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This is Free Trader Beowulf, calling anyone... EE CO) ee main drive is gone... 2 Mayday . . . losing cabin pressure fast . . . calling anyone ... please help... This is Free Trader Beowulf . . . Mayday... Traveller Science Fiction Adventure in the Far Future GMs SCREEN STEVE JACKSON GAMES WTSI ‘Maneuver ‘Maximum Move facing Change (end ot mave) ‘Attack Defense ‘Special Kates in ‘RN nnn, Neca oe +5 ain es after first turn of aiming. ‘afer first turn. after first turn. Aim benefits. ‘ranged weapons lose Acc bonus pr ate oni per change Poston 0 i Hone Yomal Se Tie of Poston Sty nd Rest Lhe tay fone omal Cano pry ior eas espn, ‘or block without a ready shield, St nd tack “ex oy Norma toma 2a a a RSE OE T° > ee ta Ome = po aerend orf and ata Sep and ent tex wy Guckcones Noma Win wih suc pray foes oom aad, circus atl a eager fo nec fl ipa Onceninee soy Hone Anburol1Q}3 eed wh mage or ccteettcnmestatin, po ooh Se nd Wat tex ny Se a een epee pe ae os oe ool ou Dts Lex soy den 2S sa hata rata rayon xi Tapas Mine UpwMoe seme, Upto Mone ——_Wldsvingo,——-Nomal—«Se Tae of Psion orcs vad (oD ‘ay cig pelts tp, 105 “ileer beck ot2) whan: "ranger rig hg ing ese dep itoain ‘setae ee MODIFIERS TO ATTACK ROLLS| Peston ——taek Uefnse ar peaty Nernent ‘These modifiers affect any roll to hit a target witha weapon. Sanding Nom Noma! ena ny scat : aoe ae ee 2 (more a 6S option) Part eepe co tse «sade, — Saeencomencnenerodettar tng te to ain wl ao ene is poy oe need weapons -2 to ik; cost perhes | ad light 110-9; Total darkness: -10 2 to any active defense Blind 6; Blinded suddenly: -\0 cone ey Ranged weapons toby #2ecostper ex | Cis combat... 2 sing a hand weapon in lose combat (2hexes) close attacks -3 to any active defense ee ee | rie ov on fc : Sitting _ As for kneeling ae Combat at different levels 2 or more Tyas nice coat ask crstiae cores (GM's decision; see pp, B123-124) (2hexes) —_w/crossbow: Crawl ‘PP ve —— crating 4 eum Croucbing 2 [UTeT= Valsts an Xena CoM Datars oles) | snes omnes ‘These modifiers affect Dodge, Parry, and Block. Subtract DX penalties for Bad Sight, | “4me (only for hand-weapon attacks): off-hand weapon, et, tom Gonba/Weapon sl before uring Block or Par score. | rPpe eg 3 ‘tack fom above + | onelee 6 Combat at different levels “Vormore | “ing down 4 ais decision: see pp 125125) | Motionles and unaware target ‘fifa tums taken Combat Reflexes “L oxi ist Crating "3 | soasibted 4 necing Ofrband attack 4 (ao pena Ambidextous) Knje parry i paying kate | One oye -----1 for band-veaponatacls, 3 Tor ranged ata omen ising a ale | Shield “2 if wsiog a large shield Parry ts and weapon Siting 2 tal 4 | ST under minimum 5 or that weapon 1 per pont held sh 2 | and ‘ine depornony ase ary 0. thoi weapon Sanding in water (ene deep or mor Seep. BDL Nos wenn 1 | Sing nt a close combat 2 Small weapons (eines) | Seimming or undervater penal (ep. B91) rssive Defense: +90. Weapon as tage: Retreaing Polearm, spear, rifle greatsord, ec 3 Runarond” tack Most weapons, 4 Shield Kh, pistol, ; Side atta Meapon tn bad repate “For mor Siting wid Suing 5, maxim wt all 9 Stoned 2 | Wounds. Peay equal ts you took on preceding ir Unarmed parry 1s eapom -. +} excep thas oF when using jc o arte High Pain Threshold advantage eliminates ths penal Low Pain Threshold disadvantage doubles it. Wounds Halve Dodge if you have 3 or fewer hitpoints left CRITICAL SUCCESS Pee ses Aroll of 3 or 4 is always a critical success. Aol of isa eritical success your effective sill 15+ Aroll of 6 isa crtical success your effective skill is 16+ A roll of 18 is always a erica ure A roll of 17 is an ordinary flue if your effective skill is 16 oF beter, and a eral falure if your effective skills under 16, Any roll of 10 or more greater than your effective shil isa critical flute. That is, 16+ on a skill of 6, 15+ om skill of 5, and so on. CRITICAL SUCCESS Pee eels) ON DEFENSE ROLLS Critical Success: Your foe goes immediatly 10 the appropriate Critical Miss Table. You “faked him out,” knocked the weapon from his hand or otherwise defended very well. Exception: Against ‘ranged attack, a critical success has no special effect. Critical Failure: Ifyou tried wo dodge, you lose our footing and fl. you red to block, you lose our grip on your shield and must take @ turn to re-ready it before you can block again (its passive defense sill coun's). Ifyou tried to parry, you go to the appropriate Critical Miss Table. CRITICAL HITS Use this table when a critical hit is rolled in combat ll doublings or tripling of normal dam age refer wo the basic de roll 3 — Ifthe blow hit the tors, it does normal dam age andthe foe is knocked unconscious Rll ws. HT every 30 minutes to recover. Otherwise, it does triple damage. 