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Ramesh Paranjpey 1. INCRRECT DESIGN
Cell:+91 9822398220
19th January 2018


1. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard15-2013-Safety Standard for Refrigeration systems
2. ISO 5149-1,2,3 4 Standards
3. EN 378-2008 for design and construction of refrigeration systems
4. ANSI B31.5 for refrigeration piping systems
What is the need for New Standard 5.IS 4544-2000 Ammonia code of safety
6. IS 660 -1963 reaffirmed 2007-Safety code for mechanical refrigeration systems
7. IS 661-2000-Thermal Insulation of cold storage-Code of Practice-2000
8. IS3594-1991 reaffirmed 2005-Fire safety –cold storages
9. IS7252-1974, Guide for testing Physical conditions in cold storage
The current available standards do not, meet the design, 10. IS3615-2007-Glossary of Terms used in Refrigeration & Air conditioning
installation a requirements of Indian Climatic conditions. Also, 11. IS11132-1985-Specifications of Ammonia valves
There are many standards one has to refer to take care of all 12. IS2825 –code for unfired pressure vessels
aspects. The other standards has large legal text and the important
points one wants to consider are hidden and not easy to locate. 13. IS 4503-1983-07-Specifications for Shell & Tube heat exchangers
AAR standard is easy to use. 14. National Building code of India
15. AAR Booklet-suggested installation/operation/maintenance for closed circuit refrigeration systems
16.OSHA-Occupational safety and Health Administration
17. TEMA-Tubular Heat Exchangers manufacturing association
And many others


1. IS-660 is general safety standard-not specifically for ammonia refrigeration 5. ANSI/ASHRAE -15 -2013 & ANSI/IIAR2-2014-High Pressure (250psig)1724KPa,
and does not cover design & Installation aspects 6. AAR Standard-1 is for 2070KPa (300psig)design pressure for water cooled
2. Ammonia systems are mostly field erected by erection team, that is not applications to suit Indian Ambient conditions of 450C machine room
necessarily skilled, and unaware of issues arising out of incorrect practices. temperatures since at (450C(1130F)-operating pressure or standing pressure is
3. Ammonia, if leaks, and exposed to human beings can cause health & safety (260psig)(1783Kpa) (18.18kg/cm2-absolute)
issues hence need special precautions. 7. For Air cooled Applications with condensing temperature of 600C the design is
4. The existing global standards are not specific to Indian conditions & need for (400psig)/28.12 kg/cm2
changes to meet specific design/testing requirements to suit Indian


Chapter-1-Purpose Scope and Applicability Chapter-2- Definitions and Terminologies

This chapter indicates what is covered in the standard. Covers definitions of terminologies used in refrigeration
1. It applies to closed circuit mechanical refrigeration systems applications while designing, selecting equipment,
2. Covers design, safety requirements installation and maintenance practices.
3. Covers Normative requirements(Good or Desirable) This Chapter is important in understanding correct meanings
of Different terminologies while designing refrigeration
The Chapter includes many new definitions, not covered in
other similar standards.

Chapter-2- Definitions and Terminologies

1. Function of compressor in a refrigeration system
2. Difference between Accumulator, surge drum, Knock out • Chapter3-Indicates various standards referred.
drum & L.P. vessel, Thermosyphon coolers, Inter-stage coolers
3. Sub cooling and super heating • Chapter4-Covers design and installation considerations
4. Evaporator pressure control and suction pressure control affecting construction and indicates requirements
5.ATEL,ALC,ETFL,FLC,IDLH,LFL,MAWP,,OEL,ODL,PEL,RCL,TLV, of proper location of ammonia refrigeration
TWA, UTS, Test Pressure, Strength Test pressure(Hydraulic) machinery
6. Difference between SET, SST
7. Boiling point, critical point, triple point, operating pressures.

Chapter-5-General System Design Requirements Refrigeration

1. This is the most important chapter specifically prepared to
suit Indian climatic conditions
2. The chapter covers quality of Ammonia refrigerant to be used
3. Minimum design pressure & temperature requirements for various
equipment and piping, valves, fittings.
4. Material requirement for pressure vessels, heat exchangers, & gives
procedure for calculation of thicknesses.
5. The chapter also gives ready reckoner for plate thicknesses to be
used for various diameters of vessels & allowable stress values of
6. It covers piping dimensions ,recommended grade and allowable
hanger rod spacing distance.



