sections that translate through the
armor as with normal Omega pulses. Recharging the pack costs 500cr
per shot. IFTs use Omega skill.
Cost Effectiveness: One look at the cost of IFTs compared to omega weapons,
and you start to wonder why everyone isn’t packing three or four of these per
squad. These things do horrific damage, which like normal omega damage is
all translational. And the ranges on a few of them are outstanding. So why the
lack of ubiquity? Take a peek at those rate of fire numbers and you’ll think
twice about bringing an IFT to a party without a lot of support. Oh, and when
you do decide to bring one, rent a moving van—these things are huge! Still,
they can pulverize people in heavy armor with one shot. Just hope that guy’s
buddies don’t get to you while you’re waiting for the thing to cycle.




IFTs: The ultimate in heavy weapons exhilaration. Not much trick to these,
Bottle Opener 80 5 UC 15,000
other than just blasting away. Here’s one way to have some fun, though.
Def-Pulse 1 120 5-6 C 40,000
Start pecking at the enemy with smaller arms… let your guys with the
DWS (Defensive Weapon Screen) 220 6-7 R 75,000
beam weapons have at them, maybe a pulse cannon shot or two. Let
Void Pulse 280 6-7 R 50,000
them get overconfident. Then crush their CO into a thick paste with a sin-
gle shot. This is what is called in the world of psy-ops a ‘backbreaker.’
Balshrom Vice: Similar to the Quad Pulse in size, the Vice instead uses Jammers represent the latest in anti-weapon technology. Jammers act
an eight pulse shot to grease its victims. Each pulse does 4d6 points of on the principle of magnetic intolerance by generating disruptive elec-
damage. I think Wally would be proud. Setup Time: 10 minutes. tronic pulses, which destroy the magnetic bottle used to deliver modern
weapons fire to its target. Jammers project a conical beam in the direc-
Enveloper: This unit represents one of three man-portable mass-pro- tion of the weapon. Jammers are rated from 1-100, representing the
duced IFTs available on the market. Targets are struck by four inde- chance to disrupt bottle technology, and thereby negate the attack.
pendent pulses which cause 4d6 points of damage apiece. This is Jammers are small, cylindrical devices intended to be attached under
cheaper than its counterpart, the Wompum Happy Gun produced by the barrel of a Battlelord’s primary weapon. An included trigger modifi-
Able Corp, but is far heavier and more difficult to wield. cation is added to the primary weapon to allow the Jammer to fire with
the flick of a switch (but not at the same time if used with any energy
Quad Pulse Devastator: First off, this bitch is heavy! Wielding this weapon). The Jammer can then use any of the optics that are available to
thing is a full-time job for Python races only. The Quad Pulse Devastator the primary weapon. Dice are rolled normally and a hit indicates that the
is designed for smearing heavy armor and uses four pulses that cause targeted weapon is temporarily knocked out of commission. Dice are
2d4x10 points of damage each to do the job. It’s slow to recharge but rolled for all other weapons within a 3m radius. Jammed weapons must
has its uses. roll on the appropriate malfunction table (see the Battlelords rulebook
or Battle Master’s Pack) to determine the effects of the attack.
Jammers cause the weapon’s systems to go haywire for a certain
length of time, regardless of whether they malfunction. The weapon will
not fire for the listed disruption time and any attempt to fire them will
result in an automatic Malfunction roll. Consequently, the enemy quick-
ly becomes aware of a jammer’s presence, and will generally expend an
inordinate amount of firepower to eliminate the jammer’s user.
Operators are called Splatter Mounds or Corpses. Shoot and move. It’s
your only hope!
Jammers affect: Modern Hand Weapons, Omega weapons, EMP
Realm Generator: A recall has been put out throughout the Core cannons, Thunderbolt Generators, A/R Beams, Particle Beams, Meson
worlds because this weapon is considered unsafe. The Realm Generator Cannons, Metal Guns, Pulse weapons, F.I.S.T., IFTs, and Jammers.
has tremendous range, able to engage targets out to 1,000m when it Jammers use Energy Weapon skill. A Jammer costs 20cr per shot to
works. It has a lousy malfunction number and is susceptible to explo- recharge.
sion. In the event of a malfunction, reroll the dice. A result of 80 or Note: A Jammer’s listed encumbrance is added to whatever weapon
higher indicates that the entire system has exploded and the operator is it is attached to, though it still uses its own power source. Installing a
struck by 1d4 fragments which cause 6d6 points of damage each. Jammer requires a level 12 Weapons Repair check.
Anyone within 5 meters is 50% likely to be struck by 1d2 fragments
which cause 3d6 points of damage apiece. Worse still, the operator is
engulfed by a massive collapsible flux field which inflicts 8d6 points of TACTICS TO PRACTICE
damage to 1d4 locations. Not actually a Generator in the strictest sense,
but who would buy a Realm Thingee? Jammers: Oddly enough, the best pairing with a Jammer is some training
in Stealth and Concealment. If you can manage to hit the enemy’s heavy
Wompum Happy Gun: Designed specifically for Ram Pythons, this weapons troopers before the firefight erupts, or right at the beginning,
weapon is making quite a name for itself. The Wompum Happy Gun has you’ll have a big advantage. The beam is invisible, but they’ll know
limited range, but produces 6 pulses which do 6d6 points of damage you’re around when their weapons start malfunctioning. Hopefully you’ll
get some explosions and overloads out of the deal first. And if you’re
hidden well enough, you might get their backup weapons when they pull
those out, too. Add a displacer unit to the Jammer/stealth combo and
you’ve got a match made in heaven.



Bottle Opener: Has a limited range and low accuracy statistics which
makes its use dubious at best. Recycle Time: 6 sec.
Def-Pulse 1: An improvement over the Bottle Opener, but the field Able Blistex 20 3 VC 1,000
intensity is still too low to make it a valuable asset for the money. Able Ore 25 3-4 R 30,000
Recycle Time: 3 sec. BC-Chunky 40 3-5 R 45,000
BC-Splatter Gun 55 3 C 5,000
DWS (Defensive Weapon Screen): The jammer of choice. Excellent
Cumaaskk 75 3-5 R 75,000
range, great effectiveness. Problem! Only ten shots. Most combat teams
Ferrite 40 3 UC 4,000
will go without one, but not without reluctance. This is the one to get.
Ironside 40 3-4 UC 8,000
Just don’t miss. Recycle Time: 15 seconds.
Liquid 65 3-4 R 10,000
Might 55 4-5 UC 75,000
Safeguard 25 3-5 UC 20,000

Juicers are an ancient, Tech level 3 invention, first developed by the
Eridani and still in use today. They fire super-heated chunks of molten
Void Pulse: Debate continues as to whether modified versions of this iron and obtain much of the same results as plasma cannons at a frac-
device can be adopted by light infantry units of the Galactic Marines. It tion of the cost. Juicers are relatively self sufficient. As long as there is
has a low recycle time of 6 seconds. Limited fire capacity. a supply of iron around, the operator can cook up some more “juice.”
The iron must be at least 75% pure in order to avoid the system clog-
These I-Bot Slayborg Detectives are protecting the rights of law abiding
ging up which will cause dangerous malfunctions (+10 to malfunction
rolls). The Juicer utilizes an induction principle to “cook” iron into its
clean citizens. Fliston’s Orion Rumpus Room and Massage Parlor was a con-
stant problem on Tashim-4 until these specialists came to spread their casual
molten state. The iron, or juice as it is called, is then fed to the gun itself
justice. Archaic powder weapons can be lethal in the hands of a Bio-Engineered under extreme pressure, where it is jettisoned.
Killforcer. Such is the fate of first time offenders.



Juice yields some excellent results when applied against body BC-Chunky: What a stupid name for a weapon!!! It reportedly spits big
defense suits. Double the amount of absorption is destroyed. The effects chunks of iron at the target. Who cares! Susceptible to damage from
are translational (i.e. ignore threshold). The armor integrity is reduced being dropped.
by the damage yield. Finally, if the damage yield is greater than or equal
to double the threshold, then the threshold in the appropriate section
is permanently reduced by 2 points.
• Example: Fredd the Python is using a BC-Splatter Gun. He hits Henry the
Mutzachan in the arm. Henry is wearing AKMB armor. The damage is 8 points.
Sixteen points of absorption is automatically destroyed, along with 8 points of
armor integrity. Since the damage yield is twice that of the threshold, the thresh-
old in the arm section is permanently reduced by 2 points. BC-Splatter Gun: So the Balshrom Science Corporation went the other
way. Their base line Juicer has few shots, but an excellent malfunction
Cost Effectiveness: Why waste your time with Juicers? They are outdated pieces
number. Effective Range: 55m.
of junk, long since replaced by Pulse Cannons. Right? Wrong. Pulse cannons
are affected by Threshold. Pulse cannons are extremely expensive. The effects Cumaaskk: The word stands for “Killer” in Eridani. The Cumaaskk is
of pulse cannons are severely diminished by Anti-Plas Generators and another sturdy product of Eridi-Corp. Not very many shots, but a superb
Magnetic Disruptors. Quick: name an armor option other than flux shields that range of 75m.
defends against Juicers…if you said the KE Shield, you’re right. That’s the
only answer. And the KE Shield is half as effective as the Anit-Plas Generator Ferrite: Has a large number of shots, but a low malfunction number.
is. Plus, your target can’t mount two field generating options at once, so The Ferrite is an Able Corporation product. It has a reasonable range
between you shooting at him with the Juicer, and your buddy shooting at him of 40m. Could be better, could be worse.
with the Pulse Cannon, something’s got to give. And you can get your hands
on a Juicer that does a good amount of damage for less than 20,000cr. They Ironside: Marrson Optics’ contribution to the Juicer effort. Affordable
and reasonable.
may be old, but Juicers certainly deserve consideration.
Extra iron to make Juice costs 5cr per shot (or a trip to the local Liquid: Has exceptional range, but low damage yield for the cost. It is
landfill). Fresh iron takes 10 minutes to rise to firing temperature. lighter than other models in its class. Backpack Threshold: 20.

TACTICS TO PRACTICE Might: The actual name of this weapon is just about unpronounceable
to anyone who isn’t Eridani. All models are custom engraved with the
Juicers: Juicers present a really inexpensive method for making scrap out buyer’s name (as long as you’re an Eridani). Furthermore, a compli-
of low-level armor. The higher priced Juicers, which are still cheap, can mentary long sword comes with the weapon, scabbard fitted to the side
burn the chest section of a brand new suit of Bear armor right off the tar- of the backpack. Excellent in every regard. Naturally, some Swordsaint
get in one shot. One more shot for the abdomen, and you’ve likely got a designed it.
surrendering prisoner on your hands. But can they be employed effectively
against heavier armor? Answer: mass incoming fire. How many times has
your band of stalwart troops found themselves nearly wiped out by a sin-
gle soldier wearing MBA? Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a weapon that
ignored threshold, that could burn away Integrity at up to 24 points a shot,
and that was cheap enough to outfit your whole team with? Yeah…
juicers. Five or six individuals with high-end juicers opening up on a single
target in MBA won’t be pretty. These are not the weapon of choice, howev- Safeguard: A product of Eridi-Corp. This special design channels any
er, if you’re hoping to salvage any of your victim’s gear. backpack explosion away from the operator. Consequently, the opera-
tor suffers only four times the base damage in the form of concussion
and is struck with only four fragments, half to the chest section.
Able Blistex: The Blistex weapon is actually a two shot, riot control Safeguard increases the operator survivability significantly.
shotgun configuration with disposable cartridge (cost: 350cr apiece).
We question its value because of what happens if you miss twice: you
are @#$%ed!

Able Ore: A short range, deadly accurate piece of equipment! The juice
is sprayed at the target like a flamethrower: it affects three areas of the
body with each hit. Divide the total damage among those three areas.



equal to their encumbrance rating. All damage which surpasses threshold

is applied to integrity. Any penetrating damage has a percentage chance to
TYPE TL AV COST knock out each system equal to the percentage of integrity destroyed.
SPHERES Optional Rule: Just about anything (within reason) can be modi-
Battle Sphere 6-7 VR 40,000 fied to fit in a k-sat. Any hand weapon can be modified to work with a
Carry Sphere 6-7 VR 10,000 sphere. The modification will cost 2x the weapon’s price to reduce the
Combat Sphere 6-7 VR 20,000
encumbrance by 25% (round up), or 4x the cost to reduce the encum-
brance by 50% (round down). Backpack-powered weapons can only
Defense Sphere 6-7 VR 12,000
have their total encumbrance reduced by 10%. The same cost rules
Dummy Sphere 6-7 VR 4,500
apply to modifying pieces of equipment. Any external armor option of
Mega-Sphere 6-7 VR 65,000
encumbrance 3 or less can be added to the outside of a k-sat at 2x the
Micro-Sphere 6-7 VR 2,000
cost (the option’s encumbrance affects the sphere’s encumbrance rat-
Mini-Sphere 6-7 VR 7,000 ing normally). Cybernetics, Cybertronics, crew-served weapons,
PROPULSION SYSTEMS Chainguns, Gauss Rifles, Compact Artillery, Reflex Missiles, SAMS, Anti-
Propulsion 1 6-7 VR 1,000 Tank Missiles, Rocket Launchers, Pascians, and anything else the BM
Propulsion 2 6-7 VR 4,000 deems unfit cannot be modified for use in a k-sat.
Propulsion 3 6-7 VR 15,000
Brain Module 6-7 VR 0.5M
Genius Module 6-7 VR 1.0M Battle Sphere: -10 to hit. Carries up to 100 encumbrance. Tear ‘em a
Guidance Package 1 6-7 VR 1,000 new poop-chute with this little baby straight from Granny’s kitchen. If
Guidance Package 2 6-7 VR 5,000 you don’t care much about sensors and speed you can really load this
Guidance Package 3 6-7 VR 10,000
thing with weapons.
IR 6-7 VR 550
Night Vision 6-7 VR 450
pAI Package 1 6-7 VR 250,000
pAI Package 2 6-7 VR 325,000
Remote Control 6-7 VR 12,000
Visual Remote 6-7 VR 25,000

KILLER SATELLITES (K-SATS) Carry-Sphere: No penalty to hit. Carries up to 100 encumbrance, but
contains no pAI. The Carry-Sphere is basically a-grav luggage that fol-
Killer Satellites are spheres built on a-grav platforms that can hunt lows its owner around. The Carry-Sphere comes with a control link that
down and engage enemy units without endangering the operator’s life. clips to the users belt; this device sends out a signal that the sphere fol-
K-Sats can be controlled by a variety of means and can mount numer- lows. The sphere can travel from 1-3m behind its owner and one con-
ous weapon systems. These spheres are small and fast, making them trol link can direct four spheres. To hack the control link signal
difficult to hit. They follow preprogrammed flight paths, and some even requires a level 14 Defeat Security check. Equipped with Propulsion 1
mount pAI modules which allow the K-Sats to make rational decisions. only and a level 16 lock. The Carry-Sphere only has a Threshold of 5
K-Sats are Tech level 6-7 and are restricted in production. and a 10 Integrity.
The Balshrom Science Corporation has a monopoly on the produc-
tion of K-Sats. Its K-Sat patent of 2255 prohibits any other company Combat Sphere: -20 to hit Carries up to 30 encumbrance. This sphere
from producing them (corrupt judge ya know). They are currently can handle a variety of missions and is suited to medium intensity combat.
being sued by the Able Corporation for unfair business practices.
The satellite packages listed below are the only ones currently avail- Defense Sphere: -30 to hit. Carries up to 20 encumbrance. Ups the
able on the market until the lawsuit is settled. ante a bit. This sphere is a good choice for force protection and
Note: All spheres come with a wireless module to allow the user to perimeter defense.
do any programming of the sphere via a body computer.
Dummy Sphere: The dummy sphere is just a ball mounted to an a-
BUILDING YOUR OWN SATELLITE grav system. It does not move. It is designed to fool enemy units. –30
to hit, including the bonus for being stationary. The a-grav unit is only
Characters purchase various packages and build their satellite according strong enough to hold up the sphere so it won’t even make a nice stool.
to their own needs. A sphere size is first selected. This determines how
much encumbrance the platform can handle. Next, the propulsion pack- Mega-Sphere: No penalty to hit. Carries up to 200 encumbrance. “It’s
age is picked out, then control method. Finally, weapon systems and mis- too big to be a space station!” Kick serious ass with this ball of fear and
cellaneous packages are added. All K-Sats have Threshold 7 and Integrity annihilation. The rebel scum won’t know what hit them. Big enough to



smuggle a human in if you make the Ram “size” him to fit first. Propulsion 3: Maximum Speed: 100kph (27.8 m/s). Duration: 20
Mutzachans love to mod these things to ride around in (BM discretion). hours at top speed. Cost is doubled for a battle sphere and tripled for a

Programming and target designation are entered into the Guidance
Package via a body computer or PCD. All k-sats come with a tech level
5 wireless link to accomplish this. Level 8 Programming check to enter
the k-sat’s target programming.
Micro-Sphere: -150 to hit. The Micro-Sphere is about the size of a
grape, requires a remote control to run (only 100m range), and has its Brain Module: Makes decisions as a person with a 100 IQ and 55
own specialized propulsion system which cannot be modified. The Intuition.
Micro-Sphere is mostly hollow and is designed to pop open at its desti-
nation. It can carry a mini grenade, a small gas bomb, or other small Genius Module: Makes decisions as a person with a 120 IQ and 60
objects. A popular thing to do is take a basic Micro-Sphere and stick a Intuition.
Spy-Dot or two on its surface. A level 13 Programming check allows the
Micro-Sphere to take the Spy-Dots info and send it back with the remote Guidance Package 1: Homes in on preset targets with a 95% effi-
control data effectively boosting the Spy-Dots range. Carries approxi- ciency rating. Flight path, flight time, and target(s) are all preset. Can
mately 0.5 Encumbrance, BM discretion. engage one target at a time. When targets are detected, the flight path is
automatically interrupted until there are no more targets. The K-Sat will
Mini-Sphere: -40 to hit. Carries up to 12 encumbrance. Excellent for pursue targets in a limited fashion, as long as it doesn’t have to deviate
espionage missions and low intensity combat. Load it with cameras and from the flight path by more than 5m (this can be overridden when pro-
sensors. Usually can carry only one weapon. grammed so that it does not deviate from the flight path at all).

PROPULSION Guidance Package 2: Randomly homes in on targets with a 104% effi-

ciency rating. Flight path, flight time, and size class are all preset. Can
Propulsion 1: Maximum Speed: 20kph (5.6 m/s). Duration: 6 hours engage up to three targets simultaneously. May be programmed to devi-
at top speed. Not designed to manage battle or mega-spheres. ate up to 20m from flight path to pursue targets.

Propulsion 2: Maximum Speed: 50kph (13.9 m/s). Duration: 10 Guidance Package 3: Randomly homes in on targets with a 120% effi-
hours at top speed. Cost is doubled for a battle sphere and triple for a ciency. Flight path, flight time, and size class are all preset. Can engage
mega-sphere. up to five targets simultaneously. May be programmed to deviate up to
50m from flight path to pursue targets.



IR: Allows the K-sat guidance system to detect targets based on their
heat signature. Includes size-class discrimination.
Night Vision: Allows the K-sat guidance system to operate in low-light Anti-Missile Pod 200 6-7 VR 35,000
environments. Anti-Personnel Mine Package - 6-7 VR 10,000
Anti-Tank Mine Package - 6-7 VR 15,000
pAI 1: Makes decisions as a person with a 50 IQ and 30 Intuition. All Disintegrator (Gashil) 40 6-7 VR 165,000
pAI modules can be programmed to override preprogrammed flight
Disintegrator (Power) (Comrade) 35 6-7 VR 0.75M
paths as they see fit.
FIGs (Henderson) 85 6-7 VR 35,000
Frost Gun (Frost Giant) 15 6-7 VR 110,000
pAI 2: Makes decisions as a person with a 75 IQ and 50 Intuition.
Fuel Air Explosive(Nuclear Mine
- 6-7 VR 300,000
w/o RAD)
Remote Control: The satellite can be controlled remotely from up to
High Explosive Package (C4) - 6-7 VR 12,000
4,000m (level 6 Remote Piloting check).The preset flight path or pAI
Incendiary Package (Super Plas
module is overridden temporarily while the operator has control. The - 6-7 VR 7,500
operator can see targets only as blips on a video screen, relative to the Laser 1 (M18-L) 900 6-7 VR 8,000
position of the satellite as compared to them. Electronic instructions Laser 2 (Beta 3) 1,230 6-7 VR 120,000
can be given to the sphere for engagement and movement purposes.
Laser 3 (Crusader) 2,600 6-7 VR 2.2M
Remote Encumbrance: 3. Added to a guidance package. A Remote
Lightning Dispenser (Maximus) 70 6-7 VR 375,000
Control can be added to any k-sat except the Dummy Sphere. Remote
MG Laser (RKM 10G) 850 6-7 VR 23.0M
can be ordered as a Module for a Body Computer. The Remote Control
Machine Gun Pod (SAW) 800 6-7 VR 23,000
can control one regular k-sat or six Micro-Spheres at one time.
Metal Gun 1 (Shredder) 90 6-7 VR 60,000
Visual Remote: A mini-camera mounted on the satellite allows the oper- Metal Gun 2 (Parabellum) 160 6-7 VR 300,000
ator to view potential targets. The viewing plane is 180 degrees across the Missile Pack - 6-7 VR 50,000
front arc of the satellite. Electronic instructions can be given to the sphere Missile Pod - 6-7 VR 20,000
for engagement and movement purposes. Remote Encumbrance: 5. PAW (Wicked Crimson) 300 6-7 VR 18.0M
Remote can be ordered as a Module for a Body Computer. Powder 1 (M-16A5) 550 6-7 VR 700
Powder 2 (Barret 82) 2,000 6-7 VR 22,000
WEAPONS PACKAGES Powder 3 (MAC-10) 140 6-7 VR 12,000
Pulse 1 (M-20) 130 6-7 VR 30,000
Weapons not listed in the table may be modified to fit a k-sat using the Pulse 2 (Vector 4) 800 6-7 VR 300,000
optional rules listed above. This process takes 2-4 weeks, shipping not Pulse 3 (M-80) 550 6-7 VR 4.2M
included (BM’s discretion). DIY requires a level 18 Weapon Repair check
T-bolt Generator (Coulomb) 40 6-7 VR 125,000
of the appropriate weapon type, and a level 15 Robotics Modification check.
Note: Only unique k-sat weapons are listed here. For any weapons Missile Pod: Carries up to six Reflex missiles and four arm rockets.
that are noted as the equivalent of another, please see the equivalent’s Each Reflex missile has an encumbrance of seven and each arm rock-
description (weapon equivalents are noted in parentheses in the table). et has an encumbrance of 0.5.
Explosives are considered to be dropped, except the Fuel Air Explosive
which incinerates the k-sat as well. K-SAT ACCESSORIES PG. 21

Anti-Missile Pod: Carries up to six anti-missile missiles. Each missile TYPE ER TL AV COST
has an encumbrance of 4. Same stats as the AMM Armor Option (see Electronic Warfare 1 - 6-7 VR 20,000
Lock–N–Load: Armor, Equipment, & Cybernetics). Electronic Warfare 2 - 6-7 VR 30,000
Electronic Warfare 3 - 6-7 VR 45,000
Anti-Personnel Mine Package: Treat as Claymore 3. Drops and sets EMP Package - 6-7 VR 375,000
up 1d10 Claymore three mines at prescribed coordinates. Set up time Flux Shield 1 - 6-7 VR 75,000
10 seconds each. Each Claymore 3 has an encumbrance of 2. Deploying Flux Shield 2 - 6-7 VR 200,000
Arm Assembly Encumbrance: 5. Requires a Remote Control to detonate. Heavy-Link 3 6-7 VR 25,000
Jam On It 70,000 6-7 VR 55,000
Anti-Tank Mine Package: Treat as E-4 Tank Killer. Drops and buries Mazaround - 6-7 VR 55,000
up to five mines at prescribed coordinates. Mine Encumbrance: 20. Power Flux System - 6-7 VR 400,000
Deploying Arm Encumbrance: 10.
Surveillance - 6-7 VR 25,000
Transmission Jammer 1 2,000 6-7 VR 10,000
Missile Pack: Carries up to eight reflex missiles and six arm rockets.
Transmission Jammer 2 50,000 6-7 VR 20,000
Each reflex missile has an encumbrance of seven and each arm rocket
UV Dampener - 6-7 VR 10,000
has an encumbrance of 0.5.




Electronic Warfare 1: Produces 20 points of ECM and 20 points of
Lasers are long-range weapons that do considerably less damage than
pulse or Omega weapons. They are powered by energy clips which con-
tain a specific number of charges. It costs 5cr to recharge each shot.
Electronic Warfare 2: Produces 40 points of ECM and 60 points of
Lasers are efficient against body armor because the beam is not affect-
ed by the absorption polymers, unless special ablative liners are pur-
chased. Once a laser beam penetrates the threshold of an armor suit, it
Electronic Warfare 3: Produces 60 points of ECM and 40 points of
does straight body damage. Laser beams don’t diffuse much over dis-
tance, but are limited in their sighting capabilities. Due to the limita-
tions of automatic, computerized, telescopic sighting, the stated ranges
EMP Package: Treat as Fomenter.
and accuracies cannot be modified. The most efficient scopes have
already been employed. Player characters can purchase scope modifi-
Flux shield 1: Produces a 50 point Flux shield.
cations such as infrared sighting to beef up their weapon. The major
drawback of lasers is that concentrated smoke diffracts the beam and
Flux shield 2: Produces a 100 point Flux shield.
reduces damage yield by one half. Beam Weapons do half damage to
Heavy Armor except in the case of Impact lasers.
Heavy-Link: This system allows the user to slave one or more (limit 4)
Clips for laser pistols cost 50cr. Clips for laser rifles cost 300cr.
k-sats’ weapons to follow the user’s own hand weapon. When active,
Heavy-Link takes over the k-sats guidance and directs it to follow along- Cost Effectiveness: The nasty laser monster! Lasers are perhaps the most dead-
side or in front of the user. When the user points a weapon at a target, ly weapon in the game for their cost. The fact that they aren’t affected by
Heavy-Link directs the k-sats’ weapons at the same target. Firing the absorption makes them absolutely wicked! Trust me, characters tend to buy
hand weapon discharges all the k-sats as well (different ROFs need to everything but ablative liners. Lasers are long-range weapons. Most can
be considered). Heavy-Linked k-sats can perform no other function engage targets out to 750m or more. Few other weapons have this pro-
while linked to the user’s weapon. Heavy-Link comes with one hand nounced ability which means that you can pick your enemies off long before
weapon mount and one k-sat controller. If you want more you have to
they can bring their own weapons to bear. Lasers also make no noise at all.
pay the full price. Capitalism is a bitch, ain’t it?
There is no report to betray your position. Furthermore, powerful lasers fire
Mazaround: Extensive modification to a Battle Sphere allows a Mazian beams in the ultra-violet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Unless you
to use it as a floating suit of armor. Piloting skill (Skimmer) is neces- are wearing an ultra-violet detection device, you won’t even see what hits you.
sary to pilot the sphere. The Mazian’s sonar works at a reduced effi- All of a sudden there is a neat hole in the middle of your chest. You didn’t
ciency while in the sphere (-20). Treat the sphere as a suit of Bear hear where it came from and no one saw it either. ONE PROBLEM: a single
armor modified for a blob. Special trap-door allows the Mazian to eas- smoke grenade can render your high-powered laser impotent. Rain and fog
ily plop out of the bottom. degrade lasers as well.

Jam On It: Produces a jam strobe rated at 80 points of strength out to

Power Flux System: Produces a 3HP Flux shield.
Lasers: Stealth and range all rolled into one. But don’t rely on either one
Surveillance: Mounts a sophisticated camera system. The video/still alone to make these work. The higher-end lasers have beams that are
imaging system has a 40x zoom and can view objects as close as 2cm. invisible to the eyesight of most races, and enough range to allow you to
The images can be stored onboard or sent via encrypted transmission work the target over before more powerful, shorter-range weapons can
(level 16) to a body computer. reach you. But a little bit of Ab Liner can put a kink in your plans.
Because the damage yield for most lasers isn’t very high, rate of fire
Transmission Jammer 1: Produces a jam strobe rated at 40 points of becomes very important if you’re trying to utilize these at long range.
strength out to 2,000m. You need to get through that Ab Liner and start doing body damage
before the big omega monster puts the hurt on you. And if you have to
Transmission Jammer 2: Produces a jam strobe rated at 60 points of face heavy armor on a regular basis, graduate to impact lasers or move
strength out to 50,000m.
on to another weapon system. If you have the time to set an ambush, it
can be very effective to lure in the enemy with a long-range laser bar-
UV Dampener: Dampens the signature emitted by the a-grav field
when the sphere is operational. rage. When they charge to get within range of their own weapons, your
hidden troops with their own heavier weapons can spring the trap. Aside
from that, lasers are perhaps the single best weapon type to have on you
in areas where weapons and armor are restricted. A discreet laser pistol



Flashlight: Unbelievable damage yield! So what. If a Ram Python farts

doesn’t have to do a lot of damage when the target isn’t wearing armor. in your general direction, the weapon will explode. The system shock
And it will be silent enough that it won’t draw a crowd. (Mazians, take sucks. Come on Balshrom, how can you expect us to buy this junk!
note! A Mazian assassin by the name of The Fish perfected a method of
taking out his target in big crowds without being detected. Employing an Luxxman: As cost effective as an archaic powder pistol, but with laser
IFN, he would shapeshift into an unremarkable human, and walk up penetration capabilities. Fires a beam in the visible portion of the electro-
behind the target, or even approach from the front and engage the tar- magnetic spectrum. How can you knock it? We at Marrson Optics stand
get in conversation. It’s hard for anyone to notice when a small muzzle behind the Luxxman as one of the best all around buys for any weapon in
slowly pokes out of the Mazian’s stomach, leg, etc. And the weapon is its class. However, we are not responsible for any injuries associated with
silent to boot. Suddenly the victim drops, and the ‘human’ standing there the use of this weapon. Oh, by the way, if you are into knocking it, the
Luxxman can only shoot 40m before the beam disperses.
reacts with proper shock and fear. When authorities look later, that
human is nowhere to be found. The sneaky laser beast strikes again!)


BC-Budget Gun 400 4 R 10,000
Doomsday 1,200 5 VR 75,000 Marrson Opticon: A collapsible hand unit that fits in your pocket.
Flashlight 650 4-5 R 50,000 Fires three times per second! It is also plastic.
Luxxman 40 3-4 UC 250
Marrson Opticon 100 4-5 R 25,000 Spectrum: The Spectrum is a far cry better than the Luxxman. “Trust us,
Spectrum 200 3-4 C 400 we’re the Balshrom Science Corporation and we know best.” The truth
Spectrum Plus 200 4 UC 600 is that the Spectrum is a better weapon with superior damage yield,
range, and system shock number. Of course, a Ram Python will still
LASERS—BARGAIN BASEMENT crush you into space dust long before you do enough damage to kill him.

Bargain basement lasers are cheap, inefficient weapon systems with Spectrum Plus: An improvement over its predecessor. Two shots per
excellent damage yield for the price. They offer high impact at the second greatly increases the value of this unit.
expense of dependability. All bargain basement weapons have low mal-
function and system shock numbers which can cause great problems in
a combat environment (and great comedy for the BM). Marginal specs
and a short cut design raise questions about their value. However, many
starting warriors pick them up for their sheer killing power. Only two
companies produce bargain basement lasers, Marrson Optics and the
Balshrom Science Corporation.

BC-Budget Gun: A laser carbine of little merit. Tends to explode when

it malfunctions (05% of the time when a malfunction is rolled. Treat as
M-95 fragmentation grenade in addition to rolling on the standard mal-
function table). The Federal Arms Bureau is actively seeking to get this
weapon taken off the market and the issue is presently in the courts.

Doomsday: It is almost worth the trade-off because the damage yield

is so high. I suggest purchasing this weapon only if you are a sniper. It
does, however, have an automatic setting for continuous fire situations.
Comes with built-in bipod mounted to the forward stock.



impact laser cannon. If he doesn’t listen, there won’t be enough left of

him to scoop into a plastic bag. Enough said. Like its cousin the Shock
TYPE ER TL AV COST Therapy, this unit comes with an 8 Threshold laser shield.
Able Culprit 1,400 7 R 1.7M
Able Dancer 1,000 7 VR 2.2M BC-Screamer: Not to be outdone by Able Corp in the high-end impact
Angler 450 7 UC 100,000 laser department, Balshrom corp. has just unveiled their newest impact
BC-Persuader 325 7 R 1.5M
laser, the BC-Screamer. Though the Screamer lacks the yield of the
Force impact laser it’s high rate of fire more than makes up for it.
BC-Screamer 250 7 VR 7.0M
Balshrom also would like to point out that the Force is an experimen-
BC-Shock Therapy 100 7 R 1.0M
tal weapon, while their BC-Screamer is field-tested and battle ready. Get
BC-Violator 350 7 UC 90,000
yours today!
Crusader 2,600 7 VR 1.8M
Drexler Auto Cannon 150 7 VR 500,000 BC-Shock Therapy: If the enemy isn’t responding the way you want them
Excellcior 3,450 7 VR 2.0M to, give’em a little Shock Therapy and see how they react! This weapon is
Force 550 7 VR 10.0M a wide mouth impact laser that looks more like a pulse cannon than a
Lancer 2,700 7 R 900,000 beam weapon. Closing with the Shock Therapy is best left for idiots and
Laseras 65 7 UC 225,000 Ram Pythons (not that they aren’t the same thing). The beam is a deep
Range Hound 700 7 UC 140,000 crimson red and almost 20cm across. Shock Therapy reduces armor
RKM 5000 550 7 R 300,000 integrity by ten points per penetrating shot. Comes with laser shield.
Super Force 350 7 U 14.0M
BC-Violator: It is affordable and can dish out a considerable amount
LASERS—IMPACT of damage. The main concern about the Violator is the very low system
shock number.
Impact Lasers do full damage to heavy armor. All impact lasers except
the Angle and the BC-Shock Therapy are UV. Crusader: Marrson Optics is proud to present this new Impact laser.
Slightly questionable system shock, but it has very good accuracy at
Cost Effectiveness: Impact lasers are more potent than might be expected. long ranges, gets a decent 50 shots out of its power pack, and does
Remember, unless you have ablative liner protection, any penetrating hit does wonderful amounts of damage. Not terribly heavy, either. The downside?
straight body damage. They tried for ‘Euro’ styling of the receiver, and the gun looks like a
Mazian starship. Ugly!
Able Culprit: Produces massive fire power out to long range. The
recycle time is slow, but the output beam is in the ultra-violet portion of Drexler Auto Cannon: The Drexler Auto cannon is a laser mini-can-
the electromagnetic spectrum. Comes with a built-in tripod assembly. non. It fires a beam in the red portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
For those of you who can afford one, snatch it up. The Able Culprit is and has a superb recycle time. This unit works well in the hands of Ram
hand-crafted to order and takes 4-6 weeks for delivery. Pythons and was named after Clump Drexler Python, a warrior of little
recognition who happened to know the designer. (By the way, Clump
Able Dancer: A light-weight, highly mobile, automatic heavy laser. It never heard the mortar that hit him because he was walking into com-
can suppress just about anything and has the damage yield to penetrate bat with the tunes cranked up.) Get One!!
many types of heavy armor.
Excellcior: Marrson Optics can boast about having produced this
wonderful weapon, much to the chagrin of the Balshrom Science

Angler: A novel system that still has some bugs to be worked out. The
Angler impact laser cannon actually fires around corners. A voice-acti-
vated, thruster-controlled rocket lifts a multi-lens targeting assembly
into position. The operator views the target remotely through a camera Force: An experimental unit that does damage on the order of 10d10
mounted on the assembly. He fires the weapon and the beam is reflect- points of damage per shot. It has been field tested with some good
ed at the target by a computer system. Watch out. Take a close look at results. It is an Able Corporation product so don’t write it off. There
the malfunction and system shock numbers before purchasing this unit. have been noted problems with the clip shorting out and causing the
optic system to loose alignment. In case of a malfunction, there is a
BC-Persuader: If you want to get someone’s attention, send him a 15% chance that this has occurred and damage yield is halved. Effective
message via Balshrom Science Corporation’s awesome Persuader Range: 550m. This unit mounts a voice-activated 100 point Flux shield!




Able Rage 1,000 7 VR 12.5M
Avengance 600 6 VR 8.0M
BC-Flayer 1,200 5-6 R 1.25M
Octagon 2,700 7 R 6.75M
RKM 10G 850 4-6 UC 160,000
RKM 50G 550 7 R 1.6M
Shalkon Heavy 2,600 6 VR 6.5M
Tagert 10 800 4-5 UC 125,000
Valley Green Assault Gun 2,350 5-6 UC 3.75M
Valley Green Express 2,500 6-7 R 9.0M
Viceroy 5,000 7 VR 15.0M
XR-20 1,300 4-5 UC 850,000
Lancer: Designed by the Balshrom Science Corporation, the Lancer
allows the combat soldier to effectively engage heavy armor at long LASERS—MACHINE GUNS
range. Check the price before you consider picking up one of these
units. These weapons require Beam Gunnery skill. Any laser noted as an
Impact Laser is capable of doing full damage to heavy armor.
Laseras: Designed as a high impact, short range, weapon. The beam
attenuation is extensive, limiting the range of the Laseras to 65m. This Able Rage: The most powerful impact laser machine gun currently
unit comes with a built-in laser shield which affects the damage done to available, the Able Rage is capable of defeating all but the most heavily
chest, arm and head attacks. Shield Threshold: 8. armored targets. It is extremely reliable and delivers a sustained rate of
fire of 12 shots per second. However, this system lacks the extreme
Range Hound: Another Marrson Optics product. This weapon is designed range and accuracy of Balshrom’s Viceroy laser. Setup Time: 4 minutes.
to provide medium-intensity fire support out to long ranges. It fires a beam
in the ultra-violet portion of the spectrum and packs quite a wallop. Worth Avengeance: Designed by Marrson Optics to penetrate most Tech level
every penny of its upper-middle class price. The Range Hound comes com- 5 and 6 armors with “a vengeance!” It is exceptionally light for a
plete with built-in infrared and ultra-violet targeting systems. weapon of its caliber. The Avengeance maintains a 6HP Flux shield with
a 2m radius. Setup Time: 3 minutes.