4 The blow bypasses all armor and does nor mal damage ~The blow does triple normal daa 6 ~The blow does double normal damage = Normal damage, and foe is stunned until he his HT rol 8— If blow hit an arm, eg, hand or foot, it does normal damage, and that body part is crippled regardless of the damage done. However. ths is ‘only a“funny-bone” injury, and will wear off in six turns. (Of course, if enough damage was done to cripple the limb anyway, it does not wear of) Otherwise, the blow does normal damage, 9, 10, 11 — Normal damage only 12—As #8, abow. 13—The blow bypasses all armor and does nor: mal damage 14 ~ Ifthe blow hit an arm, leg, hand or fot, i ‘does normal damage, and that body partis rfp ‘pled regardless ofthe amount of damage done, ‘Otherwise, double normal damage. 15 ~ Enemy's weapon is dropped, and he takes normal damage. 16 ~The blow does double normal damage 17 ~The biow does triple normal damag 18 IT the blow it the torso, it does normal dam: ‘age and the foe is knocked unconscious. Rolls. HT every 30 minutes to recover. Otherwise, triple normal damage CRITICAL HEAD BLOWS ‘Use this table only when aerial hit is rolled ona head blo 3 —Foe is killed instantly! 4, 5 — Foe is knocked unconscious. Roll ys. HT ‘every 30 minutes to recover 6 — Foe is hit across both eyes and blinded, Use ‘rippling rules to determine whether eyes can | heal (rll separately for each). Foe is stunned | and fights at -10 DX forthe rst ofthe bate 7 — Foe is blinded in one eye. Use “crippling rules to determine if t heals. Foe is stunned; will ght at -2 DX for the rest ofthe bate | 8 = Foe is knocked off balance; he may defend normally next turn but may do nothing else. The blow also does normal head-blow damage. 9, 10, 11 ~ Normal head-blow damage only 12 — I the atack was a crushing blow, it does normal head-blow damage and the foe will be deaf for 24 hours. IFit was a cutting or impaling blow, it does only 1 hit damage, bu the foe's face is scarred. 13 — Ifthe atack was a crushing blow, it does normal head-blow damage and foe may be per- manenty deafened (use “crippling” rules wo see if he recovers) If it was a cutting or impaling blow, it does only 2 hits damage, but the foe's face is badly seared, 14 — Normal head-blow damage. Foe inches and drops his weapon (iffoe has two weapons, roll randomly to see which is dropped) 15-18 — Normal head-blow damage, acd foe is stunned. VEHICLE ITICAL HITS Use this table when a eitical hit i rolled when attacking 4 vehicle. It is greatly simplified from the one in GURPS Vebicles. All damage is applied to the vehicles hit points; vehicle with (hitpoints wil no longer function Triple normal damage. If any damage pene trates DR and there are computers inthe vehi le, one computer is destroyed as well! 4—Double normal damage. If damage in excess ‘05% of body hit points (minimum 1 ht) pen- itatesthe DR of a wate oar vehicle, its rudder system is damaged and the vehicle can no longer maneuver (if using Vebicles, halve MR instead), ‘5 ~The hit bypasses 90% of armor DR and does normal damage. Whether damage penetrates DR ‘oF not, one sensor (i any) is disabled 6 — Normal damage, and the vehicle's largest engine (if any) is badly damaged, halving the vehicles top speed and acceleration. If this result occurs a second time, the engine stops working. Ifthe vehicle has’ only batteries or power ces, treat as #14, below, 7 ~ Normal damage. If any damage penetrates DR, or if the vehicle is made of wood, fre breaks out! This does 2d damage (3d to wood: en vehicles) every 10 seconds, ignoring DR. 8 ~ Normal damage, and one of the vehicle's ‘weapons (if any) is struck and disabled 9, 10, 11 ~ Window hit Ifthe vehicle has win ‘dows or a transparent canopy, one shot goes in through them, ignoring all but window DR (DR 1 for normal windows). 12 Normal damage, and one item of miscela: ‘neous equipment is disabled (GMs option). 13 ~ The hit bypasses 90% of DR and does nor: ‘mal damage, 14 Ifthe vehicle hasa battery or power cel, half ofits storage capacity (along with half the stored power) is lost I the vehicle has no batteries or power eels, treat as #6, ahove 15 — Normal damage. If any damage penetrates, DR and there are communications or ECM 33s: tem in the vehicle, one such sytem is disabled. 16 Double normal damage. If the vehicle has a fuel tank, it develops a leak: 14% ofthe ttl fuel capacity leaks out immediately, plus another 14% every minute (unless the tank is self seal ing). Als, roll 3d for Dammable fuel. Diesel will catch fire on 9 or less, gasoline on 11 or less and jet or rocket fuel on 13 oF less. This does damage per #7, above. Ifthe fuel ignites, check ‘every 10 seconds for an explosion, rolling ds. dralf the number above (eg, 5 or les fr gaso Tine). An explosion will immediately disable the whic 17 —Triple normal damage 18— Double normal damage. If any damage pen- ‘tates DR and the vehicle is carrying explosive ammunition, the ammo explodes, doing damage equal tod shots ofthat ammo (or whatever is lef ifless) ISBN 1-5S5b34-45?