1. Oil separators
Ammonia Refrigeration system components 2. Heat recovery exchanger in discharge line
3. Shell & Tube Condensers
• 1. Compressor-Reciprocating or Screw 4. Receivers
• 2. Condensers-Air-cooled, or water cooled 5. Shell & Tube evaporators for water & brine
(S&T, PHE, Evaporative, Hybrid, closed or Natural draft)
6. Surge drums for S & T evaporators
• 3. Evaporators-Flooded design, DX systems, Ammonia forced feed Pump
7. Accumulators for gravity flooded air coolers
circulation 8. Low pressure vessels for pump circulation systems
Evaporators would be different for each application like, cold storage air coolers,
shell & tube water or brine coolers, PHE, Shell and plate, Shell & coil, IQF, Plate 9. Inter-stage Open flash Coolers for Two stage systems
freezers, Spiral Freezers, Falling film coolers, ice bank systems etc. 10. Inter-stage closed coil coolers for two stage systems
• 4. Pressure vessels As indicated in next slide 11. K. O. drums on the suction side before compressors
12. Oil Pots

Standards Considered For Pressure Vessels Design of Pressure Vessels

2. ANSI/ASHRAE-15 2013 1. 21 kg/cm2 g (300psig) for water cooled Applications- AAR-1 standard

3. ASME B31.5 2013 2. 27kg/cm2 g (400psig) for air cooled Applications-

AAR -1 standard

4. ASME Sect V III-Div. 1 3. Design Pressure-Corresponding to +170C above wet Bulb for Water Cooled
5. TEMA applications-min. as per EN/ISO standard
4. Corresponding to +170C above Dry Bulb for Air Cooled applications Minimum
6. ISO-5149 5. Suggestion-Please Design for both High and low stage Vessels for above
7. EN 378 pressures to Reduce Ammonia Charge. Ammonia can be then stored in L.P.
vessel & there is no need to pump down every time plant is shut down.
9. BIS-2825-A very Good standard

Design of -Pressure Vessels-AAR-1 Page 18 & 19

1. Use Boiler Quality plates for Receiver Fabrication- IS2002Gr 2A or SA516/Gr.70 –
Allowable Stress Values for Steel Plates- (1 kgf/mm2 = 14.22psig)
SA517 Gr-60/70 plates & not Structural steel IS-2062 SA516 55 13800
60 15000
2. Use proper Thickness of plate as per AAR-1 or TEMA standards Calculations
65 16300
3. Consider joint efficiency as 0.70 if no radiography 70 17500
SA585 A 11300
4. Joint efficiency for Spot Radiography as 0.85 B 12500
C 13800
5. Joint efficiency for full radiography as 1.00
IS2002-1962 Grade 2A 9.8kg/mm2-13935

6. Add corrosion allowance 0f 1.5 to 1.6mm in calculated thickness IS2002 Grade 2B 12.1kg/mm2- 17206

For steel plates ref:IS4503 page 46-ASME Sec-1 Div-VIII- DO NOT USE IS226 WHICH IS CLASSIFIED AS STRUCTUTAL
7. Fabrication as per IS 2825 or ASME sec. VIII-Div 1./ or EC/97/23 Code practice STEEL


Pressure Vessel Thickness Calculations Thickness Calculations

MOC: SA 516 Gr. 70-Allowable stress 17500 psi(ASME CODE) ITEM Value Unit Value Unit
Vessel Size say: 30” diameter x 12 ft long
P 300 Psi 21.1 Kg/cm2
Calculations Based on AAR-1 Page 18 (ASME Sec VIII Div. 1)
𝐏𝐑 R 15 Inch 381 mm
(𝐒𝐄 𝟎.𝟔𝐏) S 17500 Psi 1230.4 Kg/cm2
Where, E 0.7 % 0.7 %
t = minimum required thickness (inch.)
P = Internal design pressure in (psi)
R = inside Radius t= 300Px15R/(17500SxE0.7-0.6xP300)
S= Allowable Stress for material t= 4500/(12250-180)12070= 0.37 inch or 9.47 mm
E=Joint Efficiency Add corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm
E= 0.70 DP Test only Thickness required is 11.07 mm
E=0.85 10% Radiography Use next Available size as 12mm thick plate
If you use SA-516 Gr55-Allowable stress value –is lower as 13800psi or
E=1.0 100% Radiography SA-285 –Grade A-11300psi-The Thickness would increase accordingly