RKM 5000: Deadly, expensive, and few other impact lasers can hold a
candle to it. The RKM 5000 is a well-balanced weapon and is the BC-Flayer: Fires 8 distinct beams per second. Fair range and overall
favorite weapon of infiltrator types. Clip fed. Problem: Hard to find. stats. Setup Time: 2 minutes.

Octagon: Named for the configuration of its 8 barrels, this Impact laser
can decimate anything short of mechanized armor in seconds. The
weapon operator is protected by a reinforced Flex glass barrier (pro-
vides 80% coverage against frontal attacks; Threshold 8, AI 20).
Unfortunately, it is quite large and requires 8 minutes of setup time.

RKM 10G: It is cheap, but of limited effectiveness on a modern battle-

Super Force: This weapon was specifically designed to take out top of field. That does not stop this weapon from being sold across the
the line personal armor systems. Capable of putting a hole in even Alliance in large quantities. Due to a large number of components,
Dreadnaught armor, this weapon is built-to-order and incredibly setup time for this weapon is 5 minutes.
RKM 50G: Capable of dishing out tremendous damage and defeating
heavy armor, this medium range Impact laser machine gun is in high



demand. Orders generally take 3-4 weeks to fill. Setup time is 3 minutes.
Shalkon Heavy: Is an experimental heavy laser produced by the TYPE ER TL AV COST
Shalkon Corporation. It is found only as a demonstration model at LZ BS-2 135 3-4 UC 800
conventions. Setup Time: 5 minutes. Diffraction 100 5-6 R 45,000
Marrson Pistol 160 4-6 VR 10,000
MC-6 600 3 VC 13,000
Midget 100 3-4 R 1,275
Mirchaum SSLU 85 3 UC 200
OLC-Pistol 140 3 VC 400
Penasonic PL3 175 3-4 C 575
Pocket Killer 50 3 R 2,000
Tagert 10: The first machine gun laser ever fielded. It lacks range, Savage-B 550 4-6 R 12,225
accuracy, and damage. But, it has a respectable rate of fire and will per- Savage-C 550 5-6 VR 50,000
forate lightly armored infantry in large quantities. Setup Time: 2 minutes. Savage-D 180 6-7 VR 125,000
Tenteclex 1 120 4 UC 2,500
Valley Green Assault Gun: The Valley Green Assault Gun is the Tenteclex 3 120 4 R 4,500
“Bread and Butter” of ground assault squads on Stormtrooper battle
cruisers. The gun’s crew members lug it into the combat zone where it LASERS—PISTOLS
is assembled (9 minutes).
BS-2: Developed by the Balshrom Science Corporation. Still widely
Valley Green Express: This unit comes with a built-in 3HP Flux shield used on the New Colonies and Tech level 4 planets or lower. The BS-2
(3m radius) to increase crew survivability. Requires two persons to is the standard weapon in most Rebel arsenals. The fast recycle time
transport, or one Ram Python. The Valley Green Express has the sec- produces 2 shots per fire segment. It has reasonable malfunction and
ond-fastest cyclic rate of any weapon, barring a few archaic powder system shock numbers.
weapons. Setup time: 5 minutes.
Diffraction: Designed by Electronics Amalgamation. The experimental
Diffraction does more damage than any other pistol. However, it is
heavy, inaccurate, and has low system shock and malfunction numbers.
UV laser type.

Viceroy: Arguably the most potent weapon system in the universe for
the money. It is a brand new, Balshrom Science Corporation techno-
logical masterpiece! No known weapon system is more accurate with
such a sustained rate of fire. This system utilizes passive target scan and
thermal suppression to reduce the chance of friendly fire accidents. Marrson Pistol: A high-impact weapon that is excellent when com-
This weapon is an Impact Laser. pared to its peers. However, the Marrson Pistol has only been produced
in small numbers and is difficult to find. Manufactured with plastic
XR-20 Auto Laser: Another Marrson Optics product, this was the pre- composite.
decessor to the XR-7 rifle. Boasts a massive rate of fire but low damage
yield. Reliability is marginal. Features a quick-assembly, snap-together
design. Setup Time: 1 minute.

MC-6: An experimental model designed to penetrate tech level 5 body

armor. The electronic circuitry attempts to boost beam output frequency.
This weapon has exploded in the hands of the test operator more than
once. In the event of a malfunction, re-roll percentile dice. A result of 96
or higher indicates that the weapon has exploded and its owner suffers



4d4 points of fragmentation and fire damage plus an additional 2d6 con- Tenteclex 1: A specialized laser unit designed to fit the needs of
cussion damage. Otherwise, roll on the standard malfunction table. Phentari Bounty Hunters. The Tenteclex unit is affixed to the end of a
tentacle. An eyepiece, connected wirelessly, superimposes the target on
Midget: The Midget is a small weapon, resembling a Derringer. It is cross hairs. The squid aims by pointing the tentacle (no snapshot
cheap, but packs enough wallop to get the job done. It is plastic and penalty, and -2 to initiative rolls). Phentari have evolved to engage mul-
thus more difficult to detect when passing through spaceports (-60 to tiple targets at the same time. Thus, the eyepiece can control two
detection). weapons simultaneously without the squid becoming confused. The
unit is designed to look like the end of a squid’s tentacle. UV laser.

Tenteclex 3: An improvement in damage yield over its predecessor.

Otherwise it is exactly the same.

Mirchaum SSLU: This unit is a one shot laser, consisting of a small ener-
gy cell and the laser itself. It fits in the palm of the hand of the average Gen-
Human. A powerful refractive system refines the beam. The Mirchaum
SSLU is easily concealed and is sometimes used by assassin types.

OLC-Laser Pistol: This artifact was first tested in 2025. Experimental

lasers before this had been overly expensive to produce. The OLC was the LASERS—RIFLES & CARBINES PG. 23
first functional weapon of its type. It would take roughly 6 shots to kill a
Python Lizard (by that time he has reduced you to component atoms).
Alpha 2 1,230 4-6 P 24,000
Penasonic-PL3: First fielded in 2032, it was the primary weapon used Arrow LOSN 1,280 4-6 UC 25,000
by officers in the United Socialist Army of America. Not a bad pistol. The Arrow-X 1,250 5-6 UC 90,000
high malfunction and shock numbers make it functional under heavy Backshaw Light Laser 765 4-5 C 10,000
combat situations. The Penasonic doesn’t do enough damage. Balshrom Banshee 500 6 VR 700,000
Beta 3 1,230 5-6 UC 55,000
Pocket Killer: A single-shot laser that does 4d4 points of damage. Calsham-4 1,500 5-6 R 450,000
Falcon XR-7 1,300 4-6 VR 200,000
Savage-B: The state-of-the-art in optics technology. The Savage-B has Fundamentalist 35 5-6 R 125,000
incredible recycle time, firing 3 shots per segment. The Rexon energy clip Gamma 4 1,230 5-6 VR 350,000
has 15 charges and there is virtually no chance of system malfunction. Hussein 20 4-6 UC 60,000
The Savage-B is compatible with the Rexon 4 energy cell for continuous
M16-L 700 3-4 VC 5,000
fire situations (50 shots, 1,500cr). It is extremely accurate and has a
M18-L 900 3-5 P 5,570
good damage yield. It is the preferred pistol of the Galactic Marines.
Micron Carbine 1,050 4-5 R 18,000
PK-91 25 4-6 VC 15,000
Savage C: Designed as a counter-terrorist weapon. The Savage C is a
plastic composite weapon and does considerably more damage than RKM 2000 700 5-6 UC 75,000
the already excellent Savage-B. Otherwise, they are exactly the same. UV RKM Assault Carbine 850 5-6 UC 18,500
laser type. Shalkon Carbine 245 5-6 UC 30,000
Tagert-6 Shock Gun 800 4-5 R 25,000
Savage D: A hot new item, currently entering service throughout the mil- Toshoni LL-C 650 4-6 VR 12,500
itary! The Savage-D looks the same as the Savage C, but the internals are
almost completely different. The weapon has better stats in every area
over its predecessors. This weapon can take down Pythons! UV laser.
Alpha 2: The first in a series of output adjustable lasers. The Alpha 2
was designed by the Balshrom Science Corporation. The output trans-
ducer adjusts for increased power. The variable settings do 1d8 and
2d6 points of damage. The high output setting uses up 2 charges per
shot. UV laser.

Arrow LOSN: This sniper rifle is used by the majority of would-be

assassins. It’s light and portable, yet retains formidable fire power. The



Arrow LOSN comes with a bipod, and the beam output frequency is in Fundamentalist: Laser shotgun designed to engage heavy armor. Fires
the ultraviolet (UV) range of the spectrum. 2d4 beams which do 4d4 damage each. UV laser.

Gamma 4: Balshrom Science Corporation’s latest futuristic laser car-

bine. The Gamma 4 is a lightweight, heavy-combat laser. It has three dif-
ferent output settings, and can fire four pulses in a single melee seg-
ment. The variable settings do 1d8, 2d6, and 3d6 points of damage.
They use up energy at the rate of 1, 2, and 4 charges respectively. A
heavy energy pack, which holds 500 charges, can be purchased for
10,000cr, and adds three to encumbrance. The weapon shops can’t
Arrow X: Marrson’s Arrow LOSN is one of the most popular laser rifles keep this one on the shelves! UV laser.
on the market. However, the chief complaint they receive is that it tends
to wound, rather than kill, opponents in mid-range armor. In response Hussein: A pistol-grip, laser shotgun. Range is severely limited and the
to popular demand, they have provided a more powerful weapon – output frequency is in the visible portion of the spectrum. The weapon
based on technology they stole from the Gamma 4. This weapon is hard is still formidable though. The target is struck by with 2d4 beams which
to find, but extremely deadly. UV laser. do 3d4 points of damage apiece.

Backshaw Light Laser: Used by light infantry units. This clip-fed car-
bine is designed for operations in low combat risk areas. It is a good
weapon for those individuals who don’t intend to remain in a hot envi-
ronment for extended periods of time.

Balshrom Banshee: A high-powered, automatic laser carbine. The

operative phrase here is Bad to the Bone!!!! UV laser.
M16-L: Affectionately named after the powder rifle that was used by
American troops in the 20th Century. The M16-L is a low-frequency
laser that fires a beam in the red spectrum of light.

M18-L Laser Assault Rifle: A much improved version of the M16-L.

The St-3 Flex Foam cartridge protects the parabolic mirrors from shock
damage. Beam attenuation is minimal.

Beta 3: The Beta has been on the market for just over 10 years. It is Micron Carbine: It has excellent range, great damage yield, and good
another output adjustable laser and is a favorite of many light infantry accuracy statistics. The fast recycle time provides for ripple fire bursts
types. Damage output is the same as the Alpha 2 but the rate of fire is on automatic.
doubled. UV laser.
PK-91 Revolutionary: An automatic laser shotgun. Enemy personnel
Calsham-4: Uses a phase altering integrated enhancement system. The are struck with 1d6 beams which do 2d4 points of damage each.
beam attenuation problem has been eliminated. The Calsham-4 is capa-
ble of engaging targets at a range of 1,500m and does some serious RKM 2000: The first plastic/ceramic composite laser carbine ever
damage! UV laser. produced. Clip fed. It has good overall specs and is a worthwhile invest-
ment. It comes complete with an ML-50 grenade launcher. UV laser.
Falcon XR-7: This is an attempt at creating a high speed multi-beam
laser with the body configuration of a rifle. The experimental multiple RKM Assault Carbine: Developed after the 1st Arachnid Incursion to
phase coupler generates up to 5 beams per fire segment. The system penetrate Arachnid armor. The RKM mounts an M-L50 pump action
has been marketed by Marrson Optics Corporation. Take your chances. grenade launcher. It has an integral bipod built into the forward section
UV laser. of the stock. The RKM uses 2 different energy clips: 50 and 100 shot.
The 100 shot clip costs 750cr. This weapon is virtually shock proof and
it is comparatively light for an assault carbine.



Shalkon Carbine: The only solar-powered laser on the market. It needs faced with a terrible decision. He is unaware of the round type, thus he has no
no energy clip. The solar ducts absorb incoming solar radiation storing idea what it is doing or about to do to him. He is faced with no alternative but
enough energy for 25 shots. The ducts can store four shots an hour on to blow out of his armor, or risk being killed by the round. Once he is out of his
sunny days, two an hour with partial overcast, and one an hour with heavy armor, other weapon system can be brought to bear on his naked ass and blow
overcast. The system shock number is low (94), so don’t drop it! him to Kingdom Come. Only drawback: the fun rounds are the expensive ones.
Tagert-6 Shock Gun: The first high-powered laser carbine. It has a TACTICS TO PRACTICE
fast recycle time. There are three major drawbacks: weight, size, and
the malfunction number. Mag Guns: With so many rounds available for mag guns, it’s almost
impossible to even start listing tactics. So here are a few important things
Toshoni LL-C: This light laser trades heavy damage yield for a 2 shot to remember. One, make sure you write down exactly the order and type
per fire segment output system. Like the Backshaw, it is light, using an of rounds in each clip. Battle Masters have a funny way of checking up
energy clip instead of an energy pack. The clip holds enough energy for on these sorts of issues. (Battle Masters: if your player cannot answer
40 shots.
immediately or does not have a written list to refer to when you ask him
what rounds are in his weapon, roll randomly from whatever rounds he
owns.) You can write them on your character sheet or scrap paper, and
MAG GUNS PG. 23 your character can tape a list to the side of each clip. Two, remember
TYPE ER TL AV COST that mag guns are useful against all metal objects, not just armor.
Carousel 450 4-6 U 100,000 Biological and chemical rounds can be very effective against a vehicle
Deliverance 600 4-6 UC 49,000 full of people. Three, although the rounds won’t stick to plastic/ceramic
Magnatron 1,200 4-6 R 70,000 armor, they will stick to metal armor options mounted on plastic/ceramic
Marsson Metal Man 1,000 4-6 VR 55,000 armor. And weapons… they will stick to most weapons, too.
Stick Gun 140 4-6 UC 30,000

Carousel: A product of the Able Corporation, this is the only rapid dis-
MAG GUNS (AMMO: PG. 125) charge Mag Gun available.

Mag Guns are long-range logistics weapons with a variety of uses, devel-
oped in 2127 by Avares Manshan, the great Chatilian genius. The con-
cept behind the mag gun is that because heavy armor is generally only
susceptible to Omega and pulse systems, a magnetic round could be
used to get lesser munitions up close to the armor, reducing the armors
ability to defeat them. Mag guns fire a magnetic round that sticks to
metallic objects, such as body armor, when it comes into contact. The
magnetic attraction is so strong that the round cannot be pulled off by Deliverance: The weapon system is in high demand. It has excellent
normal means (Strength check at a -150; rounds have an Integrity of 7 range and unparalleled reliability for its class. The Deliverance is a
and Threshold of 2). The conventional way to remove a mag round is product of the Balshrom Science Corporation.
to dissolve it with acid or demagnetize it. Acid destroys 1d8 points of
armor integrity and can be a problem if you’re a cyborg with a round Magnatron: Most weapon consumers consider this to be the most cost
sticking to your forehead! Mutzachans also can remove a mag round by effective of all the mag guns. It’s best feature is a removable drum allow-
employing a Magnetize matrix. ing the user more flexibility (100cr per additional drum magazine).
All Mag Guns have a drum magazine which allows the user to fill it with
multiple round types and a selector on the trigger guard to pick which one
to fire. Selecting a different round type than the one that is ready takes one
half-action. Extra drum magazines for Mag Guns cost 100cr.
Note: Mag Rounds do their damage (or other effect) 1d3 seconds
after they have adhered. You’d better be quick if you want to get the
thing off, or blow out of your armor.
Cost Effectiveness: Sweet! Sweeeeet!!! These toys are simply wonderful. Want to
get a guy out of his armor quick? The answer is a mag round. Mag rounds are Marrson Metal Man: Marketed shortly after the release of the Stick
Gun. The Metal Man has good range, but a questionable system shock
self-adhesive mini-grenades, with a wide variety of available warheads ranging
number. It is also quite heavy when compared to others in its class.
from tracking devices to ultra-high explosives. No other weapon system has
been so ingeniously devised to force enemy soldiers to bail out of their armor. Stick Gun: The first Magnetic Gun, produced in 2197 by the Able
Unless they are very strong, or are carrying large amounts of a special acid, or Corporation. This system has limited range and suffers from severe mal-
are wearing a magnetic deflection generator, anyone struck by a mag round is function problems. It can sometimes be picked up for 75% of the list price.



BC-Render: Balshrom Science Corporation can’t seem to get enough

of the weapons market. The Render is all but worthless though.
BC-Distortion 175 5-6 R 475,000 BC-Shredder: The Shredder is useful against low-level armors.
BC-Render 95 4-6 C 20,000
BC-Shredder 90 4-6 UC 40,000
Calsham MG 220 6 U 700,000
Parabellum 160 4-6 VR 220,000
Parabellum-2 160 5-6 VR 450,000
TR-9B 200 4-5 R 100,000
Calsham MG: The Calsham metal gun is the most expensive weapon of its
Twister 50 5 UC 45,000
kind on the market. It was originally designed to take out MBA in one shot.
Practical applications suggest that it is better used against buildings or tanks!
Parabellum: This weapon is powerful enough to dust most heavy
Metal guns fire a magnetic disruption pulse that wreaks havoc on metal- armors in two shots. It is quite expensive, but the Galactic National
lic objects. These weapons represent the latest in body armor engage- Weapons Association (GNWA) gives it high marks.
ment systems. Metal guns do no damage to non-metallic objects. They
do, however, permanently reduce the threshold of the body armor sec- Parabellum-2: An increased rate of fire makes this weapon a serious
tion struck by the amount of their damage. In addition, they do 5 times threat on the modern battlefield. However, you will pay through the
this amount in armor integrity as the armor bends and twists into funky nose for it.
shapes! They are valuable instruments of combat and should not be
overlooked when characters purchase weaponry. Recharge Cost: 30cr TR-9B: Designed to take out medium-level body armor. This system is
per shot. Clips for metal guns cost 200cr. perfect for the job, but you’ve got to pay for it.
Cost Effectiveness: An excellent all around buy, especially if you are interested
Twister: The Twister is a compact metal gun in a pistol configuration.
in raising the cost of adventuring for your enemies. Remember, threshold cost is
It is capable of doing serious damage to low-level armors at close
a large amount of the value of a defense suit. Any body area that is struck has
range. Phentari have found this weapon to be quite useful when used to
its threshold permanently reduced (i.e. a hit to the left leg is assumed to reduce supplement other attacks. .
the threshold of only the left leg of the armor). Another bonus to this weapon is
that the beam can only be detected with the use of ultra-violet detection gear. MICRON BODY WEAPONS PG. 24
Assassin - 5-6 VR 20,000
Metal Guns: These things exist to soften up opponents, pure and simple. Silence - 5-6 VR 28,000
Up until the advent of these weapons the threshold of armor could only
be affected by using extremely high-speed and dense projectiles. With a MICRON BODY WEAPONS (AMMO: PG. 128)
metal gun an armor’s threshold can be slagged just like any other part of
the suit. Metal guns are one of the best systems to place in a k-sat; they Micron Body Weapons are a Shuestron invention designed for urban
are silent, relatively small, and can soften up a heavily armored oppo- combat situations and assassinations. Their purpose is to leave no trace
nent from a remote distance, while you hang back and wait to bring your and cause no ruckus while the operator carries out his attack. No
bigger weapons to bear. It’s not so bad to face someone in Assault when Micron munitions have been designed for direct obvious killing, as there
their armor now only has a threshold of 6! are many other weapons that can do the same just as well. This technol-
ogy is relatively new, having been marketed only in the last ten years.
Therefore, one must possess a special government permit to carry these
BC-Distortion: The BC-Distortion is a very heavy, very powerful metal weapons (permit cost: 25,000cr/year, available on Core Worlds only),
gun which can demolish almost any armor with a single shot. It utilizes though Micron Body Weapons can be purchased illegally on the Black
a backpack configuration and mounts an ML-50 grenade launcher so Market. The penalty for carrying these weapons without a permit ranges
that after your target is relieved of his armor, you can conveniently blow from one year in prison to death, depending on the munitions found on
him to bits! How thoughtful of Balshrom. the person at the time of the arrest. The weapon resembles a tiny blow-
gun. It comes in two pieces, a barrel section and a scope. It can be
assembled in 4d4 seconds. The scope is infrared and night vision capa-
ble and is in the form of a contact lens worn on the eyeball. The barrel
is about the size of a cigarette and is disguised as such (level 20 Detect
Concealment to reveal). The most important aspect of these weapons
systems is not the weapon themselves, but rather the munitions, which



are highly sophisticated gyrojet rounds. Gyrojets have long been consid-
ered impractical, due to the extremely high cost of the munitions and
volatility of their fuel. But micron weapons use gyrojet technology on a
much smaller scale; the rounds are about 3mm long. A tiny compressed
gas round is launched from the tube at the target. There is no detona-
tion, only small puffs of exhaust gas, and thus micron body weapons
make very little noise when fired (-80 to Hearing checks).
Microns use a variety of small payloads designed to puncture the
skin of the target and lodge themselves in the body tissue. Some rounds
input nanoids into the body. The nanoids are programmed to carry out
specific routines (see Nanoids in Lock–N–Load: Armor, Equipment, &
Cybernetics). Due to their small size, microns are often missed during
autopsies (level 12 check to detect). Micron weapons cannot penetrate
more than a 2 point threshold. A propulsion system and warhead needs
to be chosen for each Micron round. Different types of available muni-
tions are listed below.
Mutzachans are very sensitive to objects entering their body. They
are allowed an Intuition check at a +20 bonus to determine whether or
not they are aware of a Micron round’s presence.


Micron Body Weapons: How do you get to those targets when they don’t
have their nasty armor or PDS units on? To make the most of Microns,
you’re going to need to bone up on your Infiltration. People feel safer
inside. They have walls around them, they are in a familiar place. Hey,
there’s no need for that PDS in here, right? This is my own home. Bingo.
Now you’ve got him. A few select skills from the Security skill set, some
Stealth, and Infiltration, and your mark might as well be naked as a jay-
bird. Oh, and you might want to pack a small laser pistol or silenced APW
pistol in case things go poorly. Having someone nearby outside with bigger
ordinance is also highly recommended.

Assassin: A well-designed launch system with reasonable range. Small

and easy to conceal.

Silence: An extremely accurate and reliable system. Its barrel is a bit

long for it to be believed as a cigarette so it is camouflaged as a pen.

Extended Range 100 5-6 R 4,000
Long Range 50 5-6 R 2,000
Standard Propulsion 25 5-6 R 1,000


Extended Range Propulsion: Maximum Range: 100m, must be used
with a special long range eye-piece (900cr).

Long Range Propulsion: Maximum Range: 50m.

Standard Propulsion: May be fired from any Micron weapon

with a maximum range of 25m.




TYPE ER TL AV COST Demolition experts have a need for a variety of mines. A properly placed
Advanced Laser Claymore - 5-6 VR 35,000 anti-personnel mine can wipe out an entire party. Below are listed the
Advanced Laser Fountain - 5-6 VR 35,000 different types of mines and detonators currently available. Minefields
AP-1 - 4-6 R 27,000 can be used in order to slow down or stop advancing enemy personnel.
AP-2 - 5-6 VR 33,000 For every mine placed in a 5x5 meter area, there is a 4% chance that an
Bouncing Betty - 2-3 UC 220 unsuspecting individual will step on one, and we know how that can ruin
Chemical - 3-5 UC 3,000 their day. Mine fragmentation is treated the same as grenades (i.e. 8
Claymore - 3 C 150 fragments). It takes 2 minutes to set up a mine, unless otherwise stated.
Claymore 3 - 3-4 UC 500 Note: All mines of Tech level 4 or higher can be programmed to self
Clumpy Mine - 4-6 R 8,000 destruct at a certain time, up to one month from the time they are acti-
Cutter Mine - 4-6 R 15,000
vated. If no programming is initiated they render themselves inert after
E1 - 5-6 R 110,000
one month.
E2 - 4-6 R 75,000
E4 Tank Killer - 3-5 UC 17,000
Mines can be an effective and very cheap way to slow down or destroy
Electrical Mine - 4-6 UC 10,000
an advancing enemy. Mines provide a simple tactical advantage in that
Eviscerater - 5-6 VR 8,000
they allow you to manipulate, to a certain extent, where your enemy can
FM-1 - 4-5 C 450
travel. Don’t forget to map where you laid them though!
Glue - 4-6 VR 5,000
Impact Laser Claymore - 5-6 R 65,000
Impact Laser Fountain - 5-6 R 22,000 Advanced Laser Claymore: A more powerful version of the Laser
Intertwiner - 4-6 R 10,000 Claymore.
Laser Claymore - 4-6 UC 12,000
Laser Fountain - 4-6 R 12,000 Advanced Laser Fountain: Same as the regular Laser Claymore,
Light Mine - 4-5 R 450 except damage yield is increased.
Magnetor-1 - 4-6 R 6,000
AP-1: Does 1d6x5 points of damage per fragment and 2d4x10 points
Magnetor-D - 5-6 VR 5,000
of concussion damage. Integrity Reduction: 8/fragment.
Magnetor-H - 5-6 VR 8,000
Needler - 4-5 R 2,000
AP-2: This anti-personnel mine does 2d4x10 points of damage per
Nuclear - 4-6 R 1.5M
fragment and produces 4d4x10 points of concussion damage. Integrity
PA-1 - 4-6 VR 300 Reduction: 12/fragment.
Plasmore - 4-6 UC 5,000
PMD-6 - 3-4 VC 100 Bouncing Betty: Not designed specifically to kill, but more to mangle
SC-1000 - 4-6 R 10,000 enemy personnel. The enemy steps on the pressure release switch. The
SC-2000 - 5-6 VR 14,000 mine bounces upward 1m and detonates, generally relieving the indi-
Shear Mine - 4-6 VR 23,000 vidual of his or her internal organs. Integrity Reduction: 1/fragment.
Sonic - 4-6 R 3,000
Spoiler - 4-5 R 3,000 Chemical: Pressure released, the explosion gives off a chemical nerve
Tangler - 4-6 R 500 gas. Individuals not properly protected, must make an SMR vs.
Thunder - 5-6 R 15,000 Chemical attack forms or suffer 3d6 points of damage. A successful
Wedge Cutter - 4-6 R 10,000
SMR completely negates the effects of the gas. An SMR is made for every
10 seconds of exposure.

Claymore: Used extensively by American troops in the latter part of the

20th and the early part of the 21st Centuries. Claymores are devastating
against personnel and can be set up as far as 50m from the owner. A
Claymore functions as a one-way explosive; it is set up to face away from
the owner and detonated by remote command. They are connected to
the activation switch by a wire. The soldier takes the safety off and bangs
on the activation switch three times. Why is this such a powerful
weapon? Because it produces an unbelievable 24 fragments at 1m dis-
tance, and only 1 fragment is lost every 2m after that (in a cone-shaped



blast). Therefore, personnel can be hit by shrapnel out to 49m. FM-1 Fragmentation Mine: Designed to kill unarmored personnel
Concussion damage is normal. Drawback: It takes 4 minutes to set a anywhere near the blast when detonated. Works in much the same way
Claymore up. Also, the weapon must be activated by tripwire or manu- as Bouncing Betty, but more effectively. Integrity Reduction: 1/fragment.
al detonation—no other triggers can be mounted. Integrity Reduction:
1/Fragment. Glue: The mine is almost always set up in a rocky environment and
comes with a dirt camouflage coating. The mine is stepped on and ejects
Claymore 3: An improved version of the Claymore. First widely used in an quick hardening glue. The glue adheres to the foot of the armor and
2005. Same fragmentation effects, restriction, and set up time as fuses it to the ground. There is a 70% chance that both feet are affected.
Claymore. Integrity Reduction: 2/fragment. The only way to escape from a glue mine is to pour a special solvent over
the hardened surface. Exception: There is a 1% chance to escape per
Clumpy: This mine package contains up to three mag rounds. It fires the point of strength over 100. Of course, you might be able to crawl out of
rounds up into the air where they attach themselves to the nearest metal- your armor . . . but, then again, being naked has its disadvantages too!
lic objects. The mine base can be reused. Encumbrance: 9 when full.
Impact Laser Claymore: Fires impact lasers out to a radius of 5m.
Persons are struck with 8 beams at 1-2m, 1-6 beams at 3-6m, 1-4
beams at 6-8m. The mine fires for 5 seconds.

Impact Laser Fountain: Same basic parameters of Laser Fountain,

except that the beams released will affect heavy armor.

Intertwiner: Fires magnetized, high tensile strength wire in all direc-

Cutter: A shaped charge bounces upward to a preset altitude and tions, tangling everyone within a 5m radius. Each person is assumed to
explodes in a horizontal plane, cutting objects in half. Threshold is be fixed by 4d4 wires and cutting them takes 4d4 seconds each. No one
reduced by five when determining the effects of the weapon which has a can move about while entangled. Magnetic deflectors afford complete
radius of 3m. All objects at the level of detonation suffer equal damage protection from this mine.
from the explosion(only roll one set of dice). Integrity Reduction: 8.
Laser Claymore: Explodes outward in one direction to 8m. Persons
E1: Can knock down a Flux shield and destroy a modern Tech level 6 are struck with 8 beams at 1-2m, 1d6 beams at 3-6m, and 1d4 beams
tank in an instant. All damage is concussion based. Residual damage at 7-8m. The dispersion pattern is 5m wide at maximum range.
that penetrates is figured according to concussion based rules.
Triggering Mass: 2500kg.

E2: Called the Snake. The snake explodes upward into the undercar-
riage of the tank, doing 6d6HP of damage. The residual penetrating
plasma damage is divided by 8 when determining damage to personnel.
Individuals inside the tank are struck by 2d4 fragments. Triggering
Mass: 450kg.
Laser Fountain: Effective when employed against medium level
E3: A concussion based anti-tank mine that explodes upward under- armors. Persons within 1-2m are struck with 10 beams; 3-4m, 1d6
neath the tank, doing 4d6HP of damage. Triggering Mass: 500kg. beams; and 5-6m, 50% chance of being struck with 1d4 beams.

E4 Tank Killer: Anything over 450kg mass triggers the E4. Ram Light: This mine is either radio or pressure-release activated. It does
Pythons beware! no explosive damage, but emits a brilliant light that automatically blinds
anyone within 5m (10m for Cizerack) of the explosion who happens to
Electrical: A huge capacitor releases an electrical charge into the foot be facing in the direction of the blast. There is a 50% chance of being
of the victim. Persons wearing armor suffer double damage to all areas. blinded if 6-10m (11-15m for Cizerack) from the flash. All victims with-
Furthermore, all electrical equipment must make an SMR at penalty in 5m have a 5% chance of being permanently blinded. Chatilians and
equal to the damage done. Very cost effective and reusable. Cizerack have a 10% chance to be blinded, due to the sensitivity of their
eyes. Blindness lasts for 2d6 minutes.
Eviscerater: Pressure activated. Victims are automatically struck with
14 fragments in each leg as well as 20 random fragments. All other per- Magnetor-1: The Magnetor mine is built into the floor of buildings as a
sons within 3m take normal concussion damage and are struck by 4d4 counter insurgency device. Stepping on the floor panel induces a very
fragments. Persons from 3-5 meters take 1/2 concussion damage and strong magnetic field which anchors all metallic objects to it. Requires a
are struck by 2d6 fragments, and 6-10m 1d8 fragments. Integrity 200 strength to escape. Persons can see fit to blow out of their armor, but
Reduction: 2/fragment. all weapons and metal objects will be stuck to the floor. The activation
force is so strong that even one’s arms can’t move. Dimensions 1m x 1m.



Magnetor-D: Another modification to the basic Magnetor mine. The SC-2000: A more powerful version of the 1000. The 2000 fires a jet of
Magnetor-D drills a hole in the base of the foot with a laser and inputs a plasma through the foot. Threshold is reduced by two when calculating
deadly short lived chemical agent inside (Chemical SMR at -20 or suffer damage. Like the SC-1000, there is no fragmentation damage. Such
tabum nerve agent poisoning: 2d6 points of damage per minute for 3 mines are considered to be “clean.”
minutes. There is a 50% chance of permanent paralysis below the waist.
Victims lose 1d12 points of manual dexterity, constitution, and agility). Shear: A much more powerful version of the Cutter Mine. The Shear
The laser defeats threshold 15 or less, doing 1 point of AI damage. The mine has a 5m radius of effect and threshold is reduced by eight when
laser will burn through up to 2 points of Ablative liner before becoming determining damage. Again, the level for detonation is preset. Integrity
ineffective. Further Ablative liner will stop this round from working. Reduction: 12.

Magnetor-H: A modification to the existing system. A heating element Spoiler: A pressurized sheet of acid is jettisoned upward and outward.
cooks all objects on the platform to a temperature of 5,000 degrees The damage yield reduces armor integrity on a point for point basis
destroying all but the most hardened pieces of equipment. Damage is (minus Threshold) and does double tissue damage. Person within 5
translational heat, rated at three points per second. Double to leg areas. meters are struck by 2d4 splashes of acid. The person who steps on the
mine takes an automatic four splashes to both legs as well as eight ran-
Needler: A body armor penetration mine. The Needler can be activat- dom splashes.
ed by any means. When the mine explodes, small titanium steel pins fire
out in every direction. the needles offer a Threshold reduction of 3 Sonic: This mine is activated by a radio transmitter. It gives off a super-
when determining damage penetration. Needler mines have absolutely sonic concussion blast and all persons within 05m must make an SMR
no effect on Heavy Armor. Victims are struck by 4d4 pins each, and roll vs. sonic attacks or take 2d6 points of damage and be struck
each pin does 1 point of damage. The overall armor integrity reduction unconscious. Those victims standing within 10m must make a Sonic
is 25% of the number of penetrating pins. SMR or be struck unconscious.

Nuclear: The most devastating of mines. It is radio or pressure activat- Tangler: Designed to entangle or capture enemy personnel. The mine
ed. The detonation automatically kills anyone within 100m, unless the is pressure activated. When it explodes, the tangler fires hundreds of
person can survive 2d6x10HP of damage from heat, fire, and blast dam- small adhesive nylon cords in all directions. The effect is to entangle
age!!! Victims within 101-250m, take 2d4HP of damage. Between 251- personnel. Any exceptionally strong character has a 2% chance per
400m, everyone takes 3d4x10 points of damage. Beyond 400m, there point of strength above 100 of escaping.
is no fire/blast damage; however, all persons within 1,000m must make
an SMR versus radiation or die within 2d6 minutes from intense Thunder: The Thunder mine is one of the most devastating anti-per-
Gamma emissions. Success indicates you will lose one body point per sonnel weapons ever designed. It is packed with jagged shards of metal
hour of exposure, with a rad treatment serum injection required to and Nitro-7. It is pressure activated. The person suffers double concus-
eliminate the effects. If no treatment is given, the victim will die in 1d6 sion damage and is automatically struck with six fragments in each leg
days. suitably protected characters take no damage from radiation, but as well as ten random fragments. All other persons within 3m take nor-
are still subject to blast, heat, and fire damage. The radioactive materi- mal concussion damage and are struck by 3d4 fragments. Persons from
al has a short half-life and all radiation dissipates within two hours. 3-5 meters take 1/2 concussion damage and are struck by 1d6 frag-
Problem!!! It is illegal to possess one of these. The penalty is death. So ments. Integrity Reduction: 2/fragment.
it is a little hard to find them. Can’t imagine why, can you?
Wedge Cutter: Explodes directly upward. The exploding charge fires
PA-1 Pressure Activated Mine: Designed to blow up the person step- a high pressure sheet of plasma up through the groin into the abdomi-
ping on it, with minor damage to the surrounding area. Only 4 frag- nal region. Four fragments are fired. This shaped charge mine is
ments, -1 per meter away from the mine. Integrity Reduction: 1/frag- designed to demoralize the enemy as well as “slag” the poor sap in the
ment. lead. Integrity Reduction: 8/fragment.

PMD-6: This is simply a wooden box, buried in the ground, with a

pressure-triggered explosive inside. Crude, but effective and cheap, and
very difficult to detect (-30). Fragmentation damage is minimal.

Plasmore: Designed to take out you tough guys who wear heavy armor.
Each fragment reduces armor integrity by 4 points.

SC-1000: A shaped charge mine. When stepped on, the mine deto-
nates, exploding upward through the foot. The force is so great that all
damage is considered translational. There is virtually no fragmentation
damage. The SC-1000 is designed to wound not kill. Armor can be
recovered without being rendered useless.