-0 51095 81556'344572 | sJGO1095 6619 "YS." rel A ee) ‘When using a ranged weapon, figure your adjusted sil by (1) Taking your hase kil withthe weapon type. Add the bonus ofthe specific weapon's curacy if you have taken at leas 1 turn 10 aim. The Accuracy ‘modifier cannot be more than your base ski, (2) Modifying for sie of target. for target's range and sped. for conditions (Snap shot or aim, bac ing, darkness, and so on), including any special conditions determined bythe GM, The result gives your adjusted sill A rl ofthis orless, a hit bes, Size 2- TaRGeT The lary the target, the easier its to hit Use is length +2 wiih if width i less than Ys of length). ° ond up tothe next larger size, and read the cvoifer in the second column of the table Obects larger than man sized give a bonus to hit svaller objets, a penal Tarcer’s SPEED AND RANGE The argts speed and range give a single mod. ler The sm of range (in yards) and speed (in yards per second) gives a number from the table ‘his means tha ifthe target is very is, sds tance becomes less important... iitis very fur vay is speed becomes ess important. Round up tothe next larger speed/range number. he ier is moving, use the (apparent) relative sped. Yards per second isthe Move score; iis also half the speed in miles per hour. Thus, 60 mph is the same as 30 yar per second. For very large or distant targets, the ule gives a subsidiary cl tun using mide and miles per second. It you use miles forthe range, always use mps forthe speed. ees Su ei pm ‘These modifiers apply to attacks made using ranged weapons. Aiming time Soap sot eet eee es SIZE AND SPEED/RANGE TABLE One an fining “At Two tur of ining “A001 (maximum possible if walkin) eee Feerormere sag na | ae Ima The tare on msec racing aeroson, rife piste ce. imeisekentwaim | 313 1s yards ong (+3 ti. tis 40 rate movment of tree eed yards vay and moving 30 mph. 30 man eeepig ad dongs rns baing Move) ...--t | Sp imps 15 yrds per second. 40 +15 Aan ong Ne 2) 2| eee 55, ul 55s ap mings efor ; | 0, ig spedange mote ‘humming rena unpredice ret 4 ae) “5, The cumulaine modifier is 0 ‘iring om the move (multiply by 3 for crossbows, by 6 for bows): = 7 hit, before the particular weapon is ‘Walking (max. Move 2 i y 3 taken into account, ‘Running (Move 3+) 2 +6 4 rin toh n ceed ex Specoccpciies | 5S Neaghted able range ponies J 4 a angled in ies Ono re (nines saps nay) 8 2k ealaing art ire fring 2] 9 iy 2h Oe ex ad of 8 on sant recor or rb wich 5] se! 2 anh Alhenes lm ine eg watched 3 ; For has Bg watched 6 2 shed 10.098 Seren ten exes Beg watched 7 3 704 mpi or tan en exes beg Watched 8 10 ya 201 Pops attack 2 and fa sap Shot wal 6 15yd 30m Rolling to bit the wrong target ‘Normal roll, max. 9 20 yd 45 mph Siting ind i or if 9, weer wae 308d 70m Sbotgun fring shot +1 45 yd 100 mph Target elevation oa Jsoat Tiger re 1 yrange per bier ee ree Lower target yd. to range per 2 yd. lower 7 ame mE nL rane per 1509 300 mpi “rnc hind isi cove, ead down 7 200d 450.mph A poson, ony ead exposed 5 500 2 700 mph Madan souks exposed i wea i aa: ea rae Behind someone de ie caching ge 5 7 i 500 Prone or crawling without cover 4 16 1,000 yd Ys mi 2,000 mph Body half exposed 3 AT 1,500 yd Ami 3,000 mph ind light cover 2 2,000 yd Wei 4,500 mph Crohn ting or kein wou cover 2 era Fae Carga on of en 2 eon a aya canes Ce icra sen : Timox— Snn 13000 a ad ~ 10,000 yd Timi 20,000 mph CLINE ae omens Rounds ‘Attack Rall Made by 20 mi 20 mps 70,000 mph tn Group a 203 4 & 200 mi 200 mps_ 1 Womemaecrrmer iat 000 mi 2,000 ps 2 aa oa 20,000 mi 20,000 ps 3 rr ee 200,000 ni 200,000 mp TRADE AND COMMER GMs may override any of the following die ros at their discretion (to declare no high passen gers willbe found inthe outback of an underdeveloped colony world, for example), LocaTinG PASSENGERS Passengers (seep. GI78) and cargo may normally be found only at starports (dey may be found clsewhere atthe GM's discretion). Any character with Merchant skill may make on attempt to find each type of passenger and one atempt to find each type of cargo (mul, freight, and speculative cargo) once per day Locating passengers is atest of Merchant skill, For each successful rol, determine the number ofeach type available as follows: High Passage: Roll 1/2 for the number of passengers seeking high passage Middle Passage: Rol 1d forthe numberof passengers seeking middle passage. Low Passage: Roll 2-3 forthe numberof passengers seeking low passage. Seep. 108 Locatinc Carco Locating cargo is also atest of Merchant skill, For each successful roll determine the tonnage ofeach type