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Submitted to: Maam Anam Maqbool

Submitted by: M Abdul Basit

Registration ID:170615




LAB # 1


Industrial Automation:

Industrial Automation is the hybrid field in which there is a use of Control systems and Robotics and
processes are automated based on the complexity of process thus reducing human intervention and
increasing efficiency and flexibility of processes. Industrial automation includes automation applied on
industrial processes or in industries.

Types of Industrial Automation:

Following are the types of industrial automation:

• Fixed Automation

• Programmable Automation
• Integrated Automation

Advantages of Industrial Automation:

Following are the advantages of industrial automation:

• High Productivity

• High Quality
• High Flexibility

• High Information Accuracy

• High safety

Programmable Logic Controller:

A digitally operating electronic apparatus, which uses a programming memory for the internal storage of
instructions for implementing specific functions.
Advantages of PLC:

• Less Wiring
• Wiring between devices and relay contacts are done in the PLC program

• Easier and faster to make changes

• Trouble shooting aids make programming easier and reduce downtime. Relatable components

Major Components of PLC:

1. Power Supply: Provides the voltage needed to run the primary PLC components.

2. I/O Modules: Provides signal conversion and isolation between the internal logiclevel signals
inside the PLC and the field’s high-level signal.
3. Processor: Provides intelligence to the command and govern the activities of the entire PLC
4. Programming Device: Used to enter the desired program that will determine the sequence of
operation and control of process equipment or driven machine.

Selecting a PLC Criteria:

• Number of logical inputs and outputs

• Memory
• Number of special I/O modules

• Scan Time
• Communications

• Software

PLC Status Indicators:

• Power On

• Run Mode
• Programming mode
• Fault
LAB # 2


To understand the basics of Industrial Automation and PLC’s


LogixPro software:

LogixPro is a PLC simulator that is particularly geared toward Rockwell’s RSLogix 500 software.
There is no need for any PLC hardware when using the simulator. The keyed edition of LogixPro, that
is part of thecourse materials, provides animated process simulations, including an I/O simulator with
changeable switch types, output indicators, thumbwheel switches and a BCD digital readout. Several
process animations are also included and we will be working with several of them in future homework

The LogixPro Interface:

Figure shows the LogixPro environment after the software is initially started. There is a simulation where
the project window should be and that there is an animated help wizard on the screen. If you would like
to hide the animated help wizard, right click on him and select Hide. The Online/Offline tool box has no
functionality except for the Online/Offline dropdown box and this dropdown box is not really needed.
Click on the Simulations menu to drop down the menu as shown in above Figure. These simulations
will only function with the keyed version of the LogixPro software. These simulations have no function
until you write PLC ladder logic to control them. When you are finished exploring the available
simulations select the I/O Simulator, then drag the window pane divider to view the I/O Simulator as
shown in Figure below.

Dragging the window pane divider in LogixPro is a-bit odd and does not always act like a normal
Windows application. Have patience if at first you don’t succeed.

To display the project window, click the close button ‘X’ of the simulator window. The close button
will toggle the window between project view and simulator view.

Enter a Rung of Ladder Logic:

1. Make the ladder editor window the active window.

2. The very first rung of a LogixPro ladder diagram cannot be dragged into the editor and dropped.
3. To insert the first blank rung simply click the Insert Rung button in the tool bar and the new
rung will appear. After the first rung is inserted, other rungs can be dragged into the editor
4. Drag an Examine if Closed (XIC) instruction onto the rung.
5. Drag an Output Energize (OTE) instruction onto the rung. Simply drop the OTE at the target to
the right of the XIC and it will be placed against the right power rail.
6. To add addresses to the instructions, double click the instruction and type the address into the
input field. Address the XIC instruction to: I:1/0 and the OTE instruction to O:2/0.
7. Instruction descriptions cannot be added but symbols can. To enter a symbol, right click on the
instruction and select Edit Symbol from the pop-up menu. Type a descriptive symbol in the
input field. A total of 28-characters is allowed to be entered in this field. Assign any symbol
you want to the instructions.
8. When you are finished your screen, it should look similar to the one shown in Figure below.