MISSILES—ANTI-TANK PG. 25 with the problem. Anti-Tank systems can effectively be employed within urban
areas as well. The problem is that it takes more than one person to man them.
TYPE ER TL AV COST Set-up time is a bitch also! But they do pack a wallop! Overall though, unless
Armbrust 7 800 4-5 R 100,000 you are expecting to engage armor, then bypass purchasing them. Many tanks
AT-4 2,000 3-4 C 10,000 and other armored vehicles employ k-sats that travel with the vehicles in built-up
Bazooka 400 2 C 3,000 areas or known hostile terrain looking for enemies sporting Anti-Tank weapons.
Bonoir 5,000 6 VR 375,000 Once spotted, they will destroy that target first. Be wary!
Cobra 1,300 5 UC 250,000
Dragon 2,500 3-4 R 35,000
Armbrust 7: A completely self-contained, laser guided firing system with
Edinboro 3,000 3-4 VC 70,000
negligible back blast (uses a kicker charge); this weapon can be fired
Figlini 2,000 4-5 R 80,000
from within buildings. Missile Cost: 30,000cr. Missile Speed: 400 m/s.
Firebird 500 5 C 185,000
Gustaf Whistler 1,800 5-6 R 200,000
HAW-4 3,800 6 R 300,000
Impact-5 2,000 5 UC 75,000
Jast 3,000 3-4 P 23,000
Javelin 2,000 3 C 55,000
Kanath-3 2,000 4 UC 16,000
LAW 1,000 2-3 C 1,500
Milan-AS 1,600 5-6 VR 125,000 AT-4: Designed as a replacement for the LAW, this weapon is heavier
Nalasu 1,000 4-5 UC 33,000 but does significantly more damage. The recoilless rifle design permits
Panzerfaust 40 2 C 5,000
accurate delivery of an 84mm High Explosive warhead with negligible
recoil. As with the LAW, this weapon is disposable once fired. Missile
PLG 1,700 4-5 R 165,000
Speed: 350 m/s.
RPG-7B 500 3 UC 5,700
Sental 1,500 3-4 UC 48,000
Bazooka: This archaic piece of junk couldn’t even put a dent in a mod-
So-Itar 1,500 3-4 UC 108,000
ern tank! It just doesn’t have the stuff. It is useful against tech level 2
Spandrel 4,000 3-4 UC 130,000 tanks. Additional missiles cost 250cr each. Missile speed: 100 m/s.
TOW 3,750 3-4 R 60,000
TOW 2 3,750 4-5 UC 113,000 Bonoir: This supersonic missile is the leading tank killer on battlefields
Utaba 2,000 4 UC 40,000 today. The round has a 15% chance to penetrate Flux shields outright.
The system is shoulder fired and comparatively light for a weapon of its
MISSILES—ANTI-TANK WEAPONS caliber. It has an unprecedented range of 5,000m. Missiles cost 50,000cr
apiece. The Bonoir is limited in availability. The parent company, Mining
At some time or another, most combat troops must engage enemy vehi- Consortium Unlimited, is currently expanding production to meet the
cles. This is not a moment that is relished by many, for if you fail to heavy demand for the Bonoir. The Bonoir is a 4-tube launcher which can
engage and destroy the enemy vehicle then your demise will inevitably fire all 4 missiles in one salvo if necessary. Missile Speed: 1,000 m/s.
follow. The type of anti-tank weapon that PCs should purchase depends
entirely on the tech level of the enemy armor. The aiming time is the
same as with rocket launchers. Encumbrance is noted on the tables as
Launcher/Missile. Any attempt to fire these types of weapons at person-
nel incurs a -40 penalty to hit. In addition, if a weapon does not require
setup time (such as a LAW), the weapon must be fired from a prone or
braced position; otherwise, a -40 penalty is applied to the attack roll.
Finally, aiming an Anti-Tank weapon, like all direct fire weapons, takes
a half action per range bracket. (Indirect fire takes 1 full action). Cobra: It is quite formidable when employed against Flux shields. The
In cases where a weapon requires a crew of 2, but only 1 person is round has a proximity fuse, and it generates a powerful Omega pulse
attempting to use the system, reload times are doubled and aim must be which destroys the tank. This tech level 5 development does have its
re-established after each reload. drawbacks, in that it has limited range and fires only one round type.
Missile speeds are given for weapons which may require more than This weapon is a shoulder-fired unit requiring only 1 person to use.
1 second of flight time to reach their target. Every second can be cru- Additional missiles cost 65,000cr. Missile Speed: 650 m/s.
cial when engaging enemy armor, so watch out!
Dragon: The Dragon was produced to address the problem of medium
Cost Effectiveness: There is going to be enemy armor. If there isn’t, there still are sized Soviet Bloc tanks. The system is wire-guided and has limited range.
Ram Pythons running around! You are going to need anti-tank weapons to deal Missile cost 3,000cr. Setup Time: 15 seconds. Missile Speed: 200 m/s.



Edinboro: If you are able to convince an Orion smuggler to show you operator. The missile has a very long flight time potentially exposing the
his “good stuff,” this is what you are likely to see. This system uses SAC- gunner for long periods. Finally, the complex system requires 4 minutes
LOS guidance and an upgraded missile which improves lethality of setup time prior to initial firing. So what does this weapon have to
tremendously. The Edinboro missile features a dual warhead design, recommend it? Not much, except for decent damage. Add to that the fact
with the initial warhead causing 6d6 points, followed by the main that it is available everywhere because Orionus Konglomerates mass
charge inflicting 3d4HP of damage. However, the system still suffers produces the system (at an 1800% profit margin). Additional missiles
from extended times of flight (10 seconds to 1500m, 20 seconds to cost 3,000cr each. Crew: 2. Missile Speed: 150 m/s.
3,000m). Setup time is 2 minutes. Additional missiles cost 8,000cr
each. Why is this system so popular among smugglers? The low tech rat-
ing means that you face minor penalties if you are caught, but it is still
capable enough to fetch a decent price. Another product from Orionus
(of course). Crew: 2. Missile Speed: 150 m/s.

Figlini: A medium anti-tank weapon, fielded during the latter part of the
21st Century. The Figlini is a tripod mounted, laser guided system that can
effectively engage armor out to a range of 2,000m. Additional rounds cost Javelin: Fielded at the end of the 20th century to replace the Dragon
3,500cr each. Setup Time: 15 seconds. Missile Speed: 400 m/s. missile, the Javelin is a light system which is capable of defeating tech
level 3 heavy armor. The missile is a top-attack weapon which fires down
Firebird: This tech level 5 system uses a simple laser-guidance system on enemy vehicles, using a tandem warhead which does 6d6 points, fol-
to guide its missile to the target. The missile contains a highly explosive lowed by the main charge of 1d8+1HP. Additional missiles cost 9,000cr
mixture of Jellnite which produces devastating effects. Simple and effec- each. Crew: 2. Setup Time: 15 seconds. Missile Speed: 250 m/s.
tive at short range against modern tanks. The system is shoulder-fired
and can be carried in a “ready-to-fire” state, allowing for instant Kanath-3: This Eridani design has been used on battlefields since the 7th
engagement. Brought to you by Able Corporation. Additional missiles millennium B.C., although some improvements have been made in that
cost 12,000cr each. Missile Speed: 500 m/s. time. It is still used today against light vehicles. The launching post and
missile are easily clipped together, resulting in a very short setup time (30
Gustaf Whistler: Fires a special radar guided round that, upon pene- seconds) before the system is ready. The gunner maintains his aiming
tration, injects super heated plasma into the cabin, severely damaging the point on the target and the IR laser-guided missile flies to the target. It is
internals of the tank and in all likelihood killing the crew. Any armor of difficult to target this system against moving vehicles closer than 500m
8HP threshold or less is penetrated by the weapon upon successful (double all movement penalties to hit targets in range brackets 1-4).
impact; targets with a threshold greater than 8HP are unaffected. Persons Additional missiles cost 4,000cr each. Crew: 2. Missile Speed: 200 m/s.
inside are struck by 8 fragments which do 5d6 points of damage each
plus an additional 1d4HP worth of concussion damage. The Gustaf
Whistler also fires a cheaper standard 4d6HP HEAT round. Missile Costs:
72,000cr/60,000cr. Setup Time: 5 minutes. Missile Speed: 600 m/s.

HAW-4: This weapon can knock out most tanks in one shot. The HAW-
4 is the heaviest anti-tank weapon on the market. It is tripod mounted
and requires 90 seconds to set up. Each missile costs 45,000cr. Missile
Speed: 950 m/s. LAW: The LAW is a single shot, disposable launcher, designed to engage
light armor units such as tech level 3 APCs and trucks. It is fairly accu-
Impact-5: This tech level 5 Cizerack design is considered to be the rate up to 1,000m. Missile speed: 200 m/s.
“modern LAW.” It is a single-shot, disposable weapon system which
allows individual soldiers to engage high-tech vehicles with a reason- Milan-AS: The Milan Armor Suppression system employs an innovative
able probability of success. While quite expensive for a disposable strategy to knockout modern tanks. Virtually all Tech level 5 tanks are
weapon, its tandem charge does offer an effective capability against tar- protected by a Flux shield and absorbing armor. The Milan Armor
gets using reactive armor. The initial warhead inflicts 1d6x10 points, Suppression system fires a radar guided, high explosive round with
followed by the 4d6HP main weapon. Missile Speed: 400 m/s. infrared range detection. When the round reaches a certain distance, it
dips sharply and penetrates the earth. The round digs into the earth
Jast: One of the most common weapons on the Frontier, this is gener- then explodes upward and laterally. 3d6 HP of damage are done to the
ally considered an ineffective weapon in most combat situations. The earth and 1d4 HP to the tank itself. The Milan produces a huge crater,
wire-guided missile uses MCLOS (Manual Command to Line of Sight) some 25m across. There is a 75% chance that the tank will be turned
guidance, requiring the gunner to watch both the missile and target and over on its side or upside down altogether. There is a 20% chance that,
guide the missile manually to its destination. This produces low accu- even if the tank remains upright, the hole created will be large enough
racy at close ranges. However, the guidance system may be up to 15 to prohibit it from continuing onward. Missile Costs: 25,000cr. Setup
meters from the launcher, substantially improving survivability for the Time: 3 minutes. Missile Speed: 400 m/s.





Nalasu: The Nalasu is a man-portable anti-tank weapon, designed to ited range, but the missile reaches the maximum range in only 8 sec-
engage medium armor or skimmers. The system may be assembled and onds. Additional missiles cost 10,000cr each. Crew: 2. Setup time: 30
ready to fire in 12 seconds. An additional crewman provides quick seconds. Missile Speed: 200 m/s.
reloads to give this system a respectable rate of fire. Additional missiles
cost 4,000cr each. This weapon was originally a Phentari design, but Spandrel: The Spandrel anti-tank missile was the Soviet answer to the
was later modified for use by Orion troops in the war against the TOW missile. Introduced in the 1970s, the Spandrel underwent mod-
Eridani. Crew: 2. Missile Speed: 200 m/s. ernization throughout the latter 20th century. The currently available
version of the Spandrel features a tandem warhead and a guidance sys-
tem slightly inferior to that of the TOW 2 missile. However, the launch-
ing system is significantly lighter than the TOW 2 system, allowing this
weapon to be used more readily in the field. The tandem charge inflicts
6d6 (initial) and 4d4HP (primary) damage. Setup time is 2 minutes for
3 crewmembers. Additional missiles cost 9,500cr each. Crew: 3. Missile
Speed: 250 m/s.

Panzerfaust: A staple item of the Wehrmacht during the Second World TOW: The acronym stands for Tube launched, Optical tracked, Wire
War. The Panzerfaust is actually quite potent and can still knock out a guided. The TOW anti-tank weapon was first deployed in the late 1960’s
tech level 3 light tank. The problem is its range of only 40m. Missiles by the U.S. Army. It served its purpose and still does. Missiles cost 5,000cr
cost 150cr. Missile speed: 50 m/s. apiece. Crew: 2. Setup Time: 45 seconds. Missile Speed: 300 m/s.

PLG: With the advent of Flexsteel technology, commanders were faced TOW 2: This modernized version of the TOW missile is much more
with the problem of engaging tech level 4 armors. The PLG engages the effective than its predecessor due to the use of a tandem shaped charge
target with a super-heated blast of plasma when the missile is within warhead. The initial warhead inflicts 8d6 points of damage, followed by
25m of the tank. As a result, reactive armor is ineffective against the the main charge which causes 3d6HP of damage. Unfortunately, the
attack (since it is a plasma burst rather than a missile detonation). The launcher system is quite heavy and generally requires a large crew to
plasma damage is 4d6HP. This weapon system is carried into combat by transport. Setup time is 2 minutes. Additional missiles cost 10,000cr
two men where it is assembled. The PLG is designed to engage enemy each. Crew: 2. Missile Speed: 350 m/s.
armor units out to 1,700m. Setup Time: 2 minutes. Additional rounds
cost 10,000cr each. Missile Speed: 500 m/s. Utaba: The Utaba is a tube-launched, semiautomatic command-to-line-
of-sight (SACLOS), guided missile system with a HEAT warhead. It is
RPG-7B: The RPG-7B has better range and accuracy compared to its generally sold as a superior alternative to the Jast missile system, and it
progenitor, the RPG-7. This weapon is simple, formidable, and definitely represents an improvement. Like its less-capable cousin, it is
reusable. Additional missiles cost 400cr each. Missile speed: 300 m/s. a product of Orionus Konglomerates. A second crewman is usually
employed to assist with reloading the weapon and carry the large mis-
sile tubes. Setup time is only 1 minute. Additional missiles cost 5,000cr
each. Crew: 2. Missile Speed: 250 m/s.

Balistics-8 4,000 5-6 R 11,000
Sental: This Cizerack design has been in use since their advent of inter-
GTL 10,000 6 VR 25,000
stellar travel (1600 B.C.). It is designed to engage heavy tech level 3 tanks
Minuteman 7,500 5-6 UC 16,000
at short ranges. It features a tandem warhead design to defeat reactive
Pershing 2 3,000 4-6 UC 8,000
armor. The initial warhead does 5d6 points of damage, with the main
warhead inflicting 2d4HP. Setup time is a mere 12 seconds. Additional
missiles cost 7,500cr each. Modified versions, featuring suitable fire con- MISSILES—PERSONAL MISSILE SYSTEMS (PMS)
trols, exist for sale to other races. Crew: 2. Missile Speed: 250 m/s.
Personal Missile Systems were designed so that light infantry could
So-Itar: The name means (roughly) “lightning spear.” This system rep- effectively engage heavy armor at long range. Characters may purchase
resents the final effort of Eridani weapon designers before the age of guidance packages and payloads separately. The PMS launchers have
plasma-based warheads. Since the 5th millennium B.C., Eridani ground radar-guidance computers that boost the guidance system’s chance to
forces have been fielding this weapon. The So-Itar utilizes a heavy war- track the target. The system is set up on the ground and can be remote-
head to engage heavy tech level 3 or medium tech level 4 tanks pro- ly activated from up to 2,000m. The guidance accuracy number is used
tected by reactive armor. The tandem warhead inflicts 5d6 points of to determine the overall chance to strike the target.
damage (initial) and 3d6HP (primary). This missile system has a lim- Note: PMS payloads are listed on pg. 129.



Cost Effectiveness: It isn’t just a monthly problem either. The problem exists Impervious: It isn’t affected by magnetic disruption pulses such as that
from the time players are shrewd enough to lay out the money to get a sys- which occurs during a nuclear explosion. It is rated at 100%.
tem. PMSs can effectively engage enemy armor beyond the line of sight. You
can kick back with a beer and launch fire and forget missiles at him. Most PCs Ion Controller: Is not affected by ionic disturbances. The guidance
ignore this threat. Kind of stupid, since one missile can pretty much knock out system is rated at 105%.
a section of heavy armor. Nonetheless, with all the other problems that people
Radar: Homes in on the doppler signature. The guidance system is
have to deal with, they generally forsake the higher cost of obtaining a system
rated at 115%.
for other items. One launcher per party is quite sufficient to do the job! If the
enemy has taken the proper precautions, the threat of your missiles can be Standard Guidance: Rated at 95% accuracy.
severely reduced. But that means that he has bought a radar system, anti-mis-
sile system, and body flares. Not cheap! Supremacy: Rated at 125%.

Ballistic-8: Carries the most advanced enhancement unit on the mar- Supremacy 2: Rated at 135%. It is the most advanced guidance system
ket, rated at +40 to missile guidance checks. Setup Time: 2 minutes. on the market.

GTL: The acronym stands for Gattling Tube Launch. ECM/ECCM: 25/47.
Ripple Launch: 3 per second. Setup Time: 6 minutes.
Belair RL 125 3-4 UC 10,000
Steiger 3 500 3-4 R 40,000
Zandovich 250 3-4 R 50,000

Minuteman: Manufactured by the Missile Management Corporation.
These weapons serve a different purpose than grenade launchers.
This launcher adds a +20 to missile guidance system checks. This
Rocket launchers are flat-trajectory weapons that can put a round in a
launcher can fire up to three missiles simultaneously and has an ECCM
small area at long distances. They pack a lot of energy, but do little frag-
computer rated at 32%. The Minuteman also comes with signal blank-
mentation damage. Any individual who happens to be standing within 1
ing to prevent the enemy from firing a radar tracking missile at the
meter of the explosion is struck by 1d6 fragments. The number of frag-
owner (-30 to all dice rolls). Setup Time: 2 minutes.
ments that strike personnel is reduced by one for every meter that the
target is from the point of impact. The concussion damage for rocket
Pershing 2: Named after the controversial weapon system deployed by
launchers is 100% out to 2m, 50% from 3-4m, and 25% from 05-06m.
the United States at the end of the 20th Century. The Pershing 2 launch-
Rocket launchers are not designed to fire at personnel and suffer a -20
er adds a +10 to missile guidance checks. It is reasonably efficient and
to attack rolls when employed in this manner.
thus cost effective. Setup Time: 3 minutes. The system makes for won-
derful video games. Cost Effectiveness: Rocket launchers weren’t designed to engage persons wear-
ing body armor. They incur a major penalty to hit when employed in such a
fashion. What they are good at is knocking out enemy positions. Every party
operating in the wilderness should carry one of these systems for such a pur-
Heat Seeker 4-6 UC 2,000
Impervious 4-6 R 15,000 • Example: Fred has the perfect attack planned. Two Cizeracks are sitting by a
Ion Controller 4-6 UC 8,000 window inside a building some 150m away. Fred has a Belair rocket system and
Radar 4-6 C 4,500 150m is considered to be range bracket 5 for attack purposes. Aiming Time: 5
Standard 4-6 C 1,000 x 2 = 10 half actions.
Supremacy 4-6 UC 7,500
Supremacy 2 4-6 UC 9,000 Belair RL: It is intended to provide a big punch for light infantry units.
It is extremely accurate, but lacks the concussion yield needed to knock
GUIDANCE PACKAGES out fortified positions. The cost for each rocket is 250cr.

Heat Seeker: Homes in on the infrared signal emitted by sources that Steiger 3: Produced by the German Republic in 2090. The Steiger is a
radiate heat. Rated at 97%. It is not affected by ECM. long-range rocket launcher. Each rocket costs 500cr. Why so much?
The extra range makes this weapon quite formidable.



Zandovich: Another excellent Russian design. The Zandovich is a Blowpipe: Another SACLOS system, Blowpipe is a good low altitude
multi-fire rocket launcher, capable of launching up to four missiles capable system. This two stage solid propellant rocket increases the
simultaneously. Each rocket costs 300cr. envelope engagement profile. Maximum Ceiling: 3500m. Missile Cost:
8000cr. Speed: 1,700m/s.

ADATS: A short range, high impact, radar guided weapon system with
dual air defense, anti-tank capabilities. Missiles Cost: 35,000cr. Speed:
Mach 2.5 (825m/s). Maximum Ceiling 2,000m.

Bonois Missile: A modification to the Bonoir anti-tank missile system.

The Bonois is deadly accurate and can engage aircraft at a range of
8,000m and at a maximum altitude of 5,000m. This radar guided
weapon doubles as a tank killer with the same vital statistics. Missiles
cost 35,000cr. Speed: 4,000m/s.
TYPE ER TL AV COST Nike Hercules: Nike Hercules is a good overall system with medium alti-
ADATS 3,500 4-5 R 140,000 tude engagement ceiling of 9,000m. This radar guided missile is the heav-
Blowpipe 7,000 4-5 UC 35,000 iest of any personnel missile launcher with an encumbrance of 60. It is a
Bonois Missile 8,000 6 VR 175,000 two stage solid propellant with a proximity fuse. Speed: 5,000m/s. Target
Nike Hercules 12,000 5-6 R 250,000 Acquisition computer rated at 85% Additional Missile Cost: 70,000cr.
Patriot MDG 15,000 6 VR 280,000
Stinger-8 6,000 3-4 UC 20,000
Stinger-9 7,000 4-5 UC 27,000

SAM stands for surface-to-air missile. These weapons are designed to
knockout low-flying aircraft, or cocky insurgents wearing flight packs PatriotMDG: The PatriotMDG missile system has a target acquisition
on their armor. Sophisticated units have a measured capability to computer rated at 90%, with an additional 10% ECM and 05% ECCM.
engage medium level targets. There are three basic types of SAMS: semi- This medium altitude weapon is bi-man portable. One person carries the
automatic command, line of sight (SACLOS), radar guidance, and launcher and another the ammo. The missile carries a magnetic disrup-
multi-trackers. SACLOS packages have a percentage chance to hit based tion pulse which has a 07% chance to penetrate a Flux shield outright.
on range brackets, whereas the radar tracking warheads have a specif- Missile Cost: 100,000cr. Speed: 4,000m/s. Maximum Ceiling 11,000m.
ic chance to hit no matter what the range. In addition, any SACLOS guid-
ed weapon requires the operator to maintain tracking of the target
while the missile is in flight, while the other types are fire-and-forget.
Some radar SAMs can carry ECM and ECCM packages. The encum-
brance is noted on the charts as Launcher/Missile.

Stinger-8: Fielded in 2031, this SACLOS system is effective against low

altitude craft. It has a range of 6000m and a maximum altitude of
2000m. Requires 30 seconds to reload. Missiles cost 12,500 apiece.
Speed: 1,800m/s.

Stinger-9: Increase range, warhead size, and maximum altitude ceil-

ing to 2500m. Missiles cost 15,000cr. Speed: 2,000m/s. SACLOS system.



Ghost Staff: This ultra-modern weapon utilizes molecular phasing

technology, similar to the technology that allows personnel using an
TYPE ER TL AV COST MDD-24 device to walk through walls. The ends of this 2-meter long
Bash ’Em Hammer - 5 VR 11,500 cylindrical staff are composed of a hyper-dense metallic alloy. Once
Chainsaw - 3-5 P 450 activated, the ends of the staff alternate between a phased state and their
Energy Mace - 5-6 VR 50,000
normal state every few nano-seconds. This allows the staff to pass
Ghost Staff - 6-7 VR 10,000
through material objects with little resistance. As the staff passes
through an object. it damages the object each time it reverts to its nor-
Hajab 10 5-6 VR 600
mal, non-phased state. An unfortunate side effect is the staff ends are
Light Sword - 5-6 VR 60,000
eventually destroyed in the process. The ghost staff can be used to
Plasma Jet - 4-6 VR 500
parry when its phasing capabilities are not turned on. The staff can be
Plasma Whip - 5-6 VR 3,000 used for 20 rounds before requiring a recharge (50 credits).
Quabal - 4-6 UC 350 The weapon does 1d8 points of damage to any target struck. Armor
Spear Gun 5 3-4 C 300 is ignored. Damage is applied to the target’s body points. If the target is
Teg Staff - 6 VR 50,000 wearing armor, the same amount of damage is applied to the target’s AR
Thwack ’Em Stick - 1-3 UC 500 and AI in the area struck. If the target is wearing a Flux shield they are
not affected by this weapon.
MODERN HAND WEAPONS Every time the weapon is used to attack a target, the staff takes an
amount of damage equal to the damage done to the target. The weapon
Bash ‘Em Hammer: This large, powered hammer is a favorite of Rams itself if capable of taking 40 points of damage before the ends of the
everywhere. Though unwieldy, the small Omega pulse that is emitted staff need to replaced. The cost for replacement ends is 5,000 credits.
when the hammer strikes causes a tremendous “thud” making all Bash
‘Em damage translational. The Hammer has enough charges for 10 Hajab: A modernized version of the archaic Jabat, but the netting car-
bashes before it needs to be recharged, which takes 1 hour at any TL ries an electrical charge that does damage and stuns (SMR vs. electric-
5+ power socket. If the Hammer is swung without the charge it does ity or be incapacitated for 1-4 minutes). This weapon became illegal
half damage (non-translational). with the passing of the Abolition of Pain Decrees. It is still used by Tza
Zen. Effective Range: 10m.

Light Sword: This weapon is actually a plasma sword. It is called a

light sword because it continuously gives off electromagnetic radiation
in the visible spectrum. The plasma field is contained within a magnet-
ic flux force field. Whenever the sword inflicts 1/2 of the target’s body
points, it cuts clear through whatever was in the way. As they say . . . It
slices, it dices, it severs and maims. Use the blade the ancient Buddon
Chainsaw: The favorite weapon of Phentari 1,000 years ago is making Priests used to cut their meat. Fully capable of affecting heavy armor. 1
a big comeback today. Most Phentari signal their intent to attack by hour power supply, 20min recharge time. Strength bonuses apply.
starting up the chainsaw, hoisting the weapon into the air, and lowering
it slowly. Kinda melodramatic, but you know how the squids are.
Initiative Mod: +5.

Energy Mace: Designed by the Buddon Priests. The light mace gener-
ates a spherical Flux shield at the end of its 30cm shaft. This weapon
does tremendous amounts of crushing damage and threshold is
ignored when calculating damage. All damage is translated directly to
the absorption layer of the armor. This weapon has a parry rating of Plasma Jet: A deadly Phentari weapon. It contains one shot of plasma in
25%. Other weapons parry it at -25 due to its ability to wrap around the a core container. The stiletto must be activated 1 minute before use. The
weapon shaft. Strength bonuses apply. iron is heated to super-molten temperatures and is jettisoned into the body
upon penetration. There are two damage numbers, 1d3 for knife damage
and 3d4 for plasma damage. For every minute after 10 that the plasma is
not released, there is a cumulative 5% that the jet will malfunction. If this
happens, roll for results on the plasma cannon malfunction table.

Plasma Whip: Another premium Phentari weapon. The whip is a flex-

ible magnetic bottle that releases plasma when it impacts against tar-
gets. The whip contains enough energy for 4 shots. Each hit reduces
armor integrity by 4 points. Initiative Mod: +2.



Quabal: Quabals are impact-explosive shuriken-like devices. They can High-trajectory mortars may be fired as direct fire or indirect fire
be thrown up to 1/3 of one’s strength in meters. Quabals do 2d6 points weapons. Flat-trajectory mortars may only be fired in direct fire mode.
of concussion damage. Fragmentation damage is negligible. Quabals Using the mortar in the direct fire mode requires that the user be in the
can only be purchased on an Eridani planet or on the Black Market. line of sight of the target. The mortar and crew are out of the direct line
One is tempted to ask the question: If Eridani are so honorable, why are of sight of the target in the indirect fire mode. A spotter is used to relay
they carrying these lovely items? Use Throwing skill for this weapon. information regarding the impact point of the outgoing rounds. He gives
the relative location of the landing mortar so the crew can adjust for
Spear Gun: See Lock-N-Load: Armor, Equipment, and Cybernetics. error. The chance of the mortar striking the target is increased by 10%
per round that misses (assuming the falling rounds are observed by
Teg Staff: This energy staff is made up of two cylindrical field genera- someone or something in contact with the firers. Hmmm, better get a
tors that separate to form a 2m long staff when it is energized. The cylin- k-sat with a camera on it). The radioman declares “fire for effect” when
drical generators are each 3cm in diameter and 15cm long and form the the rounds first begin hitting the target. Once the radioman declares a
ends of the staff. The field that connects them feels solid to the user (and hit, the crew need not adjust the tube further. All additional rounds will
target) but is invisible to the naked eye. It can clearly be seen in the UV automatically strike the location.
spectrum. The user draws the staff, presses the activation stud, and the Mortars function under the same rules as grenades. The percentage
halves separate and extend to their final length in one half action. Any chance to hit depends on the range. The fragmentation range brackets
energy-using device that is struck by the Teg Staff must make an are the same, as is the concussion radius. Thus concussion damage out
Electrical SMR or short out. The Teg Staff is traditionally only a training to 2m would be 100%, and 50% at 4m, etc.
weapon, though some small Eridani religious sects prefer it to the blade.
In the hands of an expert it is quite formidable. Strength bonuses apply. M224: A light, truly man-portable 60mm mortar which was originally
designed for dismounted infantry units to carry long distances. It may
be broken down into 3 pieces for transport and easily reassembled for
use (1 minute). In a desperate situation, the tube and small base plate
can be used on their own for direct fire, without the remaining pieces;
this part of the weapon is only 18 encumbrance. However, the user will
incur a -20 penalty to hit targets. Note that if only 1 person is available
to load the mortar, the rate of fire is only 1/9.

Thwack ‘Em Stick: See Lock-N-Load: Armor, Equipment, and M29: The standard mortar used by infantry units during the Vietnam
Cybernetics. Only usable by Size Class 8 beings (otherwise, treat as War. It is portable and can be carried by one person if necessary. It can
club with -20 to attack rolls). also be disassembled and carried in 3 pieces. Setting up a disassembled
mortar takes 2 minutes. Setting up a fully-assembled mortar takes only
15 seconds. The rate of fire is based on a 2-person crew. A favorite of
guerrillas and terrorists. The M29 is not exceptionally accurate. Fires
MORTARS PG. 26 the 81mm round.
M224 3,500 4-5 C 2,500
Pincheau ML2: Invented by Cherice Pincheau for the Republic of
France in 2065. This was the first attempt at a twin tube scattered mor-
M29 5,700 3 UC 5,000
tar. A computerized range dispersion device allows the firer to scatter
MOR-1 8,000 4-5 R 75,000
rounds over the target area at long range. This high trajectory mortar
MOR-3 9,000 5 VR 100,000
uses 81mm rounds.
Pincheau ML2 6,000 4-5 UC 20,000
Pincheau ML3 6,000 4-5 R 35,000 Pincheau ML3: An improved version of the ML2. Better accuracy and
it maintains a built-in auto loader.
MORTARS (AMMO: PG. 129) MOR-1 (Mortar Optical Remote System): Fielded in 2090, the
A mortar is a weapon used to lob explosive rounds at a target that is not MOR-1 was the first attempt at a double remote, “look and shoot” mor-
in line-of-sight from long range. It is a tube-shaped device with an tar. It is a high trajectory mortar and utilizes an auto-feeder to load
adjustable armature assembly for ranging. Mortars are primarily used munitions.
as support weapons and are designed to knock out hardened enemy The mortar uses a camera on a Mini-Sphere k-sat to target remote-
targets and to disrupt infantry assaults. There are two types of mortars, ly. The camera is put in activate mode when the mortar is first set up (4
flat-trajectory and high-trajectory. Flat-trajectory mortars have superior minutes). Afterward, the operator may leave the area. From a remote
accuracy, but are short range weapons, while high-trajectory mortars distance of up to 5km, the operator can control the camera. The cam-
give up the accuracy for extended range and a higher flight path. The era has an altitude ceiling of 70m. The operator sends electronic com-
damage done by a mortar depends on the type of round used. mands to the camera via the remote control, while the camera scans in
the specified direction.As the camera moves, electronic signals are also



sent to the mortar tube from the remote control. Consequently, the
mortar tube moves to follow the camera. The operator fixes on a target TACTICS TO PRACTICE
then switches the remote to the enable position. Information regarding
Neuro Cannons: An excellent weapon for use in kidnapping missions, or
distance and elevation is now fed instantly to the mortar. The mortar
where you need to take down a being quietly and without a lot of mess.
adjusts in response. The MOR-1 is now ready to fire. The operator
pushes the enable button and a round is fired. The k-sat and MOR-1 Use it on the Python races as their low Mental SMR numbers make them
can be connected to a Vizex, Tac-Net, Radar Unit, or Integron (level 10 particulary susceptible.
Armor Repair check). The system suffers from malfunction problems.
81mm ammunition. Axion Paralyzer: This rectangular device is a more powerful version
of the Neutralizer. The Axion Paralyzer has two settings, stun and crip-
ple. Persons struck by the stun setting must make an SMR vs. Biological
attacks or be paralyzed for 2d4 minutes. The cripple setting uses up 4
charges. Persons struck by crippling beams must make a successful
Biological SMR or lose 2d6 points of Agility and Manual Dexterity per-
manently, and be paralyzed for 3d4 minutes.

MOR-3: A better system than its predecessor. The malfunction number

has been increased. The targeting system allows for priority ranging. Chatilian in a Can: Another Tza Zen Weapon. The weapon is targeted
Priority Tracking. This system has infrared targeting for night and holds at the head. A Q-electro-waveform is generated, scrambling and over-
20 81mm rounds. loading the brain with devastating effects! All persons struck must make
a SMR vs. mental attack forms or suffer the following: Any person who
fails their SMR falls into a catatonic vegetative state for 2d6 days, losing
NEURO CANNONS PG. 27 2 points of IQ and Intuition permanently for every day that they are in
the coma. Eridani and Phentari are not as susceptible to the effects of
this weapon and receive a +10 to Mental SMRs. Rifle configuration.
Axion Paralizer 50 5-6 UC 25,000
Chatilian In A Can 80 5-6 C 150,000
Crowd Killer: The generated waveform spreads out in a conical fan and
Crowd Killer 20 5-6 VR 45,000
is 10m across at the longest range. All persons struck must make a
Lobotomizer 2 5-6 VR 150,000 Biological SMR or be struck unconscious for 1d4 minutes. The name
Neuro Cannon 1 40 5-6 R 55,000 slightly embellishes the effects of this weapon, but it sounds cool! It is pro-
Neuro Cannon 2 60 5-6 R 70,000 duced by the deranged underground Tza firm called Vegetables Are Fun.
Neuro Cannon 3 120 5-6 VR 100,000
Neuro-Cancellation 5 5-6 C 10,000 Lobotomizer: See Lock-N-Load: Armor, Equipment, and
Neuro-Masher 70 4-5 R 75,000 Cybernetics. Totally ineffective through armor. A Mental SMR negates
Synapse Neutralizer 20 4-5 R 10,000 the effect of the attack; otherwise the victim loses 10d4 points of IQ
Zen Field Weapon 35 4-5 VC 5,000 (3d4 permanently) and there is a 20% chance of total, permanent

NEURO CANNONS Neuro-Cancellation: This Zen device removes the effects of paralysis
from a neuro-cannon or a ceiling stunner. It is 90% effective. Failure
Neuro cannons generate micro-electronic waveforms that disrupt the indicates that the paralysis is beyond repair by normal means and hos-
electrical flow of messages across the neuro-synapses and neuro-path- pitalization is necessary.
ways. One must first obtain a special permit from the government
before purchasing these weapons. Possession of any non-sanctioned
neuro-cannon on a Zen Rigeln world is punishable by incarceration for
up to 20 years. In some cases, possession carries the death penalty.
Armor provides some protection against these weapons; add the thresh-
old as a bonus to the target’s SMR. Recharge Cost: 10cr per shot
Note: Neuro cannons cannot affect or pass through Flux shields.