available as follows: Mail: I the ship is fited with weaponry and carvies a gunner, and the sarport is Class IL or worse 1 ton of mail i available Freight Roll dl to find the numberof fts of freight available. For each lo, rll 44-4 to find its size in tons. The ship must acceptor reject each lt in its entirety Carying just part of a ots not allowed. Speculative Cargo: Determine the number of tons of speculative cargo in the same way 25 freight. JUMP (INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL ‘Suecesful jump requires three separate success rolls: Piloting (Sash), Flare = 0 jump Astogtion, Faire = misexit Misdirected Jump Table Engineering Gump Dre), Fare = migiomp | poy Girection Distance 2 1 1d? Mooriers (cumuative) | 5 2 Md Jump with unrefined fel -2 42 id Jump within 10 diameters -4 5 3 Pa Jump within 50 diameters -4 egies 4 Jump within 10 diameters 4 z ‘ Fy Cri fare at any roll may reat in dasor. | § f sd Rerol succes indicates disaster avoided but fire | syne a sil oun nee A f as Fr No Jump: Ship remansin inital system, Sartover got 2d vice once for each clu ‘Misexit: Ship comes out elsewhere than intended, pene acine) precise location GM's option Misjump: At GM's option, this is either no jump (see above), failed jump (ship enters jump- space for about a week, consumes fuel, and emerges at initial point) or misdirected jump (see table). Disaster: Ship takes high level of damage or is destroyed (GM's option). al a eather Interplanetary’ travel requires two success rolls: Ploting (Starship or Contragravity Craft) and Astrogation. Same character may perform both, but at -4 if vessel is 2004 tons. TRAVEL Times Time Distance 0.00016 00016 O01G O16 1G 2G 45mo ST wks 18whs Adgs 31s 22 bs 7m Quis 29wks G3days days brs lomo i3wks Imo. days. 28days 2 days Kimo 45mo_— wks, 13dyy 41 days 28 days 2 0 Tmo 9wks-29wks63days 45 days 32mo —10mo Shs AwhsSdas63 das, Sys 23mo Tmo Owks, 29s ws 78m ——-32mo— 0m 3 wks dks 2.9 hs Abbreviations: ys: years, mo: months, wis weeks, bs: hous, Lala Merchant ships earn money according to the Merchant Ship Revenues Table (below), except for speculative cargo. Speculative cargoes: may involve thera profit o loss forthe ship Passage Income tem in High (each) Cr3,500 | Freight (per ton) 6r650 Mite (each) Cr1,750] Mail (iffited) —¢r10,000 Low (each) C1175 Spec. Cargo (see below) Speculative Cargo: Determine the profivioss as a test of Merchant skill. Roll once per lot of speculative cargo, Ona succes, the cargo was sold a a prof on 1 fllure the cargo was soldat loss, Amount i deter: mined by rolling 1/2 x Cr1,000 per ton of spec. cargo. aed ‘When you fal, rol for damage as follows 1 or 2 yards (1d-4) per yard Bor 4 yards (13) per yard 5 or more yards (1.2) per yard A successful Aerobaties roll will reduce the effective distance by 5 yards. If you land on something soft (ncluding water, on a successl Swimming rll), s tract | point per yard fallen, Treat any fll of more than 50 yard a only 50 yards. Cloth, eather or exible plas tie armor protects at full DR, to a maximum of DR 3. Medieralsivle metal armor protects at Ye DR (round down). T18+ combat armor protects at DR. See p. B31 for optional ht location rules. Selo Nase Reaching Earth orbit requires an orbital velocity of 17,800 mph. For another plant, multiply 17,800 bythe square roo of (ts mass in Earth masses divided by its diameter in Earth diameters). If mass is unknown, sim. ply divide the planets diameter by Earth’ diameter (8,000 miles), then multiply by 17,800. Escape velocity is 1.414 times orbital velocity Divide orbital (or escape) velocity by (21.8 x ship's Accel) to find out how many seconds it akes a stream lined ship o reach (or escape) orbit fom the surface. Ifa planet has no atmosphere, subtract local gravity rom the ship's Accel first, Unstreamlined ships always sub tract local gravity fom Accel, Arvvals take as much time as departures, plus 30 seconds of carefully seting down. In either case, vac lum worlds or an unstreamined hull requires Acco to exceed local gravity folate") Tech level Time per victim ‘its restared” 0 No Fist Aid Use bandaging skill exits oly 1 30 minutes We 23 30 minutes 13, 4 30 minutes 1 5 20 minutes 12 6,7 20 minutes i 8 10 minutes id oF As for TL, wih the addition of various special healing drugs and devices © First aid always restores a minimum of 1 hit point fois eer alt= 1 4-3 Use tis table when fighter erically ls at an satack with an ancienvediera hand oF missle ‘weapon, when defender erally succeeds on an active defense vs. any hand weapon atack, or for any evita lure on an armed parry 3, 4 ~ Your weapon breaks, and is useless. Exception: Certain weapons are resistant 10 breakage. These include maces, flail, maul, metal bars, and other solid. “rushing weapons; magic weapons; and finely-made ‘weapons. If you have a weapon ike tha, roll again. Only i you eta “broken weapon” rest a second time does the weapon realy break. If you get any other result, you drop the weapon instead. See Broken Weapons, p.B113. 