9. Click the Toggle button in the upper right corner of the Instruction Tool Bar. The Instruction
Tool Bar will change to display the PLC Panel as shown in Figure 7.
10. In order to run a program, it must be downloaded to the PLC. Click the Download button in the PLC
Panel. The screen will momentarily flicker to simulate that the program is being downloaded.
11. Click the RUN radio button. This will place the PLC in the run mode.
12. Click on the switch addressed to I:1/0 in the I/O Simulator. The switch should close and the indicator
light addressed to O:2/0 should light.
13. In the ladder logic editor, instead of the instructions being highlighted to show power flow, the
addresses will glow yellow to show power flow.


In this lab we learned the basics of Logixpro and made our first rung which was just a simple push
LAB # 3



1. To understand he operation of OTE, XIC and XIO and simulate the given tasks in Allen Bradley PLC.


In this lab we have learnt about the basic instructions used in PLC programming. We implemented different
gates using these instructions in PLC. These gates were used in future labs in implementing the industrial
automation logic.

Tasks Implementation:

AND Gate:

AND Gate is an electrical circuit that combines two signals so that the output is HIGH when both signals are
present. Mathematical notation for AND Gate is:

𝑿 = 𝑿. 𝑿 = 𝑿𝑿

Below is the truth table for AND Gate:


0 0 0

0 1 0

1 0 0
1 1 1

Ladder Logic implementation is as follows:

OR Gate:

OR Gate is an electrical circuit that combines two signals so that the output is LOW when both signals are
absent. Mathematical notation for OR Gate is:


Below is the truth table for OR Gate:


0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1
Ladder logic for OR gate is as follows:

NAND Gate:

NAND Gate is an electrical circuit that combines two signals so that the output is LOW when both signals are
PRESENT. It is the complement of AND Gate. Mathematical notation for NAND Gate is:

Below is the truth table for NAND Gate:


0 0 1

0 1 1
1 0 1

1 1 0

Ladder logic for NAND Gate is as follows:

NOR Gate:

NOR Gate is an electrical circuit that combines two signals so that the output is HIGH when both signals are
ABSENT. It is the complement of OR Gate. Mathematical notation for OR Gate is:


Below is the truth table for OR Gate:

0 0 1

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 0

Ladder logic for NOR Gate is as follows:

XNOR Gate:

XNOR Gate is an electrical circuit that combines two or more signals so that the output is HIGH when all
signals are HIGH or when all signals are LOW. Mathematical notation for OR Gate is:

𝑿 = 𝑿𝑿 +
Below is the truth table for XNOR Gate:

0 0 1

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

Ladder logic of XNOR gate is as follows:

XOR Gate:

XOR Gate is an electrical circuit that combines two or more signals so that the output is HIGH when either
signal is HIGH or LOW. Mathematical notation for OR Gate is:

Below is the truth table for XOR Gate:


0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

Ladder logic for XOR gate is as follows:

NOT Gate:

NOT Gate is an electrical circuit that converts signal so that the output is LOW when incoming signal is HIGH.

Mathematical notation for NOT Gate is:

= 𝑿𝑿
Below is the truth table for NOT Gate:


0 1

1 0

Ladder logic for NOT gate is as follows:

Alarm System:

An Alarm system given in the problem warns us about some kind of fire danger:

2. Any 1 signal turn the warning light on

3. Any 2 signals will sound the siren

4. All 3 signals will start the water spray system.

PLC Motor:

A PLC motor controller has a start button and two stop buttons. The motor is to run if START button
is Pressed. Motor stops by pressing any STOP button stops.


In this lab we have learnt how to implement different logic gates and by using such logics how we can
control different household appliances using Allen Bradley PLC.

Understand the operation of latching and un-latching (OTL and OTU).

Lab Tasks:

Implement the given logic equation using latch and unlatch.