Neuro-Cannon 1: The weapon has the following effects. First, roll dice alyzation in the area struck. Victims must make a biological SMR or the
to determine if there is a hit. A successful SMR negates the effects. All area struck is completely paralyzed for 1d4 minutes. Persons struck in
the effects besides death are reversible with expensive/extensive surgery the chest and abdomen feel complete numbness and lose 20 points of
or the services of a really high level Zen. Agility for an additional 1d4 minutes. The autonomous nervous system
(system that controls the heart, lungs, stomach functions, etc) is not
affected. Persons struck in the head who fail their SMR are knocked
- 40 to Agility and Strength checks and related tasks. Duration: d4
unconscious for 2d4 minutes. The Zen-Field Weapon is little more than
a thin, hand-held cylinder.
- 65 to Agility and Strength checks and related tasks. Duration: d6
76-85 Target crumples up into small ball and remains that way for 2d4 minutes. OMEGA CANNONS PG. 27
Massive anterior retractive-muscles spasms. Does d4 points of real
Muscles tear from bone due to anterior retractive muscle spasms. Does Able 3 110 4-6 VC 100,000
91-93 2d6 points of damage. Permanent loss of d6 points of Agility, Strength,
Able Ram 130 4-5 R 250,000
and Manual Dexterity.
Abomination 170 7 U 8.5M
You have no more ligaments and your muscles are dancing around under
your stretched skin. Quite amusing to Phentari who like this weapon for Abomination-2 80 7 U 20.0M
its dynamic results. 4d4 points of damage. Oh by the way, Agility and Balshrom 2 120 5-6 VR 300,000
Manual Dexterity are about -100!
Balshrom Flux Cannon 50 5-6 R 42,000
You are a mess of jumbled convulsive material. 3d6 points of damage.
97-99 Boa 75 6-7 R 350,000
Agility and Manual Dexterity are non-existent.
100 You are dead!!!! Cobra XM2 200 6 VR 350,000
Devastator 125 7 U 2.0M
Neuro Cannon 2: This is an even more fun toy! If you thought the first Johnson 15 5-6 R 65,000
Cannon was nice, check out this mama! The Neuro Cannon 2 is LS-21 120 4-6 C 150,000
designed to cause the brain to short out. OC-1 50 5 UC 35,000
OC-66 130 6-7 VR 350,000
Python XM3 90 6-7 VR 1.0M
01-40 Paralysis for d4 min.
Rattler 180 5-6 R 120,000
41-60 Paralysis for 2d4 min.
Street Howitzer 15 6-7 R 250,000
Loss of 2d4 points of Agility and IQ permanently. Paralysis for 3d6
61-85 Strikeforce 100 7 VR 750,000
Your body begins to do the electric boogaloo! Loss of 2d6 points of Agility Valley Green OX 110 5-6 R 65,000
and IQ permanently. Blindness for 3d6 hours. (10% permanently). Viper XM1 175 5-6 VR 275,000
Death in d4 x 10 seconds. 10d4 points of IQ and Strength lost Widow Maker 65 6-7 VR 175,000
94-97 permanently if you somehow manage to live. 80% chance of permanent
98-100 Death! OMEGA CANNONS
Neuro Cannon 3: A long-range version of its predecessors. Treat as The Omega class of weapons represent the ultimate in futuristic weapons
Neuro 2. technology. The Mutzachan Professor Alexandratos of the Tashinir
Research Institute first theorized the Omega Principle in 2189. With the
Neuro-Masher: Possession of this weapon by a Zen results in auto- help of fellow scientist Trashim, Alexandratos discovered how to realize
matic sentencing as a Tza Zen. One is exiled from the Zen nation for life. this theory into what is now called the Omega Principle. The present day
The waveform is designed to destroy the body’s central nervous system Flux shield and all Omega weapons are a result of this breakthrough.
by “frying” it. Victims struck anywhere in the body lose 1d4 points of Scientists soon began experimenting with the possibilities of using the
Agility and Manual Dexterity permanently. Shots that strike the abdomi- Omega Principle in weapons technology. A powerful flux barrier could be
nal and chest region have a 10% chance to cause death. Persons who created and fired at personnel or armor. The result: A deadly weapon that
are struck in the head lose 2d4 points of IQ and Intuition and 2d6 points does massive concussion damage called the “Thud Gun.” It does not
of Agility and Manual Dexterity permanently, and there is 15% chance of affect armor integrity as the concussion pulse is translated straight
death. A successful Biological SMR negates the effects of the weapon. through to the absorption layer in the form of a powerful shock wave.
Thud Guns are capable of knocking out Flux shields, doing damage on
Synapse Neutralizer: Fits in the palm of a Zen hand. Any individual a point for point basis. A hit from a Thud Gun on any normal anti-grav sys-
hit must immediately make a biological SMR or be paralyzed for 1d4 tem has a 05% chance of destroying the sensitive anti-grav generator and
minutes. The Neutralizer is cost-effective for non-violent essential types. thus rendering the anti-gravity system useless. This effect does not extend
to vehicles such as skimmers, which are shielded against disruption.
Zen-Field Weapon: Produced by the Zen Rigeln company Meceras. It’s not all roses with these things; there are some problems. Omega
The weapon fires a micro-electronic waveform that causes synapse par- weapons are heavy, even with their built-in anti-grav systems. There are



Able 3: Another product of the Able Corporation. It has an outstanding

TACTICS TO PRACTICE anti-grav system. The user gains -1 to initiative rolls. The Able 3 is fair-
ly accurate at point blank and short ranges.
Omega Weapons: These are the big dogs of the weapons industry.
Currently, Omega weapons possess the highest damage yields of any
handheld weapon system. So you stand a great chance of just pointing
your muzzle at the bad guys and mowing them down…or not. Never
underestimate your enemies. If you can find the best way to utilize your
weapon, you have increased your odds of victory significantly. So how do
you make the most deadly handheld weapons as deadly as they can be?
Use your head. Or, more correctly, use the opponent’s head. Most hel-
mets have very high thresholds. This is only natural—functioning with- Able Ram: The first rapid-pulse Omega cannon. It has a terrible mal-
out a working brain isn’t too easy, even for Pythons. So helmets are built function number and is considered to be a promotional gag more than
tough. But Omega weapons ignore threshold. They ignore armor integrity anything else. It does good damage when it works. Think twice before
as well. All they are affected by is absorption, and body tissue. Take a buying this unit.
peek at the helmet statistics…not a whole lot of absorption in most hel-
Abomination: Although this piece of machinery was on the market for
mets, is there? Here’s a fun stat: 56% of all non-Resonance helmets can
less than six months before its upgrade came out, for a brief moment
be taken out in one shot by every Omega weapon on the market. Most
the Abomination was the deadliest hand weapon ever produced. It is
of those wearers would suffer significant body damage in addition. 68% credited with being the first fully automatic Omega cannon. Micro-Feed
of non-Resonance helmets can be taken out in one shot by 60% of Implant Technology: IM -4.
Omega weapons. Class dismissed.
Abomination-2: The only internalized gatling Omega cannon ever
some inherent problems in the power coupling circuitry. Omega weapons developed, it utilizes a revolutionary rotating multi-field inductor, which
are only marginally accurate, due to the heavy counter-pulse that is gen- allows for a quicker reconstitution of the flux projectile. Every weapons
erated when the weapon is fired. Recharge Cost: 30cr per shot. manufacturer will claim that this is nothing less than the most formida-
New backpacks for Omega weapons cost 05% of the weapons cost. ble non-vehicular weapon on the market. This wicked piece of machin-
ery can dish out an incomprehensible amount of damage. Micro-Feed
Implant Technology: IM -4.
Ready, Aim, Think!
Many omega cannons utilize micro-feed implant technology: they are Balshrom 2: Produced in response to the Cobra, it has a faster rate of
plugged straight into the brain. The individual merely thinks the com- fire and is somewhat cheaper. The Balshrom 2 is a body-mount Omega
mand to fire and the weapon discharges. This results in a nice initiative cannon. It doesn’t have a thought activated fire system, but is accurate
bonus. Problem: individuals using micro-feed weapons who are hit by out to 120m range.
electromagnetic pulses (EMP) take 1-3 body points of damage, suffer
automatic brain hemorrhaging, losing 1 point of blood per minute, and
there is a 50% chance of a permanent loss of 2-12 points of I.Q. The
moral of this story: get EMP shielding! The cost of implant surgery is
included in the list price of the weapon.
Cost Effectiveness: Start with a cost that is out of sight as well as out of mind,
severely limit the range, and you have begun to size up the short comings of
owning one of these weapons. Omega cannons represent the cutting edge of
technology and you pay through the nose for it! They are as useless as teats on
Balshrom Flux Cannon: A fair system overall. The targeting system
a bull beyond range bracket 4 and aren’t very effective beyond range bracket
has been improved and many of the other inherent problems have been
3. So why spend a quarter of a million credits on something that seems so over-
worked out. Affordable.
rated? Well, for starters, Omega cannons have an unreal damage yield! Few
other weapon systems can even compare. One shot from a baseline model and Boa: The only hip-fired, snub-nosed, Omega submachine gun with energy
you can turn poor Fredd the Python into jelly! However, the damage potential suppression filters on both the barrel and energy pack. Like its predeces-
of an Omega cannon isn’t properly realized until we account for the fact that sor the Rattler, the Boa has only a 15% chance of being detected by police
the weapon isn’t affected by threshold. This increases the overall damage yield scanners. The most notable problem is the limited energy pack capacity.
by 10-20%. Much of the cost for expensive armors is due to the problems in
creating higher tensile-strength alloys to deflect attacks. This added value is Cobra XM2: Shortly after producing the XM1, Ramcor produced a
completely negated by the fact that all Omega cannon damage is translational. three shot flux cannon, unprecedented for the times. This baby can dish
OK, so there is one more problem. The damn things are heavy as hell! out almost 75 points of damage in a single fire segment! The Cobra uses
a body-mount configuration and has a thought-activated fire system: -2
on initiative rolls.



Devastator: The Supreme Thud Gun! It was the optimum in Omega Python XM3: The top of the line from Ramcor. A million credits is a lot
technology before the Abomination series. It has one of the best to spend on a weapon, but you can take out almost anything with a
thought-activation systems around, giving the user a -4 to initiative rolls. Python XM3. This system can actually penetrate low-tech tank armor and
The Devastator also comes with the most advanced inertial-grav system has a thought-activated firing sequence (-2 to initiative) like all high-end
available (note the nice encumbrance rating!) and uses a body-mount- Ramcor flux cannons. Ramcor stole the anti-grav technology from Able
ed weapon harness. This jewel is hand crafted to order, and includes a Corporation to make this model manageable. How thoughtful!
handy display case to show it off to your friends. Only 5,000 units exist.
Rattler: The Rattler Omega cannon is an enigma. While its vital statis-
Johnson: “Don’t mess with a man with a big Johnson.” The Johnson tics aren’t actually much better than other weapons in its class, this state
Omega cannon is a point blank range, heavy damage yield weapon of the art masterpiece in weapons technology adds a very special fea-
designed for Ram Pythons and other close range combat types. It has ture to the Snake line at Balshrom Science Corporation. Its energy pack
an incredible kick. The low cost is due to the magnetic bottle technol- is designed to prevent detection of the onboard fusion reaction. There
ogy employed. is only a 15% base chance for an energy output scanner (used by police
and security systems) to register the Rattler. But is the price worth it?

Street Howitzer: This double-barreled configuration Omega cannon

utilizes an experimental principle which provides a wide dispersion
shock pulse. Extremely limited range, but deadly inside of 15m. Any
person standing within 2 meters on either side of the victim is assumed
to suffer 1/2 damage. The Howitzer employs the Omega canister, patent-
ed by the Balshrom Science Corporation, to do damage. Canister reload
LS-21: A real Thud Gun for you hardcore maniacs who like the sight of Time: two full actions. Canister Cost: 5,000cr/2 shots.
blood!!! It mounts directly to the individual via a body harness. The unit
uses micro-feed tech, lending the wielder a -2 to initiative rolls.
Yontacha are a group of crazed maniacs who run around the galaxy
purifying it by killing off mercenary types such as yourself. Their last
leader was killed by a bounty hunter carrying an LS-21. They have since
declared war on all Ram Pythons and anyone carrying this weapon. It
was a Ram Python who killed Sharakoor, their leader. It is ludicrous to
kill people just because of the type of weapon they choose to carry. But
then again, we are dealing with fanatics. The low malfunction number Strikeforce: A favored military assault weapon that has recently been
raises some doubts as to the overall value of this unit. I wouldn’t buy it, licensed for mass production. The extended energy power-clip makes
so you probably shouldn’t. this weapon ideal for sustained combat environments. Snub-nosed.

OC-1: The first mass-produced flux cannon. Designed by the Able Valley Green OX: High Tech Weapons Manufacturing, a subsidiary of
Corporation in conjunction with the Tashinir Institute. The OC-1 is inac- the Able Corporation, first produced this flux cannon in 2207. The OX
curate and unreliable. Still, it can wipe out a Python. (Why does every- has decent all-around stats and the system is compatible with M-L50
one want to kill Pythons anyway?) grenade launchers.

OC-66: The only plastic/ceramic composite flux cannon currently on Viper XM1: Compliments of the Ramcor Corporation. Not too expen-
the market, although rumor has it that Balshrom Science Corporation sive, no frills, and it works.
intends to field a full line of plastic/ceramic weapons.
Widow Maker: Arguably one of the nastiest devices on the weapons mar-
ket today. The Widow Maker is a ten shot weapon with a recycle rate of 1
shot per second. Slaved to the discharge system is a one heavy point flux-
shield generator designed to protect a person in combat for four seconds,
following each shot. An innovative energy pack wraps around the arm.




Perimeter Anti-personnel Defense Systems (PADS) are a series of auto- TYPE ER TL AV COST
matic perimeter defenses which can serve a variety of functions. Portable BC-Sentry 320 4-5 UC 10,000
units are designed to be carried by teams in the field, to protect their Defender 1,500 6 VR 450,000
camp at night. Larger units are designed to protect installations. Guardsman 100 5-6 R 100,000
PADS can be operated in one of two ways. They can be manually Pincushion 12 4-5 UC 7,500
activated at any time by a simple radio command. This requires some- Protector 280 4-5 R 30,000
one to operate, and thus is no better than keeping a watch. More com- Sentinel 1,800 4-5 C 35,000
monly, PADS are just set on automatic. The owner places them so they T-Net 20 3-5 UC 6,000
are facing away from the camp or installation, and sets parameters such Trapper 30 4-6 VC 5,000
as size, proximity, and style of response. For example, one could set it WatchDog 45 4-6 C 15,000
to activate whenever any creature of size class 3 or greater gets within Watchman 45/100 6 R 140,000
10m, and to respond with all weapons in automatic fire mode. PADS are
designed to function in basically one direction. PADS have a 180 degree Pincushion: This system fires razor-sharp Di-Titanium pins in a cone-
arc of detection and fire, and are usually set facing away from camp, shaped path and tends to reduce enemies to swiss cheese. A hit indi-
unless the Python sets them up. Once activated, PADS fire any or all cates that 4d6 pins have hit the target, each of which inflicts 1 point of
weapons as set by the operator. Everything within its range of detection damage (-2 Threshold reduction per pin).
will be attacked once the system is activated. PADS have the built in abil-
ity to be wirelessly monitored by a body computer or PCD; each PADS Protector: A very reliable system. The Protector by Balshrom Corp utilizes
type comes with a generic PADS module to enable this connection (level a laser system similar to the Tagert-6. However, due to improved focusing
18 Defeat Security check to hack this transmission). PADS can be technologies, the Protector is much more accurate and has a faster recy-
defeated by using Jammers, hacking their control module, or destroy- cle time than the Tagert. This is achieved at the expense of range.
ing the PADS where they lie.
Note: PADS detect targets through the combination of bio-scan-
ners, motion detectors, and advanced infra-red/night vision optics.
They attack the nearest target, until it is dead or immobilized. Even
though plants are alive, PADS are sophisticated enough not to attack
them, so don’t try to weasel out of this one with lame excuses like, “That
tree is closer than I am!”

ATTACK AND DEFENSE PADS Sentinel: A high-powered, gas-operated machine gun, similar to the
M-60, but with better accuracy. New gas-vent technology and auto-com-
BC-Sentry: The Sentry system is considered ideal for home defense. pensating mechanism eliminates the recoil modifier for full automatic
This device consists of a small machine-gun mounted in a standard PAD fire. Uses 5.56mm ammo.
casing. The weapon uses 7.62mm ammo. It has good range, but dam-
age yield is a little low, especially for the price. To make up for this, T-Net: This device fires up to twenty taser cords and discharges 20,000
Balshrom Science has upgraded the sensor systems. Anyone trying to volts through each line. The system has an auto-reel mechanism, so any
sneak up on this system must do so at -30 on Infiltration rolls. cords which miss can be retrieved. It takes 3d4 seconds to draw back
a cord (05% chance of each cord tangling on nearby trees or dead bod-
ies Tangled cords cannot be retracted). Tangled cords cannot be
retracted). The system contains enough power to “jolt” twenty individ-
uals before it needs to be recharged.

Trapper: Fires incredibly strong, thin, sticky lines, similar to those

released by a Tangler mine. To break free, make a strength check
against 50% of your normal strength. For every round that you try to
break out, whether you succeed or not, you take 1d4 points of damage
from the cutting effects of the ultra-thin, ultra-sharp lines. This damage
Defender: The top-of-the-line in perimeter defense. Excellent range, is translated directly through threshold, and the lines to 1d4 points of
incredible damage yield, and damn good accuracy. The only drawback AI damage per round of struggling.
is the high cost and large size. Utilizes focused laser energy.
WatchDog: A new entry in the perimeter defense field, the WatchDog
Guardsman: The first PADS to utilize Omega technology. The system has by Vector Corporation is very effective. The WatchDog is a rapid-fire,
fairly good range and can fire two “thuds” per second. Damage yield is fair- low-damage, pulse cannon. The system shock number is a little low, but
ly low, in terms of Omega weapons, but is high enough to get the job done. the penetrability makes it worth while.



Watchman: This is a state-of-the-art PADS. The Watchman is a hybrid Mesh Defense: Similar to the chemical skin, the Mesh Defense system
of the Watchdog and Guardsman systems. It is incredibly bulky, but can detects the presence of approaching lifeforms and then surrounds the
dish out some amazing damage. Use range brackets, ROF, and damage camp (maximum 10m radius) with an incredibly resistant mesh defense
as of the two systems above, but add +10% at all range brackets. net. Integrity: 120; Threshold: 12. The net has poles to brace it and is
treated as heavy armor for purposes of determining the effect of attacks.

PADS-DEFENSE PG. 28 EMP System: This system functions as the attack PADS, but instead of
utilizing a lethal response, the EMP system knocks out the enemy’s elec-
tronics and communications, while simultaneously alerting the party.
Camera System 200 3-5 UC 5,000
The EMP system contains enough power to fire twenty EMP pulses
Chemical Skin 50 4-6 R 15,000
before it needs a recharge (treat as Agitator EMP Cannon).
EMP System 30 5-6 VR 180,000
Magnetic Plates (per plate) 5 4-6 R 2,000
Magnetic Sucker 30 5-6 R 12,500
Mesh Defense 100 5-6 VR 150,000
DEFENSE ONLY PADS Anarchist Delight 25km 6-7 U 10.0M
Dirty As Hell 10km 5-7 U 4.2M
Magnetic Plates: These can be buried or just laid out on a surface. Green Glass 21km 6-7 U 25.0M
Once activated, they draw any large quantities (over 7 encumbrance) of Mr. Clean 5km 5-6 U 8.0M
metal to them, such as most battle armors, and the larger weapon sys-
Uncle Ernie Loves You 5.5km 5-6 U 5.0M
tems. A strength check at -50% is necessary to break free once some-
one gets stuck to the plate. Walking around with plates stuck to you
incurs a -30 Agility per plate. These plates can remain active for 3 days. PERSONAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS
Chemical Skin: This is a device spread about the perimeter of the camp Nuclear weapons harken back to those old days in the early twentieth
(5m radius). The main system encases the campsite in a polyethylene century on Earth (or the twenty-fourth century B.C. on Orionus). Big
tent, to protect against specified chemical, biological, or radioactive sub- mushroom clouds, radioactive dust, scare tactics, loud booms, and
stances. The tent will spring up and envelope the site within .2 seconds of blinding lights… The process works by unleashing the enormous
detecting one of the preset attack forms. This tent is resistant (+100%) amount of energy held within the nuclear bonds of a series of atoms.
to the attack forms listed above and is very hard to tear (3 Threshold, 30 Using a special high-explosive charge, the device creates an implosion
Integrity). The device comes complete with a filtration system which upon a nuclear reactive chunk of matter (Plutonium, Uranium-238,
allows the occupants to breathe while encased (6 hour duration). and a number of high-density radioactives). This creates an uncontrol-
lable nuclear chain-reaction, releasing the energy contained within
Magnetic Sucker: This system is similar in appearance to the mag- much of the radioactive material, directly into energies of the entire
netic plates systems listed above. However, the magnetic sucker consists electromagnetic spectrum. Once used only by large governments and
of a VERY powerful electromagnet (-130 Strength check to break). massive institutions, miniaturization and technology have advanced the
When an individual wearing body armor, or carrying any large piece of capacity and payload a substantial degree. However, the Alliance has
metallic equipment (encumbrance 4 or more), approaches within determined nukes to be barbaric weapons of wanton destruction and
range of the system, he will be inexorably “sucked” to the device. The have banned them. This has been helped immensely by devices devel-
system has enough power to function for two hours before requiring a oped in the late 22nd century which made nukes incredibly easy to
recharge. These are meant to be affixed to trees, buildings, or other detect and identify. It is virtually impossible to smuggle a nuclear
solid structures. If the plate is not affixed to a solid object, walking weapon into any tech level 5 or above area nowadays (level 24 check)
around with plates stuck to you incurs a -50 Agility per plate. due to the widespread use of nuke detectors developed by the
Mutzachans. Abandoned by most, small personal Nukes show up from
Camera System: Utilizes a series of camera remotes to detect life and time to time regardless of the locals’ disposition on the matter.
movement, and then alert the people in camp. Comes with six camera Note: Owning a nuclear weapon is punishable by death on any plan-
remotes, all of which must be maintained within 50m of the receiver. et in the Galactic Alliance. Oh, and that’s not “long trial, lawyers, many
Effective Detection Range: 200m from each remote. appeals, please have mercy on me” death. Galactic law allows for imme-
diate execution by any Alliance authority or even Alliance citizen when
found in possession of a nuke. Those who knew the poor slob who had
the nuke are also routinely euthanized “for the good of the state” as well.

Anarchist Delight: A dirty bomb with a 5 kiloton warhead. Fits into an

overnight bag just fine! Plutonium enriched. Add water, makes its own
sauce! Blast Radius: 2,000m at 100HP of concussion and heat damage,
-1HP per additional 100m from the epicenter. Radiation Kill Zone:



10km at -40 to radioactive SMR, plus 3 points per 500 meters beyond
the radiation zone out to maximum of 25km. POISONS
Dirty As Hell: The most unclean personal nuclear weapon ever “So you want to take someone out. That is completely
devised. The Council of Timar holds this weapon in great disdain, espe- understandable. But if you blow their head off in public,
cially if used on population centers. Blast Radius: 200m with 25HP of then you will probably spend the rest of your life breaking
concussion and heat damage, -1HP per additional 100m from the epi- big rocks into little rocks, little rocks into pebbles, and peb-
center. Radiation Kill Zone: 5km at -45 to radiation SMR, plus 3 points bles into sand at some resort facility like New Leavenworth
per 200m beyond the radiation kill zone out to maximum of 10km. Prison. The best way to murder someone is to do it quietly.
Preferably, you won’t be in the area at all when they croak!
Mr. Clean: A 0.2 kiloton neutron bomb that fits into a suit case. I have found that one of the most convenient methods of
Excellent at killing people and still leaving equipment serviceable. Blast killing your enemy is to poison him. With that in mind, let’s
Radius: 100m at 15HP of concussion damage, -1HP per additional 50m get a couple of things straight. There are two basic types of
from the epicenter. Radiation Kill Zone: 2km at -25 to radioactive SMR, poisons readily available on the market, ingestive, and
plus 5 points per 200m beyond that out to maximum of 5 km. insinuatives. Each has their own specific purpose. My
favorite is insinuative—thinking up new and exciting
Green Glass: Turns the ground into a pretty green glass. The heat of ways to deliver them keeps my imagination fired Now the
the Seventies for modern problems of the Seventies! Does 2,000HP of type of poison to be used also depends on the race type of
damage out to 1km. The effects are reduced by 1HP per additional your adversary. For instance, Eridani and my own people
10m. Compact units fit into your car trunk and cost just 20% more. are methane breathers. Therefore, our body chemistries are
far different than oxygen breathers such as the Human, and
Orion Rogue. I must confess that I am a little bit reticent
about taking out Orions and my own people, but beyond
that… One should choose their chemicals with a little bit of
—Pharmacol Phentari, ‘Chemical Specialist’

Uncle Ernie Loves You: The statement, “From Uncle Ernie With The cost for poisons is based on the difficulty level to make them. Each
Love,” is stamped on the face of every one of these weapons. A well level also reduces the SMR vs. poison by 03%. The cost for Eridani and
placed 75HP of damage will remove the first 2,500m in Uncle Ernie’s Phentari poisons are doubled.
path. Damage drops 25HP per additional 1,000m. Each dose is good for one hit in the case of insinuative poisons, or
one ingestive dosage. As the name implies, ingestive poisons must be
ingested by the victim. This usually entails poisoning the victim’s food
or drink. Insinuative poisons are introduced to the blood stream direct-
POISONS PG. 28 ly, either through injection or, probably just as commonly, on the blade
LEVEL TL AV INGESTIVE COST INSINUATIVE COST of a knife or dart. The damage only affects body points if the weapon
1 1-4 C 50 100 inflicts at least one body point of damage. These poisons may not be
2 1-4 C 100 200
effective against alien beings.
Insinuative poisons will not work if ingested by the target: these poi-
3 1-5 C 200 400
sons are not designed to be ingested and will be destroyed by the vic-
4 2-5 UC 400 1,000
tim’s digestive system. Ingestive poisons are not concentrated enough to
5 2-6 UC 1,000 2,000
be delivered on a knife blade or dart point. If, however, one has the
6 2-6 UC 1,500 3,000
opportunity, a full syringe of most ingestive poisons injected directly
7 2-6 UC 3,000 6,000 into the bloodstream would be enough to get the full effect of the poi-
8 3-6 R 5,000 10,000 son. (Such opportunities are rare, however.)
9 3-6 R 7,500 16,000 The cost for poisons is based on the level of difficulty of a Chemistry
10 3-6 R 10,000 22,000 check to create them (see table). PCs may opt to develop poisons and
11 4-6 R 20,000 50,000 sell them as well.
12 4-6 VR 30,000 60,000
13 4-7 VR 60,000 120,000
14 5-7 VR 120,000 250,000
15 5-7 VR 200,000 500,000
16 6-7 VR 300,000 700,000



New energy backpacks for pulse weapons cost 05% of the weapon’s cost.
Cost Effectiveness: Pulse cannons fire super-heated plasma. They are short to
medium-range weapons combining exceptional damage yield and armor
1 Shot Wonder 50 4 C 3,000
integrity reduction capability. No other weapon system is so well-suited for
BC-Abuser 120 7 VR 13.0M
tearing up armor. Pulse technology is Tech level 4 or higher and pulse cannons
BC-Destroyer 170 6 R 350,000
aren’t cheap. Yet they are the mainstay of combat types. If there are draw-
BC-Enforcer 180 5-6 UC 100,000
backs to the system, one surely must agree that they are heavy and cumber-
BC-Engager 175 6 C 40,000
some. Weak characters have problems adequately manipulating them in a
BC-Heat 350 6-7 R 300,000
combat environment. The other shortcoming is that they aren’t generally effec-
BC-Heatwave 350 6-7 R 1.25M
tive beyond range bracket 4, although this problem has been partially
BC-Offensive 160 5-6 U 175,000
BC-Terminator 185 6-7 U 600,000
addressed with the production of the Vector series of pulse cannons.
Deception 150 6-7 VR 350,000
Deception-2 220 7 U 2.5M PULSE CANNONS
Deception-3 220 7 U 3.5M
Howitzer 65 6-7 VR 400,000 1-Shot Wonder: A surprisingly successful design at a relatively cheap
M-19 260 4-5 C 20,000 price. The One Shot Wonder is a shoulder-fired, disposable, one shot
M-20 Blaster 130 4-5 C 20,000
plasma cannon. It has excellent damage yield with marginal secondary
M-50 Defiant 200 6-7 UC 1.0M
M-80 Defender Cannon 550 6-7 VR 3.2M
BC-Abuser: Do you have Abomination envy and only Pulse Cannon
Mentar Reflex Rifle 115 4-5 C 25,000
skill? Well the Abuser is what you are looking for! BC has done it again
Mentar-A3L Asault Cannon 240 5 VR 275,000
with this twin barrel monstrosity. Waste buildings, hoppers, arachnids,
PC-3 25 4 P 14,000 small hills; the Abuser dishes it out and asks for more! Thought activat-
PC-6 45 4-5 VC 16,000 ed (Initiative modifier -2). Reduces Integrity by 12 per hit.
PC-9000 35 5-6 R 500,000
PH-3A 160 5-6 R 40,000
Plasma Dealer 80 5-6 R 95,000
Plasma Precision 1,000 5-6 VC 100,000
PT-1 Plasma Thrower 30 5 VR 45,000
RKM-Showtime 130 6 R 160,000
RP-4 Masher 115 5 R 50,000
Shorty 20 4-5 UC 28,000
Stecker PC 220 4-5 UC 35,000
BC-Destroyer: Appropriately named. This system is wicked! It fires up
to three times per second and the two output power settings generate
Vector 1 700 4 VC 80,000
4d6 and 5d6 point pulses (one and two charges used respectively). The
Vector 3 750 4-5 C 150,000
Destroyer is good for vaporizing targets who are stupid enough to get
Vector 4 800 5-7 VC 200,000
too close to you!
Vector 5 400 6-7 R 4.5M
Vector X 1,100 6-7 R 4.0M BC-Enforcer: Standard issue to police units. The BC Enforcer is a power-
ful, variable discharge pulse cannon. The different types of pulse drain one
PULSE WEAPONS charge or two charges, doing 3d6 or 4d6 points of damage respectively.

With the advent of pulse technology, scientists experimented with the BC-Engager: The Balshrom Science Corporation has produced vari-
use of plasma energy (AKA the ‘fourth’ state of matter) as a weapon. able output lasers, and now a variable energy discharge pulse rifle. The
Pulse weapons are short-range, high shock-value instruments, pri- damage meted out by the Engager is 2d6 points of damage on low
marily used by Assault Groups of the GDF. They fire accelerated plasma power and 3d6 points on high power. The low power pulse uses up one
pulses and utilize a fusion reactor which generates the power necessary to charge while the high pulse uses up two charges.
facilitate weapon discharge. The plasma pulse is surrounded by a mag-
netic bottle to keep the energy from dissipating. Pulse weapons are heav- BC-Heat: The Heat was designed as a long range pulse cannon in a carbine
ier than lasers and are often more expensive. They do, however, reduce (clip-fed) configuration, with no bulky energy pack. It is a plastic/ceramic
things to rubble at close range. Pulse weapons are the preferred weapon composite with superb damage yield and excellent secondary statistics (mal-
of the Python races. Body armor penetration reduces armor integrity by a function number and system shock). Clip holds 40 charges too!!
staggering 8 points. All pulse weapons are rechargeable at a standard cost
of 20cr per shot. Pulse weapons don’t incur a penalty to hit when firing at BC-Heatwave: Based on the BC-Heat, this pulse cannon doesn’t even
concealed targets, although the damage may be reduced (BM discretion). try to be light or compact. Instead, it fires 4 shots per second out to a



range of 350m, and relies on its large energy pack to keep you firing
for a long time. Excellent for sustained combat operations, as long as TACTICS TO PRACTICE
you have an A-grav belt.
Pulse Weapons: 75% of all modern combat tactics are developed with two
weapon systems in mind: pulse and Omega. Both are short-range systems on
average, and although a number of pulse cannons have reached the market
in recent years with ranges equaling some laser rifles, their ranges make
them perfect for everyone’s favorite shock troopers, Pythons. So keep that in
mind when the shatner hits the fan: you may need some long range backup
to cover you. Remember also that pulse weapons destroy armor very quickly.
Like Juicers, you’ll be disappointed if you were hoping for salvage goodies
BC-Offensive: Take the offensive! When you are engaged in combat, after the fight. So what’s the best tactic, whether you’re concerned about sal-
nothing is more valuable than the ability to knock opponents out in a vage or not? Aim for one specific location on the target, and keep firing at it.
single shot. No messy automatic fire, no volleys, no questions! Balshrom This works for most weapon systems, but the AI reduction of pulse weapons
Corporation presents this pulse cannon which delivers exceptional makes this tactic particularly suited to this weapon. If you’re concerned about
damage out to medium range. Heavy, but reliable and deadly. salvage, pick an arm or a leg. Armor integrity and absorption are the lowest
there, and you’ll start doing body damage the fastest, without damaging too
BC-Terminator: Incredibly expensive, yet worth it! The Terminator has
much of the armor. However, arms are also hard to target, and pulse
three discharge settings: light, heavy and super heavy (squish). These
allow you to do 4d6, 5d6, or 6d6 points of. These settings use up 1, 2, weapons aren’t the most accurate of systems. I’d go with the leg myself.
and 4 charges respectively. More INT and ABS, but easier to hit, and probably fewer armor options than
the torso. If you’re not concerned with salvage (yeah, right), just go for cen-
Deception: New bottle technology negates all magnetic disruption devices, ter mass: the chest or abdomen. And one last piece of advice: pulse weapons
including specialized armor and jammers. Interesting but expensive. are great for ‘defoliating’ an area around a hidden target in a hurry.

Deception-2: Experimental technology that incorporates a modified M-20 Blaster Cannon: An excellent cannon! It trades a little range for
metal gun discharge modulated onto a pulse output wave that reduces a lot more damage. The M-20 has a good inertial-grav system and
threshold permanently by 4 upon penetration and negates magnetic dis- comes with a built in tripod in the stock.
ruption technology, then it rips up armor with impunity. Total AI reduc-
tion twenty-eight; twenty for metal gun, eight for pulse!

Deception-3: The Deception-3 is the end result of the experimental

metal gun/pulse hybrid technology pioneered in the Deception-2. This
now-proven technology is ready to rip the armor right off your oppo-
nents! Same metal gun and AI effects as the Deception-2.

Howitzer: This weapon is experimental and unbelievably powerful, M-50 Defiant: A deadly, medium-range pulse cannon utilizing the lat-
throwing a 15cm diameter ball of super heated plasma! Plasma as big est pulse technology. This weapon is in high demand across the Frontier
as your head! It hasn’t been field tested enough and the malfunction due to its ability to damage even mechanized armor.
number is low. Oh, by the way, when the Howitzer explodes the owner
usually dies. Otherwise, there is nothing like it. M-80 Defender Cannon: The technology developed for the Vector 4 was
stolen by the Ramcor Corporation and used to build this weapon. Virtually
the same, except the recycle time is much faster (technology that Vector
was unable to obtain). The M-80 Defender fires four pulses per second.

M-19 Pulse Rifle: One of the earliest “long range” pulse cannons, this
weapon does not deliver enough damage to be effective in most combat
Mentar-A3L Assault Cannon: One of the most powerful pulse
weapons available. Ensures messy kills for you sick types. No major sys-
tem drawbacks, except weight, and a tendency to overheat. The energy
pack is relatively small, considering the amount of charges that it holds.



Mentar Reflex Rifle: The first multiple shot pulse rifle. The advanced RP-4 Masher Cannon: A devastating weapon at point blank range.
recoil suppression system uses St-3 Flex foam. The Mentar packs suffi- You can fry a Python Lizard in a single fire segment. The energy pack is
cient firepower, but is only accurate out to a range of 115m. bulky and sensitive to electrical shock (reduces the system shock num-
ber by 20). The owner can increase the output power by flipping a lever
PC-3 Pulse Rifle: The PC-3 is considered to have been the first func- on the side of the trigger guard assembly. This doubles damage yield
tional pulse rifle, although there is some dispute. The Balshrom Science (d6x10). Ten charges are used up per shot when the plasma pulse is
Corporation claims to have developed the first pulse cannon, but its “juiced up.”
claim has never been substantiated. The PC-3 does a formidable 3d6
points of damage. The energy pack is somewhat unstable, and a roll of
90 or above, subsequent to unit malfunction, indicates that the energy
pack has exploded and the owner (victim) takes 3d6 points of damage
(treat as concussion damage to the chest).

PC-6 Pulse Rifle: An improved version of the PC-3. The problem of

pack explosion has been resolved.
Shorty: This is a wide dispersal plasma weapon that is designed to
PC-9000: It’s range is truncated, only 35m, but it can kill most things engage multiple targets (within 3m of each other) at short ranges. It is
that enter that domain. The most significant problem is that the clip only bulky, ineffective beyond 20 meters, but quite lethal. Any additional tar-
holds enough plasma for 10 shots. gets within 1.5m of the person or object struck by Shorty have a 50%
chance of being affected by 3d6 points of plasma damage.
PH-3A: An affordable plastic/ceramic composite designed by Marrson
Electronics. It has been on the market for a little more than a year and Stecker PC: Good overall stats, except the malfunction number is a lit-
has brought good reviews. Utilizes a plastic energy pack. tle low.

Vector 1: The Vector Corporation claimed to be the only company to

produce a plasma pulse system with an effective range beyond 350m.
That’s not true anymore, but this is still a quality weapon. The pulse is
less powerful than most, due to different “bottle” technology employed.
The Vector 1’s shock value is heavy enough for assassination attempts.

Vector 3: Multiple improvements were made on the Vector 1. The

Plasma Dealer: It “deals” it out with fury! This weapon doesn’t have Vector 3 has better malfunction and system shock numbers.
heavy single shot damage statistics, but has an exceptional rate of fire.
Clip-fed, plastic/ceramic composite. Vector 4 “Power Vector”: What difference does it make if the enemy
has a Terminator when you can pick ‘em off long before he gets into
Plasma Precision: New and available at gun dealers everywhere!!! The range? The Vector 4 can engage targets at 800m and still do a reason-
most accurate long range plasma weapon on the market. Vector claims able amount of damage.
that this weapon is a modified copy of the Vector 4. RKM’s response is
that if it has been modified then it ain’t the same. The damage is mar- Vector 5: Vector Corp’s answer to Ramcor’s M-80. The Vector 5 is a
ginal. It is a plastic/ceramic composite. superb weapon utilizing the tried-and-true Vector pulse engineering.

PT-1 Plasma Thrower: This unique device features a plasma cannon Vector X: The longest range Pulse Cannon on the market can also deal
with continuous tank feed. The weapon fires a conical stream of plasma out a serious amount of foot in ass. Wax those Omega toting scum
out to 35m. It does 4d4 points of damage per second and can be fired before they are ever in range. Plastic/ceramic composite.
continuously for up to 5 seconds without risking barrel melt down. For
each second of penetration, 12 points of armor integrity are lost. The
unit comes complete with an ML-50 pump action grenade launchers.

RKM-Showtime: No one wants to screw up when you’re on prime

time. So the RKM fielded their latest medium range plasma weapon.