Formed Head(Ellipsoidal) Thickness Calculations Thickness Calculations-Page 20

MOC: SA 516 Gr. 70-Allowable stress 17500 psi(ASME CODE) ITEM Value Unit Value Unit
Vessel Size say: 30”(762) diameter x 12 ft long
P 300 Psi 21.1 Kg/cm2
Calculations Based on AAR-1 Page 19 (ASME Sec VIII Div. 1)
𝐏𝐑 D/R 30/15 Inch 762 mm
t= Where,
(𝟐𝐒𝐄 𝟎.𝟐𝐏) S 17500 Psi 1230.4 Kg/cm2
t = minimum required thickness (inch.) of the dish end E 0.7 % 0.7 %
P = Internal design pressure in (psi)
D = inside diameter of head skirt
R= inside knuckle radius t= 300Px30/(2x17500SxE0.7-0.2xP300)
S= Allowable Stress for material -17500psi t= 9000/(24500-60)12070= 0.37 inch or 9.35 mm
E=Joint Efficiency Add corrosion allowance of 1.60 mm
E= 0.70 DP Test only Thickness required is 10.95 mm
E=0.85 10% Radiography Use next Available size as 12mm thick plate
E=1.0 100% Radiography


Recommended Thickness for Various Sizes-AAR-1 Page 20
• Based on 75 to 100 fpm velocity To Ensure Smaller
Liquid Droplets have More Gravity Pull Than Suction
Vessel Thickness-mm Dish end Gas Drag Lift Velocity
Diameter-inch 516 Gr.70 Thickness- • (Ref ASHRAE 2006 Refrigeration handbook & W.F. Stocker Hand Book)

mm • For 298 kW capacity & mass Flow rate of

24 10 10 244.65/6sq.ft.=40.66fpm
30 12 12 • Surge drum of 12” diameter x 6ft (6sq.ft.)long
mounted directly on Chiller
36 14 14 With 3 Connecting pipes of 6” diameter
42 16 16
48 18 18


CHAPTER-5 Page 20 Annexure to Chapter-5

1. The instructions to purge the non condesables are given
2. Oil removal procedure is also given
3. Covers piping and accessories & correct material to be used 1. This part gives in detail physical properties of Ammonia
ASTM106 pipes are recommended and lines below 40mm should refrigerant in FPS, Metric as well as in SI system since
use sch.80 pipes and above sizes to use sch.40 Thickness pipes. engineers use different types of units in India while doing
4. Allowable stress values for pipes a detailed table indicating pipe calculations.
diameter, thickness of each size as well as weight in lb./ft. have 2. It also deals with Flammability and Toxicity issues and the
been given. This helps in deciding support spans allowable limits for human exposure.
5. Page 21 gives ready reckoner for pipe diameters and the allowable
3. It has detailed note on corrosion cracking observed in
span in ft. as also what should be the diameter of the supporting
some plants indicating why it happens and how to avoid

Chapter-6-Machinery room requirements Normal Ventilation rate requirements for Machine room
1. The chapter covers machinery room design requirements,
how it is to be constructed. ANSI/ASHRAE-15 0.5cfm/sq.ft or 2.54l/s per sq.m or
2. It covers what is the equipment allowed inside the 9.44l/s per person
machinery room and which equipment should be avoided ISO 5149 -Formula for Calculations
in the machine room.
BOCA National 6ACPH- (Building officials and & Code Administrators-
3. It gives precautions -while doing refrigerant piping.
Mechanical code USA)
4. It gives safety requirements such as electrical safety,
lighting, location of alarms, sensors, eyewash/showers.
5. Chapter deals with emergency ventilation requirements

Emergency Ventilation rate requirements for Machine room Chapter-7-Areas other than machinery rooms

Q=70√𝑮 Where G= Largest Quantity of gas in kg 1. Covers common considerations

2. Protection devices
OR 3. Location of various areas for processing, grading, packing,
loading docks etc.
Q=V/0.3 Where V is the volume of room in m3