X = AB + DC’ + B’C



We need to start/stop the motor. When the start button is pushed we want to start the motor, and when
the stop button is pushed we want to stop the motor.

a) Implement using latch/unlatch

b) Implement without using latch/unlatch (Hint Use Feedback approach).

Exercise: 3

Design a ladder logic for bi-directional motor (Forward/ reverse). Each direction has its own button and
only one button to stop the motor. We also need to stop the motor before we change its direction.
a) Implement using latch/unlatch

b) Implement without using latch/unlatch (Hint Use Feedback approach).



Design a ladder logic program for simple level detector both are active low logic. Motor is active high

We learned about the operation of OTL (latching) and OTE (unlatching) in PLC programming in this
lab. We designed the ladder logic for our lab tasks using latching and unlatching, as well as without
latching and unlatching, using the feedback approach. When we assign the address that corresponds to
the physical output address for the OTL instruction and set this bit, the output device connected to the
screw terminal is powered on. When the rung condition is no longer true, the bit remains set and the
corresponding output device is powered off. To disable the output, the other inputs must be unlocked,
i.e., the OTE must be unlatched.


To understand the operation of Timer On and simulate the given tasks in Allen Bradley PLC.

Timers are very important in ladder logic programming. Timers gives the precision in time.
Timer on delay starts timing when instruction is true. Timers are used to track time when instruction
are on or off.
They could also keep track on a retentive base.

Lab tasks:


Design a ladder diagram for the scenario:

Output to turn on after 10s of Input goes to logic 1.

a) Input cannot turn to logic 0 with in these 10s.

b) Input can turn to logic 0 with in these 10s.

Lets say we have in the field an emergency stop(push button). Once the emergency stop is pressed we
want the siren to go on after 5 sec for 5 sec.

Let’s say that we have a conveyor, siren and 1 limit switch LS-01. LS-01 is at the beginning of
the conveyor. When LS-01 is ON we want a buzzer to go on for 3 seconds (Security) and then we want
to start the conveyor. When LS-01 is cleared then we want to stop the conveyor.

In this lab, we performed the given tasks by using the timer on delay. The tasks were performed

without any problem and the tasks were completed perfectly. The concept of the timer on delay was

To understand the operation of Counters and simulate the given tasks in Allen Bradley PLC.

Counters are very essential in ladder logic programming. Counters are used to index, increment
or decrement values. In this lab we will implementing counters in the PLC programming.

Lab tasks:

Let us consider a system in which we have a switch to turn on a light when the switch is pressed
10 times the light should energize. We should also have a reset button.

A motor will be controlled by two switches. The Go switch will start the motor and the Stop
switch will stop it. If the Stop switch was used to stop the motor, the Go switch must be thrown twice
to start the motor. When the motor is active a light should be turned on. The Stop switch will be wired
as normally closed (Active Low).
Write a ladder logic program that does what is described below.

 When button A is pushed, a light will flash for 5 seconds.

 The flashing light will be on for 0.25 sec and off for 0.75 sec.

 If button A has been pushed 5 times the light will not flash until the system is reset.

 The system can be reset by pressing button B


 Start the process when start is press.

 System can be stop at any time by pressing stop and remain continue working from its previous

 Fill each box with five balls and start conveyor 2 for 5 sec.
In this lab, we performed the given tasks by using counters and timers. The tasks were
performed without any problem and the tasks were completed perfectly. The concept of the counters
and timers was cleared.
LAB # 7
To understand the functions of Comparison Command in different applications and simulate

different tasks.

In this lab we will perform tasks related to comparison commands in PLC programming and
using these comparison commands we will perform the given tasks. Using comparison command are
an input instruction that allow much more programming possibilities. Data compare instructions
compare data that are stored in two or more words and make decisions based on the program
instructions. Numeric data comparisons that can be done are greater than (>), less than (<), equal to (=),
less than or equal to (≤), greater than and equal to (≥), not equal to (≠).