Able Heat 160 4-5 C 17,000 BC-Apocalypse 600 6-7 VR 16.0M
BC-PlasmaNova 20 4-5 R 47,000 Cataclysm War Gun 150 6-7 R 11.0M
BC-Thumper 80 4-5 R 6,000 Climax 5,400 5-6 R 2.25M
Plasmatix 50 4-5 R 22,500 Valley Green Hvy. Cannon 850 5-6 UC 2.0M
Popgun 40 4 UC 2,000 Valley Red Hvy. Cannon 850 5-6 R 4.5M
Wicked Crimson 300 6-7 R 11.0M
“Mom and Pop’s Bargain Basement Store is open 30 hours ‘round the
clock. Whatever you need, just stop on in and get it. Mom and Pop’s guar- Pulse Automatic Weapons (PAWS) are designed as close support sys-
antees to provide you with the most firepower for the money.” Bargain tems, much like the machinegun, which are deadly at short range. PAWS
Basement pulse cannons don’t come with anti-grav systems and are made are very expensive pieces of machinery and thus usually restricted to
out of cheap alloys. In other words, they are heavy and tend to explode military groups or high-octane para-military combat units. Many have
when they malfunction. If that doesn’t scare you then nothing will, so stop built-in Flux shield generators to protect the operator. They are two-
on over and pick up a couple, you moron! You get what you pay for. man portable, and require Pulse Gunnery skill. PAWS cannot be fired in
single shot mode. They receive no penalty for automatic fire. Note:
Able Heat: It isn’t actually that bad, considering all the other worthless PAWS are crew-served weapons and are intended to be fired from a
pieces of crap in its class. It fires three times per second and has very secured mount. Firing one as a hand weapon incurs a -80 to hit, and
good range. Often found at garage sales. the first shot will knock the user over (even Rams!). This can be miti-
gated by firing the weapon from the prone position; in this case, there
BC-PlasmaNova: Thought by many to be a cruel joke, this piece of is a –40 to hit penalty.
crap nevertheless puts out a ridiculous amount of damage for the price.
Its massive muzzle explains how it uses up a quarter of its ammo with BC-Apocalypse: The Balshrom Apocalypse is set in place long before
a single shot. The terrible range is due to the plasma bottles inability to an engagement. It requires 45 minutes to set up, primarily because the
maintain its coherence over such a huge amount of plasma. base plate has to be anchored into the ground. It has a 7HP Flux shield,
25% ECM, and thermal dampener. Reduces Integrity by 12 per hit.
BC-Thumper: Another ultra-cheap pulse cannon. However, this one
looks neat. It has gadgets and useless thinga-ma-bobs sticking out every-
where. The malfunction number is bad, but the system shock is worse.
If you don’t drop it, you’ll be OK, but when she explodes watch out.

Plasmatix: Prone to radiation leaks (02% per shot. Make a successful

Radiation SMR or take 2d6 points worth of damage, 1/2 with success-
ful save). Many planets have banned this weapon. The damage yield is,
however, quite significant.

Cataclysm War Gun: Produced by Able Corporation. Another gattling

configuration Pulse Automatic Weapon with fierce firepower at short to
medium range. The Cataclysm gives up some cyclic rate of fire for larg-
er and more powerful plasma pulses. It maintains a 7 HP Flux shield for
the gunner, 10% ECM, and thermal dampener. Setup Time: 9 minutes.

Popgun: Produces a marginal amount of plasma. But then again, it Climax: Another product of the Electronics Amalgamation. The
doesn’t cost much either. Amalgamation is trying to increase its prestige by only fielding high-dam-
age yield weapons. They do good work! The weapon is sound overall,
but the system shock number could be better. Setup Time: 8 minutes.

Valley Green Heavy Cannon: Two men carry this weapon into a com-
bat zone where it is assembled. This requires 1d4+4 minutes. Once
assembled, only one man needs to remain to operate it. Standard pro-
tocol is for both to remain. The first person is called the “Dead Man.”
Reason: Once the enemy locates the Valley Green, he generally expends



ridiculous amounts of firepower to knock it out of action. The second volume of smaller plasma pulses into the target in much less time. The
man continues to engage enemy targets. The Valley Green Heavy cannon concept is simple, but the execution has taken years to perfect. The
has 40 (integrity) points of titanium steel armor, so its chances of sur- smaller magnetic generators originally limited the range of the pulses
vival are reasonable, but yours aren’t!!! to an unacceptable 30m. This problem has since been overcome, and
pulse blasters enjoy much the same ranges as standard pulse cannons.
Valley Red Heavy Cannon: An advancement on the Valley Green Pulse blasters are recharged at the same 20cr per shot as pulse can-
Heavy cannon, this weapon has a faster rate of fire and maintains a 2HP nons (you’d think it would be less, as each shot uses less plasma, but
Flux shield with a 2m radius. Setup Time: 10 minutes. the mega-corps know most mercs aren’t bright enough to figure that
out, and they’re taking advantage of that).
The pulses of pulse blasters are smaller than those of pulse can-
nons, thus reducing armor integrity by 4 per shot rather than 8.
Cost-Effectiveness: The newest toy on the market for low-level engagements.
Pulse blasters are designed for much the same sort of combat that archaic
powder weapons are used for. But they are much more expensive, and the
question arises: why not just stick with APWs? One, pulse blasters tear up
armor much better than APWs. Two, they’re slick-looking and new, and some
Wicked Crimson: This close support weapon fires so much plasma in mega-corps feel they project a better image for the corporate merc to carry
a second that an observer once said “It looks like wicked crimson!” something more ‘high tech’. Three, they make a really cool sound when fired,
Hence the name. Wicked Crimson has the penetration factor to engage sort of like a thrash metal drummer on a double-bass. There is a downside,
light armor (tanks). It is a gattling configuration, automatic recoilless though. As mentioned, the price tag needs to be considered, but so does the
cannon with a 5 HP Flux shield, 20% thermal dampener, and improved range. Most APWs will easily outdistance your average pulse blaster, and are
camouflage generator (-70 on detection rolls). The Flux shield covers lighter to boot. Take your pick—they both have their uses.
the gunner only. This unit can sustain full automatic fire for no more
than 50 seconds before expending its 1,000 shot energy pack. Wicked
Crimson requires 10 minutes to setup. It is a Balshrom Science Handsaw: A great concept. Pack a pulse blaster into a receiver about
Corporation product (who else?). the size of an APW machine-pistol. Jack the rate of fire up, and watch the
plasma fly. Problems? The size of the gun means the magazines are also
small. And when you’ve got a rate of fire like this little monster, you
PULSE—PULSE BLASTERS PG. 30 spend a lot of time reloading. Oh, and don’t try to hit anything past range
bracket 3. The miniaturized magnetic generators don’t produce a mag-
netic bottle that will last past 25 meters. The malfunction number is low,
Handsaw 25 4-6 UC 22,000
too. Still, the Handsaw is easily concealed under a trench coat, and can
M-20GX Blaster 100 4-6 C 10,000
be a nice big surprise for the guy on the other end. You can shoot the
Marathon 200 4-6 UC 30,000
armor completely off someone in one fire segment. Magazine-fed.
Shockforce 200 4-6 UC 21,000
Spartan 200 4-6 R 65,000
Stecker Quad 140 4-6 UC 20,000
Velocity 180 4-6 UC 45,000


Mega-Corporations are concerned about the welfare of their corporate
mercs. After all, including training, transport, housing, and the like, you
guys are a big investment. Somewhere along the way, some ineffectual
middle-management jerk realized that the majority of the combat most M-20GX Blaster: Built out of the popular M20 Blaster pulse cannon,
mercs see is not against heavily armored mercs from competing cor- the GX was one of the first working pulse blasters. Slightly better accu-
porations, Arachnid shock troops, and the like. Statistically, the most racy at mid-ranges than the M20, and the redesign of the gun allowed
common enemies by far are lightly armored sentients or hostile fauna. for some improvements to the system shock number. The smaller puls-
In these situations, pulse cannons and omega weapons are overkill. es mean that the GX can hold the same number of shots as the M20
Some committee of similar middle-management twinkies decided that while utilizing a magazine instead of a backpack.
the best answer to this problem was for mercs to be able to pour mas-
sive amounts of firepower downrange, without the price tags associat- Marathon: A pulse blaster that can go the distance. Designed for
ed with the more powerful mega-weapons. The solution? Pulse Blasters. extended low-intensity situations, the Marathon is the first backpack-
The concept behind the pulse blaster is a simple one: utilize a fed pulse blaster. Manufactured by Balshrom Science, the word here is
smaller magnetic generator with a faster recycle time to send a higher reliability. They sacrificed a bit of cyclic rate for a more stable design,



leading to fewer malfunctions, and lowered the damage yield in return

for better accuracy at longer ranges. Not a bad buy. Pack-fed.
Shockforce: An entirely new weapon, designed from the ground up as Bull Master 40 5-6 R 30,000
a pulse blaster. The damage yield is a bit lower than the others, but the Core 60 5 UC 18,000
rate of fire is quite good. If you don’t need to punch through heavy MX-D 90 5 R 22,000
armor, there are few ways of tossing this much plasma downrange that Plasma Pistol 45 5 R 20,000
are as good as the Shockforce. The manufacturers intentionally made
Wax’em Gun 40 5-6 VR 275,000
this weapon louder for intimidation purposes. Magazine-fed.
Bull Master: Utilizes a special variable discharge configuration. The
Spartan: Balshrom never likes to be outdone. If you thought 45 large damage produced does 2d6, 3d6, and 4d6 points of damage, using up
was too much to give Marrson for a weapon that barely stands a chance 1, 2 and 5 charges respectively.
against heavy armor, try laying down the 65,000 Balshrom is asking for
the Spartan. It’s a good weapon, alright. It has the range, firepower, and Core: Commonly recognized by its gold plated grips. The Core weapon
accuracy to outdo all the other pulse blasters currently in production. can stop a Ram Python in its tracks. Isn’t that what life is all about?
But you’re going to need to sell internal organs to afford it. Still, the Punking your Ram before he punks you.
Spartan will make mincemeat out of anything less than heavy armor.
Due out in stores Monday! Magazine-fed. MX-D: Trades damage yield for range and accuracy. Watch out for the
limited shots. Best used in low intensity combat situations.

Plasma Pistol: The Plasma Pistol is the only multiple shot per second sta-
tic weapon. Its 15 shot magazine is also the largest for any weapon in its
class. The barrel is long and is easily defined by its side load magazine feed.

Wax’em Gun: It is designed to do just that, wax things that get too
close. This urban guerrilla weapon has a pistol grip configuration and
Stecker Quad: Built out of the Stecker PC pulse cannon. They’ve man- a snub nosed barrel, making the unit only 60cm long. SWEEEET!!!
aged to double the rate of fire, while keeping the accuracy almost iden-
tical. The design flaw leading to the low malfunction number is still
there, however. Magazine-fed.

Velocity: In spite of its name, a lower rate of fire, higher damage yield
pulse blaster. This is a big boy, about the size of an APW M-60 machine
gun, and it utilizes magazines rather than energy packs in order to
reduce encumbrance. The damage yield is up there, although still not
really near the average pulse cannon. This is a lot of cabbage to lay
down for a low-intensity weapon. The Velocity just hit the market, and
Marrson Optics, the manufacturer, is nervously awaiting sales reports.


Static Pistols are simply smallish pulse weapons which require no back-
pack. They are clip-fed, pistol-sized weapons that are large and some-
what heavy. Static weapons have limited charges. They do however, gen-
erate formidable firepower that can be concealed beneath a coat. These
weapons have long barreled pistol configurations. Otherwise, static pis-
tols follow the same constraints as normal pulse cannons.
These weapons generate a powerful kick. Anyone with a Strength
below 90, or smaller than size class 7, attempting to fire one of these
weapons one-handed must make a Manual Dexterity check at –40; failure
indicates that the weapon has been dropped subsequent to firing. Persons
with a Strength below 60 must make this check every time the weapon is
fired, even if both hands are used! A successful check indicates that the
user has held onto the weapon, but must re-aim after each shot anyhow.



Taser: Also known as the stun gun. It fires a small needle, charged with
20,000 volts of electricity. Victims must make an SMR vs. electrical
TYPE ER TL AV COST attacks or be immediately knocked unconscious. The Taser has one
Rock-it var 4-6 R 3,200 major flaw: It has a maximum range of 7m. If you like splattering
Shrink Gun 25 4-5 R 475 Mazians, this is the weapon for you! After all, it does 2d4 damage to
Sonic Disruptor 35 3-4 R 9,000 their globular masses. Ineffective against targets in armor.
Taser 7 3 UC 1,000

Rock-it: This weapon looks like a goofy, over-sized assault rifle. The
Rock-it’s large magazine is meant to be loaded up with the arm rockets
of your choice which are then fired through the over-sized “barrel.”
Rockets are loaded into the firing chamber via a clunky lever action.
This thing is a blast to use though. Uses Direct Fire skill.
BC-Comet 1,700 6 VR 1.2M
Bourgeoisie 400 5-6 UC 180,000
Finite 50 5-6 VC 80,000
Focus 320 5 UC 20,000
Micrometron 1,000 5-6 VR 220,000
Mison 1,900 6 R 550,000
Peashooter 25 5-6 R 120,000
Scanner 1,500 6 R 400,000
Shrink Gun: A grappling gun firing a Shrink Net (see Lock-N-Load:
Armor, Equipment, and Cybernetics). The net entangles the victim on
a successful hit (max size class 8; Strength check at -60 to break free). THERMATICS
Additional nets cost 400cr and are encumbrance 4. Reloading takes 15 Though Thermatics originally functioned as primitive “heat rays”, con-
seconds. Uses Direct Fire skill. tinuous development has allowed them to assume a prominent position
in the arms race. Thermatics were originally developed by the
Sonic Disruptor: Resembles a pistol, but the end of the barrel is of a Aeodronian race for use against other Aeodronians. The weapon was
conical configuration. This device fires an ultra-sonic pulse. The follow- designed to exploit Aeodronian’s limited resistance to heat. However,
ing table designates the amount and type of damage that an individual even against the Aeodronians Thermatics were considered siege
receives in the event of a sonic attack. Roll an SMR vs. sonic attacks; the weapons because of the amount of time it took them to affect their tar-
difference between the roll and the SMR is cross referenced below. Each get. That was until the Shuestrons got a hold of a primitive Thermatic,
consecutive hit with a sonic disruptor reduces the target’s SMR by 5, to and modified it into the devastatingly effective weapon it is today.
a maximum penalty of -50. This penalty is eliminated when the target Utilizing state-of-the-art, patented Shuestron technology, modern
goes 10 seconds without being hit by any sonic attacks. Success means Thermatics are capable of cooking any target in short order, regardless
only a sharp ringing in your ears. If you fail, consult the table below: of their species.
ROLL RESULT Thermatics are a rarity among modern battlefield weapon systems
01-10 Disorientation: -20 to all skills. d4 minutes. because they are “continuous effect” weapons. When a Thermatic hits
11-20 Temporarily deaf: d4 minutes. a target, that target is superheated, and continues to cook for several
21-30 Disorientation: -40 to all skills. d4 minutes. seconds after the initial hit as it cools. The weapon does its listed dam-
31-40 Stunned: unable to act 3d4 seconds. age directly to the target’s absorption or body points, ignoring thresh-
41-50 Stunned: unable to act d4 minutes. old on the initial hit. For the next 3 segments (1 segment = 1 second)
51-60 Stunned: unable to act 3d4 minutes. after the initial hit the Thermatic’s damage is reduced by 50% and reap-
61-70 Unconscious for d4 hours. plied to the same location.
71-75 Permanent Deafness.
For example, let’s assume a target is struck by a Thermatic that does
6 points of damage to the abdomen on the first hit. That damage bypass-
76-80 Hemorrhaging: Take d4+1 damage.
es the Threshold of the target’s armor and goes straight to the armor
81-85 Brain Damage: Lose 2d10 I.Q. for 2d4 hours.
Absorption. If the target did not have armor the damage would go
86-90 Brain Damage: Lose 2d4 I.Q. permanently.
straight to the target’s body points—Ouch. During the next segment
91-95 Coma: Lose 2d10 I.Q. permanently, and die in 2d3 minutes.
another 3 points of damage are applied to the armor Absorption at the
96+ DEATH: Brain is mushed and oozing out your ears.



same location, in this case, the abdomen. On the third segment 2 more BC-Comet: Of course the Balshrom Science Corporation is trying to
points of damage (3 / 2 = 1.5 points, rounded to 2) are applied to the hoodwink the public into buying this white elephant. This weapon sys-
Absorption in the torso. Finally, during the fourth segment 1 point of tem is the most powerful of its kind. The additional damage yield isn’t
damage is applied to the Absorption in the torso. Remember, when significant enough to justify the purchase, unless you intend to have
struck by a Thermatic the target suffers the weapon’s listed damage for broiled Ram Python for dinner. (What a terrible thought!) The BC
the initial hit in addition to damage for the next three segments after- Comet comes with a built-in tripod for long-range engagement. Vehicle
wards, for a total of four segments of continuous damage. mounts available.
Consecutive Thermatic attacks that strike the same area add their
initial damage to the current total of Thermatic damage being applied to Bourgeoisie: The Bourgeoisie is just what its name implies, the mid-
the area during that segment. In this case the Thermatic damage lasts for dle class in Thermatic carbines. It is cost effective and it works well. All
three seconds after the last successful attack. So going back to our exam- stats are reasonable and Able Corporation offers it with a 2 year guar-
ple, the target gets hit in the abdomen for 6 points of damage. On the antee on labor.
second segment the target gets hit again by another Thermatic attack in
the abdomen. This second attack does 5 points of damage. This means
that during the second segment the target actually takes eight points of
damage (3 for the initial hit + 5 for the new hit = 8 points). Remember,
that Thermatic damage always lasts for three seconds after the last suc-
cessful attack. So this new total of 8 points will continue to decrease by
50% increments for the next three segments after the FINAL hit. As a
result, on the third segment the target will suffer 4 points of damage,
then 2 points on the fourth segment, and finally 1 point of damage on the Finite: The Finite Thermatic is a powerful device within the confines of its
fifth segment. If the target had only been struck once by a Thermatic you limited range. The most alluring aspect of this weapon is that recharges
would stop applying damage on the fourth segment, but since the target are extremely cheap (5cr/charge) and are available everywhere.
was struck again on the second segment you always count three seg-
ments (seconds) from the last successful attack. Focus: A product of the Able Corporation. The Focus Thermatic has
acceptable overall stats for a weapon in its price range, but has mar-
Example Summary ginal damage yield. The energy clip for this weapon has been known to
Second 1: 6 points (Initial hit) explode from time to time. Subsequent to unit malfunction, roll per-
Second 2: 3 pts (continuous damage from initial hit) + 5 pts. centile dice. A result of 98 or higher indicates that the weapon has
(second hit) = 8pts (new total) exploded and the wielder takes 4d6 points of explosive damage.
Second 3: 4 pts.
Second 4: 2 pts.
Second 5: 1 pt

Cost Effectiveness: Thermatics: We like to call Thermatics the Chef’s weapon

because chefs just love cooking things! You can watch as your enemy begins to
heat up, smolder and finally burn. Thermatics can be employed at long range
with deadly accuracy. The actual beam emitted by a Thermatic is invisible to Micrometron: We consider this to be one of the Balshrom
the naked eye, though it is detectable using IR optics because it heats the air Corporation’s best buys. It packs a serious punch and has excellent
along the path of the beam. So why doesn’t everyone own one? Look at the specs. The Micrometron produces a high enough damage yield to get
the job done. The problem is that it is difficult to find this weapon
price tag on Thermatics and reconsider. Also, Thermatics aren’t known for their
because it is in high demand and low supply.
ability to take system shock very well. You could have a Ram Python fall on
you and . . . there goes a quarter of a million credits. By the way, “Ram Mison: Nicknamed the Pressure Cooker. The Able Mison is a high fre-
Pythons falling on you” happens more than you know. It is a closet syndrome quency Thermatic cannon designed to engage hardened targets. It
people are reluctant to talk about, and only one out of every 3 cases of Ram comes with a built-in tripod for long-range operations. The Galactic
Python squishings are ever reported. Marines are currently contemplating purchasing this weapon.
Expensive, but worth every penny.

TACTICS TO PRACTICE Peashooter: Check out the system shock number then move on to the
next aisle!
Thermatics: Useful as a stand-off weapon, Thermatics should use their long
range to soften up targets with a high Threshold. Since they are fairly accu- Scanner: This is another product of Marrson Electronics, a subsidiary
rate, a character with a high skill level can use these to make destructive of Marrson Optics. The scanner is high-powered but the system shock
headshots on armored targets; remember, they ignore Threshold. number is horrible. Chancy at best.




Thunderbolt Generators: Mercs love these because they are so simple. There
Arc Thrower 35 6-7 VR 1.25M
aren’t a whole lot of tricks to remember when you’re shooting a lightning
BC-Lightning 110 6 UC 110,000
bolt at someone. Buy one, and go have some fun! As with all electricity-
BC-Zap Gun 40 5-6 R 20,000
based weapons, keep in mind that while T-bolt generators don’t affect plas-
Coulomb 40 6 R 95,000
tic or ceramic armor, they certainly do affect metal armor options. Frying
Extra Crispy 65 6 VR 375,000
someone’s 325,000cr X-tra Heavy Belt can be almost as much fun as frying
Marsson Thunderbolt 65 5-6 R 45,000
their armor, particularly if they’re loaded down with gear.
Marsson Thunderclap 65 5-6 C 25,000
Maximus 70 6-7 VR 500,000
Slagger 90 6 R 200,000 Arc Thrower: The Marrson Arc Thrower is designed to engage multi-
VG-4 22 5-6 UC 15,000 ple targets at short range, simultaneously. It fires a series of electrical
discharges spread over a 5m area. The firer merely aims at a central tar-
get. Anything within 2m on either side of him risks being hit. One hit
THUNDERBOLT GENERATORS result indicates that all targets within the area have been struck with 2d4
bolts which do 2d12 points of damage each! Many call the Arc Thrower
Thunderbolt generators are another name for Arc Throwers. Again, like
Orange Crush because of the eerie orange bolts that are discharged.
many weapon systems, the knowledge required to produce such
weapons has been around for centuries. It has only been in the last 20
BC-Lightning: It has the longest range of any arc thrower. This
years that the technology needed to produce light weight combat sys-
Balshrom Science Corporation product is excellent, except for the mar-
tems has become available. The lightning bolt released is powerful
ginal malfunction and system shock numbers. It also has a fair damage
enough to kill a Human instantly, but has limited range. Thunderbolt
yield. Replacement parts for the BC-Lightning cost only 50% of the
generators are quite heavy and have slow rates of fire. However, these
norm. (Sell you a piece of junk then lure you in with the fact that it
weapon systems are very useful when employed against personnel as
doesn’t cost much to fix!)
well as body armor. Most defense suits are affected by large doses of
electricity and overloaded armor suits shut down, leaving the owner
vulnerable to hostile fire. Thunderbolt generators can be employed to
knock out heavy armor in short order, without completely destroying
the armor itself. The amount of damage done when applied to armor or
weapons is figured as with EMP cannons. The armor must make an
SS/SMR at a penalty equal to the amount of damage done by the
weapon. Failure indicates that the section hit has shut down. Arc
Throwers are considered energy weapons.
BC-Zap Gun: It has a higher rate of fire than the VG-4, but at the cost
Note: Be careful. Any person wearing metal armor within 2m of the
of a fixed output yield. It has better range and is priced slightly higher.
operator, risks being hit by the discharging weapon. A field suppression
The Zap Gun has built-in features that prohibit explosion in the event of
grid prevents the operator himself from being struck. The energy packs
malfunction. This weapon is short, only 45cm long. It can be concealed
are relatively cheap to recharge, only 2cr per shot. Mrs. Fusion works
under a long coat and is a favorite of urban guerrillas.
well with this system.
Thunderbolt Generators don’t do any damage to ceramic armors
Coulomb: It was designed with Ram Pythons in mind, both as target and
and do normal tissue damage otherwise. All damage is considered
operator. The Coulomb (or White Lightning as it is called) fires a spread
translational (i.e. is unaffected by threshold, passing straight through to
of lightning bolts from a conical muzzle. It has limited range, but can
absorption). Critical hits from a Thunderbolt Generator have any bleed-
atomize your average Ram in 1 shot. The Coulomb carries a special fea-
ing effects nullified because of the cauterized wound.
ture called the Power Station. The user can generate a bolt that does
Cost Effectiveness: “Lightning guns” are another short-range weapon used to 2d8x10 points of damage. The Power Station feature uses up the entire
affect armor as well as weapons simultaneously. Thunderbolt generators are energy pack (i.e. 10 charges). Furthermore, there is a 05% chance that
most effective when employed against heavy armor. Heavy armor utilizes elec- the weapon will explode, doing (8d10x4) points of damage to the user.
trical servos to facilitate movement, due to their natural bulk and weight. The Power Station is usually a last choice option.
Thunderbolt generators do translational damage (ignore threshold) and all
heavy armors must make an SMR vs. Electricity or face a critical hit to their
drive systems. It is assumed that only the systems in the specific section of the
armor are affected. Consequently, thunderbolt generators are as effective
against armor options and weapons as they are against armor. Range and
weight are the major problems when opting to carry these weapons. They are
fairly cost-effective and one of my favorites.



Extra Crispy: If you like your enemy extra crispy, then give’em a blast There are four basic viscosities of glue; the first costs 200cr per
of this thunderbolt generator. Uumm.. Uumm.. Smells good! shot. It can be broken by making a Strength check at a -30, but has a
50% chance of splatter. The second is the standard glue round which
Marrson Thunderbolt: The Thunderbolt is an improved version of the costs 350 per shot and has a 40% splatter, requiring a Strength check
Thunderclap. There are some differences though. This weapon is at a -50 to break. The third costs 500cr per shot and has a 30% chance
designed for up close engagements. It only fires out to 50m, where it does to splatter, but requires a Strength check at a -75 to break. Fourth: Ram
formidable damage. The Thunderbolt has been known to short out when Glue costs 1,000cr per shot and doesn’t splatter but requires a -100
it malfunctions (05% chance, doing double damage to the operator). Strength check to break. A special solvent can be poured over a strand,
dissolving it in 2d6 seconds. The solvent costs 2,000cr for a 10 dosage
Marrson Thunderclap: This weapon can be heard for up to one km bottle. All web generators have interchangeable magazine drums (2 full
away. The Marrson Thunderclap is acceptable. Nothing else is particu- actions to change).
larly special about this weapon. A sound suppressor can be bought for Once a hit has been rolled, roll to determine if there is a splatter.
another 7000cr. Then roll for the appropriate location and consult the table below to
determine the effects. If a splatter occurs, roll 1d4 possible locations as
Maximus: You just feel BAD carrying this monster around! You will determined by the table hit location.
even gain the respect of a Ram Python if you are packing a Maximus. Note: A section can be bound to another section by more than one
(It doesn’t mean that he won’t try to rip your head off if you upset him, strand. The effects are cumulative. Furthermore, multiple splatters
it just means that he will respect you when he does it.) Maximus means increase the strength check. Battle Masters will adjudicate such situa-
just that. Maximum damage. All women want a man with a Maximus. tions to determine the outcome. If a no effect is rolled for a splatter,
then ignore the roll and assume that it did not splatter and continue on
to the next roll.
Note: Web generators have no effect on targets covered by a Flux
shield. It goops off harmlessly.


Web Generators: These weapons get no love. Go ask your favorite Zen
Slagger: Slags armor and weapons... and your enemies too. how extremely handy web generators can be. Sticking someone’s hand to
their faceplate can certainly make their side of the fight
VG-4: A product of the Marrson Optics Corporation. Stands for variable
interesting…actually, it makes it entertaining from your perspective,
discharge generator. The output bolt does 1d8 or 2d6 points of dam-
too. And, like many weapons, there are a number of ways to utilize them
age, using up 1 and 2 charges respectively. This weapon has a horrible
system shock and a low rate of fire, but is quite cheap. more effectively than just ‘point and pull the trigger’. The best all-around
suggestion is to alternate glue rounds in your magazine. Ideally, you
want to hit your target with a high-strength round first. It won’t splatter
WEB GENERATORS PG. 31 as much, if at all, but if you aim for the leg or head, you stand a good
chance of severely limiting his mobility. Then it’s easier to hit with the
Able Flow 65 4-6 UC 12,000
next shot, a lower strength round that will splatter more, limiting the
Goop Gun 55 3-4 R 1,000
movement of more of his body. The head or leg (whatever you didn’t
Splatter Cannon 60 4-5 UC 4,000
shoot first) or the gun arm/tentacle is a good choice. Keep your options
Web Thrower 110 4-5 C 4,000
open, however, and be creative. See that guy setting the timer on his
grenade? Shoot his hand before he can throw it. If your enemy runs out
of ammo, shoot his gun before he can reload. If you want to play dirty,
WEB GENERATORS stick the enemy medic to his next patient for a while, and hear the panic
Web generators are another innovative proposal for engaging modern in the voice of the next guy who gets wounded. Shoot that Eridani’s
battlefield armor systems. The most alluring aspect to the weapon is sword in its scabbard, then let your Ram charge into melee combat. If
their relative cheapness when compared to other systems. Web genera- you stop and think like an Orion for a while, I’m sure you’ll come up
tors fire an ultra-fast drying glue composite that hardens in microsec- with some good uses on your own.
onds when exposed to air (consequently they are useless in a vacuum).
They are fired from the hip and are effective at immobilizing enemy per-
sonnel without destroying armor or weapons. Web generators look like
funky grenade launchers, possessing a wide muzzle aperture. There is
no significant damage yield. That isn’t what the weapon is designed to
do. It makes things stick together. A normal attack roll is made. When
the glob strikes the target, it splatters over the body.



Able Flow: Can fire a continuous stream of glue for up to 5 seconds. Chest Results
Treat this as full auto fire for 5 half-actions, with no penalties. The Able 01-10 Chest fuses to upper arm -1d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -1d10
Flow Weapon can only use the lowest viscosity glue. Agility.
11-30 Chest fuses to abdomen, -1d6x10 Agility.
31-40 Chest fuses to lower arm, -2d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -1d10
41-50 Chest fuses to face, -2d6x10 Agility, 1d10x10% blindness.
51-55 Chest fuses to upper leg, -2d6x10 Agility, -2d4x10 Manual
56-100 No Effect.
Goop Gun: Has a low MN and is known to leak, causing glue hardening.
Abdominal Effects
Splatter Gun: This weapon fires double the normal amount of glue per 01-05 Abdomen fuses to waist section, -1d4x10 Agility, 1d4+1 waist
second. A hit automatically indicates that there is a splatter. Roll d3 ran- belt items fused in position.
dom locations. 06-40 Abdomen fuses to thigh, -1d8x10 Agility, -4d6 Manual
Web Thrower: Has the longest range of all the web generators. Watch 41-60 Abdomen fuses to lower arm, -2d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -
out for the marginal system shock number. d10 Agility.
61-80 Abdomen fuses to hand, -2d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -4d6
SPLATTER EFFECTS 81-100 No Effect.
Hand Results
01-40 Hand fused in current position, -2d6x10 Manual Dexterity. Leg Results
41-65 Hand fused to thigh, -1d6x10 Agility, hand is non-functional. 01-10 Fuses legs to ground, -2d6x10 Agility.
66-90 Hand fused to abdomen, -2d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -4d6 11-15 Fuses legs together below knees, -4d4x10 Agility.
Agility. 16-25 Fuses legs together at thighs, -2d6x10 Agility.
91-98 Hand fused to chest, -2d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -4d6Agility. 26-27 Fuses knee joint, -d6x10 Agility.
99-100 No Effect. 28-30 Fuses knee joint to knee joint, -4d4x10 Agility.
31-40 Fuse thigh to chest. –-2d4x10 Agility, -4d6 Manual Dexterity.
41-55 Fuses thigh to abdomen, -d8x10 Agility, -4d6 Manual
Lower Arm Results
01-05 Lower arm fused to hand, -10 to -40 Manual Dexterity. 56-66 Fuses thigh to hand, -d6x10 Agility, hand is nonfunctional.
06-35 Lower arm fused to abdomen, -20 to -120 Manual Dexterity, 67-75 Fuses thigh to lower arm, -d4x10 Agility, hand immobilized.
-1-10 Agility. 76-100 No Effect.
36-45 Lower arm fused to upper arm, -10 to -60 Manual Dexterity.
46-70 Lower arm fused to chest, -20 to -120 Manual Dexterity, -1-
10 Agility. Head Results
71-95 Lower arm fuses to thigh, -10 to -40 Agility. Hand immobi- 01-15 25% covers face plate. -25 Vision Modifier.
lized. 16-35 50% covers face plate. -50 Vision Modifier.
96-100 No Effect. 36-50 75% covers face plate. -75 Vision Modifier.
51-70 100% covers face plate and sticks to chest. -100 Vision
Modifier, -30 Agility
Upper Arm Results
71-80 Neck fused to chest, head immobilized. -40 Agility.
1-60 Upper arm fused to chest, -d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -1d10 81-90 Face fused to chest. –-50 Vision Modifier, -50 Agility.
Agility. 91-100 No Effect.
61-70 Upper arm fused to lower arm, -d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -1d6
Agility. Note: Any hit to the hand fuses the hand in that position. If a
71-85 Upper arm fused to abdomen, -d6x10 Manual Dexterity, -1d10 weapon is in the hand, then it is fused in place.
Agility. Note: External armor options are vulnerable to the effects of glue.
86-95 Upper arm fused to face, -2d4x10 Manual Dexterity, -1d4x10
Agility. 1d10x10% Blindness.
96-100 No Effect.



Bipod: Helps to stabilize the weapon, adding a +07 to all attack rolls
ACCESSORIES AND MUNITIONS (assuming the weapon is resting on something stable).
This section details the various accessories and munitions for many of
the weapon systems detailed previously. Bow Sight: This computerized device greatly enhances the ability of the
Note: Not all items have descriptions. bowman to target prey. It adds a +20 modifier to all attacks within
Note: The description headers include the page number where the range brackets 3-5.
weapon system for the ammo in question can be found.
Flash Suppressor: Reduces the flash of an Archaic Powder Weapon
when it is discharged.
Folding Stock: Replaces the shoulder stock on APWs with a lighter
folding model. Reduces Encumbrance by 20% (round up). Folding
10x-power Scope 2-4 UC 1,200
stocks for energy weapons cost 20% of the price of the weapon since
2x-power Scope 2-4 C 300 vital systems contained in the stock need to be rearranged.
3x-power Scope 2-4 C 500
6x-power Scope 2-4 C 800 High-Tech Cleaning Kit: Keep your tools in top shape with this kit.
Archaic Powder Cleaning Kit 2-3 VC 25 Optional Rule: For every 600 shots fired through an energy weapon the
Bayonet Mount 2-4 C 40 MN is reduced by 05 (cumulative effect). Using the cleaning kit after fir-
Bipod 2-6 P 55 ing eliminates this penalty.
Bow Sight 1-3 R 150
Flash Suppressor 2-4 UC 10 Infrared Imagery: All living objects radiate heat energy. Thermal
Folding Stock 2-4 VC spec. imagery detects the difference in temperatures between objects. Cold
High Tech Cleaning Kit 4-6 R 350 objects appear black, while warm objects stand out as a bright red.
Infrared Imagery 4-6 UC 500
Eliminates darkness penalty.
Laser Sight 3-5 UC 150
Laser Sight: A small laser aligned with the weapons barrel creates a
Red Dot Sight 3-5 UC 200
spot on a target indicating where the shot will hit. Adds a +10 to hit at
Silencer 3-4 C 300
range bracket 5 or less. It’s great for intimidation too but will give your
Silencer (adapt) 4-6 R 1,000 position away in the slightest bit of smoke or fog.
Silencer (Omega) 6-7 VR 14,000
Silencer (plasma) 5-7 VR 10,000 Red Dot Sight: Electronic sight that provides a better sight picture
Sling 1-4 P 30 than ordinary sights. Reduces snap-shot penalty to -30. Sight can be
Speed Loader 3-4 C 80 seen by others in darkness though (-50 Vision penalty to spot).
Starlight Scope 3-5 UC 3,000
Tripod 3-6 C 20 Silencer: Dampens the noise signature of a discharging Archaic
Powder Pistol. Silenced weapons cannot normally be detected beyond
ACCESSORIES 7m. Silencers for rifle ammo (7.62, 5.56) cost twice as much and have
twice the encumbrance. The flash is also suppressed.
2x Power Scope: Adds +15 to attack rolls and sighting attempts at
range brackets 3-5. Silencer (adapt): Removable silencer that is designed to fit almost all
archaic powder rifles and submachine guns (up to 7.62mm).
3x Power Scope: Adds a +15 modifier to attack rolls and sighting
attempts at range bracket 3-6. Minimum Range: Bracket 2. Silencer (Omega): An expensive device that generates a sonic sup-
pression field that reduces the noise yield when an Omega cannon is
6x Power Scope: Adds a +20 modifier to attack rolls and sighting fired. The silencer is attached to the barrel.
attempts at range brackets 4-7. Minimum Range: Bracket 4.
Silencer (plasma): Significantly reduces the report of a pulse cannon.
10x Power Scope: Adds a +20 modifier to attack rolls and sighting Subtract one point from the damage roll when calculating damage. The
attempts at range brackets 4-8. Minimum Range: Bracket 4. silencer is cone shaped and increases the length of the weapon by 15cm.