5 —You managed to it yourse/in the arm or leg (50% chance each way). Exception: If this was an impaling or ranged attack, roll again, Ws haed to sta yourself, butt can be done. Ifyou get a “hit yourself” result a second time, count ‘that result al or fll damage, athe case may he. IF you get something other than “hit your sel" count that esl 6 — As above, bu half damage ony 7 —You lost your balance, You can do nothing ese ‘until your nest turn, Al your active defenses are at -2 unl your next tm, {8 ~ The weapon turns in your kand. Spend one entra tur ready it before using it again 9, 10, 11 — You drop the weapon. Exception: A ‘cheap weapon breaks See p. BLL for dropped! broken weapons 12 The weapon tums in your hand. Spend one cera tur to ready it before using it again 13 — You lose your balance. You can do nothing ‘lke until your next turn Al your active defenses are at-2 until your next ur, 114 Your weapon fies 1d yards from your hand — 50% chance sight forward or straight hack. Anyone onthe target spot mustmake their DX oll or take half damage from the filling weapon! Exception: this was an impaling tack, you sin ply drop the weapon, as per #9, A missile weapon Wl not from your and — it just drops 15 ~ You stained your shoulder! Your weapon m is “cripple” for the rest ofthe encounter, You do not have to drop your weapon, but you cannot use i, ether to tack or defend, for 30 minutes 16 — You fall down! (Range weapon users, see 7 insead) 17, 18 ~ Your weapon breaks, See 83, above, NS ise) CRITICAL MISSES - Pea cad Use this table when a fighter critically fails at a punch, ick or other unarmed strike, when a defender erticaly sue coeds on an active defense vs. an attack like that, or for any «tical lure on an unarmed parry. 3 — You trip and knock yourself out If kicking, you lip and fall on your hea atherwise, you fl face-Brst into your foe's fis, knee, shield, weapon, etc. Roll v. HT every 30 minutes 4 You conneet withthe wrong part of your bods! You imme: diately take enovgh damage to cripple the body part you were striking with (HT/3 fora hand o foot, HY? fran arm orleg)-DR has no elect on this damage. On a Head But, see 3 insea. 5— You hita solid objet (wall or floor) instead f your oppo: nent Roll normal damage and apply ito the body part you were striking wi DR protets normally {6~ As #5 abore, but or half damage ony 7 You stumble forward. Advance | hex pat your opponent and end the turn facing away from him. Your foe Is now behind you! 8 You fll down! 9, 10, 11 —You lose your balance. You can do nothing el ‘all your next turn, Al your active defenses ae at -2 uni your next tun, 12— You trip. Make « DX roll woid ling down Roll at 4 ifficking, ora twice the usual DX penal for any maneuver that requires DX rll to avoid mishap on @ normal fore (eg, Hyg Jump Kick. 13 — You let your guard down ll your active defenses are at 2 for the next trn, and any succesful feint made against you during this turn counts douse! This wil be obvious to Your fe. 14 — You stumble forward. See #7, above, 15 — You pull a muscle. Take 14°3 damage to your arm (if attacking with a hand, eg (if using Leg/oo1 or neck. (on Head But). You are of balance and at 1 al attacks ann defenses for the nex turn You area -3 to any action Involving the injured arm or leg (or to any action, if you injure your neck) uni this damage heals: This penalty is reduced t-1 you have the High Pan Threshold advantage. 116 ~ You stain your shoulder If parrying or punching, that arm is “rippled” for the rest of the encounter. You cannot we ic to alick or defend for 30 minutes. all subsequent punches and parties withthe ther arm wil be at-I. I kick- ing, you fall down hard instead, taking 14-1 damage. DR protects normally (7 ~ You connect with the wrong pat of your body. Se #4, above 18 You trip and knock yourself out See #3, aoe. UNARMED fede ile Vet) a MMe Le) Use this table when a fighter critical fais at 2 grapple, Judo throw or other close-combat maneuver, oF when defender crically suc ceeds on ‘an active defense vs. an atack like that 3 — You knock yourself out! You smash fore ‘heads with your opponent or catch 2 knee in the solar plexus. Rolly. HT every 30 min es to recover, = You throw your back out (14-3 damage) and are at -6 DX and -4 1 from the pain unt someone rests your back with a Fist Aid-2 rol, These penalties are halved if you have the High Pain Threshold advantage. 