Lab tasks:

Consider a system in which we have a switch to turn on the light and fan. Light goes on when
the switch is pressed 5 times and a fan when pressed 10 times. Also, reset the switch.
Traffic Control Using 3 Lights

From the simulation menu at the top of the screen, select the Traffic Light. Using your knowledge of
timers and comparison instruction, develop a ladder logic program which will sequence a set of green,
yellow and red light in the following.

Traffic Control Using 6 Lights

Modify your program so that the 3 lights which represent the other traffic direction are also controlled.
In this lab, we performed the given tasks by using the comparison commands. The tasks were
performed without any problem and the tasks were completed perfectly. The concept of the comparison
command was cleared.
LAB # 8


To understand the operation of Sequencer Instruction and simulate the given tasks in Allen Bradley
Lab Tasks:

Exercise 1:

System has a Push button LS1, when user press the LS1
1st time Fan goes ON
2nd time Bulb ON and Fan goes OFF
3rd time Bulb OFF
(Implement using Sequencer)

Exercise 2:

Write a program that will turn on a flashing lights one after another for 1 sec.
Exercise 3:

Using ladder logic: Use only one start stop station consisting of only one NC contact and one NO
contact, two motor starters and three control relays create the following cycle. (No timers or counters)
1. When the start button is pressed motor 1 will start and run until stopped by pressing the stop button.

2. When the start button is pressed again motor 2 will run until stopped by pressing the stop button.

3. When the start button is pressed again motors 1 &amp; 2 will run until stopped by pressing the stop
button. Pressing the start button again will now start the cycle over.

Exercise 4:

Write a program for two-way traffic signal.


In this lab we understood the use of Sequencers and how it can be used to perform different task as per
our requirements.

To get the basic understanding of FATEK PLC . How to install the FATEK PLC supporting software.
Experimental setup

As this lab is a simulation-based lab so first we setup the WinProLadder software for the simulation
of the given lab tasks and then implement the tasks in the software.


• For use in a Windows operating environment, completely designed in accordance with Windows
environment operation methods and habits, easy to learn and use, and allows users of all types,
beginner or expert, to operate the software in a very efficient manner.

• We use a project oriented approach, presenting your software development content visually in a
ladder diagram display, facilitating the clear and simple display of the content. All project
content, be it for software development or for program maintenance, can be viewed and worked
on in an intuitive and straight-forward manner.

• We provide a unique and specially designed keyboard and mouse that is specifically tailored to
match and suit your specific office environment conditions, so that no matter what type of
environment the user is in, they will always be able to program and test their software in a very
efficient manner.

Task 01:

Following steps have to be performed for installing the software:

1. Download the software and proceed to extract the software.

2. Click on file “[]WinProladder-V3.27.exe” then Next.

3. Select “Destination Location” then Next.

4. Select “Start Menu Folder” then Next.

5. Select “Additional Tasks” then Next.

6. Select “Install” to start the software installation process.

7. The installer will start running and finish in a few seconds.

8. Winproladder is installed.
Task 02:

Some basic functions of the software are given below:

Introduction To The Operation Desktop:

How to create a Project?

Following steps has to be completed for the project creation:

1. Execute the WinProlad.exe program

2. Select [File], [New Project] from the function toolbar using your mouse, or press “Ctrl” + “N”
on your keyboard, and the [New Project] window will appear, as is shown below:
3. Enter “NAME/REGISTRATION NUMBER/TASK NAME” into the [Project Name] field.
4. Click on the button to enter the PLC model type selection screen.
5. Tick the “Calendar” icon. That saves your task with the date.
6. Click the button, and the following screen will appear:


• Function Toolbar

The functions toolbar is the collection of functions included in the applications software, presented
in different categories. When the user selects any of the categories in the above functions toolbar, a
list of additional selectable functions will be displayed for the user to select.

• Tool Bar
In the process of the design of a project, it is often convenient to provide a toolbar with the most
commonly used functions included in it for the user to directly select, which can prove to be much
faster and more convenient that having to find the function through the functions toolbar.
• Component Tray

We provide a component tray which allows the user to easily select the components and command
functions that they need to use without having to search for what they want through the functions
toolbar, which is faster and more convenient. • Status Bar

The status bar displays information on the status of the current application, such as whether the
application is connected, whether it is in execution or has been disconnected, and the current
location of the cursor, etc., allowing the user to know the status of the current application at all

We learned how to programme the PLC using the FATEK platform in this lab. We also installed
Winproladder, which is the FATEK PLCs supporting software.