Archaic Powder Cleaning Kit: Keep your tools in top shape with this Sling: A strap to allow you to carry a weapon over your shoulder. Slings
kit. Optional Rule: For every 100 rounds of ammo fired through an APW and holsters are the only methods available for characters to carry mul-
the MN is reduced by 05 (cumulative effect). Using the cleaning kit after tiple weapons at once.
firing eliminates this penalty.
Speed Loader: Allows any revolver APW to be reloaded at twice the
Bayonet Mount: When you run out of ammo, stick a shiv on your normal speed.
weapon so you can get Tech Level 1 on their ass.



Starlight Scope: Magnifies and filters existing ambient light so that the
user can target objects at night. Negates all darkness penalties to
Sighting checks, if there is any ambient light at all. A bright light seen TYPE TL AV COST
through the scope will blind the user for 1d2 rounds. .22 cal 3-4 P 6
.300 Winchester Magnum 3-4 UC 40
Tripod: Helps to stabilize weapons that require Gunnery skill, adding .357 Magnum 3-4 C 12
a +10 to all attack rolls. .38 cal 3-4 C 7
.44 cal 3-4 C 8
.44 Magnum 3-4 C 15
AHW AMMUNITION PG. 31 .45 cal 3-4 C 12
.454 Cal 3-4 R 25
.48 cal 3-4 R 25
Arrow (armor piercing) 2-3 UC 20
.50 cal MG 3-4 C 60
Arrow (explosive tipped) 3-4 R 100
.50 cal Pistol 3-4 UC 45
Arrow (normal) 1-3 UC 5
.50-70 Cal 3-4 R 60
Bolt (armor piercing) 2-3 UC 35
.55 cal Ball 3-4 UC 20
Bolt (explosive tipped) 3-4 R 120
.700 Nitro 3-4 VR 200
Bolt (Ioken) 4-6 P 60
00 Buck Shot 3-4 P 10
Bolt (normal) 1-3 R 10
10 Gauge Slug 3-4 UC 20
Nagnilia Shard 1-2 VR 20
12 Gauge Flechette 3-4 UC 18
12 Gauge Slug 3-4 P 15
Arrow (normal): Does 1d4 points of body damage. 20mm 3-4 UC 150
20mm (explosive) 3-4 UC 5,000
Arrow (armor piercing): Treats armor threshold as 1 point lower than 30mm 3-4 UC 200
the actual value. Armor piercing arrows do 1d4+1 points of damage. 4.9mm 3-4 R 35
5.56mm 3-4 P 6
Arrow (explosive tipped): This special arrow carries an impact 5.56mm Flechette 3-4 UC 20
explosive tip that reduces armor integrity by 3 points per hit and does 5.7mm 3-4 UC 20
3d4 points of damage.
5mm Flechette 3-4 R 18
7.62mm 3-4 P 7
Bolt (normal): Fired from a crossbow.
9mm 3-4 P 12
9mm AUPO 3-4 R 18
Bolt (armor piecing): Stronger version of the bolt, subtract one from
Threshold of Armor to determine damage yield. Bird Shot 3-4 P 5
Depleted Uranium 3-5 R x8
Bolt (explosive tipped): Has the same effects as its arrow equivalent. Hollow Point 3-4 P x2
Incindiary 3-4 UC x7
Mercuric 3-5 R x20

APW AMMUNITION PG. 41 Teflon 3-4 UC x5

Tungsten-Sabot 3-4 UC x10
00 Buck Shot: The standard buckshot fired from most shotguns.
will ignite any flammable substances which they strike. Incendiary
Solid Slug: Solid slugs are used for penetration of an armored target. rounds are quite expensive and can only be purchased for rifle or
They do reduced damage overall, but do not suffer shot’s doubled machine gun ammunition (not pistol rounds). The cost for a box of fifty
threshold penalty vs. armor. is seven times the cost of a normal box of ammo. Optional Rule: If the
target’s armor fails a Fire SMR, the additional 1d2 damage is doubled.
Birdshot: Adds a +07 to all attack rolls. Since it is smaller and lighter,
add one point to the armor’s Threshold when determining damage. Hollow Point: Almost useless versus body armor. The threshold value
has two points added to it when determining damage. However, hollow
Flechette: These needle-like rounds reduce the effective threshold of points add +2 damage when employed against body tissue (no bonus
a target by 1 point. against any skin threshold). They cost two times the normal cost of a
box of ammo, but leave spacious holes in your targets.
Incendiary Round: Incendiary rounds do an additional 1d2 damage
to a target if they surpass the target’s armor threshold. In addition, they



Depleted Uranium: A different option to increase the penetration of

APW rounds. The bullet contains a dense core of depleted uranium to
increase its impact energy. These rounds reduce the target’s Threshold TYPE TL AV COST
by 1 and add 1 point of damage. Penetrating hits require the unfortu- Atomic Particle Beam 5-7 UC 10
nate victim to make a Radiation SMR at a +30 (-02 for each additional Attractor/Repressor 7 R 25
round) or suffer 1d4 additional body points of damage due to radiation Disintegrator 5-7 C 10
poisoning. An expensive toy at eight times the normal cost of ammo. EMP Cannon 5-6 UC 5
FIGs 5-6 UC 20
Mercuric Rounds: Methane Killers. Phentari and Eridani are espe-
Flamethrower Refill 3-5 C 100
cially susceptible to mercuric poisoning, receiving a -10 to SMRs. These
Frost Gun 4-6 UC 50
bullets are illegal to own and hard to find. The cost is 20 times the cost
for a normal box of this ammo. Implosion Field 7 R 500
Jammers 5-7 UC 5
Teflon: Teflon coated ammo is a poor-mans armor piercing round. It Juicer Iron 3-5 C 5
reduces threshold by 2 points, but loses its armor piercing properties Laser 3-7 P 5
(Threshold reduction) on armors with thresholds over 4. Metal Gun 4-6 R 30
Neuro Cannon 4-6 UC 5
Tungsten-Sabot: All rifle and shotgun calibers (except the .700 Nitro Omega Cannon 4-7 P 30
Express) have a discarding sabot variation available. The plastic sabot Pulse Cannon 4-7 P 20
contains a tungsten penetrator that effectively reduces the target’s Thermatic 5-6 R 15
Threshold by 2 (and damage by 1). 10 times the normal ammo cost. Thunderbolt Generator 5-7 UC 2


BC-Arctic Capsule 6 R 3,000
Depleted Uranium 5-6 R 1,000
BC-Winterdom Capsule 6 UC 2,500
Explosive 5-6 UC 750
CG-911 Kayson Capsule 6 UC 1,500
Incendiary 5-6 UC 500
Standard 5-6 C 100


Depleted Uranium Core: This round puts a soft iron shell around a
depleted uranium core. Upon impact, the iron coating expands and the
uranium core rips straight through even heavy metallic armors. Increase
damage yield by +2 for the mushrooming slug when applied to flesh.
Integrity is reduced by 3 when impacting armor and effective threshold
is reduced by 4. Penetrating hits require the unfortunate victim to make
a Radiation SMR at a +30 (-02 for each additional round) or suffer 1d4
additional body points of damage due to radiation poisoning.

Explosive: Explosive rounds are unstable but carry a wallop. Base

damage is reduced by 2, due to the lighter non magnetic materials
added. However, there is an 80% chance of detonation for 2d6 damage
upon impact.

Incendiary: Phosphorous coating causes vicious burns (+2 damage if

it contacts flesh) and ignites combustibles.


85lb Carinade Shell 4-5 UC 1,000
Mini-Howitzer Shell 5 R 1,500



reduction value alone, the SMR is at +20. The depleted Uranium

PenetratorMax® casing causes 6d6 points of damage, making it very
TYPE TL AV COST effective against mechanized armor. See APW Depleted Uranium round
Anti-Polymer 4-7 UC 1,500 for radiation effects.
Anti-Polymer Plus 4-7 UC 3,500
Anti-Reactive 4-7 R 15,000 EMP+: These rounds are identical to the standard gauss EMP rounds,
APDS 4-7 C 600 except they impart a -20 penalty to the armors SMR vs. EMP. If they fail
Armor Piercing 4-7 VC 300
to penetrate from their reduction value alone the armor’s SMR is at
+10. These rounds do no damage.
DEP 4-7 UC 5,000
EMP 5-7 UC 10,000
EMP+ DEP+: Penetrating rounds generate a tiny but powerful elec-
EMP DEP+ 5-7 R 35,000
tromagnetic pulse. The armor must make an SMR vs. EMP effects at a -
EMP+ 5-7 UC 20,000 20 penalty or shut down. If the round is not able to penetrate from the
EMP+ DEP+ 6-7 R 100,000 reduction value alone, the SMR is at +10. The depleted Uranium
Flechette 4-7 C 5,000 PenetratorMax® casing causes 6d6 points of damage, making it very
HEAP 4-7 VC 1,500 effective against mechanized armor. See APW Depleted Uranium round
High Explosive 4-7 VC 1,000 for radiation effects.
Incendiary 4-7 VC 700
Mega Explosive 4-7 UC 3,000 Flechette: Tiny dart-like projectiles that are housed in a discarding
PenetratorMax DEP 4-7 UC 6,000 sabot. They don’t do much damage but their super-dense material and
SAPHEI 4-7 UC 6,000 extreme speed give them a threshold reduction of -10 on top of the
Signature 4-7 UC 5,000 weapons. 1d4 damage though.

High Exlposive: Goes Kaboom! for 3d6 points.

Anti-Polymer: Penetrating rounds release dioxy-triphosphate, which HEAP: The armor piercing round further lowers threshold of the
destroys the absorption polymers in defense suits. Each round reduces armor by 2 points on top of the reduction given by the weapon itself.
absorption by 3d6 points. Anti-polymer rounds do little damage to flesh The round does 3d6 points of damage.
(1d4 points for penetration purposes).
Incendiary: Incendiary rounds reduce armor integrity by 4 points
Anti-Polymer Plus: Reduces absorption polymers in defense suits by when they strike. They also leave horrible burns on the victim which
6d6 per hit. Damage: 1d4. require a level 7 Paramedic check to treat. Damage: 2d6.

Anti-Reactive: Gives a +10 bonus to penetration. If it penetrates a Mega-Explosive: Does 4d6 points per round.
reactive plate the round detonates the plate. If it penetrates armor, or
strikes flesh, it does d3 points. PenetratorMax® DEP: Also known as DEP+ rounds, these projec-
tiles do 6d6 damage. See APW Depleted Uranium round for radiation
APDS: Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot. The rounds only do 1d6 effects.
points of damage, but lowers threshold of the armor by 8 points on top
of the reduction given by the weapon itself. SAPHEI: Semi-Armor Piercing high explosive incendiary. The armor-
piercing round further lowers threshold of the armor by 1 points on top
Armor Piercing: The armor piercing round further lowers threshold of the reduction given by the weapon itself. The round does 3d6 points
of the armor by 2 points on top of the reduction given by the weapon of damage. It also reduces armor integrity by 4 points. Other incendi-
itself. The round does 2d6 points of damage. ary effects are identical to the standard incendiary round.

DEP: Standard depleted uranium rounds. See APW Depleted Uranium Signature: The bullet explodes on impact, spraying the armor with a
round for radiation effects. 5d6 damage. radar-sensitive liquid that hardens in milli-seconds. The target can then
be easily tracked by electronic means (+25 to radar tracking or by
EMP: Penetrating rounds generate a tiny but powerful electromagnetic other sensor means).
pulse. The armor must make an SMR vs. EMP effects at a -10 penalty or
shut down. If the round is not able to penetrate from the reduction
value alone, the SMR is at +20.

EMP DEP+: Penetrating rounds generate a tiny but powerful electro-

magnetic pulse. The armor must make an SMR vs. EMP effects at a -10
penalty or shut down. If the round is not able to penetrate from the



Acid: The acid round secretes hydrogen bromide upon contact. Armor
integrity is permanently reduced by 2d6 points. Corrosive protection
TYPE ER TL AV COST negates the effects of this attack.
Absorption Destroyer - 4-6 C 800
Acid - 4-6 VC 300 A-Grav Cancellation: This round interferes with A-grav systems on
A-Grav Cancellation - 4-6 UC 1,500 any armor struck. Each round cancels out 25 points worth of A-grav
Anti-Sensor Paint - 4-6 UC 2,000
Encumbrance reduction, and hits from multiple rounds are cumulative.
Once an A-grav system has been reduced to zero it is assumed to be
Audio/Visual Broadcast 700 4-6 R 11,000
non-functional until the mag rounds are removed. The rounds last for
Biopsy - 4-6 UC 4,000
1 minute before running out of power.
CAMG - 4-6 UC x2
Corrosive Smoke - 4-6 UC 1,800
Anti-Sensor Paint: Identical to the standard paint round, except the
Disintegrator - 4-6 UC 3,000 paint includes a radar dispersing metal similar to the foil used in Radar
Displacer - 6-7 VR 200,000 Chaff counter-measures. This round reduces the effectiveness of any
Dummy Round - 4-6 P 50 radar system unfortunate enough to be “painted over” by 50%.
EMP - 5-6 R 25,000 Unfortunately, it also reduces the chance for friendly radar to lock onto
Flasher - 4-6 UC 100 the target by the same percentage. Typically targeting an enemy sensor
Floric Acid - 4-6 UC 1,500 array usually requires a called shot at -40.
Freezy Pop - 4-6 UC 1,700
Glue - 4-6 C 150 Audio/Visual Broadcast: A camera/transmitter relays audio/video
Hellfire - 4-6 UC 1,750 back to the launcher. The cost includes the monitor. Sometimes used by
Immobilizer - 4-6 UC 900 unscrupulous reporters who want “action shots” without the risk.
Infrared Strobe - 4-6 UC 2,500
Effective Range: 700m.
MAR - 4-6 R 8,000
Biopsy: Utilizes the same activation system as the Toxin Dispenser.
Med Mag - 4-6 UC 2,000
However, after the laser burns through the armor’s outer layer (ignor-
Med Mag+ - 4-6 UC 4,000
ing absorption), the mechanism inside extracts a small sample of tissue
Mr. Stinky - 4-6 C 850
from the being inside the armor. When this is accomplished, the round
Nanoid Payload - 4-6 UC 1,000 falls off harmlessly. Seems like a strange use for a mag round… why
Orion Special - 4-6 UC 80 were Alliance Marines issued these rounds during the last skirmish with
Paint Round - 4-6 P 250 the Arachnids? Military-grade, very hard to find.
Parasite - 4-6 UC 4,500
Parasite Major - 4-6 UC 8,500 CAMG: Counter-Anti-Magnetic Generator rounds increase the chance
Phase Nullification - 6-7 VR 300,000 for a mag gun round to adhere to an armored suit equipped with an
Planar Explosive - 4-6 UC 3,000 Anti-Magnetic Generator. These rounds have a 50% chance to adhere to
Position Broadcast 4,000 4-6 C 900 a suit equipped with an AMG rather than the usual 15%. Modifying an
Radar Enhancement - 4-6 C 300 existing mag gun munition with the CAMG modification doubles its cost.
Rubber - 4-6 UC 1,400
Scatter Smoke - 4-6 VC 400
Corrosive Smoke: On a hit, this round surrounds a target in a smoke
cloud laden with a corrosive chemical. An armored target must make a
Shaped Charge - 4-6 UC 3,500
Chemical SMR for his armor at a penalty equal to the damage done.
Sounder 500 4-6 UC 100
Success equals no damage, failure results in 6d6 damage. Corrosive
Super Sonic Pulse - 4-6 UC 5,500
protection negates the effects of this attack. The target must make a
Ton CharXD - 7 U unknown
Chemical SMR for each round they remain in the smoke. Weapons and
Toxin Dispenser - 4-6 UC 1,000 equipment exposed to the smoke must make a SS role minus the dam-
Toxin Dispenser+ - 4-6 R 3,000 age done by the round. Failure indicates that the MN of the weapon or
UV Strobe - 4-6 UC 5,000 SS of the device is permanently reduced by an amount equal to the dam-
age done that round. Success indicates the weapon or equipment takes
MAG GUN MUNITIONS PG. 89 no damage. Weapons that fail their SS must immediately make a MN roll
using their newly reduced MN number.
Absorption Destroyer: The round carries a laser (defeats threshold 15 Sighting checks made through smoke incur a -60 penalty. Attack
or less, 1 point of integrity damage) that is activated when the charge strikes rolls are made at a base -30 penalty. The smoke will fill an area of 40
the target. The round then secretes Dioxy-triphosphate which dissolves cubic feet and disperses in 3 rounds given calm weather conditions.
absorption polymers in body armor. 3d8 points of polymers are destroyed. High winds may disperse the smoke faster. The smoke will disperse in
1 round if the target runs for 1 round.



Disintegrator: This round is equipped with a small single-shot disin- round is emits its gluey payload. The round may be loaded with any of
tegrator that is triggered once the munition attaches to a target. Its dam- the glue types used in web generators, except Ram Glue (Viscosity 4).
age is 4-24/3-18. It cannot be recharged or reused. The round is specially designed so that the glue will not harden within
the round. These round can be reused, but they have be cleaned using
Displacer: This mag gun round contains a miniature displacement web glue solvent first.
device. The round comes complete with a small device called an end-
point designator or E.P.D. (Enc. 1). Once activated after attachment, the Hellfire: Secretes a flammable napalm-like substance over the sur-
round will displace a target to the location of the EPD. The round has a rounding area, which is subsequently set on fire. That armor section
maximum range of 20 meters and is 75% accurate. A roll of 75 or above takes 3d4 seconds of flamethrower damage at 3d4 damage per second.
indicates that the individual has been transported in a random direction. It’s sticky stuff, that napalm, so anything touched by or touching that
A 1d12 is used to determine the clockwise direction. ECM reduces the area will suffer the same fate for the remainder of the duration. It will
rounds accuracy on a point-for-point basis. If the rounds chance of suc- continue to burn underwater or in a vacuum.
cess is reduced to zero or less it will not function. The round will not
function if the target will be teleported into another object. Immobilizer: The Immobilizer was designed as a less-than-lethal way
Displacer rounds must be “sync’d” to their EPD before they can be to immobilize armored targets. Once attached to the target the round
loaded and fired (syncing requires two full actions). A single displacer launches a dozen metal darts in all directions. The rounds are designed
round can teleport one object no larger than size class 3. For each so that the darts shoot away from the target hit by the mag round and
additional round sync’d to the same EPD and attached to the same tar- thus it is unlikely to be struck by a dart. These darts are attached to the
get, the size class limitation increases by 3 points. So if a target was hit magnetically-anchored round by high-strength flex steel wire. The darts
by three displacer rounds that were all sync’d to the same EPD and bury themselves into surrounding materials and their barbed heads
attached to the same target could teleport an object that was Size Class anchor them into that material. Anything within 1m of the mag gun
9 or smaller. If multiple rounds are required to teleport a target, they round is likely to be hit by a dart. Roll 2d6 to determine how many darts
will not activate until enough same-sync rounds have accumulated to have hit a target. The darts are capable of automatically piercing mate-
move the object intact. rials like concrete (threshold of 3 or less) and cement. The darts will
The round contains enough power to facilitate ONE and only one harmlessly bounce off of materials with a threshold higher than 3.
displacement. The round can be reused, but requires a recharge It requires a Strength check at -50 to pull a single dart free. The tar-
between firings. It takes 1 hour to recharge the round using a standard get cannot move from their current location until all the darts have been
power outlet (15cr per charge) or 20 minutes using a Mrs. Fusion. The pulled free. If the target attempts to pull multiple darts free at the same
round is typically used by law enforcement personnel to transport hos- time their Strength check penalties are cumulative, meaning 5 darts
tile, armored targets into a nearby paddy-wagon. Any target equipped would require a Strength check at a -250. Shooting the thin cables
with or within range of a phase nullification device will take damage between the dart and the mag gun round is a difficult proposition at
normally from the device if successfully displaced by this round. best and requires a called shot at -100. The wires themselves have an
AI of 3 and a Threshold of 1.
Dummy Round: Carries no warhead. It is merely a magnetic charge These rounds are typically used by police in urban or forested envi-
that adheres to metallic surfaces and scares the bejeezus out of whoev- ronments where there is plenty of opportunity for the darts to hit an
er it sticks to. anchor-worthy target. This round does not prevent the opponent from fir-
ing weapons or moving appendages, it simply anchors them to the spot.
EMP: This device emits a powerful electromagnetic pulse that knocks
out all electronic equipment within a 5m area. Electronic equipment Infrared Strobe: Emits an infrared strobe that wipes out thermal
has an SMR of 2d4x10, depending on the Tech level and insulation. BM imagery or infravision sighting systems within a 20m radius. This round
Discretion. Armor and weapons suffer a -20 penalty. is particularly dangerous to Python, Eridani, and Mazian characters
who must make a successful SMR vs. Radiation or be blinded for 2d4
Flasher: Pulses with a bright light for up to 60 hours, visible from up hours. There is a 10% chance of being partially blinded (2d10 points
to 3km away. Provides a +10 to attack rolls against the target beyond subtracted from the vision modifier permanently). There is a 02%
range bracket 2. chance of permanent blinding.

Floric Acid: The floric acid round emits a cloud of gas which melts MAR: Magnetic Attractor Round. This mag gun round functions like a
through glass in seconds. This is great to use against the flex-glass in miniature magnetic deflection generator, only it attracts metal projec-
helmets. Most helmets have an SMR of 35 against this attack. tiles rather than repelling them. The round adds an additional 10%
bonus to hit for any metal projectile fired at the target to which the
Freezy Pop: The mag gun round uses a modified CG-911 frost gun round has adhered. The effects of multiple rounds are cumulative, up
round, which is triggered when the round adheres to the target. It does to a maximum of a 50% bonus. If the target is equipped with a Magnetic
6d6 points of damage. The round cannot be recharged or reused. Deflection Generator, the mag gun rounds cancel out the effects of the
MDG on a point-for-point basis. For example, 4 MARs would reduce the
Glue: This round is filled with a fast-drying glue, identical to the sub- 85% effective MDG to 45% effective. If the target is equipped with an
stance used in standard Web Generators. One the target is struck by the AMG, the rounds work normally IF they adhere to the target.



Note: The MAR attracts only small projectiles; the same projectiles 5 rounds (roll each round). The damage is also taken from each extra
that a MDG would repel. See the MDG description for more information. energy clip or pack carried by the target. Furthermore, all energy pro-
ducing fields or generators lose one point of effectiveness per point of
Med Mag: Similar to the toxin dispenser, this expensive round was damage from the Parasite. For instance if a Parasite does 12 points of
designed by the Zen to distribute medicines at range to armored sol- damage to a suit of armor with a Camo Unit, the Camo Unit has it’s effec-
diers. A sensor in the round measures the thickness of the armor in the tiveness reduced by 12. These points are cumulative as long as the
section where the mag round has attached. It then uses a laser to drill Parasite is attached. The power drained is converted into heat giving the
through the armor, without injuring the wearer. The laser is capable of the target a +80 bonus to be seen by infra-red detection devices.
piercing a threshold of 10 or less. Once the hole is drilled the medicine Note: The Parasite can only drain energy sources which are in contact
is dispensed to the armor’s wearer. Finally, the round uses a mini-QSU with the target hit. Thus if you get struck in the chest with a Parasite your
to seal the hole before dropping to the ground. This round is capable weapon can only be drained if you hold onto it. Drop it like a hot potato!
of holding a single BRI, MBRI, or one dose of any other drug. These Note: For a target that is carrying a weapon, any location roll indi-
rounds are refillable and reusable. cating the arms, chest, or abdomen, should roll again; if the roll is 60
or higher the weapon in hand was struck.
Med Mag+: Identical to the standard Med Mag, but capable of pierc-
ing armor with a threshold of 30 or less. Parasite Major: Same effects as the Parasite, except this one drains
3d4 charges per round for 8 rounds (roll each round). See Optional
Mr. Stinky: Emits a foul stench, detectable by those with good senses Power Consumption Rules in Chapter 5 for additional effects.
of smell from up to 2km away. The scent lingers, doubling the chances
of the target being tracked via smell, and hanging around long after the Phase Nullification: A very popular round with special ops forces,
mag round is removed (the armor must be professionally cleaned, cost- this mag gun munition contains a miniature phase nullification unit.
ing 200-500cr.). Use the Chunga Table (see main rulebook) for effects Once fired and adhered to a target the round will activate its phase nul-
on those who have to put up with “ground zero.” lifier. Anyone teleporting or displacing within 25m of the round suffers
1d6 points of damage to 2 random body areas. Armor and flux are
Nanoid Payload: Utilizes the same activation system as the toxin dis- ignored. These rounds are typically used to quickly secure an area for
penser. The laser burns a hole in the armor (15 threshold or less), and temporary encampment or to prevent an enemy from utilizing their dis-
the Nanoids are injected into the armor. Effects are based upon the spe- placers for escape or tactical repositioning during an assault. The
cific Nanoids used. May also deliver payload to the armor’s surface if round will function for 10 rounds before running out of power. The
desired. Can hold up to 15 points of Nanoids. round can be reused, but requires a recharge between firings. It takes
4 hours to recharge the round using a standard power outlet (60cr per
Orion Special: The Orion Special was developed by an industrious charge) or 1 hour using a Mrs. Fusion.
Orion who needed to get his friend a drink during a fire-fight. This mag
gun round can be filled with the liquid of your choice and is water- and Planar Explosive: These charges explode along a plane which is per-
air-tight. It holds enough booze for one swig. Despite being originally pendicular to that of the gravitational force. The round does 5d6 points
designed for the transport of alcohol under less than ideal conditions, of damage to all targets within a 20m radius along the plane of contact.
any object that is not fragile and that is smaller than a chicken egg Any appendage that suffers catastrophic damage as a result of the explo-
(encumbrance .5 or less) can be crammed into the round. It’s a good sion is considered to be severed from the body.
way to send messages or extra-ammo to a buddy in need. The round’s
magnetic anchor can be disengaged by pushing a button on the side of Position Broadcast: Broadcasts a homing beacon to a monitoring
the munition. Just make sure you know which round you’re shooting at device out to a range of 4,000km.
your buddies!
Radar Enhancement: This mag gun round increase the chance to hit
Paint Round: Once attached to a target this round will explode cover- the target with an radar-guided weapon by 50%. it also increase the
ing every surface within 15 meters with instant-drying paint. The paint chance to locate the target using scanning equipment by 50%. Multiple
will cover the face plates (60% chance) of anyone within the blast radius rounds do not increase the effect.
totally obscuring their view. A special solvent (15cr) is available to dis-
solve the abnormally rugged and quick-drying paint. It takes 1d4 rounds Rubber: This round secretes a rubber dissolving vapor that destroys all
to clear a faceplate using the solvent and 1d4 minutes for an armored rubber substances within a 10m radius. Potential targets are entitled to
suit. Without the special solvent, it takes 1d4 minutes to clear a faceplate an SMR of 20-40.
and 1d4 hours for an armored suit. The paint used in this round only
blocks light in the visual spectrum, not IR, UV, or other wavelengths of Scatter Smoke: This mag gun round emits a cloud of laser-diffusing
light. It is however highly visible (+40 to Sighting checks) in UV and IR. smoke, which reduces the damage of any laser passing through it by
75% (round down). In addition, Sighting checks made through smoke
Parasite: A particularly annoying mag round that is used to drain incur a -60 penalty. Attack rolls are made at a base -30 penalty. The
power from devices that it strikes. For each round the Parasite is smoke will fill an area of 20 cubic feet and disperses in 4 rounds given
attached, to a target, all energy weapons are drained of 1d6 charges for calm weather conditions. High winds may disperse the smoke faster.



Shaped Charge: Explodes inward from the point of contact and does
3d6 points of damage. Armor threshold is reduced by 5 points when
determining penetration damage. TYPE TL AV COST
Aphrodisiac 5-6 R 500
Sounder: Emits a high-pitched pulse that can be heard at 500m. Biological 1 5-6 R 30,000
Biological 2 5-6 R 25,000
Super Sonic Pulse: The pulse emitted automatically knocks uncon- Biological 3 5-6 R 40,000
scious any individual within 5m who fails his SMR vs. Sonics. Mazian,
Brain Hemorrhage 5-6 R 5,000
Cizeracks, and Chatilians have a -20 penalty to their die rolls.
Cyberdom 5-6 R 6,000
Heart Stopper 5-6 R 6,000
Ton-CharXD: There are whispers of mag rounds designed with ton-
Microphone 5-6 R 1,000
char technology to release matrices upon impact with their target.
Rumor has it that these are very high tech (level 7+), top secret Signature 5-6 R 2,000
weapons that the government is field testing quietly. If you come into
possession of one of these, my advice is to use it quickly, enjoy the MICRON BODY WEAPON PAYLOADS PG. 90
effects, and get the hell out of there. Otherwise, there will be a knock
Note: All nanoid based Micron Ammunition contain 5 points worth of
on your door fairly soon, and you won’t welcome the company.
their specific nanoid. If a PC wishes to hack the standard nanoids, it
requires a level 14 control check to do so. See Lock-N-Load: Armor,
Toxin Dispenser: This round adheres to an armored target and drills
Equipment, & Cybernetics for details on nanoids.
through the armor using a laser. Once the armor is pierced the round
Note: All Micron rounds are coated with a numbing compound that pro-
injects its payload of biological or chemical weapon. It has a laser that
vides a -100 penalty to Intuition checks made to detect the entry of the round.
can pierce armor with a threshold of 10 or less. This round can hold
one dose of a single toxic agent equivalent to a massive exposure. It can
Aphrodisiac: Persons affected must make a biological SMR or become
be filled with any biological or chemical toxin, other than those that
physically aroused for 1d6 hours.
must be ingested (See Chemical and Biological Warfare). These rounds
usually do not dislodge themselves after dispensing their payload, in an
Biological 1: Spreads the deadly Virean Plague. Incubation Period:
effort to keep the toxin contained inside the target. These rounds are
3d6 days. Victims must make a Biological SMR or lose 2d6 points of
refillable and reusable. Cost is for the round only, not the toxin. Just be
strength and constitution per day until dead. The early signs of infection
careful cleaning the old payload out of the munition!
are cold fever and dry mouth. There is a 65% percent chance of conta-
gion when within 2m of another person.
Toxin Dispenser+: This round is capable of penetrating armor with a
threshold 30 or less. This round can hold one dose of a single toxic
Biological 2: Infects the individual with Magellan Malaria. Victims
agent equivalent to a Moderate exposure. It is identical to the standard
must make a Biological SMR at -20 or be infected. Incubation period
toxin dispenser round in all other ways.
for the virus is 1 day. Persons lose 1d6 points of agility, strength, and
constitution per day for 4d6 days. The disease first shows itself as high
UV Strobe: Generates a powerful ultraviolet strobe that knocks out UV
fever, and unusual redness of skin. 50% of the effects are permanent.
sensitive objects within a 20m radius. Cizeracks must make an SMR vs.
Percentage chance of spreading the disease when within 2m, subse-
radiation or be blinded for 2d4 hours. The chance for permanent
quent to incubation: 40%.
blinding is the same as with the Infrared Strobe.
Biological 3: Spreads Niridiean Plague. The target must make a
Biological SMR at a -10 penalty or be infected. Incubation Period: 1d4
hours. Death occurs quickly, subsequent to incubation. Loss of 4d4
points of constitution and strength per hour. There is a 10% chance of
contracting the disease when within 2m of an infected person.

Brain Hemorrhage: A nanoid travels to the brain in 1d4+1 minutes

and explodes, inducing brain hemorrhaging. Victims suffer 3d4 points
of damage and lose 4d6 points of IQ permanently. The brain appears as
if a blood vessel had ruptured.

Cyberdom: The nanoid detects the electrical emanations of the near-

est cybernetic implant and moves into position where it can then pro-
ceed to destroy it. It is 80% effective.

Heart Stopper: A nanoid enters the blood stream where it travels to

the heart in 1d4 minutes. Once in the heart, it generates an electrical



pulse, inducing a massive coronary. Victims must make a System Shock Radial: Carries small warheads that blanket a 20m diameter area on
roll with a -50 penalty or die instantly. Ineffective against Mazians. contact, doing a collective 2d4x10 points to anything within the circle.

Microphone: A tiny microphone is imbedded beneath the skin. It can Biological: Delivers the deadly AXT-31B virus, which attacks the body’s
detect normal human voice conversation out to 3m and has a trans- cells, causing them to die. The virus is dispersed across a 40m diame-
mission range of 2km. Transmission Efficiency: 100%. ter area. Victims must make an SMR vs. biological attack forms or suf-
fer 2d10 points of damage and expire within 2d6 hours. Those who
Signature: A tiny electronic tracer bug lodges under the skin. It can be make their SMR take 1/2 damage and do not die if they survive the ini-
tracked by the included tracker (1 Enc.) out to 5km at 100% efficiency. tial effect. Bodily damage occurs at a rate of 1 point per minute, imme-
diately following exposure. Personnel in undamaged (i.e. no AI dam-
age) environmentally contained armor are unaffected. Generally illegal
MISSILES-PMS PAYLOADS PG. 33 on most Alliance worlds.

TYPE TL AV COST Chemical: Delivers a blood agent which removes oxygen from the
Biological 4-6 R 30,000 body. The agent is dispersed across a 40m diameter area. Victims who
Chemical 4-6 R 30,000 fail their SMRs suffer 3d10 points of damage. Bodily damage occurs at
High Explosive 4-6 C 15,000 a rate of 2 points per minute. As with the Biological missile, environ-
Kill Master 4-6 UC 24,000 mental containment affords complete protection. Again, this payload is
Radial 4-6 R 31,000 illegal on most Alliance worlds. Shame on you for thinking of using it.


Personal Missiles are 56cm and weigh 1.4kg (Encumbrance: 5). They
are generally carried in a shock proof case which attaches to the base TYPE TL AV COST
of the launcher. It takes 6 seconds (2 full actions) to load a missile. 60mm 3-5 C 800
81mm 3-5 UC 1,600
High Explosive: Does (d6+1)x10 points of damage and reduces
armor integrity by 12 points. TYPE DAM ENC COST
60mm 3-18/2-12 4 200
Kill Master: Does 3d4x10 points of damage and reduces armor 81mm 4-24/3-18 15 400
integrity by 25 points.





Tactics • 4
ure, you’ve got big weapons and expensive armor. Good for you.
But without good tactics, its just a matter of time before you get
tagged and bagged. Because you can be sure that the bad guys are
going to be using every trick in the book. The tactics employed by
a combat team are integral to its very survival. The lethal nature
of modern combat masses incredible amounts of fire in very con-
centrated areas. The ability of a unit to maneuver and fight under such inhos-
pitable conditions is the subject of this section. Read it thoroughly and your
character might survive. Blow it off and we Battle Masters are going to enjoy
telling you the immortal BM words: “You’re dead. Roll up a new character.”

Hiding behind something, or finiding cover, is the stock and trade of the suc-
cessful warrior. Yeah, the Eridani don’t believe in it much, but their corpses
seem to be stacked the highest after a battle, so don’t put much stock in their
battlefield pontificating. When the hot stuff is heading your way, get behind
something quick. The following section lists the most common forms of cover
IN THIS CHAPTER... and positions to give you the most protection while you dish it out.

Types of Cover Prone Unsupported

Moving Out The prone unsupported firing position affords good protection when the
Formations ground is flat. It should not be used in deep grass, small hummocks, or where
there are distinct changes in ground elevation over a small area. In such cir-
The Route cumstances, vision is obscured and combatants won’t be able to properly
Urban Combat engage targets. The prone unsupported firing position provides a -60 penalty
to opponents’ attack rolls beyond range brackets 1-2, given that you are pre-
senting a small silhouette to actually aim at. A log, tree, big rock, etc., is an
excellent object to use while in the prone unsupported firing position. Lying
prone behind such an object adds +10 to hit (assuming you can use it to brace
your weapon against) and produces an additional -20 of cover, for a total of
-80 to opponent’s attack rolls beyond brackets 1 and 2. The -20 from the cover
is applied to incoming fire at all range brackets.
Downside: It takes two half actions to get into or out of the prone unsup-
ported position. You may fire your weapon while moving into or out of this
position, but may not aim (all shots are considered snap shots, even in range
bracket 1). Exception: Cizeracks only need to spend one half action to change
position in this way, but are only afforded a -30 penalty to opponents’ attack
rolls (the silhouette reduction is not nearly as dramatic as with a biped). The
cats may aim while changing position only if a look-and-shoot BMH is

The two bounty hunters thought they had this

employed. Oh, and indirect fire weapons (mortars, thrown grenades, etc.) are
not penalized when employed against someone in this position.
Eridani cornered, but the fugitive Eridani has taken
out the human. The Orion boldly (foolishly, depend- Kneeling Unsupported
ing how you look at it) taunts the Swordsaint with
This position is much quicker for a soldier to get into and out of than prone
his finger, brandishing a short sword in his free
unsupported, but offers less protection. Opponents only have a -20 penalty to
hand. The Eridani has that forever angry look on his hit a kneeling target beyond brackets 1 and 2. As with the prone position,
face as he rushes the Orion, long sword in hand. The kneeling behind a tree or other similar obstruction provides an additional -20
Duo’s boss, Phelonious Phentari, looks on from the penalty to incoming fire at all ranges and a +10 to the kneeling soldier’s shots
com panel. at all ranges (assuming a braced position).



