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wedding customs

Siumat Island, this place is located in East Simeulue District. Siumat

Island presents a very charming beauty, even this island can be used as a
reference place for honeymooners, because its location is famous for its
very romantic atmosphere.

Siumat Island is a small island that has very clear sea water and green
hills along the coast. For visitors who want a vacation on a quiet and
small island, this place can be the next destination.

Teluk Dalam Freshwater Lake

The next tourist attraction is Teluk Dalam Freshwater Lake. This place
is located in Kuala Bakti Village, Teluk Dalam District. This Freshwater
Lake has many green hills that are almost like a painting of a beautiful
and charming natural landscape. This lake has a length of about 800 m
and a width of 500 m.
Edge Island
Another marine tourism in Simeulue is Edge Island, which is located
in Lamerem, Alafan District. This island offers a very exotic marine
scenery and natural charm that soothes the eyes. Visiting this Edge
Island, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery as well as try the underwater

Simeulue wedding customs

In Simeulue, it is known as "malaulu" a kind of tradition that is still

sustainable among the people of Simeulue. In practice, the malaulu
requires the bride/groom to stay at his mother's relative's house. For
example, person A marries person B, then person A will be taken to his
mother's brother's place and stay for one day there. Meanwhile, Person B
also does the same, namely staying at his mother's brother's house and
staying for a day. Malaulu starts at night.

Malaulu event is not just a stay. There is another series of events, called
“nandong”, a kind of typical simeulue version of music that usually has
a debus action and dance. Usually this nandong can be up to dawn
loooh, the singer is amazing :'D
Well, for those who
Culinary and Typical Food of Sinabang

Simeulue Regency


Tabaha is a food made from sago. This food comes from Sinabang,
Simeulue Regency. Sago is not the main food of Sinabang. Back in the
colonial era, the people of Simeulue survived by eating sago. At that
time they did not have time to plant rice and thatch stalks were
widespread on Simeulue Island. So, sago is used as a staple food.

Sago Lompong

Lompong sago is a typical food from Sinabang, Simeulue Regency.

Lompong in other areas is another name for lepat or timpan sago.
Making sago lompong is quite easy. Sago flour is mixed with banana
kepok, coconut milk, and palm sugar. After all the ingredients are
mixed, the dough is baked over the coals until you can smell the roasted

Lobster Noodles

Of all the existing lobster preparations, lobster noodles are the most
famous culinary specialty of Sinabang, Simeulue Regency. Lobster
noodles are made like Acehnese noodles in general but with the addition
of one lobster tail. The price of one portion ranges from 10 thousand
rupiah to 70 thousand rupiah. Lobster noodles taste even more delicious
when accompanied by emping crackers.
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