1. Chapter 12 -Deals with pressure vessels, its design

1. Chapter 8 -Deals with compressors, its design requirements, testing procedures, name plate details etc.
requirements, testing procedures, name plate details etc. 2. Chapter 13- Deals with ammonia refrigerant piping, fittings
2. Chapter 9- Deals with ammonia refrigerant pumps and and valves
covers similar details as chapter 8 3. Chapter14-Deals with factory manufactured packaged
3. Chapter10-Deals with various types of condensers such as systems and components.
air cooled, water cooled-shell & tube type, evaporative, 4. Chapter15-Deals with over pressure Protection devices-
PHE etc. safety relief valves, their method of selection for High and
4. Chapter11-Deals with evaporators such as forced air low pressure vessels, heat exchangers, piping & method of
evaporating coils, shell & tube evaporators, plate type discharging.
heat exchangers. 5. Chapter17- Deals with Ammonia leak detection and alarms.

Recommended Velocities For Line Sizing-Chapter 13

From 25mm To 300 mm
Compressor Suction Line 15m/s 18m/s Single Safety Valve
Wet Return To LP Vessel 12m/s 15m/s Dual Manifold for Safety Valve
Ammonia Pump Suction 0.3m/s 0.5m/s Various Sizes of Safety valves

Ammonia Pump Discharge 1.0 m/s 1.0m/s

Line Single Safety Valve or Dual Manifold safety valve?
Condenser to Receiver Line 0.3m/s 0.5m/s
Liquid Feed from main 1m/s 1.5m/s Single Pressure Relief Valve for Vessel of internal gross volume more than 3
receiver cu. ft or less than 10 cu. Ft
Compressor Discharge Line 18m/s 20m/s
Wet Return-One Size larger than calculated Suction Line or velocity reduced by √1/(circulation rate). It Dual Manifold for all pressure vessels with internal gross volume more
means ½ the velocity selected for dry suction than 10 cu. Ft.
1. Gas Line Velocity is higher than Liquid line as Density of liquid is higher hence more friction and thus less
pressure drop
2. Smaller Diameters have low velocity, larger diameters have high velocity to keep friction loss low.


The minimum required rated discharge capacity for the vessel shall be:
C = Discharge capacity of the relief device-lb. air/min.(kg/s)
F=Capacity Factor-0.5-IP units,(0.04-SI units) for Ammonia
D = Outside diameter of the vessel-ft. (m)
L = Outside length of the vessel-ft. (m)

Refrigerant Value of F

R-717 0.5 [0.041]

R-22, R-134a,R-401A, R-407c 1.6 [0.131]

R-404a, R-410a, R-502, R-507a 2.5 [0.203]

See Table 2/ASHRAE 15.

When combustible materials are used within 20 ft (6.1m) of a pressure vessel,
multiply the value of F by 2.5.


SIZING OF SAFETY VALVE Typical Set Values & Tolerances 300psig & 250psig systems.
300psig 250psig

Ammonia Pressure Vessel IP SI Relief Full open(+10%) 330psig 275psig

+3% Tolerance 309psig 257.5psig
General C = 0.5DL C = 0.04DL Relief valve set point-(25% ≥than operating 300psig 250psig
If combustible materials are C = 1.25DL C = 0.1DL
-3% Tolerance 291psig 242.5psig
used within 20 ft (6.1 m)
Potential seep Point(-10%) 270psig 225psig

For plate heat exchanger or C = 0.5(A/2) C = 0.04(A/2) EPCS set Point(equal or below set point)- 250psig to 275psig 210psig to 225psig
double-pipe condenser Emergency Pressure Control System
C = required discharge capacity , lb(air)/min [kg/s] Design system operating pressure(-25% lower 225psig 200psig
D = OD of vessel, ft [m] than relief valve setting when selecting relief
L = length of vessel, ft [m] valves
A = Overall external surface, ft2 [m2]

Compressor Trip point 225psig 200psig

This program was intended for using the AAR-1 standard for the
purpose of designing the pressure vessels, understanding
requirements of Ammonia Refrigeration systems, various • Thanks
procedures so that the design & installation carried out,
becomes safe and the incorrect practices followed by designers,
erectors out of their lack of knowledge or ignorance are avoided • Any Questions?
and the bad name and adverse publicity by others that
ammonia refrigeration systems is experiencing today is • Ramesh Paranjpey
eliminated. •
It is suggested that the designers, erection engineers and • Cell No. 9822398220
operators further read detailed AAR booklets prepared on • Website:
installation, piping, maintenance practices as also design of
ammonia cold storage systems.

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