Downside: It takes one half action to drop into a kneeling position Cizeracks only need to spend one half action to enter or exit the hole,
or rise from it back to standing. During this time, you may fire your and do not need to make an Agility check. They may not, however, take
weapon, but may not aim (all shots are snap shots, even at range brack- any other actions during that time. Finally, the time it takes to dig the
et 1). On the plus side, it only takes one half action to drop from kneel- hole will be much greater than with the prone entrenchment, too. And
ing to prone, or to rise from prone to kneeling. The same rules about remember: a hole big enough for a human to kneel down in is not big
firing during this time apply. Exception: Cizeracks have no equivalent to enough for a Ram to kneel down in. You must tell your BM how deep
the kneeling unsupported position. The cats are either standing or you’re digging your hole. If not, most BMs will assume you only dug it
prone unsupported in combat. deep enough for your faithful Pascian sidekick, Juan Bobo.

Prone Entrenchment Bunker

A modification of the prone unsupported firing position is the prone Excellent protection! Persons inside bunkers are all but invulnerable.
entrenchment firing position. The combatant fires his weapon while Discharge weapon attacks are at a -100 against personnel inside a
lying on his stomach in a shallow hole dug in the ground. He gains the bunker. Bunkers are generally made of three different substances:
same benefits as the prone unsupported position (including the bene- wood, cement or sandbags. Wood has a threshold of 5, cement 8, and
fit of +10 to attack rolls because he can brace his weapon on the lip of sandbags 4 (per bag). The number of fragments that strike targets from
the hole) and hits against the person are at a -60 as with the prone grenade or missile attacks, as well as concussion damage, is cut to 1/4
unsupported firing position. However, an entrenchment provides bonus If you are firing at someone inside a bunker and miss your attack roll
protection against attacks such as mortars, grenades, artillery shells, by less than 30, roll for damage. If you exceed the threshold of the
etc. The number of fragments that strike targets from these types of bunker, you have hit your target. Any damage exceeding the threshold
attacks are halved (round fractions down) and all concussion damage is applied to the target in question.
is quartered (unless a direct hit is scored, in which case you’re Downside: Bunkers are typically enclosed positions, and therefore
browned). need to have a way in and out. If the enemy is able to reach the entrance,
Downside: The same rules regarding moving into and out of the your nice little bunker has become your nice little tomb. Furthermore,
prone unsupported position apply to this position. The other downside, explosives and flamethrowers are perfect for taking out your little hidey
of course, is that the hole must be dug in advance (you could hunker hole. Any explosive that detonates inside the bunker inflicts double con-
down in a nice artillery crater, but that’s not so safe, now is it?). Hole cussion damage to all inside (BM’s, don’t forget that the bunker will be
digging times will vary according to terrain (BM’s discretion). damaged too). Flamethrowers only receive a -20 penalty to hit targets in
a bunker, as the attacker simply has to aim for an opening in the bunker.
Entrenchment Those inside take full flamethrower damage (half damage if the
In this position, the combatant fires his weapon while standing or flamethrower is at its maximum range bracket). And finally, a reminder:
kneeling within a deeper hole than used for the prone entrenchment you can only shoot out of a bunker where you have built the openings.
position. The weapon, head, shoulders, and arms of the combatant are And the more openings you have, the more vulnerable you are.
the only parts of him that are visible (if hit by a direct fire weapon, re-
roll any hit locations that indicate a part of the body other than these). Slit
Enemies are at a -90 penalty to hit someone in an entrenched position, At times persons hiding in urban areas will fire through slits or small
while they in turn may take advantage of a +15 to all attack rolls thanks holes where there is little room for anything but the weapon to fit
to being able to brace their weapon firmly on the lip of the hole in a through. Persons firing through a slit fire at a -50 penalty. Attempting to
more comfortable manner than while prone. In addition, the entrench- fire through the slit from the outside incurs a -110 to -150 penalty,
ment position affords complete protection from all grenades that do not depending on the size of the slit (BM’s discretion). On the other hand,
land directly in the hole: you suffer no frag or concussion damage, even city walls are generally made of mortar and cement and have an 8
from near misses, unless you’re dumb enough to still be looking over threshold, though in high tech cities they may have as high as a 15
the top of the hole when the grenade goes off (damage is taken as in the threshold. You can always just fire right through the wall if you have a
prone entrenchment position in that case). To land a grenade directly big enough gun. Damage is reduced by the threshold and then applied
in the hole, the attacker must have made his attack roll by 20 or more. to the person beyond. This requires an Intuition check to tell where
And even if this happens, there is still another benefit to entrenchment. exactly to hit the wall. If you are trying to fire through the slit and miss
Most smart hole-diggers will dig what is known as a “grenade sump” in by less than 20, roll damage anyway. If you exceed the threshold of the
the bottom of the hole. This consists of a small hole in the center or side wall, you have hit your target. Subtract the threshold from your damage
of the foxhole, into which grenades may be kicked (see Advanced and apply the remainder to the target.
Grenade Rules in Galactic Underground). Of course, if the grenade Downside: You have a very narrow field of fire from within. Thus
hits the hole and you miss your kick, you’re just SOL. it’s best to be sure of a ‘kill shot’ before revealing your presence, as a
Downside: It takes a full action to climb out of the hole, during wounded target can easily move out of your line of fire. Remember that
which time you may not take any other actions. The same applies if you the enemy can always sneak into the building and snuff you out from
climb into the hole. Of course, the option here is to just jump in… in behind, too. That is if they aren’t carrying the hardware to just blow up
which case you’ll need to roll an Agility check to make sure you didn’t the wall and you with it. You don’t need to stick the muzzle of your
break anything. Jumping in only takes one half action. Exception: weapon out of the hole either; it’ll give your position away.



Downside: Well, rocks are better than trees. At least they’re hard-
er for the bad guys to blow up in front of you. Still, 23rd century
firearms can move mountains, almost literally. That rock might not be
as big as you think. Besides, it’s easy to get pinned behind your cover
when things go bad. Remember to watch your six!

Offers no threshold reduction but produces anywhere from a -10 to -100
to incoming attack rolls. It’s hard to hit what you can’t see.
Downside: It’s grass, for crying out loud. Don’t stay in there too
long. A bunch of bloodthirsty mercs with pulse weapons can turn a field
of tall grass into a wasteland in seconds. If they know you’re out there,
you need to do something fast or get out of there. Of course, the smart
soldier watches the tops of the grass stalks for movement, and knows
right where to drop the grenade.

Window Thick Foliage

Persons firing from a window are difficult to hit. There is a -40 to -80 Found in jungles or pine forests; produces a -80 to hit and has an over-
penalty when trying to hit anyone inside a window (depending on the size all 1 to 5 threshold.
of the window. BM’s discretion). If the shooter inside wishes, he may use Downside: Watch your feet. Jungles aren’t known as places to trip
the windowsill to brace his shot, affording him a +10 at all range brack- the light fantastic—just as places to trip. All those leafy branches and
ets. Doing so, however, makes him more visible, lowering his opponents’ vines that hide you from the enemy can really slow you down if you need
penalties to hit him by 10 (-30 to -70 total). The same rules regarding to leave in a hurry. Running through thick foliage requires an agility
shooting through the walls (intentionally or with a near miss) when the check every round. Fail, and you’re on your face. Oh yeah, don’t forget
target is behind a slit apply to shooting at targets behind windows. about the local animal life either; your sadistic BM won’t.
Downside: Windows offer a wider field of fire than a slit, but of
course you are much more visible. And it’s easier to toss a grenade in Medium Foliage
through a window than through a slit. Bang. Double concussion damage Found in deciduous climates. Produces a -50 to hit. No threshold
(if the room is 5m by 5m or smaller). Also, shooting from the window reduction.
of a room with its lights on affords an opponent a +30 to hit the firer. Downside: Well, it’s better than nothing. Hope your camo unit is
Tree (or equivalent)
Soldiers often hide behind trees when they fire. Standing behind trees, Light Foliage
columns, boulders, etc., allows them to retreat quickly without having Scattered undergrowth such as that found in lightly wooded areas.
to get up from the prone or kneeling positions. Combatants gain a tri- Produces a -20 to hit, no threshold reduction.
pod bonus of +10 to hit if they use the tree to steady their weapon. Downside: Is it better than nothing? Hope your will is filled out.
Trees offer a -20 to opponents’ attack rolls and have a threshold of 5 to
10, depending on the size of the tree.
Downside: Trees are pretty common, and it’s easy to ditch behind Water
one when the Chunga starts flying. Drawing back behind a tree all the Generally reduces damage yield by 1/4 for each 15cm of depth (not
way can take you completely out of the opponent’s line of fire (see the cumulative).
Pop Up under Other Tricks below). Problem: if you’re planning on Downside: Not all weapons are affected negatively by water.
returning fire at all (and you should if you plan on living), a tree can Atomic Particle weapons are unaffected, and Thunderbolt Generators
only provide so much cover. Stay behind it, and someone will eventual- have their damage amplified by 50%. And have you ever gone fishing
ly just blow it up to get to you. Don’t let it fall on you when that hap- with dynamite? Concussion damage from explosives, and the range of
pens. Also, there are several known semi-sentient tree species in No the concussion, is doubled underwater (although any fragmentation
Man’s Land that don’t like people hiding behind them. Be careful. damage, both in number of fragments taken and in damage, are
reduced to 1/4). Further, any weapon that has a threshold reduction
Rocks and Boulders does not have its damage reduced.
Rocks offer the same -20 to incoming attack rolls, assuming the soldier
behind the rock is attempting to return fire (if you don’t attempt to
return fire, a big enough rock can provide complete coverage from
incoming fire). They have a threshold of 10 to 50, depending on type of
stone. The +10 bracing bonus is also usually available.



OTHER TRICKS 4. All passwords are given out, along with any special signals to be
used during the recon (common signals should be drilled well
Grenade Screens before the mission planning stage, and are second-nature to teams
Mesh netting placed over a window or slit to prevent a grenade from that have worked together for a while). BMs should make sure that
entering the room. all the PCs can understand each other’s languages or all have a
Note: anyone throwing a grenade from within half of their maxi- common tongue. If not, any oral orders or procedures become
mum grenade range who makes a Strength check at -100 can put the nearly impossible.
grenade right through the mesh. (Sometimes it pays to be a Python.) 5. The decision is made as to whether an advance scout is to be used.
A scout can provide the team with advanced data about the terrain
and enemy ahead well before the team gets there. But putting the
The Pop Up scout too far ahead can limit the effectiveness of the team as a whole
A shooter using any type of hard cover (tree, rock, window, slit, etc.) if combat arises. The scout himself can also be put in extreme dan-
may use it to pop up or to the side quickly, take a shot, and drop back ger, of course. This is where a k-sat can come in handy.
out of sight. This affords the shooter a -5 initiative. He is only visible for
the moment he is shooting, and has 100% cover otherwise. A sighting
check must be made at -40 to even see where the shot came from (this
is reduced by 10 for every consecutive shot, until the penalty is gone). There are a variety of formations that combat teams utilize for move-
However, every shot taken in this way is a snap shot (if you take the time ment. Each formation has its specific strengths, and thus a reason to
to aim, you’re not “popping up,” are you?). And remember, walls can chose it over others. Each also has its own weaknesses. Given below are
be shot through. Oh, and drawing a bead on the slit from outside some of the common formations employed by small unit combat teams.
affords an opponent his own -4 initiative bonus… and he is aiming. 1. Spearhead: The heavy weapons officer trails behind the formation
Moral of the story? Don’t pop up from the same place twice if you can and covers the rear.
manage not to. Eventually someone will be waiting for you to “gopher” Benefit: With the exception of the heavy weapons rear guard,
again, and your number will be up. the entire team has a clear forward-facing fire arc.
Downside: Only around half the team has an unobstructed fire
MOVING OUT arc to either side.
2. Arrowhead: The heavy weapons officer is deployed on the weak
Carrying out movement isn’t an easy matter. Combat teams must act with a flank where an attack is most expected. Machineguns or automatic
high degree of professionalism. They must execute plans without flaw, and lasers are the most effective weapons for the heavy weapons officer
improvise against the unplanned when called for. You have got to be patient to carry.
and you have got to work together. There are a number of important crite- Benefit: The addition of the heavy weapons officer helps shore
ria for carrying out a reconnaissance mission on the modern battle field. up the side where (you hope) the attack is going to come from.
1. All information concerning enemy positions is detailed during the Downside: You leave your “six” uncovered.
day. Positions of known enemy troops, mine fields, etc. are careful- 3. Single File: Single file is the most common method of small unit
ly covered during preparation phases. (Increases sighting checks at movement. It is excellent when moving along the edge of woods or
night by 05-25%). forests. Mostly used at night.
2. Time to approach the objective and withdraw are specified. If the Benefit: The entire team has an unobstructed fire arc to either
mission is taking too long, the commander can make an informed side, and might be less visible from in front and behind.
decision on whether to abort or not. Any support the team has will Downside: Only one member of the team has a good fire arc
also know if and when the team is overdue. forward or backward. Also, because it’s such a common formation,
3. The recon commander details what action to take in the event the it’s easy for a skilled demolitions expert to wipe out a whole team
enemy is encountered. This prevents party members from acting moving in single file. Most traps are laid out for teams in single file.




4. Extended Line: Extended line formations allow a team to bring the enemy patrols or posts are likely to be encountered there. Second,
greatest amount of firepower to bear on a target in short order. never, ever walk on the road! The BM will punk your character on the
Combat teams use this formation when expecting frontal attacks or road if he gets the chance! Roads are the easiest paths to travel on, so
when assaulting enemy positions. the enemy will try to cover them or deny them to you first. Assume that
Benefit: The whole team has a clear forward fire arc. road and paths are always, always mined and well-covered. Use as
Downside: Unexpected attacks from either side can be devastating. much cover as possible. When moving through woods, walk parallel to
5. File: File movement is the fastest formation but leaves the group the edge of the woods. Don’t walk along the edge itself. The party
susceptible to fire. It is often employed at night, but seldom used should be about 20m inside the tree line. If you have to cross a ridge
during the day. or any other position like a wall or fence where you provide a high sil-
Benefit: Similar to the spearhead, providing balanced firepow- houette, crawl over the obstacle remaining as low as possible.
er on either side.
Downside: Essentially two single file lines. Forward and rear- URBAN COMBAT
facing firepower is limited.
6. Diamond: Diamond provides excellent all-around firepower. Units Urban combat is by far the most dangerous place for a warrior to ply
operating in areas where they don’t know the enemy’s location use his trade. Street-to-street combat is the most dangerous tactical situa-
this formation to prevent surprise attacks from all directions. tion a merc can face. Each nook and cranny may shelter mines and
Benefits: Gets the team out of a single file, thus avoiding a lot booby traps. Rooftops and windows hide heavy automatic weapons
of demolitions traps. You might lose one to a trap, but you proba- while the enemy may be lurking in force behind the corner of some
bly won’t lose the whole team. A reasonable number of soldiers half-destroyed building or in a basement. K-sats in dumpsters, a bomb
have clear fire arcs in all directions. masquerading as a wounded animal, combatants dressed as terrified
Downside: A maximum firepower response is not available in civilians; it’s all here. A city in the hands of the enemy can be a deadly
any direction. place, where even a small band of guerrillas can hold off or even
destroy a much larger force. The technological advantage of vehicles
THE ROUTE and air cover can almost be completely removed in a tight urban envi-
ronment. Familiarity with a city’s layout give the denizens a huge force
The route to and from the objective should be carefully planned out in multiplier. Experience with urban settings and low-intensity combat is
advance. Always vary the approach and withdraw routes if you have to essential for warriors in the twenty-third century.
hit the same or similar objectives more than once. The route should be
broken up into legs, each leg being about 1,500m long. Use a compass The Approach
and count paces as you go, or bring an Ashanti along. (The person Approaching a built-up area is as dangerous as operating within the city
counting paces and using the compass incurs a +6 to initiative rolls and itself. Mine fields may be prepared and enemy positions concealed from
can only carry a sidearm at the ready, unless the compass is part of hel- even the most sensitive electronics. The greatest threat is the likelihood
met optics). Try to select a ground feature such as a hill or tree as a of heavy weaponry opening up on you as you make your approach. The
frame of reference for each leg of the mission (e.g. the big oak at the enemy will wait for the most opportune moment, then open fire on you
base of the cliff marks the next leg). Lastly, before embarking on the when you are the most vulnerable (remember the rule about moving
next leg of any journey, specify an RV (rendezvous point) in case peo- through open areas!). Consequently, it is always best to obtain as much
ple get lost or separated. Helmet optics and Tac-Nets can cover most of information about the objective before going in.
these things but they are good to practice anyway since you never know Your best method of reconnoitering the objective is electronic sur-
when you could be jammed, EMPed, or worse, and have your electron- veillance. A two-man recon team, equipped with infrared dampeners,
ics crutch removed. camouflage units, sonic suppressors, and long-range binoculars
There are a wide variety of obstacles that should be avoided. First, advances toward the target while the rest of the group readies them-
never approach across a wide open area or through a narrow defile. selves to lay down suppression fire should a retreat be necessary. The
You have no cover in the first and nowhere to run in the second, and first man wears night vision goggles and usually carries a metal or




explosives detector, as well as his weapon. The second man operates a grenades. Anytime their is an opening or room you are not sure about,
motion detector or radar. A few surveillance k-sats with their own toss in a grenade. As soon as it goes off (or before, if you know your
camo-units is also a good idea. armor can’t be harmed by the grenade) crash into the room with your
Use the terrain to cover your approach. You don’t want to get hit weapons at the ready. A grenade detonation typically disorients the
before you ever even get close to your objective. Lasers are a favorite enemy or causes him to be out of position ducking for cover, giving you
urban standoff weapon because of their long range, silence, and invisi- a momentary advantage.
bility. A perfect sniper weapon because it is nearly impossible to know
where you are eing hit from. Laser range is typically anywhere inside of Nine or You’re Mine
700m. Someone in the suppression group should always wear UV gog- There are nine basic rules for city movement, analogous with survival
gles to detect the presence of a beam weapon and thereafter direct fire in an urban environment. Hence, the anecdote, “Nine or you’re mine.”
against it. Within 400m, the threat of enemy fire increases drastically as 1. Always operate sonic discriminators, Tac-Nets, HICs, and motion
many weapons are effective at that range. Omega and pulse weapons detectors when moving. Your own ears might not be good enough
only become reasonably effective at 100m. A word of caution: Don’t to distinguish enemy footsteps from your own.
approach within 100m unless you are fairly sure the defenders aren’t 2. Move Fast. A slow soldier makes a great target.
packing stuff that can blow you to smithereens in a fraction of a second. 3. Never present a silhouette. Move at a crouched run.
At 100m, you make as many observations as possible, jotting down like- 4. Select your next position before beginning to move. You don’t want
ly ambush points, killing zones, etc. The recon team takes as many elec- to get caught in the open with no idea of where to go next.
tronic measurements as possible and then returns, leaving position 5. Always avoid open spaces and make sure to hug the side of build-
markers behind to trace the safest route in and out. ings when moving.
6. Use cover and concealment to hide your movements, whenever
Assault possible.
Entering the target area, requires swift and decisive action as a group. 7. Use smoke when crossing open areas. If the enemy knows where
You must make sure to carry the impetus of the action. In other words, you are, tossing smoke in multiple directions might confuse them
keep moving! The moment you stop, your attack stops. The enemy can as to your actual movement.
control the tempo of the battle from a good defensive position. Much of 8. Make sure to avoid getting caught in your own cover fire. Friendly
the time you will be forced to move in the open city streets. In this case, fire isn’t friendly at all.
the squad should split, each half moving along one side of the street. In 9. Anything can happen. So be prepared for anything!
theory, a sniper or heavy weapon hidden in a building on either side will
only have a shot at half of the team. Again, always hug the wall and be The Question of Heavy Weapons
aware of fire from above. The use of heavy weaponry (backpack-mounted weapons) is a topic of
Short range weapons are the best bet in urban assault operations. much controversy. Where heavy weapons can produce massive amounts
Enemy encounters are going to take place typically within 100m, so of firepower, they are also quite bulky and cumbersome when operat-
Pulse and Omega weapons shine here. Omega weapons are great for ing in a close quarters environment. Keep your weapons short; large
opening holes in walls so you can avoid using the easily booby-trapped weapons like chainguns and gauss rifles can be a liability as they are
doors. The greatest thing to remember is you can never have too many difficult to bring to bear in the confines of a small alley or room.
Backpack mounted weapons are hard to wield (+2 when whirling
around). There is also a distinct possibility of them getting snagged on
something. The speed of the team is compromised when operating
heavy weapons and thus increases the vulnerability of the squad.
The flip side to the urban heavy weapons argument is that heavy
weaponry provides awesome firepower. The enemy is less likely to raise
his head to pop you one if someone has a BC-Destroyer or the like.
Furthermore, heavy weapons can penetrate concrete and layered steel,
increasing the potency of your attack. There’s no need to hit that little
hole in the wall the sniper is shooting from when you can take out the
whole wall. Probably the best all-around urban heavy weapon is the
flamethrower. Flamethrowers allow you to penetrate fortified building
positions. They also can envelope a large area with flammable liquids,
posing some serious problems for the enemy.

Movement Techniques
There are some specific techniques centered around movement in
urban combat environments. These have been developed over centuries
and are a must if you don’t want to wind up in a body bag.



Note: See Combat Movement in the Battlelords rulebook for rules Firing Positions
covering crouched running, low crawling, etc. The pronounced firepower of futuristic weapons requires that the sol-
dier take up the best firing position possible when operating in an urban
The Lay of the Land: Always find out what is around the next corner environment. First and foremost is the level of protection you can make
before proceeding. To get the lay of the land, lie on your stomach, peek use of. The thickness of your cover can attenuate or completely nullify
around the corner and observe the area. Keep your weapon muzzle otherwise lethal weapons fire. Rule of Thumb: The thicker, the better.
back away from the edge of the building, so as not to reveal your posi- The second-most important aspect of your firing position is its location.
tion. If you have to take a second look, try to avoid doing it from the
same position twice. Rooftop: The most commanding position, and the one that the enemy
will spend the most firepower on to eliminate. Operating by rooftop
Rolling Over: Keep low when you cross the top of a wall, or you’ll take avails control of the area around you. You can monitor travel routes
one in the back. The method for crossing a wall is simple. Keep low and provide information to your unit on enemy troop movements.
when approaching the wall. Holding your weapon in your right hand, Interconnecting buildings, prevalent in tech level 4 and lower societies,
lay your body flat on the wall and roll over it. A successful Agility check provide the best terms for rooftop operations. They allow you to move
is all it takes. If there is any doubt in your military mind about what’s from one place to another without descending, thus confusing the
on the other side of the wall, then let ’em eat a plasma grenade! enemy as to your location and numbers. Be careful to destroy any
access ways to your roof. Leave one escape route. Often, the enemy will
Windows: You will inevitably pass by windows. Duck your head and go use robot drones or fire-and-forget missiles to take you out. Thus, the
underneath. If you wish to look over the window, use an urban rooftop operator should always carry the ECM option on his armor.
periscope. Having a grenade ready to lob inside isn’t a bad idea either. Keep low and avoid silhouetting yourself. Rooftops are also the best
place to start an assault on a building.
Low-Lying Treachery: Danger is below you as well as above. You have
got to watch your feet. Avoid basement windows and gutters, or holes in Hiding in the Rubble: Rubble and loose masonry provide an excel-
the ground. Jump over these obstacles. And again: when in doubt, lent defense for soldiers operating in the streets below. Rubble provides
grenade it! anywhere from a -20 to -100 penalty to enemy fire. Make sure to stay
low and camouflaged (i.e. use the dirt and concrete dust to blend in
Danger Everywhere: Never let your guard down, even after a position with your surroundings for level 2-6 Concealment).
is deemed “secure.” Booby-traps can be active for weeks, hidden k-sats
can be activated by remote or pAI, and chem/bio weapons can linger Sniping: When shooting out of a window or hole in the wall, fire from
for weeks. And, most importantly, ANYTHING can be a Mazian! well away from the hole, at least 2m into the room. Sure your field of
fire will be smaller, but you will be nearly impossible to spot, and may
Doorways: They are about as obvious as you can get. Avoid using them allow you to get off that critical second shot; you may get off more if the
at all costs. enemy gets confused or panics.
Cover Fire: Your buddy is going to move while you wait. Have your Towers: A communications tower, building spire, or other high struc-
weapon ready to provide cover fire for him should he need it. The sol- ture can give a sniper or spotter a commanding view of a combat area.
dier in the lead provides cover while the soldier in the rear moves for- This is an excellent spot for using a laser or gauss rifle, as you can hit
ward to take a position in the lead. He then provides cover as the first targets at a great distance with little chance of being seen. These posi-
soldier moves forward and takes the lead again. This is known as tions can become deathtraps when the fighting gets closer as they are
bounding overwatch. It may be used for a controlled retreat as well. notoriously difficult to evacuate. Have an escape route planned, or use
a jetpack or displacement device.
Alley Crossing: Spread out with 3-5 meters between men. Everyone
rushes across at the same time. One man remains to provide cover fire Vehicles: Using vehicles in an urban environment is a little dicey. While
as the team moves. When everyone is across, they all provide cover fire they provide you with great maneuverability when in large areas and the
for the lagger. chance to mount very heavy weapons, they are also big, obvious targets
and can become little more than thin-skinned bunkers in a tight alley.
No Walking Required: Many matrix controllers can fly, making it easy Use with caution.
for them to travel from rooftop to rooftop, often invisible as well. A
Mazian can also be thrown like a frisbee by a Python or other large Underground: Most large cities of tech level 3 and above will have
being, and can float down slowly, observing enemy positions as he goes. extensive underground systems, mass-transit, sewage or both. These
Mazians can also easily climb walls and adhere to ceilings, and Phentari spaces can be an easy way to redistribute forces without any exposure.
can climb a wall with many handholds quite easily. They are mainly used by defenders who are familiar with them, as
attackers can be easily led to ambush or simply get lost and become a
tactical non-asset.





Optional Rules • 5
ealism will always have a place in roleplaying games, but there is
a delicate balance between it and playability. We’ve always felt that
the rules of Battlelords are there to provide a framework to play
in the universe we’ve created and that players can use as little of
the rules as they want, or make up additional ones as they see fit.
Therefore the sections below can be used or not. Hence the chap-
ter title of “Optional Rules.” Smart, huh?

Displacement devices can give your characters or NPCs an immense tactical
advantage. They are complicated to use though and cause all sorts of questions
(or arguments) during gameplay. We hope the section below will allow you to
get a little more use and/or realism out of these useful devices.

1. Displacement devices have safety systems that prevent users from displac-
ing into objects above a certain density. For example, displacing into a gas
or vacuum is allowed. However, displacing into water or solid matter, such
IN THIS CHAPTER... as a rock, is not.

Displacement Rules 2. Users of an armor option displacement device can NOT change their ori-
Energy Consumption Rules entation relative to the gravitational field they are operating in (standing to
Knockback Rules laying down, or displacing with your feet on the ceiling, when your were
Racial Modification for Weapons standing on the floor, etc.).
Weapon Threshold and Integrity Reduction
3. Users of an armor option displacement device can NOT change the direc-
Weapon Skills tion they are facing, relative to their original position. If you were facing
Weapon Effect on Flux Shields Table North before you displaced, you will still be facing North when you reach
your destination.

4. These limitations mean that users of an armor option displacement device

can only select their destination (distance and change in elevation relative
to current location). Location selection is included in the 1/2 action
required to activate a displacement device.

5. Using a Body Computer or PCD with an Armor Repair Connector allows a

character to alter his facing and orientation when using an armor option
displacement device. This requires a successful Computer Programming
check at level 10 to change orientation or facing. A level 15 check is
required to change both.

6. Users of the cybernetic displacement device can change their facing and/or
orientation when displacing. This can be done automatically (free action)
since it is mentally controlled. Cybernetic displacement devices still require
This moron thought he could take out a Ram a half action to select the destination and activate.
Python with a submachine gun at point blank range.
All he managed to do was to tick the Python off! 7. You can NOT displace into an area completely enveloped in a Flux shield.
The Ram went berserk, snatched up the idiot, and Personal (armor option, cybernetic, & PDS) and vehicle Flux shields total-
planted his head 2m under! Moral of the story: Let ly enclose the item they are protecting. Flux shields that function as a wall
or a door may be bypassed via displacement since they don’t enclose the
sleeping Rams lie.
area behind them.



8. You can NOT displace out of a area if the area you are currently in ENERGY CONSUMPTION RULES
is completely enveloped in a Flux shield. Personal (armor option,
cybernetic, & PDS) and vehicle Flux shields totally enclose the item Every weapon and piece of equipment in Battlelords requires an ener-
they are protecting. Flux shields that function as a wall or a door gy source to work. So how much energy do they need? The amount of
may be bypassed via displacement since they don’t enclose the area energy a weapon or piece of equipment requires to function is called
behind them. its Energy Consumption rating or EC for short.

9. If you change your orientation or facing (relative to your original ENERGY CONSUMPTION
pre-displaced orientation or facing) you are required to make an
Intuition check at -40. Failure indicates you are disoriented for one
round and perform all tasks for that round at a -100. Atomic Particle Weapons 2
Attractor/Repressors 4
10. If you displace into a location you can NOT see you are required to Carousel Guns 3
make a INT check at -60. Failure indicates you are disoriented for Disintegrators 4
one round and perform all tasks for that round at a -100. EMP Cannons 5
Battle Master’s Note: It is assumed that the same safety mecha- FIGs 4
nisms that prevent you from displacing into a solid object allow you Gauss Rifles 3
to displace into an unseen area. If the area is occupied by another Gravitational Effect Weapons 5
object the displacement device will emit an error tone and not acti- Gravitational Sheers 5
vate. For ease of play we usually say that the only way to jam a dis- Impact Lasers 2
placer is with a phase nullification device. This prevents us from Implosion Field Technology 5
having to explain how their sensors work.
Jammers 4
Juicers 3
11. The penalty for an INT check required due to a displacement is
Lasers 1
reduced by 10% for each second the character spends trying to re-
Metal Guns 4
orient themselves, during which they can do nothing else.
Neuro Cannons 1
12. Characters can NOT act until they successfully make their INT check Omega Weapons 5
with the appropriate penalties. Only one INT check can be made Pulse Automatic Weapons 3
per segment when a character is attempting to reorient themselves. Pulse Cannons 3
Static Pistols 3
13. Activating a displacer always requires a half action. Characters can Thermatics 2
NOT displace into a location, attack, and displace out before an Thunderbolt Generators 4
opponent can counterattack. Once you displace in you’re stuck
there for at least one fire segment. Note: Almost all modern weapon systems have some electrically
powered components. Even archaic powder weapons have small bat-
14. Damage from phase nullification units ignore armor and Flux teries that power the small displays that show the number of shots
shields. If you displace into or out of an area affected by a phase remaining in the weapon, barrel temperature, and the like. However,
nullifier you take damage directly to the body. the amount of power required by these weapons is so minimal that they
are not listed here. In addition, the vast majority of APWs are not elec-
15. Displacement devices can NOT teleport away portions of a target. trically fired, so even draining what little power they do have will not
Their on-board safety equipment prevents this from occurring. This keep them from functioning or firing. Weapon systems not listed here
is the same safety equipment that prevents you from displacing into should be treated as such.
a solid object.
Energy Per Shot (EPS)
16. HIC units allow you to detect armor option displacement devices To determine how much energy your weapon uses on a “per shot” basis
and active phase nullification units. simply multiply the appropriate weapon systems’ EC by the maximum
damage the weapon is capable of doing with a single shot—assume the
17. Displacers ignore inertia. Characters can use displacement devices to weapon has a ROF of 1.
teleport out of a moving vehicle or to stop a fall. When they remateri- EPS = EC x Maximum damage of single shot
alize at the end of their displacement, they will no longer be in motion.
Optional Rule: Sadistic BMs may opt to ignore this rule in their
games, but they should be consistent in their decision. Energy in Power Pack (EPP)
So now that you know how much energy your weapon consumes with
18. Displacement devices can NOT displace anything other than the each shot you’ll have no problem determining how much energy is
user, his armor, and carried equipment. stored in the weapon’s power pack. Simply multiply the energy per shot



by the number of shots or quantity (Q) that your weapon holds. This is maximum of 50% of the battery’s original unmodified size. The cost for
referred to as the weapons EPP, which is short for Energy in Power Pack. this reduction is 2 credits per point of ENC reduction.
EPP = EPS x Q of the weapon.
Portable Fusion Generators
• Example: So, let’s assume that you have the OC-1 omega weapon that does Portable fusion generators typically produce about 4,000 EC per hour.
4-24 points of damage and has a Q of 25. The weapon does a maximum of 24
points of damage, and omega weapons have an EC rating of 5. As a result, this Other Equipment
omega weapon would consume 240 points of energy per shot (5 x 24 = 120). There are so many pieces of equipment available that browsing a cata-
Since the battery in the OC-1 has enough power for 25 shots, it would have an log listing the energy consumption of every device in the Battlelords
EPP of 6,000 (25 x 120 = 3,000). universe would quickly become tedious. Instead, we use a quick rule-
of-thumb based on the item’s tech level to determine the amount of
energy required for non-weapon equipment. Items that require power
So what’s this good for? (BMs discretion) use the following table:
So what is all this information good for? In combat all you and your char-
acter really care about is the Q rating for their weapon. They don’t care EQUIPMENT EC
about the amount of energy being used with each shot. The only thing they
care about is that arachnid charging their position, and he’s got three shots TECH LEVEL EC/ROUND
left! So why do you have to deal with all this math? The answer to that ques- 1 3
tion is that you don’t have to do the math– at least not during game play. 2 2
Energy consumption rules are used in two instances: optional Parasite 3 2
mag round damage rules and buying different batteries for your weapons. 4 2
5 2
Optional realism rules for Parasite mag rounds 6 1
If you have a sadistic Battle Master—and let’s face it—who doesn’t, then 7 1
you may want to employ a set of optional damage rules for Parasites that
utilize the energy consumption rules presented above. Simply multiply
the damage done by the parasite by 100. This is the amount of EC KNOCKBACK RULES
drained from each weapon’s power pack. Under the optional rules,
weapons with lower energy requirements will be drained far faster than What is Knockback?
those with larger energy requirements. Many lasers will be drained of Any time a person is struck by something very massive, very fast mov-
power almost instantly, but those omega weapons with their huge back- ing, or hit by a large explosion, the amount of kinetic energy transferred
pack batteries can last for several rounds before running dry. is likely to knock them off their feet if not blow them across the room.
When using the optional rules, Parasite rounds can be equipped Naturally this is not your main concern if you are not wearing armor.
with batteries to store some of the power emitted from the destabilized Unlike the movies, getting shot by an APW is not likely to cause the vic-
batteries. A parasite is capable of storing as much energy as the maxi- tim to fly across the room; that’s purely over-the-top action-movie fic-
mum damage (x100) of the round multiplied by its duration. For exam- tion. A tiny bullet just doesn’t have enough kinetic energy to throw an
ple, a parasite that does 1d6 points of drain with a duration of 5 could adult human across the room, and they certainly don’t have enough
store 3,000 points of energy. This power can be transferred into other kinetic energy for a Ram Python to even notice.
batteries or powerpacks once the parasite is retrieved (a universal Under the standard Battlelords rules Flux shields absorb the kinet-
charger is part of the battery round purchase and will work on any tech ic energy of even massive impacts, and armor absorption always pro-
level 5 or higher weapon). Equipping a parasite round with a battery tects a character from impacts. However, for those with a taste for real-
quadruples its cost; high-tech stuff, don’t you know. ism or more carnage, we present the following optional knockback
rules. When using the optional knockback rules armor is no guarantee
Spare Batteries of protection from massive impacts—your Flux shield is your only hope
Let’s say you want a spare battery for your weapon, or perhaps you want of surviving truly massive impacts and explosions.
a larger battery for your weapon. Now you know exactly how much
power is in your current battery. For every 100 points of power stored Knockback Weapons
in a battery it has an ENC of 1—always round up. So a battery with 235 When using these optional knockback rules, weapons are grouped into
points would have an ENC of 3. Batteries with an ENC of less than 4 can two general classes: those that cause knockback and those that don’t.
be considered magazine or drum-sized power packs. Batteries with an Typically weapons that cause explosions or massive impacts are con-
ENC of more than 4 are considered backpack style power packs, like sidered knockback weapons. Weapons that utilize small projectiles and
those used with omega weapons. A battery costs 1 credit per point of energy-based weaponry don’t usually cause knockback damage.
energy it can store. When a weapon that causes knockback strikes a target there is a
More efficient batteries can be purchased if you’re willing to spend chance the target will be violently thrown back from the force of the
the money. The size of the ENC of the battery can be reduced up to a impact. This rapid acceleration causes damage to fragile living organ-



isms that are not designed to withstand such tremendous forces. The last 25% of the total distance thrown due to decelleration.
brain and internal organs are thrown from one side of the body to the If the character hits a movable object they will suffer knockback
other, impacting the inner wall of the cavity and rupturing. Even the damage equal to the distance they were thrown in meters (the distance
thickest armor won’t protect a character from such crushing g-forces. they would have traveled had they not hit anything). In this case the
To make matters worse, if a knockback victim impacts another object character suffers less damage because they continue to move and are
they suffer additional damage from their rapid deceleration. not instantly stopped. If the object struck is another character the dam-
When a character suffers an attack from a weapon that does knock- age is considered knockback damage. Other characters are always con-
back damage use the following rules to determine the amount of dam- sidered movable objects. Going back to our previous example, if our
age they suffer and the distance they are thrown. Damage from vehicle character was thrown 10 meters and struck an office desk 7m away they
crashes and falls are also considered knockback damage. would suffer 10 points of knockback damage.
Note: Mazians and Gemini cannot suffer knockback damage due to In either case the object struck suffers the same amount of damage
their unique physiologies. as the character. In the first example, the brick wall would take 30
points of damage. In the second example, the office desk would take 10
Knockback Damage points of damage.
If the character’s Flux shield absorbs all the damage from the attack no The additional knockback damage caused by impacting another
knockback occurs. If the Flux shield collapses, then any remaining dam- object does not add knockback distance.
age the Flux shield does not absorb is considered knockback damage. Optional Rule 2: Any time a character is blasted across the room by a
If the character is not using a Flux shield all damage from a knock- knockback weapon or impacts an object after being thrown due to knock-
back weapon that strikes the character or his armor is considered back they must make a Manual Dexterity check with a penalty equal to the
knockback damage. knockback damage suffered. Failure to make this Manual Dexterity check
When using the optional knockback rules a character that is hit by indicates the character has lost their hold on any hand-held items.
knockback damage will always take additional damage that goes Optional Rule 3: For truly grim and realistic knockback rules
straight to their body points, regardless of their armor. Living organisms some Battlemasters may opt to ignore Rule 1 and treat Flux shields just
are just not built to take such violent impacts. The amount of addition- like armor. This means that even if a character is wearing a Flux shield
al damage the character’s body takes is equal to 10% of the knockback 10% of the knockback damage will go straight to their body points or
damage. Critical hits resulting from this damage are rolled randomly. armor. In addition, when ignoring Rule 1 Flux shields do not prevent a
For example, a character who takes 40 points of knockback dam- character from being thrown due to knockback damage.
age to the right arm section of their armor would suffer an additional 4
points of BP damage, no matter how much absorption they have in the Knockback Weapon List
arm section of their armor. This is because the impact jars the charac- Archaic Hand Weapons (if swung with enough force; BM discretion)
ter’s body, shattering bones and rupturing organs. Anti-tank Weapons
Arm Rockets
Knockback Distance Carousel Guns (If the round causes an explosion)
Knockback weapons that strike the character or his armor throw the Compact Artillery
character in the opposite direction of the initial impact. Explosives
For every 3 points of knockback damage, the character is thrown Falls*
back 1 meter. This distance is reduced by the character’s size class mul- Gauss Rifles (If the round causes an explosion)
tiplied by 10. If the distance is reduced to zero or a negative number, Gravitational Effect Weapons
then the character is not thrown or knocked off their feet. Grenades (If the grenade causes an explosion)
Optional Rule 1: Characters can further reduce the distance they Grenade Launchers (If the grenade causes an explosion)
are thrown by taking the total ENC of all weapons and equipment car- Implosion Field Technology
ried and divide this total by 10. This number, along with the character’s Mag Guns (If the round causes an explosion)
Size Class x 10, is then subtracted from the distance the character is Mines (If the mine causes an explosion)
thrown. Again, if the distance is reduced to zero or a negative number, Mortars
then the character is not thrown or knocked off their feet. Omega Weapons
When a character is thrown from a knockback attack, there is a PADS (If the PAD causes an explosion)
chance that they might hit another object (BMs discretion). In this case, Personal Missile Systems
you need to determine whether the object is immovable or not. Things like Reflex Missiles
vehicles, solid walls, and the ground are considered immovable objects. Rocket Launchers
If the character hits an immovable object they will take an amount of Specialized Weaponry
knockback damage equal to the knockback damage that they originally Surface-to-Air Missiles
suffered. This represents the character rapidly decelerating and stopping. Vehicle collisions and crashes*
For example, if a character suffered 30 points of knockback dam-
age, that propelled them back 10 meters, then they would suffer anoth- * Characters who suffer falling damage are obviously not thrown in
er 30 points of knockback damage upon hitting a brick wall, which is the opposite direction of their fall, when they impact the ground.
an immovable object. The damage is halved if the object is struck in the ** Characters secured in their seats are not thrown in a vehicle
crash (knockback distance = 0).