In this lab we will work on the FATEK PLC. The Fatek PLC is a Programmable Controller from Taiwán
, very friendly to learn and simple to use, FREE Software and easy to make simple projects.
WinProLadder is used to program FATEK Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).


To perform the task given tasks on FATEK PLC

Experimental setup

As this lab is a simulation-based lab so first we setup the WinProLadder software for the simulation of
the given lab tasks and then implement the tasks in the software.



Implementation of AND gate using simple ladder logic:

In this task, we have implemented the AND gate.


Implementation of OR gate using simple ladder logic:

In this task, we have implemented the OR gate.


Implementation of NOT gate using simple ladder logic:

In this task, we have implemented the NOT gate.


Implementation of XOR gate using simple ladder logic:

In this task, we have implemented the XOR gate.


Implementation of XNOR gate using simple ladder logic:

In this task, we have implemented the XNOR gate.


Ladder program for LED to glow for 10 secs when the High time of the pulse at the input is equal to
10 sec:

Let us consider a system in which we have a switch to turn on a light when the switch is pressed 10
times the light should energize. We should also have a reset button.


In this lab, we have implemented the basic gates on FATEK PLC software WinProLadder. The gates
include AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and XNOR. We have also done two practice exercises to further explore
the software. The exercises include the glowing of a LED for 10 seconds and a counter problem of
switch pressing.


This lab can serve as a standard for gates implementation on FATEK PLC. The use of timers and
counters could also be learned from this lab.


In this lab we will work on the SIEMENS PLC. Step-7 Micro/Win and S7-200 simulator software is
used to program SIEMENS Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

To get familiarize with the use of timers and counters to solve industrial automation problems and
addressing of Siemens PLC I/O instructions.

Experimental setup

As this lab is a installation-based lab so first we setup the Step-7 and S7-200 simulator for the
simulation of the given lab tasks and then implement the tasks in the software.

STEP 7--Micro/WIN Programming Package

The STEP 7--Micro/WIN programming package provides a user-friendly environment to develop, edit,
and monitor the logic needed to control your application. STEP 7--Micro/WIN provides three program
editors for convenience and efficiency in developing the control program for your application.


Example: When push button (I0.0) pressed once light should turn ON after 5 seconds and it should
turn OFF after 3 seconds. (with TON)
When push button (I0.0) pressed once light should turn ON after 5 seconds and it should turn OFF
after 3 seconds. (with TOFF)

In this lab, implemented different tasks in Siemens PLC simulation software using TON and TOFF


This lab can be used as a reference for learning how to use the SIEMENS PLC and the software.


In this lab we will work on the SIEMENS PLC. Step-7 Micro/Win and S7-200 simulator software is
used to program SIEMENS Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

To get familiarize with the use of timers and counters to solve industrial automation problems and
addressing of Siemens PLC I/O instructions.

Experimental setup

As this lab is a installation-based lab so first we setup the Step-7 and S7-200 simulator for the
simulation of the given lab tasks and then implement the tasks in the software.

STEP 7--Micro/WIN Programming Package

The STEP 7--Micro/WIN programming package provides a user-friendly environment to develop, edit,
and monitor the logic needed to control your application. STEP 7--Micro/WIN provides three program
editors for convenience and efficiency in developing the control program for your application.


Example: When push button (I0.0) pressed once light should turn ON after 5 seconds and it should
turn OFF after 3 seconds. (with TON)
When push button (I0.0) pressed once light should turn ON after 5 seconds and it should turn OFF
after 3 seconds. (with TOFF)

In this lab, implemented different tasks in Siemens PLC simulation software using TON and TOFF


This lab can be used as a reference for learning how to use the SIEMENS PLC and the software.

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