5 — You fll down bard taking 1d-1 damage DR protects normaly. A645, but for 1d-3 damage only 7— You stumble forward. Advance 1 hex past ‘our opponent and end the tur facing away from him. Your foe is now behind you! tfyou ‘were attempting an Arm of Finger Lock, ora Judo Throw, and if your foe's fighting sle inches that maneuver, he can instead immediately inf that manewet on you if he can make an unmodified Judo or Wreslag ell 8 You fill down! 9, 10, 11 —You lose your balance, You can do nothing else unl your next turn, All your active defenses are a-2 until your ext turn, 12— You trip. Make a DX roll o avoid fling down 413 ~ You let your guard down ll your active “efenses are at -2 forthe next turn. You are also at-2 10 DXin any Quick Contest made in close combat, and any successful feat aguns you counts dowhle! This wil be obvi ‘aus 0 your foe. 14 — You stumble forward, See #7, above, 415 — You pull a muscle. Take 143 damage to your back (area 9-11). You are off balance and at to all antacks and defenses forthe next tur. You are at-3 to any acon until this damage heals. This penalty i reduced to if you have the High Pain Threshold advantage. 16 — You fll down bard, See #5, above You thro your hack out See #4, above 18 — You knock yourself ou. Se #3, above Laila ala de 2 Ut) ata) Use this table when a erica is is rolled for an attack with a firearm, beam weapon, grenade o oaher high-tech weapon, 3, 4—The weapon breaks. I can be repaired (with the proper tools) in 1d hours with success Armoury roll. Ihe atack is with «grenade, it simply fails go oft 5 — You managed tn shoot yourself in the leg (50 ance ight or lef), doing normal damage 6 — As above, but yu shot yourselin the foo. 7 ~The weapon recoil knocks you off balance. You can do nothing until next tur, and all active defenses are at-2 unt then. Ihe attack i with a grenade oF « recolless weapon, ignore this rest '8— A dud. This shot simply doesnt go off and the ammunkion is wasted), but the weapon Is not harmed, 9, 10, 11 —The weapon jams. It will require a sue ‘esfl kl roll (Guns-4 of Armoury) to clear it Ihe weapon i cheap, the rll is at a~3 penalty he atack is wit a grenade oF beam weapon, ‘gore this result and reroll 12—A dud, as #8 above 413, 14 — You drop the weapon. & cheap weapon breaks (io fi it see 43, 4 abow). Otherwise, you must pick it up and ready it agin, If the aatack is with a grenade, place the activated grenade in an adjacent hex and hope you seit for along delay. 15 ~The weapon recoil knocks you dawn, You are 16, 18 fn the ground, siting or hing (your choice). Make a DX ello hold on tothe weapoa! If your STisat leat 5 more than the minimum ST for the weapon (or 12 and higher, in the ease of weapons with no minimum ST rating), ignore this result and use #7 (above) insted, If the ‘weapon is recolles, nothing happens 17 ~The weapon breaks, asin #3, 4 above The weapon explodes. You take the damage ‘mount ofthe weapon in crushing damage; i the Aim maneuver was taken before the shot was ‘made, you are also blinded for five minutes. I the weapon was an energy weapon ot flamethrower, you are also on re. Ibe weapon vasa grenade, it goes off in your hand, doing double damage to that hand, SPACE WEAPONS TABLE Weapon RoF 1/2D Max Acc Damage 360-Mj Laser Yo 2 6 32 5dx50 (2) 405-M) Laser Yo 3 8 33 5dx100(2) Particle Beam Bay Yo 1 4 30 61,000 Meson Gun Bay Yoo 1 4306.00 (1) Spinal P-Beam Yoo. «S15 36 7dx3,000 Spinal Meson Gun Yeo 5 15.36 7dx3,000 (1) Ranges are in 10,000-mile hexes. (2) means armor DR is halved; (}) ‘means armor DR but not meson-screen DR is ignored SNE Te ele) ya ist Scan Values Table Type —PESA— —AESA— —Radscan— Tuo M2 m0 M12 m0 T12 Codpisysem 353739) OY Basicbrige = 3738 Al B35 Command bridge 3% 41 SB Scan Modifiers Sensor: Add value from Scan Values Table, above. Sill: Add Electronics Operations (Sensors) skill level. ‘Range: Count the range in heses from the sensing spacecrat 1 its target. Look this number up on the Space Range Table, above, andl subtract the corresponding modifier Prior Detection: Object detected on prior round by ther sensor type or by aly sharing information through datalink: +4 ABSA only 1m Object’s Size Modifier. 1 Object has basic stealth: -(TL-4), 1m Object has radical stealth: -2 x (Tl-4) 'm Object in same hex or adjacent to planet or moon: -4 ‘m Object or sensor within planetary atmosphere (more than Trace): 6, MEABSA used as ladar:-2, ESA onby 'W Object’ Size Modifier. ‘m Object in same hex or adjacent to planet or moon: -2 Object silhouetted against a sta: 4. ‘m Object or sensor within planetary atmosphere (more than Trace): -6, ‘m Object has basic emission cloaking: -(TI-4)/2, round down.* ‘m Object has radical emission cloaking: -(TL-4).