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1 Grammar practice – standard

1 Match the verbs in bold to the tenses (a–d). 4 Write a word from the box in each gap.
1 While we were waiting to get on the plane, I realised I’d left been did gone has living told use were
my phone charger at home.
2 Pedro had been in France for several days before he felt 1 Why Fiona decided not to come with
comfortable speaking French. us tonight?
3 I’ve seen this documentary about China before. 2 How much the tickets cost last night?
4 We stayed at a lovely ski resort in the mountains. 3 Who you that the pool closes at 7pm?
a present perfect 4 What you doing at
b past simple four o’clock yesterday?
c past continuous 5 Have you ever to Australia?
d past perfect 6 Why had Alan to bed so early
that night?
2 Circle the correct verb forms. 7 Did you to go to that school too?
8 Were you abroad for long?

Hi Sally, 5 If the underlined words are correct, put a tick (✓).

How are you? Hope all’s well! If they are incorrect, write the correct words.
I’m fine. (1) I’ve / I’d just come back from two weeks in 1 When Sam decided to come with us to New York, we’d
Portugal with my mum and dad. We (2) were having / already booked our hotel.
had a fantastic time! (3) I’d / I’d been worrying about it
for weeks. (4) I’d / I’ve thought it would be a bit boring 2 We have been exploring the rest of the house when,
just the three of us, but we (5) did / had done lots of fun suddenly, the lights turned off.
things and got on really well.
One strange thing – while we (6) had walked / 3 We’d unpacked, so we went to find somewhere to eat.
were walking around Lisbon, my dad met an old friend
from school, who he hadn’t (7) been seeing / seen for 4 I used to forget everybody’s birthdays, but for the
over 40 years. Amazing! last couple of years I wrote them all on my calendar.
Looking forward to seeing you next week.

Bye for now! 5 When we saw the villa online, we have booked it immediately.
6 Phil use to be very good at rock climbing and it was amazing
to watch him climb.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 7 I was trying to understand his message for hours yesterday!
the verbs in brackets.
1 Doug is a bit nervous because he hasn’t 8 I can’t come out tonight – I’d spent all my money for the
(fly) abroad before. week already.
2 Oh no! I  (not have) brought the map
with me.
3 It’s a shame you didn’t (have) time to
visit the Acropolis when you were in Athens.
4 I wasn’t (expect) the hotel to be so
5 Before that summer, my parents didn’t
(let) me go camping with friends.
6 Angie was (wait) for her bus when
suddenly it started raining.
7 I used to (think) English was much
more difficult!
8 When she was 17 she’d already (write)
three books!

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