Chatilian Empath

Jezzadeic Priest
(Gen) Humans


Python Lizard
Orion Rogue

Ram Python

Zen Rigeln








Aeodronian - -10 00 -25 -05 -05 00 -15 -05 00 -10 -15 -05 00 00 -05 -40 -30 -30 -10 -05 -10
Ashanti -10 - -05 -20 00 00 -10 -10 00 00 -05 -05 00 -10 -10 00 -40 -10 -10 00 00 00
Chatilian Empath 00 -05 - -25 -10 -10 00 -20 -05 -05 -10 -15 -05 00 00 -05 -40 -30 -30 -10 -05 -10
Cizerack -25 -20 -25 - -15 -15 -25 -15 -20 -20 -20 -10 -20 -25 -25 -20 -45 -10 -10 -20 -20 -20
Eridani -05 00 -10 -15 - 00 -15 -20 00 00 -05 -15 00 -10 -10 00 -40 -15 -15 -05 00 -05
Fott -05 00 -10 -15 00 - -10 -15 -05 00 -05 -15 -05 -10 -10 -05 -40 -15 -15 -10 -05 -10
Furbl 00 -10 00 -25 -15 -10 - -30 -10 -10 -15 -25 -10 00 00 -10 -40 -30 -30 -15 -10 -30
Gemini -15 -10 -20 -15 -20 -15 -30 - -15 -15 -15 -10 -15 -20 -20 -15 -40 00 00 -10 -15 -10
(Gen) Humans -05 00 -05 -20 00 -05 -10 -15 - 00 -05 -10 00 -05 -05 00 -40 -30 -30 -15 00 -15
Goola-Goola 00 00 -05 -20 00 00 -10 -15 00 - -05 -15 00 -05 -05 00 -40 -30 -30 -15 00 -15
Ikrini -10 -05 -10 -20 -05 -05 -15 -15 -05 -05 - -15 -05 -10 -10 -05 -35 -15 -15 -10 -05 -15
Jezzadeic Priest -15 -05 -15 -10 -15 -15 -25 -10 -10 -15 -15 - -10 -15 -15 -10 -40 -05 -05 -05 -10 -05
Kizanti -05 00 -05 -20 00 -05 -10 -15 00 00 -05 -10 - -05 -05 00 -40 -30 -30 -15 00 -15
Misha 00 -10 00 -25 -10 -10 00 -20 -05 -05 -10 -15 -05 - 00 -10 -40 -30 -30 -15 -05 -15
Mutzachan 00 -10 00 -25 -10 -10 00 -20 -05 -05 -10 -15 -05 00 - -05 -40 -30 -30 -20 -05 -20
Orion Rogue -05 00 00 -15 00 00 -05 -10 00 00 00 -05 00 00 00 - -35 -25 -25 -10 00 -10
Phentari 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00
Python Lizard -30 -10 -30 -10 -15 -15 -30 00 -30 -30 -15 -05 -30 -30 -30 -25 -30 - 00 -10 -30 -10
Ram Python -30 -10 -30 -10 -15 -15 -30 00 -30 -30 -15 -05 -30 -30 -30 -25 -30 00 - -10 -30 -10
Sye-Men -10 00 -10 -20 -05 -10 -15 -10 -15 -15 -10 -05 -15 -15 -20 -10 -35 -10 -10 - -15 00
Tanndai -05 00 -05 -20 00 -05 -10 -15 00 00 -05 -10 00 -05 -05 00 -40 -30 -30 -15 - -15
Zen Rigeln -10 00 -10 -20 -05 -10 -30 -10 -15 -15 -15 -05 -15 -15 -20 -10 -35 -10 -10 00 -15 -


This optional rule will allow Battle Masters to adjust
the difficulty of using a weapon that was not designed
for your race as well as chargeing more appropriate
amounts for weapons based on what race the weapon
was designed for. For instance, a pistol easily used by
a Mutzachan will be virtually impossible to fire by a
large Ram Python hand, and vice-versa. This problem
has been glossed over thus far for simplicity’s sake, MC-6 designed for MC-6 designed for
but the table above will allow you to determine the Human Python Lizard
penalty incurred from using a weapon (or even equip-
ment and armor) that was intended for another race.
You can also use the modifier (as a positive number)
to represent the percentage of the full price of a
weapon that a PC would have to shell out to have it
converted for his race’s use. Thus a racial modifier of
-40 would yield a cost of 40% of the purchase price of
the weapon to modify it.
To use the table, find the race of the character in
the left-hand column, and the race the weapon was
designed for in the top row of the table. MC-6 designed for MC-6 designed for
Mutzachan Phentari




AHW - By Weapon Plasma Seduct Grenade 20 8/Fragment
AHW (Metal) 4/1 By Weapon Impact Lasers 10 3
Anti-Tank HP Dam/Non-HP 22/15 100/50 Implosion Field Technology 25 0
Archaic Powder Weapons 4 1 Jammers 10 0
APW, Machine Guns 5 3 Juicers 25 8
Arm Rockets 6 10 Light Sword 6 8
Attractor/Repressors 12 - Machine Gun Lasers 12 4
Laser Weapons 6 1 Mag Guns 7 -
Carousel Guns 6 5 Metal Guns 6 Damage x 5
Chainguns 12 6 Micron Body Weapons 4 -
Compact Artillery 50 12 Modern Hand Weapons 6 By Weapon
Disintegrators 7 Special Mortar 81mm 15 3/Fragment
EMP Cannons 7 - Mortar 110mm 20 5/Fragment
F.I.S.T. 12 0 Neuro Cannons 5 -
Flamethrowers 5 - Omega Weapons 20 -
Flux Interference Generators 10 - Particle Weapons 10 1
Frost Guns 15 - PAWS 50 20
GAUSS Rifles 5 1 PMS 14 25
GEW 10 - Pulse Cannons/Blasters 15 8/4
Gravitational Sheers 10 6 Reflex Missiles 15 25
Grenade Launchers 6 By Grenade Rocket Launchers 12 25
Regular Grenades 15 1/Fragment SAMS 20 100
Phosphorus Grenade 15 2/Fragment Static Pistols 8 6
Plasma Grenade 15 4/Fragment Thermatics 4 -
Super Plasma Grenade 18 5/Fragment Thunderbolt Generators 8 1

AHW Archaic Hand Jammers Energy Weapons
Anti-Tank Direct Fire Juicers Pulse
Archaic Powder Weapons Archaic Powder Laser Weapons Beam
APW, Machine Guns Archaic Powder Gunnery Machine Gun Lasers Beam Gunnery
Arm Rockets Direct Fire Mag Guns Direct Fire
Atomic Particle Weapons Particle Metal Guns Energy Weapons
Attractor/Repressors A/R Beam Micron Body Weapons Archaic Powder
Carousel Guns Rail Gun Modern Hand Weapons Archaic Hand
Chainguns Archaic Powder Gunnery Mortars Indirect Fire
Compact Artillery Indirect Fire Neuro Cannons Energy Weapons
Disintegrators Energy Weapons Omega Weapons Omega
EMP Cannons Energy Weapons PAWS Pulse Gunnery
F.I.S.T. HTH or AHW by type PMS Missile Gunnery
Flamethrowers Chemical Pulse Cannons Pulse
Flux Interference Generators Energy Weapons Reflex Missiles Direct Fire
Frost Guns Chemical Rocket Launchers Direct Fire
Gauss Rifles Rail Gun SAMS Missile Gunnery
GEW Grav Tech Static Pistols Pulse
Gravitational Sheers Grav Tech Thermatics Beam
Grenade Launchers Direct Fire Thunderbolt Generators Thunderbolt Generator
Impact Lasers Beam Web Generators Chemical
Implosion Field Technology Omega




This table shows the threshold of any given weapon system. Any hit to WEAPON EFFECT
the weapon that penetrates the threshold causes the weapon to make a Anti-Tank Full Damage
System Shock roll at a penalty of five times the penetrating damage. Archaic Hand Half Damage
Failure indicates that the weapon is non-functional. Roll on the Archaic Powder Pistols, Rifles,
weapon’s malfunction table: a roll of 99 or 100 indicates that the Half Damage
Sub-machineguns, Shotguns
weapon has exploded. Use the damage listed from the worst malfunc- Archaic Powder Machine Guns Full Damage
tion listed. Atomic Particle Weapon Full Damage
Attractor/Repressor Full Damage
WEAPON SKILLS Carousel Gun Full Damage
Chain Gun Full Damage
The table on the previous page lists the skill needed to utilize a given
Compact Artillery Full Damage
weapon system. The skill tables can be found in the Battlelords rule-
Disintegrator Treat as metal damage
book or Galactic Underground.
EMP Cannon No Damage

WEAPON EFFECT ON FLUX SHIELDS Field Interference Generators

Full Damage
Half Damage
This table details the effect any given weapon system has on any kind of Frost Gun Half Damage
Flux shield. You may use this table as a guide to determine the effects of GAUSS Rifle Full Damage
weapons or impacts not listed here or those that your BM may create. No damage unless target falls (Full
Gravitational Shear Full Damage
Full Damage (No damage for
T-3, CS-7, M-80)
Grenade Launcher By round type
Impact Laser Full Damage
Implosion Field Technology Full Damage
Jammer No Damage
Juicer Full Damage
Laser Half Damage
Mag Gun Cannot adhere to shielded target
Metal Guns No Damage
Micron Body No Damage
Mines Full Damage
Missiles/Rockets Full Damage
Modern Hand Weapons Full Damage
Mortar Full Damage
Neuro Cannon No Damage, target immune
Omega Weapon Full Damage
PADS By type
Personal Missile System Full Damage
Pulse Cannon Full Damage
Rocket Launcher Full Damage
SAMS Full Damage
No Damage to shield, affects target
Sonic Disruptor
Static Pistol Full Damage
Taser No Damage
Thermatic Half Damage
Thunderbolt Generator Full Damage
Web Generator Goops off; No Damage



.454 Casull 42 Arrow (normal) 122 Biological 3 128 Corrosive Smoke 125 EMP System 108
.700 Nitro Express 44 Arrow LOSN 87 Biopsy 125 Coulomb 118 EMP+ 124
00 Buck Shot 122 Arrow X 88 Bipod 121 Cover Fire 137 EMP+ DEP+ 124
1-Shot Wonder 110 Arrowhead 134 Birdshot 122 CR-3 (chemical) 72 EMP-X 63
10x Power Scope 121 Ashannari 37 Blackjack 37 Cribits 57 Emulsifier 53
2x Power Scope 121 ASP 20 41 Blaheeli 37 Cronk 38 Encephalitides 57
3x Power Scope 121 Assassin 91 Blazer 66 Crossbow (heavy) 38 Energy Consumption Rules 140
6x Power Scope 121 Assault 136 Blood Salt 57 Crossbow (light) 38 Energy in Power Pack (EPP) 140
85 Pound Carinade 59 AT-4 95 Blowgun 38 Crossfire 44 Energy Mace 101
Atomic Particle Weapons 15, 51 Blowpipe 100 Crossfire 47 Energy Per Shot (EPS) 140
Attack and Defense PADS 107 Boa 105 Crowd Killer 103 Energy Weapon Recharges 32
A Attractor/Repressors 16, 52
Audio/Visual Broadcast 125
Bolt (armor piecing) 122
Bolt (explosive tipped) 122
Crumb Snatcher 70
Crusader 84
Enfield Weapons System (EWS) 45
Entrenchment 132
A-2 65 AUG 56 44 Bolt (normal) 122 Crusher 54 Enveloper 76
A-Grav Cancellation 125 Avalanche F1 67 Bonoir 95 CS-7 72 Eviscerater 93
Able 3 105 Avengeance 85 Bonois Missile 100 Cumaaskk 78 Excellcior 84
Able Blistex 78 Axe (hand) 37 Bottle Opener 77 Cutter 93 Explosive 123
Able Culprit 84 Axe (throwing) 37 Bouncing Betty 92 Cyanide 57 Explosive 74
Able Dancer 84 Axe (two-handed) 37 Bourgeoisie 117 Cyberdom 128 Explosives 17, 64
Able Effect 70 Axion Paralyzer 103 Bow (compound) 38 Cyclone 54 Explosives-Detonators 17
Able Flow 120 Bow (long) 38 Extended Line 135
Able Heat 113 Bow (short) 38 Extended Range Propulsion 91
Able Ore 78
Able Plus 53 B Bow Sight 121
Brain Module 80
D Extra Crispy 119

Able Rage 85 Backshaw Light Laser 88 Browning .50 cal 41 Dagger (throwing) 38
Able Ram 105 Ballistic-8 99 Dagger 38
Abomination 105 Balshrom 2 105
BS-2 86
Bubonic Plague 57 Danger Everywhere 137 F
Abomination-2 105 Balshrom Banshee 88 Building Your Own Satellite 79 Deception 111 Falcon XR-7 88
Absorption Destroyer 125 Balshrom Flux Cannon 105 Bull Master 115 Deception-2 111 Fanwal 38
Accelerator 66 Balshrom Vice 76 Bunker 132 Deception-3 111 Fas 38
Accessories and Munitions 121 Barrett 82 48 BX-1 (biological) 72 Def-Pulse 1 77 Ferrite 78
Accessories 31, 121 Bas 37 BZ 57 Defender 107 Figlini 96
Acid 125 Bash ‘Em Hammer 101 Defense Only PADS 108 File 135
Adamsite 57 Battle Sphere 79 Defense Sphere 79 Finite 117
ADATS 100 Bayonet Mount 121 Deliverance 89 Firebird 96
Advanced Laser Claymore 92 Bazooka 95 C DEP 124 Firing Positions 137
Advanced Laser Fountain 92 BC-Abuser 110 C-4 64 Depleted Uranium 122 Flail 39
AFR-1 66 BC-Apocalypse 113 C-Mex 57 Depleted Uranium Core 123 Flamethrowers 18, 65
Agitator 63 BC-Arctic 67 Calsham MG 90 Derringer .44 Cal. 43 Flash 74
Ahw Ammunition 31 BC-Blister 55 Calsham-4 88 Detonators 64 Flash Suppressor 121
AK-74 44 BC-Budget Gun 83 Caltrops 38 Devastator 106 Flasher 126
Alley Crossing 137 BC-Chunky 78 Camera System 108 Diamond 135 Flashlight 83
Allox 20mm Auto-Cannon 55 BC-Comet 117 CAMG 125 Diffraction 86 Flechette 124
Alpha 2 87 BC-Destroyer 110 Carousel 89 Dirty As Hell 109 Floater 70
Americas 62 BC-Distortion 90 Carousel Gun Ammunition 32, 123 Disintegrator 126 Floric Acid 126
Anarchist Delight 108 BC-Duster 62 Carousel Guns 16, 53 Disintegrators 17, 62 Fluid Jell 64
Angler 84 BC-Enforcer 110 Carry-Sphere 79 Displacement Rules 139 Flux Interference Generators (FIGs) 18, 66
Ankylosing Synovitis 57 BC-Engager 110 Cataclysm War Gun 113 Displacer 126 Flux shield 1 82
Anthrax 57 BC-Flayer 85 Catir 38 Doka 38 Flux shield 2 82
Anti-Missile Pod 81 BC-Frost Giant 67 Cay 38 Doomsday 83 FM-1 Fragmentation Mine 93
Anti-Personnel Mine Package 81 BC-Frost Slayer 67 CBM2 49 Doorways 137 FN Magnum 41
Anti-Polymer 124 BC-Gravaton 70 Century Model 500 43 Dossien 38 FN P90 49
Anti-Polymer Plus 124 BC-Gravite 70 Cerebral Meningitis 57 Dragon 95 FN-FAL 45
Anti-Reactive 124 BC-Heat 110 CG-911 68 Drexler Auto Cannon 84 Focus 117
Anti-Sensor Paint 125 BC-Heatwave 110 CG-911 Turbo 68 Dummy Round 126 Folding Stock 121
Anti-Tank Mine Package 81 BC-Lightning 118 CG-X2 68 Dummy Sphere 79 Fomenter 63
AP-1 92 BC-Milk Shake 53 Chain 38 DWS (Defensive Weapon Screen) 77 Force 84
AP-2 92 BC-Offensive 111 Chainguns 16, 54 Dynamite 64 Formations 134
APDS 124 BC-Persuader 84 Chainsaw 101 Franchi SPAS 12g 47
Aphrodisiac 128 BC-PlasmaNova 113 Chainsaw Lightning 55 Freezy Pop 126
APW Ammunition 32, 122
APW-Machine Guns 40
BC-Rail Gun 69
BC-Rail King 69
Charbroil 66
Chatilian in a Can 103
E Frost Grenade 73
Frost Gun Ammunition 32
APW-Pistols 42 BC-Render 90 Cheetah 52 E1 93 Frost Guns 18, 67
APW-Rifles 44 BC-Screamer 84 Chemical 92, 129 E15K 49 Fu Fu Gun 45
APW-Shotguns 47 BC-Sentry 107 Chemical and Biological Warfare 56 E2 93 Fundamentalist 88
APW-Sniper Rifles 48 BC-Shock Therapy 84 Chemical Skin 108 E3 93 Fuse 64
APW-Submachine Guns 49 BC-Shredder 90 Chemical/Biological Weapons 16 E4 Tank Killer 93
AR 17 44 BC-Sparkler 71 Claymore 3 93 E9 49
Earthquake 53
Arc Thrower 118
Archaic Hand Weapon Ammunition 37, 122
BC-Splatter Gun 78
BC-Terminator 111
Claymore 92
Climax 113 Edinboro 96 G
Archaic Powder Cleaning Kit 121 BC-Thumper 113 Clostridium Botulin 57 Electrical 93 G14 45
Archaic Powder Weapons 40 BC-Violator 84 Club 38 Electronic Timer 64 G36 45
Archaic Powder Weapons-Machine Guns 13 BC-Winterdom 67 Clumpy 93 Electronic Warfare 1 82 Galil Assault Rifle 45
Archaic Powder Weapons-Pistols13 BC-Zap Gun 118 Cobra 95 Electronic Warfare 2 82 Gamma 4 88
Archaic Powder Weapons-Rifles 14 Behemoth 51 Cobra XM2 105 Electronic Warfare 3 82 Garrote 39
Archaic Powder Weapons-Shotguns 14 Belair RL 99 Coilizer 69 Eliminator 62 Gashil 62
Archaic Powder Weapons-Sniper Rifles 15 Beretta 9mm 43 Colt .357 Magnum 43 Emeresk 57 Gauss 1 69
Archaic Powder Weapons-Submachine Guns Beta 3 88 Colt Anaconda .48 Cal. 43 Emissions 66 Gauss 2 69
15 Big Frosty 68 Combat Sphere 79 EMP 124 Gauss Ammunition 124
Archer 54 Big Frosty II 68 Compact Artillery 17, 59 EMP 126 Gauss Rifle Ammunition 33
Armbrust 7 95 Billy Club 37 Compact Artillery Rounds 32 Emp 38 Gauss Rifles 18, 68
Armor Piercing 124 Biological 129 Conflagration 71 Emp Cannons 17 Genius Module 80
Arrow (armor piercing) 122 Biological 1 128 Conflict 71 EMP Cannons 63 GEW-1 70
Arrow (explosive tipped) 122 Biological 2 128 Core 115 EMP DEP+ 124 Ghost Staff 101
EMP Package 82 Glock 18c 43



Glock 9 43
Glue 126
K Majestic 2 62
Majestic 62
N Popgun 113
Portable Fusion Generators 141
Glue 93 K-4 Proton Cannon 62 Mako 49 Naj 39 Position Broadcast 127
Goop Gun 120 K-8 Vaporizer 62 MAR 126 Nalasu 98 Power Flux System 82
GR3 RangeMaster 69 K-Sat Options 21 Marathon 114 Nanoid Detonator 64 Pressure 65
Grass 133 K-Sat Weapons 21 Mark 3 52 Nanoid Payload 127 Prone Entrenchment 132
Gravitational Effect Weapons (GEWs) 19, 69 Kamnan 39 Mark 4 52 NE-7 Comrade 62 Prone Unsupported 131
Gravitational Shears 19, 71 Kanath-3 96 Mark 5 52 Needler 94 Propulsion 1 80
Green Glass 109 Kill Master 129 Marrson Metal Man 89 Neuro Cannon 2 104 Propulsion 2 80
Grenade Launchers 20, 74 Killer Satellites (K-Sats) 21, 79 Marrson Opticon 83 Neuro Cannon 3 104 Propulsion 3 80
Grenade Machine Guns 20, 75 Kla 39 Marrson Pistol 86 Neuro Cannons 27, 103 Propulsion 80
Grenade Modifications 73 Knalu-Knalu 39 Marrson Thunderbolt 119 Neuro-Cancellation 103 Protector 107
Grenade Screens 134 Kneeling Unsupported 131 Marrson Thunderclap 119 Neuro-Cannon 1 104 PSG1 48
Grenades 19, 72 Knockback Damage 142 Marrson Transport 70 Neuro-Masher 104 PT-1 Plasma Thrower 112
GTL 99 Knockback Distance 142 Masral 12g Double Barrel Riot Control Neutralizer 62 Ptfaang 39
Guardsman 107 Knockback Rules 141 Shotgun 47 Neutralizer-2 62 Pulsar 66
Guidance Package 1 80 Knockback Weapon List 142 Masral Smuggler 10g 47 Night Stalker 43 Pulse 63
Guidance Package 2 80 Knockback Weapons 141 MAW Battle Rifle Shell 46 Night Vision 81 Pulse Cannons 29,110
Guidance Package 3 80 Knockout 74 MAW Carbine Shell 46 Nike Hercules 100 Pulse Cannons-Bargain Basement 29, 113
Guidance Packages 80 Korax 58 MAW MG Shell 41 Nine or You’re Mine 136 Pulse Cannons-Pulse Automatic Weapons 30,
Guidance Packages 99 Korilium-312 58 MAW Pistol/Basic Module 43 Niridiean Plague 58 113
Gustaf Whistler 96 KPV 41 MAW Sniper Rifle Shell 48 Nitro-7 64 Pulse Cannons-Pulse Blasters 30, 114
Maximus 119 No Walking Required 137 Pulse Cannons-Static Pistols 30, 115
Mazaround 82 Note 128 Pulse Weapons 110
H L MC-6 86 NSV 41
NTW-20 48
Punk 44
ME2E1-9 66 Puppet Maker 58
H&K ACR 46 Lancer 85 Nuclear 94
ME2E1-9B 66 Python XM3 106
H&K Bulwark 47 Laser Claymore 93 Nunchaku 39
Med Mag 127
H&K CAWS 47 Laser Fountain 93
Med Mag+ 127
HAF 57 Laser Sight 121
Laseras 85
Medium Foliage 133
Hajab 101
Hammer 63 Lasers 82
Mega-Explosive 124 O Quabal 102
Mega-Sphere 79
HammerFist 49 Lasers-Bargain Basement 22, 83 OC-1 106 Quad Pulse Devastator 76
Mentar Reflex Rifle 112
Handsaw 114 Lasers-Impact 22, 84 OC-66 106 Quasar 66
Mentar-A3L Assault Cannon 111
HAW-4 96 Lasers-Machine Guns 22, 85 Octagon 85
Mercuric Rounds 123
HD 58 Lasers-Pistols 23, 86 OLC-Laser Pistol 87
Mesh Defense 108
Lasers-Rifles And Carbines 23, 87 Omega Cannons 27, 104
HEAP 124
Heart Stopper 128 Launched Grenades 73
Metal Guns 24, 90
Omegaton 73 R
Meteor 54
Heat Seeker 99 LAW 96 Orbital 54 Racial Modification for Weapons 143
MG3 41
Heavy-Link 82 Light 93 Orion Special 127 Radar 99
Micro-Grenades 74
Hellfire 126 Light Foliage 133 Other Tricks 134 Radar Enhancement 127
Micro-Sphere 80
Henderson 66 Light Sword 101 Radial 129
Micro-Uzi 51
Hiding in the Rubble 137 Linearity 69 Radio 65
Micrometron 117
High Exlposive 124 Lion 52
Liquid 78
Micron Body Weapon Payloads 128 P Range Hound 85
Rattler 106
High Explosive 129 Micron Body Weapons 24, 90
Lobotomizer 103 P-4 73 Ravager 53
High-Tech Cleaning Kit 121 Micron Carbine 88
Long Range Propulsion 91 P7 43 Realm Generator 76
Hollow Point 122 Micron Payloads 33
Low-Lying Treachery 137 PA-1 Pressure Activated Mine 94 Red Dot Sight 121
Honj 39 Micron Propulsion Systems 91
LS-21 106 PADS 107 Remington M870 12g 47
Horizon 69 Micronite 64
LTX-311 41 Pads 27 Remote Control 81
Hose 41 Microphone 129
Luxxman 83 Pads-Defensive 28 Riddler 42
Howitzer 111 Midget 87 PAI 1 81 RKM 10G 85
HS Series D 47 Might 78 PAI 2 81 RKM 2000 88
Hussein 88 Milan-AS 96 Paint Round 127
Huumack 39 M Mines 24, 92 Pancor Jackhammer 12g 47
RKM 5000 85
RKM 50G 85
M-19 Pulse Rifle 111 Mini-Howitzer 59 Panzerfaust 98 RKM Assault Carbine 88
M-20 Blaster Cannon 111 Mini-Sphere 80 Parabellum 90 RKM-Showtime 112
I M-200 series 73 Mini-Uzi 51 Parabellum-2 90 Road Blocker 10g 47
M-203 74 Minuteman 99 Parasite 127
Iceman 68 Robot Grenades 74
M-20GX Blaster 114 Mirchaum SSLU 87 Parasite Major 127
Imblast Dengue Fever 58 Rock-it 116
M-240 41 Miscellaneous Satellite Accessories 82 PatriotMDG 100
IMI Eagle 43 Rocks and Boulders 133
M-383 73 Mison 117 Patton 62
IMI Uzi 49 Rocky Mountain Fever 58
M-430 73 Missile Pack 81 PC-3 Pulse Rifle 112
Immobilizer 126 Rolling Over 137
M-50 Defiant 111 Missile Pod 81 PC-6 Pulse Rifle 112
Impact Grenade 73 Rommel 62
M-60 41 Missiles-Anti-Tank 25 PC-9000 112
Impact Laser Claymore 93 Rooftop 137
M-75 (fragmentation grenade) 73 Missiles-Anti-Tank Weapons 95 Peashooter 117
Impact Laser Fountain 93 RP-4 Masher Cannon 112
M-75 Auto Grenade Launcher 74 Missiles-Personal Missile Systems (PMS) 25, Penasonic-PL3 87
Impact-5 96 RPG-7B 98
M-79 74 98 PenetratorMax(r) DEP 124
Impervious 99 Rubber 127
M-80 Defender Cannon 111 Missiles-PMS Payloads 33, 129 Pershing 2 99
Implosion Field Technology (IFTs) 20, 75
M-80 Smoke 73 Missiles-Rocket Launchers 25, 99 Personal Nuclear Weapons 28, 108
Incendiary 123
M-85 (fragmentation) 73 Missiles-SAMS 26, 100 PH-3A 112
Incendiary 124
Incendiary Round 122 M-90 Concussion 73 Mk19 AGL 75 Phase Nullification 127 S
M-95 (fragmentation) 73 Mk25 AGL 75 Phio-Sodium Augurate 58 Sabertooth 52
Infrared Imagery 121
M-L50 74 Model 93RS 43 Phosgene 58 Safeguard 78
Infrared Strobe 126
M1 52 Modern Hand Weapons 26, 101 Pincheau ML2 102 SAPHEI 124
Intertwiner 93
M16-L 88 Molotov Cocktail 73 Pincheau ML3 102 Sarin 58
Ioken 39
M16A5 Rifle 44 MOR-1 (Mortar Optical Remote System) 102 Pincushion 107 Savage C 87
Ion Controller 99
M18-L Laser Assault Rifle 88 MOR-3 103 PK 42 Savage D 87
IR 81
M1E 46 Mortar Rounds 33 PK-91 Revolutionary 88 Savage-B 87
Ironside 78
M224 102 Mortars 26, 102 Planar Explosive 127 SAW 42
Ithaca Hammerless 10g 47
M29 102 Movement Techniques 136 Plasma 73 SC-1000 94
M2A .50 cal 41 Moving Out 134 Plasma Dealer 112 SC-2000 94
M4A2 46 MP5 51 Plasma Jet 101 Scanner 117
J M880 Mjolnir 48 MP5K 51 Plasma Pistol 115 Scatter Smoke 127
Jabat 39 MAC 10 49 MP9 48 Plasma Precision 112 Sental 98
Jam On It 82 MAC 11 49 Mr. Clean 109 Plasma Seduction 73 Sentinel 107
Jammers 20, 76 Mag Gun Munitions 33, 125 Mr. Stinky 127 Plasma Whip 101 Shake and Bake 53
Jast 96 Mag Guns 23, 89 Muadirg 39 Plasmatix 113 Shalkon Carbine 89
Javelin 96 Magellan Malaria 58 Multi-step 64 Plasmore 94 Shalkon Heavy 86
Jellatizer 53 Magnatron 89 Mustard Gas 58 PLG 98 Shaped Charge 128
Jellnite 64 Magnetic Plates 108 MX-D 115 PMD-6 94 Shear 94
Johnson 106 Magnetic Sucker 108 Pocket Killer 87 Shockforce 115
Juicers 20 Magnetor-1 93 Poisons 109 Shorty 112
Juicers 77 Magnetor-D 94 Poisons 28 Shrink Gun 116
Jumis Fever 58 Magnetor-H 94 Police .38 Cal. 43 Signature 124



Signature 129
Silence 91
Thompson .45 51
Thunder 94
Silencer (adapt) 121 Thunderbolt Generators 31, 118 XM-214 42
Silencer (Omega) 121 Thwack ‘Em Stick 102 XM307 42
Silencer (plasma) 121 Ti-Jabat 40 XM3120 42
Silencer 121 Tieaz 40 XR-20 Auto Laser 86
Single File 134 Tiger 52
Sizzler 66 TK-7A 46
Skil 40 Toma 40 Z
Skorpion Model 66 51 Ton-CharXD 128
Zandovich 100
Slagger 119 Toshoni LL-C 89
Zen-Field Weapon 104
Sling 121 TOW 2 98
Sling Shot 40 TOW 98
Slit 132 Towers 137
SM 90 51 Toxin Dispenser 128
Smart Grenade 74 Toxin Dispenser+ 128
Smith and Wesson .22 44 TR-9B 90
Smith and Wesson .44 Magnum 44 Transmission Jammer 1 82
Smith and Wesson 48 Plus 44 Transmission Jammer 2 82
Smoke 74 Trapper 107
Sniping 137 Tree (or equivalent) 133
Snowman 68 Tribox 59
So-Itar 98 Tripod 122
Solid Slug 122 Tripwire 65
Sonic 94 Tungsten-Sabot 123
Sonic Detonator 65 Turbo Plus 74
Sonic Disruptor 116 Twister 90
Sounder 128 Types of Cover 131
Spandrel 98
Spare Batteries 141
Spartan 115
Spear 40
Spear Gun 102 Ultimax 42
Spearhead 134 Ultra-Mag 63
Specialized Weaponry 30, 116 Uncle Ernie Loves You 109
Spectrum 83 Underground 137
Spectrum Plus 83 Urban Combat 135
Speed Loader 121 Utaba 98
Spheres 79 UV Dampener 82
Splatter Effects 120 UV Strobe 128
Splatter Gun 120
Spoiler 94
Staff 40 V
Standard Guidance 99
Valley Green Assault Gun 86
Standard Propulsion 91
Valley Green Express 86
Staphylococcus aureus 59
Valley Green Heavy Cannon 113
Starlight Scope 122
Valley Green OX 106
Stecker PC 112
Valley Red Heavy Cannon 114
Stecker Quad 115
Vector 1 112
Steiger 3 99
Vector 3 112
Steyr ACR 46
Vector 4 “Power Vector” 112
Steyr AUG 46
Vector 5 112
Stick Gun 89
Vector X 112
Sticky Grenade 74
Vehicles 137
Stiletto 40
Velocity 115
Stinger-8 100
VG-4 119
Stinger-9 100
Viceroy 86
Stingray 63
Villanite 64
Street Howitzer 106
Viper XM1 106
Strikeforce 106
Virean Plague 59
Super Force 85
Viscosity-1, 2, 3, 4 73
Super Plasma 73
Visual Remote 81
Super Sonic Pulse 128
Vixer 30mm Chaingun 55
Supremacy 2 99
Void Pulse 77
Supremacy 99
VX 59
Surveillance 82
Sword (broad) 40
Sword (long) 40
Sword (short) 40 W
Sword (two-handed) 40 Walther A2000 48
Synapse Neutralizer 104 Walther PPK 44
WatchDog 107
Watchman 108
T Water 133
Wax’em Gun 115
T-3 Blinder 73
Weapon Effect on Flux Shields 145
T-Net 107
Weapon Skills 145
Tabum 59
Weapon Threshold and Integrity Reduction
Tagert 10 86
Tagert-6 Shock Gun 89
Weapons Packages 81
Tangler 94
Web Generators 31, 119
Taser 116
Web Thrower 120
Teg Staff 102
Wedge Cutter 94
Tenteclex 1 87
Whip 40
Tenteclex 3 87
Wicked Crimson 114
The Lay of the Land 137
Widow Maker 106
The Pop Up 134
Window 133
The Question of Heavy Weapons 136
Windows 137
The Route 135
Wompum Happy Gun 76
Thermatics 30, 116
Thick Foliage 133
Thief 70


Weapons. Lots of them.
It’s what Lock-N-Load:ÊWeapons &ÊTactics is all about. Over the eons all of
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Roleplaying In A Dangerous Future

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