* * nision Cloaking doubles (o the same effectiveness as stealth) ifthe ‘object is ina planetary atmosphere, including a gas piant. In space, emis sion cloaking is ess effective, ashe vehicle i aa going to e “hotter” than surrounding space. Radscanner only ' Object using active sensors: + the Scan value ofthe active sensor (eg, AESA) that the object is using (see Scan Values Table, above) but minus the TL of that active sensor. Ifthe active sensor is used as a ladar, use the Scan value - (TL-+2), 1m Object is using transponder or broadcasting wideband radio sig- nals: +40, Note —ifthe object is also using active sensors, use the higher of the two modifiers; don’t add them together. SPACE RANGE TABLE Foxes Modifier Hexes Modifier 0, 39 IIS 48 i Al 16-20 “49 2 43 2130 50 3. i 31-45 i 4 45 46-70 52 57 46 71-100 sennnse “53. 810 47 atc etc GUNNERY MODIFIERS Use augmented Gunner skill (he sum of Gunner sil, Acc bonus up to limit of base Gunner skl, RoF bonus, and targeting program) with these addional modifiers: Target Size: Add te Size Modifier ofthe target. (Standard missile are +0). ‘using pinpoint marksmanship (p. 172) use 2-6 penalty instead of Size Modlfer ‘Range Modifier: A the range in hexes from the firing spacecraft to its tar ‘¢t, counting the fring hex. The result i linear Range in hexes. Look this up inthe “exes” column on the space Range Table, above. Read the number to the right ("Modiier” column) to get the range modifier applied tothe gunner’ ski Active Sensors: +2 if arget is within sensor range and detected with active Point Defense Fire: +10, Firing beyond J4D range does not reduce Accuracy to 0; as ships are firing over 20-minute round using fll stabilized beam weapons in the yac- ‘uum of space, there is no sudden Ace loss. SEQUENCE OF ACTION 1. Detection and Communication. 2. Manewer 3, Movement 4 Direct Fire, 5 Collision and Point Defense. 6. Launch/Docking 7, Damage Control De EN Lad 3 ~ Puel tank shattered; haf of fuel capac ls. 44— 1 passengers injured; 5d damage each, ignore DR* 5 — Jain knocked ut. 6 — Cargo damaged; a quarter of all cargo carved is lost 7 = One computer krocked oat (standard bridges hae th 8 — 1d erewae inure 5 damage each, ignore DR* 9 ~ Power los; halve Gs and jump number. 10 — Weapon: one ture, bay or other weapon dishle. 11 No special effect unless damage caused by particle beam or meson gun; then one non-hardened compute is knocked out 12 ~ Fuel tank shattered half of fuel capacity lst. 13 ~ 1 passengers injured; 5d damage each, ignore DR* 14 ~ Medrive acceleration halved (round down) 15 ~ Cargo damaged (see abow). 16 — Bridge (or cockpit) knocked out 17 ~ 1d crew ae injure 5d damage each, ignore DR* 18 — Power pant knocked out; ship crippled * Add an extra Id casuals per fl 50 people aboard; ei 50-99 passengers were lef, 2d would be hit The GM chooses or rolls to see who is hit Rather than rol damage for NP, GMs can assume each hit disables ‘orks Ada +1 per die of damage (or use explosive decompression rules) for anyone not stited up HIT LOCATIONS ‘These ht locations apply to hurnan and humanoid foes. They are Histed in ‘order fom head o foot. Numbers in parentheses alter each locaion are used when rolling 3d fora random bit location; some locations ean be hit this way. BRAIN (3-4) Modifier: 7 ‘Miss By 1 Hits: TORSO ‘Multipliers: Bullet (<4), Crash (4), cat (<4), Imp (x4) Blow-Through: NIN Special Effect: Skull provides DR 2. ‘tcl his use Critical Head Blow Table. Any blow that does exactly 0 (or more) damage requires aI rll to avoid knockout. Vietim stunned tn hits over HI/3. Vici knocked ‘out automaticaly on bits over HT. EYES (-) Modifier: 9 (-10 through helm’ eye sls ~ only with missile or thrusting attacks) Mise By 1 Hits: HEAD Multipliers (except on BRAIN bi) Ballet (<1), Crush (<1), Cat 1.5), Inp (2) Blow-Throwgh (except on BRAIN i): Ble (HT3), Energy (HTX), Imp (1103) Special Effects: Critical its use (ritcal Head Blow Table. More than 2 hits of damage blinds the eye; this ‘stuns the target. An impaling, oF missle hit (if the missile i es than 1 inch across) gives an automatic BRAIN hit; sku’ DR does not protect IFAD or FACE (5) Modifier. -5 ‘Miss By 1 Hits: TORSO Multiplier: Bullet G1), Ceush (<1), (cut (15), Imp 62) Blow- Through: Bullet (H1%3), Energy (G16), Imp (HIE) Special Eifets: No DR from helms without fall-f4ce protection, Critical Its use Critical Head Blow Table, Any blow that does exactly 0 (or more) damage requires a HT roll avoid knockout. NOSE (-) Modifier 6 ‘Mis By 1 Hits EXD ‘Mulipiers: Bullet (1), Crush (xt, Cat et 5), Imp (2) ‘Hlow- Toro: Ble (1), Ber (06), imp (3) Special Eft: No DR from helmets ‘whou fulface protection. Cita his use Critical Head Blow Table. aay blow tha does exacly 0 (or inoe) damage regres IT rol © voi nockout Rol against HT (at +5 for High Pain Threshold or at -1 per point of dunage for Low Pun ‘Threshold or be stunned JAW (-) Modifier 6 Miss By 1 Hits: MEAD Mattpliers Ballet (1), Cush (x1), Gut (1.5), Imp (2) Blow- Through: Bulle (HD<3), Energy (GAD6), Imp (HPS) Special Efecs: No DR from helmets ‘without full-fce protection, Ceiical hits use Critical Head Blow Table Any thrusverushing blow that does ‘exacly 0 (or more) damage requires HT roll © avoid fockout, Roll against HTE2 or HT minus damage (hichever is fower) of he stunned. NECK (-) Modifier 5 Miss By 1 Hits: TORSO Multipliers: Bullet (x2), Crush (1.5), Cut G2), Imp (2) Blow Through: Bullet (HD3),B (1Ds6), Imp (HPS) Special Ffrts: Use the PD and DR of the TORSO (unless heavy helm is wom, in which case is PD and DR should be used instead). Victim is ‘stunned on damage over 11/3. Any crushing blow that des over HIS damage requires HT roll o avoid crushed throat; the throat is crushed, the ved must make 2 HT roll every tur, taking 1 hitof damage it he falls, un he dies or receives medical attention, Any cating blow that does over HT damage requires HT roll to avoid decupiation (Le instant death, cny VEINS and ARTERIES (~) (Cuting tacks ony) Modifier 4 (rl or femoral ater in the arm and leg respective), 7 gular vein o carotid arte, in he eck) Miss By 1 Hits: ARM (dal), LEG (femoral) or NECK Gugular or carotid) Mullins Cut (2) for rad or femoral artery; Cat 63) for joule vein or caro ater Biow- Through Cu (HS) Special fects: Surrounding bone fives +1 PD. On eral hi, the ery oF ein tom open. This ao ‘natal infcs 1 ht per 2 tres (alo femoral ater) o pee tara Gogula en or earod arte), unti tne vitim dis oF receives medical ateton. ‘TORSO (9-11) Modifier: 0 ‘Miss By 1 Hts: ~ ‘Multiplier: Bullet (x1), Ceush (1), Cat (1.5), Imp (+2) ‘Blow-Throwgh: Ballet (HT), Energy {(HT2), Imp (HT) Specie fects: — [NEAR (WEAPON) ARM (8) Modifier -2 Mis By 1 Hits: — ‘Multipliers: Bullet (x1), Crush (<1), (ut (15), Imp G1) Blow-Through: Say (HU?2) Special Effects: Damaye over HU/2 ‘ripples arm; this stuns the Large. Excess damage is lost FAR (SHIELD) ARM (6) Modifier -2 (Ail ashes carried) ‘Miss By THis — Malpr:Balet (<1), Cash Gc), Gut (15), Imp G1) ‘low-Toroug: Any (2) Special fects Damage over HU/2 cripples arm this stuns the target aces damage lost HAND (7) (Roll for left or right) Modifier ‘Miss By 1 Hits: ~ ‘Multipliers: Bullet (<1), ut (15), Imp (x1) Blow-Through: Any (H1/3) Special Hots: Damage over HU3 ‘erpples hand; this stuns the target, and anything in that hand i dropped. Excess damage is lost. rush (<1), ‘SHIELD HAND (~) (Only ia shield is carried; otherwise, see HAND.) Modifier: ‘Miss By 1 Hits: ~ Maliptiers: Bullet (1), Crush (x Cat (15), Imp (x1) ‘Blow-Through: Any (HTS) Special Hffects: Damage over HV/3 ‘ripples hand; tis stuns the target. Excess damage is los. ‘VITAL ORGANS (17-18) (ise and hrsingatacs only) Modifier, 3 Mss By 1 Hts: TORSO Multipliers Bullet (+3), Crash (x), ‘at (x1), Imp (3) ‘Hl-Through let (D3), ery (16), Imp (HDS) Seca ifects Any crashing blow that. thes cacy 0 (or more) damage require ol avid knockout Ipaing or lle aacks have a in G chance’ of iting the HEART instead. HEART (-) (isle and thrusting atacs only) Modifier. 4 Mls By 1 hts: TORSO Mailers: Ballet (x3), Crash (1), Gut (x), Imp 63) ‘Blow- Through Bult (7-3), Energy (iP), Ip (HDS) Special lect: On any bullet ot ‘impaling hi that does damage equal to orgreater than HD, an aon. Al HT lis equed sold instant deat Missile and thrusting tacks only) Modifier 4 Miss By 1 Hits: TORSO Multipliers: Bullet (x3), Crush <1), Gut (<1, Imp 63) Blow: Fbrough: Bullet (UT), Energy (GIG), Imp (HDG) Special fects: ay crushing blow that does extely 0 (or more) damage requires HT roll to avoid knockout GROIN (-) (isle and thrusting attacks ols) Modifier iss By 1 ts (roll td): TORSO (12), NEAR LEG (34) FAR LEG 66) Malpiers:Ballet. (x1), Crush (1), ut G5), mp 62) Blow-Tiroug Bale. (A), (att), np ct) Special fiffets (naman males onl) ‘Use the PD and DR ofthe armor on area II ower torso) On hit make {Toll a1 for every pin of dam age of be stunned. Make a second CGnmoaifed) HTT roll to avoid Iochout High Pan Threshold hes +5 to these ols Low Pain Threshold doubles pena. FAR LEG (12) Modifier: 2 Miss By 1 Hits: — ‘Multipliers: Balle (1), Crash (x1), at (15), Imp (x1) Blow- Through: hay (WT2) Special Effects: Damage over HY/2 ‘ripples eg; tis stuns the target, and _.tvo-legge target falls down. Excess damage is lost. NEAR LEG (13-14) Modifier: 2 Miss By 1 Hits: — Multipliers: Bullet (x1), Crush (x1), Cut (1.5), Imp (x1) ‘Biow-Torogh: Nay (U2) Special Effects: Damage over HT/2 ripples lg; his stuns the arget, and ‘Lv -legge target falls down Excess damage 5 ls. POT (15-16) (Roll for efor riht) Modifier: Miss By 1 Hits — ‘Multipior: Bullet (<1), Crush (1), Cut (15), Imp (x1) ‘Bow-Through: Any (HT/3) Special Hets: Damage over HTS ripples Toot this stuns the target, and two-legged target falls down Excess damage i lost.

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